This document provides guidance on writing reports for university coursework. It defines a report as a structured text used to analyze and present information. Reports are divided into key sections including preliminary sections, the body, and supplementary material. The body generally includes an introduction stating the background, aims, and scope, followed by a discussion section presenting relevant information organized with headings and subheadings. The conclusion summarizes the main findings and answers any questions posed in the introduction. Formatting guidelines are provided for each section, with examples for elements like the title page, executive summary, and headings.
This document provides guidance on writing reports for university coursework. It defines a report as a structured text used to analyze and present information. Reports are divided into key sections including preliminary sections, the body, and supplementary material. The body generally includes an introduction stating the background, aims, and scope, followed by a discussion section presenting relevant information organized with headings and subheadings. The conclusion summarizes the main findings and answers any questions posed in the introduction. Formatting guidelines are provided for each section, with examples for elements like the title page, executive summary, and headings.
This document provides guidance on writing reports for university coursework. It defines a report as a structured text used to analyze and present information. Reports are divided into key sections including preliminary sections, the body, and supplementary material. The body generally includes an introduction stating the background, aims, and scope, followed by a discussion section presenting relevant information organized with headings and subheadings. The conclusion summarizes the main findings and answers any questions posed in the introduction. Formatting guidelines are provided for each section, with examples for elements like the title page, executive summary, and headings.
This document provides guidance on writing reports for university coursework. It defines a report as a structured text used to analyze and present information. Reports are divided into key sections including preliminary sections, the body, and supplementary material. The body generally includes an introduction stating the background, aims, and scope, followed by a discussion section presenting relevant information organized with headings and subheadings. The conclusion summarizes the main findings and answers any questions posed in the introduction. Formatting guidelines are provided for each section, with examples for elements like the title page, executive summary, and headings.
What is a report? Different types of reports Structure of a report General tips about writing reports Example of a report Report Checklist
This supplement should be read in conjunction with the guidelines in specific course profiles and course moodle sites.
Last Modified March 2013 Page 1 of 16 What is a report? A report is a text that originated in the business world in order to analyse and present information in a structured way. Reports are divided into key sections and must be presented using headings and sub-headings. Some key differences between reports and essays are described in table 1.0.
Table 1.0 Reports Essays Are usually written in paragraph form with full sentences, but may include bullet points to list items.
Must be written in paragraph form with full sentences. Have headings and sub-headings for sections which are numbered Generally do not have headings other than the title of the essay (unless advised otherwise in your Course Profile or by your tutor)
May include material such as tables and figures. If the tables/figures are not too large (less than 1/2 of a page) they can be included in the Discussion/Main Body section of the report. Alternatively if large, include in the appendices at the end of the report.
Do not contain tables or figures
Both reports and essays must be clearly referenced in-text to indicate the sources of information. They must also include a Reference List with full publication details.
Check the information provided about reports in your CQUniversity course profiles and course moodle sites. Access the Great Guide to University Study (2013), Topic 5: Developing academic writing skills.
Page 2 of 16 Different types of reports
Depending on the nature of the course and the topic being covered, you may be asked to write many different types of reports. These will depend on the nature of the course and the topic being covered. Table 2 outlines some of the common types of reports you may be asked to write. Please note the key differences are in the content.
Table 2. Types of Reports
Business Report A standard report, including most, if not all, the sections outlined in this guide.
Executive Report
A very detailed and analytical report, with very specific requirements. Please consult your course profile Technical Report A technical report (as suggested) generally requires the inclusion of technical specifications. This is sometimes necessary for assignments in IT courses.
Research Report A research report involves you conducting some primary research of your own (e.g. conducting a survey/questionnaire/interview) as well as a literature review. Generally speaking, the body should include: Introduction Methodology Literature Review Discussion (Results) Conclusion Recommendation
The format and content of a research report is quite specific. Check your course profile and Moodle for specific instructions.
Page 3 of 16 Structure of a report
When writing a report, the structure will depend on the instructions you are given in your course profile and/or by your tutor. The following is an overview of the key sections that are generally included in a business report. If you are instructed to write a short report or if a particular structure is outlined in your course profile/by your tutor, then please be sure to follow those instructions. It may not be necessary to include all of these sections in your report - check with your tutor about the requirements of all sections marked as requested. Reports can generally be seen to include three key sections as outlined in table 3. Please note that the following terms refer to sections of the report- they are not to be used as headings!
