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Proceeding International Conference On Demography and Environment 2022

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ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)

ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)


Local Wisdom: Strategy for Biodiversity and Environmental Protection

Gorontalo, September 3rd 2022

Proceeding can be Accsessed:


Program Studi Magister Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)



1. Program Magister Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup UNG
2. Perkumpulan Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Indonesia
Welcome Speech:
a. Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST., MT (Rector of Univesitas Negeri Gorontalo)
b. Prof. Dr. Asna Aneta, M.Si (Director of Postgraduate Universitas Negeri
c. Dr. Suyud Warno Utomo, M.Si (Head of PEPSILI)

Keynote Speakers:
1. Prof. Kosuke Mizuno, Ph.D
(Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University)
2. Dr. Eng. Muhammad Aziz.
(Associate Professor, Institut of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
3. Dr. Susan Cheyne
(Oxport Brokes, University, UK)
4. Profesor. Dr. Ir. Nelson Pomalingo, M.Pd
(Regent of Kabupaten Gorontalo)
1. Rektor Universitas Negeri Gorontalo : Dr. Eduart Wolok, MT
2. Kepala BPDASHL Bone Bolango : Heru Permana, S.Hut, MT, MA

1. Postgraduate Director : Prof. Dr. Asna Aneta, M.Si
2. Deputy Director I of Postgraduate : Prof. Dr. Hamzah Uno, M.Pd
3. Deputy Director III of Postgraduate : Prof. Dr. Weny J.A. Musa, M.Si

Head of Magister of KLH Study Programe : Dr. Marini Susanti Hamidun, M.Si

Steering Committee:
1. Prof. Dr. Asna Aneta, M.Si
2. Dr. Marini Susanti Hamidun, M.Si

1. Dr. Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan, M.Si.
2. Dr. Fitryane Lihawa, M.Si.
3. Dr. Iswan Dunggio, M.Si.

Ketua : Dr. Sukirman Rahim, M.Si

Sekertaris : Efendy Payuyu
Bendahara : Pratiwi Junuta Ekwanto

Divisi Sekretariatan: Dr. Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan, M.Si (Koordinator)

1. Devi Bunga Pagalla, S.Si., M.Sc.
2. Debby Hardiyanti Mano
ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

3. Dida Aditya
4. Radi Afiandi
5. Mohammad Prayudi Tri Atmojo
6. Bambang Mamangkay

Divisi Perlengkapan: Dr. Iswan Dunggio, M.Si (Koordinator)

1. Dr. Irwan Bempah, M.Si
2. Andi Satari Ahmad
3. Rahmanto Lahili
4. Fahrulyan Olii
5. Hayatuddin Kahuru

Divisi Acara: Dr. Fitryane Lihawa, M.Si (Koordinator)

1. Dr. Marike Mahmud, M.Si.
2. Alland Ferdinand Ambo
3. Mimi Mariani
4. Vera Nurmin Latjuba
5. Cening Kasim

Editor: Marini Susanti Hamidun, Devi Bunga Pagalla, Muh. Nur Akbar
Layout: Devi Bunga Pagalla
Cover Design: Karman Nusi

Program Studi Magister Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Editorial Staff
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 6, Kota Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo - Indonesia
Email: pascasarjana_KLH@ung.ac.id
Website: http://www.Pascasarjana.ung.ac.id

Proceeding available on the link:


ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Saturday, September 03rd, 2022

07.30-08.00 Participants Registration Committee
08.00-08.15 Singing The national anthem of Indonesia
Welcome speech :
Rector Universitas negeri Gorontalo
Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST., MT
Committee /Mc
Director of Postgraduate
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Prof. Dr. Asna Aneta, M.Si
Dr. Suyud Warno Utomo, M.Si
09.00-09.15 Coffee Break
Prof. Kosuke Mizuno, Ph.D
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Kyoto University
Dr. Eng. Muhammad Aziz.
Associate Professor, Institut of
09.45-10.15 IndustrialScience, The University
of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Susan Cheyne
Oxport Brokes, University, UK
Profesor. Dr. Ir. Nelson Pomalingo, M.Pd
Regent of Kabupaten Gorontalo
11.15-12.00 Discussion
12.00-13.30 Break Committee

Room 1
Ahmad Jauhari, Isnasyauqiah, Zainal
13.30 – 13.40
Abidin, Daniel Itta Moderator
13.40 – 13.50 Andoyo Supriyantono Room Meeting:
13.50 – 14.00 Arthur Gani Koto Waode Eti Hardianti
Bambang Mamangkay, Jalipati Tuheteru,
14.00 – 14.10
Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan
14.10 – 14.20 Dian Alfia Purwandari, Diyah
Arfidianingrum, Nadiroh, Martini
14.20 – 14.50 Discussion
14.50 – 15.00 Ekalia Pratiwi Utina, Yulianti Kadir, Frice
L. Desei
ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

15.00 – 15.10 Fadillah Polontalo, Yulianti Kadir, Indriati

Martha Patuti
15.10 – 15.20 Fadly Achmad
15.20 – 15.30 Aryati Abdul, Jusna Ahmad, Febriyanti
15.30 – 15.40 Israwan Nurdin, Sri Maryati
15.40 – 15.50 Moh. Nur R. Utu and Sri Maryati
15.50 – 16.00 Nadiroh, Yinghui Chen, Asep Ediana Latip,
Shahibah Yuliani, Fernandes Arung
16.00 – 16.30 Discussion

Room 2

Randy Ardianto, Sugeng Widada, Aris

13.30 – 13.40
Ismanto, Joko Sampurno
13.40 – 13.50 Rosyidah, Kunarso, Elis Indrayanti
13.50 – 14.00 Syahrizal Koem
Syahrul Prayogi Lihawa, Marike Mahmud,
14.00 – 14.10
Yulianti Kadir
14.10 – 14.20 Virgiyawan Listiyanto Datau, Fadly
Achmad, Frice Lahmudin Desei
14.20 – 14.30 Yuanike Kaber, Syafrudin Raharjo, Roni Moderator
Bawole, Rully Wurarah, Albertus Girik Room Meeting:
Allo Devi Bunga Pagalla,
14.30 – 15.00 Discussion S.Si.,M.Sc.
15.00 – 15.10 Yunus Hasan, Frice L. Desei, and Fadly
15.10 – 15.20 Taofik Jasalesmana, Mutiara Rachmat Putri,
Mirzam Abdurrachman, Cynthia Henny
15.20 – 15.30 Chairunnisah J. Lamangantjo, Aryati Abdul,
Muh.Nur Akbar, Miranti O Manoppo
15.30 – 15.40 Beby Sintia Dewi Banteng
15.40 – 15.50 Sry Ayu Kaino, Sri Maryati, Nurlila
Masulili, Riski Hauko, Saptan Gobel,
Hardin, Egitya Saputra Djafar
15.50 – 16.00 Herinda Mardin, Lilan Dama, Abubakar
Sidik Katili, Merlin S. Mohamad, Alfandi,
M. Abdullah, Mega Anastasya Diska
16.00 - 16.10 Anni Nurliani, Amalia Rezeki, Lely Dea
Aristi, Rusmiati, And Ferry F. Hoesain
16.10 -16.20 Rieny Sulistijowati, Olvianita Katbino,
Lukman Mile
16.20 - 16.50 Discussion

ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)


Committee Layout......................................................................................................... i
Schedule ...................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................v
Foreword .................................................................................................................... vii

Bambang Mamangkay, Jalipati Tuheteru, Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan

Analysis Changes of Sanctuary Area of Tanjung Panjang for The Period of 1990-2020
In Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province.....................................................................1

Arthur Gani Koto

Index AWEIsh For Mapping Lake Using Landsat 8 Image Based on Google
Earth Engine………………………………………………………………………............…..10

Andoyo Supriyantono
Improving The Genetic Quality of Bali Cattle…………………………………………. ...... 19

Miranti O Manoppo, Chairunnisah J. Lamangantjo, Aryati Abdul, Wirnangsi D. Uno,

Yuliana Retnowati, Muh.Nur Akbar, Regina Valentine Aydalina
The Prevalence, Intensity, and Dominance of Parasites in Hulu'u Fish (Giurius sp.)
In Limboto Lake............................................................................................................24

Dian Alfia Purwandari, Diyah Arfidianingrum, Nadiroh, Martini

Analysis of Organic Waste Management on Community Groups Using Black Soldier
Fly (BSF) in Educational Tourism Village.......................................................................35

Ekalia Pratiwi Utina, Yuliyanti Kadir, Frice L. Desei

Performance of The Public Transportation for Kwandang-Gorontalo Route During
The Covid-19 Pandemic.................................................................................................40

Herinda Mardin, Lilan Dama, Abubakar Sidik Katili, Merlin S. Mohamad, Alfandi,
M. Abdullah, Mega Anastasya Diska Mokoginta.
The Validity of The Development of High School Biology Teaching Materials Based on
Project-Based Learning on Human Digestive System Materials.......................................49

Israwan Nurdin, Sri Maryati

Analysis of Landslide-Prone Areas Based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
(Case Study Sumalata District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province)..............55

Moh. Nur R. Utu and Sri Maryati

Mapping of Road Damage Points in Boliyohuto District, Gorontalo Regency..................65

Nadiroh, Yinghui Chen, Asep Ediana Latip, Shahibah Yuliani, Fernandes Arung
Environmental Literacy in Gender and Social Perspectives in Elementary School-Age

Rieny Sulistijowati, Olvianita Katbino, Lukman Mile

Physical-Chemical Characteristic and SPF Value of Sunscreen Cream Ethanol Extract
of Seagrass Leaf (Thalasia hemprichii) ..............................................................................78

ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Virgiyawan Listiyanto Datau, Fadly Achmad, Frice Lahmudin Desei

Visual Assessment of Road Conditions Using Gis-Based Surface Distress Index (SDI)
and International Roughness Index (IRI) Method...........................................................87

Yunus Hasan, Frice L. Desei, and Fadly Achmad

Visual Assessment Analysis of The Condition of Raja Tolangohula Road Section Using
The International Roughness Index (IRI) and Surface Distress Index (SDI) Methods…....98

Syahrul Prayogi Lihawa, Marike Mahmud, Yuliyanti Kadir

An Analysis of Level of Service and Noise on Ahmad A. Wahab Street, Limboto………111

ISBN 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)


Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT, for His mercy and
permission so that we can complete this guidebook and collection of abstracts. This
conference guidebook and collection of abstracts for the International Conference of
Demography And Environment 2022 “Local Wisdom: Strategy for Biodiversity and
Environmental Protection” contains the agenda, composition of the committee, and a
collection of abstracts that have been selected and declared eligible by the selection team.
Our deepest gratitude goes to all conference participants who have submitted
abstracts/manuscripts and participated in attending this conference. With the support of
all parties, this conference can be carried out well. We express our gratitude and highest
appreciation to all parties and sponsors who have provided assistance so that this
conference activity can be carried out. Hopefully, this guidebook and abstract book can
provide benefits for all participants. We really hope for constructive criticism and
suggestions so that the conference activities in the coming years can be carried out even

Gorontalo, September 3rd, 2022

Committee of International Conference

ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)



Bambang Mamangkay1, Jalipati Tuheteru2 , Dewi Wahyuni K Baderan3

Population and Environment Study Program, Post Graduate, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Jend.
Sudirman, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo 96138, Indonesia. Telp (0435) 831984.
JAPESDA Gorontalo Association, Jl Jakarta I, Huangobotu, Kec. Dungingi, Gorontalo City 96139,
Indonesia, Telp: +62-823-44022445
*Correspondence: dewibaderan14@gmail.com

According to Law No. 5 of 1990, a nature reserve is a nature reserve area that due to its natural conditions has
the peculiarities of plants, animals, and their ecosystems or certain ecosystems that need to be protected and
developed. takes place naturally, the condition of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve is even more deadly with
the model of mangrove degradation that occurs to restore the mangrove forest requires a large amount of time
and resources. Data analysis by describing the results of changes in mangrove forest cover from community
aquaculture interventions based on the last 3 decades and looking at the remaining area results in the form of
percent through google earth and ArtGis image analysis from 1990 to 2020. This study aims to see the changes
Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve covers from 1990 to 2020. Changes in land cover in Tanjung Panjang Nature
Reserve for approximately 3 decades are very severe because of an area of 2680 Ha in 1990 and in 2020 which
has been converted into ponds, which is 2560 Ha, if it is presented from 100% of the Tanjung Panjang nature
reserve in 1990 which has not been converted, only (±) 4.5% of the mangrove area is left in 2020 and the process
or activity of mangrove forest degradation is still ongoing and if there is no firm and hard action it can be predicted
that the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve will only be will be a concert area the dead protection vasi.

Keywords: land cover, Tanjung Panjang, mangrove, pond, Pohuwato Regency

Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve is a Nature Reserve Area located in Pohuwato district,
Gorontalo Province whose main ecosystem is mangrove plants, which continue to be degraded to
this day due to economic interests without regard to environmental sustainability. Tanjung
Panjang Nature Reserve, which is in the Pohuwato area, has an area of 3000 hectares, ironically
the current condition is that until 2018 there are approximately 600 hectares left. Most of them
have changed from mangrove forests to community aquaculture business areas, now the condition
of mangrove forests in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve is very dying (Amin, et al 2018).
Unfortunately, the mangrove ecosystem in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve has been
eroded in the past 3 decades very quickly, it is important to know that mangrove forests are the
main buffer in coastal areas. According to Ario, et al (2018), the Mangrove forest is a type of
forest that grows in tidal areas, especially on beaches protected by lagoons and upstream rivers
that stagnate at low and de whose plant communities tolerate salt water. Mangroves tend to form
density and diversity of stand structures which play an important role as sediment traps and
protection against erosion and tsunami disasters (Fitriah et al, 2013). This is confirmed by
Arizona, et al (2009) Mangrove forests can be a damper to natural symptoms caused by abrasion,
waves, storms, and other life support for biota.
The condition of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve is even more deadly with the
mangrove degradation model that occurs to restore the mangrove forest, which requires a large
amount of time and resources, according to Setiawan et al (2015). The rehabilitation of mangrove

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

forests is carried out by various stakeholders with two targets, namely rehabilitation of river and
coastal border areas and the planting of mangroves in ponds. Thus the nature reserve in Tanjung
Panjang can slowly be restored to its mangrove ecosystem. According to Mohamad (201l), forest
areas can be utilized in a form that takes into account nature.
Currently, the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve has areas of mangrove forest, swamp scrub,
and dry land agriculture mixed with shrubs, ponds, open land, and bodies of water. based on the
information bulletin from BPKH Triwahyudi (2016). Until 2014, the change in Tanjung Panjang
Nature Reserve cover consisted of ponds covering an area of 2417.89 Ha or 77.31% of the total
area of Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve, Mangrove Forests 396.43 Ha or 12.69% of the total area
of Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve and another 10.01% consisting of shrubs, agricultural areas,
open land, and bodies of water, the area of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve continues to
decrease until now due to the expansion of the pond area which cannot be dammed anymore.
Based on the problems above, the purpose of this study is to see changes in the cover of the
Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve from 1990 to 2020.

2.1 Research Area
This research was conducted on May 5, 2022, in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve,
Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. Research location Administratively (Figure 1) in the
north it is bordered by Patilanggio District, in the south by Tomini Bay, in the east by Randangan
District and in the west by East Popayato District. Geographically, it is in the position of
121'46'38,16''E and 0027'09''N with an area of (3174.80.39 Ha).

Figure 1. The area of the research location that is experiencing land degradation changes from a
mangrove forest to the pond area and community land in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve
2.2 Procedure
The procedure for collecting data was by conducting surveys and observations in
the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. Then do
image analysis on google earth and see changes in forest cover based on the last three
decades from 1990 to 2020.

2.3 Data analysis

Data analysis by describing the results of changes in mangrove forest cover from
community aquaculture interventions based on the last 3 decades and seeing the results
of the remaining area in the form of percent through google earth and ArtGis image
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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

analysis from 1990 to 2020. The data in this study are primary. and secondary data, where
primary data was obtained through surveys and direct observations in the Tanjung
Panjang Nature Reserve, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province, then secondary data
was data from library studies and related agencies. With mapping: The equations used are:


3.1 Result
3.1.1 The trend of changing mangrove cover into aquaculture by the people in the Tanjung
Panjang Nature Reserve
Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve has an area of 3,000 ha. Geographically, Tanjung Panjang
Nature Reserve is located at 0°25'28.93” - 0°30'1.93” North Latitude and 121°44'27.60” -
121°47'0.44” East Longitude (Figure 2). The status of this area is based on the determination of
the Minister of Forestry through the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number 573/Kpts-II/1995
dated October 30, 1995. Previously, the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve was designated as a
permanent forest area with the function of a nature reserve based on the Decree of the Minister of
Forestry Number 250/Kpts-II /1984 dated December 20, 1984, with an area of ± 3,000 ha. In the
process, after being appointed as a conservation area with a nature reserve function based on the
Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 250/Kpts-II/1984 dated December 20, 1984, The
aquaculture carried out in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve is not only carried out by the local
community but also by immigrant fishers. The current structure of the Tanjung Panjang
community cannot be separated from a long, very dynamic process, along with the passage of
time and the dynamics of the form of government, development, and socio-economic mobility of
the people that take place in Tomini Bay. All circumstances can trigger and relate to each other
like a domino effect, with backgrounds and consequences that cannot be simply simplified (Amin,
et al. 2018).

Figure 2. The condition of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve has become a pond area (Source: Husa,

3.1.2 Total Percentage of Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve from 1984-2022

The rate of mangrove degradation in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve indicates that
some people are more concerned with economic benefits than the sustainability of the
environment, this can be seen from the increasing fish farming activities where approximately

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

3,122 hectares of the degraded Nature Reserve area can be obtained from the equation used. the
remaining area in percent form is as follows:

2560 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎% 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 = 𝑥𝑥 100% = 4.5%
2680 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻
The results of the calculations from the above equation can be seen that the area of the
Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve where there is still a mangrove area remaining is only (±) 4.5%
in 2020 now. This shows a very high level of degradation in the process of increasing the economy
with aquaculture models in mangrove forests located in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve. The
current economic culture and development on the coast of Pohuwato, Tomini Bay, especially in
the Tanjung Panjang area cannot be separated from 5 (five) main conditions. First, is the absence
of authority and regularity in the management of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve. Second,
is the dominance of the migrant communiwhichwho acts as the main manager of the Tanjung
Panjang coastal area, with specific aquaculture businesses (milkfish and shrimp). Third, there is
an increasingly open market-economic flow for aquaculture both in Sulawesi and beyond, with
large consumer demand and increasingly competitive prices (Amin, et al. 2018).

3.1.3 Total Changes in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve area for the period 1990-2020
Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve Area The status of this area is based on the stipulation of
the Minister of Forestry through the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number 573/Kpts-II/1995
dated October 30, 1995. With an area of 3174.80 hectares, the mangrove area was still quite large
in that period, it can be seen on the map of google earth image analysis in 1990-2020 (Figure 3-
Table 1. Total Changes in Coverage Area of Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve
Years (Area/Ha)
Land Cover
1990 2014 2020
Primary Mangrove Forest 466 - -
Secondary Mangrove Forest 2.214 855 -
Shrub-Mixed Dryland Agriculture 43 43 -
Pond 294 1.936 2.560
Open Ground 37 69 -
Swamp Scrub - 150 -
Total 3.102 3.102 2.560

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Figure 3. Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve cover map (1990)

Figure 4. Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve cover map (2014)

Figure 5. Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve cover map (2020)

Damage to mangrove forests due to conversion to aquaculture areas can result in great risks
to biodiversity and surrounding ecosystems and can result in environmental disasters ranging
from soil damage to abrasion and tsunamis. Mangrove forests are forests that grow in tidal areas
that have the characteristics of muddy or sandy soil and have excellent adaptability when the tidal
area experiences the lowest ebb to the highest tide. Mangrove forests in aquatic ecosystems have
a role that cannot be replaced because of their function and existence. Mangrove forest has
physical, ecological, and economic, functions (Purnama, et al. 2020). Mangrove forests are forests
that grow in tidal areas that have the characteristics of muddy or sandy soil and have excellent
adaptability when the tidal area experiences the lowest ebb to the highest tide. Mangrove forests
in aquatic ecosystems have a role that cannot be replaced because of their function and their
existence. Mangrove forest Mangrove fol, ecological, and economic functions (Purnama, et al.
2020). Mangrove forests are forests that grow in tidal areas that have the characteristics of muddy
or sandy soil and have excellent adaptability when the tidal area experiences the lowest ebb to the
highest tide. Mangrove forests in aquatic ecosystems have a role that cannot be replaced because
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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

of their function and existence. Mangrove forest has physical, ecological, and economic functions
(Purnama, et al. 2020).
Ecologically and economically, mangrove forests can support all of this if they are
maintained, but if they only pay attention to the economic aspects, they can directly have an
impact on environmental damage. The mangrove forest community has received a lot of attention
from experts and the role of the unique and important mangrove ecosystem is widely known.
From the point of view of the ecosystem, people see the use as a whole, including the littoral area
and the surrounding coast, for various purposes and human welfare in addition to maintaining the
integrity of the environment in general. Meanwhile, from the component point of view, some
parts of the mangrove plant have long been used by humans, both for local needs and as industrial
materials. Locally, mangrove plants have been used as a source of food, and medicine.
This is confirmed by Wei, et al (2001) Mangrove forests are groups of shrubs and trees that
live in coastal intertidal zones in tropical and subtropical regions. Mangrove forests provide a
unique ecological environment that can protect coastlines from flooding and tsunami waves, as
well as filter pollutants from water. Mangrove forests are productive ecosystems that are breeding
grounds for marine species, such as fish, shrimp, crabs, and other shellfish. They also provide fuel
and building materials to local communities.
In addition to the use of fruit and trees by paying attention to the potential of mangrove
resources, mangrove forests have the potential to increase the environment-based economy
through ecotourism. Mangrove forests can be developed into an area that can provide benefits
both in terms of ecology and in terms of economy. So to manage and conserve mangrove
resources, it is very necessary to have research activities that can produce scientific information
about the current state or condition of the location that can support it to be developed into a tourist
area (Anthoni, et al. 2017).
The condition of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve in Kab. Pohuwato is already very
worrying, it is no longer seen as a nature reserve area. Milkfish and shrimp farming activities have
significantly changed the condition and function of the area. The ponds that developed in the early
1990s have continued to grow until now despite the determination of the Tanjung Panjang Nature
Reserve on October 30, 1995. It turns out that this area will legally be maintained as a permanent
forest with the function of a nature reserve – by the Central Government and supported by local
government policies. Therefore, it is very logical to consider efforts to restore its function (Massa,
et al. 2014)
The dominance of the aquaculture area, which has been so massive, if it is emphasized that
its function can be restored, requires time and large resources, but if this condition is allowed to
continue, it can cause an environmental impact in the future, especially in these community
aquaculture areas. According to Musqith, (2014) Shrimp farming activities that are applied to
mangrove forest areas that have been converted to an intensive system will produce aquaculture
waste that is wasted in the aquatic environment, and can significantly affect the quality of the
coastal waters environment, directly and indirectly. pond waste on fisheries, namely the decline,
the number of living creatures in coastal areas, damage to habitat, and the aquatic environment as
a medium of life. In addition, another impact resulting from pond activities is the high use of feed
for cultured organisms which results in eutrophication. Eutrophication is an impact of nitrate and
phosphate pollution that can harm the community. The enrichment of these nutrients can lead to
algae blooms which can make the oxygen levels in the water very thin it can result in the condition
of the water in the environment of the pond location becoming polluted and resulting in the death
of organisms around the pond (Harianja, et al. 2018).
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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

The coastal area is indeed an ecotone area whose conditions are so complex because it
becomes a transitional place for organisms both in water and on land. According to Xie, et al
(2022), the peisis area holds the main function and is a complex and dynamic environment where
physical, chemical, and biological interactions occur between two different ecosystems, namely
water, and land. Therefore, it is very important to restore the core function of the Tanjung Panjang
Nature Reserve which is a protected conservation area so that there are no more economic actions
or activities that damage the ecosystem in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve, indeed to restore
and restore an environment takes a long time but it is a way out to make our environment recover.
According to Debrot et al,(2022), Mangrove rehabilitation in coastal areas does require a very
long time, but this must be done especially in the form of collective mangrove protection,
integrated coastal area management to rebuild ecological and economic resilience by combining
intelligent engineering and ecological rehabilitation, in conjunction with sustainable use of land
and resources.

Based on the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that the change in land cover
in the Tanjung Panjang Diving Nature Reserve for approximately 3 decades was very severe
because of an area of ±3000 Ha in 1984, and in 1990 it began to be degraded from the total
remaining 2740 Ha of mangrove which had been converted, which was equal to 2560 Ha, if the
percentage of the 100% mangrove area of Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve which has not been
converted, only (±) 4.5% remains. and the process or activity of land degradation in the Tanjung
Panjang Nature Reserve is still ongoing if there is no firm and hard action, it can be predicted that
the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve will only become a dead protected conservation area.

Thank you to the mapping team of the JAPESDA Association in the Research and Database
Division for helping with map making and data collection, and Mrs. Dr. Dewi K. Baderan, M.Si
for assisting and directing the preparation of this research.

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Adilphe O. Debrot, Anouk Plas, Herry Boeseno, Kukuh Prihantoko, Martin J. Baptist, Albertinka
J. Murk and Femke H. Tonneijk. 2022. Increasing the Beginning of Coastal-Based
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Basri Amin, Rahman dako, Christopel Paino, Debora de Block, Ramli Utina, Abubakar Sidik
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Eka Fitriah, Yuyun Maryuningsih, Edy Chandra and Asep Mulyani. 2013. Study on Mangrove
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Erik Kalaha. 2015. Transfer of Mangrove Forest Function in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve
Area, Pohuwato Regency. [Thesis]. Hassanudin University. Makassar.

Ervina yulianti Mohamad, Albertus sentot Sudarwanto and I Gusti Ketut Rachmi Handayani.
2017. Enforcement of Administrative Law Against the Transfer of Mangrove Forest
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Journal of Law and Economic Development,Vol 6 (2): 17-34.

Meivy Arizona, Sunarto and Djalal Tanjung. 2009. Damage to the Mangrove Ecosystem Due to
Land Conversion in Tobati Village and Nafri Village, Jayapura. Indonesian Geography
Magazine. Vol 23 (3): 18-39.

Muksin Purnama, Rudhi Pribadi and Nirwani Soenardjo. 2020. Analysis of Mangrove Canopy
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Regency. Journal of Marine Research. Vol 9(3): 317-325.

Raden Ario, Petrus Subardjo, and Gentur Handoyono. 2015. Analysis of Mangrove Damage at
the Mangrove Restoration and Learning Center (PRPM), Pekalongan City. Tropical
Marine Journal. Vol 18 (2): 64-69.

Renal Husa, 2022. Mangrove Destruction Report in Tanjung Panjang CA. Japesda. Gorontalo.

Ronitua Saut Marito Harianja, Sofia Anita and Mubarak. 2018. Analysis of the Pollution Load of
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Journal of Environmental Dynamics. Vol 5 (1): 12-19.

Shan Wei, Yinyi Lin, Luoma Wan, Guanghui Lin, Yuanzhi Zhang, and Honsheng Zhang. 2001.
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Suhardjono. 2013. Mangrove Forest of Sempu Island Nature Reserve, East Java. Indonesian
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Externality Value of Conversion of Mangrove Forest into Ponds in Delta Mahakam,
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Yusran N Massa, Rahman Dako, Johanes Wiharisno, Ismail A Kadir, Basri Amin and Achmad
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Arthur Gani Koto1*

1 Program Studi Geografi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Jl. Prof. Mansoer Pateda,
Desa Pentadio Timur Kecamatan Telaga Biru Kabuapten Gorontalo, Indonesia 96181
*Correspondence: arthur@umgo.ac.id

The available water on the earth's surface consists of rivers, swamps, and lakes whose positions can be in the
highlands to the lowlands. The lake area can be mapped using remote sensing data. Remote sensing has now
become one of the important sources of information for data analysis on surface water. The AWEIsh index is
one of the water indices that can be used as a method to map the area of a lake. AWEIsh has advantages over
other water indices such as NDWI and MNDWI because it can produce higher accuracy values and can reduce
shadow disturbances and dark building surfaces so that non-water pixels can be removed. This study aims to map
surface water using medium-resolution optical images. The data used are Landsat 8 OLI image path/row 113/59
and path/row 112/59. Both images were recorded on April 10, 2021, and July 24, 2021. The data acquisition
and processing method were carried out using the google earth engine platform. The method is based on cloud
computing which can process large data (big data) and storage that is cloud computing. The first step in data
processing is image preprocessing. Image preprocessing involves searching for minimal cloud images in the
research area that have been corrected for atmospheric (TOA), and cutting the research area (Limboto and
Tondano Lake). The next stage is processing, namely image data processing by reducing lake area information
based on the AWEIsh index. The results showed that the AWEIsh index can be used as a reference for mapping
the area of the lake, where a positive reflection indicates a water object and a negative value is a non-water object.

