Safe Use of Insulin
Safe Use of Insulin
Safe Use of Insulin
of Insulin in Hospitals
A Joint Project of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
and the Hospital and Health-System Association of Pennsylvania
Supported by an educational grant provided by Eli Lilly and Company
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 3
Background ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Expert Panel ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................. 6
Recommendations for Leaders ........................................................................................................... 7
Recommendations for Frontline Staff ............................................................................................... 8
1. Purpose, background, and use ..................................................................................................... 9
2. General recommendations for the health care organization.................................................... 12
3. Recommendations for caregiver competency ........................................................................... 17
4. Recommendations for patient information: collection, documentation, and availability ..... 19
5. Recommendations for prescribing practices ............................................................................. 21
6. Recommendations for order transcription ................................................................................ 25
7. Recommendations for order review, distribution, preparation, and dispensing ..................... 26
8. Recommendations for administration ...................................................................................... 30
9. Recommendations for monitoring and documenting .............................................................. 33
10. Recommendations for nutrition................................................................................................ 36
11. Recommendations for patient and family involvement and education .................................. 37
12. References and resources ............................................................................................................ 39
4 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
and the Hospital and Health-System Association of
Pennsylvania convened a panel of experts from
medicine, pharmacy, and nursing in October 2004
to discuss best practices for improving the safety of
insulin use in hospitals. The expert panel met over
a two-day period, evaluating current literature and
recommendations to determine why insulin use in
hospitals has not achieved a high level of safety,
and how the medication-use system could be rede-
signed to prevent patient harm associated with
poorly designed insulin-use processes. The recom-
mendations developed from this meeting served as
the guiding principles for the Recommendations for
Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals.
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 5
Helena W. Rodbard, M.D., FACP, MACE
Past President
American College of Endocrinology
Rockville, MD
Vincenza Snow, M.D., FACP
Senior Medical Associate
Department of Scientific Policy
American College of Physicians
Philadelphia, PA
Allen Vaida, Pharm.D.
Executive Director
Institute for Safe Medication Practices
Huntington Valley, PA
Julie A. Weberski, Pharm.D., CGP
North Chicago VA
North Chicago, IL
John R. Combes, M.D.
President and Chief Operating Officer Center for
Healthcare Governance
Chicago, IL
Diane Cousins, B.S.
Vice President
U.S. Pharmacopeia
Rockville, MD
Lois L. Kercher, DNCs, RN
Vice President/Interim Chief Nursing Executive
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
Norfolk, VA
Victoria Rich, Ph.D., RN
Chief Nursing Officer
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
6 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
and the Hospital and Health-System Association of
Pennsylvania thank the following individuals and
groups who provided their expertise, creativity, and
time to this groundbreaking project:
Insulin-Use Expert Panel
John R Combes, M.D., President and Chief Operat-
ing Officer, Center for Healthcare Governance,
Chicago, IL; Diane Cousins, B.S., Vice President, U.S.
Pharmacopeia, Rockville, MD; Lois L. Kercher,
DNCs, RN, Vice President/Interim Chief Nursing
Executive, Sentra Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk,
VA; Victoria Rich, Ph.D., RN, Chief Nursing Officer,
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, PA; Helena W. Rodbard, M.D., FACP, MACE,
Past President, American College of Endocrinolo-
gy, Rockville, MD; Vincenza Snow, M.D., FACP, Se-
nior Medical Associate, Department of Scientific
Policy, American College of Physicians, Philadel-
phia, PA; Allen Vaida, Pharm.D., Executive Direc-
tor, Institute for Safe Medication Practices, Hunting-
ton Valley, PA; and Julie A. Weberski, Pharm.D.,
CGP, North Chicago VA, North Chicago, IL.
ASHP gives special thanks to Timothy S. Lesar, Di-
rector of Pharmacy, Albany Medical Center, and
Department of Pharmacy Albany Medical Center,
Albany, NY, who provided the team with a useful
framework in the design of this work.
Linda A. Browning, Pharm.D., Clinical Pharmacy
Specialist, Critical Care Medicine, Detroit Medical
Center, Detroit, MI; R. Keith Campbell, B.S., M.B.A.,
Associate Dean, Professor, Washington State Uni-
versity, Pullman, WA; Paul S. Driver, Pharm.D.,
BCPS, Clinical Pharmacist, Internal Medicine, On-
cology, St. Josephs Medical Center, Lewiston, ID;
Jeremiah Duby, Tucson, AZ; Peter Dumo, Pharm.D.,
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist-Ambulatory Care,
Harper University Hospital, Detroit, MI; Ron Gailey,
Pharm.D., Drug Information Specialist, Albany
Medical Center, Albany, NY; Vincenza Snow, M.D.,
FACP, Senior Medical Associate, Department of Sci-
entific Policy, American College of Physicians, Phil-
adelphia, PA; Deborah Saine, Porter Medical Cen-
ter, Director of Pharmacy, Middlebury, VT; Edward
G. Timm, Pharm.D., Department of Pharmacy, Al-
bany Medical Center, Albany, NY; Ronald Gailey,
Pharm.D., Department of Pharmacy, Albany Medi-
cal Center, Albany, NY; Martha Naber, Pharm.D.,
Department of Pharmacy, Albany Medical Center,
Albany, NY; Kasey K. Thompson, Pharm.D., Direc-
tor, Practice Standards and Quality Division, Bethes-
da, MD; Teresa Rubio, Pharm.D., Director, ASHP
Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners, Bethesda,
MD.Miranda L. Baca, Pharm.D., Clinical Pharmacy
Specialist, VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System,
Reno, NV; Melissa Blair, Pharm.D., Wilmington, NC;
R. Keith Campbell, B.S., M.B.A., Washington State
University, College of Pharmacy, Pullman, WA; John
S. Clark, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, Assistant Director
of Pharmacy, Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins Hospi-
tal, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Mary-
land, School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD; Paul S.
Driver, Pharm.D., BCPS, Clinical Pharmacist, Inter-
nal Medicine, Oncology, St. Josephs Medical Cen-
ter, Lewiston, ID; Chad A. Panning, UW Family Prac-
tice Residency Program, Cheyenne, WY; Ayanna D.
Philips, Pharm.D., BCPS, Clinical Hospital Pharma-
cist, Internal Medicine, Jackson Memorial Hospi-
tal, Pharmacy Department, Miami, FL; Sherry Um-
hoefer, M.B.A., R.Ph., Vice President, Quality and
Compliance, McKesson Medication Management,
Brooklyn Park, MN; Maumi C. Villarreal, M.S., R.Ph.,
Chief of Patient Care Services & Assistant Professor
of Pharmacy Practice, Texas Tech University HSC,
School of Pharmacy, El Paso, TX; Laura C. Wachter,
M.A., R.Ph., Clinical Pharmacist I, The Johns Hop-
kins Hospital, Baltimore, MD.
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 7
The recommendations in this document are suffi-
ciently comprehensive and supported by evidence
to ensure that an empowered team of health care
professionals, charged with implementing the rec-
ommendations, has a strong basis for making nec-
essary changes to improve the insulin-use process.
Leaders must recognize, however, that a commit-
ment by top-management must exist to ensure that
the interdisciplinary team charged with implemen-
tation has the necessary resources, authority, and
organizational support to make what might be sig-
nificant changes in the interest of preventing pa-
tient harm associated with insulin use.
Leaders should consider the following:
Provide this document to the interdisciplinary
team that is responsible for leading safety and
quality improvement efforts in their organiza-
tions. At a minimum, the team should be com-
prised of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists.
The team should have a means to report on their
efforts directly to top executives in the organi-
Strive to link improving insulin-use safety to
broader efforts associated with encouraging and
implementing a culture of safety and making
your hospital among the safest in the country.
Remember that, year-after-year, insulin is con-
sistently implicated in causing the most prevent-
able patient harm in hospitals through report-
ing systems maintained by the U.S. Pharmacope-
ia and Institute for Safe Medication Practices.
Recognize that there are no quick-fixes to mak-
ing insulin use safer in your organization. The
comprehensive nature of this document reflects
the complexities of the process in which insu-
lin is used. As a starting point, use this docu-
ment as a means to determine where safety gaps
exist, and devise a plan with a reasonable time
frame to make the necessary changes, factoring
in culture and resources.
Make improving insulin-use safety a priority for
your board of regents and use this document as
a maker of ongoing progress toward designing
a system that provides the maximum number
of safeguards for patients.
8 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
This document contains a series of well-referenced
recommendations that, if implemented, will aug-
ment other efforts by your organization to protect
patients from preventable harm associated with
insulin and other medications. The breadth of the
recommendations reflects the inherent complexity
of the medication-use process in general and, spe-
cifically, the high-risk nature of insulin.
In addition to insulin, many of these recommen-
dations could apply to other high-risk medications.
