The weekly report discusses finding a lab manual for measuring a hall effect system, watching a video on a new nanotechnology camera, and discussing the manual and camera with lab staff and a friend. The manual helped understand how to correctly use the hall effect measurement equipment after discussions. A student and industrial supervisor signed off on the report.
The weekly report discusses finding a lab manual for measuring a hall effect system, watching a video on a new nanotechnology camera, and discussing the manual and camera with lab staff and a friend. The manual helped understand how to correctly use the hall effect measurement equipment after discussions. A student and industrial supervisor signed off on the report.
The weekly report discusses finding a lab manual for measuring a hall effect system, watching a video on a new nanotechnology camera, and discussing the manual and camera with lab staff and a friend. The manual helped understand how to correctly use the hall effect measurement equipment after discussions. A student and industrial supervisor signed off on the report.
The weekly report discusses finding a lab manual for measuring a hall effect system, watching a video on a new nanotechnology camera, and discussing the manual and camera with lab staff and a friend. The manual helped understand how to correctly use the hall effect measurement equipment after discussions. A student and industrial supervisor signed off on the report.
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Weekly Report
Date: 4 August 2014 - 8 August 2014
Week: 4 Activities: Finding the suitale la !anual "or the hall e#ect !easure!ent syste!$ For eyes on the sky% &atch the video that related &ith ne& nanotechnology ca!era and analysis the video$ Discussion ' (o!!ents: Discussion and understanding &ith another "riend and laoratory sta# aout la !anual hall e#ect !easure!ent syste! to kno& ho& to conduct it$ )he la !anual also helps us ho& to use and run the so"t&are to !easure the sa!ple$ For eyes on the sky% the nanotechnology ca!era has a lot o" advantages$ (onclusion: *a !anual &as helping us to kno& ho& to use hall e#ect !easure!ent correctly a"ter had discussion a!ong us$ +tudent,s +ignature: -ndustrial +upervisor,s +ignature: ./-01R+-)- )12/3*34- 5ARA