Keywords: AWEI; lake; mapping; landsat; google earth engine

Water is one of the main factors needed for the sustainable survival of humans, animals,
and plants. The need for water for living things is necessary so its availability must be maintained
and preserved. Surface water is an important source of fresh water for humans and the ecological
system that supports all forms of life (Karpatne et al., 2016). The available water on the earth's
surface consists of rivers, lakes, swamps, and lakes (Jiang et al., 2014) whose positions can be in
the highlands to the lowlands. A lake is a container of water on the earth's surface and its naturally
formed ecosystem ws bounded around it by a lake border (Perpres No 60 Tahun 2021 Tentang
Penyelamatan Danau Prioritas Nasional, 2021). Lakes can be used as a water source in various
fields such as tourism and hydroelectric power (Eka et al., 2020) as well as agriculture and
fisheries (Krismono et al., 2018).
Once the importance of the existence of lakes for the survival of living things, the
availability of surface water needs to be maintained. Accurate surface water mapping is very
important for academic research and policy-making (Council, 2008). Calculation of the area of
the lake has several difficulties and problems including climatic conditions. During the rainy
season, the area of the lake increases because the water discharge increases, while during the dry
season the area of the lake shrinks because the water discharge decreases. Other things that cause
the lake area to change include tectonic deformation and sedimentation. In addition to the natural
processes above, there are also human activities that result in a reduction in the surface area of
the lake. Mapping is needed to get efficient and accurate information about the lake area.
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The lake area can be mapped using remote sensing data. Remote sensing has now become
one of the important sources of information for data analysis on surface water (Feyisa et al., 2014).
Remote sensing systems are generally divided into two, namely passive (optical) and active
(radar) systems. Extraction of surface water using remote sensing data can be carried out using
multispectral classification methods (unsupervised and supervised) and water indices. The water
indices are MOWI (Moradi et al., 2017), WI2015 (Fisher et al., 2016), AWEI (Feyisa et al., 2014),
MNDWI (Xu, 2006), WI (Ouma & Tateishi, 2006), and NDWI (McFeeters, 1996). Many
researchers have used remote sensing data in relation to lake area monitoring (Lahay & Koem,
2022); (Lahay & Koem, 2021); (Worden & de Beurs, 2020); (Eraku et al., 2019); (Huang et al.,
2018); (Masocha et al., 2018); (Koto et al., 2016); (Trisakti et al., 2014). Several studies have
used NDWI (Lahay & Koem, 2021), a combination of NDWI-NDVI (Lahay & Koem, 2022),
AWEInsh (Eraku et al., 2019), a combination of SVM classification with NDWIMNDWI- AWEI
(Sarp & Ozcelik, 2017), MSTNDWI combination (Y. Zhou et al., 2018), MNDWI (Yue et al.,
2017), NDWI-MNDWI combination (Nair & Babu, 2016), multispectral classification (Koto et
al., 2016), combination NDVI-MNDWI (W. Zhou et al., 2015) and manual delineation (Trisakti
et al., 2014) as methods for monitoring/mapping lake area. The Automated Water Extraction
Index (AWEI) has advantages over other water indices such as NDWI and MNDWI because it
can produce higher accuracy values and can reduce shadow disturbances and dark building
surfaces so that non-water pixels can be removed (Feyisa et al., 2014). The AWEI index was
developed by Feyisa et al., (2014) using Landsat 5 TM images which are divided into two
formulas, namely AWEIsh and AWEInsh. AWEInsh is an index that can effectively remove non-
water pixels and dark building surfaces in urban areas. AWEIsh can increase the accuracy value
by eliminating shadow pixels that cannot be effectively removed by the AWEInsh index. The blue
band is used in the AWEIsh index because it has the advantage of reflecting radiation which is
relatively high in absorbing water (Lillesand et al., 2004). This study aims to map surface water
using Landsat 8 OLI imagery.

The lake mapping in this study is located in two locations, namely Limboto Lake
(Gorontalo Province) and Tondano Lake (North Sulawesi Province). Administratively, Limboto
Lake is located in Gorontalo Regency (west side) and Gorontalo City (east side). Tondano Lake
is located in Minahasa Regency. The selection of the two lakes is based on their different
topographical locations. Limboto Lake is located in the lowlands with an average altitude of 25
m (Krismono et al., 2018) while Tondano Lake is located in the highlands with an average altitude
of 700 m (BPS Kabupaten Minahasa, 2020). The complete characteristics of the two lakes are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of lakes in the study area
Study Date Waterbod
Path/Row Climate Height Location
area Sensor acquisition y type

Limboto OLI 113/59 10April 2021 Lake Tropic 25 Gorontalo

Tondano OLI 112/59 24 Juli 2021 Lake Tropic 700

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The emphasis of this research is on the context of how to apply the AWEIsh water index
in reducing surface water area information using Landsat 8 OLI images. The OLI sensor consists
of visible, near-infrared (NIR), and short-wave infrared (SWIR) channels consisting of bands 1
to band 7. Landsat 8 images have a spatial resolution of 30 m, a temporal resolution of 16 days,
and a radiometric resolution of 16 bits. The comparative characteristics of Landsat 5 TM and
Landsat 8 images are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Characteristics of Landsat 5 TM comparison with Landsat 8

Landsat 5 TM Landsat 8
Pixel Pixel Size Wave
Band Length Description Band Description
Size (m) (m) Length (m)
B1 30
B1 30 Blue B2 30 Blue
B2 30 Green B3 30 Green
B3 30 Red B4 30 Red
Near Near
B4 30 B5 30
Infrared Infrared
Short wave Short wave
B5 30 B6 30
infrared 1 infrared 1
Short wave Short wave
B7 30 B7 30
infrared 2 infrared 2
B8 15
B9 15
B10 30
B11 30
Source: Google Earth Engine Catalog, 2022

The AWEIsh water index formula was used in this study. The AWEIsh formula is
presented below :
AWEIsh = ρband1 + 2.5 x ρband2 – 1.5 x (ρband4 + ρband5) – 0.25 x ρband7
Where ρ is the spectral reflection value of the Landsat 5 TM image channel: band 1 (blue),
band 2 (green), band 4 (NIR), band 5 (SWIR1), and band 7 (SWIR2). The AWEIsh formula was
developed using Landsat 5 TM image data. If it is used for Landsat 8 imagery, then band 1 = band
2, band 2 = band 3, band 4 = band 5, band 5 = band 6, and band 7 = band 7. For more details, we
can be seen Table 2. The location and position of the two lakes in this research area are presented
in Fig.1.

Laut Sulawesi Tondano


Teluk Tomini

Figure 1. The study area (Limboto Lake and Tondano Lake)

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The Landsat 8 satellite carried two sensors, namely OLI (Operational Land Imager) and
TIRS (thermal infrared sensor). Limboto Lake is on path/row 113/59 and the acquisition date is
April 10, 2021. Tondano Lake is on path/row 112/59 and the acquisition date is July 24, 2021.
The acquired The date was chosen based on the conditions with fewer clouds in the study area in
2021 years. Google Earth Engine (GEE) is used as a platform for searching and processing
satellite image data. GEE provides optical satellite image data, one of which is Landsat 8 with
various types. The method is based on cloud computing which can process large data (big data)
and storage that is cloud computing. The first step in data processing is image preprocessing.
Image preprocessing involves searching for fewer cloud images in the top atmospheric corrected
(TOA), and cutting the study area (Limboto Lake and Tondano Lake). The next stage is
processing, namely processing image data by reducing lake area information based on the


The First National Conference of Indonesia Lakes produces Bali Agreement about
Sustainable Lake Management on date August 13, 2009. The conference agreed that 15 lakes
would be priority lakes for the 2010-2014 period. Lake Limboto and Lake Tondano are included
in the 15 critical lakes in Indonesia. The other thirteen lakes are Toba Lake (North Sumatra),
Maninjau Lake and Singkarak Lake (West Sumatra), Kerinci Lake (Jambi), Rawa Danau
(Banten), Rawapening Lake (Central Java), Batur Lake (Bali), Tempe Lake and Matano Lake
(South Sulawesi), Poso Lake (Central Sulawesi), Sentarum Lake (West Kalimantan), Cascade
Mahakam - Semayang, Melintang, Jempang Lake (East Kalimantan), and Sentani Lake (Papua).
The determination of the critical priority lakes above is emphasized in the Peraturan Presiden
Republik Indonesia No. 60 Tahun 2021 about national priority lakes.
Limboto Lake is a tectonic lake located in Gorontalo Province, administratively located
in two areas, namely Gorontalo Regency and Gorontalo City. There are four major rivers that
empty into Lake Limboto, namely the Bionga, Pohu, Molalahu, and Meluopo. Lake Limboto is a
fertile lake and has fishery production potential between 262.7-589.9 kg/ha/year (Suryandari &
Sugianti, 2017). The sedimentation of Limboto Lake is quite large because it comes from material
from the five Limboto watersheds with a total volume of 625,292 m³ (Alfianto & Cecilia, 2020).
Geological evidence shows that there is subsidence in Lake Limboto (Permana et al., 2019) which
is polluted by radioactive pollutants (Yunginger, 2018).
Tondano Lake is volcanic, and the largest lake in North Sulawesi Province and belongs
to the Tondano sub-watershed (Sittadewi, 2008). Aquaculture production in Tondano Lake in
2021 years is 27,769.28 tons and capture fisheries production around Tondano Lake in 2021 years
is 3,580 tons (BPS, 2022). Tondano Lake is used as a source of raw water for PDAM Manado
and Tondano, hydropower, irrigation, inland fisheries, and tourism objects (Sittadewi, 2008). The
appearance of Limboto Lake and Tondano Lake from the Landsat 8 image is presented in Figure
In the data catalog in GEE, the image of the Limboto Lake and Tondano Lake areas that
the least cloud cover occurred on April 10, 2021, and July 24, 2021. Acquisition on April 10
shows that that date coincided with the inundation season for irrigated rice fields around Limboto
Lake. The lake border in Limboto Lake shows that the surrounding area is covered with wetlands
that are used for agricultural activities such as vegetable crops, aquaculture, and rice fields.

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Limboto Lake
Tondano Lake

Figure 2. The appearance of the lake from Landsat 8 image based on the 654 composites; 10 April
2021(Right); 24 July 2021(Left)

Meanwhile, the lake border in Tondano Lake contains residential areas and the land cover
is used for dryland agriculture, floating cage fisheries, and rice fields. Acquired in April and July
show that that month is the dry season (Aldrian, 2000). From the image of Limboto Lake, it is
clear that the surrounding wetlands indicate that the lake is experiencing a decrease in water
volume every year (Lahay & Koem, 2022); (Lahay & Koem, 2021); (Koto et al., 2016). Compared
to Limboto Lake, Tondano Lake does not show the appearance of such a large reduction in water
volume. The mapping of the lake area from the AWEIsh is presented in Figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3. AWEIsh of Limboto Lake Figure 4. AWEIsh Tondano Lake

Two lakes from the results of processing the AWEIsh above produce positive values for
water objects as done by Feyisa et al., (2014) and negative for non-water objects. Spectral
reflections that are blue are surface water objects. It appears that around the lake there are rice
fields that are inundated with water and there are also puddles/swamps. Processing remote sensing

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satellite image data using the AWEIsh, of course, can make it easier to map the surface water area
in a place.

Figure 5. AWEIsh histograms of Limboto Lake (Right) and Tondano Lake (Left)

The results of this study cannot be used as valid information indicating the extent of a
permanent lake because the availability of water depends on climatic and weather conditions. In
the event of heavy rains, the volume of water flowing by rivers that flow into the lake will
certainly be large, so determining the area of the lake should be accompanied by information on
the recording time of remote sensing satellite images, namely the date, month, and year. The
AWEIsh can be used as a reference in mapping the area of a lake. The results showed that a
positive value indicates a water object and a negative value is a non-water object.

The authors would like thank to Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo for funding this
research under an internal research scheme. Also, thank you to colleagues who provided advice
during completing this research.

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Limboto Lake as shown by magnetic mineral characteristics, trace metals, and REE
geochemistry. Geosciences. Vol.8(4): 1–11.
Zhou, W., Li, Z., Ji, S., Hua, C., & Fan, W. (2015). A new index model NDVI-MNDWI for water
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Zhou, Y., Zhao, H., Hao, H., & Wang, C. (2018). A new multi-spectral threshold normalized
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Andoyo Supriyantono1*
Animal Science Department, Papua University, Jl. Gn. Salju Amban Manokwari
*Correspondence: andoyo@yahoo.com

Bali cattle that have spread around Indonesia have the potency to develop because of production and
reproduction performance. Developing and conservating Bali cattle has begun for a long time by selection and
forbidding the crossing of cattle from another breed. Selection and cross were done by the breeding program.
The program will effective and efficient if suitable for environmental conditions, supporting infrastructure, and
accuracy selection. The research was conducted to find breeding program modification that is effective and
efficient based on selection response. Primary and secondary data were used in this research. Primary data was
taken from a direct interview with a Bali cattle farmer in the research location and vital statistic data were
measured directly. Secondary data have got from the last 10 years. The research used a descriptive method with
a study case technique. Component variants, genetics, environment variances, and heritability values were
processed by VCE software. The breeding program that best produces selection response per year was reached
if studd bull is maintained in population for three years and six years for heifer, and a ratio of 1:20 between them.
A modification program that could be proposed requires performance tests for at least 50 bulls and 100 heifers.
To get more bull as many as 16% of top rank was taken for progeny test.

Keywords: Bali cattle, genetic value, breeding program

The growth performance of Bali cattle has been the main concern, especially on the
character of increasing body weight at a certain age, birth weight, and weaning weight. In addition
to growth performance, reproductive characteristics such as service per conception, calving rate
and calving interval in females, and semen fertility in males are also one of the parameters of
success in mating programs (natural and artificial). Several research results on Bali cattle show
that the service per conception is 1.8–2.00 (Mastika, 2002), and the calving rate is 64–78%
(Bamualim and Wirdahayati, 2002). Body weight gain with good feed can reach 0.7 kg/day (adult
male) and 0.6 kg/day (adult female), the percentage of carcass ranged from 51.5–59.8%, with
bone percentage less than 15 percent, and the meat is low in fat (Pane, 1991).
These potentials encourage the government to conserve and develop the genetic resources
of Bali cattle in breeding areas by establishing the Bali Cattle Breeding and Development Project
(P3Bali) which was established in 1976. This project involves community farmers in their
maintenance by providing credit assistance, and The resulting cows will be selected to be placed
in a breeding center.
The selection at P3Bali has been carried out by evaluating the males through a progeny
test. Males participating in the progeny test must first pass the performance test conducted in
Pulukan for one year. Candidates for the performance test males come from community breeders
who are members of the Basic Population Installation. Prospective performance test males must
meet the basic criteria, name one-year-old regardless of body weight. These candidates are kept
in Pulukan (breeding center) and receive the same treatment. At the end of the performance test,
3-5 males were selected with phenotypic criteria that did not deviate from Bali cattle with the best
vital statistics.
The development of a good breeding program requires the values of genetic parameters
and suitable selection methods. The genetic parameters required include heritability, repeatability,
and correlation (genetic, phenotype, and environment). These parameters can be used in

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

estimating the selection response so that the breeding program that is compiled becomes more
Theoretically, heritability, repeatability, and correlation values are not constant. These
values are highly dependent on the population, the place, and the assessment method used. Thus,
the population of Bali cattle in Pulukan that was used as a sample is expected to be a model for
genetic improvement of Bali cattle in general, because basically the genetic parameter values are
not influenced by livestock performance but are more influenced by the variance that occurs in
the population.
The aims of this study were to obtain a (1) Estimation of genetic parameter values and
selection responses for production and reproduction characteristics of Bali cattle in the P3Bali
area; (2) Modification of an effective and efficient breeding program based on the accuracy of
selection and selection response.


The material used in this study includes primary data and secondary data obtained from
various sources. Primary data was taken by means of structured interviews based on a list of
questions with Balinese cattle farmers at the research site. The number of sample breeders taken
was 2% of the total breeders in each research area. Vital statistics were measured directly together
with farmer interviews.
Secondary data which is the total sampling in Pulukan was taken for the last 10 years.
While in other areas, it is adjusted to the records that are still owned by each farmer or livestock
group. In general, the research was conducted using a descriptive method with a case study
technique. As a case, the population of Bali cattle in the P3Bali location and another location
(Karang Asem) was used as a comparison. Estimation of genetic and environmental variance and
variation components and heritability values were obtained by using Variance Component
Estimation (VCE 4.2) software (Groeneveld, 1998).
The variables observed in this study were the characteristics of production and
reproduction. Production characters included weaning weight, yearly weight, body weight gain,
body height, body length, chest circumference, and body weight. Reproductive characteristics
include service per conception, calving interval, and days open; as a supporting factor, the mating
season and birth season were also observed.
Data were analyzed according to their respective estimates. Data analysis is needed to see
the current performance of Bali cattle and to estimate heritability, repeatability, genetic
correlation, breeding value, and direct and indirect selection responses.


Estimation of genetic parameters was only carried out in Inti because the pedigree data
were only available at this location. Estimation of heritability weaning weight, yearly weight,
body weight gain, and vital statistics (sapling height, body length, chest circumference, and body
weight) were measured at 24 months of age and calving interval. The correlation of breeding
values between characters was analyzed to get an idea of how much these characters were
Overall heritability produced is low to high. Characters that are included in the low
heritability group are weaning weight, body weight at 24 months of age, and calving interval,
medium heritability is the weight of a year; and high heritability, namely body weight gain, chest
circumference, body length, and body height.

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

The correlation between the breeding values of the character pairs showed positive and
negative values with the highest value being the correlation between chest circumference and
body height and yearly weight gain with body weight gain.
In order to estimate the direct selection response of several characters, selection intensity
based on above-average breeding values was used for each selected character, as presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Responses to Direct Selection of Some Characters
Character i h2 SD Selection responses
Weaning weight 1.30 0.09 11.79 1.38
Yearling weight 1.35 0.27 17.32 6.31
Weight gain 0.88 0.47 4.98 2.06
Calving interval 0.65 0.08 344.94 32.56
Chest size 0.85 0.50 7.83 2.56
Body length 0.76 0.34 4.52 1.30
Body height 1.18 0.60 4.74 2.17
Note: i = selection intensity; h2 = heritability; SD= Standard deviation

The selection response is very dependent on the generation interval, selection intensity,
and variance, so response improvement can be done by improving these three things. Of these
three things, the Bali cattle population in P3Bali is the most likely improvement in the generation
interval and selection intensity. Based on the results of breeding values that are above the average,
it can be taken as a basis to find the selection intensity according to the percentage of selected
males and females. In the weaning and yearling weight character, the percentage of males and
females above the average value is 1:1, with the number of males: and females at weaning weight
and yearling weight respectively being 99:82 and 71:67. Improvements to the selection intensity
in this population refer to the theory that the optimum ratio of males and females to produce the
next generation is 1:20. A ratio like this causes the number of prospective females to be selected
to increase, making it possible to obtain more and more offspring, on the other hand, with a ratio
like this, it can reduce the cost of keeping males because the number of males selected will be
less and less.
The selection intensity of weaning weights for males and females used in this study was
1.25 from 26.47% (99 males) and 1.35 from 21.93% (82 females) with an average of 1.3. whilst
selection intensity of yearling weight was 1.32 out of 22.47% (71 males) and 1.37 out of 21.20%
(67 females) with an average of 1.35. The optimum selection intensity for weaning weight was
1.89 which came from 1.34% male selection (5 animals) and 26.74% female selection (100
animals), while for a yearling weight the optimum selection intensity was 1.81 which came from
1,58% male selection (5 animals) and 31.65% female selection (100 animals), thus allowing a
male: female ratio of 1:20.
The estimation of selection response per generation of weaning weight based on different
selection intensities is presented in Table 2. Table 2 shows that the selection response per
generation will increase by 44.20 percent with an optimum male: female ratio. This percentage is
obtained by comparing individual selection responses (Rind) with the optimum results in Table
2. This means that in the preparation of breeding programs, breeders should consider the optimum
selection intensity so that the selection response can increase.

Table 2. Estimated Selection Responses of Weaning Weight Based on Different Selection Intensities
Selected females (%)

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

10 15 20 25 27
Selection 1.755 1.554 1.400 1.271 1.225
Intensity n
37 56 74 93 100
1.0 2.665 3 2.35 2.24 2.16 2.09 2.06
1.5 2.526 5 2.27 2.16 2.08 2.01 1.99
males (%)

2.0 2.421 7 2.22 2.11 2.03 1.96 1.93

2.5 2.338 9 2.17 2.06 1.98 1.91 1.89
3.0 2.268 11 2.13 2.03 1.95 1.88 1.85
Note: The calculation in Table 2 uses heritability = 0.09 and standard deviation of weaning weight =
11.79 kg, the total population is 370 animals.

With a total of 429 cows, the ideal number of males to obtain the optimum selection
response was 22, so various alternative distributions of males and females at various ages in a
population of Bali cattle in P3Bali can be made. If the male is used for a maximum of five years
and the female is used for seven years in breeding, with a calf harvest percentage of 83.27%, a
standard deviation of weaning weight of 11.79 kg with a heritability of 0.09, an alternative can
be made as in Table 3.
Table 3. Some Alternatives for the Distribution of Males and Females as the Basis for Breeding Programs
to Get the Best Weaning Weight Selection Response
Age (years)
Alternative Herd i L R/y
3 4 5 6 7 8
Male 22 1.627 3.00
1 0.33
Female 82 78 73 69 65 62 0.984 5.33
Male 11 11 1.918 3.50
2 0.35
Female 82 78 73 69 65 62 0.984 5.33
Male 8 7 7 2.135 3.95
3 0.36
Female 82 78 73 69 65 62 0.984 5.33
Male 6 6 5 5 2.243 4.41
4 0.35
Female 82 78 73 69 65 62 0.984 5.33
Male 5 5 4 4 4 2.232 4.86
5 0.34
Female 82 78 73 69 65 62 0.984 5.33
Note: i= selection intensity; L= generation interval; R/y= response selection per year

Table 3 shows that the third alternative by retaining males for three years and females for
six years obtained a better selection response per year than the other alternatives. This selection
response is the same as the ideal male and female comparison selection response in Table 2. The
proposed alternative breeding program is based on the values of the genetic parameters obtained
from the data for the last ten years. Genetic parameters such as heritability, repeatability, genetic
correlation, and breeding value are very important in making a breeding program. According to
Harris et al (1984) and Groen (1998) that to develop a breeding program, it is necessary to estimate
the selection parameters (genetic).
The P3Bali breeding program can be successful if the following assumptions are met: (1)
livestock flows solely from IPD Tabanan by considering genetic quality; (2) prevention of
Jembrana disease must be carried out properly so that the measurement of the selected character
is not missed; (3) the percentage of males and females selected and eliminated (culling) that has
been determined in the program must be carried out properly; (4) the use of bulls, both natural
and AI, must be closely monitored and must be carried out in rotation, to reduce the risk of

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

The breeding program at P3Bali is an application of the open nucleus breeding program
pattern. The elite herd is the core herd as the main breed herd, then in the second layer, there is a
second-level breed herd (performance test) whose animals are initially selected from the layer
below and or also received from the top layer. The lowest layer is the mass of farms with the
highest number of farmers and livestock, which are classified into commercial farms.

The breeding program produces the best annual selection response results when males
are maintained in the population for three years and the females are maintained for six years in
equal proportions, with a male: female ratio of 1:20.
The proposed breeding program scheme requires a performance test program for both
males and females with a minimum number of 50 and 100 individuals. To obtain a larger number
of males, 16 percent of the top-rank males were taken for progeny testing.

Bamualim, A. dan R.B. Wirdahayati, 2002. Nutrition and Management Strategies to Improve
Bali Cattle Productivity in Nusa Tenggara. Working Papers: Bali Cattle Workshop. Bali,
4-7 February 2002.

Groen, A.F., 1998. Breeding Programmes. Lecture notes. Department of Animal Breeding.
Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen.

Groeneveld, E., 1998. VCE4 Programme, User’s Guide and Manual Version 1.1. Institut furr
Tierzuch und Tierverhalten, FAL, Mariensee.

Harris, B.L., J.M. Clark, and R.G. Jackson., 1984. Across Breed Evaluation of Dairy Cattle. In:
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. New Zealand Society of
Animal Production, Waikato University, pp. 12-15.

Mastika, I.M., 2002. Feeding Strategies to Improve the Production Performance and Meat
Quality of Bali Cattle (Bos sondaicus). Working Papers: Bali Cattle Workshop. Bali, 4-
7 February 2002.

Pane, I., 1991. Produktivitas dan Breeding Sapi Bali. Proceeding Seminar Nasional Sapi Bali.
Ujung Pandang, 2-3 September 1991. Ujung Pandang: Fakultas Peternakan Universitas
Hasanuddin, p: 50-69.

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)


Miranti O. Manoppo1 ,Chairunnisa J. Lamangantjo1*, Aryati Abdul1, Wirnangsi D.
Uno1, Yuliana Retnowati1, Muh. Nur Akbar1, Regina Valentine Aydalina1
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl.
Prof..BJ. Habibie, Desa Moutong, Kecamatan Tilongkabila, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Gorontalo
Province, Indonesia 96583
*Correspondence: chairunnisah@ung.ac.id

This study aims to determine the types of parasites in Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp) and analyze the prevalence,
intensity, and dominance of parasites in Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp) that live in Limboto Lake. This research was
conducted in July 2022 at Limboto Lake with a quantitative descriptive method. Fish sampling was carried out
in three parts of the lake as sample points, namely; Point 1 is north of the lake in Lupoyo village, point 2 is east
of the lake in Tabumela village, and point 3 is west of the lake in Limehe village. At each sample point, 10 fish
were taken as samples for examination. Fish examination and identification of parasite morphology were carried
out at the Zoology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Research results and conclusions: four types of parasites were obtained, namely;
Oodinium sp (Dirofrida: Oodiniaceae), Dactylogyrus sp (Dactylogyridea: Dactylogyridae), Ligula intestinalis
(Pseudophylidea: Diphyllobothriidaea) and Procamallanus sp (Procamallus: Camalanidae). Based on the results
of the analysis, it was found that the highest prevalence was Oodinium sp. by 60%, was found in upstream fish
found in all sample points and Dactylogyrus sp. found in upstream fish in the eastern part of the lake, namely in
the village of Tabumela by 60% with the category of "very frequent infection". Oodinium sp. between 1.1 - 1.6
ind/fish was found upstream at all sample points with the "low" category and the intensity of Procamallanus sp.
which was 0.6 ind/fish in the stream at all sample points with the category "very low”, while Ligula intestinalis
was only found in upstream fish in the northern part of the lake in Lupoyo village of 0.8 ind/fish with the category
“very low”. The highest dominant is Oodinium sp. 52.63% was found in upstream fish in the northern lake of
Lupoyo village, and the lowest was Procamallanus sp, which was 21.05%. The parasite that was not found in the
upstream fish at the sample point of the northern part of the lake in Lupoyo village was Dactylogyrus sp. while
Ligula intestinalis was not found in upstream fish in the eastern lake, namely Lupoyo village and the western
lake, namely Limehe village.

Keywords: parasite, Hulu’u, Lake Limboto

Hulu'u fish is a type of freshwater fish that lives freely in Lake Limboto and is starting to
become rare because its habitat is starting to be disturbed. This fish has a fairly high economic
value and is much favored by the people of Gorontalo, because of its savory and delicious meat
taste. Hulu'u fish is a type of demersal fish that lives in fresh waters, rivers, and in estuaries.
Hulu'u likes muddy water areas mixed with a little rock based on the opinion of Allen et al. (1991)
in Suryandari and Krismoni, 2011).
The Hulu'u fish is one of the important Eleotridae Families in Limboto Lake, it can be
distinguished by looking at its color. Upstream U female is colored between green and gray with
a slightly faded color while the male is a mixture of yellow and red with a pattern of spots
(Suryandari and Krismono, 2011).
The growth of upstream fish is very fast because it can adapt well to the environment.
Hulu'u fish has important economic value and is much favored by the community. Therefore it
needs to be preserved. Currently, the production level of upstream Hulu'u fish is starting to decline

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

due to, among others, water quality, excessive feed, environmental changes, disease, and the
presence of parasites. According to Manurung, et al (2016), death in fish can be caused by
organisms such as parasites.
Parasites in fish can cause stunted fish growth because fish nutrients are absorbed by the
parasite so fish are susceptible to disease and even cause death. Parasites in fish consist of;
ectoparasites include; parasites on mucus, fins, scales, and gills, while endoparasites, among
others; are parasites in the stomach, liver, skin, muscle tissue, and intestines. Disturbance due to
this parasite is the disruption of the metabolic system so that it can damage the organs of the fish
body, such as gills, stomach, liver, and intestines. According to Misganaw & Getu (2016), it is
certain that fish infected by parasites will decrease in quality which can affect the production of
these fish, causing economic losses from the stage of preparing the seeds to market. The presence
of parasites in the fish body will cause irritation and weight loss.
Parasites that infect fish can be identified by observing the morphology of the parasite.
According to Nofyan et al. (2015), the way to know the life cycle of a parasite that infects a fish
is to observe the relationship between the host, the parasite, and the environment in which the
host lives. This can be done as anticipation of conditions that can arise due to the presence of
Parasites in fish are mostly Protozoa, Nemathelminthes, and Trematodes. According to
Putri (2019), parasites in the Trematode and Nematode groups are more often found on the inside
of the fish body, while parasites from the monogenean group are usually found on the outside of
the fish.
Hulu'u fish is one of the species in Limboto Lake which is widely consumed by the
community. Therefore, to determine and maintain the quality of fish health and fish production,
it is necessary to conduct research on parasites in fish. According to Yanti et al. (2017), the level
of parasites can be known by calculating the prevalence, intensity, and dominance of parasites in
Based on this background, it is necessary to conduct a study on parasites in fish by
identifying the types of parasites found in fish and calculating the prevalence, intensity, and
dominance of parasites in fish, with the title “Parasite Prevalence, Intensity and Dominance in
Upstream Fish (Giurius sp.) on Lake Limboto”.