Utilize this document first as a self-assessment tool
to determine where safety gaps might exist. Priori-
tize your findings based on the relative impact of a
failure in the system based on the likelihood of pa-
tient harm. Be reasonable in setting improvement
goals making sure your recommendations and ap-
proaches have sufficient buy-in by leaders and front-
line staff. Organizational culture and the subcul-
tures of various health care professions are major
determinants in the success of any improvement
efforts. Each recommendation is supported by a
crosswalk to relevant literature. Use that alignment
with the evidence to justify making the necessary
changes in how insulin is handled in your organi-
Strive to document the successes of your efforts
to improve insulin-use safety by encouraging staff
and others to share their individual and collective
experiences with the implemented improvements
in the process. Use those experiences to make chang-
es and adaptations that fit the unique needs of your
organization. And, as always, demonstrate your
commitment to a culture of safety by ensuring that
your experiences are shared with others through
national reporting systems such as those maintained
by USP, ISMP, and FDA MedWatch.
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 9
Statement of Purpose
Insulin is widely considered to be one of the most
important and beneficial drug discoveries of the
20th century. Its therapeutic benefits are undeni-
able when health care processes are designed with
appropriate safeguards. However, preventable pa-
tient harm associated with errors involving insulin
use continues to be a problem in many hospitals.
Despite the substantial attention to medication safe-
ty in general, and insulin safety specifically, evi-
dence over the past 10 years suggests that patient
injuries are still occurring. Insulin consistently ap-
pears as a top offender, leading to the most harm-
ful and severe adverse events on the list of high-
alert drugs published by the United States
Pharmacopeia (USP) and the Institute for Safe Med-
ication Practices (ISMP).
The purpose of this report is to assist health care
organizations and practitioners in improving the
safety and effectiveness of insulin use in hospital-
ized patients. This report strives to provide a com-
prehensive set of recommendations and, therefore,
incorporate and cite numerous and diverse resourc-
es. The recommended safer insulin therapy practic-
es guidelines are intended to meet and exceed cur-
rent regulatory and accreditation (JCAHO) standards
and recommendations of professional bodies [Amer-
ican Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
(AACE), American Diabetes Association (ADA),
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
(ASHP), ISMP, and USP] as well as to drive improve-
ments in the standards of care.
The format of this report as a list of best practic-
es characteristics was adapted from the ISMP, which
has successfully assisted organizations in medica-
tion-safety assessments and guided improvements.
Each of the recommendations includes its own set
of references. The referenced resources should be
used to provide additional information and specif-
ic details that will be necessary for effective imple-
mentation of safer insulin practices within health
care organizations.
Background and Statement
Twelve percent of patients discharged from hospi-
tals carry the diagnosis of diabetes, and up to twen-
ty-five percent of all hospitalized patients meet the
criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes (Clements, ADA
2005a). Factors such as medications and stress cause
many non-diabetic patients to develop hyperglyce-
mia while hospitalized. Insulin is used in both of
these populations to manage hyperglycemia. With
such frequent use of insulin comes the risk of error
and subsequent patient harm.
Types of insulin-use errors include
administration of a wrong dose,
administration to the wrong patient,
use of the wrong insulin type,
administration via the wrong route,
wrong timing of doses,
omission of doses,
failure to properly adjust insulin therapy, and
improper monitoring, timing, and assessment
of blood glucose (BG) results.
Factors contributing to insulin-use errors are nu-
merous: the use of abbreviations, failure to follow
the leading zero always/no trailing zero rules, leg-
ibility problems, calculation errors, measurement
errors, mis-timing of doses, sound-alike/look-alike
errors, decimal point errors, pump-setting errors,
drug therapy knowledge deficit, inadequate access
to and interpretation of accurate patient informa-
tion, and miscommunication (ISMP, USP). Imple-
mentation of recommended general medication-
safety practices (ASHP, ISMP) will reduce the risk to
patients from insulin-use errors. Practices that have
been suggested include pre-printed orders, standard-
ized insulin order sets, elimination of insulin slid-
ing dosage scales, elimination of commonly used
dangerous abbreviations, implementation of inde-
pendent second-person verifications, and others
(ISMP, Kowiatek, Santell, Smetzer, USP 2005). How-
ever, large gaps still exist in the implementation of
these practices, and even greater gaps exist in the
evidence documenting improvement in safety and
patient outcomes.
Prevention of hypoglycemia from unintention-
al insulin-use errors is only one aspect of safe and
effective insulin use. Data suggest that the most
common causes of both hypoglycemia and hyper-
glycemia are deficiencies in the use and monitor-
ing of insulin therapy (Smith, Winterstein). Addi-
tionally, emerging data on the benefits of improved
glycemic control for hospitalized patients make the
achievement of safe BG targets an important pa-
tient safety goal. Failure to appropriately manage
hospitalized patients hyperglycemia to achieve
tight control is now viewed by many experts
(Clements, AACE 2003, ADA 2005a) as a type of
medication error because therapy is not managed
effectively enough to reduce the risk of adverse
outcomes. Of course, the greatest risk of efforts to
achieve tighter BG control is hypoglycemia (Rubin,
Saleh). Thus, the safe and effective use of insulin in
hospitalized patients should be viewed as interde-
pendent processes.
Ensuring the safety of insulin therapy is a pre-
requisite to successful implementation of practices
10 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
to achieve the BG targets for hospitalized patients
currently being recommended (Clement, Cryer
2002b, Rubin, Saleh, Thompson). Given the need
for multiple system changes to optimize insulin
therapy, many recommendations provided in this
report are overarching medication-safety principles
integrated with recommendations for specifically
improving management of insulin therapy. Taken
together with other medication-safety recommen-
dations (ISMP, ASHP), these practices are likely to
improve the safety of insulin use in hospitals. This
report strongly encourages the use of overall safe-
medication practices within the context of an or-
ganization-wide comprehensive diabetes and hyper-
glycemia management system.
These guidelines provide practice recommenda-
tions, references, and tools to help hospitals assess
current practices and identify high-impact ap-
proaches to improving the insulin-use process,
emphasizing a detailed description of the charac-
teristics of a safe inpatient insulin-use system. Rec-
ommended potential best practices for safe and ef-
fective insulin use in hospitals were identified
through a wide variety of resources, including a
comprehensive review of the medical literature,
web-based searches, recommendations of profes-
sional organizations, review of relevant regulatory
requirements and accreditation standards, discus-
sions with medication-safety and diabetes care ex-
perts, and peer-to-peer communications. Many rec-
ommendations for insulin use in hospitals are based
on the comprehensive technical review by Clem-
ent et. al. (Clement), which is a reliable resource
for improving the use of insulin in hospitalized
patients. The medication-use policies, guidelines,
recommendations, and statements of ASHP, ISMP,
and the Institute for Health care Improvement (IHI)
(available at are suggested resources
for many best practices recommendations for safe
insulin use and medication-use systems in general.
Most recommendations for improving insulin
safety are based on experience and engineering
models of process improvement. Some have been
evaluated using controlled trials; however, applica-
bility will vary based on individual care environ-
ment characteristics. Whenever implementing rec-
ommended safety practices, organizations must
carefully assess the potential for risks associated with
changes and monitor for unintended consequenc-
es. These recommendations will likely require mod-
ification as changes in technology, drug therapy,
nutrition, and glucose monitoring occur and as fur-
ther evidence and experience related to improving
insulin-use safety become available. Such changes
will require an organized, sustained, and commit-
ted effort to be successfully implemented.
Considering the complexity of improving insulin
therapy safety in hospitals and lessons learned in
previous efforts, organizations should approach
insulin safety in a comprehensive and coordinated
manner. The impact of comprehensive medication-
safety practices is substantially greater than the sum
of its components. Recommended individual insu-
lin-safety practices will, if implemented, marginal-
ly improve safety, while implementation of com-
prehensive and coordinated improvements are
likely to have a major impact on patient outcomes.
The following are high-level recommendations nec-
essary for organizations to make significant change
in the safety and efficacy of insulin therapy:
1. The organization should designate a high-level
project leader/sponsor with overall responsibil-
ity for program success (IHI).
2. The insulin therapy multidisciplinary group
should coordinate and lead development of in-
stitutional policies and procedures for insulin
practices (IHI, ISMP).
3. Institutional policies should incorporate safe
medication practices in general, as well as prac-
tices specific to insulin (ASHP, IHI, ISMP).
4. Institutional policies should establish evidence-
based target standards for glycemic control for
patients in the hospital (ADA 2005, Clement).
5. Policies should require the ordering of all com-
ponents of insulin therapy in a defined format,
preferably using mandatory pre-printed, guide-
line-based order sets [or formatted computerized
prescriber order entry (CPOE) orders] for most
patients prescribed insulin. Order process design
should incorporate medication-safety principles
and evidence-based BG control standards (Clem-
ent, Rubin).
6. Insulin orders should prompt and facilitate or-
der transcription, pharmacist and nurse order
review, pharmacy computer order entry, and
nursing workflow.
7. Insulin orders should include (or refer to) de-
fined standards for laboratory and clinical in-
sulin therapy monitoring practices (Clement).
8. Insulin administration record, glucose monitor-
ing results, and carbohydrate intake should be
effectively displayed to allow caregivers to ac-
curately and efficiently assess data.
9. Institutional policies should promote and pro-
vide for the ongoing involvement of patients
and families in care processes.
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 11
How to Use the Guidelines
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospi-
tals are organized by patient care process compo-
nents. Each recommendation should be reviewed
and current practices compared with proposed safe
practices. References for each recommendation pro-
vide additional support and information specific to
the recommendation or regarding general medica-
tion-safety practices that apply to insulin use. Many
of the cited references also provide resources useful
as how-to examples in regards to the effective
implementation of these practices. Those referenc-
es listed in italics include useful tools such as ta-
bles, charts, reproductions of protocols, order sets,
documentation sheets, and teaching aids.
