IB Chemistry IA: Energetics
IB Chemistry IA: Energetics
IB Chemistry IA: Energetics
Momina Amjad
Background Information:
The heat produced when one mole of a substance is burned in excess oxygen is called the enthalpy of
combustion. Methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol and pentanol all belong to one homologous series;
alcohols, with the functional group OH. They have hydrogen bonds (specific kind of permanent dipole-
dipole forces) and van der Waals forces which increase as the length of the carbon chain increases.
Complete combustion of alcohols produces carbon dioxide and water. An example of the reaction for
enthalpy of combustion is given below:
C2H5OH (l) + 3O2 (g) 2CO2 (g) + 3H2O (g)
For this reaction, the IB data booklet value (standard enthalpy change of combustion) is -1367 kJ mol
which shows that this reaction is exothermic.
Research Question:
What effect does the length of the carbon chain have on the enthalpy of combustion in primary
The longer the carbon chain is in an alcohol, the greater its enthalpy of combustion is going to be.
Independent Variable:
Length of the carbon chain of the alcohol.
Dependent Variable:
Mass of the alcohol burned.
Controlled Variables:
1. The temperature increase in water
2. The mass of the water in the calorimeter
3. Apparatus used
4. The temperature and pressure of surroundings
5. The distance between the calorimeter and the burner
Method of control:
The independent variable is manipulated by changing the fuel in the burner each time to a different
alcohol. For the controlled variables, temperature increase in water is set to be 30C, after which the
burner is to be removed to measure the change in mass on a balance. The mass of water is always 100
grams in the calorimeter. The same calorimeter, thermometer, balance and shape and type of burner
are used each time. The temperature of the surroundings is maintained via air conditioning in the lab.
The distance between calorimeter and burner is measured by a ruler.
Balance (0.01 g)
Thermometer (0.1 C)
Aluminum calorimeter
Burners (Spirit lamps)
Wind shields
Clamps and stands
Methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol and pentanol in the spirit lamps
Match sticks
Distilled water
Net Uncertainties (accounting for initial and final measurements if applicable)
Balance (for fuel) 0.02 g
Balance (for water) 0.01 g
Thermometer 0.2 C
1. Measure a 100g of water and put it in the calorimeter clamped to a stand.
2. Fix wind shields on the clamps with the stands and place them so that the calorimeter is
shielded from three sides.
3. Measure the initial mass of fuel, starting from methanol in the spirit burner. Its important to
note that the lid should be closed; otherwise some of the fuel will vaporize and escape. Write
down the initial mass.
4. Place a thermometer in the water and note down the initial temperature
5. Open the lid of the burner and light it. Immediately after that, place it under the calorimeter
with water.
6. Stir the water frequently using the thermometer while its being heated. This is to ensure that
heat in transferred to the water as evenly as possible.
7. The thermometer is inserted the whole time. Keep reading the thermometer until there is an
increase of 30C, and note down any qualitative changes during that time.
8. Once there has been a temperature increase of 30C, remove the burner, place the lid back on
and measure its mass again. This has to be done swiftly, in order to minimize the amount of fuel
escaping the burner.
9. Write down the final mass of the burner, and repeat steps 1 to 8 with all of the other 4 alcohols.
10. Repeat this whole experiment with all 5 alcohols at least two more times so there are three
trials over all.
Risk Assessment:
Alcohols are not corrosive or harmful to the skin but they must not be ingested. For safety, wear goggles
and a lab coat throughout. Use a pair tongs to handle the hot calorimeter when adding or removing
water again. Inform the teacher or a lab assistant immediately in case of a fire or a burn.
Photographs of the setup & apparatus:
0.1 C thermometer
inserted in heating
water to control the
temperature rise to
only 30C
Same aluminium
calorimeter used
each time
Wind shields to
protect the flame
from gusts of wind
and keep it steady
Clamp and
Butanol burner
Data Collection:
Masses of the alcohols before and after being used as a fuel to heat 100g water by 30C
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Alcohol Initial mass/g
Final mass/g
Initial mass/g
Final mass/g
Initial mass/g
Final mass/g
1. Methanol
154.01 152.73 152.21 150.95 150.07 148.93
2. Ethanol
152.14 150.87 151.29 150.22 149.10 147.94
3. Propanol
181.41 180.64 180.54 179.78 179.72 178.92
4. Butanol
173.64 172.84 172.80 172.08 171.95 171.25
5. Pentanol
169.25 168.74 168.69 168.00 167.90 167.25
Table 1: Raw Data Table
Qualitative analysis:
The flame for each of these fuels and trials was always yellow at the top.
Black soot formed at the base of calorimeter at all times, but it got noticeably thicker and darker
the higher the carbon chain of the alcohol was used.
