This document contains questions from a Primary 2 Music Exam. It tests knowledge of basic musical terminology like notes, rests, time values, and instruments. It asks the student to identify musical symbols like the minim, crotchet, and semibreve. Questions also cover topics like the number of holes in a recorder, music alphabet letters, proper singing technique, and music staff notation. The exam concludes with two short answer questions asking the student to write out a tune and draw diagrams differentiating note values and recorder finger charts.
This document contains questions from a Primary 2 Music Exam. It tests knowledge of basic musical terminology like notes, rests, time values, and instruments. It asks the student to identify musical symbols like the minim, crotchet, and semibreve. Questions also cover topics like the number of holes in a recorder, music alphabet letters, proper singing technique, and music staff notation. The exam concludes with two short answer questions asking the student to write out a tune and draw diagrams differentiating note values and recorder finger charts.
This document contains questions from a Primary 2 Music Exam. It tests knowledge of basic musical terminology like notes, rests, time values, and instruments. It asks the student to identify musical symbols like the minim, crotchet, and semibreve. Questions also cover topics like the number of holes in a recorder, music alphabet letters, proper singing technique, and music staff notation. The exam concludes with two short answer questions asking the student to write out a tune and draw diagrams differentiating note values and recorder finger charts.
This document contains questions from a Primary 2 Music Exam. It tests knowledge of basic musical terminology like notes, rests, time values, and instruments. It asks the student to identify musical symbols like the minim, crotchet, and semibreve. Questions also cover topics like the number of holes in a recorder, music alphabet letters, proper singing technique, and music staff notation. The exam concludes with two short answer questions asking the student to write out a tune and draw diagrams differentiating note values and recorder finger charts.
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Primary 2 Music Exam
1. Which of the musical symbol has a value of 2
A) Quaver B) Minim C) emi!uaver ") emibreve 2. Which of the musical symbol has a value of # A) emi breve B) Breve C) Minim ") Quaver $. %o& many semi !uaver ma'es a !uaver A) 2 B) 1 C) # ") $ #. %o& many minim ma'es a semi breve A) 1 B) 2 C) $ ") # (. 'ey C is locate) ...... A) Behin) *hree blac' note B) Behin) t&o blac' note C) Behin) four blac' notes ") Behin) three blac' notes +. Which of these musical symbol has a )ouble ,a- A) Minim B) !uaver C) semi!uaver ") crotchet .. *he recor)er is ........... instrument A) trin- instrument B) &in) instrument C) /ercussion ") 0one of the Above 1. *he recor)er has 222222222 holes in total A) + B) # C) 1 ") 3 3. Which of these al/habet is not /art of music al/habet A) " B) A C) C ") P 14. Which of the follo&in- is not /art of a recor)er A) %oles B) Mouth/iece C) foot ") le- 11. Which of these music symbol is NOT sha)e) A) Quaver B)emi!uaver C) Minim ") 0one of the above 12. *he music al/habet on the 5rst line of the -ran) sta6 A) A B) B C) C ") E 1$. Which of the follo&in- shoul) 07* be observe) &hile sin-in- A) Pronounce the &or)s a//ro/iately B) maintain a -oo) an) comfortable /osture C) Breathe into your lo&er /art of your tummy ") eat &hile sin-in- 1#. Which of the follo&in- correct in -ran) sta6 notations A) Every Ba) Boy "eserves 8anta B) All -oo) Boys "eserves Po/corn C) Every 9oo) Boy "eserves 8anta ")0one of the above 1(. When you leave all the holes of the recor)er o/en you -et A) " 2 B) B C) C ") " EC*:70 B 1. Write 7ut the *onic olfa of ;o& ;o& <our Boat 2. =sin- a )ia-ram> )i6erentiate bet&een a Quaver > semi!uaver $. "ra& a recor)er chart of 92musical note #. "ra& a recor)er chart of B musical note