This document discusses various methods for regaining space lost due to early loss of primary teeth, including fixed and removable appliances. It emphasizes the importance of a thorough diagnosis to assess dental alignment, arch needs, and skeletal relationships before attempting space regaining. Specific appliances discussed include a simple fixed retainer using a molar band and wire to reposition a distally drifted bicuspid, the Jaffe appliance using springs between molar bands and a sliding arch, and the Gerber space maintainer fabricated directly in the mouth using a band, welded tube, and wire assembly with optional springs.
This document discusses various methods for regaining space lost due to early loss of primary teeth, including fixed and removable appliances. It emphasizes the importance of a thorough diagnosis to assess dental alignment, arch needs, and skeletal relationships before attempting space regaining. Specific appliances discussed include a simple fixed retainer using a molar band and wire to reposition a distally drifted bicuspid, the Jaffe appliance using springs between molar bands and a sliding arch, and the Gerber space maintainer fabricated directly in the mouth using a band, welded tube, and wire assembly with optional springs.
This document discusses various methods for regaining space lost due to early loss of primary teeth, including fixed and removable appliances. It emphasizes the importance of a thorough diagnosis to assess dental alignment, arch needs, and skeletal relationships before attempting space regaining. Specific appliances discussed include a simple fixed retainer using a molar band and wire to reposition a distally drifted bicuspid, the Jaffe appliance using springs between molar bands and a sliding arch, and the Gerber space maintainer fabricated directly in the mouth using a band, welded tube, and wire assembly with optional springs.
This document discusses various methods for regaining space lost due to early loss of primary teeth, including fixed and removable appliances. It emphasizes the importance of a thorough diagnosis to assess dental alignment, arch needs, and skeletal relationships before attempting space regaining. Specific appliances discussed include a simple fixed retainer using a molar band and wire to reposition a distally drifted bicuspid, the Jaffe appliance using springs between molar bands and a sliding arch, and the Gerber space maintainer fabricated directly in the mouth using a band, welded tube, and wire assembly with optional springs.
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The text discusses the importance of space maintenance following early loss of primary teeth to prevent occlusal disharmonies. A thorough diagnosis considering dental, skeletal and soft tissue relationships is necessary before attempting to regain space. Study models, radiographs and clinical assessments should be utilized.
The text lists several factors that should be considered for diagnosis including the alignment and space needs of other teeth, relationships to the denture bases and cranium, and soft tissue profile. Assessments of dental tipping versus bodily movement and the impacts of adjacent teeth are also important.
The text states that study models, radiographs, clinical assessments of facial symmetry and proportions, and possibly cephalometric analysis are necessary diagnostic aids to develop a database for space considerations.
Space maintenance is necessary in early loss of posterior primary teeth because
early loss contributes to the development of occlusal disharmonies. However when space is progressively lost, as we have discussed in space closures following early loss of primary teeth, the therapy should be considered to regain it so that additional disharmonies do not develop. Then the regained space is maintained. DIAGNOSIS For regaining space or any movement of teeth, the most important procedure is the diagnosis. The attention is not limited to the segment in which tooth is missing is a frequent cause of failure in attempting to regain space. Considerations for treatment should include the alignment and space needs of other teeth in the arch, the relationships of teeth to the denture base, the transverse and sagittal dental relationships, the vertical denture relationships, the skeletal relationships of the denture bases to the cranium, and the profile of the soft tissue. The diagnostic aids necessary to develop a database for the above consideration include study models, radiographs of all the periapical structures, clinical assessment of facial symmetry and proportions, and possibly cephalometric analysis. Clinically we have to make quick assessments to determine unfavourable skeletal patterns or dental malocclusions. When the clinical assessment has ruled out the presence of a dental or skeletal class II, class III, openbite or closed bite relationship, there may still exist variations in the Class I malocclusion in