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DRUG FREE Workplace Policy Program

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In compliance with Article V of Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the
Comprehensie !an"erous !ru"s Act of #$$#, an% its Implementin" Rules an% Re"ulations an%
!&'( !epartment &r%er No. 5)*$), series of #$$) +,ui%elines for the Implementation of a
!ru"*-ree .orkplace /olicies an% /ro"rams for the /riate 0ector1, ABC Company hereb2
a%opts the followin" policies an% pro"rams to achiee a %ru"*free workplace3
ABC Company e4plicitl2 prohibits3
5he use, possession, solicitation for, or sale of %an"erous %ru"s on compan2
premises or while performin" an assi"nment.
6ein" impaire% or un%er the influence of %an"erous %ru"s awa2 from the
compan2, if such impairment or influence a%ersel2 affects the emplo2ee7s work
performance, the safet2 of the emplo2ee or of others, or puts at risk the compan27s
/ossession, use, solicitation for, or sale of %an"erous %ru"s awa2 from the
compan2 premises, if such actiit2 or inolement a%ersel2 affects the emplo2ee7s
work performance, the safet2 of the emplo2ee or of others, or puts at risk the
compan27s reputation.
5he presence of an2 %etectable amount of %an"erous %ru"s in the emplo2ee7s
s2stem while at work, while on the premises of the compan2, or while on compan2
business. 8!an"erous !ru"s8 inclu%e those liste% in the 0che%ules anne4e% to the
1961 0in"le Conention on Narcotic !ru"s, as amen%e% b2 the 199# /rotocol, an%
in the 0che%ules anne4e% to the 1991 0in"le Conention on /s2chotropic
0ubstances as enumerate% in the attache% anne4 of R.A. 9165.
1. 5o ensure that onl2 those :ualifie% shall be screene% an% recruite% to preent the
%etrimental effects +e.g. lower productivity; poor decision making; increased
accidents; more compensation claims; and reduced team effort1 which %ru" use
an% abuse ma2 cause in the workplace, the con%uct of man%ator2 %ru" test shall
be re:uire% for pre*emplo2ment.
#. A6C Compan2 %esi"nates ;<= Compan2, a %ul2 accre%ite% %ru" testin" center
b2 the !epartment of >ealth +!&>1, as its authori?e% %ru" testin" laborator2.
). A6C Compan2 ma2 also con%uct %ru" testin" un%er an2 of the followin"
i. RANDOM TESTING3 &fficer@emplo2ees ma2 be selecte% at ran%om for
%ru" testin" at an2 interal %etermine% b2 the Compan2.
ii. FOR-CAUSE TESTING3 5he compan2 ma2 ask an officer@emplo2ee to
submit to a %ru" test at an2 time it feels that the emplo2ee ma2 be un%er the
influence of %ru"s, inclu%in", but not limite% to, the followin" circumstances3
ei%ence of %ru"s on or about the emplo2ee7s person or in the emplo2ee7s
icinit2, unusual con%uct on the emplo2ee7s part that su""ests impairment or
influence of %ru"s, ne"atie performance patterns, or e4cessie an%
une4plaine% absenteeism or tar%iness.
iii. POST-ACCIDENT TESTING3 An2 officer@emplo2ee inole% in a ANear*
BissC inci%ent or A.ork Acci%entC un%er circumstances that su""est possible
use or influence of %ru"s ma2 be aske% to submit to a %ru" test. As %efine%
herein, ANear*BissC means an inci%ent arisin" from or in the course of work
which coul% hae le% to inDuries or fatalities of the workers an%@or consi%erable
%ama"e to the emplo2er ha% it not been curtaile%. A.ork Acci%entC refers to
unplanne% or une4pecte% occurrence that ma2 or ma2 not result in personal
inDur2, propert2 %ama"e, work stoppa"e or interference or an2 combination
thereof of which arises out of an% in the course of emplo2ment.
E. All %ru" tests shall emplo2, amon" others, two +#1 testin" metho%s, the screenin"
test which will %etermine the positie result as well as the t2pe of the %ru" use%
an% the confirmator2 test which will confirm a positie screenin" test. .here the
confirmator2 test turns positie, the compan2Fs Assessment 5eam shall ealuate
the results an% %etermine the leel of care an% a%ministratie interentions that
can be e4ten%e% to the concerne% emplo2ee.
5. A6C Compan2 shall inform the officer@emplo2ee who was subDecte% to a %ru"
test of the test*results whether positie or ne"atie.
