R Bowen - SMP Part 3
R Bowen - SMP Part 3
R Bowen - SMP Part 3
Rebekah N. Bowen
FRIT 7331
Contextual Analysis of the Learning Community
BCMS School Description:
Bleckley County Middle School was built in 2010, and is a small rural school in the county seat of Cochran,
Georgia. Our community is made up of about 70% white, and 30% black with less than 1% any other race. At
BCMS, we have 6
, 7
, and 8
grade and around 510 students enrolled. Within our middle school, we have 1%
Asian students, 24% Black students, 2% Hispanic students, 71% White students, and 1% multi-racial students.
The subgroups that are identified within our school are students with disabilities who make up 14% or our school
population, English language learners who make up 1%, and students
who receive free or reduced lunch make up 60%. We have
accelerated programs at each grade level for math and
English/language arts. These students make up about 8% of our
school population. To serve our students with disabilities, we have
resource classes for Math and English/language Arts for each grade
level, as well as inclusion and self-contained special education classes.
There are 42 certified teachers at BCMS and 10 other support staff
Our school mission statement is to provide excellent educational experiences today, for tomorrows success. We
expect excellence from all of our students. For the 2013-2014 school year, Bleckley County Middle School, as
well as all other schools in the county, received Accredited with Quality status from the Georgia Accrediting
Commission, INC. We have a partnership with the local Communities in Schools (CIS) organization who provide
a mentoring program. There is a CIS representative who has an office at our school so that the program is better
able to meet the needs of our students. At times, the CIS program has provided school supplies, clothes, and
counseling services to students. Our system provides afterschool tutoring through the 21
Century Grant for all
grade levels, and our schools have also been awarded several hundred dollars through a literacy grant.
Click image above to visit the BCMS homepage.
In the 2012-2013 school year, BCMS had excellent scores on the Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT)
when compared to the state. Below is a table showing a comparison of BCMS CRCT scores and the average score
in the state of Georgia.
Grade levels ELA Reading Math Science SS
6th Grade 94.7 98.2 92.9 88.2 90
STATE 92.4 96 82.7 74 77.5
7th Grade 98.2 98.2 95.2 89.5 87.8
STATE 93 94.7 89.9 85.2 82.7
8th Grade 94.9 97.8 89.9 76 80.2
STATE 94.3 96.8 83 74 77.9
The school media center is housed in a central location in the
front of the school building. It is approximately 2,200 square
feet and serves each grade level throughout the day. We
have a wide variety of books for students to check out, and
the majority of the traffic each day is students taking
Accelerated Reader tests, and checking out new Accelerated
Reader books to reach their assigned goals for each nine
weeks. There is a computer lab in a separate auditorium-type
room adjoining the media center. A teacher resource room is
located in the media center as well. This room is where
teachers take things to be laminated; the dye-cut machine is
here, as well as, many other resources for teachers
classrooms. We have a large area with tables that provide a place for classes to meet and collaborate, and there
is a quiet area in which students can read in comfortable chairs.
BCMS Media Center Philosophy:
The Bleckley County Middle School Media Center strives to assist students in becoming critical thinkers and
information seekers. The media center has an open-door policy from 7:30 in the morning until 3:15 in the
afternoon. This provides students with many opportunities to visit the library for quiet reading time, research, or
collaborative time with other students. It is crucial that students are given the opportunity to explore the
selection of reading material in order to discover their interests. This is an integral part of developing a lifelong
love for reading. The media center strives to create a warm and welcoming environment in which students feel
welcome at any time. The BCMS media center also believes that our community plays a large part in the
development of our students. The media center interacts with the community in a variety of ways. One way is by
donating books to the Bleckley County Friends of the Library organization. The Communities in Schools mentors
also meet regularly in the media center. The media center staff believes that collaboration and communication
between all stakeholders is the only way to ensure success.
BCMS Media Center Mission Statement:
The mission of the Bleckley County Middle School Media Program is to equip students and teachers with a vast
assortment of resources, encourage creative and critical thinking, and develop eager, lifelong readers by
collaborating with teachers, and providing appropriate, up-to-date tools.