Table 3. Report Sections
Preliminary Section
This section includes all the initial information required before the actual discussion takes place. See details below.
Body of Report This is where the main discussion takes place. It begins with the introduction and ends after the conclusion and recommendations. Supplementary material
This section includes additional information that supports the discussion and is referred to in the body of the report. See details below.
The Title Page (see example, p. 9)
Letter of Transmittal (as requested) (see example, p. 9).
This is a brief, formal letter from the person who wrote the report (you) to the person(s) receiving it. The letter of transmittal should clearly state when the report was written, who requested it and the purpose of the report.
Page 4 of 16 Executive Summary (see example, p. 10).
This is an overall summary of the entire report. It should: a) Introduce the topic of your report b) Indicate the main subjects (major findings) examined in the discussion section of your report c) State your conclusions d) State your recommendations
The executive summary is always on a separate page. Remember this is a summary of the entire report so you cannot write it until you have completed the report (you cannot summarise a report you have not yet written)! Even though it appears first, the Executive Summary is one of the last things you will write. (Note: Do not write the Executive Summary in the future tense).
Table of Contents (see example, p. 11).
This is an ordered list of the different sections and subsections of your report. It must include numbered section headings and subheadings, with their relevant pages. This indicates to your reader where various sections of your discussion can be found. Use MS Word to automatically generate the Table of Contents. Note: Table of contents should also be on a separate page.
List of Tables & Figures (see example, p. 11).
Like the table of contents, the list of tables and figures provides the reader with a guide to finding information that is presented in the form of diagrams and tables. It should include the table/figure numbers, titles and page location of each table and figure. Note if the report does not include any tables/figures then obviously this list is not necessary. Note: List of Tables and Figures should also be on a separate page.
Acknowledgements (as requested)
Acknowledgements are used to draw attention to, thank or recognise significant input of other people. It is not the reference list. This section should be used as required and note that its position can also vary. Please confirm this with your tutor.
Page 5 of 16
The body of the report starts with the Introduction and continues to following sections with only two line spaces between each section. Do not start a new page for each section.
Introduction (see example p. 12). The introduction should generally include three key types of information.
a) Background This section sets the context for the report and provides the (brief) background information required for the reader to understand the report. For example, it may briefly outline the issue faced by the organisation. Tell the reader something about the history/origin of the report. When was it requested? Why is it important? Who was involved and how?
b) Aims/ objectives This tells the reader what the aims/objectives of the report are. It indicates what key questions the report is trying to answer and what it is trying to achieve. Why was it written?
c) Scope This section tells the reader exactly what areas/ideas are covered in the report. It also helps to explain how the report is organised. Look at your plan and consider your headings and sub-headings.
Please be aware that sometimes course profiles/tutors may use different formatting for the introduction. The model introduction shown on p. 12 uses sub-headings for these sections but your tutor may prefer it to be presented as one paragraph (depending on the length of the assignment). Always check with your tutor if uncertain.
Assumptions (as requested)
This section outlines any assumptions (beliefs) regarding the situation upon which you are basing the report, its analysis and any recommendations.
Page 6 of 16
Discussion (Approximately 60% of the word count)
This section is where information relevant to the topic is presented. It is similar to the body section of an essay. It must be fully referenced throughout, using various resources to support ideas. It should be organised logically, using topic headings, sub- headings and minor subheadings to break it into sections and sub-sections based on the ideas being discussed. All headings must be numbered sequentially. (See examples on p. 12-13).
Conclusion (approximately 5-10% of word count) (See example p. 14).
The purpose of the conclusion is to provide a summary of the major findings. It effectively attempts to answer the key questions posed in the introduction. When writing a conclusion it may be useful to consider the following: What has been learnt or proved from doing this research? On the basis of the research, what conclusions can be drawn? Consider the key questions and objectives set out in the introduction - what are the answers/conclusions you came to? Consider each of the key sections of your report - what was the main point made in each section? No new information should be introduced. Direct quotations are not necessary
Recommendations (see example p. 14). Often when writing a report specific recommendations for future actions are requested. These can be included as a separate section before or after the conclusion or even as a part of the conclusion (using a sub-heading).
