Amsoil Automatic Transmission Flush Procedure
Amsoil Automatic Transmission Flush Procedure
Amsoil Automatic Transmission Flush Procedure
Date: 9/26/2005
Page 1 of 2
Subject: AMSOIL Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter Change Procedures
Techni c al Ser vi c e Bul l et i n
Product Description: AMSOIL Automatic Transmission Fluids and Filters
Submitted By: KD Approved By: Alan Amatuzio Date: 09/27/2005
Distribution: ___Internal X All
To provide the proper automatic transmission
fluid and filter change procedures.
Many quick lube oil change companies are using flush-
ing machines to change the automatic transmission fluid.
Using flushing machines does not address the need for
cleaning the sediment in the transmission pan, cleaning
the magnet inside the transmission pan, or changing the
transmission oil filter.
Flushing machines are used to provide a quick transmis-
sion fluid change, however they do not address transmis-
sion pan cleanliness or filter changes. By taking the
transmission pan off, sediment in the pan as well as the
magnet can be cleaned, and the fluid filter can be
changed. Manufacturers recommend a filter change with
the oil change, and recommend against the use of flush-
ing machines due to possible fluid contamination from
pan sediment.
AMSOIL recommends transmission fluid and filter
changes based on the following 14 steps. For a transmis-
sion pan and filter oil change follow steps 1 through 12
and 14, for a complete system flush and filter change fol-
low steps 1 through 14.
1. Access the AMSOIL web page (www.amsoil.
com) and click on the On Line Product Applica-
tions Guide for the correct transmission fluid,
amount of fluid and transmission filter before
starting the transmission and filter change proce-
dure. Have these on hand when starting the fluid
and filter change. If the on-line Product Applica-
tion Guide does not list your information, con-
tact AMSOIL Technical Department for help.
2. For best results, transmission fluid should be at
normal operating temperature before draining
the fluid (Caution: fluid will be hot).
3. With the engine off, position a drain pan under
the transmission pan and drain the fluid by loos-
ening the pan bolts. Loosen one corner more
than the rest to direct the flow into the drain pan.
4. Finish removing the transmission pan bolts, and
lower the transmission pan down carefully
(Some fluid is still in the transmission pan).
5. Remove the old filter and discard. Most trans-
mission filters are held in place with a bolt or
two however, some are held by a clip. Make
sure filter O-rings or seals are discarded with the
6. Install the new filter by using the same bolts or
clips and use a new O-ring or seal (supplied with
the new filter).
7. Inspect the pan before cleaning. A small amount
of fine gray clutch dust is normal. However, if
you find metal shavings, there could be a me-
chanical malfunction or transmission damage.
8. Clean the transmission pan thoroughly with sol-
vent and wipe dry so there is no harmful residue.
In some transmission pans there is also a magnet
that should be cleaned and reinstalled in the
same position in the transmission pan. Clean
the transmission and transmission pan mating
surfaces of all gasket material being careful not
AMSOIL INC., AMSOIL Bldg., Superior, WI 54880 (715) 392-7101 Copyright 2005
Reviewed By:
TSB: DT - 2005-09-28
Date: 9/26/2005
Page 2 of 2
Subject: AMSOIL Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter Change Procedures
Tec hni c al Ser vi c e Bul l et i n
Product Description: AMSOIL Automatic Transmission Fluids and Filters
Submitted By: KD Approved By: Alan Amatuzio Date: 09/27/2005
Distribution: ___Internal X
to damage the surfaces.
9. Position the transmission pan gasket on the pan.
Some gaskets have four holes slightly smaller
than the rest to allow threading four bolts through
the pan and through these smaller gasket holes to
hold the gasket in place.
10. Hand-tighten the transmission bolts in a crisscross
pattern until snug. Use a torque wrench to tighten
the bolts to the proper ft-lbs using the manufac-
turer recommended torque specifications.
11. Refill the transmission through the dipstick fill
hole using the amount shown as refill capacity
in the owners manual or the AMSOIL product
Selection Guide (G-50).
12. If performing a transmission pan fluid replace-
ment only, skip to instruction 14. If doing a com-
plete transmission pan and torque converter fluid
replacement, follow the steps in instruction 13.
13. Follow these additional 5 steps for complete
transmission pan and torque converter fluid re-
1) Obtain the total transmission fluid capac-
ity from the manufacturer or AMSOIL
and have that amount of transmission
fluid available.
2) Place a drain pan large enough to hold the
total fluid capacity under the oil cooler.
Disconnect the oil cooler lines from the
oil cooler and direct the lines toward the
drain pan.
3) With another person, be prepared to add
ATF to the transmission fill hole (dipstick
hole) at the approximate rate as the fluid
is being pumped out the transmission line
into the drain pan.
4) Start the engine, and as the old fluid is
pumped out, add fresh fluid into the
transmission fill hole.
5) When either the fluid color brightens or
the total capacity has been replaced, shut
the engine off and re-attach the oil cooler
lines. All fluid in the transmission pan
and torque converter has now been
14. With the vehicle on level ground recheck the
fluid level using the manufacturer procedures out-
lined in the owners manual. Check the transmis-
sion and lines for leaks.
The automatic transmission fluid and filter change
procedures are meant to serve as guidelines only.
These guidelines do not take into consideration varia-
tions between vehicles. Changing transmission fluid
should only be conducted by individuals with the
proper mechanical knowledge and training. Personal
injury and/or transmission problems can occur when
the proper precautions are not followed. If in doubt,
have your transmission serviced by individuals capa-
ble of performing this function.
AMSOIL INC., AMSOIL Bldg., Superior, WI 54880 (715) 392-7101 Copyright 2005
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