The School Library Media Center: Facilities and Services
BCMS Media Center Services Overview:
The BCMS Media Center allows students to come in at any time from 7:30 a.m. 3:15 p.m., with teacher
permission. Teachers may send students to the library for a number of reasons throughout the day such as
working on make-up work, research, reading, or checking out books. This type of open scheduling allows
teachers to collaborate with the media specialist to plan lessons to utilize the resources the media center has to
offer. Small groups of five or six students may come to the media center to complete research or other
cooperative assignments. There is only one full-time staff member in the media center, the media specialist, but
there is a paraprofessional that is in the library for one class period, and there are also high school students who
volunteer on a daily basis to help with the daily tasks of the media center. The media center personnel request
that teachers plan such activities in advance so that resources and materials can be gathered, if needed.
Students must have their library card in order to check out books or magazines. If, at any time during the year,
students lose their library card, they are able to purchase a new one for $1.00. Students may browse the books
shelves or look for books in the online card catalog. They are allowed to select any two items from the library to
check out. The media center has a variety of materials available for check out. Students can choose from a large
selection of Accelerated Reader books, non-Accelerated Reader books, and magazines. They may check books
out for two weeks at a time, but can be renewed one time. Overdue books cost students $0.05 per day until
returned. Magazines can be checked out for only one day at a time, and can also be renewed once. Overdue
magazines will cost students $0.25 per day until returned. Students will receive an overdue notice each Monday
in their homeroom class. The Media Center reference materials are not allowed to be checked out by students
because of the cost to replace these materials if they are lost or damaged. Reference materials can be checked
out by a parent using the students library card, but any item that is lost or damaged will be replaced at the
parents expense.
There are a number of programs offered through the media center to enhance student achievement and help to
close the gap for diverse learners. One such program is the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) which is a program
used at the beginning of each school year to help place students on the appropriate reading level, and
throughout the school year for progress monitoring. The SRI program also helps to guide students to books that
may be of more interest to them so to promote an enjoyment of reading. Accelerated Reader is another program
used in every English/Language Arts classroom in the school. This program helps to motivate students to read by
setting reading goals throughout the year. To accommodate all types of learners, the media center also offers a
variety of books translated to Spanish and Spanish Encyclopedias, as well as books on tape. The media center is
working to develop a library of e-books with money from a literacy grant that our school was awarded.
BCMS Media Center Facilities:
The media center is designed with six main areas. There is a reading corner that has two caf tables with bar
stools and four soft, comfortable chairs with a coffee table. There is a work or classroom collaboration area with
10 wooden tables and 43 chairs. This area also has two double sided cubicles for independent work. The largest
area is where all of the books and reference materials are located as well as five standing computers for students
to use to access the card catalog or take AR tests. Located in a separate room of the media center, is the
computer lab which houses 20 computers and 33 computer chairs. This room has windows on each side that is
facing the media center.
The media specialist, Amy Lee, has been in her position for 10 years and says that her favorite part of the job is
the time she gets to spend with the students. Mrs. Lee is also the Jr. Beta sponsor at our school as well as the
Relay 4 Life team leader. She has been the technology contact at BCMS for many years which has kept her as
busy as the media center itself. Although she is pulled in many directions throughout the day, her passion is
reading and instilling a love for books in BCMS students. A personal goal of Mrs. Lees is to collaborate more on
curriculum and lessons with classroom teachers in order for the BCMS Media Center to function like the 21
Century Library.
The BCMS virtual media center offers a standard online card catalog that students can access on and off campus.
Other resources available to students off campus are NBC Learn, AR (parent), PowerSchool, Study Island, OAS,
and Galileo. Students may access these programs on campus anywhere on wireless devices and well as benefit
from them at home while working on school assignments or studying. The media specialist has expressed a
strong desire to create a more user-friendly media center webpage that has all of the online resources available
in one place.
BCMS Media Budget Sources:
The media center receives funding from the state based on the current FTE data which designates $60.92 per
student to pay for school personnel and $13.03 per student to pay for materials. To supplement the funds, our
media center participates in a variety of fundraising opportunities each year. We hold two book fairs annually
which provide an additional $1,400 - $2,000. The Books Are Fun and Turtle Books are other book fairs programs
that we do throughout the year and for every 10 items that are purchased our media center receives one free
item. Collecting box tops also provides around $250 each year. These extra funds are used to provide materials
and resources to students as well as teachers at BCMS.