which simple measures at regaining space should not be the only consideration. Assessment of soft tissue profile will help to identify cases in which relative protrusion or retrusion of the dental alveolar structures does complicate evaluation of available space. Correction of protrusion or retrusion will require more than simple regaining of space. Radiographs and study models will aid significantly in assessing space needs and consideration of tooth alignment. It is important to recognize whether teeth have moved bodily into the space or have tipped axially because forces applied to tip teeth back into a proper alignment are easier to manage than force required to bodily return tooth to their proper position in the arch. Another component of data base requires visualizing the proximity of adjacent erupting teeth (especially second molars) and estimating their potential impact on the teeth that have crowded the space. Radiographs of the periapical structures are necessary. Dental alignment consideration that affect the regaining of space include estimation of rotation, slipped contacts, and facial-lingual displacement of teeth from arch circumference. Study models will provide the best data resource for these considerations. For example, loss of space in the incisor segment owing to rotation and overlapping contacts can be estimated and placed on the models before assessing the amount of space loss in a molar segment. Study models permit visualization of vertical, transverse and sagittal dental relationship that might hinder stability of Moyers mixed dentition analysis will be a good aid to determine measurement of space loss against an estimation of the space needed by the unerupted permanent tooth. Moyers analysis is easy to apply for both early and late mixed dentition problems. Estimations based on radiographs demonstrate variance because of difficulties in standardized film placement, especially in the small mouth of the child with early mixed dentition. Several problems are associated with the regaining procedures. Usually minimal space loss can be regained better. The space regaining procedure that involves tipping of first permanent molar can be accomplished more easily in the maxillary arch than in the mandibular arch. The procedure should be limited to those cases in which the occlusion is Class I, there is adequate anchorage, the second permanent molar is unerupted and there is favourable relationship of the second permanent molar with the first permanent molar. When appliance are used to position first permanent molars, there will be reciprocal force exerted to the teeth and supporting tissues anterior to the space and the result may be an undesirable flaring of the anterior teeth. This particularly occurs during the mixed dentition period when the permanent incisors are incompletely erupted and adversely influenced by even minimal forces. Furthermore, the forward movement of the unerupted, second permanent molar accompanies the forward movement of first molar, and any attempt to tip or reposition the first permanent molar may produce an impaction of the second molar. If favourable conditions exists, an attempt to regain space is certainly indicated. Several fixed and removable appliances for space regaining procedures were evolved i.e. tipping of the first molars. However, the distal movement other than minimal tipping can most satisfactorily achieved by head gear appliance. FIXED SPACE REGAINERS CONSTRUCTION OF A SIMPLE APPLIANCE TO REPOSITION THE DISTALLY POSITIONED BICUSPID: Fred Ehrlich (1950) stated that if the first premolar has already erupted and drifted distally, a reciprocal active fixed regainer can be used to good advantage in the mandibular arch. A molar band is fitted to the first permanent molar. Molar tubes are soldered or spot welded in a horizontal position both buccally and lingually to the band. Impressions will be taken with alginate. The tubes will furnish enough of the undercut to lock the band into the impression material while vibrating the stone mix. Make sure you put some wax in the tubes before seating the band in the impression. A stainless steel wire which is slightly smaller than the tube size is selected and bent in a U shape. The base of the U should contain a reverse bend to contact the distal surface of the first premolar. As the wire comes out of the tube it should aim toward the first premolar at a point just below the greatest distal convexity of the first premolar. A stop should be placed on both arms where the straight part meets the bend of the wire and is cut about (2 to 3mm) longer than the distance from the anterior stop to the molar tube. When all these parts are ready the band is removed from the working model by heating the stone molar and plunging it into water. The friable stone residue can easily be removed by scraping and cutting with a laboratory knife. Then the parts are cleaned, assembled and the band is cemented with coil