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Boston Symphony Orchestra

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"$%&T&ON R!P!RTO&R!
"pril '(()
I. Solos ,need not be memori-ed.
Bach Cello Suite No. 1- Courante (sounding at concert pitch; no repeats)
Mozart Horn Concerto No. 2 in E !a"or# $. %1&- !'t. ( (no cadenza)
II. Orchestral Passa/es
)*hose candidates in the +inal round !a, e as-ed to pla, the asteris-ed ()) e.cerpts /ith BS0 !e!ers as part o+
the audition.
1ourth Horn
Beetho'en S,!phon, No. 2- !'t (((
Brah!s 3iano Concerto No. 2- !'t ((
Brah!s S,!phon, No. %- !'ts (# ((# (((
Brah!s *ragic 0'erture
4'ora- S,!phon, No. 2- !'t (
Mahler S,!phon, No. 5- !'t. (
Mendelssohn S,!phon, No. 5# !'t ((
6a'el 4aphnis 7 Chloe (co!plete)
Shosta-o'ich S,!phon, No. 8- !'t (
Strauss 4on 9ui.ote
Strauss Ein Heldenleen
:agner 4as 6heingold- opening
:eer )4er 1reischutz 0'erture
:illia!s )Star :ars S,!phonic Suite- ;*he 1orest Battle< !easures &1-&= (on re'erse side)
Second Horn
Beetho'en )S,!phon, No. 5- *rio
Beetho'en )S,!phon, No. =- *rio
Brah!s *ragic 0'erture
Bruc-ner S,!phon, No. 2- !'t (> opening
Mahler )S,!phon, No. 1- !'t.1- opening
Mendelssohn ? Midsu!!er Night@s 4rea!- Scherzo
Mozart )S,!phon, No. 22
Schoenerg $a!!ers,!phonie No. 1 (cha!er 'ersion)
Strauss ?lpensin+onie
&&&. Si/ht Readin/
You may use your own music, but please be prepared to use BSO parts if necessary. The Audition Committee reserves the
right to dismiss immediately any candidate not meeting the highest standards at these auditions.

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