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What Is Life

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Subject / Course: 7t h Gr ade Lif e Science
Learning Goal: SC.6.L.15.1: Analyze and descr ibe how and why or ganisms ar e classif ied accor ding t o
shar ed char act er ist ics wit h emphasis on t he Linnaean syst em combined wit h t he concept of
Topic (Keywords): Classif icat ion
3.5 In addit ion t o scor e 3.0 per f or mance, in-dept h inf er ences and applicat ions wit h par t ial success

The st udent will:
Classif y or ganisms using a dichot omous key and f ield guide
Dist inguish bet ween t he t hr ee domains of lif e
Classif y or ganisms based on t he levels of classif icat ion
Descr ibe t he Scient i f ic Name of an or ganism
No major errors or omissions regarding t he score 3.0 cont ent (simple or
Explore and Explain

2.5 No major er r or s or omissions r egar ding 2.0 cont ent and par t ial knowledge of t he 3.0 cont ent

The st udent recognizes and describes specif ic t erminology such as:
Classif icat ion syst em
Binomial nomenclat ur e
Or ganisms
Pr okar yot e
Eukar yot e
The st udent will:
Explain char act er ist ics of living t hings
Be able t o descr ibe classif icat ion of or ganism
No major errors or omissions regarding t he simpler det ails and processes but
major errors or omissions regarding t he more complex ideas and processes

Par t ial knowledge of t he scor e 2.0 cont ent , but major er r or s or omissions r egar ding scor e
3.0 cont ent

Wit h help, a par t ial under st anding of some of t he simpler det ails and pr ocesses and some of t he
mor e complex ideas and pr ocesses.

0.5 Wit h help, a par t ial under st anding of t he scor e 2.0 cont ent , but not t he scor e 3.0 cont ent
0.0 Even wit h help, no under st anding or skill demonst r at ed
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Begin a new page titled: What
is Life?
Characteristics of Life
All living things share similar characteristics

These consist of:
1. Cellular organization
2. Contain chemicals
(like oxygen, hydrogen, etc.)
3. Use energy
4. Respond to surroundings
5. Grow and develop
6. Reproduce

Cellular Organization
All organisms (living things)
are made up tiny building
blocks called cells

The cell is the basic unit of
structure of living things

Some organisms are only one
cell, while others (like us) can
be made of trillions of cells
Unicellular Cells
Uni= one
Cellular = made of cells
Unicelluar = made of one cell

Most unicellular organisms are
bacteria. They only need one
cell to complete all functions
necessary for survival.

Multicellular Organisms
These types of organisms are
composed of many cells

Because there are so many, these
living things are more complex
Cells are specialized to do
different things

Ex. Skin cells protect you from
the outside while brain cells carry
information so you can make
decisions and carry out tasks
Is this picture of (a) unicellular or
multicellular organism(s)?
A.Unicellular because it has one cell
B.Unicellular because it is made of many cells
C.Multicellular because it has one cell
D.Multicellular because it is made of many
Cells Contain Chemicals
Calls are made of different
The most abundant chemical is water
Carbohydrates- the main energy source
Proteins and Lipids
Living Things Use Energy
Living things get energy from taking in
and breaking down materials.

This process is called metabolism.
Responds to Surroundings
All living things respond to the world
around them.

When a bright light flashes, or a breeze
rolls across your skin, your body and mind
react to this stimulus.

Even bacteria, plants
and fungus reacts to their

Grows and Develops
Organisms are not
born and then
never grow,
everything grows
and develops!

Development is the
process of change
that occurs during
an organisms life.

Living things get energy from taking in
and breaking down materials. What is
this called?
When a chicken egg hatches and the
chick grows from being small to big,
this is called:
C.Small to big

To produce offspring that is similar
or exactly the same as the parent.

2 Types:
1. Asexual
2. Sexual
Asexual Reproduction
A= not
SoAsexual is not
sexual reproduction

Only one parent is
needed and the offspring
is exactly the same as
the parent. There are
usually no boys and girls
for asexual species.

Sexual Reproduction
Two parents are needed to produce

The offspring share characteristics
from both parents

There are male and females

These types of organisms use _____
as a way of making offspring.
A.Asexual Reproduction
B.Sexual Reproduction
Where do Living Things Come
Living things come from other living things
through reproduction

For a very long time people believed in the idea
of Spontaneous Generation
Where organisms simply appeared from nothing/ non-
living material

Lets read about it!
Page 321

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