Accessing the referenced resources will assist you
in the building of a toolkit for improving insulin
therapy processes most applicable to individual care
settings. Institutions and groups using the guide-
lines are strongly urged to collect and share similar
tools obtained from other resources or developed
internally. Individual organizations will vary in
current practices, available resources, technologies,
need for improvement in insulin-use practices, avail-
able opportunities, and organizational priorities.
The specific process improvement sequence, tech-
niques, and methods used in implementation of
potential best practice recommendations will simi-
larly vary from organization to organization.
12 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
General Recommendations for the
Health Care Organization
Insulin therapy involves multiple care providers and
is undertaken throughout many areas of a hospi-
tal. In order to provide the safest possible use of
insulin therapy, organizations must implement sys-
tem-wide processes that reduce risk of error and
improve the management of insulin therapy. Many
recommendations for improving the safety of in-
sulin therapy involve application of general medi-
cation-safety practices as promoted by a number of
professional organizations (ASHP, ISMP, USP). Such
broad changes require organizational commitment
and leadership. It is worth emphasizing the need
for organizations to actively promote a culture of
safety and learning. The success of any effort will
be greatly enhanced when such an environment is
Establishing Organizational Structures
Institutions should identify or establish the high-
level organizational bodies and individuals in lead-
ership positions that will be responsible for spon-
soring and guiding efforts to improve insulin
therapy practices. Assigning responsibility for im-
provement at an appropriate level in the organiza-
tion assigns ownership, increases awareness, estab-
lishes priority, and allows for proper application of
resources. The Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T)
Committee and other appropriate bodies should
establish comprehensive safety-based policies and
procedures for the use of insulin within the institu-
tion. It is recommended that a multidisciplinary
team, including physicians (and endocrinologists
specifically), nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, diabe-
tes educators, laboratory staff, quality management
staff, and others, be tasked with developing, rec-
ommending, and implementing specific process
improvements related to insulin use. This team
would be expected to collaborate with all other rel-
evant components of the organization.
Establishing Evidence-Based Care
Institutions should establish standards for safe in-
sulin therapy practices and standards for glycemic
control in specific populations of hospitalized pa-
tients (ADA 2005a, Clement). These standards
should be evidence-based and developed by appro-
priate multidisciplinary care provider groups, ap-
proved by governing bodies, and disseminated,
implemented, and monitored properly. Such stan-
dards should be clear, comprehensive, and detailed.
A process for measurement of outcomes versus es-
tablished standards should be implemented. Simi-
larly, an active error-detection, reporting, and as-
sessment program focused on insulin therapy
should be established.
Specific guidelines and recommendations for
organization-wide safe insulin therapy practices are
provided in the table below. The care standards
should be periodically reviewed and modified based
on new evidence from the medical literature and
experiences within the organization.
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 13
General Recommendations
The organization should actively promote a culture of safety. Without such a
culture, the likelihood that effective insulin-safety practices will be implemented
and adhered to will be greatly reduced. Clear expectations for effective communi-
cation, coordination, and teamwork should be delineated, communicated, and
promoted. A non-punitive learning approach to error and error reporting should
be promoted.
The organization should implement general medication-use system and safety
recommendations as delineated by JCAHO, ASHP, ISMP, and other relevant organi-
zations and bodies. Such practices will directly impact the safety of insulin therapy
in a hospital.
The organization, through appropriate bodies, should develop and implement
specific system-based strategies for improving use and safety of insulin.
The P&T Committee, or similarly responsible organization-wide committee, should
determine and have oversight of the policies and procedures related to insulin use
in the organization and insulin products and administration devices to be stocked
and used within the organization. Safety concerns should be a significant part of
the Committees evaluation.
Through appropriate multidisciplinary committees, the organization should estab-
lish clear, comprehensive, and coordinated policies and procedures related to
insulin use. Policies should include education and competency requirements for all
involved staff. Access to policies should be readily available to staff. Compliance
with insulin therapyrelated policies should be monitored on a routine basis.
The organization should establish defined responsibilities for pharmacists in the
management of patients receiving insulin therapy.
The organization should have an active ongoing process for detecting, reporting,
and assessing adverse patient events related to insulin use. Organizations should
monitor the use of 50% dextrose and glucagon as triggers for case review to
determine if that use was associated with insulin therapy.
All cases of ketoacidosis or diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state occurring
while patients are inpatients should automatically prompt a root cause analysis
(RCA) to determine system causes or deficiencies.
Ongoing concurrent and retrospective review (such as frequency trending) of BG
measurements below an established minimum critical value (i.e., hypoglycemia)
and above a maximum value (i.e., hyperglycemia) should be implemented. Efficient
communication links to prescribers, nurses, dieticians, and pharmacists should
prompt a patient, nutrition, and drug therapy review.
The organization should have an active ongoing process for detecting, reporting,
and assessing process errors and other occurrences related to insulin use. The
program should include assessment of near-miss errors. Information should be
communicated to appropriate groups and individuals within the organization.
The organization should have an ongoing process to review and monitor prescrib-
ing practices related to insulin use.
The organization should regularly review compliance with completion of ordered
BG monitoring and insulin administration.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2005, Campbell,
Clement, Ku, Thompson
ADA, ASHP, Goldberg,
ADA 2004, Clement,
NCCLS, ISMP, Nichols,
Cavan, Davis, Gilman,
IHI, ISMP, Manning,
Quinn, Santell, Smith
Baldwin, Clement,
Kowiatek, Smith
ISMP, Gilman, Heatlie,
Kowiatek, Manning,
14 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Insulin therapy management process improvements in organizations should be data
driven. Information from active detection, practitioner review, laboratory BG
critical value alerts, error reports, as well as relevant internal and external informa-
tion should be used to guide insulin-use process improvements.
System changes related to insulin should be designed and evaluated through
structured methods such as failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). All changes
to insulin therapy managementrelated processes are monitored for success and
unintended consequences.
Insulin (all forms) should be designated as a High Alert medication within the
organization. The High Alert nature of insulin should be communicated to staff
because the common and widespread use of insulin may result in safety net work-
arounds and complacency by staff.
Strategies to reduce errors with insulin as a High Alert medication should be
delineated (e.g., use of independent double checks at critical process or error-
prone steps). Defined processes to recover from (ameliorate) insulin therapy errors
when they do occur should be delineated and communicated to the staff.
Hypoglycemia rescue agents (dextrose and glucagon) should be readily accessi-
ble throughout the organization. A standard method for management (e.g., protocol
or algorithm) of hypoglycemia should be approved, established, communicated,
and readily available to caregivers.
Important patient-specific information related to insulin use should be readily
available and effectively shared with all involved caregivers.
Standardized interpretation of language and terms should be in place across the
organization. Examples follow.
Prandial insulinrapid or short-acting insulin or insulin mix given prior to or
with meals
Basal insulinlong-acting insulin given once or twice daily
Correction or supplemental insulinrapid or short-acting insulin given to
reduce BG or added to prandial insulin
Finger stickbedside capillary blood glucose (CBG) monitoring
Insulin-deficient patientpatient requiring ongoing insulin therapy to avoid
Appropriate elements of the organization should be directed to establish appropri-
ate evidence-based target BG ranges for defined patient groups associated with
improved outcomes (e.g., critical care, acute MI, stroke patients).
Essential patient information should be obtained, accurately documented, and
accessible to all caregivers involved. Access to information regarding reconciled
inpatient medications and laboratory results is readily available to caregivers.
Access to medication and laboratory results for patients in outpatient settings
should be available.
IHI, ISMP, Kowatek,
Manning, Smith, Trence,
Clement, ISMP, Tomky
Baldwin, Clement, ISMP,
JCAHO, Smith, Thomp-
Baldwin, Clement, ISMP,
JCAHO, Smith
AACE, Clement, ADA
2005, Bryer-Ash,
Connor, Goldberg,
Finney, Van der Berghe
Baldwin, ISMP, JCAHO
General Recommendations References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 15
The organization should establish standardized procedures for the safe use of
insulin to achieve BG targets associated with improved patient outcomes. These
1. Protocols for continuous insulin infusions in various settings and patient
2. Protocols for high-risk transitions of insulin therapy (e.g., critical care infu-
sion to general ward).
3. Conversion from infusion to intermittent subcutaneous administration.
4. Patients not eating.
5. Patients who are eating intermittently.
6. Patients on continuous enteral nutrition.
7. Patients on intermittent enteral nutrition.
8. Patients on continuous parenteral nutrition.
9. Patients on cycled parenteral nutrition.
10. Perioperative and peri-procedural patients.
11. Pregnant and post-partum patients.
12. Hyperglycemic patients receiving high-dose glucocorticoid therapy.
13. Neonatal and pediatric patients.
Insulin algorithms used in the organization should be designed to improve caregiv-
er communication and coordination and assist in achieving BG targets recognizing
individual variability and intra-patient variability over time.
Protocols related to insulin use should be approved by appropriate organizational
bodies. Documents are readily available to caregivers.
A process for systematic review/updating and for ensuring use of only the most
recent version of approved protocols should be in place.
Protocols for insulin therapy should include both the generic and brand name(s) of
insulin products.