The School Library Media Center Program Plan: Goals, Objectives, and Evaluation
BCMS Media Center Facilities:
Students at each grade level were surveyed to gather data regarding how they use the media center and their
feelings towards the different aspects of the media center and its staff. The following table shows the results.
Goals and Objectives
Goal Objective Evaluation
1. Increase collaboration between
teachers and media center staff in
order to provide meaningful
research experiences to master
information literacy skills.
1a. Expand teacher collaboration
and resource sharing in order to
foster a program that is dynamic
and motivating
1b. Develop an information literacy
skills curriculum 6-8 to be used to
teach lessons in context with the
1a. Create a form to be filled out
during collaborative meetings
between the library media specialist
and the classroom teacher
1b. Create pre- and post-tests for
lessons developed in new literacy
skills curriculum.
2. Provide a full range of
information resources and services
through the library media program.
2a. Build and maintain expertise in a
wide range of resources and
2b. Collaborate with teachers,
administrators, and other
stakeholders to ensure that the full
range of information resources is
available to promote student
2a. Create standard orientation
guidelines for all current and new
resources and technology.
2b. Catalog current resources and
survey all stakeholders to obtain
knowledge of what resources are
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10. The media center is a pleasant and comfortable
place to work on my assignments.
9. There is enough technology in the media center to
complete my assignments.
8. The media specialist helps me to find my
7. The media center has the materials needed for my
6. The media center is an important part of my
academic studies.
5. Materials in the media center are easy to find.
4. I would like to see more resources on the media
center website.
3. I find the media center webpage helpful.
2. I feel confident citing resources I use for
1. I feel confident using the media center catelog.
Don't Know
2c. Acquire, provide, and promote
information resources tangibly and
through the media center web page
to meet the learning needs of all
2c. Data usage reports from media
center web page as well as usage
reports from other technology
utilized within the school.
3. The library media program
encourages and engages students
in reading, viewing, and listening
for understanding and enjoyment.
3a. Model the effective and
enthusiastic use of books, videos,
multi-media, and other creative
expressions of information as
sources of enjoyment and
3b. Work collaboratively and
individually to design, develop, and
implement programs that
encourage reading for enjoyment
and for information.
3a. Create a student pole to be
completed once per nine-week
grading period displaying their
favorite book, video, class
activity/project, etc.
3b. Analyze Accelerated Reader
data as well as book club
4. The collection of library media
programs are developed and
evaluated collaboratively to support
the schools curriculum and to meet
the diverse needs of students.
4a. Maintain current and
comprehensive knowledge of the
curriculum, of students
characteristics and needs, and of
instructional and informational
resources and the full range of
formats and topic areas.
4b. Maintain and use a variety of
appropriate, up-to-date tools, and
techniques to locate and select
4a. Survey students online and
periodically when visiting the media
center to acquire and update the
learning needs that are being met,
but also needs that still may require
more attention from media staff.
4b. See 4a.
Each year the media center staff will meet with school administration and other stakeholders on three scheduled
occasions to review progress of goals and objectives and revise anything necessary. The first meeting will be
scheduled for the week of pre-planning to simply discuss the goals that should be accomplished during the
school year. The second meeting will occur at the end of the first semester to discuss current progress on the
goals, and possibly revise. The third meeting will occur during post-planning to discuss goals that were met and
goals that should continue through the next school year. This will also be the meeting where the media staff,
administration, and other stakeholders will discuss and develop an outline of the next school years action plan.
The task of getting the media center goals to the school staff will be accomplished by reviewing the media center
action plan at the beginning of each school year at a faculty meeting. At this point, teachers and media staff can
discuss the goals and different ways to accomplish the goals as well as address any questions or concerns staff
may have. The action plan will also be linked to the media center webpage where there will also be a blog for
comments and questions about the media center, its goals, vision, and progress.
Georgia Department of Education, QBE Reports. Retrieved October 15, 2013 from http://app3.doe.k12.ga.us/ows-
Howard County Public School, School Library Media, Goals and Objectives.
Lee, A. (n.d.). Bleckley County Middle School. Media Center. Retrieved September 20, 2013 from
United States Census Bureau, State and Community Quick Facts. Retrieved September 23, 2013 from