This document summarizes inspection and testing of a trip supervision relay used in a protection modification project for 500kV transmission lines. Key details include:
1. The relay model tested was an ALSTOM MVAX11 trip supervision relay for use in a protection system upgrade project for SEC-EOA.
2. Electrical tests were performed to check pickup current, drop out current, pickup/drop out times and relay burden.
3. Inspection verified mechanical integrity, electrical connections and operation of contacts.
4. Tests were performed by JAL and witnessed by SEC-EOA personnel.
This document summarizes inspection and testing of a trip supervision relay used in a protection modification project for 500kV transmission lines. Key details include:
1. The relay model tested was an ALSTOM MVAX11 trip supervision relay for use in a protection system upgrade project for SEC-EOA.
2. Electrical tests were performed to check pickup current, drop out current, pickup/drop out times and relay burden.
3. Inspection verified mechanical integrity, electrical connections and operation of contacts.
4. Tests were performed by JAL and witnessed by SEC-EOA personnel.
This document summarizes inspection and testing of a trip supervision relay used in a protection modification project for 500kV transmission lines. Key details include:
1. The relay model tested was an ALSTOM MVAX11 trip supervision relay for use in a protection system upgrade project for SEC-EOA.
2. Electrical tests were performed to check pickup current, drop out current, pickup/drop out times and relay burden.
3. Inspection verified mechanical integrity, electrical connections and operation of contacts.
4. Tests were performed by JAL and witnessed by SEC-EOA personnel.
This document summarizes inspection and testing of a trip supervision relay used in a protection modification project for 500kV transmission lines. Key details include:
1. The relay model tested was an ALSTOM MVAX11 trip supervision relay for use in a protection system upgrade project for SEC-EOA.
2. Electrical tests were performed to check pickup current, drop out current, pickup/drop out times and relay burden.
3. Inspection verified mechanical integrity, electrical connections and operation of contacts.
4. Tests were performed by JAL and witnessed by SEC-EOA personnel.
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Description : TRIP SUPERVISION RELAY MVAX11 Recor No. : E!"ip. No. Dr#$in% re&.: S'eet : (1 Pro)ect : Protection Moi&ic#tion At D#**#* Are# +,-V Lines. C"sto*er :SEC.EOA Contr#ct no.:/1(011+12(( Site : C TRIP SUPERVISION RELAY MVAX11 C TRIP SUPERVISION RELAY MVAX11 1. GENERAL DATA AND INFORMATION: Panel No. Designation Make ALSTOM Flag Type Reverse falg Serial No. Aux. Voltage ! " #$ V D% Mo&el No. MVA' No. of %onta(ts # NO)# N% 2. MECHANICAL CHECKS AND VISUAL INSPECTION: ITEM DESCRIPTION CHECKED *nspe(t for any p+ysi(al &a,age or &efe(ts. # Verify (onne(tions as per approve& &ra-ings. . Flag operation (+e(ke&. All (onta(t (+e(ke&. 3. ELECTRICAL TESTS: PICKUP & DROP OUT TEST: 11 13.4 @110 V *n/e(tion ter,inals Pi(kup Drop off %urrent at Rate& voltage 0,A1 Voltage 0v &(1 %urrent 0,A1 Voltage 0v &(1 %urrent 0,A1 #23#4 #23# PICK UP & DROP OUT TIME TEST AT RATED VOLTAGE: Voltage Applie& 0volt1 *n/e(tion ter,inals Pi(k 5p ti,e 0,Se(.1 Drop Out ti,e 0,Se(.1 %onta(t No. #$ VD% #23#4 #$ VD% #23# RELAY 3URDEN TEST AT RATED VOLTA4E: Voltage Applie& 0Volts1 Measure (urrent 0,A1 Relay 6ur&en A(tual Value Relay 6ur&en Measure& Value0VA1 #$ V D% 7 # VA
4. Test Equipment Used: S.No. E!"ip*ent Seri#5 n"*6er C#5i6r#tion D"e D#te 1 SVERKER 780 2 MULTIMETER FLUKE 289 Test Performed By (JAL) Test Witnessed By (SEC-EOA) Name: Name: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: JAL INTERNATIONAL Co. Ltd., P.O. BOX NO. 2989, AL-KHOBAR-31952, KSA JAL INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD. INSPECTION AND TEST RECORD Description : TRIP SUPERVISION RELAY MVAX11 Recor No. : E!"ip. No. Dr#$in% re&.: S'eet : (1 Pro)ect : Protection Moi&ic#tion At D#**#* Are# +,-V Lines. C"sto*er :SEC.EOA Contr#ct no.:/1(011+12(( Site : Test Performed By (JAL) Test Witnessed By (SEC-EOA) Name: Name: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: JAL INTERNATIONAL Co. Ltd., P.O. BOX NO. 2989, AL-KHOBAR-31952, KSA