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P-2 Associate Human Rights Officer Human Rights Council Branch (Ohchr/Hrcspd/Hrcb) Human Rights 3 April 2014

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Ref. No.: TEMPORARY JOB OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT (Recr !"#e$" o$ %oc&% '&(!

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P-2 Associate Human Rights Officer 1 TJO Grade Level Functional Title Human Rights Council Branch (OHCHR/HRCSPD/HRCB) Department/Office/Division/ Service/Section Human Rights Job Network and Job Family A!ril 2"1# Deadline DD/!!/""""#

Dut$ Station% Duration of nee(%

&ene'a ) months

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O!en to *+ternal Can(i(ates% ,es


T$e post is located in t$e %&' Support and 'oordination Section( %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil *ranc$ %&'*#( wit$in t$e Office of t$e %i)$ 'ommissioner for %uman &i)$ts O%'%&#+ ,nder t$e direct supervision of t$e Secretary of t$e %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil and t$e overall )uidance of t$e '$ief of *ranc$( t$e incumbent will perform t$e followin) functions

.rovides substantive and tec$nical support to t$e preparation and servicin) of t$e re)ular and special sessions of t$e %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil %&'#( as well as to inter)overnmental workin) )roups( informal consultations and ot$er meetin)s/ ,ndertakes inter0sessional and preparatory functions and activities mandated by t$e %&'/ Drafts and prepares substantive inputs to support t$e activities of t$e %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil %&'#( includin) back)round notes( studies or analyses on specific issues or on ur)ent situations as re1uired/ !aintains contacts wit$ ot$er parts of O%'%& to e2c$an)e information and coordinate activities in

For eli)ibility and ot$er conditions( please see t$e Notes at t$e end of t$is form+ +

support of t$e %&'/

.articipates in t$e dissemination of information on all aspects of t$e %&' activities and procedures to representatives of Governments( .ermanent !issions( inter0)overnmental or)ani4ations( ,nited Nations speciali4ed a)encies( NGOs( national $uman ri)$ts institutions( and ot$er civil society entities/ 'ontributes to t$e annual reports of t$e %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil/ .erforms ot$er duties as may be directed by t$e '$ief of *ranc$ and Secretary of t$e %uman COMPETENCIES

Professionalism% 5ery )ood knowled)e of and e2posure to a ran)e of $uman ri)$ts issues( to include approac$es and tec$ni1ues to address sensitive problems+ Good knowled)e of institutional mandates( policies and )uidelines related to $uman ri)$ts and knowled)e of t$e %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil or ot$er inter)overnmental processes/ Good analytical and researc$ skills( ability to evaluate and inte)rate information from a variety of sources( includin) on administrative and financial matters relatin) to t$e functionin) of t$e 'ouncil/ Takes responsibility for incorporatin) )ender perspectives and ensurin) t$e e1ual participation of women and men in all areas of work+ Communication% Stron) communication skills spoken( written and presentational#( includin) t$e ability to produce written reports in a clear( concise style( to deliver trainin) presentations to e2ternal audiences and to build and maintain effective partners$ips+ Planning an( Organi-ing% 6bility to establis$ priorities and to plan work assi)nments( $andle competin) demands and work under pressure of fre1uent and ti)$t deadlines+ .eam/or0% .roven interpersonal skills and ability to work in a multi0cultural( multi0et$nic environment wit$ sensitivity and respect for respect for diversity+ Other S0ills% 7nowled)e of t$e functionin) of t$e %uman &i)$ts 'ouncil+ QUALIFICATIONS *+!erience% 6t least 8 years of pro)ressively responsible e2perience at national and international levels in t$e $uman ri)$ts field( wit$ t$e ,N and its $uman ri)$ts inter)overnmental or e2pert mec$anisms+ 7nowled)e of and workin) e2perience wit$ civil society and or non0)overnmental or)ani4ations is $i)$ly desirable+ *(ucation% 6dvanced university de)ree in law( political sciences( international relations or ot$er disciplines related to $uman ri)$ts+ 6 combination of relevant academic 1ualifications and e2perience may be accepted in lieu of t$e advanced university de)ree+ 1anguages% Fluency written and oral# in 9n)lis$ or Frenc$/ full workin) knowled)e of t$e ot$er+ 7nowled)e of a t$ird ,+N+ lan)ua)e $i)$ly desirable+

