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Pukka Gha

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Pakka ghar of Planet

Pakka Ghar is nothing but  the concept of natural signification of houses. Sun's Pakka ghar is
Lagna. The other planets Pakka Ghars are as under:

Sun Lagna
Moon 4th house
Mars 3rd & 8th house
Mercury 7th house
Jupiter 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th house
Venus 7th house
Saturn 8th and 10th house
Rahu 12th house
ketu 6th house

Friends and Foes of Planets

Each planet has his friends as well as his enemies just as we human beings do. The list for
illustration is given below

Planet Friends Enemies

Sun Jupiter, Mars, Moon Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu
Moon Sun, Mercury Ketu, Rahu
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury, Ketu
Mercury Sun, Venus, Rahu Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Venus, Mercury
Venus Saturn, Mercury, Ketu Sun, Moon, Rahu

Saturn Mercury, Venus, Rahu Sun, Moon, Mars

Rahu Mercury, Ketu, Saturn Sun, Venus, Mars

Ketu Venus, Rahu Moon, Mars

A part from friendship or enmity of planets there is also a concept of equivalent planets. The
planets so grouped are supposed to be equal in strength. The list of planets is as given under.

Mercury Sun
Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars Moon
Venus, Saturn, and Rahu Mars
Saturn, Ketu, Mars and Jupiter Mercury
Rahu, Ketu and Saturn Jupiter
Mars and Jupiter Venus
Ketu and Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter and Moon Rahu
Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Sun Ketu

Mercury and Sun or Rahu and Mars are posited in one sign together Mercury or Rahu would
always be quiet. Moon and Sun when posited in any sign with Rahu and Ketu respectively will
be less powerful.

Artificial Planets :

Kitab has the concept that a group of two planets are equivalent to planet noted against each. The
list is given below.

Mercury Sun
Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars Moon
Venus, Saturn, and Rahu Mars
Saturn, Ketu, Mars and Jupiter Mercury
Rahu, Ketu and Saturn Jupiter
Mars and Jupiter Venus
Ketu and Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter and Moon Rahu
Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Sun Ketu

Planets individually equal to Planets

Mercury Sun
Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars Moon
Venus, Saturn, and Rahu Mars
Saturn, Ketu, Mars and Jupiter Mercury
Rahu, Ketu and Saturn Jupiter
Mars and Jupiter Venus
Ketu and Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter and Moon Rahu
Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Sun Ketu

Sin and Sinful Planets

Often there is reference of  Paap (Sin) and Paapi (Sinful) planets in Lal Kitab. From Paap or sin
is meant Rahu and Ketu from Paapi grahas the reference is to three planets namely Rahu, Ketu
and Saturn. Also some astrologers consider Mars is included with them. If any other  planet is
sitting with any of these planet then the sitting planet also become a paapi planet.

Kayam Graha or Established Planet

If a planet reside in a house then it becomes the lord of the same house. The planet which can
give his results freely and without hindrance is called an established planet. In other words no
enemy planet should occupy his houses of lordship, exaltation, debility and of  his signification.
He should also not be a saathi planet or comrade and he should have no aspect of any planet.

Dharmi Grahas or Righteous Planets

Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are known as Paapi Planets but they also some times become the Dharmi
or righteous planets. Rahu and Ketu become righteous in the 4th house or anywhere in the chart
with Moon. Similarly Saturn becomes righteous when posited in 11th house or anywhere in the
chart with Jupiter.

By becoming righteous they do not give good results or become benefices. They shall not simply
afflict the house or the planet. They become neutral. They on there part will not promote or cause
any bad effects.

Muqabla ke Graha or Matching Planets

This is a enormous thing in Lal Kitab. Each planet has his own friends who behave in a friendly
way. Some times one of such planets may occupy the house of lordship or the Pakka Ghar of his
friendly planet and that planet does not occupy any such house of the former. In such a case the
two planets, although friends may not remain the true friends. The behavior of the former will be
suspected. He may at times spoil the results of  his friendly planets. The planet shall be known as
matching planets. Sun and Mars are friends. If  Mars occupies the Lagna and Sun does not
occupy such house of mars, Mars behavior under such circumstances may or may not be friendly
to Sun. Mars would be called a matching planet to Sun. Both can harm each other.

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