The burners themselves got warmer while they were heating up water. In some cases
condensation droplets were visible on the inner surfaces as seen a photograph above.
0.01 precision Digital
balance used all times
Yellow flame; same
distance between
flame and calorimeter
was maintained
Droplets of fuel
formed on inner
surface of the burner
Although time wasnt a controlled variable in this experiment, the amount of time it took to
raise the water by 30C increased each time the carbon chain length was increased. This was
perceptible even without the use of a timer.
Data processing:
The data above needs to be processed in order to draw meaningful results out of it. First of all, change
of mass needs to be calculated. Since there were three trials in this experiment, its best to take a mean
of the mass change.
In this experiment, it is assumed that the heat change of the reaction is equal to the heat change of
water i.e. all the energy lost by the fuel while its burning is transferred to the water. Under this
assumption, the following is an expression that can be used:
Heat change of reaction= heat change of water
=mH2OcH2O H2O
Where m is the mass of water, c is the specific heat capacity of water and is the temperature change
of water. Enthalpy of combustion is measured in kJmol
therefore this value is divided by the number of
moles of the fuel and 1000. The sample calculation for methanol for all of the above is done here.
Change in mass: 154.01-152.73=1.28 g, 152.21-150.95=1.26 g, 150.07-148.93=1.14 g
Mean change in mass= 1.23 g
Number of moles of methanol= mass/molar mass= 1.23/(12.01+3.03+17.01)= 0.04 mol
Heat change in water= = 100 4.18 50= 20900 Joules
Heat change of the reaction=20900/0.04= -546069.29 Jmol
= -546.07 kJmol
(A negative sign is added at the end because combustion is always an exothermic reaction)
Alcohol Trial
Change in
mass/ g
change in
mass/ g
No. of
moles of
change of
water/ J
Enthalpy of
Enthalpy of
combustion/ kJmol
1 1.28
1.23 0.04 20900.00 -546069.29 -546.07 2 1.26
3 1.14
2. Ethanol
1 1.27
1.17 0.03 20900.00 -825490.29 -825.49 2 1.07
3 1.16
3. Propanol
1 0.77
0.78 0.01 20900.00 -1617552.36 -1617.55 2 0.76
3 0.80
4. Butanol
1 0.80
0.74 0.01 20900.00 -2093954.05 -2093.95 2 0.72
3 0.70
1 0.51
0.62 0.01 20900.00 -2988248.11 -2988.25 2 0.69
3 0.65
Table 2: Processed data table
Total percentage uncertainty:
Percentage uncertainty= (
net uncertainty
measured value
) 100%
The net uncertainties for mass of water, temperature and mass of fuel were mentioned above, and can
be summarized in the following expression respectively for 100g water and 30C temperature rise. The
mass of fuel varies so its given the variable . The total percentage uncertainties for each fuel is
calculated overleaf.
100 +
100 +
= (0.68 +
) %
Mean mass of the fuel
used/g 0.02
Percentage uncertainty
of fuel used
Total percentage
1. Methanol 1.23 1.63 % 2.31 %
2. Ethanol 1.17 1.71 % 2.39 %
3. Propanol 0.78 2.58 % 3.26 %
4. Butanol 0.74 2.70 % 3.38 %
5. Pentanol 0.62 3.24 % 3.92 %
Table 3: Calculations of total percentage uncertainty
Absolute uncertainty:
Absolute uncertainty can be calculated by multiplying the total percentage uncertainty to the enthalpy
of combustion of the fuel in kJ mol
In the case of methanol,
546.07= -12.6142 kJ mol
is the maximum amount of methanol that can be more or less than
the value written in table 2 (-546.07 kJ mol
Absolute uncertainty / kJ mol
1. Methanol -12.61
2. Ethanol -19.73
3. Propanol -52.73
4. Butanol -70.78
5. Pentanol -117.14
With all of the data processed above, a line graph can be produced to show the relationship and trend
between the increasing carbon chain length in an alcohol and its enthalpy of combustion, both in terms
of this experiments values and data book values.
The enthalpy of combustion of an alcohol increases as the carbon chain length increases. The graph
produced a downward sloping line because enthalpy of combustion values are negative; the higher the
negative value, the greater the enthalpy of combustion. This conclusion is in agreement with the
hypothesis and the trend given above, except that the experimental results didnt show a linear increase
in enthalpy of combustion.