DOC23*4.S R*526R*D% Co'er 1etter Personal Histor$ Profile ('isit htt!s%//ins!ira7un7org to generate a PHP) 1ast t/o com!lete( Performance A!!raisal or t/o Reference 1etters for e+ternal a!!licants

Date of issuance 8: !arc$ 8;3<

3</;<8/G9N956( .08

A11 S2B36SS6O4S .O B* S*4. 64 O4* S64&1* *-3A61 .O% (Please mention the reference num8er of the 'acanc$ announcement in the su89ect hea(er of $our email% 1#/OHCHR/"#2/&*4*:A) Contact 4ame% Notes

OHCHR Human Resources

9mail 6ddress-


A current staff member who holds a fixed-term, permanent or contin in! appointment may apply for temporary positions no more than one level above his or her current grade. However, a current staff member who holds an appointment at the G-6 or G-7 level may also apply to temporary positions in the Professional category up to and including the P- level, sub!ect to meeting all eligibility and other re"uirements for the position. A staff member holding a temporar" appointment shall be regarded as an e#ternal candidate when applying for other positions, and may apply for other temporary positions at any level, sub!ect to staff rule $.%6 &b' &ii'. (herefore, a staff member holding a temporary appointment in the General )ervice or related categories may only apply to positions within those categories. *or full information on eligibility re"uirements, please refer to section + of )(,A-,./%/,$,0ev.% on (emporary Appointments. -n its resolution 66,. $, the General Assembly further 1stressed that the )ecretary-General should not recur to the practice of temporarily filling posts in the Professional and higher categories with General )ervice staff members who have not passed the General )ervice to Professional category e#amination other than on an e#ceptional basis, and re"uests the )ecretary-General to ensure that temporary occupation of such posts by the General )ervice staff shall not e#ceed a period of one year, effective % 2anuary ./% 34 5onse"uently, eligible candidates in the General )ervice or related categories for temporary !ob openings in the Professional category that have not passed the competitive e#amination may be selected only on an e#ceptional basis endorsed by the 6ffice of Human 0esources 7anagement where no other suitable candidate could be identified. )ub!ect to the funding source of the position, this temporary !ob opening may be limited to candidates based at the duty station. 8hile this temporary assignment may provide the successful applicant with an opportunity to gain new wor9 e#perience, the selection for this position is for a limited period and has no bearing on the future incumbency of the post. An e#ternal candidate selected for this position is bound by the prevailing condition of the staff selection system under )(,A-,./%/, , as amended, and )(,A-,./%/,$,0ev.%. A staff member holding a temporary appointment who is recruited in the Professional and above categories on a temporary appointment, and placed on a position authori:ed for one year or longer may not apply for or be reappointed to his,her current position within si# months of the end of his,her current service. (his provision does not apply to staff members holding temporary appointments and placed on positions authori:ed for one year or more in duty stations authori:ed for peace9eeping operations or special political missions. (he e#pression 1-nternal candidates4, shall mean staff members who have been recruited after a competitive e#amination under staff rule $.%6 or after the advice of a central review body under staff rule $.%+. Please note that candidates will be re"uired to meet the re"uirements of Article %/%, paragraph , of the 5harter as well as the re"uirements of the position. (he ;nited <ations is committed to the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity for all its human resources,
3</;<8/G9N956( .08

Date of issuance 8: !arc$ 8;3<

including but not limited to respect for international human rights and humanitarian law. 5andidates may be sub!ect to screening against these standards, including but not limited to whether they have committed, or are alleged to have committed criminal offices and,or violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

*or information on special post allowance, please refer to )(,A-,%===,%7. *or more details on the administration of temporary appointments please refer to )(,A-,./%/,$,0ev.%. (he )taff 0egulations, )taff 0ules and administrative issuances governing staff appointments can be viewed at> http>,,www.un.org,hr?handboo9,@nglish.

Date of issuance 8: !arc$ 8;3<

3</;<8/G9N956( .08

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