springs compressed between the stop and molar tube once in place, the reciprocal action of the coil spring will upright the premolar readily,- and the molar somewhat. If the diagnosis la correct and the treatment plan has been carried out quickly enough, room for the second premolar is regained, provided there really was room for it. JAFFE APPLIANCE An appliance for certain minor tooth movements was described by Paul E. Jaffe (1963), is useful when the presence of ankylosed tooth, early loss of a deciduous molar or an extraction result in filling of adjacent segments into proximal dental area. Movement is obtained by the use of light spring pressure against a sliding section or arch. The appliance consists of buccal and lingual arms with a sliding arch section. Springs are used in between soldered part of the buccal and lingual arms of molar bands and the sliding arch to move the desired tooth or teeth. GERBER SPACE MAINTAINER This type of appliance may be fabricated directly in the mouth during one relatively short appointment and requires no lab work. A seamless Orthodontic band or crown is selected for the abutment tooth and fitted, and the mesial surface is marked for placement of U" assembly, which may be welded or soldered in place with silver solder and fluoride flux. The wire "U" section is fitted in the tube, the appliance placed and wire section extended to contact the tooth mesial to the edentulous area. A marking file or pencil' is used to establish proper position. Assembly is removed and welded or soldered at this point (upper right). Expanded center and lower left views .show occlusal rest added to wire section to reduce cantilever effect. If appliance is to be used as a spring-loaded space retainer, tube and wire "U" assembly are not Welded. An eyelet -may be welded to an flattened part of the tube next to the band weldable tube stops are soldered on wire portion (lower right) and open coil spring sections are cut to fit over wire between "Stops" and ends of "U" tube. The length of push coil springs Is established by placing the band-tube-wire assembly in the mouth, extending the wire to the desired length, in contact with the mesial tooth and measuring the distance between the tube stops on the wire and the end of the "U" tube. To this distance, add the amount of space needed in the regainer, plus 1 to 2 m, to ensure spring activation and cut springs to this length. Load springs, tie floss or steel ligature through eyelet and over "U wire to hold stored force in compressed spring. Be sure to compress springs enough to allow the assembly to fit the edentulous area. After cementation cut the ligature and remove to activate regainer. HOTZ LINGUAL ARCH Another method for moving molar distally utilizes the looped Hotz lingual (Hitchcock 1974). This is appropriate in a situation where the lower first permanent molar has drifted mesially, out the premolar or cuspid has not drifted distally. But there must be Xray evidence that there is sufficient space between first molar and developing second molar. The lingual arch provides compound anchorage from all the other teeth which the lingual arch touches. A horizontal spur can be soldered perpendicular to the arch wire contacting the distal surface of the premolar or canine. This compounds the anchorage additionally. The loop on the active side is adjusted periodically (once a month). After adjustment, the posts in the passive position should be approximately 1mm distal to their passive positions over the lumen of their tubes. The arch is then forced forward and the posts slipped down into place. KING APPLIANCE: King (1977) described an appliance for regaining of space in both maxillary and mandibular arch. The anchorage unit for the mandibular arch is basically a fixed lingual arch with bands fitted on the first deciduous molar of the treatment side and the first permanent molar on the opposite side. Then a wide siamose edgewise bracket is spot welded to the buccal surface of the primary molar band, and the completed anchorage unit is cemented in place. A band with an angulated buccal tube is cemented on the malpositioned molar, and a straight section of wire with an open coil spring is introduced into the buccal tube and ligated into the bracket. The anchorage unit must be modified for the treatment in the maxillary arch. A millimeter a month is satisfactory progress in the repositioning of first molar. When a Class I or cusp to cusp molar relation is achieved, a conventional space maintaining appliance should be given. A SECTIONAL ARCH TECHNIQUE TO REGAIN SPACE: Tinginys (1978) presented a sectional arch technique to regain lost arch length. Upto 4 millimeters of space can be regained in an effective and efficient manner by the method described. It can be used in the cases where the second molar is erupted-------. Direct technique: The cuspid, bicuspid and first molar teeth are banded with edgewise buccal brackets and lingual buttons. The edgewise brackets should have the necessary torque built in as this simplifies treatment. The first sectional arch wire is 0.016 inch diameter. After two months a 0.020 arch wire is inserted with the same design as the 0.016. After three to four months. 