The final values of enthalpy of combustion in ascending order of carbon chain are -546.07 kJmol
, -
825.49 kJmol
, -1617.55 kJmol
, -2093.95 kJmol
and -2988.25 kJmol
. The differences in these values
again describe that the increase is not linear, i.e. close to equal between the alcohols. Percentages of
total uncertainty were different for each alcohol as well. The bigger the carbon chain length was, the
greater uncertainty was produced, ranging from 2.31% for methanol to 3.92% for pentanol. This is
because mean change in mass before and after using pentanol for heating water was only 0.62 g
whereas the mean change in mass of methanol was nearly double that amount; at 1.23 g.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Carbon chain length
The enthalpy of combustion of methanol, ethanol,
propanol, butanol and pentanol
Experimental value
Data book value
Experimental value: line of best
The principal reason for these observations is that increasing the carbon chain length increases the size
of the molecule significantly, The molecular formula of methanol is CH3OH, ethanol is C2H5OH, and
propanol is C3H7OH and so on. Increase in one carbon atom results in two more hydrogen atoms and
over all 3 more sigma bonds on the carbon atoms. The molar mass of methanol is 32 g mol
and theres
an increase of 14g each time a carbon atom (and consequently two hydrogen atoms) are added.
Increase in molecular mass greatly affects van der Waals forces (temporary and weak intermolecular
forces). Its harder to break bigger carbon chain molecules because it takes longer to break these
intermolecular bonds. This was observed in the qualitative data above, methanol raised the
temperature of water fairly quickly, but pentanol took a lot of time. Apart from van der Waals forces, all
alcohols also contain hydrogen bonds which are the strongest intermolecular force, but these are
present equally in all primary alcohols.
The experimental values produced as a result of this investigation can be compared to standard
enthalpy of combustion values. The dotted red line on the graph on the previous page represents
standard values taken from the IB data booklet; these are higher than the experimental values. The
percentage error is a measure of how close the experimental value is to the data book value.
Percentage error= (
data book valueexperimental value
data book value
) 100
Data book value/ kJmol
Experimental value/ kJmol
Percentage error
1. Methanol
-726 -546.07 24.78 %
2. Ethanol
-1367 -825.49 39.61 %
3. Propanol
-2021 -1617.55 19.96 %
4. Butanol
-2676 -2093.95 21.75 %
5. Pentanol
-3329 -2988.25 10.24 %
Table 4: Percentage error calculations
The large percentage error calculated in the previous page indicates that this experiment has some
flaws. The set up itself was well designed for gathering data, and it was simple to replicate. The number
of trials should be a minimum of 5 to make any proper judgment, and this wasnt possible due to time
constraints. The main flaw of this experiment, however, is its core assumption that all the heat produced
by the combustion is transferred to the water when in fact there are many heat losses to the
Heat losses form the majority of the percentage error. Theres no insulation on the calorimeter and no
insulating card covering the calorimeter and retaining the heat inside. As a result, a lot of the heat
escapes from the water and is lost to the surroundings. Some of the heat is also absorbed by the
calorimeter itself. The experiment doesnt take this into account and doesnt involve calculations of heat
gained by aluminium when that could have been calculated (using equation) and
subtracted from the heat produced by fuel as a more accurate representation of the heat transferred to
One of the other for this large percentage error is the incomplete combustion of the fuel that was noted
above in the qualitative analysis (yellow flame and formation of soot). This was because the fuel didnt
receive enough oxygen to burn completely and indicates that the fuel was used inefficiently because
incomplete combustion releases less energy compared to complete combustion.
The uncertainties of the equipment were not too large as noted above in table three. The uncertainty
increased as the carbon chain length increased but it still has far less an effect on the outcome of the
experiment when compared to heat losses to the environment.
Its significant that the percentage error for the alcohols isnt similar to each other (largest percentage
error was ethanol at 39.61% and the smallest was methanol at just 10.24%). This indicates that the
conditions of the surroundings, specifically the temperature, werent controlled effectively. Although an
air conditioner was used throughout the experiment at a constant temperature, it wasnt enough as the
lab door would open sometimes and the heat and sunlight outside changed frequently.
Theres also a possibility of random errors in this experiment, and errors that took place due to reaction
time in looking out for temperature rise, closing the lid of the fuel as soon as it reaches 30C and
weighing it immediately. These errors, however, are much harder to evaluate properly and control.
Improvement How it enhances the investigation
1. Using insulation such
as air foam around the
Minimizes one of the sources of heat loss
2. Insulating card to
cover the water
Retains the energy inside the heating water rather than letting it escape to
the surroundings
3. Use of a copper
calorimeter and
calculations regarding
heat absorbed by
calorimeter itself
Copper is a better conductor of heat compared to aluminum. If heat energy
gained by copper is calculated, it can be subtracted from the heat of
combustion of the fuel to provide a more accurate calculation of the heat
transferred to way.
4. Burn the fuel in
excess oxygen
This will stop incomplete combustion and soot formation and release more
energy once the fuel is undergoing through complete combustion only.
5. Use of an electric
This will reduce the uncertainties a great deal and therefore make the
experiment more precise.