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Bylaws of the Rock Ridge High School Chapter of
the Science National Honor Society
ARTICLE I NAME AN !"R!#SE Section $% The na&e of this organi'ation shall (e the Rock Ridge High School Chapter of the Science National Honor Society% Section )% The p*rpose of this organi'ation shall (e to enco*rage participation in and recognition of scientific and intellect*al tho*ght+ to ad,ance st*dents- knowledge of classical and &odern science+ to co&&*nicate with the scientific co&&*nity+ to aid the ci,ic co&&*nity with its co&prehension of science+ and to enco*rage st*dents to participate in co&&*nity ser,ice and+ in t*rn+ enco*rage a dedication to the p*rs*it of scientific knowledge that (enefits all &ankind% ARTICLE II !#.ER AN A"TH#RIT/ Section $% The right to appro,e all of the actions and decisions of the Chapter shall (e reser,ed to the school ad&inistration% The school principle+ assistant principals+ and0or science depart&ent chair shall ha,e the right to ,eto or re,oke an action of the Science National Honor Society or to re,oke any of the powers held to it% ARTICLE III THE CHA!TER A1IS#R Section $% The Chapter ad,isor shall (e responsi(le for the direct+ daily s*per,ision of the chapter+ and act as a liaison (etween the fac*lty+ ad&inistration+ st*dents+ and co&&*nity% Section )% The Chapter ad,isor shall &aintain files on &e&(ership+ Chapter history+ acti,ities+ and financial transactions% The Chapter ad,isor shall send an ann*al report to the national office% Section 2% The Chapter ad,isor shall fre3*ently re,iew each &e&(er for co&pliance with the SNHS standards+ o(ligations+ and ideals% Section 4% The Chapter ad,isor has the right to appro,e+ ,eto or re,oke any decision &ade (y the Chapter &e&(ers and officers% The Chapter ad,isor &ay cons*lt an ad&inistrator or science depart&ent chair for ad,ice and inp*t on i&portant chapter decisions% ARTICLE I1 MEMBERSHI! Section $% The &e&(er &*st (e in his0her sopho&ore+ 5*nior+ or senior year in high school% Section )% The &e&(er &*st ha,e and &aintain a c*&*lati,e grade point a,erage of at least 2%6% This e7cl*des any honors or A! points% Section 2% The &e&(er &*st (e enrolled in at least two honors or *pper le,el science co*rses either d*ring or prior to the ele,enth grade year% Section 4% 8*nior &e&(ers &*st ha,e co&pleted three science co*rses or (e c*rrently enrolled in the third science co*rse% Senior &e&(ers &*st ha,e co&pleted fo*r science co*rses or (e c*rrently enrolled in the fo*rth science co*rse% Section 9% The &e&(er &*st &aintain a :!A of 4%; or higher across all science co*rses taken for high school credit% This e7cl*des any honors points or A! points% Special consideration &ay (e gi,en to st*dents that take &*ltiple higher le,el science co*rses in one se&ester% Section <% The &e&(er &*st pass si7 co*rses per se&ester% Any st*dent who does not pass si7 co*rses per se&ester will (e dis&issed% Section 6% A st*dent that does not &eet the criteria stated a(o,e =Sections )><? &ay (e eligi(le for &e&(ership if he or she is a &e&(er in good standing of the Science #ly&piad Tea&+ the Ro(otics Tea& or has co&peted in the :eorgia State Science and Engineering @air at the local+ district or state le,el% Section A% The &e&(er &*st &aintain (eha,ior that is accepta(le to the g*idelines of Milton High School% Section B% The &e&(er &*st attend all (*t three of chapter &eetings+ field trips+ e,ents+ and acti,ities% Section $;% All &e&(ers &*st attend all Chapter officer-s lect*re ann*ally% Reg*lar &e&(ers also hold the right to gi,e lect*res regarding a scientific topic appro,ed (y the Chapter ad,isor% Section $$% Each &e&(er is re3*ired to pay a &ini&al ann*al d*e of C)9% Additional e7penses &ay (e re3*ired for field trips+ transportation or other things dee&ed necessary (y the Chapter ad,isor and ad&inistration% Section $)% @ail*re to *phold and &aintain &e&(ership re3*ire&ents &ay res*lt in pro(ation or dis&issal fro& the