6. All costs of %ru" testin" shall be borne b2 A6C Compan2.
1. An officer@emplo2ee who, for the first time, is foun% positie of %ru" use, shall be
referre% for treatment an%@or rehabilitation in a !&> accre%ite% center. -or this
purpose, A6C Compan2 shall proi%e a list of at least three +)1 accre%ite%
facilities which an emplo2ee who was teste% positie for %ru"s ma2 choose from.
#. -ollowin" rehabilitation, the compan2Fs Assessment 5eam, in consultation with
the hea% of the rehabilitation center, shall ealuate the status of the %ru"
%epen%ent emplo2ee an% recommen% to the emplo2er the resumption of the
emplo2eeFs Dob if he@she poses no serious %an"er to his@her co*emplo2ees an%@or
the workplace.
). All costs for the treatment an% rehabilitation of the %ru" %epen%ent emplo2ee
shall be char"e% to his account. 5he perio% %urin" which the emplo2ee is un%er
treatment or rehabilitation shall be consi%ere% as authori?e% leaes.
E. Repeate% %ru" use een after ample opportunit2 for treatment an% rehabilitation
shall be %ealt with the correspon%in" penalties un%er R.A. 9165 an% is a "roun%
for %ismissal.
1. A6C Compan2 un%ertakes to increase the awareness an% e%ucation of its
officers an% emplo2ees on the a%erse effects of %an"erous %ru"s throu"h
continuous a%ocac2, e%ucation an% trainin" pro"rams@actiities to all its officers
an% emplo2ees.
#. All officers an% emplo2ees are re:uire% to un%er"o an orientation@e%ucation
pro"ram before assumption of their respectie %uties. 5he pro"ram shall inclu%e
the followin" topics3
i. 0alient features of R.A. 9165G
ii. A%erse effects of abuse an%@or misuse of %an"erous %ru"s on the
person, workplace, famil2 an% the communit2G
iii. /reentie measures a"ainst %ru" abuseG an%
i. 0teps to take when interention is nee%e%, as well as aailable
serices for treatment an% rehabilitation.
). 5o encoura"e all officers an% emplo2ees to lea% a health2 lifest2le while at work
an% at home, A6C Compan2 un%ertakes to con%uct the followin" actiities as
often as possible3
i. 'ifest2le assessment pro"rams on health nutrition, wei"ht
mana"ement, stress mana"ement, alcohol abuse, smokin"
cessation, an% other in%icators of risk %iseasesG
ii. >ealth wellness screenin"s +e.g. blood pressure and heart rate,
cholesterol test, blood glucose, etc.1G
iii. 0ports, recreational an% fun*"ame actiitiesG an%
i. &ther actiities promotin" health an% wellness.
1. A6C Compan2 shall ensure that the workplace policies an% pro"rams on the
preention an% control of %an"erous %ru"s, inclu%in" %ru" testin", shall be
%isseminate% to all officers an% emplo2ees. 5he emplo2er shall obtain a written
acknowle%"ement from the emplo2ees that the polic2 has been rea% an%
un%erstoo% b2 them.
#. A6C Compan2 shall maintain the confi%entialit2 of all information relatin" to %ru"
tests or to the i%entification of %ru" users in the workplaceG e4ceptions ma2 be
ma%e onl2 where re:uire% b2 law, in case of oerri%in" public health an% safet2
concernsG or where such e4ceptions hae been authori?e% in writin" b2 the
person concerne%.
). All officers an% emplo2ees shall enDo2 the ri"ht to %ue process, absence of which
will ren%er the referral proce%ure ineffectie.
1. An2 officer or emplo2ee who uses, possesses, %istributes, sells or attempts to
sell, tolerates, or transfers %an"erous %ru"s or otherwise commits other unlawful
acts as %efine% un%er Article II of RA 9165 an% its Implementin" Rules an%
Re"ulations shall be subDect to the pertinent proisions of the sai% Act.
#. An2 officer or emplo2ee foun% positie for use of %an"erous %ru"s shall be %ealt
with a%ministratiel2 in accor%ance with the proisions of Article #H# of 6ook VI
of the 'abor Co%e an% un%er RA 9165.
1. 5he implementation of these policies an% pro"rams shall be monitore% an%
ealuate% perio%icall2 b2 mana"ement to ensure a %ru"*free workplace. -or this
purpose, an Assessment 5eam shall be constitute% in accor%ance with !.&. 5)*
1. 5he proisions of these policies an% pro"rams shall be imme%iatel2 effectie
after its ratification b2 the mana"ement an% the emplo2eeFs representaties an%
its postin" in the compan2Fs bulletin boar%.
Own!"M#n#$! E%&'()*+ R&!*n,#,-.


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