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2013-2014 Curriculum Night - 3rd8 28

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Welcome to

Curriculum Night
3rd Grade

Third Grade Team
Elizabeth Buchanan
Kimberly Caille
Megan Dye
LeWonda Daniels
Anita Washington
Cailin Hannan
Thank you so much for coming to
Curriculum Night! You are the
integral part of your childs
success. It is so important to
have your support from home.

What is our day like?
7:15 - 7:45 Students enter and complete morning
routine and watch the EJ news

7:45 - 8:30 Specials (Rotations on Monday, Health
once a month)

8:30-10:55 Block 1 (Dye and Caille have Snack at
9:30 am)

11:00-11:33 Lunch

11:40-11:55 Recess

12:00-2:10 Block 2 (Daniels and Buchanan have
Snack at 1:00 p.m.)

2:10-2:20 Pack-Up/Dismissal

Students are instructed to write
homework assignments in these

Please look at your childs agenda
nightly for his or her daily homework,
information about test dates, and
notes from the teacher as needed.
The purpose of homework is to
foster independence and critical levels of
extend or practice concepts
prepare for upcoming class
discussions and learning
activate prior knowledge
assess learned material
An inherent part of homework is the responsibility
required for completing and returning it to school!

What can we expect?
Reading for 20 minutes (fill out reading log)
2 Math Assignments per week
2 Reading Assignments per week
2 Spelling Assignments per week
Study Guides may also come home, but this will take place of a
homework assignment.
Students will turn in their homework contract every Friday.
We have offered the option of completing these tasks online. Some have you
opted to do both. Please return these permission slips to school so we know
what you prefer.
*Homework should not exceed more than 30 minutes of focused work time.
Reading for 20 minutes is not included.
Makeup and Late Work
1. Late Work Policy
Assignments turned in after the due date are
Students have opportunity to make up
missing assignments up to the last day of the
grading period, but will receive a lower grade.

Parent Teacher Communication
We strongly value this vital
Papers will be sent home in the homework folder.
Please check agendas daily and review homework with your child as

Newsletters-Dye and Caille will send home paper newsletters the last
Friday of every month and will send a copy of this through e-mail as
well. Daniels and Buchanan will update their websites weekly.

Home/School Connection
EJ webpage:
EJ Spots
Home Access Center
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
Below 70 = F
Formative Assessments
(Quizzes) 40%

Classwork/Projects (Performance
Based Tasks) 40%

Test 20%
Homework (not included in
Grading Scale and Weights
Common Core Georgia
Performance Standards
National Standards
Raise in rigor- text complexity
Balance of literature and nonfiction texts (50/50)
More technical, research-based writing
Standards Based Progress
Report Card
Communicating Student Progress
on the
Common Core GPS
Common Core and Georgia Performance
What every child should know and be able to do by
grade level and subject
Classroom Instruction
Narrower focus on standards within units and lessons
for classroom instruction
Student Grades
Letter and Numeric grades determined from
classwork, projects, quizzes, and tests
Standards as Statements on Report card
Statements to report progress on specific
elements/skills/concepts of the standards
How is the Standards Based Report Card
Different than a Traditional Report Card?
Reporting Progress
What does mastery mean?
Grade level standards represent what a student
should know and be able to do at the end of the
Students learn at different rates.
Teachers will report student progress at report card
If a student hasnt mastered a standard at reporting
time, mastery could occur later, and be reported at
another report card period.
Or, a student could have mastered a standard and
be working at a higher level.
Home Access Center
Student grades are available for parents to
view online!
You can access Home Access Center
from the Fulton County website. Even
though homework is not counted as a
grade, you will be able to see if your child
is turning it in.
If you do not know your password, please
get your password tonight so you can
have access.
(Guided Reading)
Focus on:
Reading chapter books
Reading comprehension
Fluency 90 120 words per minute
Variety of text genres (more non-fiction
than in the past)
Reading assessments
Student is assessed using the running record three
times during the year
Additional assessments
(Language Arts)
Focus on:
Parts of speech
Prefixes and Suffixes
Multiple Meaning Words
Homophones / Homographs
Spelling / Word Study
Our goal is for language arts knowledge to be
evident when reading a students writing.
(Writing Workshop)
Students will work on writing three genres:
Narrative (personal or fantasy)
Opinion (persuasive)

Students will work on organizing their
knowledge, thoughts, and ideas into
short responses to better prepare for Georgia
Math Units:
Numbers and Operations (place value,
rounding/estimating, addition, and subtraction)
Operations and Algebra (Introduction to Multiplication
and Division)
Advanced Math

Begin with recap of what they ended with last year

Begin 4
grade units
-Place Value (larger numbers)
-Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
-Fraction Equivalents
Science and Social Studies
Themes in Social Studies
Historical Figures (Americans who have made an impact
on our country)
Themes in Science
GA Habitats
Pollution and Conservation
Rocks and Minerals
Things to Remember:

Please send a handwritten note
for all transportation changes!

Please dont forget
To sign up for a conference time

Ask any questions you may have

Enjoy your night!

Thank you so much for coming!

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