Problems and issues with use of approved protocols should be documented and
forwarded to appropriate individuals or groups.
All insulin therapy protocols and order sheets should be reviewed at least annually.
The organization should systematically implement appropriate alerts and warnings
to reduce risk of errors with insulin therapy:
1. Use TALLman lettering to distinguish between look-alike/sound-alike prod-
ucts (e.g., NovoLOG /NovoLIN, LantUS/LenTE).
2. Emphasize the word mix when such products (e.g., NovoLOG MIX 70/30)
are prescribed, dispensed, transcribed, labeled, and documented.
3. Use stickers and labels judiciously to distinguish products or call attention to
important information.
Appropriate warnings should appear in information systems (e.g., pharmacy, CPOE,
medication administration record) when medications that significantly alter BG
levels or insulin regimen requirements are started or stopped, or the dose is in-
creased (e.g., corticosteroids, oral hypoglycemics, quinolone antimicrobials).
Organizational policy should require that insulin orders in pediatric patients be
ordered in the format of units per kilogram with final calculated insulin dose
specified in the order by the prescriber. All weight-based dose calculations should
be independently re-calculated by the pharmacist and nurse.
Advocate Lutheran,
Campbell, Clement,
Dagogo-Jack, Furnary,
Lewis, Luther-Midelfort,
Middelfort, Markowitz,
Maynard, Moghissi,
OCallaghan, Provi-
dence Health, Quevedo,
Rubin, Shokough-Amri,
Trence, Zimmerman
Clement, Rubin
Clement, Smith
General Recommendations References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
16 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
General Recommendations References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Organizational policies should define and limit the use of insulin infusions and
dilutions to predetermined standard concentrations and solutions. All such products
should be prepared by the pharmacy.
The organization should specifically define circumstances in which insulin concen-
trations other than U-100 are used for intermittent subcutaneous doses (e.g., criteria
for use of U-500 insulin or use of diluted insulin).
Orders for diet (or lack thereof) should be available to reviewing pharmacists and
other individuals without ready access to the medical record. A system for alerting
caregivers should be in place when patients receiving insulin have orders written
for significant reductions in caloric intake.
The organization should have a process to alert the pharmacy and other appropri-
ate care providers whenever insulin-deficient patients are admitted or identified.
The institution should use a Consistent Carbohydrate Diabetes Meal-Planning
The organization should have an established process for patients demonstrating
hyperglycemia requiring insulin therapy during hospitalization to receive follow-up
evaluation for the presence of diabetes or pre-diabetic state.
The organization should have defined standards for interdisciplinary patient and
family education (and documentation thereof) related to insulin therapy.
The organization should have a defined standard for individualized interdiscipli-
nary discharge planning process for patients to be discharged taking insulin.
Organization should establish criteria and appropriate safety measures for the use
of insulin in treatment of severe hyperkalemia.
Needle stick injury prevention practices should be incorporated into all relevant
insulin therapy policies and procedures.
Infection control and sharps/waste disposal are incorporated into all relevant
insulin therapy policies and procedures.
Clement, JCAHO
ADA 2003, Swift
Clement 2004, JCAHO
ADA 2005a, ASHP,
Clements, Davis,
JCAHO, ISMP, Nettles
ADA 2005a, Clement,
Nettles, Thompson
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 17
Caregiver Competency
Safe insulin therapy is dependent upon the compe-
tency of staff providing care. Given the high fre-
quency and complexity of insulin use in hospital-
ized patients, and the inherent risks of insulin
therapy, organizations should implement a system-
atic process to ensure the initial and ongoing com-
petency of all staff involved in the care of patients
receiving insulin therapy. Minimum expected
knowledge base and staff competencies should be
defined in detail for each caregiver role, and all in-
volved staff should be made aware of the roles and
expectations of other caregivers in providing insu-
lin therapy. Staff should be made aware of, and
should adhere to, organization policies and proce-
dures related to insulin therapy. Recommendations
for general staff competency related to safer insu-
lin practices are provided in the table below.
Caregiver Competency
New employee training and prior experience related to use of insulin should be
formally assessed, and any deficiency addressed, prior to allowing the individual to
independently care for patients using insulin.
All involved in the care of patients treated with insulin should be appropriately
oriented to the specific organizational policies, procedures, practices, and equip-
ment used in that care.
Because insulin therapy is a dynamic process in hospitalized patients, it is neces-
sary that caregivers possess the knowledge to make critical decisions. All individu-
als who prescribe, dispense, prepare, administer, and monitor insulin should
demonstrate knowledge and have ready access to information regarding insulin
therapy management, including but not limited to:
1. Diabetes and hyperglycemia.
2. Hypoglycemia and its treatment.
3. Names (brand and generic) of available insulin products and formulations.
4. Indications for insulin.
5. Routes of insulin administration.
6. Measuring insulin doses.
7. Appropriate mixing of insulin in the same syringe.
8. Appropriate dosages.
9. Onset, peak, and duration of action of insulin types.
10. Appropriate timing of insulin administration.
11. Appropriate assessments of patient medical and medication history.
12. Appropriate clinical and laboratory monitoring procedures and assessment of
13. Appropriate assessment of nutritional intake.
14. Potential insulin adverse effects.
15. Cautions and warnings for insulin therapy.
16. Potential drugdrug interactions.
17. Potential for errors in providing insulin therapy.
18. Proper storage and handling of insulin products and devices.
19. Specifics regarding practices for safe insulin use within the organization.
Critical new information regarding insulin therapy and insulin products is effective-
ly communicated to all caregivers.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Baldwin, Fajtova,
Clement, ADA 2003,
ADA 2005a, JCAHO,
Baldwin, Brigham
Womens, JCAHO, ISMP,
Gilman, Manning,
Heatlie, Nettles
ADA, Clement, Gilman,
Heatlie, Hirsch 2005,
Manning, Nettles, Smith,
Clement, ISMP
18 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
The organization should have a process for periodic competency assessment of
caregivers involved in insulin therapy management.
The organization utilizes information obtained from insulin error reporting and
monitoring to improve staff education and competency processes.
Clement, ISMP
Baldwin, IHI, Kowiatek,
JCAHO, Smith, USP,
Caregiver Competency References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 19
Patient Information: Collection,
Documentation, and Availability
Availability and use of patient information is nec-
essary for the safe use of medications in hospital-
ized patients. Current standards require that impor-
tant patient information is readily accessible to
caregivers (JCAHO 2005). Organizations should es-
tablish specific procedures for obtaining, document-
ing, and communicating information critical to the
safe use of insulin therapy. Recommendations for
organizations are provided below and apply to all
patients with insulin orders.
Patient Information
Patient history of diabetes should be clearly identified in the medical record.
Diagnosis of diabetes is communicated to the pharmacy and to nutrition services.
Patients should be assessed to determine if they are insulin deficient or non-
deficient (able to produce endogenous insulin). Assessment should be documented.
Patients determined to be insulin deficient must be treated with insulin at all times
to avoid ketoacidosis. Insulin-deficient patients include the following (Clement
1. Type 1 diabetics
2. Pancreatectomy or pancreatic dysfunction
3. History of wide fluctuations in BG
4. History of diabetic ketoacidosis
5. Insulin use for 5 years or more or diabetes for more than 10 years
An accurate and complete medication history is obtained, reconciled, and record-
ed for all patients. This history includes over-the-counter products, complementary
and alternative medications, and nutritional supplements. Medication history is
communicated to the pharmacy.
Patients should be asked to bring their insulin as well as other medications to the
hospital for visual validation. Medications brought to the hospital should not be left
with the patient unless they are part of a self-administration program consistent
with all accreditation and legal standards. Patient medications not used in the
hospital should be stored appropriately or provided to family members/others to be
returned to the patients home.
An accurate and complete history of current insulin therapy should be obtained
and recorded.
1. Type of insulin(s) (brand and formulation)
2. Storage of insulin
3. Dose(s) of insulin(s)
4. Times of dose administration for each insulin type
5. Route of administration
6. Use of other hypoglycemic agents
7. BG monitoring plan, including device used and site of blood sampling
8. Dose modifications based on dietary intake and measured BG
9. Usual dietary intake and/or meal patterns
10. Compliance with dietary plan
11. Sleep-wake patterns
12. Hypoglycemic episodes, hypoglycemic symptoms
13. Typical BG control patterns
14. Hyperglycemic episodes
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2005, Clement
Clement 2004
Baldwin, Fajtova, ASHP,
Baldwin, Fajtova,
Clement, JCAHO, ISMP
20 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
15. Compliance with insulin regimen
16. Compliance with BG monitoring plan
17. Hemoglobin A1c levels
18. Past /known effects of concurrent drug therapies, medical conditions, and
nutritional intake on BG control and insulin dose regimen needs
19. Assessment of patient understanding/knowledge of diabetes and treatment
Organizations should consider implementation of standardized forms for medica-
tion and insulin therapy documentation, which prompt collection of pertinent
Insulin and other medications for diabetes orders are reconciled as patients transi-
tion from one care environment to another within the organization.
Insulin and other medications for diabetes prescriptions are reconciled with pre-
admission use as well as changes made during hospitalization.