2.1 Research Time and Location
This research was conducted in July 2022. A sampling of fish was carried out in Limboto
Lake. Fish identification and examination were carried out at the Zoology Laboratory, while the
morphological identification of parasites in fish was carried out at the Microbiology Laboratory,
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

2.2 Tools and Materials

The tools used are small nets, buckets, surgical instruments scalpel, scissors, sharp tip
tweezers), rulers, scales, stationery, labels, cameras, surgical boards, glass and object lids, Petri
dishes, dropper drops, tubes reaction, thermometer, Ph meter, DO meter and microscope.
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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

The ingredients used are Hulu'u fish, NaCl 0.9%, Eosin 2%, and tissue.
2.3 Research Method
The method used in this study for fish sampling is a survey method, namely by direct
observation in Lake Limboto, with a purposive sampling technique based on fish body weight 80-
95 grams per fish. While the method used to identify the morphology of the parasite in fish using
the sedimentation method and the native method.
2.4 Research Procedure
Fish samples were taken from three points, namely; the northern part of the village of
Lupoyo, the eastern part of the village of Tabumela, and the western part of the village of Limehe.
In each part of the lake, 10 fish samples were taken to be examined and identified for morphology.
Sample Preparation
The sample preparation process was preceded by weighing the body weight of the fish.
Next, a necropsy was performed from the head to the tail of the fish.
Parasite Observation
The process of examining ectoparasites and endoparasites uses the sedimentation method
and the native method as follows:
1. Examination of ectoparasites
Examination of ectoparasites using the sedimentation method, which refers to
Nurhidayanti and Obie (2021), namely, observation of mucus, fins, scales and gills with the same
a. Mucus
Examination of fish on the surface of the body is done by scraping fish mucus on the entire
surface of the body from head to tail and fins using a scalpel. The grinding is done slowly so as
not to injure the fish's body. The grinding results obtained were put into a test tube with 0.9%
NaCl added to the tube. Then shaken using a centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes until 2 layers
are formed, namely the clear layer and the precipitate, the clear part is removed by pouring it into
another test tube quickly. The precipitate formed was taken 1 drop and placed on a glass object,
covered with a cover slip, and observed under a microscope with a magnification of 10x and 40.
The results were photographed using a camera.
b. Fin
Examination of the fins is done by cutting the fish fins and placing them in a petri dish.
The preparation was then placed into a test tube with 0.9% NaCl added to the tube, then shaken
with a centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes to form 2 layers, namely a clear layer and a
precipitate. The supernatant layer was removed by pouring it into another test tube quickly and
the precipitate formed was taken one drop and placed on a glass object, covered with a cover slip,
and observed under a microscope with a magnification of 10x and 40.
c. Scale
Examination of scales by means of mucus in the scales scraped using a scalpel and thinly
smeared into a test tube and add 0.9% NaCl to the tube. Then shaken with a centrifuge at a speed
of 2000 rpm for 10 minutes to form 2 layers, namely a clear layer and a precipitate. The
supernatant was discharged into another test tube quickly. The precipitate formed was taken one
drop and then placed on a glass object, covered with a cover slip, and observed under a microscope
with a magnification of 10x and 40.
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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

d. Gill
Examination of the gills begins with cutting the gill operculum and gill filaments. Then
the gill filaments were placed in a petri dish and flattened to avoid an accumulation of gill
filaments. The preparation was placed into a test tube and added 0.9% NaCl to the tube, then
shaken with a centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes to form 2 layers, namely, a clear layer and a
precipitate. The clear layer is removed by rapidly pouring it into another test tube. The precipitate
formed was taken one drop placed on a glass object, covered with a cover slip, and observed under
a microscope with a magnification of 10x and 40.
2. Endoparasite examination
Examination of endoparasites using the native method: Examination of endoparasites
refers to Nurhidayanti and Obie (2021), namely;
a. Stomach
The stomach was cut and placed into a petri dish. The contents of the stomach and parts
of the stomach wall are scraped off using a scalpel. Next, the scraps were put into a petri dish and
stirred by adding 0.9% NaCl, the liquid from the gastric scraping was then placed on a slide and
dripped with 2% Eosin solution, then observed under a microscope with a magnification of 10x
and 40.
b. Intestines
The intestines were placed in a petri dish and then scraped on the intestinal wall to remove
feces in the intestine, then put into a petri dish by adding 0.9% NaCl. Furthermore, the results are
placed on a slide and dripped with 2% Eosin solution. Then observed under a microscope with a
magnification of 10x and 40.
c. Heart
The liver was finely chopped, then transferred to a petri dish by adding 0.9% NaCl
solution. The results are placed on a slide with drops of 2% Eosin solution. Then observed under
a microscope with a magnification of 10x and 40.
The next step is the identification of parasites using a book entitled "Tropical Fish Disease"
by Nur'aini Muslimah (2019).

2.5 Environmental Parameters Measurement

The measurement of environmental factors supporting this research is water quality,
among others; temperature, pH, and DO. Temperature measurement using a thermometer, pH is
measured using a pH meter, and DO is measured with a DO meter taken during sampling
2.6 Data Analysis
The prevalence, intensity, and dominance of parasites were calculated using the Kabata
(1985) formula, namely:

𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓ℎ

n𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓ℎ

𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

n𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓ℎ

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Parasite dominance was calculated using the formula (Mahtora, et al 1981 in Hamzah et
al. 2017).
𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓
n𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

Table 1. Parasite Infection Prevalence Criteria

Rate of Infection Prevalence Note
Almost 100 – 99 Very severe infection
Almost Always 98 – 90 Severe infection
Usually 89 – 70 Moderate infection
Frequently 69 – 50 Very frequent infection
Commonly 49 – 30 Common infection
Often 29 – 10 Frequent infections
Occasionally 9–1 Occasional infection
Rarely < 1 – 0,1 Rare infection
Very Rarely < 0,1 – 0,1 Very rare infection
Almost Never < 0,01 Superinfection

The category of infection is based on prevalence (Williams and Bunkley, 1996).

Table 2. Parasite Intensity Criteria
Category of Infection Intensity (Ind)
Very low <1
Low 1–5
Moderate 6 – 55
Severe 56 – 100
Very Severe > 100
Superinfection > 1000
The intensity criterion refers to (Williams and Bunkley, 1996).


3.1 Result
Types of Ectoparasites and Endoparasites found in Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp)
The identification results of the parasites found can be grouped into three phyla, namely
Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, and Nematyhelminthes. The parasites found in the examined Hulu'u
fish were calculated for their prevalence, intensity, and dominance. The types of parasites found
in Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp) are shown in Figure 1.
The highest prevalence was Oodinium sp. by 60% with the category of "very frequent
infection", the lowest prevalence was Procamallanus sp., which was 40% in the category of
"ordinary infection".
The highest intensity was Oodinium sp., which was 1.6 (ind) in the “low” category, and
the lowest intensity was Procamallanus sp., which was 0.6 (ind) in the “very low” category.
The highest dominance was Oodinium sp, which was 52.63% and the lowest was
Procamallanus sp, which was 21.05%.
The high and low value of parasite prevalence at each observation station is influenced by
external factors and internal factors. These external factors include water quality parameters,
which are caused by pollution around the waters, both household waste and agricultural waste.
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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Internal factors can be in the form of fish body conditions that are not good so they are susceptible
to disease.
Water Quality
Measurement of water quality parameters consisting of temperature, pH, and DO. The
data on the results of water quality measurements are presented in Table 3 as follows:
Table 3. Water Quality Measurement Results in Lake Limboto
Research Site
Temperature (˚C) pH DO (mg/L)
Lupoyo Village 30˚ 9,1 4,02
Tabumela Village 31˚ 9,2 4,53
Limehe Village 33˚ 9,4 4,73
The highest values of temperature, pH, and DO were found in Limehe village.
Temperature value 33˚C, pH 9.4 and DO 4.73 (mg/L). Meanwhile, the lowest temperature, pH,
and DO values were found in Limehe village, namely 30˚C, pH 9.1 and DO 4.02 (mg/L).
Temperature affects activity, appetite, oxygen consumption, and the metabolic rate of organisms.


Figure 1. Parasites found on Hulu’ fish (Giurius sp): (A) Fish sample infected by parasites; (B)
Prevalence; (C) Intensity; (D) Dominance

As the temperature increases, the total number of parasites decreases. This is presumably
due to the optimal temperature range in supporting the immune system and fish health so it is not
suitable for the development of the parasites found so that the parasites are unable to adapt and
reproduce in increasing their numbers.
Parasites will grow well if the DO in these waters is in accordance with the growth of
parasites. Sanusi (2004) in Yazwar (2008) said that the dissolved oxygen value which ranges from
5.47-7.00 mg/l is good enough for the life processes of aquatic biota. The lower the dissolved
oxygen value, the higher the level of pollution in an aquatic ecosystem.
Ectoparasites on Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp)

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

1. Oodinium sp
Based on the results of the morphological identification of Oodinium sp, in the anterior it has
a flagellum, is not perfectly round, its body is yellowish green, and has cilia around its body
(Figure 2). Oodinium sp infects the scales and gills. Oodinium sp is a type of parasite that attaches
to fish using flagella. Oodinium sp including ectoparasites.
Oodinium sp. will attach to the fish using a flagellum which will then form a sucking rod (leg)
that enters the skin and mucous membranes of the fish gills. In the adult phase, Oodinium sp will
divide into many new cells that are looking for new hosts (Manurung and Gaghenggang, 2016).
Oodinium sp classification according to Kabata (1985) are:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Protozoa
Class : Flagellates
Order : Dirophyride
Family : Oodiniaceae
Genus : Oodinium
Species : Oodinium sp.

Figure 2. Ectoparasites on Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp): (A) Oodinium sp; (B) Dactylogyrus sp.

2. Dactylogyrus sp
Based on the results of the morphological identification of Dactylogyrus sp, in the anterior it
is suspected to have two pairs of eye spots, the body shape has no segments, the body is flat and
elongated, and has imperfect anchors at the posterior end (Figure 2). This anchor can be attached
to the body of the fish. Dactylogyrus sp is found on the gills.
The clinical symptoms that arise as a result of Dactylogyrus sp infection according to
Wahyuni et al. (2017), such as the color of the fish's body becoming pale, the gills turning pale,
and the fish's appetite loss. Infected fish will show abnormal behavior and cause death.
Dactylogyrus sp classification according to Kabata (1985) are:
Kingdom : Platyhelminthes
Phylum : Monogenea
Class : Flagellates
Order : Dactylogyridea
Family : Dactylogyridea
Genus : Dactylogyrus
Species : Dactylogyrus sp.

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Endoparasites on Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp)

1) Ligula intestinalis
Based on the results of morphological identification of the parasite Ligula intestinalis, it is
suspected that it has two pairs of eyespots in the anterior, the characteristics of an elongated body
with a flat shape, the body is not segmented (Figure 3). Ligula intestinalis is found mostly in the
This parasite is an endoparasite that dominates the intestines of aquatic organisms by
obtaining nutrients in the intestines as their necessities of life. Ligula intestinalis attacks the
intestines of fish, influenced by various things such as environmental factors to host immunity.
The distribution of the attachments is influenced by temperature, humidity, and the availability of
nutritional sources in the host's body (Kordi and Ghufran, 2004).
Ligula intestinalis classification according to Kabata (1985) are:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Platyhelminthes
Class : Cestoda
Order : Pseudophylidea
Family : Diphyllobothriidea
Genus : Ligula
Species : Ligula intestinalis

2) Procamallanus sp.
Based on the results of the morphological identification of Procamallanus sp. In the anterior
part, it is suspected that the esophagus consists of two parts, namely the esophageal muscle and
the posterior part there are esophageal glands, an oral cavity, is brown in color, and has an organ
that is thought to be a small tail (Figure 3).
Procamallanus sp. not only lives in freshwater fish but is also found in marine fish and
usually lives in the stomach and intestines. Procamallanus sp. It is viviparous, meaning it releases
larvae from the definitive host through feces. The life cycle of Procamallanus sp. indirectly or
through intermediate hosts such as copepods or crustaceans (Muslimah et al, 2019).
Procamallanus sp. classification according to Kabata (1985) are:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Nematyhelminthes
Class : Nematoda
Family : Camallanidae
Genus : Procamallanus
Species : Procamallanus sp.

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)


Figure. 3. Endoparasites on Hulu'u fish (Giurius sp): (A) Ligula intestinalis; (B) Procamallanus sp.

3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of the identification of parasitic morphology in upstream Hulu'u fish
in Limboto Lake, precisely in Lupoyo village, Tabumela village, and Limehe village, as many as
4 parasitic species from 3 phyla. Phylum protozoa (Oodinium sp), Phylum Platyhelminthes
(Dactylogyrus sp, and Ligula intestinalis) Phylum Nematyhelminthes (Procamallanus sp). The
ectoparasites are Oodinium sp. and Dactylogyrus sp, endoparasites namely Procamallanus sp and
Ligula intestinalis.
The highest parasite prevalence was found in the Oodinium sp. found in scales and gills.
Oodinium sp has a prevalence value of 60% including the category of "very frequent infections".
This is caused by the condition of the lake waters in unfavorable condition, where the sampling
conditions at point 1 in the northern part, precisely in Lupoyo village, the water is cloudy,
overgrown with water hyacinth and still close to residential areas. Waste disposal from residents'
activities directly flows into the waters of the lake. This affects changes in water quality and fish
health in the lake. Water quality is very influential on the survival and health of organisms in
Oodinium sp. will attack when the fish is in a state of stress. This parasite attaches to the
gills using a flagellum which will then form sucking rods (legs) that enter the skin and mucous
membranes of the fish gills (Wirawan et al, 2018). This type of parasite is found in all parts of the
lake, in the lake in the north, precisely in Lupoyo village, the level of dominance is higher. Clinical
symptoms of fish infected with this parasite are darker skin color and bleeding under the skin.
The highest intensity value is in Oodinium sp. of 1.6 including the "Low" criteria. The
high intensity of the Oodinium sp parasite in Lupoyo village is thought to be caused by waste or
garbage originating from community settlements as well as pesticides and chemical fertilizers
from agriculture and plantations around the lake and household waste disposal from people living
around the lake. Active ingredients from pesticides and chemical fertilizers originating from
agricultural waste as well as from community waste, in the form of nitrogen, phosphate, and
potassium which are carried by the water to Lake Limboto can cause a decrease in water quality
and the abundance of water hyacinth that thrives in the lake waters so that it is suspected to be the
trigger for the high water hyacinth. parasite intensity in Lupoyo village. Oodinium sp. is found in
scales and gills. According to Mahendra et al (2019), gills are respiratory organs that are in direct
contact with the surrounding environment. The location of the gills, the structure, and the
mechanism of contact with the environment make the gills very vulnerable to changes in
environmental conditions and become the right place for infection by pathogenic organisms that
cause diseases such as parasites (Mahendra et al, 2019).
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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

The highest dominance value was found in the northern part of the lake, precisely in
Lupoyo village, namely the parasite Oodinium sp. found in the scales and gills with a value of
52.63%. Kabata (1985), stated that Monogenea is a parasite that attacks the outside of the fish
body, usually attacking the skin and gills. The success of parasites in infected fish is determined
by the environment of the immune system. According to Noble (1989), that the distribution of
parasites in the attachment organs is influenced by temperature and humidity. The temperature in
the northern part of the lake, namely in Lupoyo village, is around 300 C, pH 9.1, and DO 4.02.
The dominance value can be related to the prevalence and intensity of parasites, at each sampling
location which is influenced by internal factors and external factors.
The high and low values of prevalence, intensity and dominance of parasites at each
observation sample point were influenced by external and internal factors. These external factors
include water quality parameters, which are caused by pollution around the waters, both
household waste and agricultural waste. Internal factors can be in the form of fish body conditions
that are not good because it is suspected of lack of oxygen so they are susceptible to disease.
A sampling of upstream fish in Lake Limboto at 3 points where the sampling conditions
at the point I in the northern part, precisely in Lupoyo village, the water was cloudy, overgrown
with water hyacinth, and relatively close to residential areas. Waste disposal from residents'
activities directly flows into the waters of the lake.
The research sampling location was at point 2 in the eastern part of the lake, precisely in
the village of Tabumela, the condition of the waters was brown and overgrown with water
hyacinth and around the sampling area, there were no floating net cages. A sampling at point 3 in
the western part of the lake, precisely in the village of Limehe, the water conditions were brown
and overgrown with water hyacinth. The average temperature at the sample point is 30 to 330 C,
the average water pH is from 9.1 to 9.4 and the DO average is 4.02 to 4.73. It affects activity,
appetite, oxygen consumption, and metabolic rate of organisms, including fish and parasites.

Based on the results of the research that has been done, the following conclusions can be
a. The highest prevalence was Oodinium sp with 60% found in upstream fish found in all sample
points and Dactylogyrus sp. found in upstream fish in the eastern part of the lake, namely in
the village of Tabumela by 60% with the category of "very frequent infection".
b. Intensity of Oodinium sp. between 1.1 - 1.6 ind/fish was found in upstream fish U at all sample
points with the "low" category and the intensity of Procamallanus sp, which was 0.6 ind/fish
in upstream Hulu’u fish at all sample points with the category " very low”, while Ligula
intestinalis was only found in upstream fish in the northern part of the lake in Lupoyo village
of 0.8 ind with the category “very low”.
c. The highest dominant is Oodinium sp. 52.63% was found in upstream fish in the northern
lake of Lupoyo village, and the lowest was Procamallanus sp, which was 21.05%.

Kabata, Z. 1985. Parasites and Disease of Fish Cultured in The Tropic. Pacific. Biological
Station. London and Philadelphia.

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

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Manurung, N.U. dan Fatwamati G. 2016. Identifikasi dan Prevalensi Ektoparasit pada Ikan Nila
Merah (Oreochromis niloticus) di Kolam Budidaya Kampung Hiung, Kecamatan
Manganitu, Kabupaten Kepulauan Kepulauan Sangihe. Vol. 4 No. 2: 26-30.

Mahendra dan Nurbadriati. 2019. Prevalensi dan Intensitas Ektoparasit pada Ikan Tawes (Puntius
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Noble, E. 1989. Parasitologi : Biologi Parasit Hewan. Diterjemahkan oleh drh. Wardiarto.
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Wirawan. I.K, S. A. M. P. Suryani, I.W. Arya., 2018. Diagnosa, Analisis dan Identifikasi Parasit
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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)


Dian Alfia Purwandari1*, Diyah Arfidianingrum2, Nadiroh3, Martini4
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya No 11 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta
*Correspondence: dian-alfia@unj.ac.id

This article aims to determine the impact of organic waste management by cultivating maggot Black Soldier Fly
(BSF) based on community groups in educational tourism villages. The introduction of educational tourism
villages raises new problems in the form of increasing community waste generation with increased tourist
arrivals, for that the introduction of BSF in independent waste management groups in educational tourism
villages is one approach taken. This study uses primary and secondary data sources as an analytical approach to
the findings in community groups. The data collection method was carried out through in-depth interviews with
community groups that manage organic waste in educational tourism villages. The results of the analysis show
that organic waste management with BSF maggot cultivation carried out by community groups can bring several
environmental, social, and economic benefits. Organic waste, which is generally not well managed in the
community, through BSF cultivation can be properly degraded. In addition to helping reduce the amount of
organic waste that is disposed of into the environment, it also gains economic benefits from the sale of
larvae/maggots with high economic value and utilization for chickens managed by the community. In addition
to the economic use of BSF maggots, community waste management groups are also slowly educating the public
about sorting waste properly.

Keywords: organic waste, the community, maggot cultivation, BSF, educational tourism village

The environmental problem that has always been a big issue in almost all parts of
Indonesia is the waste problem. Every year there is a sharp increase in the volume of waste in
various parts of Indonesia. The increase in the amount of waste that is not balanced with
environmentally friendly waste management efforts will cause environmental damage and
pollution. Furthermore, incomplete waste management will trigger various economic, social,
cultural, and environmental problems.
The waste problem cannot be separated from community behavior factors, because the
community is the main source of waste producers. As one of the sources of waste generation, the
community is expected to participate in waste management efforts. So far, waste management
policies in several regions in Indonesia still follow the old paradigm, where waste is collected,
transported, and finally disposed of in a final disposal site (TPA).
There needs to be a paradigm shift in an effort to overcome the waste problem in the
community, from the end-pipe of solution approach to the source approach. The sourcing
approach requires the reduction of waste products that will be sent to the final processing site by
implementing a waste management system from the source of production.
Although organic waste is easily decomposed, if it is not managed properly it can be a
source of potential problems apart from causing environmental pollution such as air, water, and
soil pollution, organic waste also has the potential to increase greenhouse gas emissions that affect
global warming (Rafsanjani et al., 2012).

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Management by using the right method for the problem of organic waste can generate new
potential that is beneficial both environmentally and economically. One method of organic waste
management is bioconversion using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae. BSF is a type of fly that can
consume organic waste such as fruit, vegetables, kitchen waste, fish waste, and animal waste.
According to Ranncak, et al (2017), the advantage of using BSF technology is that it can
help reduce the amount of organic waste by up to 80% because organic waste becomes food for
BSF larvae, BSF larvae will stop the spread of bacteria that can cause disease, reduce waste
transport costs, reduce the use of TPA land, the residue left from processing with BSF such as
compost, contains nutrients and organic elements that can help in agriculture, the operation of this
facility does not require sophisticated technology so it can be applied to areas with low incomes.
A similar opinion was also expressed by Fajri and Hamid (2021) that BSF larvae are able
to consume large amounts of food waste faster and more efficiently than other species. This study
examines how the impact caused by maggot management activities that exist in community
groups and how the impact on community behavior towards household waste management.

This study uses primary and secondary data sources as the main sources. The data
collection method was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews with community groups that
manage maggots and communities around the maggot management. Sampling with purposive
random sampling approach. The expected criteria for respondents are those who are directly
involved in the maggot management group and the community who routinely sort waste as
maggot feed ingredients. The results of the interviews were analyzed and reviewed with a study
review with several research results from relevant journals and articles.


3.1 Result
Organic waste management carried out by two groups in the educational tourism village
is an activity design that has various objectives. The first goal is to manage organic waste from
daily activities in the community, both routine activities and those related to tourism.
The community pattern in managing waste that has become a habit is to dig holes in the
garden to dispose of organic waste and burn non-organic waste from household activities. This
activity has been carried out by the community for many years. Before the village became an
education tourism village, waste management activities did not cause any significant problems.
However, with the increase in activities in the community, the production of household waste also
increases, some of which become homestays.
With the existence of community groups that manage household waste and homestays,
the pattern of waste management that has been buried and burned has not been carried out by the
community. The community began to sort out the waste to be given to the maggot cultivator,
although not all of the community had gone through a separate garbage collection movement for
maggots. The cultivator is able to manage 20kg of food waste in 1 day to be used as Maggot feed.
Maggot itself will reduce organic waste by 80%, into maggot waste (kasgot) this is in accordance
with research (Diener, 2010).
In addition to changing community waste management patterns, the use of maggots’
organic waste management has an economic impact on maggot breeders, either directly or
indirectly. Directly Maggot cultivator can sell the fresh maggot for Rp 6500 per Kg. Fresh
maggot, can be used as a variety of alternative feed for chicken or fish or people who need it.
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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

In addition to being sold directly, Maggot cultivators can be sold by processing into dry
products as well as those needed by producers. However, due to community limitations in further
managing maggots, people directly sell the fresh maggot produced.
As an educational tourism area, maggot cultivation is also an object of education for
tourists and other regional officials as well as the people who come. This activity has indirect
economic benefits or increased public interest in sorting organic and non-organic waste.
Educational activities were carried out in the form of introducing maggots and how to cultivate
maggots both on a household scale and in groups. This educational activity averages 3 activities
in a month. This activity can take various forms, one of which is in the form of a visit as shown
in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Visitor for maggot cultivation education

3.2 Discussion
The use of BSF as an alternative for processing organic waste has been widely carried
out and developed through community empowerment. Some studies show positive things. The
research of Mutiara, et al (2021) regarding community empowerment through training and
assistance in processing organic waste using black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) in
community groups in Jawi-Jawi II Village, Kec. Central Pariaman, Pariaman City, West Sumatra
produces two products from organic waste processing in the form of BSF larvae in the form of
pupae that can be used as feed and the residue from decomposition by BSF larvae as compost.
Research conducted by Salman, et al (2020) on the community empowerment program
carried out in Pendem Village through the cultivation of BSF flies also showed a positive effect.
In addition to maintaining the cleanliness and health of the environment in terms of the utilization
of waste in the form of the potential to reduce one ton of organic waste from the traditional market
of Pendem Village. Economic value is generated from the cultivation of BSF maggot fly in the
form of the production of special animal feed for poultry and fish which has a high selling value
in the market. In addition, organic fertilizer is also produced from the rest of the BSF fly maggot
growing media.
Bioconversion using BSF larvae (maggot) carried out in Karangsalam Kidul Village,
Banyumas Regency through community service activities showed partners' knowledge of waste
bioconversion using BSF larvae increased by 80%, partner skills increased by 70%, and obtained
other additional products in the form of organic vegetables that obtained from cultivation using
cassava and organic catfish that are fed using maggot, so this activity can help in efforts to
improve family nutrition and attract interest from the surrounding community (Ambarningrum,
et al. 2019).
The implementation of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) technology for Organic Waste
Processing in Susukan Village, Banyumas carried out by Ginanti & Kusuma (2020) using
technology transfer methods through, training, socialization and assistance resulted in increasing
community skills regarding organic waste processing using BSF, in addition, the community can
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feed their livestock using maggot and this activity can attract interest from the surrounding
community so that after the socialization session many residents come to the maggot cultivation
site to learn and take maggot seeds.
The results of Ranncak et al (2017) research regarding the study of organic waste
processing with BSF at the Kebon Kongok TPA concluded that BSF is one of the best and
environmentally friendly solutions for reducing the volume of waste, especially organic waste,
and can produce two additional products in the form of Liquid Maggot Fertilizer (PMC). ) and
Organic Solid Fertilizer (PPO).
The cultivation of BSF to reduce organic waste by empowering the community through
the PKK group shows a positive correlation to the welfare of the group. The PKK group already
has the knowledge and skills in cultivating BSF and processing it into fish feed. As a result, the
welfare of mothers in the PKK group increases through the marketing of fish feed products, and
organic waste in the central market can be reduced by processing BSF into fish feed (Hamia, et
al. 2021).
Based on the description above, BSF can be used as an alternative solution for community-
based organic waste processing through a source approach. Utilization of BSF with the aim of
degrading organic waste, in addition to helping in reducing the generation of organic waste
disposed of in the landfill, will also benefit economically from the sale of larvae/maggots, eggs,
and prepupae which have high economic value.

Based on the results in the field and several previous studies related to the impact of
organic waste management with community-based BSF maggot cultivation, it can be concluded
that organic waste is still a problem and not many people are willing to manage it because it is
considered less potential. Through the BSF maggot cultivation technique as a method of
processing organic waste, it can bring several potential benefits from economic, social, and
educational aspects as well as aspects of sustainable environmental management. BSF as an
alternative solution in organic waste management is able to degrade organic waste quickly and
well. In addition to helping reduce the amount of organic waste that is disposed of in the TPA,
BSF maggot cultivation can also benefit economically from the sale of larvae/maggots, eggs, and
prepupae where these products have high economic value and are able to spread knowledge to
the surrounding community or community. tourists who come to educational tourism villages.

Ambarningrum, dkk. (2019). Teknologi Biokonversi Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga
Menggunakan Larva Lalat Tentara Hitam (Black Soldier Fly/ Bsf), Hermetia Illucens
(Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Call for Papers Pengembangan
Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan IX 14- 15November 2019.

Fajri, NA dan Hamid Abdul. (2021). Produksi Maggot BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Sebagai Pakan
Yang Dibudidaya dengan Media yang Berbeda. Agriptek : Jurnal Agribisnis dan
Peternakan Vol. 1. No. 1

Rafsanjani, dkk. (2012). Studi Pemanfaatan Potensi Biomass Dari Sampah Organik Sebagai
Bahan Bakar Alternatif (Briket) Dalam Mendukung Program Eco Campus. Jurnal Teknik
POMITS Vol. 1 No. 1

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Ranncak, G.T, dkk. (2017). Kajian Pengolahann Sampah Organik dengan BSF (Black Soldier
Fly) di TPA Kebon Kongok. JISIP Vol. 1 No.1

Salman, Lalu Muhammad, Muhammad Azin. (2020). Budidaya Maggot Lalat Black Soldier Flies
(BSF) sebagai Pakan Ternak. Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol 1 No 33 : 7-11

Sheppard, C. D., Newton, G. L., Thompson, S. A. & Sava. (2005). A Value-Added Manure
Management System Using the Black Soldier Fly. Journal Bioresource Technology
Volume 50: 275-279.

Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional (https://sipsn.menlhk.go.id/sipsn/)

Sri Mutiar, dkk. (2021). Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan
Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menggunakan Larva Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens).
Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Logista Vol 5 No 1 : 110-114.

Žáková, M. & Borkovcová, M., (2013). Hermetia illucens Application in Management of Selected
Types of Organic Waste. s.l., The 2nd Electronics International Interdisciplinary

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Ekalia Pratiwi Utina1*, Yuliyanti Kadir 2 , Frice L. Desei 3

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia 96128
*Correspondence: ciciutina@gmail.com

The importance of transportation is noticeable in the increasing need for transportation services for the mobility
of people and goods. Public transportation plays a pivotal role in the movement of traffic in a flow city and is one
of the elements that determine social and economic development in an urban area. The research aimed to analyze
the characteristics and performance of public transportation for the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route. The
research location for Kwandang Route was on Jalan Trans Sulawesi in Moluo Village, North Gorontalo Regency
to Gorontalo City Terminal on Samratulangi No.62, Limba UI Village, Kota Selatan Subdistrict. The research
data were collected through quantitative methods by means of direct surveys in the field and interviews with
public transportation passengers. Meanwhile, the data processing and analysis were carried out using software
which was Microsoft Excel. Based on the research findings, the characteristics of public transportation for the
Kwandang-Gorontalo City route were that its operating hours were from 06.00 to 16.45, and the cost or tariff for
transportation users in each segment was different. In detail, the tariff of IDR 10.000 was applied for the
Kwandang-Isimu segment, IDR 15.000 for Kwandang-Limboto, IDR 20.000 for Kwandang-Telaga, and IDR
25.000 for Kwandang-Gorontalo City. In addition, the majority of transportation users were students and
entrepreneurs aged 21-30 years, the static load factor value for the Kwandang-Gorontalo route was 72.07%,
whereas the static load factor value for the Gorontalo City- Kwandang route was 92.20%. The average dynamic
load factor for 7 days was 22.40%, and the average headway obtained was 29.58 minutes.

Keywords: public transportation, operational performance, pandemic period

Public transportation is a passenger transportation service by a group travel system that
is willing to be used by the general public, usually managed according to a schedule, operated on
a set route, and charged for each trip. Public transportation or mass transportation was introduced
in Jakarta in the 1970s under the name "mikrolet" in some areas. The fare charged to passengers
varies depending on how far the destination is. The characteristic of the operation of public
transportation services is that passengers must adjust the origin and destination (route) of
transportation. The point of origin, destination, as well as route traversed are fixed and highly
dependent on the route specified in the regulations, and stopping public transportation must be at
the place specified in the route regulations and transport operator regulations.
The problem that occurs is the condition of public transportation performance for the
Kwandang Route, North Gorontalo Regency-Gorontalo City with a public transport travel time
of ± 1 hour 45 minutes, with a distance of ± 57 km (Central Bureau of Statistics of Gorontalo
Province, 2018). The implementation was carried out in 2 (two) rits, namely, two round trips
every day, starting to worry, due to the lack of passengers due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Kwandang, North Gorontalo Regency is one of the areas that has been exposed to Covid-19, so it
has an impact on microbus public transportation in the Kwandang area.
Covid-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019, a virus that is endemic throughout the
world, including Indonesia. Corona Virus Disease 2019 or known as Covid-19, which is where
the government has declared a Pandemic in March 2020 until now, therefore demanding that
transportation activities be limited to a maximum of 50% of transportation capacity in accordance

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with Mayor Regulation (PERWALI), Gorontalo City Number 26 of 2020, regarding the
Implementation of Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols as an Effort for
Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Gorontalo City. Based on
this, it is necessary to conduct research entitled "Performance of Public Transportation Route
Kwandang-Gorontalo City in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period".

2.1 Research Site
This study took place on the Kwandang Route, North Gorontalo Regency, Moluo Village,
Trans Sulawesi Road to Gorontalo City Terminal, Limba U I Village, Jalan Samratulangi No.
62, South City (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Research site

2.2 Data Collection Method
2.2.1 Primary Data
This primary data consists of a static survey and a dynamic survey:
a. Static survey
A survey was conducted at a certain point by observing or recording information
(interviews) from every passenger of the Kwandang Route public transportation, North
Gorontalo Regency-Gorontalo City.
b. Dynamic survey
a survey conducted in a vehicle (public transportation), with the method of observing and
recording some required data such as the rise and fall of public transport passengers
taking a route, which records the rise and fall of the number of passengers and the travel
time of each segment.
c. Interview
Interviews (interviews) with passengers and transportation drivers are carried out directly
in public transportation to obtain the characteristics of passengers traveling by public
transportation on a route. The purpose of this survey is to collect data related to the
description of public transport services, namely:
1. Origin and destination of passengers on each route.
2. The number of passengers who transfer in one trip for each route.
3. Other modes used before and after.

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2.2.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data was collected in the form of data on the number of operating public
transportation along with the route of travel according to the Kwandang route, North Gorontalo
Regency-Gorontalo City.


Gorontalo Province consists of 5 (five) regencies and 1 (one) city, namely Boalemo
Regency, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Regency, Bone Bolango Regency, North Gorontalo
Regency, and Gorontalo City (Central Statistics Agency, 2021). This study focuses on 2 regencies
and 1 city that only public transportation passes through, namely North Gorontalo Regency,
Gorontalo Regency, and Gorontalo City. The destination of public transportation after passing
through North Gorontalo Regency then enters Gorontalo Regency and Gorontalo City. Public
transportation does not entirely pass through the Trans Sulawesi route, as in some public
transportation areas it passes through Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Mbuin Bungale, Jalan Ahmad A.
Wahab, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, and Jalan Sam Ratulangi.

3.1 Land Use and General Condition of Research Area

Transportation and land use are very closely related, so it is usually considered to form a
land-use transport system so that land use can be realized properly, transportation needs must be
met properly. A congested transportation system will certainly hinder its land use activities. On
the other hand, transportation that does not serve a land use will be wasted or not utilized. . The
land use traversed by public transport on the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route is shown in Table
3.2 Travel Route Kwandang-Gorontalo City
The route is a public transportation route or route for the transportation of people by bus
which has a fixed origin and destination, a fixed track, and a fixed or unscheduled schedule.
Transportation services for people who use public transportation on fixed and routine routes are
carried out on route network routes. The route network is a collection of routes that become a
unified network of people and transport services. Rit is a journey back and forth on a track or in
one route. The division of this segment aims to facilitate the calculation of passengers who board
and alight.
Table 1. Land Use Passed by Public Transport

Lintasan (Jalan Awal s/d Jalan

No. Segment Land Use (Guna Lahan) Sekitar

1 Desa Moluo Pemukiman

1 Desa Titidu RM. Srikandi
1 Desa Titidu Toko Bangunan Sinar Jaya
1 Desa Titidu Pemukiman
1 Desa Titidu Dhidi Mart 1
1 Desa Titidu Koramil 1314-06 Kwandang
1 Desa Titidu Pemukiman
1 Desa Titidu Kantor BPP Kwandang
1 Desa Titidu Kantor Kejaksaan Gorut
1 Desa Titidu Kantor Camat Kwandang
1 Desa Titidu Kantor Pos Kwandang
1 Desa Titidu Kantor Basnaz Gorontalo Utara
1 Desa Titidu Pemukiman
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1 Desa Titidu Masjid Al-Ikhlas

1 Desa Titidu Pemukiman
1 Desa Titidu Pasar Sabtu
1 Desa Posso Kompi A-713
1 Desa Posso Pemukiman
1 Desa Posso Kawasan Persawahan
1 Desa Posso Pemukiman
1 Desa Bulalo Rs. Zus
1 Desa Bulalo Pemukiman
1 Desa Bulalo Wisata Kampung Sawah Lami
1 Desa Bulalo Pemukiman
1 Desa Alata Karya Apotek Hayan Farma
1 Desa Alata Karya SD Negeri 2 Kwandang

3.3 Number of Passengers

Data collection on the number of passengers is carried out by recording the number of
passengers who travel up and down and go home transportation. The number of passengers going
back and forth on the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Number of Passengers Going Home Public Transport
Number of
Day Set Out Go home
Monday 5 11 16
Tuesday 6 11 17
Wednesday 7 8 15
Thursday 8 11 19
Friday 8 11 19
Saturday 11 12 23
Sunday 18 11 29

The number of passengers using public transportation is considered abnormal during the
COVID-19 pandemic, where the number of passengers has exceeded the transport capacity and
is not in accordance with the Mayor's Regulation (PERWALI), Gorontalo City Number 26 of
2020, which limits 50% of the transport capacity. The number of passengers on the Kwandang-
Gorontalo City route is shown in Figure 2.

Number of Passenger
Number of Passenger



Figure 2. Number of Passengers Coming Home Public Transport

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3.4 Characteristics of Public Transportation Route Kwandang-Gorontalo

The characteristics of public transportation or the characteristics of public transportation
are to bring together two interests, namely the interests of service users and the interests of
operators. The characteristics of public transportation cannot be categorized as complete public
transportation because it does not have a special stopping place and does not have a definite
departure time. The characteristics of public transportation for the Kwandang-Gorontalo City
route have operating hours from 06.00-16.40, but departure times are unknown with different
fares for each segment. The Kwandang-Isimu segment costs Rp. 10,000, Kwandang-Limboto
costs Rp. 15,000, Kwandang-Telaga costs Rp. 20,000, and Kwandang-Gorontalo City costs Rp.
25,000. Public transportation on the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route operates after following the
queue with passengers being picked up or transported in front of the house or on the road that the
transportation takes.

3.5 Static Passenger Load Factor

Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation No. SK 687 of 2002 stipulates a
load factor of 70%. Load factor is the ratio between the number of passengers transported in the
vehicle at a certain time period expressed in percent. For the passenger load factor of public
transportation on the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route and the Gorontalo-Kwandang City route,
the average for each vehicle per day can be shown in Figures 3 and Figure 4.
Load Factor Static
Number of Passenger (People)

72,72% 95,45%
80 63,63%
60 72,72%



Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jum'at Sabtu Minggu
Figure 3. Load Factor of Passengers on the Kwandang-Gorontalo City Route Static Survey

The loading factor with the highest percentage is on Saturday at 100%, and the lowest is
on Monday at 45.45%. The passenger loading factor obtained for a week is 72.07%. Judging from
the standard Load Factor that has been determined, the passenger loading factor obtained for 7
days exceeds the standard, which is 70%.

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Load Factor Static

100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Number of Passenger (People)



72,72% 72,72%



Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jum'at Sabtu Minggu

Figure 4. Load Factor of Gorontalo-Kwandang City Passengers Static Survey

Based on the results of the analysis, the average load factor for a week was 92.20% with
the highest percentage being 100% and the lowest being 72.72%. Judging from the standard Load
Factor that has been determined, which is 70%, the passenger loading factor obtained for 7 days
exceeds the standard.
3.6 Load Factor (Dynamic)
The calculation result of the Load Factor value for this dynamic survey is different from
the static Load Factor value. This is because in the dynamic survey the surveyor randomly chooses
the public transportation under study, namely by participating in the public transportation journey
as a passenger. The average dynamic load factor percentage for each day of the week is shown
in Figure 5.
Load Factor (Dynamic)
Number of Passenger (People)

30 26,13 32,95

25 21,59
15 18,18

Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu

Figure 5. Dynamic Load Factor Graph

Figure 5. This research was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic at the PPKM level
2 so that the dynamic Load Factor obtained for a week was still lacking or still below the standard
of 22.40%. Table 4.5 shows the data on the number of passengers going up and down in each
segment so that the average daily value can be seen. To get the average value every day on the
dynamic Load Factor is shown in Table 3.

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Table 3. Dynamic Load Factor

No. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1. 36,36 27,27 45,45 36,36 45,45 63,63 118,18
2. 9,09 18,18 9,09 18,18 18,18 9,09 18,18
3. 0 9,09 9,09 18,18 9,09 27,27 27,27
4. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. 90,90 72,72 72,72 72,72 81,81 63,63 63,63
6. 0 27,27 0 0 9,09 18,18 36,36
7. 0 0 0 18,18 0 27,27 0
8. 9,09 0 0 9,09 9,09 0 0
Means 18,18 19,31 17,04 21,59 21,59 26,13 32,95
3.7 Headway
Intermediate time or headway is a measure that expresses the distance or time when the
front of successive vehicles passes the observation point on the road segment. According to Fauzi
(2021) in the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of the 2002 MPU, the ideal headway
is 5-10 minutes, while the peak headway is 2-5 minutes.

Based on the results of data analysis on the Kwandang-Gorontalo public transportation
route during the Covid-19 pandemic, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Characteristics of the Kwandang-Gorontalo public transportation route, which has operating
hours from 06.00-16.45, the cost or tariff for transportation users in each segment is different,
in the Kwandang-Isimu segment the tariff is Rp. 10,000, Kwandang-Limboto is Rp. 15,000,
Kwandang-Telaga Rp.20,000 and Kwandang-Gorontalo City, which is Rp.25,000. with the
majority of transport, users being students and entrepreneurs aged 21-30 years.
2. Performance of public transportation route Kwandang-Gorontalo:
a. The performance of public transportation for the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route. The
highest static load factor occurs on Saturday, which is 100%, and the lowest occurs on
Monday at 45.45% with an average Load Factor of 7 days of 72.07%. The performance
of this public transportation has exceeded the performance standard of public
transportation, which is 70%. For dynamic Load Factor, the highest value is 32.95% on
Sunday and the lowest is on Wednesday with a percentage of 17.04%, for Load Factor an
average of 7 days is 22.40%. The performance of public transport dynamic load factor is
still less than the performance standard of public transport that has been set.
b. The performance of public transportation on the Kwandang-Gorontalo City route, the
headway obtained is 29.58 minutes, it already exceeds the standard for public
transportation performance, where in the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of
Passenger Public Transport in 2002 the ideal headway is 5-10 minutes, while the peak
headway is 2-5 minutes.

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Herinda Mardin1*, Lilan Dama2, Abubakar Sidik Katili3, Merlin S. Mohamad4,

Alfandi M. Abdullah5, Mega Anastasya Diska Mokoginta6
Biology Department, Matematics and Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl.
Prof.Ing.B.J.Habibie, Tilongkabila, Bone Bolango, Indonesia, 96554
*Correspondence: herindamardin@ung.ac.id

This study aims to obtain high school biology teaching materials based on project-based learning (PjBL) on valid
material for the human digestive system. This research is a research and development (Research and Develop) or
known as R & D research which adopts the development model by Thiagarajan, namely the 4-D model which
consists of 4 stages including define, design, develop and disseminate. However, this development research is
limited to the validation stage. The validity test in this study is a theoretical validity carried out by 3 validators
who are experts in their fields. The instrument used is an expert validation questionnaire with a Likert scale which
has 4 alternative answer choices, namely 1 = less, 2 = enough, 3 = good, and 4 = very good, and the data were
analyzed by adding up the scores of each validator. The research results obtained from high school biology
teaching materials based on project-based learning (PjBL) on the human digestive system material that has been
developed meet the valid criteria with an average value of 3.75 which indicates a very valid category. So it can be
concluded that high school biology teaching materials based on project-based learning on the human digestive
system material that has been developed are very valid.

Keywords: Biology Teaching Materials; Human Digestive System; PjBL; Validity

Learning biology in high school (SMA) is certainly not without problems. Some of the
problems found in biology learning based on the biology teacher's perspective are 1) related
problems from student factors, 2) facilities and infrastructure, 3) learning materials, 4) teacher
factors, 5) students' family condition factors (Priyayi, D. F., 2018). Some biology materials or
topics at the high school level fall into the difficult category based on the student’s perspective.
Digestive system material in humans at the high school (SMA) level is one of the difficult biology
topics with a moderate level of difficulty category (Mardin, H., 2017).
For this reason, in overcoming the difficulties of learning biology for students, several
efforts are needed, including the teacher should teach biology by connecting topics with everyday
life, and the teacher's teaching abilities and classroom management skills must be further
improved (Mardin, H., 2017). In terms of the ability of teachers to connect biology topics with
the daily lives of students and the ability of teachers to teach and manage classes, media is needed
in delivering the material, one of which is by using teaching materials.
Teaching materials are all materials that are made consisting of aspects of knowledge,
skills, and attitudes that must be learned by students in order to achieve learning objectives which
are arranged based on the learning objectives to be achieved, the abilities and development of
students in accordance with the needs and interests of students (Leksono, S. M., 2015). Based on
the subject, teaching materials are divided into 2 groups, namely 1) teaching materials that are
made intentionally for learning and 2) teaching materials that are not intentionally made but can
be used for learning. Teaching materials based on technology are divided into 4, namely printed,
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audio, audio-visual, and interactive multimedia teaching materials (Bahtiar, E. T., 2015). Good
teaching materials are those that are prepared based on the needs and the applicable curriculum
that allows students to easily learn independently (Magdalena, I., 2020).
Based on the needs of students to overcome learning difficulties, it is necessary to design
media and teaching materials that are able to overcome these learning difficulties. The project-
based learning (PjBl) learning model is known to have a syntax with stages 1) start with the big
question; 2) design a plan for the project; 3) create a schedule; 4) monitor the students and the
progress of the project; 5) assess the outcome; 6) evaluate the experience (Nurhayati, A. S., &
Harianti, D., 2015) which is able to improve learning outcomes and students' critical thinking
skills (Prayogi, S., & Asy'ari, M. (2013). By making teaching materials Based on project-based
learning, it is hoped that students' learning difficulties on the material of the digestive system in
humans can be overcome.

This research is a research and development (Research and Develop) or known as R & D
research that adopts the development model by Thiagarajan, et al., (1974) which is a 4-D model
consisting of 4 stages including define, design, develop and disseminate. However, this
development research is limited to the validation stage. This study aims to obtain high school
biology teaching materials based on project-based learning (PjBL) on valid human digestive
system materials. The teaching materials developed are in the form of project-based learning
(PjBL)-based biology textbooks for class XI high school students on the human digestive system.
The validity test in this study is a theoretical validity carried out by 3 validators who are experts
in their fields. The instrument used is an expert validation questionnaire with a Likert scale
(Ridwan, 2011) which has 4 alternative answer choices, namely 1 = less, 2 = enough, 3 = good,
and 4 = very good. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by adding up the scores of each validator.
Furthermore, the validity value is calculated using the formula:

V = Validation average score
RAi = Aspect validation average score
n = Many aspects

Source: Khabibah in Wardianti, Y., & Jayati, R. D., (2018).

The criteria for determining the level of validity can be presented in table 1 below.

Table 1. Criteria for Determining the Level of Validity

Range Category
1,00-1,99 Invalid
2,00-2,99 Less Valid
3,00-3,49 Valid
3,50-4,00 VeryValid
Source: Sari, R. T. (2017).


3.1 Result
Project-based learning (PjBL) high school biology teaching materials on the human
digestive system material that have been designed were validated by 3 expert validators in their
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field. The results of the validation and suggestions given by the validator are used to revise the
improvement of teaching materials. The results of the validation data from 3 validators are
presented in table 2 below.
Table 2. Teaching Material Validation Results Data
Observed Average
No. Category
Aspects Rating
1. Didactic 3,62 Very Valid
2. Construction 3,76 Very Valid
3. Technical 3,87 Very Valid
Total Average 3,75 Very Valid

Based on the data from the validation of high school biology teaching materials based on
project-based learning (PjBL) on the human digestive system material by the validator, it can be
seen that the didactic aspect obtained the average value of the assessment from the validator of
3.62 with a very valid category. The didactic aspect has assessment indicators which include
teaching materials that are developed referring to the applicable curriculum, namely the 2013
curriculum (K13), helping students in understanding concepts and constructing their knowledge
and making it easier for students to learn so that the learning process becomes more effective.
The construction aspect meets the valid criteria with a value of 3.76 which is included in
the very valid category having assessment indicators including clarity of the identity of teaching
materials, containing learning objectives, main points and descriptions of learning materials,
clarity of instructions for using teaching materials and language that is easily understood by
students. While the technical aspect with a value of 3.87 is a very valid criterion that has
assessment indicators including clear and easy-to-read writing, clear images, and in accordance
with the material, layout, and arrangement of attractive teaching materials displayed.
The total average assessment of the results of the validation of teaching materials by the
validator as a whole is 3.75 which shows that project-based learning (PjBL) high school biology
teaching materials on the human digestive system material are in the very valid category so that
they can be used for class XI high school students.

3.2 Discussion
Global SchoolNet (2000) in Nurhayati, A. S., & Harianti, D. (2015) explains that
project-based learning (PjBL) is a learning approach with the characteristics of 1) students
making decisions about work plans; 2) poses problems or challenges to students; 3)
solutions to problems or challenges posed are designed by students; 4) access to information to
solve problems is done by students collaboratively; 5) continuity of the evaluation process; 6)
reflection of activities by students; 7) there is a final evaluation by being tolerant of change. The
description of the characteristics and stages of project-based learning can be seen in Figure 1

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Figure 1. Stages of project-based learning

Project-based learning (PjBL) biology teaching materials on the human digestive system
make students able to learn independently. The existence of an evaluation and reflection process
at the end of project-based learning (PjBL) requires students to carry out a process of improving
the results or changes.
Project-based learning (PjBL) biology teaching materials on the human digestive system
material need a little revision based on the results of validation by the validator. Some of the
suggestions given by the validator on teaching materials on didactic, construction, and technical
aspects. Good teaching materials use language that is easy to understand students as users,
systematic material content, and an attractive appearance so that students are happy and interested
in using these teaching materials (Wibowo, E., 2018).
For the didactic aspect, what needs improvement is systematically compiling the contents
of the digestive system in humans. This of course needs to be done in order to assist students in
constructing their knowledge and building their conceptual understanding. As for the construction
aspect, the use of language in accordance with the EYD and the use of scientific terms are the
concern of the validator for revision. For the technical aspect, several things need to be revised,
such as the use of spaces in teaching materials, and sentence structure in the description of the
material. It is important to place the pictures correctly and size the writing that is easy to read with
the aim that the teaching materials are easy to understand and interesting for students to use. Of
course, to make it more attractive, it is necessary to arrange the display of images, writing, and
design of teaching materials that are able to make students happy and interested in these teaching
materials. This is in line with the research of Wulandari, W., et al., (2017) explaining that it is
easier for students to understand the material if the teaching materials have clear and easy-to-read
font sizes, interesting pictures, and use uncomplicated sentences. , language and terms that are
easy to understand, as well as a systematic presentation of the material will be able to increase the
knowledge of students.
After this teaching material was revised based on suggestions and input from the
validators so that project-based learning (PjBL) biology teaching materials on the human
digestive system material could be used for class XI high school students with very valid criteria.

Based on the results of the theoretical validity test obtained from high school biology
teaching materials based on project-based learning (PjBL) on the human digestive system material
that has been developed it meets the valid criteria with an average value of 3.75 which indicates
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a very valid category. So it can be concluded that high school biology teaching materials based
on project-based learning on the human digestive system material that has been developed are
very valid.


Bahtiar, E. T. (2015). Penulisan Bahan Ajar. Artikel disajikan dalam kegiatan Conference Paper
di Bogor. researchgate.net

Leksono, S. M., Syachruroji, A., & Marianingsih,P. (2015). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Biologi
Konservasi Berbasis Etnopedagogi. Jurnal Kependidikan: Penelitian Inovasi
Pembelajaran, 45(2).

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Bahan Ajar. Nusantara, 2(2), 311-326.

Mardin, H. (2017). Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Biologi Peserta Didik Kelas XII IPA SMA Negeri
di Kota Palopo (Doctoral Dissertation, Universitas Negeri Makassar).

Nurhayati, A. S., & Harianti, D. (2015). Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning
(PjBL). Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Prayogi, S., & Asy’ari, M. (2013). Implementasi Model PBL (Problem Based Learning) Untuk
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa. Prisma Sains:
Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 1(1), 80-

Priyayi, D. F., Keliat, N. R., & Hastuti, S. P. (2018). Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Menurut
Perspektif Guru Biologi Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di Salatiga dan Kabupaten
Semarang. Didaktika Biologi: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Biologi, 2(2), 85-92.

Ridwan. (2011). Belajar Mudah Penelitian Untuk Guru, karyawan dan Peneliti Pemula. Bandung.

Sari, R. T. (2017). Uji Validitas Modul Pembelajaran Biologi Pada Materi Sistem Reproduksi
Manusia Melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Untuk Kelas IX SMP. Scientiae Educatia:
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains, 6(1), 22-26

Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D. S., & Semmel, M. I. (1974). Instructional Development for Training
Teachers of Exceptional Children Leadership Training Institute/ Special Education,
Minnesota: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Wardianti, Y., & Jayati, R. D. (2018). Validitas Modul Biologi Berbasis Kearifan
Lokal. BIOEDUSAINS: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Dan Sains, 1(2), 136-142.

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Wibowo, E. (2018). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar E-Modul Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Kvisoft
Flipbook Maker (Doctoral dissertation, UIN Raden Intan Lampung).

Wulandari, W., Widiyaningrum, P., & Setiati, N. (2017). Pengembangan Suplemen Bahan Ajar
Biologi Berbasis Riset Identifikasi Bakteri untuk Siswa SMA. Journal of Innovative
Science Education, 6(2), 155-161.

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(Case Study Sumalata District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo

Israwan Nurdin1*, Sri Maryati2

Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Prof. Ing. Bj. Habibie, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo-Indonesia 96554
*Correspondence: israwan@gmail.com

Gorontalo Province, especially the landslide-prone area of Sumalata District, is an area prone to land disasters.
With this, it is necessary to make efforts to avoid landslides and minimize the impact they cause. The purpose of
this study is to determine the area and level of landslide-prone in the Sumalata District. The method used in this
study is the analysis of landslide-prone areas using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and field surveys. The
parameters used in the landslide-prone analysis are rainfall (the last 5 years), rock type, slope, land cover, and soil
type. After that, parameter overlay was carried out by producing 3 levels of landslide-prone class, namely, the
low vulnerability level class reached 4182.11 Ha, the medium-high vulnerability level class 20004.92 Ha, and the
high vulnerability level class 5377.45 Ha.

Keywords: landslide vulnerability class GIS, landslide

A landslide is a movement of soil that moves or the accusation of soil material at some
point in large quantities (Asiki et al., 2019). Land or landslides are one of the most common and
frequent disasters in tropical countries such as Indonesia where rainfall is high and morphology
and steep slopes cause landslides (Taruna et al., 2021). Landslide disasters often cause casualties,
and damage to houses, facilities, and infrastructure of settlements that are damaged and hoarded
by landslides, thus causing an impact on the socio-economic conditions of the community
(Ramadhan &Idajati, 2017; Wen et al., 2017). Landslides are also caused by soil equilibrium
disturbances on steep slopes on factors and triggers. Such equilibrium occurs because the force
of the slope launcher is greater than the restraining force (Akbar et al 2021; Naryanto et al., 2016).
Gorontalo Province, especially the lonsor-prone area of Sumalata District, is an area
prone to lonsor land disasters. Areas that have a slope of 20-40% which become agricultural land
and hilly heights of 200-300 meters above sea level that lack annual vegetation which results in
landslides becoming more prone to landslides (Akbar et al., 2021; BPBD,2019). In Indonesia
Disaster Information Data (IDID) released landslide incidents that occurred at several points in
North Gorontalo Regency, especially in Sumalata District. In 2020 in Sumalata District there was
a landslide 50 meters long and 15 meters high covering the access road in Kikia village Sumalata
district (BNPB,2020).
With this, it is necessary to make efforts to avoid the occurrence of landslides and
minimize the impact they cause. One of the efforts made by analyzing and mapping landslide-
prone areas with a Geographic Information System (GIS). This step can be an input to the
government to carry out a landslide disaster mitigation program so that it is known where the
landslide-prone areas are located. Mapping areas that are prone to landslides quickly and
efficiently, namely by conducting and utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (Asiki et
al., 2019). Mapping areas that are vulnerable to landslides have been carried out research,
including (Asiki et al., 2019) with research Analysis of the landslide vulnerability level of the
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bone river estuary area with analysis of the geographic information system (GIS) in Gorontalo
The study used 5 parameters to determine the landslide area, namely, rainfall, rock type,
slope, Land cover, and soil type. The purpose of this study is to determine the area and level of
landslide-prone in the Sumalata District.

2.1 Research Location
This research was conducted in Sumalata District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo
Province. Sumalata Subdistrict is located at 0⁰ 52' N – 1⁰ 5' N and 122⁰ 28' BT – 122⁰ 14' BT.
The total area of Sumalata District has an area of 29,817,648 Ha. The location of the study is
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Research location map

2.2 Research Methods
The method used in this study is field checking and geographic information system (GIS)
analysis. Field checking in the form of documentation of landslide images in the field. Geographic
Information System (GIS) analysis carried out is by the Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) method
by scoring and weighting the factors that influence the emergence of landslides, namely, rainfall,
rock type, slope, Land cover, and soil type. Furthermore, these parameters are overlayed by
performing calculations to produce landslide-prone levels. The results obtained are in the form of
a map of landslide-prone levels in the Sumalata District area. Analysis of the level of landslide-
prone areas based on Puslittanak, Department of Agriculture 2004 in Lubis et al., 2021.

Total Score = 30%RFF + 20%RTF + 20%SF + 20%LCF + 10%STF (1)

𝑹𝑹 (2)
Where: I is the interval class, R is the range (highest score – lowest score) of the total score
obtained, and K is the many classes created.

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Furthermore, make a classification of landslide-prone classes with class intervals

obtained from equation 2 so that the classification of landslide-prone classes becomes as in Table

Table 1. Landslide proneness level interval

No Class interval Level of Insecurity
1 <1,5 – 2,1 Low
2 >2,2 – 2,7 Keep
3 >2,8 – 3,3 High
4 >3,4 – 3,9 Very High


3.1 Avalanche-Prone Parameters
3.1.1 Rainfall
The rainfall data used in this study is rainfall data from rainfall posts located in and around
Sumalata District. Rainfall in Sumalata Subdistrict shows a range of 2500 to >30000 mm/year
(Table 2). Rainfall is one of the factors that greatly influence the occurrence of landslides the
strength of rainwater on soils that lack vegetation and surface flow speed and damage caused by
surface flow and landslide damage is determined by the magnitude of rainfall intensity (Barus,
1999). Based on the results of the analysis, the higher the rainfall, the greater the effect on the
occurrence of landslides. Spatial images of rainfall can be seen in Figure 2.

Table 2. Rainfall
No Rainfall (mm/yr) Class Score Area (Ha)
1 2501-3000 Wet 1.2 49233.5
2 >3000 Too wet 1.5 74821.3
Source: Analysis Results 2022.

Figure 2. Rainfall Map

3.1.2 Types of Rocks
Rocks can accelerate the occurrence of avalanches if rainfall is of high intensity (Surtman,
2002; Lihawa et al.,2014). Based on the geological map of rock types, Sumalata District has 3
types of rocks, namely Brexit rocks, diorite, and formation rocks (Table 3). To determine the level
of landslide in Sumalata District, the rock is given a predetermined weight score, the score is in
accordance with its expectations of landslides. So it is assumed that the higher the weight score

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given, the higher the effect on the landslide. A map image of the rock type can be seen in Figure
Table 3. Types of Rocks
No Types of Rocks Class Score Area (Ha)
1 Formation (Sediment) Good 0.4 17528.5
2 Diorite (Volcanic) Keep 0.6 4746.12
3 Brexit (Volcanic) Keep 0.6 7502.89
Source: Analysis Results 2022.

Figure 3. Rock Type Map

3.1.3 Slope
The slope of slope greatly affects the occurrence of landslides. Based on the results of
spatial data analysis of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), it was obtained that Sumalata District
has a variety of slopes but the predetermined slopes only have 5 slope classes (Table 4).
No Class Percentage of Elevation Score Area (Ha)
1 Flat 0-8% 0.2 2133.56
2 Ramps 8 - 15 % 0.4 142.36
3 A Bit Steep 15 - 25 % 0.6 609.40
4 Steep 25 - 45 % 0.8 13851.26
5 Very Steep > 45 % 1 12998.03
Source: Analysis Results 2022.
In Sumalata District, the slope is 0-8% with a total area of 2133.56 Ha, >8-15% reaches
142.36 Ha, >15–25 reaches 609.40 Ha, >25-45% reaches 13851.26 Ha, and slope slopes >45%
with a total area of 12998.03 Ha. According to Wang et al., (2015) in Asiki et al., (2019) a
landslide is a soil that has mass movement that occurs on the slope of a steep slope and below by
the gravitational force of the earth. Lihawa et al., (2021) posit that the slope of the slope becomes
an important controlling factor of the gravitational process since it correlates with the shear
pressure acting on the ground surface.
So it can be concluded that the more fraudulent the slope of the slope at the study site,
the greater the influence of landslides. Spatial images of slope levels in the Sumalata Subdistrict
can be seen in Figure 4.

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Figure 4. Slope Map

3.1.4 Land Closures
Based on spatial data on land cover from The Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
Sumalata Subdistrict has 11 land covers namely, primary forest, secondary forest, primary
mangrove, secondary mangrove, settlement, plantation, dryland agriculture, mixed dryland
agriculture, rice fields, open ground and shrubs (Table 5). Land cover is very influential in land
balance, controlling groundwater saturation and soil particle bonds Yunianto, (2011) in Asiki et
al., (2019).

Table 5. Land Cover

No Types of Land Cover Class Score Area (Ha)
1 Primary Dryland Forest 1 0.2 8408.43
2 Secondary Dryland Forests 3 0.6 8638.61
3 Primary Mangrove Forest 1 0.2 59.06
4 Secondary Mangrove Forest 1 0.2 78.14
5 Settlement 2 0.4 169.85
6 Plantation 4 0.8 56.85
7 Dryland Agriculture 4 0.8 2105.40
8 Mixed Dryland Farming 4 0.8 6469.36
9 Paddy 5 1 678.47
10 Open Ground 4 0.8 270.45
11 Shrubs 4 0.8 2801.22
Source: Analysis Results 2022.
Forests that have dense vegetation and a large tree root system on this soil will maintain
soil stability against landslides. Meanwhile, land farming dry, moor, rice fields, fields, shrubs,
open ground, and other land cover are very vulnerable to landslides because they have insufficient
vegetation to hold rainwater and the root system is shallow and the soil is easily flooded to the
point of not being able to maintain soil stability and soil particle compactness (Figure 5).
Wahyunto et al., (2007) expressed their opinion that land such as rice fields and moorings and
shrubs that mainly grow on steep slopes generally often occur in landslides.

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Figure 5. Land Closure Map

3.1.5 Soil Type

Soil Types in Sumalata District have two types of soil in the RTRW map of Gorontalo
Province (Figure 6). These soil types are latosol and red-yellow Mediterranean soil Latosol land
has a total area of 8786.33 Ha and red and yellow Mediterranean land has a total area of 21041.79
Ha. Here is the soil uranian at the research site (Table 6).

Figure 6. Soil Type Map

a. Latosol red yellow
Latosol soil is one of the soils known as red and yellow. Latosol soils are slightly sensitive to
landslides Gemilang et al.,(2017). Latosol has a coating soil solum that has undergone weathering
of medium to high thickness. Loose consistency and crumbly structure, has a pH ranging from
4.5 to 6.5 with categorized acidic-slightly acidic soils.

b. Mediteran Red Yellow

This red-yellow Mediterranean soil is an eroding soil from limestone mother material with
low levels of organic matter. This deep saturation is alkaline to high in heavy texture with a gum
soil structure, and the soil reaction is slightly acidic with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. This soil is found in
areas above sea level up to 400m in the tropical climate of alkaline soils and dry months and

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annual rainfall between 800-2500 mm / year. This yellow Mediterranean soil has a moderate level
of sensitivity to landslides.
Table 6. Soil Type
No Soil Type Class Score Area (Ha)
1 Latosol 3 0.3 8786.33
2 Mediteran Red Yellow 4 0.4 21041.79
Source: Analysis Results 2022.

3.1.6 Analysis of landslide Prone level

Estimation of the level of landslide vulnerability was carried out using the estimation
model used in the study by Lubis (2021), which is sourced from Puslittanak, Department of
Agriculture (2004). Based on the estimation model, the parameters used are rainfall, rock type,
slope, land cover, and soil type. All parameters are classified based on a predetermined score on
each parameter. Then, these parameters are overlayed to produce a map of landslide-prone levels.

3.1.7 Overall Overlay Parameter Results

Based on the results of overlapping spatial data, all parameters determine where the levels
of landslides in the Sumalata District are located. The result is from the sum of the values of the
parameters by generating the total score. The total score is used to obtain a predetermined interval
classification. Interval classes start from <1.5 – 2.1 with low categories, interval classes >2.2 –
2.7 with medium categories, interval classes >2.8 – 3.3 with high categories, and interval classes
>3.4 – 3.9 which are with very high categories (Table 1).
The results obtained from the analysis by classifying the landslide interval class, namely,
the interval class 1.5 – 2.1, the interval class 2.2 – 2.7, and the interval class 2.8 – 3.3 (Table 7).
the results of spatial analysis of the sum of the total scores are presented in Figure 7.
Table 7. Interval Class
No Interval Class Class
1 1,5 – 2,1 1
2 2,2 – 2,7 2
3 2,8 – 3,3 3
Source: Analysis Results 2022.

Figure 7. Map The result of the summation of the scores of each parameter
3.1.8 Landslide Vulnerability Distribution
a. Low Insecurity Level Class

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The low landslide vulnerability rate class in Sumalata District has a small probability of an
avalanche occurring. This low landslide vulnerability has a fairly small rainfall of 1500 – 2000
mm/ year with a slope of 0 - 15%. Low landslide-prone area domination of forest cover or dense
land vegetation, settlement land cover, mixed dryland agriculture, and root systems are still very
strong to withstand the capacity of rainwater entering the soil not only that, latosol soil types and
a red-yellow mediteran that is somewhat sensitive to the occurrence of landslides. Low
vulnerability also has many strong rock types such as volcanic brection rocks and volcanic diorite
which are somewhat sensitive to the occurrence of landslides.

b. Medium Female Level Class

In Sumalata District, the moderate level of vulnerability is an area that has the possibility of
a moderate landslide, the area has rainfall of 1500 - 2500 mm/year with a slope of 0 - 30%. This
area of moderate landslides is also dominated by land covers such as dry and mixed land
agriculture and secondary forests. This level of moderate insecurity is in the predominance of red-
yellow Mediterranean soil types and formation rocks of fine soils and sands.

c. High Level of Vulnerability Class

The high level of landslide vulnerability in Sumalata District is an area with a high probability
of landslides. Areas that have rainfall of 1500 - 3000 mm / year with a very steep slope of 0 -
<45%. High landslide-prone areas are also dominated by the closure of mixed dryland agricultural
land, shrubs, and soils that do not have dense vegetation or open ground this will result in a high
probability of landslides. Not only that the type of soil and the type of rock that is somewhat
sensitive to the occurrence of landslides.
Based on each class of landslide vulnerability level in the Sumalata District, it can be seen
from the results of the analysis that the low level of vulnerability has a total area of 4182.11 Ha,
then the level of moderate vulnerability with a total area of 20004.92 Ha and the high vulnerability
level class has a total area of 5377.45 Ha of the total sumalata district (Table 8). A map of the
level of landslide vulnerability in the Sumalata District can be seen in Figure 8.
Table 8. Landslide vulnerability level
No Degree of insecurity Interval Class Class Area (Ha) Percentage %
1 Low 1,5 – 2,1 1 4182.11 14.03
2 Keep 2,2 – 2,7 2 20004.92 67.09
3 High 2,8 – 3,3 3 5377.45 18.03
Source: Analysis Results 2022.

Figure 8. Map of landslide vulnerability levels in Sumalata Subscrimination

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3.1.9 Checking At The Research Location With Field Surveys

1 2

3 4

Figure 9. Documentation of landslides in Kikia Village, Sumalata District with 4 landslide points
identified on August 10, 2022
1 2

Figure 10. Documentation of landslides in Lelato Village, Sumalata District with 3 landslide points
identified on August 10, 2022

Based on the results of a landslide-prone analysis study based on the Geographic
Information System (GIS) in Sumalata District, North Gorontalo Regency. This analysis resulted
in three levels of landslide-prone namely the low vulnerability class, the medium vulnerability
class, and the high vulnerability class. The low insecurity class reaches a total area of 4182.11 Ha

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or 14.03%, the medium insecurity class reaches 20004.92 Ha or equivalent to 67.09%, and the
high insecurity class reaches a total area of 5377.45 Ha or equivalent to 10.03% of the total area
of Sumalata District. The results of the survey at the research site in Kikia Village there were 4
landslide points and in Lelato Village 3 landslide points.

A thank you to the Gorontalo Provincial RTRW Agency, the Bone Bolango Meteorology
and Climatology Agency, and the Gorontalo provincial Environment and Forestry Service for
assisting in the data collection process.


Akbar, L. O. J., Lihawa, F. and Mahmud, M. (2021). Analisis Tipe Dan Bidang Gelincir Longsor
Di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Jambura Geoscience Review, Vol. 3(2): 73–83.

Asiki, M. I., Maryati, S. and Akase, N. (2019). Analisis Tingkat Kerentanan Longsor Daerah
Muara Sungai Bone Kota Gorontalo. Jambura Geoscience Review. Vol. 1(2): 87–101.

[BNPB] Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana. (2020). Data Informasi Bencana Indonesia.
Jakarta: BNPB.

[BPBD] Badan Penanggunalangan Bencana Daerah. (2019). Kajian Resiko Bencana Kabupaten
Gorontalo Utara. Kwandang; BPBD Gorontalo Utara.

Barus, B. (1999). Pemetaan Bahaya Longsoran Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Statistik Peubah Tunggal
Menggunakan SIG; Studi Kasus Daerah Ciawik-Puncak-Pacet, Jawa Barat. Jurnal Ilmu
Tanah Dan Lingkungan 2. Pp. 7-16.

Lihawa, F.,Patuti I. M., & Nurfaika. (2014). Sebaran Aspek Keruangan Tipe Longsoran di Daereh
Aliran Sungai Alo Provinsi Gorontalo. Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan, Vol. 21(3): 277-

Lihawa, F., Zainuri, A., Patuti, I. M., Permana,A.P., & Pradana, I.Y.(2021). The Analysis Of
Sliding Surface In Alo Watershed. New of The National Academy of Sciences of The
Republic of Kazakhstan Series Of Geology And Technical Sciences. Vol.3(447): 53-58.

Lubis, S. A. (2021). Analisis Daerah Rawan Longsor Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig)
(Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Samosir). Universitas Sumatra Utara.

Ramadhan, N.I.,&Idjayati, H.(2017).Identifikasi Tingkat Bahaya Bencana Longsoran, Studi

Kasus:Kawasan Lereng Gunung Lawu, Kabupaten Karangnyar, Jawa Tengah. Jurnal
Teknik ITS, Vol 6(1): 87-90.

Taruna, A. C., Somantri, L. and Setiawan, I. (2021) ‘Pemetaan Kawasan Potensi Rawan Longsor
Berbasis Data Analisis Sistem Informasi Geografis Di Kota Cimahi. Jurnal Samudra
Geografi, Vol. 4(2): 7–13.

Wahyunto, H., Sastramihardja, H., Supriatna, W., Wahdini W., Sunaryo.(2007). Kerawanan
Longsor Lahan Pertanian Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Citarum, Jawa Barat. Prosiding
Seminar Nasional Multifungsi dan Konservasi Lahan Pertanian Balai Penelitian Tanah
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Moh. Nur R. Utu1, Sri Maryati2
Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Prof. Ing. Bj. Habibie, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo-Indonesia 96554
*Correspondence: nurmoh405@gmail.com.

Roads are land transportation facilities that play an important role in the transportation sector connecting one
city to another, between cities and villages, and between one village and another. The existence of road damage
will affect the safety and comfort of road users. Factors that cause road damage include water, changes in
temperature, weather, air temperature, pavement construction materials, unstable subgrade conditions, poor
compaction process above the subgrade, excessive vehicle load capacity, and increased vehicle volume. .
Information is a very important need for everyone. Information can provide a clear picture of something from a
variety of different points of view. Therefore, the author intends to create a geographic information system for
mapping this road damage by using a map. It is hoped that the Government can classify the level of road damage
in Boliyohuto District using the observation method and the document study method. The data collection method
in this study used the observation method and the document study method. The observation method is carried
out to obtain coordinate data from damaged roads by using GPS Map Camere application. The document study
method was carried out to obtain secondary data in the form of supporting data from the DPU office in
Boliyohuto's field of community development. The results obtained from this mapping are roads in Boliyohuto
District which have flat roads, there are also highlands, but these roads are dominated by plain roads. Teletk flat
roads in Dulohupa Village, Sidomulyo Village, and Momggolito Village, then the highland road is located in
Parungi Village and South Sidomulyo Village. The road damage information was obtained by researchers by
going directly to the research location in Boliyohuto Spectacle to find out firsthand the condition of damaged
roads in Boliyuhuto District. The length of the existing transportation road in the sub-district of Boliyohuto is
164461, 623 meters. And the length of the damaged road is 8770,243 meters. The conclusion is that the road is
dominated by plain roads. Teletk flat roads in Dulohupa Village, Sidomulyo Village, and Momggolito Village,
then the highland road is located in Parungi Village and South Sidomulyo Village. The information on the
damage to the road was obtained by researchers by going directly to the research location in Boliyohuto Spectacle
to find out firsthand the condition of damaged roads in Boliyuhuto District.

Keywords: road damage point, Boliyohuto District, GPS map camera application

The Boliyohuto region, with its position in the westernmost region of Gorontalo Regency,
still needs a touch of development, both physical and non-physical, so that it can be aligned with
neighboring areas in the parent district which are more advanced. However, the results of field
verification show that one of the limiting factors for development in this area is the span of control
which is quite far from the service center (Limboto) as the capital of Gorontalo Regency. In
addition, this region has sufficient potential resources as the basic capital of development, if
managed properly and correctly.
Mapping is the process of presenting information on the face of the Earth in the form of
facts, the real world, both the shape of the earth's surface and its natural resources, based on the
map scale, map projection system, and symbols of the elements of the Earth's surface that are
presented. Basically, a map is a data that is designed to be able to produce geographic information
through the process of organizing the collaboration of other data related to the earth to analyze,
estimate and produce a cartographic picture. Space information about the earth is very complex.
Roads are land transportation facilities that play an important role in the transportation
sector connecting one city to another, between cities and villages, and between one village and

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another. The existence of road damage will affect the safety and comfort of road users. Factors
that cause road damage include water, changes in temperature, weather, air temperature,
pavement construction materials, unstable subgrade conditions, poor compaction process above
the subgrade, excessive vehicle load capacity, and increased vehicle volume.
Information is a very important need for everyone. Information can provide a clear picture
of something from a variety of different points of view. Thus, information can be said to be one
of the most important factors for making further decisions.
The reality in the field is that there is area lot of road damage in Boliyohuto Subdistrict
which has not been repaired, especially in Parungi Village, Dulohupa Village, Sidomulyo Village,
Monggolito Village, and South Sidomulyo Village. The existence of this road damage can hamper
community activities, especially in the transportation sector. This problem is caused because the
soil conditions in the area have a very smooth texture and are easily flooded when it rains. This
has resulted in many roads in the village with holes and some that no longer have asphalt. Reports
from residents also often come, the reports are directed to the sub-district to be able to repair the
existing roads in these villages. And for now, there is still no geographic information system
reporting regarding road damage in Boliyohuto Eyes that can be accessed by the public online.
Therefore, we intend to create a geographic information system for mapping this road
damage by using a map. It is hoped that the Government can classify the level of road damage in
Boliyohuto District using the observation method and the document study method.

The method used in this research is the observation method and the document study
method. The observation method is carried out to obtain coordinate data from damaged roads by
using the GPS Map Camera application. By using the Map Camera application, researchers can
take pictures and can see the coordinates of each picture taken.


Roads in Boliyohuto District have a flat type of road, there are also highlands, but these
roads are dominated by plain roads. Teletk flat roads in Dulohupa Village, Sidomulyo Village,
and Momggolito Village, then the highland road is located in Parungi Village and South
Sidomulyo Village. The road damage information was obtained by researchers by going directly
to the research location in Boliyohuto Spectacle to find out firsthand the condition of damaged
roads in Boliyuhuto District. The length of the existing transportation road in the sub-district of
Boliyohuto is 164461, 623 meters. And the length of the damaged road is 8770,243 meters. The
distribution of road damage in Boliyohuto District can be seen in the image below.

Figure 1.Research site map

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Mapping of road damage points was obtained to provide information on road damage
points in Boliyohuto District, Gorontalo Regency. Can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Map of the Distribution of Road Damage

The road distribution map is indeed very useful for the community because it can increase
knowledge about the mapping of road damage in Gorontalo, especially in Boliyohuto District,
Gorontalo Regency. It can be said that the road damage is very large because it is caused by the
large volume of vehicles with very heavy loads passing on the road, natural factors also greatly
affect the damage to the road, namely when it rains it can cause flooding which can damage the
surrounding roads. Seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Broken Road in Parungi Village

The damage to the roads in Boliyohuto Sub-district is very large, as can be seen in Figure
4. This is a picture of the damage to the road in front of the entrance gate of the Boliyohuto
District, the condition of the road in front of the gate is very damaged because it is often passed
by vehicles with very heavy loads which can cause damage to the road in front of the gate.

Figure 4. Damage to the Road in front of the Boliyohuto Entrance Gate

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Damage to the road in front of the Sidomulyo field is caused by flooding and the soil is
very easily eroded by water which can cause road damage and is supported by the large volume
of vehicles that cross the road. Can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Road Damage in Monggolito Village

The roads in Boliyohuto Sub-district have a flat type of road, there are also highlands, but
these roads are dominated by plain roads, that's why many roads in Boliyohuto District are
damaged at several points in the village. One of them is in the village of iloheluma which has a
damaged road can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Ioheluma Village Road Damage Points

Roads in Boliyohuto District are flat types of roads, there are also highlands, but these roads
are dominated by plain roads. Teletk flat roads in Dulohupa Village, Sidomulyo Village,
andMomggolito Village, then the highland road is located in Parungi Village and South
Sidomulyo Village. The information on the damage to the road was obtained by researchers by
going directly to the research location in Boliyohuto Spectacle to find out firsthand the condition
of damaged roads in Boliyuhuto District. The length of the road in the Boliyohuto Sub-district is
164461, 623 meters and the length of the damaged road is 8770.243 meters.


Abdul Rahman. 2006. Introduction to Arcview Module for Basic System Analysis Geographic
Information (GIS). Denpasar: Bali.

Eddy Prahasta. 2004. Geographic Information Systems: ArcView Advanced Programming

Languages. Script Avenue. Bandung : Informatics.

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Anonymous. 1992. Procedure for Conducting Survey of Paved Road Conditions, SNI 03-2844-
1992. Jakarta: Department of Public Works.

H. Mubarak. 2016. Analysis of Road Pavement Damage Levels," Faculty of Engineering,

Abdurrab University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, vol. 16 (1): Pp. 94-109.

D. Muryanto and RS, 2019. Evaluation of Damage to Jalan Kalimas Baru in Surabaya City Using
the Highways Method," Civil Engineering Study Program, Dr. University. Soetomo, vol.
7 (1). Pp. 24-30.

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Nadiroh1*, Asep Ediana Latip2, Yinghuei Chen 3, Shahibah Yuliani4, Fernandes Arung5,
Suyud Suwarno6

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Uin Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
International College Asia University, Taiwan
Correspondence: nadiroh@unj.ac.id

Ecological learning (ecopedagogy) has been researched for decades, but only on its methodological concepts and
their impact on education and ecosystems. On the other hand, digital literacy has also been widely studied but is
still general in the realm of digital literacy itself and not in the form of VIEL-based teaching materials that focus
on ecological teaching materials that will virtually bring children to ecosystem experiences. However, a study of
the related literature shows that learning ecology with syllabus and VIEL-based teaching materials has never been
studied before so it is necessary to develop computer software for virtual learning specifically for the children's
level by instilling humanist values into the environment being studied. major in environmental literacy. In the
era of the industrial revolution, environmental literacy learning strategies are needed that can be applied
effectively in shaping environmental literacy. Mapping of environmental literacy profiles based on VIEL as a
basis for developing environmental literacy teaching materials containing essential materials can potentially
shape environmental literacy from the perspective of Social Ecology Theory, for children with basic education.
This strategy is to mediate children's love for the environment as early as possible. The research method used is
R&D for 3 years, in the first year a needs analysis and profile map of initial information about planning,
implementing, and controlling learning for achieving character literacy, especially environmental literacy as one
of the important aspects in the profile of Pancasila students in Basic Education. In 2022, 142 Elementary School
students' environmental literacy instruments have been developed as the initial ability of students' environmental
literacy before getting the material. Based on the results of the study, it was found that an average of 48 people
(34%) of elementary school-age students always had eco-literacy, 32 people (22%) said they often had eco-
literacy, 25 people (18%) said they sometimes used eco-literacy, 12 people (9%) stated that they rarely used
environmental literacy, and 25 people (17%) never had eco-literacy.

Keywords: virtual imaginative ecological learning; environmental literacy; learning materials; gender and social.

Various life experiences really need to be given to elementary school children as an age
that is included in the golden age, including environmental literacy. Environmental literacy is one
of the values of life that is actually taught to students of MI/SD.
In environmental literacy learning, there are four basic literacy skills that can be taught
to students, namely environmental knowledge, environmental skills, environmental attitudes, and
environmental behavior (Kusumaningrum, 2018). In a more advanced way, in the view of
ecopedagogy, students can learn about the five basic points of environmental literacy, namely
about self-knowledge and the concept of God Almighty, adaptation to the environment,
environmental independence, environmental responsibility and socio-cultural responsibility
(Karakaş, 2019). ).
In learning environmental literacy in elementary schools, various direct or indirect
support capacities can be used, such as good condition at 71% and in moderate condition at 29%.
SDI method got 78.6% in good condition, 10 .7% in moderate condition, 7.1% in lightly damaged
condition, and 3.6% in heavily damaged condition. This kind of research was also carried out by
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Saleh, et al, (2018) on a 12.63 km road and got a score of 45.02% in good condition, 45.81% in
moderate condition, 6.87% lightly damaged, and 2.9% heavily damaged following various
research results on environmental literacy learning in elementary schools, including the use of
project-based learning in environmental literacy learning (Rusmana and Aulia, 2017), the use of
technology in environmental literacy (Buchanan, Pressick-Kilborn and Maher, 2019), creating a
school culture that supports the cultivation of environmental literacy in students (Myakota, 2016),
inculcating environmental literacy with field trip activities (Sumarwati et al., 2021), and digital
development literacy for the introduction of environmental literacy (Ricoy and Sánchez-Martínez,
2022). The various studies above show that environmental literacy can be taught to students from
elementary school age and shows its success in building environmental knowledge, attitudes
towards the environment, environmental independence, and students’ responsibility to the
Therefore, in this study, it is important to take pictures of the progress of environmental
literacy that has been introduced to students by implementing the 2013 curriculum as a content
subject that should not be taught to students (Noviana et al., 2019). Students of MI/SD age
children consist of male and female students and consist of various diverse family social
backgrounds, various ways of parenting students with this diversity can be the basis for
differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards the environment. Moreover, coupled
with the different social environments, it will be able to show the diversity of students' ecoliteracy
and the most important thing is that the environmental education provided by the school
background to students supports or not the potential for ecoliteraeco-literacy by students.
On the basis of this, this research explores the development of literacy from the
perspective of gender and social environment. The social environment of students. Basic
education is formed from the social environment of elementary schools and the social
environment of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. So that it is interesting to do research on environmental
literacy from a gender and social perspective for elementary school-age children.

The research method used is a multi-year R&D research method in three years. And this
study is a follow-up to 2 previous studies. Products that have been developed in previous studies
include instruments on eco-literacy for elementary schools. In this follow-up study, the eco-
literacy instrument was used to collect data in elementary schools and/or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in
Indonesia to describe the development of the eco-literacy perspective of elementary school-aged
students. The following are among the profiles of the subjects of this study as illustrated in table
1 below:
Table 1. Respondent Profile
Respondent Profil The Number
Primary School 108
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 34
Female 82
Male 60
Public School 103
Privat School 39
The total respondents who were recruited from MI/SD students were 142 respondents
with a profile like the one above. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling which is
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based on the research objectives and research objectives for students of elementary
school/madrasah Ibtidaiyah age children in Indonesia. The research instrument used is a
questionnaire that uses a Likert measurement scale with intervals of Always (5), Often (4), Rarely
(3), Sometimes (2), and Never (1). The instrument contains five main aspects of eco-literacy for
elementary school-aged children, namely self-introduction and the concept of God Almighty,
adaptation to the environment, environmental independence, environmental responsibility, and
socio-cultural responsibility. The data collection technique used was a survey technique using
google forms which were distributed to the suggestions of this research, the distribution of the
survey was carried out from June to August 2022. The data analysis used was a descriptive
analysis of the data obtained by tabulating data, displaying data, and generalizing as we interpret.


3.1 Result
The results showed that elementary school-aged students, both male, and female, with a
social background in Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtdiaiyah as well as social backgrounds with
public or private status, had a good perspective on eco-literacy as indicated by the average
acquisition of the Likert scale. ie 3.46.
This positive perspective on eco-literacy is built based on five main aspects of eco-
literacy cultivation, as shown in Figure 1 below :

Figure 1. Eco-literacy Aspect

Based on Figure 1 above, in the aspect of self-introduction and the concept of God
Almighty, the average student has a positive perspective on eco-literacy, namely the acquisition
of a good perspective scale of 3.705. On the aspect of adapting to the environment, the average
participant students have a positive perspective on eco-literacy, namely by obtaining a good
perspective scale of 3.938. In the aspect of environmental independence, the average student
shows a positive perspective with a good perspective scale acquisition of 3,177. In the aspect of
environmental responsibility, the average student has a positive perspective, namely the
acquisition of a good perspective scale of 3.00. And in the aspect of sociocultural responsibility,
the average student shows a positive perspective with the acquisition of a perspective scale of
Meanwhile, when viewed from the perspective of gender and different social
backgrounds, the results can be described, namely, for a gender perspective consisting of 60 men
and 82 women, it can be shown in Figure 2 below:

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Laki-laki Perempuan

Figure 2. Gender Perspective Ecoliteracy

Based on Figure 2 above, shows that men have a low perspective compared to women
with a high perspective on eco-literacy, even though each gender shows a positive perspective on
the importance of eco-literacy, it's just that men need to get more guidance in its cultivation. its
Based on the social perspective, it is seen based on the presence of students from the
social background of Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as well as public and private
social backgrounds. For those whose social background is Elementary School and Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah, the results are shown in Figure 3 below:

Figure 3. Social Perspektive Ecoliteracy

Based on Figure 3 above, shows that ecoliteracy in elementary schools has a higher
perspective than in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, however, each has a positive perspective on the
implementation of eco-literacy, namely in 108 elementary schools with a perspective scale of
3,533 and in 34 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah with a perspective scale. 3.22. It is necessary to continue to
strive for fostering the habits of MI/SD social backgrounds that are concerned with the
implementation of eco-literacy.
From a social perspective based on the status of Public and Private Elementary Schools
and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as shown in Figure 4 below:

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Negeri Swasta

Figure 4 Public and Privat School Perspective Ecoliteracy

Based on Figure 4 above, it is known that in a social perspective with public and private
social backgrounds, it shows that 108 State social backgrounds show a high perspective on eco-
literacy, compared to 39 private social backgrounds which show a low perspective, however, the
two backgrounds show a different perspective. Positive impact on the implementation of eco-
literacy in elementary school and/or Islamic elementary school students, namely for elementary
schools, a perspective scale of 3.542 was obtained, and at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah a perspective scale
of 3.242 was obtained. This means that social background has shown a good role in the
implementation of eco-literacy for students, it only needs to be continuously improved.

3.2 Discussion
Environmental literacy includes environmental awareness or ecological consciousness.
Environmental awareness is an important part of environmental literacy that must be instilled in
students. The results of research in Ukraine at the elementary school level show that
environmental awareness is built by integrating it into learning (Shpak, Moysiyenko, and Ninova,
2022). Likewise, the results of research in Tanzania, the process of forming ecoliteracy is effective
in the learning process in schools (Kimaryo, 2011). The same thing is shown in Indonesia with
this study, that at the elementary school level or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ecoliteracy can be instilled
in students through various learning activities including integration in subject matter such as
integration in science subjects (Kusumaningrum, 2018), and PKN subjects (Kusumaningrum,
2018), and PKN subjects (Kusumaningrum, 2018). Feriandi, Budimansyah, and Komalasari,
2021) and even in curriculum implementation in general (Noviana et al., 2019).
The cultivation of environmental literacy fosters environmental awareness which lead to
building aspects of self-knowledge and the concept of God Almighty, adaptation to the
environment, environmental independence, environmental responsibility, and socio-cultural
responsibility. Awareness of the environment grows in both male and female students with
different social backgrounds and different literacy levels as in the results of this study.
The attitude of self-recognition and the concept of God Almighty that grew from the
existence of environmental literacy shows that environmental literacy can build the religious
character of students. The religious attitude of students is the mandate of the 2013 curriculum
which is integrated into nurturant learning (Noviana et al., 2019).
The positive perspective that grows from students both male and female with religious
and social backgrounds towards environmental literacy has been able to foster positive behavior
of students to be able to adapt to the environment. Adjustment to the environment is obtained in
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learning at school because of the existence of religious learning that is directed to bring students
closer to the environment such as the use of digital technology such as the results of research
conducted by Ricoy and Sánchez-Martínez (2022) which shows its effectiveness by using
gamification technology.
Likewise, the positive attitude shown by students both male and female gender and the
social background of Elementary Schools and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah towards eco-literacy shows
an attitude of environmental independence, environmental responsibility, and socio-cultural
responsibility of students. This is supported by research results that school-age children can have
an obliterative attitude by providing direct learning experiences such as using field trip learning
(Sumarwati et al., 2021), presenting learning activities supported by environmental content
technology design (Buchanan, Pressick-Kilborn and Maher). , 2019), integrates it into the
curriculum (Kimaryo, 2011), and is given project experience that is directly related to the
environment (Rusmana and Aulia, 2017).
Ecoliteracy for students regardless of gender and social background is important for the
sustainability of environmental awareness (Persson and Musid, no date). Sustainability of the eco-
literacy of students can be realized by providing a nature-oriented experience by integrating
environmental knowledge with attitudes towards the environment (Sumarwati et al., 2020), as
well as by continuously maintaining positive attitudes of students towards their environment with
various positive affirmations on the importance of maintaining and protecting the environment
(Kodirova Muhayyo Salievna and Bovanova Umida, 2020), can also provide indirect experiences
such as with dramas about loving the environment as suggested by (Karakaş, 2019), another thing
that eco-literacy can be instilled with eco-literacy education (Nair, 2010), this was also approved
by (Kodirova Muhayyo Salievna and Bovanova Umida, 2020) by implementing an environment-
based education system, and even using craft to foster ecoliteracy of students (Kuswendi and
Arga, 2020).
Thus, both traditional education and modern education do not actually ignore the
importance of eco-literacy from elementary school age and or Islamic elementary school to be
taught to students (Sumarwati et al., 2020) so that in the future the environment will remain clean
and healthy friend for participants educate (Kodirova Muhayyo Salievna and Bovanova Umida,

The conclusion of this study shows that from a gender perspective, both male and female
and the social background of students, both those with Elementary School and/or Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah backgrounds as well as private and public social backgrounds, show a tendency to have
a positive attitude towards ecoliteracy in aspects of self-knowledge and the concept of divinity.
Almighty God, adaptation to the environment, environmental independence, environmental
responsibility, and socio-cultural responsibility.

Thanks are conveyed to the research team who have collaborated and especially UIN
Gorontalo who collaborated with PEPSILI who published it and the principals who allowed the
implementation of this research in their institutions and my children who were willing to take the
time to provide information related to eco-literacy.
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Buchanan, J., Pressick-Kilborn, K. and Maher, D. (2019) ‘Promoting environmental education
for primary school-aged students using digital technologies’, Eurasia Journal of
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(2). doi: 10.29333/ejmste/100639.

Feriandi, Y. A., Budimansyah, D. and Komalasari, K. (2021) ‘Studies on the Ecological

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Karakaş, H. (2019) ‘an Activity To Increase Ecological Footprint Awareness of Primary School
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Tanzania: Teachers’ perceptions and teaching practices. Finland: Abo Akademi
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Kodirova Muhayyo Salievna and Bovanova Umida (2020) ‘The system of educating primary
school students to care positively about the environment environmental education in
primary school’, International Journal on Integrated Education, 3(7), pp. 60–61. doi:

Kusumaningrum, D. (2018) ‘Literasi Lingkungan Dalam Kurikulum 2013 Dan Pembelajaran Ipa
Di Sd’, Indonesian Journal of Natural Science Education (IJNSE), 1(2), pp. 57–64. doi:

Kuswendi, U. and Arga, H. S. P. (2020) ‘Developing Primary School Students’ Environmental

Literacy by Utilizing Scraps’, Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, 7(2), pp. 198–215. doi:

Myakota, V. A. (2016) ‘Formation of ecological culture of primary school pupils’, 7, pp. 127–
129. doi: 10.21661/r-112480.

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Quarterly Scientific Jorunal, 9(1), pp. 1–9.

Noviana, E. et al. (2019) ‘Ecological Knowledge of Elementary School Students Through the Use
of Ecoliteracy Teaching Materials in Curriculum 2013’, Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, 1351(1). doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012071.

Persson, C. and Musid, A. (no date) ‘Learning environmental concepts in primary school for
sustainable development’, Science And Technology.

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Ricoy, M. C. and Sánchez-Martínez, C. (2022) ‘Raising Ecological Awareness and Digital

Literacy in Primary School Children through Gamification’, International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3). doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031149.

Rusmana, N. E. and Aulia, A. (2017) ‘Pembelajaran Ekoliterasi Berbasis Proyek di Sekolah

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Literacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Primary School’, Jurnal Ilmiah
Sekolah Dasar, 5(4), p. 688. doi: 10.23887/jisd.v5i4.39870.

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LEAF (Thalasia hemprichii)

Rieny Sulistijowati1*, Olvianita Katbino2, Lukman Mile3

Fish Product Technology Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman
No.06,Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Postal Code 96000
*Correspondence: rienysulistijowati@ung.ac.id

Extract seagrass leaf Thalasia hemprichii has antioxidant activity potential to minimize radiation energy that
penetrates the skin. This study aims to analyze the cream formula and chemical properties of sunscreen cream
with the addition of different concentrations of seagrass (Thalasia hemprichii) leaf extract. The research employs
an experimental research method with two replications. The treatment factor is the concentration of seagrass leaf
extract encompassing 4 levels, namely 0; 11; 19.7; and 27%. The data on the results of sunscreen cream from
seagrass extract is analyzed using descriptive-qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research finding
shows that sunscreen cream has antioxidant activity that can fight free radicals at a concentration of 27% with a
value of 196.647 ppm which remains relatively low. In the meantime, the degree of acidity test on the four
formulas has met the SNI. Meanwhile, the SPF test of sunscreen creams has the highest value of 6.94 at a
concentration of 27%. The homogeneity test on the four sunscreen cream formulas is homogeneous because it
does not experience clumping or transfer of phase.

Keywords: antioxidant activity, cream, SPF value, sunscreen, Thalasia hemprichii

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a type of electromagnetic radiation which is a small part of the
sun's spectrum. It has an effect that causes darkening of the skin, erythema, pigmentation,
premature aging, and the formation of skin cancer (Zulkarnain et al., 2013). UV rays are
electromagnetic waves that are divided into UV-A rays (315-400 nm), UV-B rays (290-315 nm),
and UV-C rays (100-290 nm) which are very dangerous, have dominant high energy and have
carcinogenic properties (Kaur, 2009). Therefore, sunscreen is needed that can protect the skin
from the dangers of solar radiation (Wang, 2008).
Sunscreen is a substance that can absorb and reflect UV radiation so that it can minimize
radiation energy that penetrates the skin. One of the dosage forms of sunscreen is cream. Cosmetic
products in the form of creams containing sunscreen are circulating in the market more and more
and are used as alternatives as a form of protection for the skin over time there are more and more
cosmetic products in the form of sunscreen creams that contains Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
(Nobre and Fonseca, 2016). Using sunscreen cream can overcome the dangers that arise from UV
rays, thereby reducing the probability of cancer in the skin.
According to Zulkarnain et al., (2013) said that sunscreen cream can absorb at least 85%
of sunlight with a wavelength of 290-320 nm. The effectiveness of sunscreen cream preparations
is based on the provisions of the value of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). The SPF value is also
influenced by the amount of antioxidant content in the active compounds contained in the
preparation (Youstiana et al., 2017).

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Antioxidants are molecules that can easily donate electrons to free radical molecules so
that they can stabilize free radical molecules and prevent unwanted oxidation processes in cells
(Zheng and Wang, 2001). Free radicals with excessive total can damage the collagen in the skin
cell membrane, thus the skin loses elasticity and can cause wrinkles. One of the plants that have
antioxidant activity is seagrass Thalassia hemprichii.
Thalassia hemprichiii is a type of aquatic plant that produces antioxidants that are widely
known to contain steroids/triterpenoids, saponins, tannins, and flavonoids (Ulfa et al., 2014). and
phenolic quinones. The aromatic group that phenolic compounds have can absorb UV rays both
UV A and UV B thereby minimizing the intensity in the skin (Wolf, 2001).
Based on the explanation put forward, the researchers were interested in testing the
potential of sunscreen cream from the ethanolic extract of the seagrass leaf Thalassia hemprichii.

The tools used in sampling are containers, scales, and cameras. The tools used to prepare
and manufacture prepared are containers, knives, cutting boards, and blenders. The tools used for
the extraction process include scales, glass jars, beakers, stirring rods, sieves, and rotary
evaporators. The tools used for making sunscreen cream are hot plates, dropper pipettes, test
tubes, beakers, stirring rods, spatulas, and thermometers. The tool used for SPF is UV-VIS
The material used in the study was seagrass Thalassia hemprichii leaves obtained from
Bongo Batudaa Pantai Village. The ingredients used to make sunscreen cream are stearic acid,
cetyl alcohol, glycerol monostearate, propylene glycol, glycerin, TEA, water distillate, and

2.1 Making Seagrass Extract Thalasia hemprichii

The leaves of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii obtained as much as 1.5 kg were first washed
with running water to remove the sand and dirt attached. Then the seagrass is aerated until the
leaves become dry. After drying, the dry leaves are then mashed using a blender until they are
obtained in preparation. The resulting seagrass leaf prepared is ready to be extracted by
macerating it first.
The manufacture of seagrass leaf extract of Thalassia hemprichii was carried out based
on a modified study (Barbara et al., 2019), namely seagrass leaf powder weighed as much as 150
grams. Then macerated using 3000 ml of ethanol p.a solvent, allowed to stand for 3x24 hours at
room temperature, and repeated 2 times. The results of the seagrass extract were concentrated
using a rotary vacuum evaporator at a temperature of 50℃. To obtain a concentrated extract.
According to Sidauruk et al., (2021) the calculation of the extract yield was obtained
through the stages of dividing the weight of the thick extract against the initial weight of the
prepared. The equivalence value of each gram of the prepared thick extract was obtained through
the calculation of the yield. Yield can be determined by using the equation:
𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝
% 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 = × 100%
𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊ℎ𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝

2.2 Cream-Making Process

The process of making sunscreen cream was carried out using a modified formulation
from Jumsurijal et al (2019). In the manufacture of this sunscreen, the results of the extract of the

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sea grass Thalasia hemprichii with a concentration of 0; 11; 19.7; and 27%. The formulations of
sunscreen cream used are in the following Table 1.
Table 1. Seagrass Extract Sunscreen Cream Formulation
Materials (%) A B C D
Lamun extract* 0 11 19.7 27
Glyserol monostearate 6.5 5.8 5.2 4.7
Stearate acid 6.5 5.8 5.2 4.7
Cetyl alcohol 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.3
Propylene Glycol 8.1 7.3 6.5 5.9
Glycerin 7.8 7.0 6.3 5.7
Tri ethanol amine (TEA) 1.6 1.45 1.31 1.19
Water distillate 65.5 58.3 52.6 47.9
Methylparaben 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.23
Description: * modification by trial and error
Source: (Jumsurijal et al., 2019)

The process of making this sunscreen cream formulation refers to research by Jumsurijal
et al., (2019), the initial stage begins with preparing all the available ingredients then the
ingredients are weighed in advance according to the predetermined amount. And the water phase
materials (water distillate, tri ethanolamine, propylene glycol, and glycerin) and the oil phase
(stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, and glycerol monostearate) are separated first. Furthermore, the water
phase and oil phase are each dissolved at a temperature of 70₋75℃ until melted. After all the
ingredients of the water phase and the oil phase have dissolved then the water phase is added little
by little into the oil phase. Next, it is stirred at a constant speed until it forms a creamy mass.
Seagrass leaf extract 0; 11; 19.7; and 27% which have been weighed is mixed into the cream base
little by little until homogeneous, then cream is made in the same way for different cream
concentrations. Then add other additives such as methylparaben 0.2 g at a temperature of ±40℃.
After that, if it is in the form of a cream mass, then it is immediately inserted into the cream

2.3 pH Test
The procedure for testing the pH of sunscreen cream refers to research (Agustin, 2013).
The pH measurement was carried out using a pH meter. Then the tool is calibrated before use.
Then the pH measurement was carried out by dipping the electrode into 1 g of cream preparation
diluted with distilled water to 10 ml.

2.4 Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity examination procedure is referred to in the study (Agustin et al., 2013).
The homogeneity check was carried out by weighing 0.1 g of the preparation and then smearing
it evenly and thinly on the watch glass. Then the seagrass extract cream was observed and should
show a homogeneous arrangement and no visible spots.

2.5 Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Test

The procedure for measuring the SPF value is referred to in the study (Mokodompit et
al., 2013). A total of 0.4 g of each cream of T. hemprichii seagrass extract (0; 11; 19.7; and 27%)

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was dissolved in 100 ml of 96% ethanol mixed until homogeneous. Determination of the
effectiveness of sunscreen by determining the SPF value with UV-VIS spectrophotometry. T.
hemprichii seagrass extract cream was diluted to 4000 ppm. Previously, the spectrophotometry
was calibrated using 96% ethanol, which was included in the UV-VIS spectrophotometer for the
calibration process. Then a test absorption curve was made in a cuvette at a wavelength between
290-320 nm with an interval of 5 nm using 96% ethanol as a blank. Then the absorbance results
were recorded and the SPF value was calculated. The SPF value of sunscreen cream preparations
was analyzed using the Mansur method with the formula:

SPF = CF × � EE (ʎ) × I (ʎ) × Abs (ʎ)

CF = correction factor (=10)
EE = Erythermal effect spectrum
I = intensity spectrum from the sun
Abs = absorbance of the sample

2.6 Sunscreen Cream Antioxidant Test

Antioxidant test on sunscreen cream from seagrass extract (Thalassia hemprichii) using
the DPPH method. Sunscreen cream (11; 19.7; and 27%) was added with 100 ml of 96% ethanol
each. The sample solution was prepared with a parent concentration of 300 ppm, then diluted to
concentrations of 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 ppm. The DPPH solution to be used was prepared
by dissolving DPPH crystals in 96% ethanol solvent with a concentration of 0.05 mm. The process
of making 0.05 mm DPPH solution was carried out under low-temperature conditions and
protected from sunlight. A total of 1 ml of the test solution was reacted with 4 ml of 0.05 mm
DPPH solution in a test tube. The mixture was incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes and its
absorbance was measured using UV-Vis spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 515 nm.
50% Inhibition = 𝑥𝑥 100
2.7 Data Analysis
To analyze the data that will be obtained from the research results, an experimental design
is used, namely a non-factorial completely randomized design. The data obtained from the results
of the study were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a 95% confidence level, to see
whether or not there was an effect of treatment. Data analysis using the help of the IBM SPSS
statistics 22 programs.


3.1 Results
3.1.1 Seagrass Extract Yield Value of T. hemprinchii
Maceration is a very simple step in extraction and at this stage, the heating step is not carried
out so that it can avoid damage to the compounds contained in the preparation. A total of 125 g
of prepared that has been mashed was extracted through 3 L of ethanol solvent p.a which was
allowed to stand for 24 hours. Used ethanol solvent because it is more effective to attract
secondary metabolites, especially flavonoids which are useful as antioxidants and sunscreens
(Harliany et al., 2017). It was repeated 2 times and then filtered using filter paper so that the
filtrate was obtained which would then be concentrated through the use of a vacuum evaporator
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at a temperature of 500C for 3 days at a speed of 200 rpm with the aim of evaporating the solvent
so that a thick extract was obtained. The results of the extract values obtained from the solvents
can be presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Seagrass Extract Yield Value of T. hemprinchii
Form of seagrass Weight (g) Yield (%)
Prepared 125 8.33
Etanol extract 17.49 1.16

Table 2 shows that the thick extract produced from 125 grams of prepared is 17.49 grams. The
yield of the extract was obtained by using p.a ethanol solvent with 2 repetitions, namely 1.16%.
According to Sidauruk et al., (2021) the yield value of the extract it produces does not depend on
how much simplicia is used during the study, but on the natural state of the compounds present
in the plant itself.

3.1.2 pH Sunscreen Cream

pH is to determine the safety of cream preparations when used so that they do not irritate
the skin (Juwita et al., 2013). According to the standard of SNI 16-4399-1996, the pH value of
skin products for sunscreen ranges from 4.5 to 8.0. The following is a histogram of the pH value
of seagrass extract sunscreen cream presented in Figure 1.

8.19 a 7.81 b 7.78 b 7.54 b


0% 11% 19,7% 27%

Figure 1. Histogram of the pH value of sunscreen cream from seagrass leaf extract
From the histogram in figure 1, it can be seen that the highest pH value is found at the
concentration of P0 with a value of 8.19. While the lowest pH is at a concentration of 27% with
a value of 7.54. The results of this study indicate that the cream without the addition of extract or
the addition of seagrass leaf extract has a good pH value because it still meets the standard of SNI

3.1.3 Homogeneity of Sunscreen Cream

The homogeneity test is a fairly high parameter in cosmetic formulations because it shows
the smoothness and uniformity of the texture of the cream produced. The smoother and more
uniform the texture, the better the resulting cream because the texture is a parameter of mixing
water and oil components (Juwita et al., 2013).

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Figure 2. Test the homogeneity of the sunscreen cream of seagrass extract

3.1.4 Sun Protection Factor

The measurement of the SPF value is one way to determine the effectiveness of a sunscreen
formulation, the higher the SPF value, the better the sun protection against UV rays (Schalka,
2011). The following is a histogram of the SPF value of seagrass extract sunscreen cream.

SPF Value
8 6.94
6 4.99
4 2.51
2 0.52
0% 11% 19,7% 27%
Figure 3. SPF value of Seagrass Extract sunscreen cream
The test results of the SPF value of the sunscreen cream of seagrass leaf extract, it can be
seen that the concentrations (0; 11; 19.7; and 27%) obtained SPF values with an average of 0.52;
2.51; 4.99; and 6.94. The requirements of SNI 16-4399-1996 for sunscreen creams regarding
preparations for the skin have a minimum SPF value of 4. According to Damoglad, (2013) the
categories of sunscreen ability are minimal (2-4), moderate (4-6), extra (6-8), maximum (8-15),
and ultra (>15). So the concentration of 0% (without extract) does not meet the category of
sunscreen ability, concentrations of 11% and 19.7% have a minimum level of sunscreen ability,
and a concentration of 27% has an extra level of sunscreen ability.

3.1.5 Antioxidant Sunscreen Cream

Antioxidant Activity Test Method DPPH antioxidants are compounds that can fight the
harmful effects of free radicals that are formed as a result of oxidative metabolism, which is the
result of chemical reactions and metabolic processes that occur in the body (Amrun, 2007). The
following histogram of the antioxidant sunscreen cream of seagrass extract is presented in Figure

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Antioxidant Activity
IC50 (ppm)
200 196.647
11% 19,7% 27%

Figure 4. Antioxidant Activity of Sunscreen Cream

The results of testing the antioxidant activity of this sunscreen cream with the addition of
seagrass extract T. hemprichii in Figure 4 shows that the addition of 11% seagrass extract got an
IC50 value of 662.6019 but the addition of 19.7% seagrass extract got an IC50 value of 443.221,
and the addition of 27% seagrass extract got an IC50 value of 196,647. So the higher the
concentration of seagrass extract, the smaller the IC50 value, which means that the antioxidant
activity increases.

Table 2 shows that the thick extract produced from 125 grams of prepared is 17.49 grams.
The yield of the extract was obtained by using p.a ethanol solvent with 2 repetitions, namely
1.16%. According to Sidauruk et al., (2021) the yield value of the extract it produces does not
depend on how much preparation is used during the study, but on the natural state of the
compounds present in the plant itself.
From figure 1, it can be seen that the pH levels ranged from 8.19 to 7.54 which indicated
that the pH value of sunscreen cream decreased when the seagrass extract was added. According
to Novriadi et al., (2019) the decrease in cream pH tends to be small because the acid content of
extracts such as flavonoids is a weak acid so only a small part dissociates into H+.
The results of figure 2 for the homogeneity test of seagrass extract sunscreen cream, show
that all cream preparations (0; 11; 19.7; and 27%) are homogeneous with the distribution of color
and mixing of cream preparations remaining evenly distributed and the absence of granules. The
requirement for cream preparation is that if it is applied to a piece of glass, there is no separation
between the components that make up the emulsion (Erungan & Syeni, 2009). This is in
accordance with the research of Novriadi et al., (2019) which found that the sunscreen cream of
bisbul fruit extract had a homogeneous cream. The cream is said to be homogeneous if it has a
texture that looks even and does not clot.
From the SPF value contained in each concentration of seagrass leaf extract cream, it can
be seen that the higher the concentration of seagrass leaf extract, the higher the SPF value
obtained. This is in line with (Wimpy et al., 2020) the greater the free radical scavenging activity
of kapok banana peel extract and avocado peel extract, the higher the SPF value and its ability as
an antioxidant and sunscreen.
According to Molyneux (2004) that natural material is said to have very strong
antioxidant activity if it has an IC50 value of less than 50 ppm, strong if the IC50 is between 50-
100 ppm, is if IC50 value between 100-150 ppm, and weak if the IC50 is in the range 150-200
ppm. Of the three creams added with seagrass extract, 15% seagrass extract was categorized as
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having potential as an antioxidant but was classified as very weak. This is because the weak
antioxidant activity can be due to the extract being tested crude extract. Where in the extract is
not pure not only antioxidant compounds, but this extract still contains compounds such as salt,
minerals, and other nutrients that will inhibit the work of these antioxidant compounds (Ulfa et
al., 2014).

From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the 27% seagrass
extract sunscreen cream formulation had the highest SPF value of 6.94 with an extra level of
sunscreen ability. Parameters of pH and homogeneity meet SNI standards. The viscosity
parameter has a value that tends to decrease so that it does not meet the SNI requirements. The
best antioxidant activity with the DPPH method is with a concentration of 27% which has an IC50
value of 196.647 ppm or 196.647 mg/L which is able to ward off free radicals with the strength
of antioxidant activity which is still relatively weak.

The authors would like to thank Balai Pengujian Penerapan Mutu dan
Diversifikasi Produk Perikanan (BPPMDPP) and the chemistry laboratory of mathematics and
natural science faculty of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo support facility for this research.

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Virgiyawan Listiyanto Datau1*, Fadly Achmad2, and Frice Lahmudin Desei3
1,2,3 2
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Prof. Ing. Bj.
Habibie, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo-Indonesia 96554
*Correspondence: virgiyawans1sipil2016@mahasiswa.ung.ac.id

The Mohiyolo-Pangahu road is a class III road that can be passed by motorized vehicles with a maximum width
of 2100 mm, a maximum length of 9000 mm, a maximum size of 3500 mm, and the heaviest load of 8 tons. The
purpose of this research on the Mohiyolo-Pangahu road, Asparaga sub-district, is to analyze the level of damage
and the level of the road using the SDI and IRI methods, as well as create a GIS-based map. The location of
research was carried out on the Mohiyolo-Pangahu km. 0-km. 7 Asparaga District, Gorontalo Regency.
Collecting data in the form of primary data obtained in the form of types of road damage, the extent of road
damage, and field documentation. Secondary data was obtained in the form of a list of roads and a map of the
Mohiyolo-Pangahu road. Analysis of road condition calculation data using the SDI method and the IRI method,
as well as mapping using GIS. The results showed that the percentage of damage using the SDI method was
38.57% in good condition, 11.43% moderately damaged, 38.57% lightly damaged, and 11.43% heavily damaged.
the percentage of unevenness using the IRI method using a Straight Edge Beam (SEB) is 41.43% which is in poor-
bad condition, 27.14% in bad condition, and 31.43% in very bad condition. The SDI method is rated at 80.07
under moderate conditions, and the IRI method is obtained at 17.31 under bad conditions.

Keywords: SDI method; IRI method; GIS

This research is useful as a planning basis or database in road maintenance planning,
becomes a reference for government or related agencies in road maintenance planning, and
becomes reference material for students in the future. The same research was conducted by
Irianto and Rochmawati (2020) on a 6 km long road. Based on the SDI method, a value of 100 is
obtained, so the road is recommended for routine maintenance. Nisumanti and Prawinata (2020)
also conducted the same research using the SDI and IRI methods. the results of their research
67% of the road conditions are moderately damaged and 33% are in a light-damaged condition.
based on the SDI method, the value is 66% in moderatconditionson and 34% in lightly damaged
conditions. Tho’atin, et al, (2016) also conducts research using the SDI and IRI methods. The
results showed that the IRI method was in good condition at 71% and in moderate condition at
29%. SDI method got 78.6% in good condition, 10 .7% in moderate condition, 7.1% in lightly
damaged condition, and 3.6% in heavily damaged condition. This kind of research was also
carried out by Saleh, et al, (2018) on a 12.63 km road and got a score of 45.02% in good condition,
45.81% in moderate condition, 6.87% lightly damaged, and 2.9% heavily damaged.
Research on road conditions was carried out by Praditya, et al, (2020). The results showed
that the IRI method in 2015 obtained 99.7 km in good condition, 37.29 km in moderate condition,
23.6 km in lightly damaged condition, 0.5 km in heavily damaged condition, in 2016 obtained 46,
18 km in good condition, 98.74 km in moderate condition, 14.34 km in light damage, 1.83 km in
severe damage. In the SDI method in 2015 obtained 121.21 km in good condition, 23.5 km in
moderate condition, 15.58 km in lightly damaged condition, 0.8 km in heavily damaged condition,
in 2016 obtained 77.71 km in good condition, 56.6 km in moderate condition, 25.22 km in lightly

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

damaged condition, 1.5 km in heavily damaged condition. Research on road conditions using the
SDI and IRI methods was also carried out by Isradi, et al (2021). The results obtained from the
study, are based on SDI in good condition by 47%, moderate condition by 32%, and lightly
damaged condition by 21%.
Based on the IRI method, 18% good condition was obtained, 44% moderate condition,
32% lightly damaged condition, and 6% heavily damaged condition. Research on road condition
assessment using the SDI and IRI methods was carried out by Sumba (2021) with the results of
the study showing that the SDI method was in good condition by 60%, moderate damage to 30%,
slightly damaged by 8.89%, and those experienced in poor condition. 1.11% heavy damage.
Based on the IRI method, 6% were in good condition, 52% in moderate damage, 35% in light
damage, and 7% in severe damage. Research on road condition assessment conducted by
Siswoyo, et al (2016) obtained the results of research that the IRI value in 2011 was an average
of 5.81 indicating moderate road conditions, in 2012 the IRI value of 4.45 indicated good road
conditions, in 2012 2013 the IRI value of 5.45 indicates a slightly decreased condition. The SDI
value in 2011 of 67 indicates moderate road conditions, in 2012 of 47 indicates good road
conditions, and in 2013 the SDI value of 36 indicates better road conditions.
This research uses the SDI method and the IRI method, the SDI method is carried out
visually while the IRI method uses a straight edge beam and makes mapping to facilitate the
delivery of information using the Geographical Information System (GIS) application. This study
aims to analyze the level of road damage and the value of road grades using the SDI method and
the IRI method and to create a GIS-based map to convey information on road conditions.

2.1 Research Location and Equipment
This research was conducted on Mohiyolo-Pangahu Road from km 0 to km 7 which is
located in Asparaga District, Gorontalo Regency. The equipment needed to survey road
conditions using the SDI method and the IRI method is a rolling meter, phylox, ruler, cell phone,
straight edge beam, and a road condition assessment survey form.

Figure 1. Research Location

2.2 Method of Collecting Data
Data collection methods are divided into two, namely primary data and secondary data,
primary data is data taken directly at the research location, while secondary data is data obtained
through related institutions or agencies. The data obtained from primary data are road damage
index data and road unevenness index data at every 100 meters.

2.3 SDI Method

Road conditions in each 100 meters segment are filled in on the survey form according
to the conditions in the field such as the number of holes, the area of the crack, the width of the
crack, and the depth of the ruts on the pavement surface. The road damage index field data were
then analyzed using the equations contained in Fig. 2.
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Figure 2. SDI Calculation for Paved Road

The data that has been classified based on the results of the survey in the field is then
analyzed according to the 2011 Binamarga road assessment as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. SDI Assessment Classification (Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, 2011)
No. SDI Value Condition

1 < 50 Good
2 50 – 100 Moderate
3 100 – 150 Lightly Damaged
4 >150 heavily damaged

2.4 IRI Method

The measurement value of the IRI value uses a value check with a Straight Edge Beam
tool with a length of 1.80 m which is made of a material that is not easily bent. At the bottom
edge of the beam, distance marks for each 300 mm interval are: 0, 300, 600, 900, 1,200, 1,500,
and 1,800 mm. The reference segment is carried out along the length of the road with a straight
edge reference beam every 100 meters, at a distance of 60 cm from the outer edge of the pavement.
Thus obtained 7 measurement results in each reference.

Figure 1. Reference Segment

BI = 472+1437(RMSD) + 225(RMSD) (1)
IRI = 0,0032BI 0,89 × 1,28 (2)
Jumlah Titik Reverensi Nilai SEB
RMSD =� (3)
where: BI: Bump Integrator (mm/km); RMSD: root mean square of deviation.
The data that has been classified based on the results of the survey in the field is then
analyzed according to the 2011 Binamarga road assessment as shown in Table 2.
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Table 2. IRI Value Classification (Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, 2012)

IRI (m/km) Value Type of surface Explanation
≤4 Asphalt Very Good
4–8 Asphalt Good-Fair
8-12 Asphalt Fair-Poor
12-16 Asphalt Poor-Bad
16-20 Asphalt Bad
≥20 Asphalt Very Bad

2.5 Mapping Using GIS

A map is a representation or picture of the earth's surface on a flat plane with a certain
scale. Maps can also be interpreted as information packaged from satellite data, attributes, or
others, processed into an image by the map maker, and presented to map users (Nugroho, 2020).
This research uses a GIS application to change data and information needs and requires strategic
management, based on this, it is necessary to carry out road database information using GIS.


3.1 Result
Based on the road damage data obtained from the field survey, a condition assessment
was carried out to determine the SDI value on the Mohiyolo-Pangahu Road section, km 0 to km
7. The SDI value calculation was carried out by segment, the following results of the calculation
of the SDI value are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. SDI value measurement results

No. Stasiun (m) SDI Value (m/km) Road condition

1 0 + 000 - 0 + 100 15 Good

2 0 + 100 - 0 + 200 180 Heavily Damaged
3 0 + 200 - 0 + 300 140 Lightly Damaged
4 0 + 300 - 0 + 400 140 Lightly Damaged
5 0 + 400 - 0 + 500 140 Lightly Damaged
6 0 + 500 - 0 + 600 140 Lightly Damaged
7 0 + 600 - 0 + 700 180 Heavily Damaged
8 0 + 700 - 0 + 800 180 Heavily Damaged
9 0 + 800 - 0 + 900 45 Good
10 0 + 900 - 1 + 000 140 Lightly Damaged
11 1 + 000 - 1 + 100 65 Moderate
12 1 + 100 - 1 + 200 80 Moderate
13 1 + 200 - 1 + 300 180 Heavily Damaged
14 1 + 300 - 1 + 400 140 Lightly Damaged
15 1 + 400 - 1 + 500 110 Lightly Damaged
16 1 + 500 - 1 + 600 30 Good
17 1 + 600 - 1 + 700 140 Lightly Damaged

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No. Stasiun (m) SDI Value (m/km) Road condition

18 1 + 700 - 1 + 800 140 Lightly Damaged
19 1 + 800 - 1 + 900 0 Good
20 1 + 900 - 2 + 000 50 Moderate
21 2 + 000 - 2 + 100 15 Good
22 2 + 100 - 2 + 200 140 Lightly Damaged
23 2 + 200 - 2 + 300 50 Moderate
24 2 + 300 - 2 + 400 140 Lightly Damaged
25 2 + 400 - 2 + 500 30 Good
26 2 + 500 - 2 + 600 15 Good
27 2 + 600 - 2 + 700 140 Lightly Damaged
28 2 + 700 - 2 + 800 140 Lightly Damaged
29 2 + 800 - 2 + 900 15 Good
30 2 + 900 - 3 + 000 50 Moderate
31 3 + 000 - 3 + 100 180 Heavily Damaged
32 3 + 100 - 3 + 200 140 Lightly Damaged
33 3 + 200 - 3 + 300 110 Lightly Damaged
34 3 + 300 - 3 + 400 15 Good
35 3 + 400 - 3 + 500 110 Lightly Damaged
36 3 + 500 - 3 + 600 110 Lightly Damaged
37 3 + 600 - 3 + 700 110 Lightly Damaged
38 3 + 700 - 3 + 800 140 Lightly Damaged
39 3 + 800 - 3 + 900 180 Heavily Damaged
40 3 + 900 - 4 + 000 140 Lightly Damaged
41 4 + 000 - 4 + 100 110 Lightly Damaged
42 4 + 100 - 4 + 200 110 Lightly Damaged
43 4 + 200 - 4 + 300 15 Good
44 4 + 300 - 4 + 400 110 Lightly Damaged
45 4 + 400 - 4 + 500 180 Heavily Damaged
46 4 + 500 - 4 + 600 140 Lightly Damaged
47 4 + 600 - 4 + 700 0 Good
48 4 + 700 - 4 + 800 180 Heavily Damaged
49 4 + 800 - 4 + 900 0 Good
50 4 + 900 - 5 + 000 0 Good
51 5 + 000 - 5 + 100 0 Good
52 5 + 100 - 5 + 200 0 Good
53 5 + 200 - 5 + 300 0 Good
54 5 + 300 - 5 + 400 0 Good
55 5 + 400 - 5 + 500 0 Good
56 5 + 500 - 5 + 600 110 Lightly Damaged

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No. Stasiun (m) SDI Value (m/km) Road condition

57 5 + 600 - 5 + 700 140 Lightly Damaged
58 5 + 700 - 5 + 800 50 Moderate
59 5 + 800 - 5 + 900 15 Good
60 5 + 900 - 6 + 000 0 Good
61 6 + 000 - 6 + 100 140 Lightly Damaged
62 6 + 100 - 6 + 200 50 Moderate
63 6 + 200 - 6 + 300 0 Good
64 6 + 300 - 6 + 400 50 Moderate
65 6 + 400 - 6 + 500 0 Good
66 6 + 500 - 6 + 600 0 Good
67 6 + 600 - 6 + 700 0 Good
68 6 + 700 - 6 + 800 0 Good
69 6 + 800 - 6 + 900 0 Good
70 6 + 900 - 7 + 000 0 Good
SDIf = Σ SDIs / N 5605
TOTAL Moderate
5605/70 80.071

The road damage data obtained from Table 2 shows the level of road surface damage
starting at Sta. 0+000 to 7+000 as many as 70 segments. The condition and number of segments
can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4. Percentage of Road Damage SDI Method

Road Condition Number of Segments Percentage ( %)

Good 27 38,57
Moderate 8 11,43
Lightly Damaged 27 38,57
heavily damaged 8 11,43
Total 70 100,00

The percentage of the SDI method is shown in the form of a diagram as described in Fig.
Road Damage Percentage Diagram SDI
38.57 38.57

20.00 11.43 11.43

Good Moderate Lightly Heavily
Damage Damage
Figure 2. Road Damage Percentage Diagram SDI Method

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The IRI method uses a straight-edge wedge tool called the Straight Edge Beam (SEB).
IRI analysis using SEB has 7 values at each station where field data retrieval refers to the level of
visual damage to field data. The results of the data from the IRI method are shown in Table 5.
Table 5. The result of the IRI value measurement

STA Quantity RMSD IRI value Condition

0 + 000 - 0 + 100 10 3,78 13,70 Poor-Bad

0 + 100 - 0 + 200 14,7 5,56 21,84 Very Bad
0 + 200 - 0 + 300 11,5 4,35 16,15 Bad
0 + 300 - 0 + 400 12,8 4,84 18,38 Bad
0 + 400 - 0 + 500 13,6 5,14 19,81 Bad
0 + 500 - 0 + 600 12,6 4,76 18,03 Bad
0 + 600 - 0 + 700 16,2 6,12 24,73 Very Bad
0 + 700 - 0 + 800 15 5,67 22,41 Very Bad
0 + 800 - 0 + 900 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
0 + 900 - 1 + 000 13,8 5,22 20,18 Very Bad
1 + 000 - 1 + 100 12,8 4,84 18,38 Bad
1 + 100 - 1 + 200 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
1 + 200 - 1 + 300 15,2 5,75 22,79 Very Bad
1 + 300 - 1 + 400 11,9 4,50 16,82 Bad
1 + 400 - 1 + 500 11,9 4,50 16,82 Bad
1 + 500 - 1 + 600 9,3 3,52 12,60 Poor-Bad
1 + 600 - 1 + 700 11,6 4,38 16,32 Bad
1 + 700 - 1 + 800 12,2 4,61 17,34 Bad
1 + 800 - 1 + 900 9,7 3,67 13,23 Poor-Bad
1 + 900 - 2 + 000 11,6 4,38 16,32 Bad
2 + 000 - 2 + 100 9,3 3,52 12,60 Poor-Bad
2 + 100 - 2 + 200 15,2 5,75 22,79 Very Bad
2 + 200 - 2 + 300 13 4,91 18,74 Bad
2 + 300 - 2 + 400 11,8 4,46 16,65 Bad
2 + 400 - 2 + 500 9,6 3,63 13,07 Poor-Bad
2 + 500 - 2 + 600 9,2 3,48 12,45 Poor-Bad
2 + 600 - 2 + 700 15,7 5,93 23,75 Very Bad
2 + 700 - 2 + 800 11,9 4,50 16,82 Bad
2 + 800 - 2 + 900 9,7 3,67 13,23 Poor-Bad
2 + 900 - 3 + 000 10,3 3,89 14,18 Poor-Bad
3 + 000 - 3 + 100 15,5 5,86 23,36 Very Bad
3 + 100 - 3 + 200 18 6,80 28,37 Very Bad
3 + 200 - 3 + 300 14,4 5,44 21,28 Very Bad
3 + 300 - 3 + 400 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
3 + 400 - 3 + 500 18,1 6,84 28,58 Very Bad
3 + 500 - 3 + 600 14,5 5,48 21,47 Very Bad
3 + 600 - 3 + 700 17,6 6,65 27,54 Very Bad
3 + 700 - 3 + 800 15,4 5,82 23,17 Very Bad
3 + 800 - 3 + 900 14,2 5,37 20,91 Very Bad

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STA Quantity RMSD IRI value Condition

3 + 900 - 4 + 000 16,2 6,12 24,73 Very Bad

4 + 000 - 4 + 100 11,6 4,38 16,32 Bad
4 + 100 - 4 + 200 14 5,29 20,54 Very Bad
4 + 200 - 4 + 300 10 3,78 13,70 Poor-Bad
4 + 300 - 4 + 400 13,3 5,03 19,27 Bad
4 + 400 - 4 + 500 14,9 5,63 22,22 Very Bad
4 + 500 - 4 + 600 13,4 5,06 19,45 Bad
4 + 600 - 4 + 700 9,1 3,44 12,30 Poor-Bad
4 + 700 - 4 + 800 16 6,05 24,34 Very Bad
4 + 800 - 4 + 900 9,3 3,52 12,60 Poor-Bad
4 + 900 - 5 + 000 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
5 + 000 - 5 + 100 9,2 3,48 12,45 Poor-Bad
5 + 100 - 5 + 200 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
5 + 200 - 5 + 300 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
5 + 300 - 5 + 400 9,3 3,52 12,60 Poor-Bad
5 + 400 - 5 + 500 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
5 + 500 - 5 + 600 13,8 5,22 20,18 Very Bad
5 + 600 - 5 + 700 12,1 4,57 17,17 Bad
5 + 700 - 5 + 800 13,7 5,18 19,99 Bad
5 + 800 - 5 + 900 9,4 3,55 12,76 Poor-Bad
5 + 900 - 6 + 000 9,1 3,44 12,30 Poor-Bad
6 + 000 - 6 + 100 16,1 6,09 24,53 Very Bad
6 + 100 - 6 + 200 11,5 4,35 16,15 Bad
6 + 200 - 6 + 300 9,1 3,44 12,30 Poor-Bad
6 + 300 - 6 + 400 13,9 5,25 20,36 Very Bad
6 + 400 - 6 + 500 9,2 3,48 12,45 Poor-Bad
6 + 500 - 6 + 600 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
6 + 600 - 6 + 700 9,4 3,55 12,76 Poor-Bad
6 + 700 - 6 + 800 9 3,40 12,14 Poor-Bad
6 + 800 - 6 + 900 9,6 3,63 13,07 Poor-Bad
6 + 900 - 7 + 000 9,4 3,55 12,76 Poor-Bad
Mean value 17,31 Poor-Bad

Road conditions calculated as many as 70 samples with distance intervals per 100 meters,
on average experienced bad conditions. The percentage of road conditions is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. IRI Method Damage Percentage

Road Conditions Sample Quantity Percentage (%)
Poor-Bad 29 41,43
Very Bad 22 31,43
Total 70 100.00

The percentage of road damage index using the IRI method can be seen in the form of a
diagram as shown in Fig. 5.
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Percentage of Road Damage IRI

30.00 27.14

Poor-Bad Bad Very Bad
Fig. 3 Percentage of Road Damage IRI Method
Mapping in GIS aims to provide information on database management on Mohiyolo-
Pangahu road which includes research on the study of a GIS-based road database management
information system from research data. A survey of road conditions is carried out visually, the
aim is to take an inventory of the physical condition of the road visually. The picture can be seen
on the map of the Mohiyolo-Pangahu km road segment. 0 to km. 7 per 100 m in Fig. 6.

Fig. 4. Mohiyolo-Pangahu Road Section Map 0+000 to 7+000

3.2 Discussion
The advantages of this study are that we can find out the value of road conditions based
on the SDI method and the IRI method and can be used as a basis for maintenance planning for
the government or related agencies and become a reference for students in conducting research
with the relevant title. The weakness in this study lies in the IRI value, which results are not in
sync with the SDI value, this is because the IRI value is taken from each damage that can represent
one station.

The percentage value of the pavement damage index is based on the SDI value starting
from sta. 0+000 to sta. 7+000 as many as 70 segments. The percentage of road conditions in good
condition is 38.87%, the percentage of road conditions in the moderate condition is 11.43%, the
percentage of road conditions in the slightly damaged condition is 38.87%, and the percentage of
road conditions in severe damage is 11.43%.
The percentage value of the road surface unevenness index is based on the IRI value using
the Straight Edge Beam tool starting from sta. 0+000 to sta 7+000 as many as 70 segments. The

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

condition of the road surface which is in bad condition is 41.43%, the condition of the road surface
which is in bad condition is 27.14%, and the condition of the road surface which is in very bad
condition is 31.43%.
Mapping is done to convey information about the condition of the roads that have been
studied. Mapping in GIS aims to provide information on database management on Jalan
Mohiyolo-Pangahu which includes research on a GIS-based road database management
information system study from research data. A map image using GIS is shown in Fig. 6.

Thanks to Fadly Achmad, S.T., M.Eng and Frice L. Desei, S.T., M.Sc as supervisors who
have helped in the preparation of this journal, not to forget to also thank the family who has
supported so that this journal can be published.

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)



Yunus Hasan1*, Frice L. Desei2, Fadly Achmad3

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Prof. Ing. Bj.
Habibie, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo-Indonesia 96554
*Correspondence: yunushasan136@gmail.com

The research aimed to evaluate the existing condition of Raja Tolangohula Road, to analyze the road, and
database in the existing condition using SDI and IRI methods, and to provide road database information through
a GIS application. The methods used in this current research were SDI and IRI. The IRI method is a method for
measuring the unevenness of road surfaces using a straight-edge beam. Meanwhile, the SDI method is a method
for assessing the condition of road damage based on visual observation or direct observation in the field. The
damage studied was the area of the crack, the width of the creak, and the source of holes, or rutting on the
pavement surface. The results of the analysis of road damage based on the SDI method denoted that 51,43,% of
the road conditions were good 15,71% were lightly damaged, 27,14% were bad, and 5,71% were heavily
damaged. Meanwhile, the percentage of unevenness index using the IRI method discovered that 44,29% were in
poor-Bad condition, 42,86% were in Bad condition, and 12,86% were in Very Bad condition. The average
percentage of road damage for the SDI method was 60,146% or included in bad, while for the IRI method was
17,32% or included in bad condition. Information provided through GIS was in the form of digital maps which
displayed road conditions based on SDI and IRI analysis values, photo documentation on each segment, vital
village office buildings, mosques, and road complementary buildings such as culverts and bridges.

Keywords: method SDI, IRI, GIS

The development of an area is marked by the availability of transportation facilities and
infrastructure that meet the requirements. This will greatly affect the socio-cultural-economic
changes in society. The availability of a database plays an important role in developing the
potential of an area, so as to achieve an even level of development.
A common problem that is often experienced is the lack database so there is a need for
handling periodic road condition assessments, both structural and non-structural. The value of the
road obtained will certainly determine whether this road has a quality value that is included in the
good or Bad category.
Tolangohula street is an access road to one of the major industrial companies, namely the
sugar factory of Gorontalo Province which is active in producing national sugar needs every year
has a large production because nationally the need for sugar for household consumption reaches
around 2.97 million tons of sugar Crystal White (GKP) per year, or about 250 tons per month
Rahman and Kadir (2021).
Activities of PT. The Gorontalo Sugar Factory, which produces sugar, requires a lot of
raw materials, as for the production from the factory in February to September, forcing trucks that
should only have a load of up to 5 tons, on the ground has reached 8-12 tons. This has disrupted
the function of the road due to heavy activity from the company because in the Regulation of the
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing number 05/PRT/M/2018 for class III roads article

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

6 point 3 (c) at least 2 lanes 2 directions (d) the width of the traffic lane is at least 5.5 meters; (f)
capable of being traversed by vehicles with an MST of 8 tons.
The form of road selection in proper maintenance is using the SDI and IRI because there
are 4 elements, namely; percentage of cracked area, number of holes/km, average crack width,
and the average depth of the hole, various factors that can damage roads. The causes of road
damage, among others, are caused by excessive repeated traffic loads (overloading), heat/air
temperature, water, and rain, as well as the poor initial quality of road products (Suwardo and
Sugiharto (2004) in Muhajir and Hepiyanto (2021).

2.1 Analysis Method Surface Distress Index (SDI)
According to RCS or SKJ 2011, to calculate the amount of SDI value, there are only 4
elements that are used as support, namely:
1. Percentage of crack area
The percentage of crack area is the area of the road surface that is subject to cracks. The
calculation of the area of each type of damage that exists by using Equation 2.1 and Equation 2.2
is as follows:
Ar = Pr x Lr (2.1)
At = Pt x Lt (2.2)
Ar: broken area of the road (m2),
At: the total area of the road (m2),
Pr: broken length of the road (m),
Pt: road length (m),
Lr: broken width of the road (m),
Lt: road width (m).
The percentage of the area of a road crack is calculated by Equation 2.3:
%r = 𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨 x 100 % (2.3)
2. Average crack width
Crack Width is the distance between the crack plane gaps on the pavement surface. Check
and mark on the form the width of the crack gaps that are most encountered on the road surface
being surveyed. The width of the crack is categorized into:
a. Smooth < 1 mm.
b. Medium 1 - 3 mm.
c. Width > 3 mm
3. Number of holes 100 m
The number of potholes found on the road surface surveyed along the way: 100 m. The
number of potholes in a section of the road surveyed is to be estimated and recorded in the survey
4. Average wheel rut depth (rutting).
Decrease in road surface in areas frequently traversed by vehicle ruts. The ruts should be
viewed in depth according to the following categories:
a. < depth 1 cm
b. depth between 1-3 cm
c. depth > 3 cm

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

RCS is one of the parameter sections to be used in assessing a road condition where a survey
is carried out visualization of a road section. RCS produces values in SDI units the range of values
from SDI is zero to one hundred and fifty, where the value is less than fifty (<50) of the road
surface is in good condition and a value greater than one hundred and fifty (>150) the condition
of the road surface is severely damaged as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. SDI Against Surface Conditions
The Condition Road Condition Index
Good 0<50
Bad 50 s/d 100
Lightly Damaged 100 s/d 150
Heavily Damaged >150

2.2 International Roughness Index (IRI) Analysis Method

The International Roughness Index (IRI) is a method for measuring the unevenness of a
road surface. Some of the causes of road unevenness are traffic loads, effects from the
environment, materials from road making, and deviations in the road construction process.
The IRI value in the study used value checking using a tool called a straight edge beam
reference, which is a straight beam with a length of 1.80 m made of material that is not easily bent
has 2 feet with a height of 1.2 cm as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Straight Edge Beam

There is a lower edge of the beam marked with a distance for each interval of 300 mm,
namely: 0, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 mm. Analysis of straight-edge beam survey data
or checking with a tool called a straight-brimmed reference will produce a more objective IRI
value to the survey results visually. The analysis was carried out data processing using equation
2.4 until Equation 2.6 was used in the analysis, namely:
BI = 472 + 143 (RMSD) + 225 (RMSD)2 (2.4)
IRI = 0,00322 BI x 1,28
IRI =0,0032 x [472 + 1437 (RMSD) + 225 (RMSD) ] x 1,28
2 0,89
BI = Bump integrator (mm/km)
RSMD = Average root squared deviation
The reference segments are carried out longitudinally on the road with straight edge
reference beams every 100 m, at a distance of 60 cm from the outer pavement edge. Thus, 11
measurement results will be obtained on each reference as shown in Figure 2. The classification
of IRI values is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. IRI Value Classification
IRI value (m/km) Surface Type Information
IRI ≤ 4 Asphalt Very Good
4–8 Asphalt Good – Fair
8-12 Asphalt Fair – Poor
12-16 Asphalt Poor – Bad
16-20 Asphalt Bad
≥20 Asphalt Very Bad

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Figure 2. Reference Segments

2.3 Conditions Based on IRI and SDI Values
The purpose of assessing road conditions is to maintain good quality road conditions in
accordance with the level of service and capability of the road before the life of the plan. Based
on the assessment of conditions, is very influential in determining road conditions according to
IRI and SDI values as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Determination of Road Conditions of IRI and SDI Value Methods
(m/km) < 50 50-100 100–150 >50
<4 Good Bad Lightly Damaged Heavily Damaged
4–8 Bad Bad Lightly Damaged Heavily Damaged
Lightly Lightly
8 – 12 Lightly Damaged Heavily Damaged
Damaged Damaged
Heavily Heavily
>12 Heavily Damaged Heavily Damaged
Damaged Damaged
2.4 Location
This research was conducted on the Raja Tolangohula Road section across 2 districts,
namely Tolangohula District and Asparaga District, Gorontalo Regency with a length of 7 km as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Location
2.5 Tools and Materials
1. The survey kit in this study used:
a. Meters
b. Road condition survey form, and support form
c. GPS or avenza maps
d. Road network map to be surveyed
e. A digital camera or supporting device in the shooting.
2. Survey preparation
a. The vehicle used to carry out the survey is a 2-wheeled vehicle (motorbike)
b. Prepare a surveyor of at least 3 people (2 road observers 1 distance measuring officer)
c. Forms and other equipment are checked so that they can meet the needs in the field.

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

2.6 Data Collection Methods

1. The survey was conducted on the road section from the starting point to the predetermined
a. The survey officer observed the road conditions on foot and filled out a predetermined
support form sheet every 100 m.
b. The survey officer will determine the condition that represents each 100 m, a segment of the
road surveyed and records the condition carefully and meticulously then recapitulation
within 100 (one hundred) meters.
c. capitulation for a distance of 100 (one hundred) meters of road conditions is used to calculate
the SDI value
2. Each sheet of the survey form is used to record the road condition data along 100 m of road
segments, and must have been filled in by the time the survey officer arrives at the end point
of the kilometer.
3. Survey forms are distinguished for the implementation of road conditions on paved and
unpaved road surfaces (dirt roads, gravel roads):
a. The documentation photo is made on road conditions that need special attention,
accompanied by a description of the purpose of making the photo.
b. Every photo creation is to be recorded in the photo capture list.

2.7 Data Analysis Methods

The data are analyzed based on the results of the visual assessment of the field. Data
analysis is carried out when the field assessment is completed. The data obtained is processed to
obtain the value of road conditions which is the purpose of the tests carried out. The value of the
field form in the assessment becomes the basis for the calculation in calculating the value of IRI
and SDI. The analyzed values get 6 types of damage encountered in the field. Based on the value
obtained, the results are then entered into the GIS application for mapping to produce a database.

2.8 Stages of Research

The stages of method research are in the form of research or research that is carried out
systematically and in detail. In this method, a preliminary survey is carried out before visual
assessment research is carried out where for assessment it is categorized into several types of
1. Primary data
The data taken through visual assessment in the field by categorizing the types of damage and
measuring the extent of damage is carried out in accordance with the damage contained in the
field and documented for the purposes of mapping the road database.
2. Secondary data
The data was taken through the Public Works Office of Public Housing of Gorontalo Regency
in the form of a basic map of the Gorontalo Regency area, coordinates, and km road stakes.
3. The results of the field data assessment
Based on the results carried out, the SDI and IRI values are obtained where from this value,
the value of road conditions is obtained in accordance with the visual results of the field, and the
value of road conditions can be determined.
4. Database Creation Process
a. In the creation of a digital map, several steps are needed for the appearance of the working
layer as shown in Figure 4

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Figure 4. Working Layers

Figure 5. Flowchart
3.1 Research Location
The location of this study is located on the Raja Tolangohula Road section in the northern
part of Gorontalo Regency. This road is a local road connecting the activities of the pt. Gorontalo
Sugar Factory where the road is the authority of the PUPR of Gorontalo Regency. The road
sections taken were in Tolangohula District and Asparaga District with a total length of 19 km,
while in the study it was taken 7 km, with flexible pavement type construction. It has road
markings, a two-lane road type undivided (2/2 UD), a road width of 4.5 m, and side channels on
most sections of the road. The transverse condition of the road is shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6. Cross Section of the Road

3.2 Road Damage Identification
The 7 km long Raja Tolangohula Road section, found several types of road damage and
surface conditions documented at the point of the section studied. The following identifies the
type of damage found at the study site.
The type of road damage found in the field survey can be known as the percentage of the
area taken in the field contained in the Raja Tolangohula sta Road section. 0+000 – sta. 7+000 as
shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Percentage of Types of Road Damage
No. Types of Damage Area(m2) Percentage
1 Cracking 1081.80 3.43
2 Potholes 2290.71 7.27
3 Ravelling 449.20 1.58
4 Rutting 47.320 0.15
5 Patching 268.26 0.85
6 Shoving 21.780 0.07
Total 31.500 13.36%
3.2.1 Surface Distress Index (SDI) Method Analysis
Based on road damage data obtained from field surveys, a condition assessment was then
carried out to determine the SDI value on the Raja Tolangohula Road section, sta. 0+000 – sta.
7+000 SDI value calculations are carried out per segment, here are the results of calculating SDI
values as shown in Table 4.
Table 5. SDI Value Measurement Results
SDI value
Stationing (m) Road Conditions
0 + 000 - 0 + 100 30 Good
0 + 100 - 0 + 200 30 Good
0 + 200 - 0 + 300 180 Heavily Damaged
0 + 300 - 0 + 400 165 Heavily Damaged
0 + 400 - 0 + 500 90 Bad
0 + 500 - 0 + 600 55 Bad
0 + 600 - 0 + 700 180 Heavily Damaged
0 + 700 - 0 + 800 30 Good
0 + 800 - 0 + 900 120 Lightly Damaged
0 + 900 - 1 + 000 45 Good
1 + 000 - 1 + 100 120 Lightly Damaged
1 + 100 - 1 + 200 90 Bad
1 + 200 - 1 + 300 2.5 Good
1 + 300 - 1 + 400 140 Lightly Damaged
1 + 400 - 1 + 500 125 Lightly Damaged
1 + 500 - 1 + 600 2.5 Good
1 + 600 - 1 + 700 22.5 Good
1 + 700 - 1 + 800 22.5 Good

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SDI value
Stationing (m) Road Conditions
1 + 800 - 1 + 900 15 Good
1 + 900 - 2 + 000 180 Heavily Damaged
2 + 000 - 2 + 100 30 Good
2 + 100 - 2 + 200 65 Bad
2 + 200 - 2 + 300 60 Bad
2 + 300 - 2 + 400 30 Good
2 + 400 - 2 + 500 90 Bad
2 + 500 - 2 + 600 30 Good
2 + 600 - 2 + 700 22.5 Good
2 + 700 - 2 + 800 125 Lightly Damaged
2 + 800 - 2 + 900 125 Lightly Damaged
2 + 900 - 3 + 000 2.75 Good
3 + 000 - 3 + 100 105 Lightly Damaged
3 + 100 - 3 + 200 65 Bad
3 + 200 - 3 + 300 30 Good
3 + 300 - 3 + 400 15 Good
3 + 400 - 3 + 500 7.5 Good
3 + 500 - 3 + 600 30 Good
3 + 600 - 3 + 700 60 Bad
3 + 700 - 3 + 800 15 Good
3 + 800 - 3 + 900 90 Bad
3 + 900 - 4 + 000 125 Lightly Damaged
4 + 000 - 4 + 100 80 Bad
4 + 100 - 4 + 200 30 Good
4 + 200 - 4 + 300 75 Bad
4 + 300 - 4 + 400 90 Bad
4 + 400 - 4 + 500 60 Bad
4 + 500 - 4 + 600 65 Bad
4 + 600 - 4 + 700 90 Bad
4 + 700 - 4 + 800 30 Good
4 + 800 - 4 + 900 15 Good
4 + 900 - 5 + 000 7.5 Good
5 + 000 - 5 + 100 30 Good
5 + 100 - 5 + 200 30 Good
5 + 200 - 5 + 300 90 Bad
5 + 300 - 5 + 400 30 Good
5 + 400 - 5 + 500 30 Good
5 + 500 - 5 + 600 30 Good
5 + 600 - 5 + 700 17.5 Good
5 + 700 - 5 + 800 105 Lightly Damaged
5 + 800 - 5 + 900 125 Lightly Damaged
5 + 900 - 6 + 000 125 Lightly Damaged
6 + 000 - 6 + 100 15 Good
6 + 100 - 6 + 200 5 Good
6 + 200 - 6 + 300 15 Good
6 + 300 - 6 + 400 0 Good
6 + 400 - 6 + 500 60 Bad
6 + 500 - 6 + 600 0 Good
6 + 600 - 6 + 700 25 Good
6 + 700 - 6 + 800 22.5 Good
6 + 800 - 6 + 900 80 Bad
6 + 900 - 7 + 000 65 Bad
TOTAL SDI = Σ SDI / N 4210,25
4145,25/70 60,146 Bad

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Based on Table 4, the level and condition of road surface damage have been obtained,
and the percentage of SDI assessments is shown in Table 6, and Figure 7.

Table 6. Percentage of Road Damage SDI Method

Number of
Road Conditions Percentage (%)
Good 36 51.43
Bad 19 27.14
Lightly Damaged 11 15.71
Heavily Damaged 4 5.71
Percentage of Road Damage SDI

16% Bad
27% Damaged

Figure 7. SDI Method Road Alignment Percentage

3.2.2 Surface Distress Index (SDI) Method Analysis
Based on road damage data obtained from field surveys, a condition assessment was then
carried out to determine the IRI value on the Raja Tolangohula Road section sta 0 + 000 - sta.
7+000. The observational data are shown in Table 7.
Table 7. Percentage of Road Damage iri method
Stationing IRI value Road Conditions
0 + 000 - 0 + 100 12.30 Poor-Bad
0 + 100 - 0 + 200 15.48 Poor-Bad
0 + 200 - 0 + 300 30.27 Very Bad
0 + 300 - 0 + 400 26.32 Very Bad
0 + 400 - 0 + 500 18.21 Bad
0 + 500 - 0 + 600 19.81 Bad
0 + 600 - 0 + 700 22.60 Very Bad
0 + 700 - 0 + 800 12.60 Poor-Bad
0 + 800 - 0 + 900 19.81 Bad
0 + 900 - 1 + 000 15.32 Poor-Bad
1 + 000 - 1 + 100 16.15 Bad
1 + 100 - 1 + 200 18.38 Bad
1 + 200 - 1 + 300 27.14 Very Bad
1 + 300 - 1 + 400 19.81 Bad
1 + 400 - 1 + 500 17.17 Bad
1 + 500 - 1 + 600 14.66 Poor-Bad
1 + 600 - 1 + 700 14.02 Poor-Bad
1 + 700 - 1 + 800 24.73 Very Bad
1 + 800 - 1 + 900 14.02 Poor-Bad
1 + 900 - 2 + 000 27.14 Very Bad
2 + 000 - 2 + 100 14.18 Poor-Bad
2 + 100 - 2 + 200 16.65 Bad
2 + 200 - 2 + 300 16.32 Bad
2 + 300 - 2 + 400 15.65 Poor-Bad
2 + 400 - 2 + 500 16.15 Bad

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Stationing IRI value Road Conditions

2 + 500 - 2 + 600 16.32 Bad
2 + 600 - 2 + 700 13.70 Poor-Bad
2 + 700 - 2 + 800 18.56 Bad
2 + 800 - 2 + 900 17.17 Bad
2 + 900 - 3 + 000 13.86 Poor-Bad
3 + 000 - 3 + 100 16.48 Bad
3 + 100 - 3 + 200 16.48 Bad
3 + 200 - 3 + 300 12.45 Poor-Bad
3 + 300 - 3 + 400 15.32 Poor-Bad
3 + 400 - 3 + 500 17.17 Bad
3 + 500 - 3 + 600 14.82 Poor-Bad
3 + 600 - 3 + 700 18.38 Bad
3 + 700 - 3 + 800 14.02 Poor-Bad
3 + 800 - 3 + 900 19.27 Bad
3 + 900 - 4 + 000 17.00 Bad
4 + 000 - 4 + 100 20.54 Very Bad
4 + 100 - 4 + 200 13.70 Poor-Bad
4 + 200 - 4 + 300 17.17 Bad
4 + 300 - 4 + 400 19.27 Bad
4 + 400 - 4 + 500 19.63 Bad
4 + 500 - 4 + 600 18.21 Bad
4 + 600 - 4 + 700 19.63 Bad
4 + 700 - 4 + 800 15.81 Poor-Bad
4 + 800 - 4 + 900 12.91 Poor-Bad
4 + 900 - 5 + 000 14.34 Poor-Bad
5 + 000 - 5 + 100 18.21 Bad
5 + 100 - 5 + 200 14.99 Poor-Bad
5 + 200 - 5 + 300 19.99 Bad
5 + 300 - 5 + 400 15.81 Poor-Bad
5 + 400 - 5 + 500 15.81 Poor-Bad
5 + 500 - 5 + 600 20.73 Very Bad
5 + 600 - 5 + 700 13.54 Poor-Bad
5 + 700 - 5 + 800 19.09 Bad
5 + 800 - 5 + 900 29.63 Very Bad
5 + 900 - 6 + 000 17.69 Bad
6 + 000 - 6 + 100 14.99 Poor-Bad
6 + 100 - 6 + 200 13.86 Poor-Bad
6 + 200 - 6 + 300 14.50 Poor-Bad
6 + 300 - 6 + 400 17.69 Bad
6 + 400 - 6 + 500 14.99 Poor-Bad
6 + 500 - 6 + 600 12.60 Poor-Bad
6 + 600 - 6 + 700 12.30 Poor-Bad
6 + 700 - 6 + 800 14.34 Poor-Bad
6 + 800 - 6 + 900 15.65 Poor-Bad
6 + 900 - 7 + 000 19.09 Bad
17.32 Bad

Based on Table 4, the extent and condition of road surface damage have been obtained,
and the percentage of SDI assessments is shown in Table 8, and Figure 8.

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Table 8. Percentage of Road Damage SDI Method

Road Conditions Number of Samples Percentage (%)
Poor – Bad 31 44.29
Bad 30 42.86
Very Bad 9 12.86
Total 70 100%

Percentage of Road Damage iri method




Poor-Bad Bad Very Bad

Figure 8. Percentage of Road Damage IRI method

3.2.3 Road condition assessment analysis

Determination of road conditions and handling according to IRI and SDI values obtained
from the recapitulation of overall data as shown in Table 9.

Table 9. Determination of Road Conditions and Handling Based on IRI and SDI Values
Stationing Road Conditions
0+000-1+000 93 19.27 Heavily Damaged
1+000-2+000 72 19.32 Heavily Damaged
2+000-3+000 58 15.85 Heavily Damaged
3+000-4+000 54 16.14 Heavily Damaged
4+000-5+000 54 17.12 Heavily Damaged
5+000-6+000 61 18.55 Heavily Damaged
6+000-7+000 29 15.00 Heavily Damaged

With the results obtained and the value of road conditions, the IRI and SDI methods
obtained severely damaged road conditions.

3.2.4 Mapping with ArcGIS App

The purpose of the GIS-based road database management information system on Jalan Raja
Tolangohula. This survey aims to visually inventory the physical condition of the road, photo
recordings of data entry of SDI and IRI values of road network data formation so that a collection
of information is arranged which to make it easier to see the road conditions that can be accessed
shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9. Raja Tolangohula Road Information Map

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the following conclusions can be
drawn. The types of damage to Raja Tolangohula road are: cracking of 1081 m2, raveling of 449.0
m2, patching end cut of 268 m2, potholes of 2290.71 m2, rutting used grooves of 47.32 m2, and
shoving of 21,780 m2.
a. SDI method
The percentage of road conditions in Raja Tolangohula consists of good road conditions at
51.43%, moderate damage at 27.14%, minor damage at 15.71%, and heavy damage at 5.71%.
The most dominant type of damage based on visual observations of SDI was cracking at 3.43%
and potholes at 7.27%.
b. IRI method
The percentage of road conditions in Raja Toalangohula consists of poor bad road surface
conditions at 44.29%, bad at 42.86%, and very bad at 12.86%.
c. Based on the analysis of road condition assessment, the IRI and SDI methods get roads with
severely damaged road conditions. The IRI value obtained tends to be less close to the situation
in the field. The IRI value only takes the value that is considered to be representative of each
segment with a distance interval of 100 m, in data retrieval it is considered almost ineffective
in the study, so it cannot be compared with the SDI assessment which can directly detect the
type of dimensional damage and the degree of damage to the road surface.
d. Database Information
The information provided through GIS is in the form of digital maps where there are SDI and
IRI analysis values of road conditions, photos of documentation on each section, important
buildings of village offices, mosques, and road complementary buildings such as culverts and
bridges, map digitization formats are of course made so that they can be displayed on the
google earth application, google maps, avenza maps contained on smartphones.

To Mrs. Frice L. Desei, S.T., M.Sc., and Mr. Fadly Achmad, S.T., M.Eng, as Supervisor
1 and Supervisor 2 who have guided and provided direction and advice in the completion stage
of the thesis. for Mrs. Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T., M.T., Mr. Dr. M. Yusuf Tuloli, S.T., M.T., and Mrs.
Dr. Indriati M. Patuti, S.T., M.Eng., as examining lecturers who have provided suggestions and
criticisms for the completion of this thesis.

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)


Syahrul Prayogi Lihawa1, Marike Mahmud2*, Yuliyanti Kadir3
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Prof. Ing. Bj. Habibie, Bone Bolango,
Gorontalo-Indonesia 96554

Ahmad A. Wahab street is the most dominant and busiest road in the center of Limboto, Gorontalo Regency.
One of the factors causing a high level of vehicle density on this road is its location near a center for tourism,
offices, and education, namely the University of Gorontalo and SMA Negeri 1 Limboto. The objective of this
study was to analyze traffic performance and noise levels in Ahmad A. Wahab street, Limboto. Therefore, the
object of this study is Ahmad A. Wahab street which is divided into four segments. In this study, the researchers
examined primary data (i.e., traffic volume and noise intensity) and secondary data (i.e., road geometry). The
tool used was a sound level meter to get the noise value. The type of method used in this study was descriptive.
Results indicated that the highest traffic volume was found at 16.00-17.00 o'clock with a total flow of 1236.05
LVU/hour taken on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Furthermore, the highest noise level (Leq) on each day of
observation was 69.98 dB(A) in segment 1 on Monday, November 29, 2021, 68.44 dB(A) in segment 3 on
Wednesday, December 1, 2021, and 69.98 dB(A) in segment 3 on Saturday, December 4, 2021.

Keywords: traffic, noise level,

Noise is unwanted sound or sound at an inappropriate time and place. Sources of noise
are traffic and industry, in which traffic becomes one of the main sources. If the traffic
components are different, it will produce different levels of noise emission (Machdar, 2018). A
study conducted by Heriyatna (2017) reveals that the value of noise caused by the flow of
motorized vehicles is 72.10 dB at a distance of 0 meters, 66.10 dB at a distance of 17.5, and 63.56
dB at a distance of 35 meters. The further away the capture point is, the less noise it will make. A
study by Balirante, Lefrandt, & Kumaat (2020) shows that the larger the volume of the vehicle is,
the lower the speed of the vehicle will be, resulting in a high level of noise.
The noise of Limboto, Gorontalo Regency has experienced a lot of development. Along
with its progress, Limboto has had a major influence as a center for education, trade, and tourism
activities in Gorontalo Regency. One of the benchmarks for the development of a city area can be
seen in the progress and development of shopping center facilities for its people. The construction
of these shopping centers has an impact on the surrounding roads in the form of a decrease in the
level of service (LOS), which at a certain point will cause congestion. This is due to the addition
of movement as a result of increased commercial activity on the road section. The objective of
this study was to analyze the levels of service and noise in Ahmad A. Wahab street, Limboto
Gorontalo Regency.

The research location in this study was Ahmad A. Wahab street, Limboto, Gorontalo
Regency. The analyzed spots were from the Majesty Tower of Limboto (Indonesian: Menara
Keagungan Limboto) to the Resort Police of Gorontalo (Indonesian: Kepolisian Resor (POLRES)
Gorontalo). The survey was conducted by dividing the road into 4 segments: segment 1 in the

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

area of Majesty Tower of Limboto, segment 2 in the area of SMP Negeri 1 Limboto, segment 3
in front of the University of Gorontalo, and segment 4 in the area of the Resort Police of
Gorontalo. The map of the research location is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Research Location

The tools used in this study were (1) research form, (2) sound level meter, (3) stopwatch,
and (4) camera. Concerning data collection methods, the researchers conducted preliminary
surveys to determine the types of passing vehicles and to find out road geometry data to get an
overview of traffic at the research location and the right position for the placement of surveyors,
in which 3 to 5 surveyors were needed at the reviewed points. The collection of data of equivalent
noise levels (Ls) during the day started at 06.00-22.00. Furthermore, the data were at least taken
4 times within a certain period. The analysis method for determining noise intensity level used
the equation stipulated in the Decree of Indonesia's Minister of the Environment No. 48/1996.
Meanwhile, the calculation of the level of road saturation followed the Indonesian Road Capacity
Guidelines (PKJI, 2014). The collected data in this study were analyzed using the descriptive
method by describing tables and graphs of traffic volume and noise level to determine the highest
traffic volume and noise level in the 4 examined segments.
One of the calculations of sound level is the equivalent continuous sound pressure level
in which a certain value of sound that fluctuates for a certain time is equivalent to a steady state
sound level at the same time interval. The average sound pressure level over time (Leq) can be
determined using Equations 1 and 2.

1 𝑳𝑳𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆 (𝟏𝟏 𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎) = 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔
��𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + ⋯ + 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 �𝟓𝟓�𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅 (1)

2 𝑳𝑳𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆 (𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎) = 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏
��𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 +. . . +𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 �𝟏𝟏�𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅 (2)

Leq : Equivalent continuous sound pressure level (dB(A))
L1, …, L12 : Noise every 5 seconds for 60 seconds (dB(A))
L1, …, L1x : Noise every 1 minute for 10 minutes (dB(A))

Data collection related to noise during the day started at 06.00-22.00, which was carried
out at least 4 times with a certain frequency range. The daytime noise level was denoted by the
symbol Ls as formulated in Equation 3 below.

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

𝑳𝑳𝒔𝒔 = 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏
�𝑻𝑻𝒂𝒂 . 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏(𝟐𝟐)𝒂𝒂 + ⋯+ 𝑻𝑻𝒅𝒅 . 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 �𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (3)

Ls : Leq in daytime (dB(A))
T : the measurement time range in the daytime (hours)

To calculate the flow of motorized vehicles, this study used Equation 4.

Q = {(𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝑲𝑲𝑲𝑲 x KR) + (𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝑲𝑲𝑲𝑲 x KB) +(𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺 x SM) (4)

Q : number of vehicle flows (LVU)
KR : light vehicle
KB : heavy vehicle

To find the saturation value, this study employed Equation 9.

DJ = C


3.1 Result
3.1.1. Traffic Flow
The survey was conducted on three days: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. In addition,
it was carried out in 4 segments with an observation time of 16 hours per day from 06.00 to 22.00.
Vehicle traffic volume data were recorded using the 2014 PKJI method as presented in Equation
2.4. The recapitulation of the total vehicle flows on Monday in segment 1 is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The Recapitulation of Total Vehicle Flows on Monday in Segment 1

Table 1 shows that the number of vehicles was 26,398 and the highest total flow that
passes Ahmad A. Wahab street in segment 1 occurred at the time interval of 17.00-18.00, namely
1171.4 LVU/hour. The recapitulation of total daily vehicle flow indicating the volume of vehicle
traffic obtained from the results of the observation conducted on Monday (November 29, 2021)
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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

is presented in Table 2 and Figure 2.

Table 2. The Recapitulation of Monday's Total Vehicle Flow in Segments 1-4

Figure 2. The Graph of Total Vehicle Flow Fluctuation on Monday

Based on the data shown in Figure 2, the section in Jl. Ahmad A. Wahab which
experienced the highest traffic density during the observation process occurred on Wednesday,
December 1, 2021, namely in segment 2. Specifically, the peak traffic density occurred at 16.00-
17.00, which reached 1236.05 LVU/hour.

3.1.2 Analysis of Speed

The survey and measurement of speed were carried out on Jalan Ahmad A. Wahab in the
area of the Majesty Tower of Limboto. The road was divided into 4 segments, namely segment 1
with a length of 0.35 km, segment 2 with a length of 0.13 km, segment 3 with a length of 0.35
km, and segment 4 with a length of 0.35 km. The results of the analysis of vehicle speed are shown
in Figure 3.

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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Figure 3. Data of Average Vehicle Speed (km/hour)

In Figure 3, it can be seen that the average vehicle speed for light vehicles is 40.13
km/hour. For heavy vehicles, it is 37.63 km/hour. Meanwhile, for motorcycles, it is 40.87
km/hour. The results of vehicle speed calculations carried out during rush hours with the highest
traffic volume showed 1,236.05 LVU/hour. Noise can fluctuate depending on the condition of the
sound source. Traffic noise includes intermittent noise and its magnitude which can vary
(Tambunan, 2005). A study conducted by Nafisah, Darsono, & Sulhadi (2020) indicates that the
noise level is influenced by the speed of the vehicle. They concluded that the higher the vehicle
speed is, the higher the noise will be generated.

3.1.3 Analysis of Road Section Capacity

To determine the value of the capacity of the road section, we used Equation 2.9, which
calculation is presented in the following.
= 1650 x 1 x 1x 0.95 x 1
= 1567.5 LVU/hour

3.1.4 Analysis of the Degree of Saturation

To get the value of the degree of saturation (ds), we used Equation 2.11, in which its
calculation is presented in the following.

Dj = Q/C
= 1236.05/1567.5
= 0.79
From the calculation above, the obtained value of the degree of saturation is 0.79 on the
roads under study. According to the standards set in the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity
Guidelines, the obtained value of the degree of saturation still meets the feasibility requirements.

3.1.5 Analysis of Level of Service

The Level of Service (LOS) is obtained by comparing the highest traffic volume
(occurring on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, in segment 2 at 16.00-17.00 with a total of 1236.05
LVU/hour) and the available capacity (Q/C). Only after that, we may find the classification of the
road or the level of road service on the segment.

Q = 1236.05
C = 1567.5
LOS = 0.79

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Based on the obtained value of the Level of Service (i.e., 0.79) and the classification or
the level of road service stipulated in the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines, the road
segment that becomes the research object is in category D. Its traffic characteristics are that the
flow is nearly stable, speed can still be controlled, and V/C is still tolerable.

3.2 Analysis of the Level of Noise

3.2.1 Data on the Level of Noise
To obtain data on the level of noise, the researchers conducted a noise survey using a
sound level meter which is a tool used to measure unwanted sound or that can cause noise between
30 and 130 dB.
1. Results of Noise Level Calculation on Monday, November 29, 2021
The recapitulation of the calculation results of the level of noise is shown in Table 3 and
Figure 4.
Table 3. The Results of the Calculation of the Level of Noise of Ahmad A. Wahab street on Monday,
November 29, 2021

Figure 4. The Level of Noise (Monday, 29-11-2021)

The results of a survey of noise level measurements conducted on Monday at Ahmad A.

Wahab street, Limboto, Gorontalo Regency showed that the highest obtained intensity was 71.40
dB(A) in segment 1 (i.e., between 11.00 and 17.00 o'clock, represented by 14.00 o'clock), 71.59
dB(A) in segment 2 (i.e., between 06.00 and 09.00 o'clock, represented by 07.00 o'clock), 70.51
dB(A) in segment 3 (i.e., between 17.00 and 22.00 o'clock, represented by 20.00 o'clock), and
70.72 dB(A) in segment 4 (i.e., between 17.00 and 22.00 o'clock, represented by 20.00 o'clock).
These results exceed the quality standards set for office areas. A study on noise intensity has also
been conducted by Juniardi (2014). He found that the noise due to transportation with a vehicle
volume of 1,230 vehicles/hour is 69.8 dB(A) at a distance of 10.3 m, 67.8 dB(A) at a distance of
20 m, and 67.09 dB(A) at a distance of 25 m. This distance exceeds the limit recommended by
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Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, namely 65 dB(A). A study conducted
by Rusmayanti, Nurhasanah, & Zulfian (2021) shows that the noise level on weekdays (Monday)
is higher than the noise level on holidays (Saturday-Sunday).

2. Results of Noise Level Calculation on Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The recapitulation of the calculation results of the level of noise is shown in Table 4 and
Figure 5.
Table 4. The Results of the Calculation of the Level of Noise of Ahmad A. Wahab street on Wednesday,
December 1, 2022

Figure 5. The Level of Noise (Wednesday, 01-11-2021)

3. Results of Noise Level Calculation on Saturday, December 4, 2021

The recapitulation of the calculation results of the level of noise is shown in Table 5 and
Figure 6.
Table 5. The Results of the Calculation of the Level of Noise of Ahmad A. Wahab street on Saturday,
December 4, 2022

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Figure 6. The Level of Noise (Saturday, 04-12-2021)

The results of a survey of noise level measurements conducted on Saturday at Ahmad A.
Wahab street, Limboto, Gorontalo Regency showed that the highest obtained intensity was 70.20
dB(A) in segment 1 (i.e., between 17.00 and 22.00 o'clock, represented by 20.00 o'clock), 70.82
dB(A) in segment 2 (i.e., between 09.00 and 11.00 o'clock, represented by 10.00 o'clock), 69.15
dB(A) in segment 3 (i.e., between 17.00 and 22.00 o'clock, represented by 20.00 o'clock), and
67.37 dB(A) in segment 4 (i.e., between 06.00 and 09.00 o'clock, represented by 07.00 o'clock).
These results tend to be similar to what was found in a study conducted by Abdi & Rahma (2018).
They found that noise increases in the afternoon and the average noise level is above 70dB(A).
Distance contributes to the noise level of the vehicle. The closer the distance to the noise
source is, the higher the noise level will be (Wedagama, Suthanaya, & Permana Wirya, 2022).

3.2.2 Data of the Level of Noise in the Daytime (Ls)

In this study, noise level measurements were carried out on 3 days, namely Monday,
Wednesday, and Saturday. The result is 10-minute noise level data (Leq 10 minutes) for every
hour. After that, the daytime noise level data (Ls) were processed further using Equation 2.3.
1. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Monday
The results of the analysis of data concerning daytime noise level at the area of Majesty
Tower of Limboto on Ahmad A. Wahab street on Monday are presented in Table 6 and Figure 7.
Table 6. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Monday (29-11-2021) (Segment 1)

Figure 7. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Monday (29-11-2021)

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Based on Table 6 and Figure 7 regarding the measurement of daytime noise (Ls) on
Monday, the highest intensity occurred in Segment 1 with a noise value of 69.98 dB(A), while
the lowest intensity occurred in Segment 4 with a noise value of 67.86 dB(A). A study conducted
by Rahayu, Prihandono, & Handayani (2016) showed that the noise that occurs in front of SMP
Negeri Bangil (i.e., 66.4 dBA) is greater than the noise in front of MTs (i.e., 53 dBA) so that the
noise in front of the SMP needs to be handled to make it lower.

2. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Wednesday

The results of the analysis of data concerning daytime noise level at the area of Majesty
Tower of Limboto on Ahmad A. Wahab street on Wednesday are presented in Table 7 and Figure
Table 7. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Wednesday (01-12-2021) (Segment 1)

Figure 8. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Wednesday (01-12-2021)

Based on Table 7 and Figure 8 regarding the measurement of daytime noise (Ls) on
Wednesday, the highest intensity occurred in Segment 3 with a noise value of 68.44 dB(A), while
the lowest intensity occurred in Segment 2 with a noise value of 66.31 dB(A). The Decree of
Indonesia's Minister of the Environment No. 48/1996 regulates the noise limit for office areas,
which must not exceed 65 dB. For this reason, the noise level of Jl. Ahmad A. Wahab is above
the required quality standard. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate traffic to limit the noise level
by arranging alternative roads or planting trees around the area. A study conducted by Atina &
Safitri (2020) found the opposite, in which Leq in the Kayu Agung City Office Area is considered
not noisy because it is below the set threshold of 65 dB. Likewise, a study conducted by Ahmad,
Handayani, & Margiantono (2018) that measured noise at the campus of Semarang University
found a range of 40-50 dB(A).

3. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Saturday

The results of the analysis of data concerning daytime noise level at the area of Majesty
Tower of Limboto on Ahmad A. Wahab street on Saturday are presented in Table 8 and Figure 9.

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International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

Table 8. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Saturday (04-12-2021) (Segment 1)

Figure 9. Daytime Noise Level (Ls) on Saturday (04-12-2021)

Based on Table 8 and Figure 9 regarding the measurement of daytime noise (Ls) on
Saturday, the highest intensity occurred in Segment 3 with a noise value of 69.98 dB(A), while
the lowest intensity occurred in Segment 4 with a noise value of 67.86 dB(A). According to the
Decree of Indonesia's Minister of Environment No. 48/1996, the noise level for the office area
must not exceed 65 dB. For this reason, the noise level of Jl. Ahmad A. Wahab is above the
required quality standard. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate traffic to limit the noise level by
arranging alternative roads. A study conducted by Putra & Lisha (2017) revealed that if the
number of motorcycles and light vehicles increases, the noise level will also increase. However,
it will be inversely proportional to heavy vehicles. There are several ways to deal with noise. One
of them is by making a barrier in the form of a fence or wall that is higher than usual so that noise
is suppressed and does not enter the building space. Another way is to add curtains to reduce
noise. Another alternative is to plant trees around buildings to muffle the sound by absorbing
sound waves carried out by leaves, branches, and twigs. The most effective plant species are those
with thick crowns and shady leaves. Foliage can absorb up to 95% of noise (Huda, 2020).

The conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. The results of this study conducted in three days showed that the highest traffic volume
occurred on Wednesdays in segment 2 between 16.00-17.00, namely 1,236.05 LUV/hour,
meaning that this time interval is the peak traffic volume found in this study. Furthermore,
the obtained value for the Level of Service is 0.79. Referring to the road classification or road
service level specified in the Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines, Ahmad A. Wahab street,
Limboto is in category D. The traffic characteristics for this category are that the flow is close
to stable, and speed can still be controlled.
2. The results of the measurement of the daytime noise level (Ls) on Monday showed that the
highest intensity occurred in segment 1, which was 69.98 dB(A). On Wednesday, the highest

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

noise intensity occurred in segment 3, which was 68.44 dB(A). Furthermore, on Saturday, the
highest noise intensity also occurred in segment 3, which was 69.98 dB(A). Because of the
consideration of the Decree of Indonesia's Minister of the Environment No. 48/1996, having
social activity areas (e.g., schools and places of worship), and the maximum noise limit for
the office environment (i.e., 65 dBA), the noise level in that area has exceeded the threshold.

We would like to thank the chancellor, dean, and head of the research institutes that have
assisted in the completion of this study. We would also like to thank all the authors of books and
journals that have been used as sources of knowledge in this study.

Abdi, A. W., & Rahma, F. (2018). Tingkat Kebisingan Suara Transportasi di Kota Banda Aceh.
Gea, 18(1), 10-21.

Ahmad, F., Handayani, I. D., & Margiantono. (2018). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan di Universitas
Semarang Dengan Peta Kontur Menggunakan Sofware Golden. eLEKTRIKAL, 10(2), 22-

Atina, & Safitri, I. (2020). Tingkat Kebisingan di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota
Kayu Agung. JUPITER, 25-32.

Balirante, M., Lefrandt, L. I., & Kumaat, M. (2020). Analisa Tingkat kebisingan Lalu Lintas di
Jalan Raya di Tinjau Dari Tingkat Baku Mutu Kebisingan Yang di Izinkan. Sipil Statik,

Fitrya, N., Febriani, N., & Fahana, R. (2016). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan dan Pola Sebaran
Kebisingan di Area Pemukiman Penduduk di Sekitar Pasar Pagi Arengka. Photon, 81-86.

Heriyatna, E. (2017). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan Lalu Lintas di Jalan Pierre Tendean
Banjarmasin. Teknologi Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Technology Journal), 126-136.

Huda, R. M. (2020). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan Akibat Aktivitas Transportasi di Jalan Raden
Panji Suroso- Jalan Sunandar Priyo Sudarmo Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Erviro, 1-10.

Juniardi. (2014). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan Lalu Lintas dan Penentuan Daerah Aman Terhadap
Gangguan Kebisingan (Jl. Soekarno-Hatta). Teknik Sipil UBL, 5(2), 616-627.

Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup. (1996). Kep Men LH No. 48: Jakarta.

Machdar, I. (2018). Pengantar Pengendalian Pencemaran. Yogyakarta: Deepublish.

Nafisah, D., Darsono, T., & Sulhadi. (2020). Pengaruh Kepadatan Arus Lalu Lintas Kendaraan
Berat Terhadap Tingkat Kebisingan (Studi Kasus : Desa Trimulyo, Kecamatan Juwana
Kabupaten Pati). Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana (pp. 454-458). Semarang: Univesitas
Negeri Semarang.

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ISBN: 978-602-51019-3-9 (PDF)
International Conference on Demography and Environment 2022
Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI)

PKJI. (2014). Jakarta:Departemen PU.

Putra, F., & Lisha, S. Y. (2017). Tingkat Kebisingan Lalu Lintas Kendaraan di Gedung I Sekolah
Tinggi Teknologi Industri (STTIND) Padang. Sains dan Teknologi, 17(1).

Rahayu, S., Prihandono, T., & Handayani, R. H. (2016). Pengaruh Tingkat Kebisingan Lalu
Lintas Terhadap Tingkat Kenyamanan Siswa Saat Pembelajaran di Sekolah Kecamatan
BangilKabupaten Pasuruan. Pembelajaran Fisika, 5(1), 10-16.

Rusmayanti, Nurhasanah, & Zulfian. (2021). Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan Pada Area Pasar Lama
Kabupaten Ketapang Kalimantan Barat. Prisma Fisika, 9(3), 253-257.

Tambunan, S. (2005). Kebisingan di Tempat Kerja. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

Wedagama, D. M., Suthanaya, I. A., & Permana Wirya, M. S. (2022). Analisis Kebisingan Arus
Lalu Lintas di Luar dan di Dalam Ruangan Pada Kawasan Simpang Lima Sunset Road.
SPEKTRAN, 10(1), 11-20.

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