Present Simple Passive
Present Simple Passive
Present Simple Passive
Complete this text with the present simple passive of the verbs
in brackets.
Oil is sometimes called balck gold because it is extremely valuable. It ____________
(make) by very small plants and animals that died on the sea bed millions of years ago.
Over 50 of the !orld"s oil is in the #rab $orld. %ussia and other countries that !ere
once part of the &oviet 'nion also have a lot of oil. $hen oil _______________ (find)
in the sea bed( a special plattform called a rig _____________(move) into the right
position. Oil from the ground or sea bed ________________ (separate) into different
types of oil in an special factory called a refinery. Oil_________________ (use) for
fuel (e.g. in a car engines) and to make electricity. #bout )(000 million litres of oil
____________(use) and _______________(transform) everyday.
2. Complete these sentences with a passive form of the verb.
a) *ish _____________ to +apan by ,ietnamese companies. (sell)
b) *ifty percent of the !orld"s clothes ___________in -hina (make)
c) *ortunately( the city _____________ by the pollution. (not affect)
d) $hen______________ from .imbab!e to /urope0 (flo!ers( fly)
e) 1ost of 2akistan"s factories are near rivers( as !ater___________ for his
pro3ects. (need)
f) $here__________________________0 (these products( send)
g) #bout half of '&#"s fruit and vegetables __________________ in -alifornia.
h) 1ore gold_______________ for teeth in +apan than in any other country. (use)
Now, translate these sentences into your language.
1. Chocolate is made of milk mixed with chocolate.
2. About a half of these scarfs are made of cotton.
3. More gold is used for the a!anese construction.
". #ish is sold and it is bought in the su!ermarket.
$. %e are sold. &ou must wait.