Recommendations should state what actions should be implemented based on the findings of the report. You may list these in bullet points or small paragraphs.
Page 7 of 16 Supplementary Material
Reference List (see examples p. 15).
This list includes the full publication details of all books, articles, websites and other sources referred to in the report.
This is where other information which has been referred to in the main part of your report is attached. This information is relevant but not necessarily essential and larger than 1/2 of a page. The main body of a report can include text, figures/tables and some calculations. However, long or repetitive calculations or data charts should be placed in the Appendices along with larger diagrams. Appendices may include the following items:
Questionnaires /Answers to questionnaires Interview transcripts Consent forms Maps Articles/clippings Data Charts/Tables Some diagrams Pamphlets Specifications
All appendices must be separated, labelled and referenced (where appropriate).
General tips about writing reports
You are advised to consider the Great Guide to University Study regarding general advice on planning and preparation of assignments.
NEVER attempt to write a report without conducting the necessary research and planning first. Always brainstorm (concept map), research then develop a plan. Your plan should reflect the key headings and sub-headings that you intend to use to organise your discussion. Work out what you plan to discuss and when - this will allow you to then focus more carefully on expression.
Page 8 of 16 Make sure your writing flows. Even though it is acceptable to use headings, reports should still follow a logical order. Once you have written a draft of the report, check that headings and paragraphs are ordered in a logical way so that the reader can follow the discussion.
Be concise but avoid using too many lists or sentences/phrases separated with bullet points. If an assignment is simply made up of a series of lists it will not flow very well. It will be disjointed and is likely to lack sufficient content.
Remember to always reference correctly and consider the nature of your resources. You may need to consult a combination of primary and secondary sources ranging from textbooks and journal articles to published market data, statistics, policy or law.
Always write in the third person. Do not use personal pronouns such as I, my, you, your, we or our.
Use the present tense when you are writing about other peoples work. E.g. Johnson (2001) points out that or Studies indicate that.
Do not start paragraphs with quotations. Write your own topic sentences and use quotations as supporting evidences.
Always use gender non-specific language he/she or their.
Use formal language: do not use words such as things or abbreviations such as etc. Be specific.
Begin numbering your pages from the introduction. Pages with preliminary or supplementary information are usually numbered using a different system to clearly tell them apart, such as i, ii, iii, iv..
A good report offers evidence of original thinking and creative thought.
Use objective analysis.
Format your report consistently.
Page 9 of 16 Example of a report
1. Title Page
2. Letter of Transmittal
2. Letter of Transmittal
3. Executive summary
Title: Course code: Course Name:
Lecturer: Assignment number: Due Date: Weighting:
Student Name: Student Number:
John Smith Manager, Learning Skills Unit XYZ University 589 Exhibition St Brisbane, QLD 4000
4 January, 2004
Anne Jones Dean, Faculty of Business and Law XYZ University 589 Exhibition St, Brisbane, QLD 4000
Dear Ms Jones,
As requested, the Manager of the Learning Skills Unit has prepared a report examining the effectiveness of web-based material within the language classroom. The purpose of this report is to present the findings of the research and to provide recommendations for the future use of online teaching tools in the classroom.
The findings of the report show that web-based material can serve as a valuable teaching tool; however it is recommended that elements of some sites need to be adapted to an Australian context.
Yours sincerely
John Smith Manager, Learning Skills Unit Title Page should include:
Title Your name Student ID Course title & code Your lecturer/tutors name Due Date Authors details Date Details of the person requesting the report. Opening statement Closing statement
Page 10 of 16 4. Executive Summary
This report aims to examine the effectiveness of web-based material within the language classroom by evaluating the website www.rong- It will evaluate the effectiveness of (Learning Oral English Online) by reviewing the content, the pedagogical approach to which the content applies and the practical considerations in terms of costs associated with the web-based software, as well as layout and design.
The findings reveal the important relationship between content and learning objectives. The developer of the website has considered the relationship between the learner and the content, as well as the degree of pre-existing linguistic knowledge. However the web-based material does not provide the learner or teachers with the objectives for any units provided; therefore making it difficult to determine the educational aim of the resources.