chapter% ARTICLE 1 SELECTI#N #@ MEMBERS Section $% Candidates can (e accepted *pon their co&pliance with the policies o*tlined in Article I1+ Sections $>$)% Section )% Candidates are also re3*ired to e7hi(it good character and possess &oti,ation to perse,ere acade&ically% :ood character in,ol,es co&plying with the r*les and reg*lations set (y the school ad&inistrators% Section 2% Candidates sho*ld (e a(le to stay (efore and after school for &eetings and other acti,ities% Candidates sho*ld (e a(le to participate in field trips incl*ding those taken d*ring school and on weekends% Section 4% Candidates &*st co&plete the Rock Ridge High School Chapter of the National Honor Society application for&% ARTICLE 1I ISMISSAL AN !R#BATI#N Section $% A st*dent &ay (e p*t on pro(ation is he0she fails to attend the re3*ired percentage of &eetings+ or ,iolates the standards+ o(ligations+ or ideals of the Science National Honor Society% This incl*des ,iolation of grade or (eha,ioral re3*ire&ents as o*tlined in Article I1+ Sections $>$)% Section )% Any st*dent on pro(ation shall not ha,e the right to ,ote at Chapter &eetings% Section 2% The length of the pro(ationary period shall (e one se&ester% Me&(ership stat*s will (e e,al*ated at the end of the se&ester in which the st*dent was placed on pro(ation% Section 4% A st*dent who does not f*lfill the &e&(ership re3*ire&ents d*ring the pro(ationary period will (e dis&issed fro& the Chapter% Section 9% Any st*dent who is s*spended fro& school or recei,es an honor code ,iolation will (e dis&issed fro& the Chapter% Section <% Any &e&(er &ay (e re&o,ed fro& their office for the fail*re to attend &eetings+ fail*re to represent the Society properly and fairly+ fail*re to carry o*t their assigned d*ties+ or for any other actions which are detri&ental to the welfare of the &a5ority of the &e&(ers they represent with the appro,al of the Chapter ad,isor=s?% Section 6% The right to iss*e dis&issal fro& the Rock Ridge High School Chapter of the Science National Honor Society is reser,ed to the Chapter ad,isor+ school ad&inistrators+ and the science fac*lty &e&(ers% Section A% The st*dent does hold the right to appeal the decision thro*gh the &eans of a written re3*est to the principal% ARTICLE 1II CHA!TER #@@ICERS Section $% The officers of the Chapter shall (e one !resident+ one 1ice>!residents+ one Secretary+ and one Treas*rer% Section )% The ter& of office for the Chapter officers shall (e one school year+ with the pri,ilege to r*n for office again the following year *nless officers are seniors% Section 2% #fficers shall (e elected *pon agree&ent of the &a5ority+ thro*gh &eans of anony&o*s ,ote e7cept for the first year of the chapter% Section 4% All Chapter officers are o(ligated to the d*ty of presenting two (rief scientific lect*res ann*ally% The lect*re shall (e ten to fifteen &in*tes in length and &ay (e gi,en d*ring a reg*lar Chapter &eeting or in a special cere&ony% Section 9% The Chapter officers shall ha,e general s*per,ision of the affairs of the Chapter as o,erseen (y the Chapter ad,isor% The officers shall &eet reg*larly+ &ake reco&&endations to the Chapter+ and perfor& all d*ties na&ed in the (ylaws% Section <% It shall (e the d*ty of the !resident to call and preside o,er &eetings+ and delegate the acti,ities of the Chapter% The !resident will also r*le on all Society actions he or she dee&s necessary+ ,ote on any &atter in which the Society is e3*ally di,ided+ &eet with the ad&inistration+ delegate necessary tasks to officers and &e&(ers+ and appoint co&&ittees as needed% The !resident shall act as chairperson of the e7ec*ti,e co&&ittee% The office of president shall (e held (y a senior% Section 6% It shall (e the d*ty of the 1ice>!resident to organi'e presenters and speakers for each &onthly &eeting% The 1ice>!resident will assist the !resident in the organi'ation of f*ndraisers+ co&&*nity ser,ice pro5ects+ and school acti,ities% Section A% It shall (e the d*ty of one of the Secretary