10.018 x 0.025 rectangular sectional arch is placed. This is the final arch wire and acts as a retainer while waiting for the premolar to erupt, which may take as long as six to eight months. Only a large loop is necessary in this wire. When the arch wire is tied in place with the ligature wire, the force will be to tip the molar distally and intrude the cuspid and first bicuspid. The location of the second molar is important. If it is unerupted, then tipping the first molar distal may impact it. Radiographs should be taken to forsee this potential problem. The presence of an erupted second molar is not a contraindication to treatment. A spring separator can be inserted between the first and second molars, as this prevents friction and binding and facilitates tooth movement. The archwire should follow the contour of the distal arch in order to prevent buccal movement of the cuspid and first bicuspid. The lingual buttons on the cuspid and ---------- be tied together with 0.010 ligature wire to provide more stability to the anchor teeth. Adjustments at the circle of the arch are made at monthly intervals. If the second premolar erupts rotated, it must be banded by using lingual buttons, buccal brackets and elastic ligature so that it can be correctly aligned. Indirect technique: The teeth are separated and an alginated impression taken. An orthodontic laboratory can adapt bands with torqued edgewise brackets and lingual buttons on the study model. Other types of fixed space regainers will include head gear appliance used for maxilla, lip bumper used for mandible. These are the interceptive appliances which are used when second permanent molar is already erupted into the oral cavity. These were not discussed in this topic. ANTERIOR SPACE REGAINER: Bayardo (1986) described an anterior space regainer utilizing direct bonding technique. A four year old boy presented, with a maxillary primary right central incisor missing, extracted four months earlier. The space was partially lost and the anterior teeth had drifted to the space. After prophylaxis two 0.018 x 0.025 standard labial tubes were adapted into the mouth. A stainless steel mesh was spot welded and trimmed to the tubes. The enamel of the labial surfaces of left central and right lateral incisors was etched with 35% phosphoric acid and each labial tube was individually bonded to each abutment tooth. When the composite polymerized, a piece of 0.014 standard round wire was introduced into the lateral incisor tube. The wire was then inserted in a 0.036 x 0.009 open coil spring previously selected, and passed through the labial tube of the central incisor. A distal bend was made 2mm from the distal ends of the tube. After three weeks, the coil spring was activated and after the space was slightly overwidened, a 0.016 round wire was inserted with the same coil spring. Three weeks later the wire was changed to a 0.018 and finally to a 0.018 x 0.025 wire, leaving the coil spring only for retention. Five weeks later, an acrylic pontic was fixed over the wire and coil spring, using the same type of composite already in the patients mouth. REMOVABLE SPACE REGAINERS William G. Goodale (1957) described three types of removable space regainers. FREE END LOOP SPRING SPACE REGAINER It utilizes a labial archwire for stability and retention, with a back-action loop spring constructed of No. 0.025 wire. The base of the appliance is made of acrylic resin. Movement of the permanent molar is achieved by activating the free end of the wire loop at certain intervals of time. A light force on the tooth to be moved is desired. The appliance should be checked and adjusted as often as necessary to maintain the light force on the molar. The type of loop spring wire can be changed to fit any situation, depending on the position of the tooth and the distance it needs to be moved. A free-end loop space regainer for the lower arch has a shorter wire loop, resulting in less distortion when the child inserts the appliance. SPLIT-BLOCK SPACE REGAINER: It is also called split saddle space regainer. It differs from the free end spring type in that the functional part of the appliance consists of an acrylic block that is splti buccolingually and jointed by No. 0.025 wire in the form of a buccal and a lingual loop. The appliance is activated by periodic spreading of the loops. The activator block is split with a disk after the appliance has been processed. The activator portion of the split block appliance is essentially the same as one that has been designed to establish space for fixed bridge therapy. The unilateral type used for adults should not be used in the childs mouth, however because of the risks of loss of swallowing.