IHI, JCAHO, Thompson
Patient Information References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 21
Prescribing Practices
Prescribers and prescribing practices play a key role
in safe insulin use. Prescribers commonly initiate
the cascade of care events involved in the provi-
sion of insulin therapy to patients. Organizations
should develop and implement safe prescribing
Prescribing Practices
Insulin should only be prescribed by individuals with knowledge of insulin therapy,
glucose control strategies, and insulin monitoring in hospitalized patients.
Individuals prescribing insulin should be familiar with the patients medical history
related to insulin and other hypoglycemic agent use.
Prescribers should actively participate in communications with the patient and
family regarding insulin therapy while in the hospital and upon discharge.
The prescriber should actively lead and coordinate insulin-related care and effec-
tively communicate with other caregivers involved with the patient.
The prescriber should appropriately respond in a timely fashion to any and all
patient, family, and other caregiver concerns regarding insulin therapies.
Insulin therapy should be ordered in a standardized format or by using pre-printed
or electronic order sets that prompt appropriate guideline-directed orders.
Orders for insulin should include:
1. At least two patient identifiers.
2. Specific indication for use of insulin with appropriate terminology of insulin
therapy defined by the organization (e.g., insulin-deficient patient, basal,
prandial, supplemental, correction dose, etc.).
3. Target range of therapy in terms of control of hyperglycemia and lower limits
of BG.
4. Insulin type(s)all orders for insulin without qualifying type of insulin
(e.g., regular, NPH, lente, aspart, glargine, lispro) must be clarified prior to
administration. For greatest clarity, provide both generic and brand name of
insulin product.
5. Dose(s) for each insulin type.
6. Specific time of administration (or preferably use of organization standard
times), either as specific time of day (clock hour) or as time prior to or with
food or meals.
7. BG monitoring regimen specified by time of day and/or as time prior to food
or meals.
8. Specific insulin dose regimen adjustment based on dietary intake and/or BG
9. Route of administration.
10. Orders for management of hypoglycemia.
11. Description of the role of the patient in management of insulin therapy.
12. Patient-specific issues and care needs.
practices and procedures. These procedures should
be designed to appropriately direct care through
clear and complete orders, and establish expecta-
tions for communication with patients and other
caregivers responsibilities. Recommendations for
safe insulin prescribing practices are provided in the
table below.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Baldwin, Fajtova, ISMP,
JCAHO, Thompson
Baldwin, Campbell,
Clement, Dagogo-Jack,
Levetan 2002, Metchik,
Moghissi, Quevedo,
Thompson, Trence
Baldwin, Fajtova,
Clement, ISMP, JCAHO,
Manning, Smith, Thomp-
22 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Handwritten insulin therapy orders or handwritten components of pre-printed order
sets should be legible. All illegible orders should be clarified in writing prior to
Insulin therapy orders are clearly written. Ambiguous insulin therapy orders are
clarified in writing prior to administration.
The abbreviation u or U should not be used for units. The word units must be
written in full.
Leading zeroes should be used before all decimal points when insulin is ordered.
No trailing zeroes should be used following decimal points.
No prohibited abbreviations as determined by the organization should be used.
Verbal and telephone orders for insulin should be minimized and used only when
necessary in urgent medical situations. In all cases, such orders should be immedi-
ately transcribed into the patients medical record and then read back to the
prescriber for confirmation.
All orders for standing regimens (i.e., not correction doses) of rapid or short-acting
insulins (including insulin mix products) should be ordered to be given at an
appropriate time prior to or with meals rather than a specific time of day or as a
number of times per day # (e.g., twice daily or B.I.D. should not be used).
All patients receiving insulin should have BG monitored. BG measurements should
be ordered to be done at appropriate times and evaluated at least daily. Appropriate
adjustments of basal and/or prandial insulin dose regimen are made.
A plan for increased patient monitoring early in hospitalization should be in place
for appropriate patients because hypoglycemia commonly occurs with change in
caloric intake as patients are transitioned from outpatient to inpatient settings.
Standardized correction, supplemental, or adjustment insulin dose orders should be
established and ordered in a standard format, using CPOE, or approved pre-printed
order sheets.
Only regular, aspart, or lispro insulins should be used for adjustment, supplemen-
tal, or correction doses.
Intermittent sliding scale insulin regimens should not be used alone to manage
hyperglycemia in diabetic patients. Hyperglycemia commonly occurs when sliding
scale insulin dosing is used without basal insulin therapy or continuation of oral
Type I diabetics should have orders to continue basal insulin at appropriately
adjusted doses when patients are not eating (except for temporary discontinuation
due to significant hypoglycemia) and receive a parenteral source of dextrose.
Non-specific orders such as titrate insulin drip to target BG range should not be
allowed in the organization. Instead provide specific titration parameter or refer to
an established standard process.
All insulin infusions (critically ill, non-critically ill, severe hyperglycemic, DKA
patients) should only be ordered using approved protocols, algorithms, or order
Baldwin, Fajtova,
Clement, Thompson
Clement, Thompson
Clement, Thompson
Advocate Lutheran,
Baldwin, Clement,
Maynard, Metchik,
Mohissi, Quevedo
ADA 2005, Baldwin,
Clement, Thompson
Clement, ADA 2003
Clement, Goldberg, Ku,
Moghissi, Quevedo,
Trence, Zimmerman
Prescribing Practices References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 23
Protocols for insulin should consider both the actual BG levels and the rate of
change of BG over time.
Alteration or modification of approved insulin protocols should only be allowed as
approved by the organization.
Approved insulin protocols should not require or should minimize the use of
The use of insulin infusions should automatically trigger the use of frequent and
defined monitoring of BG.
Insulin infusion solutions ordered should be standardized and limited in number.
All insulin dilutions and admixtures should be prepared by the pharmacy.
Transition from insulin infusion to subcutaneous insulin should be ordered using an
approved format, CPOE, or pre-printed order sheet so as to provide clear and
complete instructions. Orders for transition should include an order to administer
subcutaneous insulin prior to discontinuation of the insulin infusion (short-acting
insulins are administered 1 to 2 hours prior to discontinuation, while intermediate
or long-acting insulins are administered 2 to 3 hours before infusion discontinua-
Orders for perioperative administration of insulin therapy should be established and
written using a predetermined format or using established format, CPOE, or pre-
printed order sets or protocols.
Practices for insulin use for patients receiving parenteral nutrition are established
and written using a predetermined format or using established pre-printed order
sets or protocols.
Insulin therapy for hyperglycemic patients on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or
with unstable BG or fluctuating dextrose administration should not be initially
ordered to be added to TPN solutions, but rather should be administered as a
separate standard insulin infusion. Insulin may subsequently be added to the TPN
when the patients TPN dextrose requirement is determined to be stable. All orders
for insulin infusions with TPN should include orders for managing the insulin
infusion (such as stop the insulin, reduce insulin dose, and/or monitor BG) if the
TPN solution infusion is stopped or significantly reduced and prescriber contacted.
The prescriber should assess the need for adjustment of insulin regimens whenever
changes in concurrent drug therapy occur.
The prescriber should assess the need for adjustment of insulin regimens whenever
changes in dietary intake or fluid therapy occur. Changes in patient caloric intake
are one of the most common causes of hypoglycemia in hospitalized patients.
The prescriber should assess the need for adjustment of insulin therapy whenever
significant changes in the patients medical condition(s) occur.
Attempts should be made to simplify insulin regimens while achieving glycemic
control goals.
The prescriber should appropriately respond to any and all patient, family, and
other caregiver concerns regarding insulin therapies.
Clement, Maynard
Clement, Maynard
Clement, Coursin,
Dagogo-Jack, Levetan,
ADA 2005, Baldwin,
Fajtova, Clement,
ADA 2005, Clement,
Baldwin, Fajtova,
Clement, Levetan,
Moghissi, Smith
Prescribing Practices References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
24 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Prescribing Practices References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
When used, CPOE systems include appropriate alerts to reduce risk of error in
insulin prescribing. CPOE systems should alert prescribers to unsafe orders, appro-
priateness of dose regimens, drug interactions, and dietary interactions, and should
prompt use of organization-specific protocols and orders for BG monitoring. CPOE
systems include proper alerts to reduce the risk of error from confusion related to
various insulin products. CPOE insulin orders should be formatted in a guideline-
directed manner, linking appropriate medication, diet, and monitoring orders.
ISMP, Smetzer,
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 25
Order Transcription
Order transcription is a critical step in the medica-
tion-use process as it translates prescribers orders
into a document (e.g., the medication administra-
tion record or MAR), which defines how treatment
will be provided. This process will vary consider-
ably from institution to institution, and often with-
in an institution. Institutions should carefully eval-
uate their practices for transcribing insulin orders
utilizing available information of internal error re-
ports and performing FMEA. Ongoing monitoring
of insulin transcribing practices is highly recom-
Order Transcription
A defined organization-wide process for transcription of insulin therapy orders and
BG monitoring orders should be delineated and implemented. The transcription
process should be standardized, allowing variance between patient care units only
when necessary. Staff transcribing insulin orders and BG monitoring orders should
be specifically trained to transcribe insulin orders, and their competency should be
assessed on a regular basis.
Orders for insulin and BG monitoring should be completely and accurately tran-
scribed into the MAR and presented in such a way as to provide clear insulin
therapy directions.
