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Lal kitab mahadasa

The concept of Mahadasha of planeta are based on the principles laid down by Lal Kitab
itself. Similarly to vedic astrology, the period of Mahadasha in Lal Kitab is of 12 years
which moves according to its own principles.
Rules for Mahadasha
!hen a planet is accompanied by a malefic or debilitated planet in an ascendant witho"t
being affected by it and becomes debilitated or malefic in a varshaphal is co"nted "nder
the infl"ence of mahadasha from that specific date.
!hen a planet is debilitated or malefic and is also accompanied by a malefic or an
ina"spicio"s planet then it is considered to be "nder the infl"ence of mahadasha since the
day it enters the ascendant.
#"ring the phase of mahadasha an afflicted planet is not able to get any help from its
friendly planets. $"t, enemy planets have its f"ll effect.
The planet of mahadasha have the same effect on other planets of the horoscope as it is
witho"t this condition.
%f planets in the 1,&,' and 1th ho"se are accompanied with strong or e(alted planets in
other ho"ses of the horoscope then Mahadasha will get cancelled.
%f the planet or birth and planet of the sign are a"spicio"s or e(alted in a horoscope, then
also Mahadasha do not take place.
Time of Mahadasha of Planets
The Mahadasha of )"piter will begin when Sat"rn will be in the first ho"se, Ket" in the
third and si(th ho"se, )"piter in the tenth ho"se and *ah" in the ninth and twelfth ho"se
of a horoscope.
Mahadasha of S"n begins with S"n itself is in the seventh ho"se and Merc"ry is in the
twelfth ho"se of a horoscope.
Mahadahsa of Moon begins when Sat"rn comes in the first ho"se, Merc"ry lies in the
fo"rth ho"se, +en"s in the si(th ho"se, Moon in the eighth ho"se and )"piter in the tenth
ho"seof a horoscope.
+en"s,s Mahadasha begins when Mars is in the fo"rth ho"se, +en"s is in the si(th ho"se
and )"piter lies in the tenth ho"se of a horoscope.

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