FIXED, LOOP-SPRING SPACE REGAINER It differs from other types only in the design of the spring activation. This appliance resists breakage and provides a satisfactory method of moving the molar distally. The mesial portion of the spring loop is embedded in the resin and passed out through the edentulous space. This portion of wire should contact the distal surface of the tooth which is mesial to the space. This prevents distal movement of this tooth. A loop is then formed and the wire returned back to contact the mesial surface of the first permanent molar. At this end, the wire is bent around a stable embedded in the resin. The spring loop should be allowed to move freshly on the staple. Retention of this appliance is gained by the use of wire clasps. Orthodontic wire of No. 0.025 or No. 0.030 dimension is embedded in the acrylic resin, brought through the embrasure and then bent down to contact the teeth below the contact points. After the desired movement of the permanent molar has been attained, the appliance may be used as a space maintainer by soldering the activator portion of the spring to the guide wire in its passive position, or by filling in the edentulous region with additional resin. SLING SHOT SPACE REGAINER: This consists of a wire elastic holder with hooks instead of wire spring that transmits a force against the molar to be distalized. This is called sling shot appliance, since the distalizing force is produced by the elastic streatched on the middle of the lingual surface of the molar to be moved. The other is arranged in the same position on the buccal surface of the molar. The child places a new elastic between the hooks while the appliance is outside the mouth. It is slipped into place then the childs fingers can guide the elastic into place snugly against the gingival on the mesial margin of the molar to be distalized. The elastic can be changed once each day. SPACE REGAINER UTILIZING JACK-SCREW It is another type of removable appliance used for space regaining which will incorporate an expansion screw in the edentulous space. Space is opened by expanding the plates anteroposteriorly. RECALL AND FOLLOW-UP TREATMENT As we have discussed earlier space maintenance is a dynamic process and should be evaluated continuously. We should not take it granted that we have given the appliance and it will take care of everything. Patient should be recalled for every 2 to 3 months for checkup. If the appliance is of removable type, we should check whether the patient is using it or not, whether there is any distortion or breakage of the appliance or irritation of soft tissues. If the teeth are emerging underneath the appliance the portion of the acrylic is cut off to give way for the teeth to erupt into position. In case of fixed appliances, we have to check for any breakage of the appliance at the soldered joints or band material. It is also checked that whether the appliance is loose due to dissolution of cement which may result in food lodgement and caries. The appliance is removed every 6 months or one year depending on the situation and the abutment tooth is checked for any caries or decalcification. Polishing of the abutment is done followed by fluoride application. Then the appliance is recemented in position. Regular radiographic examination of developing permanent teeth is also necessary. The appliance can be removed or discarded soon after the succedaneous teeth erupted into proper position in the oral cavity so that there will not be
RESPONSIBILITY OF DENTIST/PEDODONTIST FOR MAINTENANCE We have discussed about factors influencing space premature loss of primary teeth, maintenance of . This indicates that we are obligated to inform as well as their parents concerning the possibilities in the event of an early loss of a primary tooth. Parents may ask later in many instances, why -------- discuss the possibility of closure of space at the ---------- tion?. We cannot defend ourselves by saying that was not available in our office, or it was our opi--------- that the parent could not afford to have an appliance------ fact that the dentist accepted the patient and problems to the responsibilities incident to the treatment arrens the ----- that such a dentist was negligent profesiionals. The practitioner who has informed and adviced the parent childs complete dental needs does not share the research incident to the development of a malocclusion. In presenting the problem of space maintenance --- the parent the actual condition existing in the challenging well as present the possibilities of a future malocclusion pictures, roentgenograms; and models. The dentist is the parent why such an appliance is essential, frequently hear the mother or father say. Well I ll just walhappens, or x cant afford such a bridge in my chi----- this time. The exact decision, reached by the dentist and the patient always should be recorded for future reference. Fathers and mothers easily forget their statements and conclusions of a year or two ago, and when the child returns to office with a malocclusion, the result of an early extraction, the records should indicate the decision made. The major offence was committed by the practitioner if this problem was not discussed with the parent at the time of extraction or shortly thereafter.