Easter RhymesEaster
Easter RhymesEaster
Easter RhymesEaster
(1) A season that rhymes with bring. (2) A flower that rhymes with silly. (3) What birds lay that rhymes with legs. (4) A holiday that rhymes with fur. (5) A meal that rhymes with winner. (6) Something you send that rhymes with hard. ( ) Another word for rabbit that rhymes with honey. (!) Something to hold things and rhymes with gas"et. (1#) $he o%%osite of find that rhymes with side. (11) What you do to eggs that rhymes with late. (12) A "ind of design that rhymes with burn. &int' (t begins with ). (13) A %la*e to %ray that rhymes with lur*h. (14) A sear*h that rhymes with bunt. (15) A +elly *andy that rhymes with seen. (16) ,olored water that rhymes with by.
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