PostGully Stab
PostGully Stab
PostGully Stab
MAVIS ROSTEDT Beaudesert LandCare, MEIN NIEMEYER Beaudesert Shire Council and PAUL TRUONG, Veticon Consulting
Undulating topography,
topography, erodible
erodible soil,
soil, highly
highly variable
variable rainfall
rainfall and
and overgrazing
overgrazing contribute
contribute to
to the
the severe
severe gully
gully erosion
erosion problem
problem in
in the
Beaudesert Shire.
Shire. This
This results
results not
not only
only in
in the
the loss
loss of
of productive
productive agricultural
agricultural land
land but
but also
also sedimentation
sedimentation of of rivers
rivers and
and streams,
streams, and
damage to to infrastructures.
infrastructures. With
With funding
funding support
support from
from the
the National
National Heritage
Heritage Trust,
Trust, the
the Beaudesert
Beaudesert LandCare
LandCare GroupGroup has
demonstrated thethe effectiveness
effectiveness of
of vetiver
vetiver grass
grass in
in stabilising
stabilising an
an actively
actively eroding
eroding gully
gully head.
head. Results
Results to
to date
date areare very
very promising,
indicating that
that Vetiver
Vetiver System
System can
can play
play anan important
important role
role in
in combating
combating the
the gully
gully erosion
erosion problem
problem throughout
throughout the the Beaudesert
Beaudesert Shire.
Characteristics and Adaptability Range
of Vetiver Grass
Stiff and erect stems, when planted
close together Vetiver forms a porous
Shoots barrier acting as a very effective
water spreader and filter trapping
sediment in runoff water (Left)
Very deep and penetrating root
Roots system, acting as reinforcement of
the soil against erosion (Right)
Vetiver is non evasive, it flowers but
sets no seeds, it has no above
ground or underground runners. It is
Weediness very sensitive to RoundUp. It has
Under good management natural rehabilitation
never become a weed in over 150
Gully erosion in grazing land countries in the last 100 years. can occur but very slowly
Vetiver is a naturalised plant, it came
from India originally and introduced to
Queensland in the 1920s.
Soil Acidity, Alkalinity, Salinity,
Sodicity, Drought, Flood, Fire,
Extreme heat, Frost, Over grazing
and Heavy Metals
Dairy cow, cattle, horse, rabbits,
Palatability Vetiver rows
goat, sheep, kangaroo and wallaby
N = 1.5 % Deep and extensive root system binds
Dense growth retards water flow and
Nutritional Value P = 0.17% the soil and enhances drought
traps sediment K = 2.2% tolerance
Vetiver rows