Pharmacy-generated MAR (paper or electronic) should be used if technology is
Handwritten transcribed orders should be easily legible and unambiguous.
If MAR is NOT pharmacy generated, a process should be in place to reconcile the
MAR with the pharmacy medication profile prior to administration of insulin.
The abbreviation u or U should not be used for the word units. The word
units is always spelled out completely.
Leading zeroes should be used before all decimal points. No trailing zeroes should
be used following decimal points.
No prohibited abbreviations should be used.
The organization should have a process for an independent double check of
transcribed insulin orders and BG monitoring orders. The double check should be
documented. No insulin should be administered until the double check has been
completed and documented.
All scheduled prandial doses of rapid or short-acting insulin will be transcribed to a
specific time in minutes prior to meals or with meals (for rapid-acting insulins).
Patients identified as insulin deficient and requiring regular insulin therapy should
have their status clearly documented in the MAR.
All concerns, confusion, or uncertainties regarding insulin orders identified during
transcription should be resolved with the prescriber prior to insulin administration.
When handwritten MARs are used:
1. Minimize the number of pages used and fragmentation of insulin-related
2. Transcribe all insulin orders together.
3. Insulins to be administered together in one syringe (e.g., mixing regular and
NPH prior to administration) are always transcribed together.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Gilman, ISMP, JCAHO,
Manning, Smith
ISMP, JCAHO, Gilman,
Manning, Smith
ISMP, JCAHO, Kowiatek
ISMP, JCAHO, Kowiatek
ISMP, JCAHO, Kowiatek
Clement, Heatlie,
Gilman, Manning, Smith
26 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Order Review, Distribution,
Preparation, and Dispensing
Pharmacy practices related to insulin therapy play
a central role in safe insulin therapy for hospital-
ized patients. Critical components include access
controls, such as limitations on stocked items, safe
storage, and restricted access to insulins and phar-
macy-based insulin product preparation practices.
Due to the variable nature of insulin therapy in
hospitalized patients, traditional safety- based con-
trol practices (e.g., unit dosing) are not always pos-
sible, and implementation of other safety strategies
is required.
Pharmacists review of insulin orders and thera-
py is also often limited because of inadequate ac-
cessibility to, availability of, and/or inefficient pro-
cesses to obtain patient-specific information.
Improving both the access to information and pro-
vision of training in appropriate data assessment
will enhance the ability of pharmacists to improve
insulin safety.
Order Review, Distribution, Preparation, and Dispensing
The pharmacy should routinely stock only those insulin products approved by the
P&T Committee or other responsible body. The organization should use single
brand source for each insulin type. Product safety should be considered in the
approval process.
Pharmacists should have the therapeutic skills and knowledge of organization-
specific practices to competently review insulin therapyrelated orders and to
prepare and dispense insulin products.
The pharmacy should establish a standard process for pharmacist review of insulin
The pharmacy computer should include appropriate alerts and decision support
elements to reduce error risk.
Pharmacy technicians involved in distribution and preparation of insulin products
should be educated regarding the high-alert status of insulin, appropriate safety
practices, and consequences of error.
All orders for insulin should be reviewed by a pharmacist prior to administration
except in an emergency when the drug is under the direct supervision of a licensed
independent practitioner.
Insulin order review should include:
1. Positive patient identification using two identifiers.
2. Completeness of order (see section on prescribing practices).
3. Appropriate regimen for specific insulin products.
4. Appropriateness of doses and dose regimens.
5. Timing of doses in relation to meals.
6. Monitoring of BG has been ordered.
7. Appropriateness of dosage adjustments.
8. Potential drug interactions.
9. Potential for error and confusion.
10. Presence of orders for treatment of hypoglycemia.
The following information is readily available to the pharmacist reviewing insulin
1. Indication for use of insulin.
2. Insulin-dependent status (i.e., whether patient is insulin deficient).
3. Goals of insulin therapy.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ASHP, Fajtova, ISMP,
JCAHO, Kowiatek, Smith
ASHP, Clement, ISMP,
JCAHO, Kowiatek,
Smith, USP
Baldwin, Fajtova,
Clement, Grissinger
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 27
4. Patient co-morbidities.
5. Concurrent medications.
6. Prior insulin use and response.
7. Patient age, weight, and height.
Required actions when insulin orders are incomplete, ambiguous, or raise any
concerns should be clearly defined.
Archived information regarding patients medication use for past hospitalizations is
readily available.
Pharmacists should independently check weight-based dose calculations for all
insulin doses ordered for patients weighing less than 50 kilograms, or those ordered
using a weight-based dose equation.
The pharmacy computer should alert the pharmacist when orders for insulin fall
outside pre-determined dose limits based on total amount of insulin or based on a
unit-per-kilogram basis. A limit using unit per kilogram should be used for all
patients weighing less than 50 kg.
The pharmacy computer should be directly linked to the laboratory computer, or
the reviewing pharmacist should have real-time access to the laboratory computer.
The pharmacy should have easy access to point-of-care (bedside) BG monitoring
The pharmacy should be informed when insulin-deficient patients are admitted or
identified. The pharmacy should contact prescribers when insulin is not ordered or
is discontinued for identified insulin-deficient patients.
Insulins should be purchased, obtained, and stored in the pharmacy in such a
manner as to reduce the chance of wrong product selection:
1. Look-alike/sound-alike products should be separated within storage areas
(e.g., refrigerators).
2. Only regular insulin (lispro and aspart if subcutaneous insulin pumps are also
prepared) should be stored in the parenteral products area.
3. Appropriate labels/signs and separation should be used to differentiate
insulin products and reduce risk of wrong product selection.
4. TALLman lettering should be used in labeling of insulin storage areas
Pharmacists should be specifically trained to enter insulin orders into the pharmacy
computer system so as to produce organization-established labels, warnings,
medication administration records, and patient profiles.
The pharmacy computer should include appropriate alerts to reduce the risk of
error in prescribing. Pharmacy computer systems should alert pharmacists to unsafe
orders, appropriateness of dose regimens, drugdietary interactions, prompt use of
organization-specific protocols, and orders for BG monitoring. Pharmacy computer
systems should include proper formatting, structure, and alerts to reduce risk of
error from confusion related to various insulin products.
If CPOE is available, the system should interface with the pharmacy system.
An independent double check (properly documented) and/or machine-readable
verification should be required whenever insulin products are dispensed from the
pharmacy or placed in unit-based medication dispensing cabinets.
Clement, JCAHO
Smith, Santell, USP
Order Review, Distribution, Preparation, and Dispensing References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
28 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
The pharmacy should dispense individual supplies of insulin products labeled with
specific patient name and second identifier (e.g., insulin products should not be
shared among different patients). If doses of insulin are included on the label, they
are listed as units or units = ml, but not ml alone.
The pharmacy should prepare individual patient-scheduled doses of intermediate
(NPH) or long-acting insulins (glargine, detimer) unless these products are provided
as individual patient insulin devices (e.g., insulin pens) or given mixed with short-
acting agents (NPH).
Insulin administration devices (e.g., Innolets) should be labeled on the device itself,
not the removable cover.
The pharmacy should use appropriate auxiliary labels to alert and differentiate
insulin products when appropriate.
Floor stocks of insulins should be minimized or eliminated. If floor stocks of insulin
are available, only regular insulin should be available as a stock item on patient
care units. Access to the floor stock supply should be limited and controlled.
Removal from floor stock should require an independent second check prior to
administration. Specific clinical situations requiring access to floor stock insulin
(e.g., severe hyperkalemia) should be defined and monitored. In such emergent
situations, an independent double check by two professionals should occur.
Insulin should not be available to be removed from unit-based medication dispens-
ing cabinets without review of insulin orders by a pharmacist. If override of con-
trols is allowed (and must be defined by the organization) in emergent situations,
an independent double check by two professionals should occur and an explana-
tion for override provided. When removed, insulin products should be properly
labeled with the patients name and second identifier, as well as expiration date.
Insulin products should be maintained in a secure manner at all times.
All insulin infusions and diluted insulins should be prepared in the pharmacy.
A limited number of standard concentrations are used for insulin infusions. All
insulin infusions will undergo an independent double check prior to dispensing.
A limited number of standard insulin dilutions should be prepared using appropri-
ate diluting solution. All insulin dilutions should undergo an independent double
check prior to dispensing. Special warnings and labels should be considered for
placement on the diluted insulin to alert caregivers.
All insulins should be measured using appropriately sized insulin syringes marked
in units. Tuberculin and other syringes should not be used unless preparing
intravenous solutions requiring doses greater than 100 units.
All pharmacy-prepared parenteral insulin products should be prepared in compli-
ance with USP Chapter 797 standards.
Institutional procedures should be established regarding potential insulin dose
delivery variability due to binding to IV bags and tubing. Procedures should be
established to minimize dose variability when IV tubing is changed. Considerations
should include insulin concentration, infusion flow rates, clinical application, and
patient characteristics.
ISMP, JCAHO, Smetzer,
Clement, ISMP, JCAHO
ADA 2005, Clement,
Ling, USP
Order Review, Distribution, Preparation, and Dispensing References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 29
Order Review, Distribution, Preparation, and Dispensing References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
The dextrose content of intravenous drug solutions used in insulin therapy patients
should be assessed and communicated to other patient caregivers.