It is clear that would be an ideal choice for the language classroom. The material is user-friendly, even for first time Internet users. The learner can easily return to the main menu, as the text-based navigation tools are always displayed. Due to the simple and consistent format of the web page the teacher can easily navigate the learners through the web page, even by using the whiteboard. The content is American based, however it can be adapted for use in any language classroom.
The following recommendations have been made:
The material needs to be more interactive and needs to provide the learner with feedback. The quality of the material can be improved by generating authentic situations, which the learner can relate to. The content can be improved by making it universal not just relating to the learners in America. Generate an awareness of the difference associated with pronunciation.
The first paragraph is based on the introduction. The second paragraph comes from the body. It is a summary of the key findings or situational analysis. The third paragraph is a summary of the conclusions. The final paragraph outlines the recommendations. This can be done using a bullet-point list
Page 11 of 16 5. Table of Contents
6. Lists of Tables and figures
7. Main Body Table of Contents
Title Page Letter of Transmittal i Executive Summary ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables and Figures iv
Reference List 12 Appendices Appendix A ESL Questionnaire 15 Appendix B Alternative Listening Activities 16
Preliminary section- page numbers in Roman numerals Headings, sub-headings and minor sub-headings should all be numbered sequentially Heading Sub-heading Minor Sub-heading Tables
Table 1: Major Information Sources that can be accessed Via the CQU Library Website 3
Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of using web-based material 7
Be sure to label (number) each table and figure and give it a title indicating what it represents. Indicate the relevant page number. Please note that graphs, illustrations (pictures), photographs and diagrams are all considered to be figures.
Page 12 of 16 6. Main Body
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background In recent years, the Internet has become a teaching tool as useful and as viable as textbooks, chalkboards and in many cases teachers themselves. However, as is the case with any medium, online resources have a range of advantages and disadvantages. As such it is necessary to carefully examine and evaluate web- based resources before choosing to use them.
1.2 Aims
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the effectiveness of web- based material within the context of a language classroom. It focuses on the site in order to determine the educational value and cost effectiveness of using online material as a teaching and learning tool.
1.3 Scope The report evaluates the on-line resource, focusing on three key factors: content, the pedagogical approach to which the content applies, and practical considerations in terms of costs associated with using the web-based software, as well as layout and design. Although the website is divided into several sections, the paper focuses on listening and speaking activities. These links were selected as the material is the result of collaboration between the author and several linguistic teachers.
2.1 The internet This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.his section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.This section discusses the historical . This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.his section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background
1 The main body should begin with the introduction.
Note how headings and sub-headings are numbered sequentially. It also helps to highlight headings with bold font. Remember to leave at least 3cm margins. Make sure your work is 1.5 spaced. Once the introduction is complete, begin your discussion making sure you continue to use appropriately numbered headings and sub-headings.
As always, remember to reference! Remember you must include a page number!
Page 13 of 16
This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.his section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.This section discusses the historical . This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.his section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.his section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.This section discusses the histor ical . This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical background of the internet.his section discusses the historical background of the internet. This section discusses the historical
Table 1.0: Major Information Sources that can be Accessed via the CQU Library Website
Information Source Where to find Books Search the Library Catalogue to find what books are held in the CQU Library: From the Library homepage ( select CQU Library Catalogue Journals/Magazines academic/popular Search the Library Catalogue to find what journals are held in the CQU Library. There is also a list of electronic journals available via the CQU Library: Search Databases to find references to individual journal articles: (refer to Databases & Resources by Subject to know what databases could be relevant to your research topic) For information about the different types of journals available refer to What are the Different Types of Journals: Conference Proceedings These can be found by searching library catalogue, databases as well as on the web e.g. professional association web sites Web sites (URLs) Refer to Use the Internet for a list of useful search engines, subject directories and meta-search engines: Government documents The best starting point for government documents is government web sites. Refer to Government Information for a list of Australian and International government web sites: Legislation & Case law Refer to Law Resources for a guide to finding legal information: Standards Refer to Standards for a list of standards available through the CQU Library, as well as a list of relevant web sites: Statistics Refer to Statistics for a list of the types and sources of statistics: Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias & Handbooks etc. Most dictionaries, encyclopaedias and handbooks are kept in the Reference Collection of a library. You can search the Library Catalogue or browse the shelves to find what is available in your subject area. Many of these are also freely available online: Dictionaries: Encyclopaedias: Newspapers Refer to Finding Newspaper Resources at CQU Library for a guide to find newspapers by title or topic, as well as a list of major Australian & International newspapers:
Source: Central Queensland University (2004, p.20)
3 Remember, all tables and figures must be labelled (with a number and title) Remember to also add the reference below any table/figure you use.
