Syllabus Industrial Engineering & Management (Btme 801) Ptu
Syllabus Industrial Engineering & Management (Btme 801) Ptu
Syllabus Industrial Engineering & Management (Btme 801) Ptu
Chapter 1. Introduction:
Definition and scope of industrial engineering, Functions of industrial engineering department and its
organization, Qualities of an industrial engineer, concept of production and productivity.
Chapter 2. Concepts of Management:
Functions of Management, Evolution of Management Thought : Taylors Scientific Management, Fayols
Principles of Management, Douglas Mc-Gregors Theory X and Theory Y, Mayos Hawthorne Experiments,
Hertzbergs Two Factor Theory of Motivation, Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs Systems Approach to
Chapter 3. Designing Organizational Structures:
Concept, Importance and characteristics of organization, Types of organization - Project, matrix and informal
organization. Span of control, Delegation of authority.
Chapter 4. Management Planning, Decision Making and Control:
Steps, hierarchy, principles and dimensions of planning function, Approaches to decision making,
Decision support systems, Basic control process, control parameters, principles of control.
Chapter 5. Plant Location & Layout:
Plant location: definition, factors affecting the plant location, comparison of rural and urban sites-methods for
selection. Plant layout: Needs for a good layout, Different types viz. Product, process and combination layouts,
Introduction to layouts based on the GT, JIT and cellular manufacturing systems, Development of plant layout.
Chapter 6. Productivity:
Definition, reasons for low productivity, methods to improve productivity, relation between work-study and
Chapter 7. Work Analysis:
Definition, need and scope of Work Analysis. Method-study: Definition, objectives, step-by-step
procedure, questioning techniques, charts and diagrams for recording data. Principles of motion economy;
Development and installation of new method. Workmeasurement: Definition, various techniques of work-
measurement such as work-sampling, stopwatch time study & its procedure, Job selection, Equipment and
Forms used for work measurement, need for rating operator, methods of rating, allowances and their types,
standard time. Standard data techniques.
Chapter 8. Value Engineering:
Definition, Types of values, concept, phases and application of value engineering.