2 - Puberty-Girls
2 - Puberty-Girls
2 - Puberty-Girls
What is puberty?
When changes happen to girls?
What are the sex organs?
What are periods and why do they happen?
For more information you can visit:
Whats Happening?
What is uberty?
Fissing someone
2aked bodies
(eing touched
Falling in love
!t could be someone your age3 someone older3 someone you know or
someone you dont know like a celebrity"
!t might be someone of your sex or someone of the opposite sex or
When females get sexual feelings they can have a tingly feeling around
their sex organs"
#ome females touch their sex parts to get the intense feeling called
orgasm" $his is called masturbation" #ome girls do it3 some dont"
#exual feelings
$o learn more about
your changing body please visit: