The document discusses the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) in India. The CRZ refers to the land area from the high tide line to 500 meters inland, as well as 100 meters of areas along rivers subject to tidal fluctuations. The CRZ is divided into 4 categories - Category I covers ecologically sensitive areas, Category II covers already developed areas, Category III covers relatively undisturbed areas, and Category IV covers small islands. The summary provides regulations for each category regarding construction and development activities allowed. The document also lists activities prohibited in the CRZ, such as setting up or expanding industries, waste disposal, mining, etc.
The document discusses the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) in India. The CRZ refers to the land area from the high tide line to 500 meters inland, as well as 100 meters of areas along rivers subject to tidal fluctuations. The CRZ is divided into 4 categories - Category I covers ecologically sensitive areas, Category II covers already developed areas, Category III covers relatively undisturbed areas, and Category IV covers small islands. The summary provides regulations for each category regarding construction and development activities allowed. The document also lists activities prohibited in the CRZ, such as setting up or expanding industries, waste disposal, mining, etc.
The document discusses the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) in India. The CRZ refers to the land area from the high tide line to 500 meters inland, as well as 100 meters of areas along rivers subject to tidal fluctuations. The CRZ is divided into 4 categories - Category I covers ecologically sensitive areas, Category II covers already developed areas, Category III covers relatively undisturbed areas, and Category IV covers small islands. The summary provides regulations for each category regarding construction and development activities allowed. The document also lists activities prohibited in the CRZ, such as setting up or expanding industries, waste disposal, mining, etc.
The document discusses the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) in India. The CRZ refers to the land area from the high tide line to 500 meters inland, as well as 100 meters of areas along rivers subject to tidal fluctuations. The CRZ is divided into 4 categories - Category I covers ecologically sensitive areas, Category II covers already developed areas, Category III covers relatively undisturbed areas, and Category IV covers small islands. The summary provides regulations for each category regarding construction and development activities allowed. The document also lists activities prohibited in the CRZ, such as setting up or expanding industries, waste disposal, mining, etc.
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Coastal Regulation Zone:
Under the Environment Protection Act, 1986 a notification
was issued in February, 1991, for regulation of activities in the coastal area by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). As per the notification, the coastal land up to 500m from the High Tide Line (HTL) and a stage of 100m along banks of creeks, estuaries, backwater and rivers subject to tidal fluctuations, is called the Coastal Regulation Zone(CRZ). CRZ along the country has been placed in four categories. The above notification includes only the inter-tidal zone and land part of the coastal area and does not include the ocean part. The notification imposed restriction on the setting up and expansion of industries or processing plaits etc. in the said CRZ.
Classification of Coastal Regulation Zone: For regulation of developmental activities, the coastal stretches within 500m of HTL on the landward side are classified into four categories, viz.. Category I (CRZ-I) Category II (CRZ - II) Category III (CRZ-III) Category IV (CRZ-IV)
Category I (CRZ -I):
a) Areas that are ecologically sensitive and important, such as national parks/marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wild habitats, mangroves, corals/coral reefs, area close to breeding and spawning grounds of fish and other marine life, areas of outstanding natural beauty, historical and heritage areas, areas rich in genetic biodiversity, areas likely to be inundated due to rise in sea level consequent upon global warming and such areas as may be declared by the authorities. b) Areas between the Low Tide Line and High Tide Line
Regulations: No new constructions shall be permitted within 500m of the HTL.
Category II (CRZ -II): The area that have already been developed up to or the shoreline. For this purpose, ' Developed Area' is referred to as that area within the municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas which is already substantially built up and which has been provided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as water supply and sewerage mains.
Regulations: a) Buildings shall be permitted neither on the seaward side of the existing road(or roads proposed in the approved Coastal Zone Plane of the area) nor on the seaward side of the existing and proposed road. Existing authorized structures shall be subject to the existing local Town and Country Planning regulations including the existing norms of FIS/FAR b) Reconstruction of the authorized building to be permitted subject to the existing FSI/FAR norms and without change in the existing use. c) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the surrounding landscape and architectural style
Category III (CRZ -III): Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those which do not belong to either Category I or II. These will include coastal zone in the areas (developed and undeveloped) and also areas within Municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas which are not substantially built up
Regulations: a) The area up to 200m from the HTL is be earmarked as 'No Development Zone'. No construction shall be permitted in this zone except for repairs of existing authorized structures not exceeding existing FSI, existing plinth area and existing density. However, the following uses may be permissible in this zone-agriculture, horticulture, gardens, pastures, parks, play fields, forestry and salt manufacture from sea water. b) Development of vacant plots between 200 and 500m of High Tide Line in designated areas of CRZ-III with prior approval of Ministry of Environment and forests permitted for construction of hotels/beach resorts for temporary occupation of tourists / visitors. c) Construction/ reconstruction of dwelling units between 200m and 500m of the High Tidal Line permitted so long as it is within the ambit of traditional rights and customary uses such as existing fishing villages and gothans. Building permission for such Construction/reconstruction will be subject to the conditions that the total member of dwelling unit shall not be more than twice the number of existing units; total area covered on all floors shall not exceed 9 meters and construction shall not be more than 2 floors (ground floor plus one floor). d) Reconstruction/alteration of an existing authorized building permitted subject to (1) to (3) above.
Category IV (CRZ-IV): Coastal stretches in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakhadweep and small islands, except those designated as CRZ I, CRZ II and CRZ III. Regulations Andaman and Nicobar Islands: 1. No new construction of buildings shall be permitted within 200m of HTL. 2. The buildings between 200m and 500m from the HTL shall not more than 2 floors, the total area covered on all floors shall not be more than 50% of the plot size and total height of construction shall not exceed 9m. 3. The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the surrounding landscape and local architectural style. 4. Corals and sand from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for construction and purposes. 5. Dredging and underwater blasting in and around coral formations shall not be permitted 6. However, in some of the islands, coastal stretches may also be classified into categories of CRZ-I or II or III with the prior approval of the MoEF and in such designated structures.
Activities prohibited within the CRZ The following activities are declared as prohibited within the CRZ 1. Setting up of new industries and expansion of existing industries, except those directly related to water front or directly needing foreshore facilities. 2. Manufacture or handling or disposal of hazardous substances. 3. Setting up and expansion of fish processing units including warehousing ( excluding hatchery and natural fish drying in permitted areas) 4. Setting up and expansion of units/mechanism for disposal of waste and effluents into the water course. 5. Discharging of city untreated waters and effluents from industries, cities or towns and other human settlements. 6. Dumping of city or town waste for the purposes of land filling or otherwise; the existing practice, if any, shall be phased out within a reasonable time not exceeding three years from the date of notification. 7. Dumping of ash or any wastes form the date of notification. 8. Land reclamation, building or disturbing the natural course of sea water with similar observations, except those required for control of coastal erosion and maintenance or sandbars except tidal regulators, storm water recharge. 9. Mining of sand, rocks and other substrata materials not available outside CRZ areas. 10. Harvesting or drawl of groundwater and construction of transfer within 200m of HTL; in the 200m to 500m zone it shall be permitted only when done manually through ordinary wells for drinking, horticulture, agriculture and fisheries. 11. Construction activities in ecologically sensitive areas 12. Any construction between LTL and HTL except facilities for carrying treated effluents and waste discharges, oil, gas and similar pipelines and dressing or altering of sand dunes, hills natural features including landscape changes for beautification, recreational and other such purposes.
Study Area: Tamil Nadu the southern most state in India has a geographical extent of 1, 30,058 and has a population of about 5,58,58,946. The Coastal zone of Tamil Nadu comprises of 13 districts and has a population of 2,03,77,522. The Coastal Districts are: Tiruvallur Chennai Metropolitan Area Kancheepuram Villupuram Cuddalore Nagapattinam Thiruvarur Pudukottai Ramanathapuram Tuticorin Tirunelveli Kanyakumari Physiographically the state can be classified in to two broad divisions The Eastern Coastal Plain The Hills of the North and East This state records a maximum temperature of 43C and a minimum temperature of 18C. The monsoon season is usually during October to December.
Home Introduction: The Coastal Zone, the meeting place of land, sea and air, is a
Study Area
Objectives & Methodology
Results dynamic area with many cyclic and random processes owing to a variety of resources and habitats. Nearly three quarters of the world population live near or on the coast, as found to be true in India also, which has about 7,500 km of coast line with many sprawling and still growing coastal cities. The coastal regulation is thus a place of hectic human activity, followed by intense urbanization, resulting in human interference because of rapid development. The coastal ecosystem is now highly disturbed and very much threatened, by problems like pollution, siltation, erosion, flooding, salt water intrusion, storm surges and ever expanding human settlements. As the only way to combat these problems and to preserve the coastal zone for future generation, the concept of coastal zone management has been developed by many countries around the world. The need for such a programme in our country is most urgent and highly imperative. To conserve the coastal ecosystem, the then prime minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi suggested keeping the coast line free from all developmental activities within 500 m of the High Tidal line and made an announcement in the parliament and also advised the Coastal states to regulate development along the coast on 27th November1981(lr.No.762-PMD/81) Coast of Tamil Nadu: Tamil Nadu coast is nearly 950km long, endowed with a variety of coastal habitats like coral reef, mangroves, seaweeds and sea grass bed, salt marshes, sand dunes, ports, fishing harbours and variety of coastal industries. The increasing population combined with other factors offer great stress on coastal zone and often leads to degradation and erosion of the coastal areas. There is an urgent need to protect this coastal environment while ensuring its continued production and development. Hence, there arises a need to collect, analyze and assess the data for the effective monitoring and management of the coastal area. The GIS is a computer based information system that is designated to work with data referenced by spatial or geographic coordinates. GIS has played an extremely important role in resource management, environment monitoring, land use/land cover planning activities. GIS provides a system that can be used for routine analysis of coastal management.
Objective: The main objective of this study is to create Coastal Regulation Zone Information System for Effective Management of the Coastal Zone of Tamil Nadu.
Methodology: The Methodology adopted for the creation of Coastal Regulation Zone Information System has been given in the Figure.1. Coastal Regulation Zone map on 1:25,000 scale derived from satellite data were collected from Department of Environment and Forests, Government of Tamil Nadu. The georeferenced coastal regulation zone maps were digitized in ARC-INFO GIS. Digitised maps were edited, labeled and a layout was prepared. The area statistics of different coastal regulation zone class in the maps were generated and are represented in the Table below. Bathymetry maps of Tamil Nadu coastal area on 1:25,000 scale were prepared using 1975 naval Hydrographic Chart, ARC-INFO GIS software and Surfer package. The secondary data has been collected from various departments and it is given to GIS as an input. Using avenue script the Coastal Regulation Zone Information System was created.
Table.1: Distribution of Coastal Regulation Zone Classes in Tamil Nadu CRZ-I CRZ-II CRZ-III LTL km HTL km 100m line km 200m line km 500m line km 170.99 100.71 281.86 1119.48 1613.22 109.89 673.18 917.93
Coastal Regulation Zone of Kanyakumari District
Geographic Location: This part of the coast starts from north of Vattakkottai and ends with Kerala State boundary. The coastline runs N-S, S-W and SE-NE directions. Geographically it is located between 77 2'-7735' E longitude and 8 7' 30''-815" S latitude.
Fig: Coastal Regulation Zone Information in Tamil Nadu : Kanyakumari District
Physiography: Sand dunes and teri soil occur along the coast and away from the coast of Kanyakumari. The southern part of the coast are sandy beaches with beach sands containing heavy minerals on the eastern and western sides of Kanyakumari. The sand dunes rises up to 67m. The general relief goes over to 15m above MSL .
Geology: This stretch comprises mainly of Archaeans, Quaternary and recent geological formations. Calcareous shell limestone of sub recent origin is seen near Kanyakumari. The area between Kanyakumari and Kuzhithura is mainly covered by thick laterite soil dotted with few rock outcrops.
Coastal Geomorphology: The following coastal geomorphic features are observed along the coast of Kanyakumari district: Beach Beach ridges Cliffed coast Sand Dunes Beach Terraces The marine landforms along the Kanyakumari district is restricted to the width of less than 1km. Due to high relief of inland areas which represented the slope of the Western Gnats when compared to the Eastern Coast.
Distribution of Coastal Regulation Zones: The different coastal regulation zone class of Kanyakumari district coast and their areal extent are presented in the Table.12.
Table.12. Coastal Regulation Zone classes and their areal extent of Kanyakumari District. CRZ-I CRZ-II CRZ-III LTL km HTL km 100m line km 200m line km 500m line km 8.19 6.77 33.29 64.65 101.23 Nil 84.49 80.45
Natural Resources: Water Sedimentary formations are traversed in coastal areas, comprising of sand, clay, sandstone, calcareous sand with shall inclusion, laterite, lateriate ganges, granite gneisses, charnockite, pegmatite and quartz. Dug cum bore wells and shallow tube wells are prominent in this area. The water table has been highly depleted due to extraction of ground water for irrigation. Mineral Garnet sand, Illmenite sands, salt and Gypsum are the main minerals resources of this coast . In Manavalakuruchi heavy minerals like Illmenite, Garnet, Zircon and Rutile occur and are mined.
Human Settlements: The coastal part of Kanyakumari comprises of five taluks, viz., Agasteeswaram, Rajakkamangalam, Kurudancodu, Killiyur and Munchirai. The population of this district is 16,00,349 out of this 8,03,839 are male, 7,96,510 are female and 11,48,778 are literates.
Tourism: Kanyakumari is the land end of the Indian Peninsula, where waters of the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal meet. It is one of the Piligrim Centre of India.
Industries: The unit of M/s. Indian Rare Earths Limited is located at Manavalakurichi. The unit manufactures illimenite, rutile, zircon, monzonite, garnet and zirconium dry frit. This unit discharges 1170 KLD of trade effluent.
Climate: The climate is hot and dry and the sea breeze mitigates the heat to some extent. The period from January to May is marked by unusual hot climate with 38 C. The relative humidity while varies from 51 to 78%. The coldest month is cember with temperature dropping to minimum of 25 C. Generally the area receives rainfall from the Northeast monsoon (October to December).
COASTAL REGULATION ZONE HISTORY OF COASTAL REGULATION ZONE Indias coastal and marine environments are under increasing Sex Cams pressure from urban development, tourism, recreational activities and resource exploitation. A number of official reports were prepared on the subject and with the result in the year 1981, Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi directed to the Chief Ministers of coastal states that, owing to their aesthetic and environmental value, beaches had to be kept clear of all activities up to 500 m from the highest water line. For the purpose of controlling, minimizing and protecting environmental damage to sensitive coastal stretches from unplanned human interference, The Government of India, in 1991, issued a major notification under the Environment Protection Act, 1986, framing rules for regulation of various coastal zone activities. These rules are called the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) rules. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN I. In the CRZ rules it is stated that, The Coastal States and Union Territory Administrations shall prepare, within a period of one year from the date of this Notification, Coastal Zone Management Plans identifying and classifying the CRZ areas within their respective territories and obtain approval (with or without modifications) of the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment & Forests; Accordingly for preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Maharashtra the Central Government constituted an authority known as the Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority. CZMP prepared for the area by this authority and approved by Central government shall replace CRZ for the area.
II. The Authority shall have the power to take the following measures for protecting and improving the quality of the coastal environment and preventing, abating and controlling environmental pollution in coastal areas of the State of Maharashtra, namely: i. Examination of proposals for changes/ modifications in classification of Coastal Regulation Zone areas and in the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP), received from the Maharashtra State Government and making specific recommendations to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority therefor. ii. (a) Inquiry into cases of alleged violations of the provisions of the said Act and the rules made thereunder, or under any other law for the time being in force which is relatable to the objects of the said Act and, if found necessary in a specific case, issuing directions under section 5 of the said Act insofar as such directions are not inconsistent with any direction issued in that specific case by the National Coastal Zone Management Authority or by the Central Government; (b) Review of cases involving violations of the provisions of the said act and the rules made thereunder, or under any other law which is relatable to the objects of the said Act, and, if found necessary referring such cases, with comments, for review to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority; Provided that the cases under sub-paragraphs (ii) (a) and (it) (b) of paragraph II may be taken up suo-moto, or on the basis of complaint made by an individual, or a representative body, or an organization. iii. Filing complaints, under section, 19 of the said Act in cases of noncompliance of the directions issued by it under sub- paragraph (ii) (a) of paragraph II of this Order. iv. To take action under section 10 of the said Act to verify the facts concerning the issues arising from sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph II of this Order.
III. Regulation Zone which may be referred to it by the MaharashtraState Government, the National Coastal Zone Management Authority or the Central government IV. The Authority shall identify ecologically sensitive areas in the Coastal Regulation Zone, and formulate area - specific management plans for such identified areas. V. The Authority shall identify coastal areas highly vulnerable to erosion/degradation, and formulate area-specific management plans for such identified areas. VI. The Authority shall identify ec6nomically important stretches in the Coastal Regulation Zone and prepare Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plans for the same. VII. The Authority shall submit the plans prepared by it under paragraphs IV, V, VI above and modifications thereof to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority for examination and its approval. VIII. The Authority shall ensure compliance of all specific conditions that are laid down in the approved Coastal Zone Management Plan of Maharashtra. IX. The Authority shall furnish report of its activities at least once in six months to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority. X. The foregoing powers and functions of the Authority shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Central Government. XI. The Authority shall have its headquarters at Mumbai. XII. Any matter specifically not failing within the scope and jurisdiction of the Authority as so constituted shall be dealt with by the statutory authorities
III. The Authority shall deal with environmental issues relating to Coastal II. FUNCTIONS OF THE AUTHORITY