to keep an organi'ed record of the infor&ation and attendance of each &e&(er+ prepare the agenda for the &eetings+ and (e responsi(le for keeping the Science National Honor Society (*lletin (oard c*rrent% The second Secretary shall (e in charge of recording the &eetings+ the lect*rers+ and the acti,ities cond*cted (y the Chapter and present &in*tes+ fro& the pre,io*s &eeting to &e&(ers of the Society at the ne7t &eeting% That Secretary shall (e responsi(le for notifying the &e&(ers of the &eetings and the acti,ities% Section B% It shall (e the d*ty of the Treas*rer to collect the d*es of each &e&(er and keep an organi'ed record of the &oney the Chapter attains fro& f*ndraisers and other e,ents (y working with the ad,isor=s? and the (ookkeeper in &aintaining records of receipts and e7pendit*res+ and &ake a financial report at e,ery reg*lar (*siness &eeting of the Society% Section $;% It shall (e the d*ty of Social Chair to pro&ote the cl*( in its (est interest ,ia @ace(ook+ Twitter+ etc% ARTICLE 1III MEETIN:S Section $% There will (e at least one Chapter &eeting a &onth% Additional &eetings &ay (e held at the discretion of the officers and ad,isor=s?% Ad,anced notice will (e gi,en for all &eetings% Section )% The Chapter officers shall &eet at least once a &onth fro& the (eginning of the school year to disc*ss the acti,ities+ lect*res+ and &eeting dates for the chapter% Section 2% The &eetings &*st incl*de ten to fifteen &in*te lect*res regarding a certain field of science appro,ed (y the Chapter ad,isor% The lect*res can (e gi,en (y Chapter officers+ reg*lar &e&(ers+ or g*est speakers% Section 4% All &e&(ers are re3*ired to attend all (*t 2 of the &eetings cond*cted in the school year in order to recei,e recognition as (eing &e&(ers of the Science National Honor Society% Section 9% The !resident &ay call e&ergency &eetings+ if appro,ed (y the officers% ARTICLE ID CHA!TER ACTI1ITIES Section $% The Rock Ridge High School Chapter &*st ha,e at least one &a5or pro5ect ann*ally% The p*rpose of the pro5ect=s? shall (e to enco*rage scientific and intellect*al tho*ght+ to f*rther the knowledge of science in the school and co&&*nity+ and to ,ol*nteer in the s*rro*nding co&&*nity% Section )% All &e&(ers are re3*ired to participate in at least one of the ann*al pro5ects% Section 2% The Chapter shall (ring speakers fro& the scientific co&&*nity into the school% Section 4% The Chapter shall host a school science fair contest in accordance with the :eorgia Science and Engineering @air R*les and Reg*lations% Section 9% The Chapter shall engage in field trips to science affiliated centers that are appro,ed (y the Chapter ad,isor% ARTICLE D #@@ICIAL INSI:NIA AN M#TT# Section $% The Chapter will *tili'e the official e&(le& of the Science National Honor Society% Section )% Each acti,e+ grad*ate+ or honorary &e&(er shall (e entitled to wear this e&(le&% Section 2% The &otto of the Science National Honor Society is a 3*ote fro& 1irgil+ Fortunate is one who understands the causes of things. ARTICLE DI AMENMENTS Section $% In order to ens*re the e3*ity and reasona(ility of the (ylaws+ any a&end&ent that is agreed *pon (y the Chapter ad,isor and two>thirds of the &e&(ers shall (e i&ple&ented+ and take effect i&&ediately+ or whene,er dee&ed appropriate (y the Chapter ad,isor and the &e&(ers% Section )% These (ylaws &*st (e agreed *pon (y at least two>thirds of the &e&(ers in order for the& to (e in effect% In addition+ the &e&(ers shall (e notified with a copy of the (ylaws at least one &onth prior to the ,oting of its ratification% Section 2% A&end&ents to the constit*tion &ay (e proposed (y any officer+ fac*lty+ or ad&inistration and ratified (y a two>thirds &a5ority ,ote of the Chapter and its ad,isor=s?% Section 4% !roposed a&end&ents &*st (e read to the Chapter at a reg*larly>sched*led &eeting and (e ,oted on (y the &e&(ers at the ne7t sched*led &eeting% Section 9% Any &e&(er on pro(ation will not (e per&itted to ,ote on the (ylaw a&end&ents%