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Application Form 2014

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Republic of the Philippines


1. All questions must be answered fully in the applicants own handwriting
in black ink, using a pen or a ball pen with all blanks filled-in. A line or
dash is not deemed an answer. If the entry is not releant or there is no
answer, please write !"A.
#. $he applicant must complete all the necessary requirements indicated
in the e%amination announcement, attaching said documents securely
to this application.
&. If more space is needed for the answers to some questions, the
applicant may use a clean sheet of ( ) in* + $, in* bon- p.pe/. 'ollow
the same format as in the application form and number the answers
(. )uly accomplished notari*ed application form should be submitted as follows+
'or those submitting to the ,'-. -ecretariat, )'A /ain 0ffice, /anila, one 112 duly
accomplished notari*ed application form with attachments3
'or those submitting to the )'A 4egional 5onsular 0ffices or to 6hilippine
.mbassies"5onsulates, one 112 duly accomplished notari*ed application form with
attachments and one 112 photocopy of the complete set of documents.
7. Application forms shall be duly accomplished by the applicants and submitted in person, not
later than 0 1ul2 "#$% at any 4egional 5onsular 0ffice or 6hilippine .mbassy or 5onsulate
abroad, and not later than $% 1ul2 "#$% until 3'## p*4* onl2 at the )'A /ain 0ffice.
Applic.tions sh.ll no lon5e/ be .ccepte- be2on- the set -e.-lines.
8. Incomplete application forms shall not be accepted.
9. Any false, misleading or fraudulent statements knowingly made by the applicant shall be
sufficient cause for the cancellation of his"her test papers, remoal from office if already
appointed, and prosecution for per:ury.
;. Applicants who do not follow the foregoing instructions shall not be allowed to take the 'oreign
-erice 0fficer .%aminations.
NOTE+ $he 5areer -erice .%amination for 'oreign -erice 0fficer 15-.-'-02 shall sere as the 'oreign
-erice 0fficer .%amination < =ualifying $est and shall be conducted in collaboration with the 5iil -erice
5ommission 15-52. $hose who pass the 5-.-'-0 shall be conferred the 5areer 'oreign -erice 0fficer
.ligibility by the 5-5 and shall qualify for the ne%t phase of the '-0 .%amination.
1. !ame+ ____________________________________________________________________
Surname First Name Middle Name Name Extension (Jr/Sr/II)
#. 6lace of birth+ __________________________ )ate of birth+_________________________
Age+__________________________________ -e%+ ________________________________
5iti*enship1s2+___________________________ 4eligion+ _____________________________
&. 5iil -tatus+ _________________________________________________________________
If /arried, name of spouse+ ____________________________________________________
Surname First Name Middle Name
5iti*enship1s2 of spouse+ _______________________________________________________
In case of a /uslim, please enumerate name and citi*enships of all spouses 1>se
separate sheet if necessary2
In case of a foreigner spouse, the application will still be brought to the attention of the
-ecretary of 'oreign Affairs, for approal. Additional documentary requirements may
also be required of the applicant.
(. ?ome address+ ______________________________________________________________
1(.7 % &.7 cm.2
@ Aes @ !o
@ Aes @ !o
6eriod of 4esidency+ 'rom _______________________ $o ___________________________
?ome telephone number+ _____________________ /obile number+ ____________________
.-mail address+ ______________________________________________________________
0ffice address+ ______________________________________________________________
0ffice telephone number+ ______________________________________________________
7. .ducational attainment+ (Use separate sheet if necessary)
)egree"s 4eceied 5ollege">niersity Inclusie )ates
8. 6resent .mployment+ (Use separate sheet if necessary) Boernment 6riate
Agency"0ffice Address 6osition"Cob $itle Dength of .%perience in
6resent .mployment
-tatus of
9. 6reious .mployment+ (Use separate sheet if necessary)
Agency"0ffice Address 6osition"Cob $itle Dength of .%perience in
6resent Cob"6osition
4eason for
;. 5iil -erice " ,oard " ,ar " 0ther Boernment .%aminations 6assed 1Use separate sheet if
!ame of .%amination 4ating )ate of .%amination 6lace of .%amination
E. 5haracter 4eferences+ Bie the names of three 1&2 'ilipino citi*ens of good standing who
can ouch for your good moral character 1e%clude relaties2.
!A/. A))4.--"$.D.6?0!. 04 /0,ID. !0. 055>6A$I0!
1F. ?ae you eer been accused of, indicted or tried, for iolation of any law, ordinance or
regulation, before any court, military or police tribunal, or other similar authorityG
If yes, gie the date of the complaint or indictment and state fully the nature of the offense. A
certified copy of the order or decision of the court or tribunal shall be submitted with this
application. _________________________________________________________________
11. In case you pass the 'oreign -erice 0fficer .%aminations, will you assume your position
within one 112 year after you hae been notified of your appointment as '-0 IH by the
6resident of the 6hilippines, and do you agree that refusal or failure to do so within the
specified period would result in the dropping of your name from the roster of eligible
countriesG Aes !o !ot Applicable
1#. Fo/ .pplic.nts 7ith 4o/e th.n one citi8enship* In case you pass the 'oreign -erice
0fficer .%aminations, will you subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance to the 4epublic of
the 6hilippines and its duly constituted authorities, and renounce your allegiance to all other
1&. ?ae you taken the 'oreign -erice 0fficer .%aminations beforeG @ Aes @ !o
If yes, state how many times you hae taken the following '-0 component e%aminations and
the dates of those e%aminations.
1. =ualifying $est ________________________________________________________
#. 6reliminary Interiew____________________________________________________
&. Iritten $est ___________________________________________________________
(. 6sychological $est _____________________________________________________
7. 0ral $est______________________________________________________________
1(. Fo/ei5n .n5u.5e Test. Ple.se chec9 the fo/ei5n l.n5u.5e 2ou 7ish to be e+.4ine- in.
() Arabic () ,ahasa Indonesia () 5hinese () 'rench
() Berman () Capanese () -panish
17. Ple.se chec9 the testin5 cente/ 7he/e 2ou inten- to t.9e the :u.lif2in5 Test*
() ,acolod 5ity () Iloilo 5ity () $acloban 5ity
() ,aguio 5ity () Dega*pi 5ity () $uguegarao 5ity
() 5agayan de 0ro 5ity () Ducena 5ity () Jamboanga 5ity
() 5ebu 5ity () /etro /anila
() )aao 5ity () -an 'ernando 5ity, Da >nion
() Beneral -antos 5ity () 5ity of -an 'ernando, 6ampanga
18. F/o4 7he/e;7ho4 -i- 2ou fi/st le./n .bout the "#$% Fo/ei5n Se/<ice Office/ =FSO>
E+.4in.tion? Ple.se put . chec9 4./9 on the sp.ce besi-e 2ou/ co//espon-in5
)'A website )'A employees !ewspaper adertisement"s
5-5"6IA or other official 'riends"relaties I hae taken the e%am before
Boernment website