NOTE If you modify the table/figure, indicate this by using the term Adapted from
Page 14 of 16
6.0 Conclusion
Although the web-based material for LOEO has its limitations, the activities are educational. The material is user-friendly, even for first-time internet users. The learner can easily return to the main menu as the text-based navigation tools are always displayed. Due to the simple and consistent format of the web page the teacher can easily navigate the learners through the web page, even by using the whiteboard. The content is American based; however it can be implemented into any language classroom. The only limitations are ones creativity.
7.0 Recommendations
Based on the findings, several recommendations can be made. The material needs to be more interactive and needs to provide the learner with feedback. If the material is more interactive it will motivate the students and will not resemble a textbook. It is easier to purchase a copy of a textbook rather than buy a computer and use this material. The content can be improved by making it universal and not just relating to learners in America.
Also, the teacher has to generate awareness of the differences associated with pronunciation. The full potential of CALL has not been realised by the developer of the web site. Although the material is helpful it fails to be effective. The positive aspects of using a web site should be considered in order to generate authentic situations, which the learner can relate to.
The conclusion should be a summary of your findings. It should attempt to provide a response to key questions you posed in the introduction.
Remember NO NEW INFORMATION! This section recommends specific action that should/could be taken based on your conclusions.
NOTE: It could be done using a bullet-point list.
Page 15 of 16 8. Reference List
8. Appendices
Reference List
Central Queensland University (CQU) 2004, Guide for students, 5 th edn, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.
Li, R-C, 2004, English as a second language, viewed 4 January 2004,
Summers, J & Brett, B 2003 Communication skills handbook: how to succeed in written and oral communication, rev edn, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.
Remember to list all sources you refer to in-text in the reference list.
DO NOT number or use bullet points. Simply place all sources in alphabetical order according to the authors family name. Appendix 1 REFERENCING QUESTIONNAIRE
Please complete the following questions and provide detailed answers.
1. What is referencing? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
2. Name three different referencing systems. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
3. What referencing conventions are used at the University you attend? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
4. Why do students need to reference their assignments? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
5. Do you think referencing is complicated and unnecessary? If yes, state your reasons. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ All appendices must be numbered and labelled. Appendices present additional material that the reader may need to see to understand your discussion. These are materials that are too large or disruptive to place within the body of the report.
Make sure you place each appendix on a separate page. Each should have a title
Page 16 of 16
Report Checklist
1. Structure
Title Page: Title of report, author (you), date lodged
Letter of Transmittal (if required)
Executive summary/abstract/synopsis
Table of Contents and List of Tables and Figures
Acknowledgements (If required)
Introduction (with background, aims and scope stated)
Assumptions: Have you listed any assumptions you have made?
Body: Do all paragraphs follow logical paragraph structure? Are sections/paragraphs arranged in logical order? Are paragraphs of an appropriate length (100-250 words); no single sentences sitting on their own? Are all paragraphs relevant? Can each paragraph be directly linked to the original question being asked?
Conclusion: Does the conclusion summarise the major findings and provide a final answer to questions posed in the introduction? Are recommendations clear and direct and are they supported by your analysis?
Appendices (each appendix on a separate, labelled page) Reference List Have you included all references in reference list? Is it in alphabetical order?
2. Content
Have you kept to the word limit? Have you used a variety of resources/references to support your ideas? Is there sufficient analysis (own words) - Approximately 90%? Have you used the correct referencing format (Harvard style/ Footnotes)? Have you provided correct in-text references for all DIRECT and INDIRECT quotes?
3. Layout/ Grammar/ Presentation
Have you used complete sentences throughout? Have you written in the third person (i.e. no use of I my or you etc.) Have you checked spelling? Have you numbered all headings/subheadings sequentially? Make sure you have: Size 12 font 1.5 spacing 3cm margins Page numbers, Name and Student ID number on each page Assignment coversheet
Make a printed copy of the assignment before submitting it.