Pharmacy-generated MARs should include specific administration times or time
prior to meals for all standing insulin doses.
Pharmacy-generated MARs should include appropriate warnings and alerts related
to insulin therapy.
When a patient is prescribed more than one type of insulin, pharmacy-generated
MARs should clearly discriminate between insulin types.
The pharmacy should routinely inspect patient care areas for unauthorized, unla-
beled, and non-secure insulin products and actively remove any unauthorized
insulin products from patient care units.
Insulin should never be borrowed from or shared with another patient.
Insulin should not be stored at the bedside unless secure and under control of the
nurse even when patients are performing self-management. When insulin is
needed, the insulin should be obtained and provided to the patient for observed
administration, then returned to secure storage area.
Use of patients own insulin supply is allowed only as defined by organizational
policies. If patients own insulin is allowed, independent verification of product by
pharmacist, nurse, or prescriber is performed and documented.
Non-formulary insulin products should be obtained and dispensed according to
institutional policies and procedures. Prior to dispensing a non-formulary insulin
product, appropriate communication, staff education, and safety measures should
be implemented.
The pharmacy should establish a process for ongoing review of changes in insulin
orders, and pharmacists should routinely review patient responses to ordered
insulin therapy and make suggestions for changes when appropriate.
Pharmacists should communicate with prescribers, nurses, dieticians, patients, and
others to coordinate insulin therapy.
Pharmacists with special training or knowledge/experience in the management of
insulin therapy in hospitalized patients should be available for consultation.
Clement, ISMP, Gilman,
Manning, Smith
ISMP, JCAHO, Smetzer
Baldwin, ISMP, Smith
30 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Safe insulin administration practices result from
implementation of both safe administration proce-
dures as well as recommended changes in all other
components of the process (e.g., organizational,
information, prescribing, transcribing, dispensing,
monitoring, and patient education). Changes
throughout the insulin-use system support the care-
giver and reduce risk for error when administering
insulin. Because administration is one of the sharp
points of care provision, effective safety practices
at this step of the process are critical.
Nurses or other caregivers administering insulin should be knowledgeable about
insulin products and their use, management of glycemia in complex hospitalized
patients, recognition and management of hypoglycemia, and proper methods for
bedside monitoring.
The following information should be readily available to the nurse reviewing
insulin orders and/or administering insulin:
1. Indication for use of insulin
2. Insulin-dependency status
3. Goals of insulin therapy
4. Patient co-morbidities
5. Concurrent medications
6. Prior insulin use and response
7. Patient age, weight, and height
8. Most recent BG measurement results
Insulin therapy orders should be reviewed for appropriateness prior to administra-
tion. All concerns should be resolved prior to insulin administration.
Insulin should not be administered until a pharmacist has reviewed the latest
insulin order(s), unless there is an emergent need and the drug is under the supervi-
sion of a licensed independent prescriber.
Insulin orders should not be carried out until the order transcription has been
verified and documented for accuracy by an independent double check.
Insulin should not be stored at the bedside unless secure and under control of the
nurse even when patients are performing self-management. When insulin is
needed, it should be obtained and provided to the patient for observed administra-
tion, then returned to a secure storage area.
Patient nutrition status should be considered prior to administration of all insulin
All correction, supplemental, or adjustment doses of insulin should be based on
bedside BG measurements taken immediately prior to insulin administration along
with appropriate assessment of nutritional (carbohydrate) intake and prior insulin
doses and responses to insulin.
Rapid-acting insulins (and rapid-acting insulin mix products) should be adminis-
tered only when meals are being consumed or present on the unit available for the
patient to start to consume within 15 minutes.
Only insulin syringes should be used to measure insulin doses.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Baldwin, Brigham
Womens, Gilman,
Heatlie, ISMP, JCAHO,
Baldwin, Brigham
ADA 2005, ADA 2003,
ADA 2005, Clement,
Gilman, Heatlie, Man-
Clement, Smith
ADA 2005, ADA 2003,
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 31
All measured insulin doses should be confirmed by independent checks by two
Practices for mixing insulins, including which insulins can be mixed, should be
defined by the organization. Individuals mixing insulins should be properly trained
and demonstrate competency. Mixing of insulins should be performed using proper
aseptic technique.
Insulin should be administered using appropriate safety procedures:
1. Proper patient identification using two identifiers (e.g., compare arm band to
MAR or by bar-code identification) plus positive verbal verification by patient
asking to state name and date of birth.
2. Insulin should be measured only using correct size insulin syringes or
appropriate insulin delivery devices (e.g., insulin pens).
3. Insulins should be mixed only according to manufacturers recommenda-
4. An independent double check with another caregiver should occur prior to
administration that includes ordered dose, insulin type, and measured dose.
5. Whenever appropriate, patient and/or family should provide additional
double check.
6. Patient should be evaluated for signs or symptoms of hypoglycemia.
7. When insulin doses are measured in an insulin syringe, the doses should be
prepared at the patients bedside.
8. The MAR should be brought into the patients room during administration,
unless prohibited by policy such as infection control concerns.
Practices for proper subcutaneous injection of insulin should be defined, including
choice of injection site(s), rotation of injection sites, documentation of injection
site, site preparation, and injection technique.
All insulin infusions should be administered using an IV pump with free-flow
protection. Insulin infusions should be delivered using only approved infusion
devices that the nurse is familiar with and competent to use.
Insulin infusions should be administered using smart pump technology with
appropriately defined maximum and minimum infusion rates, alerts, and override
Pre-printed guides to appropriate setting of IV pumps should be used, even when
smart pump technology is available.
An independent double check of insulin infusion product and IV pump setting
should be done each time a new insulin IV infusion bag is hung.
The distal ends of IV insulin lines should be clearly and boldly labeled.
Documentation of insulin administration should occur immediately following
administration while at the bedside.
The organization should implement bedside bar-code reconciliation processes to
confirm insulin product, patient, and time of administration.
Insulin doses or dose changes in response to a BG measurement should be docu-
mented as both the time and result of the BG and the insulin dose administered.
The patients own insulin pumps are only used as defined by the organization.
Administration References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2003c, ADA 2005,
Clement, RNAO
ADA, ADA 2003c, ADA
2005, Clement, ISMP,
ADA 2003c, ADA 2005,
Clement, JCAHO, RNAO
British Columbia, IHI
Baldwin b
32 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Administration References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
When patients own insulin pumps or devices are used, institution policies should
specifically define safety practices and responsibilities of the patient, nurse, pre-
scriber, pharmacy, and other appropriate departments.
If the organization allows self-management using the patients own insulin, insulin
pump, or device, all institution policies for insulin should be adhered to. Insulin
should not be stored at the bedside, allowing unsupervised access. Patient self-
monitoring, insulin administration, and documentation is always observed by the
nurse and confirmed in the medical record.
JCAHO, Baldwin b
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 33
Monitoring and Documentation
The clinical and laboratory monitoring of patients
and the response to the results of the monitoring
are major determinants of safe and effective insu-
lin use. Appropriate monitoring requires that care-
givers possess both technical skills and clinical
knowledge of insulin therapy. Documentation
Monitoring and Documentation
Patients receiving insulin therapy should receive appropriate clinical and laboratory
monitoring, including:
1. Clinical monitoring for signs or symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
2. BG monitoring.
The organization should adhere to the principles outlined in the ADA Position
Statement on Bedside BG Monitoring in Hospitals:
1. Clear administrative responsibility should be delineated.
2. Well defined policy/procedure manual should be available.
3. Training program for individuals performing the testing should be in place.
4. Effective and comprehensive quality control procedures should be in place.
5. Regularly scheduled equipment maintenance should be performed.
6. Staff performing BG monitoring should be appropriately trained, and ongoing
competency should be assessed and documented.
Appropriate bedside monitoring of BG should be ordered and provided for all
patients receiving insulin.
Standards for minimum frequency for monitoring of BG should be established by
the organization. For example, minimum requirements could include:
1. Patients who are eating: pre meals and at bedtime.
2. Patients not eating: every 46 hours.
3. Infusions: every hour initially until stable, then every 2 hours.
Monitoring of BG by unit personnel should be under the direction and supervision
of the hospital clinical laboratory services.
Accuracy and correlation of capillary and BG measurements should be closely
The presence of patient factors that may cause errors in bedside BG monitoring
should be identified, documented, and communicated. Examples of such factors
would include:
1. Low hematocrit
2. High hematocrit
3. Shock and dehydration
4. Hypoxia
5. Hyperbilirubinemia
6. Severe lipemia
Use of alternate site capillary BG monitoring should generally not be used in hos-
pitalized patients because such measurements fail to detect rapid changes in BG.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2005a, Clement,
Smith, Thompson
ADA 2004, Clement,
bilt MC
ADA 2005, Clement,
ADA 2005, Campbell,
Clement, Smith, Thomp-
son, Tomky
ADA 2004, NCCL,
ADA 2004, Clement,
NCCLS, Nichols, Sacks
ADA 2004, Clement,
NCCLS, Nichols, Sacks
methods and communication of insulin therapy
monitoring results should be easily correlated with
insulin therapy and nutritional intake (Heatlie, Gil-
man, Manning, Smith). Appropriate warnings,
alerts, and communication processes should be in
place when monitoring identifies defined critical
values or clinical findings.