,logs"unofficial websites 0thers 1please specify2 ________________
19. @h.t is 2ou/ 4.in /e.son;4oti<.tion fo/ t.9in5 the FSO E+.4in.tion? Ple.se put .
chec9 4./9 on the sp.ce besi-e 2ou/ co//espon-in5 .ns7e/* If 2ou h.<e 4o/e th.n $
.ns7e/A /.n9 the4 f/o4 $B3 7ith $ .s the 4.in /e.son*
6ursue a career in the goernment Academic background"training
0pportunity to work oerseas .%plore opportunities
for professional growth
0thers 1please specify2 + __________________________________________________
I understand that the ,'-. reseres the right not to conduct the =ualifying $est in any of the
aboe-mentioned testing centers depending on the number of qualified e%aminees thereat.
I hereby agree to pay a non-refundable admission fee of 67FF.FF before taking the =ualifying $est
upon acceptance of my application.
I he/eb2 .tt.ch the follo7in5 -ocu4ents;/eCui/e4ents .s inte5/.l p./ts of this .pplic.tion+
1. 5ertified $rue 5opy 15$52 of transcript of records from college or uniersity, bearing
seal of the college or uniersity3
#. 5ertified $rue 5opy 15$52 of diploma or certificate of graduation3
&. 6roof of past or present employment or further studies3
(. 0riginal birth certificate issued by the !ational -tatistics 0ffice
'or those born abroad+ 4eport of ,irth at 6ost may be submitted in case no birth
record is aailable at !ational -tatistics 0ffice 1!-02. $he 4eport of ,irth shall be
duly authenticated by the issuing 6ost. A certification of non-aailability of said birth
certificate from the !-0 shall be submitted along with the 4eport of ,irth.
'or a 6hilippine citi*en who has dual or multiple citi*enships+ a notari*ed affidait
stating that upon passing the e%amination, he"she intends to renounce his"her oath
of allegiance to his"her other countries of citi*enship3 he"she must also submit a
notari*ed affidait stating that he"she is a permanent resident in the 6hilippines.
7. 'or married applicants+ 5ertified $rue 5opy 15$52 of marriage certificate issued by the
!ational -tatistics 0ffice. If married to a foreigner, he"she must secure from the
-ecretary of 'oreign Affairs, through the ,oard of 'oreign -erice .%aminations,
authority to take the '-0 .%aminations.
8. $en 11F2 pieces photographs+ (.7cm. % &.7cm.3 colored, with white background3
taken within three 1&2 months prior to filing of application3 printed on good quality
photo paper3 in standard close-up shot3 in bare face3 showing the full frontal iew
of the face of the applicant3 7ith the .pplic.ntDs full .n- h.n-7/itten =not
co4pute/ 5ene/.te-> n.4e t.5 in the fo/4.t' Fi/st N.4eA Mi--le Initi.lA .st
N.4eA .n- e+tension n.4e 1if any2 and si5n.tu/e o<e/ p/inte- n.4e*
6hotograph format+
1'or photograph details, please refer to 5iil -erice 5ommission 15-52 webpage -
http+""e%cell.csc.go.ph"cscweb"geninfo_cse.html23 and
9. $wo 1#2 self-addressed and self<stamped enelopes marked as p/io/it2 4.il.
I hereby accept all decisions made by the ,oard of 'oreign -erice .%aminations pertinent to my
I,________________________________, after haing been duly sworn in accordance with
law, hereby declare that the foregoing answers to the questions in this application to take the
'oreign -erice 0fficer .%aminations are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief3
that I hae not knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement3 and that I
understand that any false, misleading or fraudulent statement knowingly made by me shall be
sufficient cause for the cancellation of my e%amination papers, remoal from office if already
appointed, and prosecution for per:ury.
-ignature of Applicant oer 6rinted !ame
->,-54I,.) A!) -I04! $0 before me this _______ day of ____________ at
___________________, Affiant displaying to me his"her 4esidence 5ertificate
!o.___________ or 6assport !o._________________ issued at _______________
!otary 6ublic"
Administering 0fficer

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