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Present Simple Passive

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Complete this text with the present simple passive of the verbs
in brackets.
Oil is sometimes called balck gold because it is extremely valuable. It ____________
(make) by very small plants and animals that died on the sea bed millions of years ago.
Over 50 of the !orld"s oil is in the #rab $orld. %ussia and other countries that !ere
once part of the &oviet 'nion also have a lot of oil. $hen oil _______________ (find)
in the sea bed( a special plattform called a rig _____________(move) into the right
position. Oil from the ground or sea bed ________________ (separate) into different
types of oil in an special factory called a refinery. Oil_________________ (use) for
fuel (e.g. in a car engines) and to make electricity. #bout )(000 million litres of oil
____________(use) and _______________(transform) everyday.
2. Complete these sentences with a passive form of the verb.
a) *ish _____________ to +apan by ,ietnamese companies. (sell)
b) *ifty percent of the !orld"s clothes ___________in -hina (make)
c) *ortunately( the city _____________ by the pollution. (not affect)
d) $hen______________ from .imbab!e to /urope0 (flo!ers( fly)
e) 1ost of 2akistan"s factories are near rivers( as !ater___________ for his
pro3ects. (need)
f) $here__________________________0 (these products( send)
g) #bout half of '&#"s fruit and vegetables __________________ in -alifornia.
h) 1ore gold_______________ for teeth in +apan than in any other country. (use)
Now, translate these sentences into your language.
1. Chocolate is made of milk mixed with chocolate.
2. About a half of these scarfs are made of cotton.
3. More gold is used for the a!anese construction.
". #ish is sold and it is bought in the su!ermarket.
$. %e are sold. &ou must wait.

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