34 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Standing BG monitoring times should be defined and standardized for similar
patient populations across the institution and coincide with the time meals served
when appropriate.
Given the complexity of performing bedside glucose monitoring during insulin
therapy, specific policies and procedures and useful tools to assist caregivers in this
process should be developed.
Given the complexity of performing bedside glucose monitoring during insulin ther-
apy, targeted staff training and monitoring of this process should be implemented.
The organization should ensure proper blood sampling when blood is drawn
through an IV site to avoid false-positives due to sampling through lines containing
dextrose solutions.
The organization should define time limits for insulin administration prompted by a
BG measurement (e.g., if insulin is not administered within a given time frame, the
measurement must be repeated).
Results of all BG monitoring should be clearly documented in the medical record
and be easily correlated with insulin doses, concurrent oral hypoglycemic(s)
administration, and caloric/meal intake.
Graphical or flow sheet documentation of BG measurements timing and amount of
insulin(s) administration as well as timing and amount of caloric intake (oral, per
tube, intravenous) should be used.
The organization should have an effective process for communication of BG
measurements outside of set limits (low and high critical levels) to appropriate
caregivers. Actions to be taken by the caregiver in response to critical level alerts
should be defined and standardized.
Insulin use should trigger alerts to appropriate caregivers when factors associated
with hypoglycemia are present:
1. Sudden reduction in oral intake or NPO status.
2. Discontinuation of enteral feeding.
3. Discontinuation of parenteral nutrition.
4. Reduction or discontinuation of dextrose-containing intravenous solutions.
5. Failure of patient to eat after prandial insulin dose has been administered.
6. Unexpected transport from unit after rapid or short-acting insulin has been
given (i.e., risk of no food to be given).
7. Reduction in glucocorticoid dose.
8. Addition of new antihyperglycemic therapy.
Hypoglycemia should always be considered when a patient receiving insulin has
altered level of consciousness for no apparent reason.
Hypoglycemia should not be ruled out as a cause of confusion or altered behavior
based on a capillary (finger stick) BG result; a laboratory measured venous BG level
should also be obtained.
Clement, IHI
Heatlie, Gilman, Man-
ning, Nettles
Campbel, Nettle,
Clement, Manning,
Barglowski, British
Columbia, Medtronics
Barglowski, British
Columbia, Medtronics
ADA 2004, ISMP,
Allen, Bates, Clement,
Cryer 2002a, Cryer
2002b, Smith, Tomky
ADA 5005c, Allen,
Bates, Ben Ami, Clem-
ent, Cryer 2002a, Cryer
2002b, Jones
Clement, Cryer 2002a,
Cryer 2002b
Monitoring and Documentation References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 35
As part of the monitoring procedures, policy allows nurses to administer hypoglyce-
mia rescue agents (dextrose or glucagon) per established standard order sets or
protocol with minimal physician oversight (but with appropriate prescriber notifica-
tion of events).
Nurses and other appropriate caregivers expected to urgently treat hypoglycemia
should be properly trained, and their ongoing competency should be assessed.
When patients practice self-monitoring of BG, the accuracy of the patients tech-
nique should be determined (including use of patients own device if allowed by
Patients should be directly observed when performing diabetes self management
and documentation. The self-management documentation should be verified by the
nurse in writing.
Monitoring and Documentation References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
Clement, Cryer 2002a
ADA 2004, Clement
36 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
Nutrition of hospitalized patients receiving insulin should be appropriately individ-
Registered dieticians should participate in the care of hospitalized patients receiv-
ing insulin.
The institution should utilize a Consistent Carbohydrate Diabetes Meal-Planning
System. Staff caring for diabetic patients should be educated regarding this system.
Standardized language for describing and ordering nutrition based on the Consis-
tent Carbohydrate Diabetes Meal-Planning System for patients on insulin should be
defined and communicated to staff. All orders for nutrition for patients on insulin
should use organization-defined terminology.
Orders for diets such as no concentrated sweets, no sugar added, low sugar,
etc. should not be allowed.
The carbohydrate intake of patients on insulin therapy should be monitored and
documented. Documentation of carbohydrate intake should be displayed with
insulin doses and BG monitoring results.
The dextrose content of intravenous drug solutions used in insulin-therapy patients
should be assessed and communicated to other patient caregivers.
A system should exist for identifying patients who require nutritional assessment
and notifying the dietitian.
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2003b, JCAHO,
ADA 2005a, Clement,
JCAHO, Nettles
Clement, ADA 2003b,
ADA 2003b, ISMP,
ADA 2003b, Clement
Clement, Swift
Krajicek, Thompson
Clement, JCAHO,
Nettles, Swift
Insulin therapy should be linked with the nutri-
tional therapy of hospitalized patients. Organiza-
tions should utilize a Consistent Carbohydrate
Diabetes Meal-Planning System for all patients
receiving insulin therapy. Organizations should
establish a standard set of terms for nutrition ther-
apy just as they should for insulin ordering and BG
monitoring. Nutritional intake should be docu-
mented so it may be easily correlated with insulin
doses and BG measurements. Clinical nutrition ser-
vices must play an active role in coordinating care
of patients receiving insulin.
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 37
Patient and Family Involvement and Education
Patients (and/or families of patients) receiving insulin should be properly educated
and engaged in their care.
Hospitals should promote use of diabetes self-management for inpatients, while
ensuring patient safety and compliance with all applicable standards of care.
Hospital policies should clearly define the criteria for selection of patients to
perform self-management of diabetes while in the hospital and the specific practic-
es required for safe and effective patient care.
1. Physicians and nurses caring for a patient should agree that self-management
is appropriate.
2. Patients should be competent to provide self-management (including admin-
istration, monitoring, and assessment).
3. Patients should have an expected stable level of consciousness.
4. Patients should have fairly stable known insulin needs.
5. Patients should successfully perform diabetes self-management at home.
6. Patients should have demonstrated the physical skills/ability to perform self-
management tasks.
7. Patients should have documented adequate oral intake.
8. Patients should demonstrate proficiency at calorie counting.
9. Patients should be proficient at using multiple daily injection regimens.
10. Patients should be proficient at self-monitoring of BG.
11. Correlation of patient-determined CBG and laboratory BG should be per-
formed and documented.
12. Patients should be proficient at sick-day management of insulin therapy.
Patients playing an active role in insulin therapy should be determined to be
competent. Verification of competency should be documented. Competency should
be assessed at regular intervals as determined by the individual situation.
The role of the patient and/or family in the management of insulin therapy while in
the hospital should be jointly agreed upon and documented in the medical record.
All policies and procedures should be adhered to when self-management is al-
Newly diagnosed diabetics started on insulin should be educated sufficiently
(provided with diabetes survival skills) to safely go home, with proper arrange-
ments made for follow-up education and training. More in-depth patient education
should be provided when appropriate. Requirements for patient discharge should
be delineated. Recommendations follow:
1. Patients should demonstrate ability to select and measure insulin products
2. Patients should demonstrate ability to accurately perform CBG monitoring,
assess results, and determine appropriate action.The patient should be pro-
vided with appropriate organization-approved written videos or computer-
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2005b, Davis,
ISMP, JCAHO, Nettles
AZHHA, Campbell,
ADA 2005 b, Clement,
Davis, JCAHO , Nettles
Clement, Nettles
Clement, JCAHO,
ADA 2005b, Clement,
Davis, Nettles
Patient and Family Involvement
and Education
Patient participation in care is a critical safety net
for insulin therapy. Effective involvement and edu-
cation of patients and families require a planned
and coordinated multidisciplinary process. Caregiv-
ers should be specifically trained to provide patient
and family education and assess patient knowledge
and skills. Patient education should include discus-
sion of potential for errors and methods of reduc-
ing risk.
38 Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals
based instruction at an appropriate reading level in a language the patient is
fluent in. Patient understanding should be documented.
Cultural and literacy factors should be considered in the education of the patient
and decisions regarding insulin management.
Discharge planning should include appropriate communication and coordination
among the patient and family, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, diabetes educators,
and other involved caregivers. Discharge plans should be individualized and
agreed upon by all individuals involved.
Discharge planning should include appropriate assessment and follow-up for
insulin use post-hospitalization.
The patient should be provided with appropriate written documents to safely and
effectively facilitate change in care environments and communicate with care
Appropriate information regarding the patients insulin therapy should be commu-
nicated to providers caring for the patient following hospital discharge, including
the patients pharmacy. A standardized communication form regarding diabetes
care for the patient should be used.
Patient and Family Involvement and Education References/Resources
See list at end of docu-
ment for full citations.
(Note: references printed
in italics include sample
order sets/protocols, etc.)
ADA 2005b, JCAHO,
ADA 2005b, Clement,
Davis, JCAHO, Nettles,
ADA 2005b, Clement,
Davis, JCAHO, Nettles,
ADA 2005b, JCAHO,
Campbell, Davis,
Nettles, Thompson
JCAHO, Campbell,
Nettles, Thompson
Recommendations for Safe Use of Insulin in Hospitals 39
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
American Diabetes Association (ADA) http://
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Diabetes Roundtable: http://www.diabetes
roundtabl e. com/egrandrounds/round2/
Diabetes Self Management http://www.diabetes
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO)
National Diabetic Education Program http://
NovoNordisk CE:
United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Diabetes Adult
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