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Joel's Book

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1 The word of the LORD that came to Joel
the son of Pethuel.
2 Hear this, e old men, and !i"e ear, all e
inha#itants of the land. Hath this #een in our
das, or e"en in the das of our fathers$
3 Tell e our children of it, and let our
children tell their children, and their children
another !eneration.
4 That which the %almerworm hath left hath
the locust eaten& and that which the locust hath
left hath the can'erworm eaten& and that which
the can'erworm hath left hath the cater%iller
5 Awa'e, e drun'ards, and wee%& and howl,
all e drin'ers of wine, #ecause of the new
wine& for it is cut off from our mouth.
6 (or a nation is come u% u%on m land,
stron!, and without num#er, whose teeth are
the teeth of a lion, and he hath the chee' teeth
of a !reat lion.
7 He hath laid m "ine waste, and #ar'ed
m fi! tree) he hath made it clean #are, and
cast it awa& the #ranches thereof are made
8 * Lament li'e a "ir!in !irded with
sac'cloth for the hus#and of her outh.
9 The meat offerin! and the drin' offerin! is
cut off from the house of the LORD& the
%riests, the LORD+, ministers, mourn.
10 The field is wasted, the land mourneth&
for the corn is wasted) the new wine is dried
u%, the oil lan!uisheth.
11 -e e ashamed, O e hus#andmen& howl,
O e "inedressers, for the wheat and for the
#arle& #ecause the har"est of the field is
12 The "ine is dried u%, and the fi! tree
lan!uisheth& the %ome!ranate tree, the %alm
tree also, and the a%%le tree, even all the trees
of the field, are withered) #ecause .o is
withered awa from the sons of men.
13 /ird oursel"es, and lament, e %riests)
howl, e ministers of the altar) come, lie all
ni!ht in sac'cloth, e ministers of m /od) for
the meat offerin! and the drin' offerin! is
withholden from the house of our /od.
14 * ,anctif e a fast, call a solemn
assem#l, !ather the elders and all the
inha#itants of the land into the house of the
LORD our /od, and cr unto the LORD,
15 Alas for the da0 for the da of the
LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from
the Almi!ht shall it come.
16 1s not the meat cut off #efore our ees,
yea, .o and !ladness from the house of our
17 The seed is rotten under their clods, the
!arners are laid desolate, the #arns are #ro'en
down& for the corn is withered.
18 How do the #easts !roan0 the herds of
cattle are %er%le2ed, #ecause the ha"e no
%asture& ea, the floc's of shee% are made
19 O LORD, to thee will 1 cr) for the fire
hath de"oured the %astures of the wilderness,
and the flame hath #urned all the trees of the
20 The #easts of the field cr also unto thee)
for the ri"ers of waters are dried u%, and the
fire hath de"oured the %astures of the
1 -low e the trum%et in 4ion, and sound an
alarm in m hol mountain) let all the
inha#itants of the land trem#le) for the da of
the LORD cometh, for it is ni!h at hand&
2 A da of dar'ness and of !loominess, a
da of clouds and of thic' dar'ness, as the
mornin! s%read u%on the mountains) a !reat
%eo%le and a stron!& there hath not #een e"er
the li'e, neither shall #e an more after it,
even to the ears of man !enerations.
3 A fire de"oureth #efore them& and #ehind
them a flame #urneth) the land is as the !arden
of Eden #efore them, and #ehind them a
desolate wilderness& ea, and nothin! shall
esca%e them.
4 The a%%earance of them is as the
a%%earance of horses& and as horsemen, so
shall the run.
5 Li'e the noise of chariots on the to%s of
mountains shall the lea%, li'e the noise of a
flame of fire that de"oureth the stu##le, as a
stron! %eo%le set in #attle arra.
6 -efore their face the %eo%le shall #e much
%ained) all faces shall !ather #lac'ness.
7 The shall run li'e mi!ht men& the shall
clim# the wall li'e men of war& and the shall
march e"er one on his was, and the shall
not #rea' their ran's)
8 5either shall one thrust another& the shall
wal' e"er one in his %ath) and when the fall
u%on the sword, the shall not #e wounded.
9 The shall run to and fro in the cit& the
shall run u%on the wall, the shall clim# u%
u%on the houses& the shall enter in at the
windows li'e a thief.
10 The earth shall 6ua'e #efore them& the
hea"ens shall trem#le) the sun and the moon
shall #e dar', and the stars shall withdraw
their shinin!)
11 And the LORD shall utter his "oice
#efore his arm) for his cam% is "er !reat) for
he is stron! that e2ecuteth his word) for the
da of the LORD is !reat and "er terri#le&
and who can a#ide it$
12 * Therefore also now, saith the LORD,
turn e even to me with all our heart, and
with fastin!, and with wee%in!, and with
13 And rend our heart, and not our
!arments, and turn unto the LORD our /od)
for he is !racious and merciful, slow to an!er,
and of !reat 'indness, and re%enteth him of the
14 7ho 'noweth if he will return and
re%ent, and lea"e a #lessin! #ehind him& even
a meat offerin! and a drin' offerin! unto the
LORD our /od$
15 * -low the trum%et in 4ion, sanctif a
fast, call a solemn assem#l)
16 /ather the %eo%le, sanctif the
con!re!ation, assem#le the elders, !ather the
children, and those that suc' the #reasts) let
the #ride!room !o forth of his cham#er, and
the #ride out of her closet.
17 Let the %riests, the ministers of the
LORD, wee% #etween the %orch and the altar,
and let them sa, ,%are th %eo%le, O LORD,
and !i"e not thine herita!e to re%roach, that
the heathen should rule o"er them) wherefore
should the sa amon! the %eo%le, 7here is
their /od$
18 * Then will the LORD #e .ealous for his
land, and %it his %eo%le.
19 8ea, the LORD will answer and sa unto
his %eo%le, -ehold, 1 will send ou corn, and
wine, and oil, and e shall #e satisfied
therewith) and 1 will no more ma'e ou a
re%roach amon! the heathen)
20 -ut 1 will remo"e far off from ou the
northern army, and will dri"e him into a land
#arren and desolate, with his face toward the
east sea, and his hinder %art toward the utmost
sea, and his stin' shall come u%, and his ill
sa"our shall come u%, #ecause he hath done
!reat thin!s.
21 * (ear not, O land& #e !lad and re.oice)
for the LORD will do !reat thin!s.
22 -e not afraid, e #easts of the field) for
the %astures of the wilderness do s%rin!, for
the tree #eareth her fruit, the fi! tree and the
"ine do ield their stren!th.
23 -e !lad then, e children of 4ion, and
re.oice in the LORD our /od) for he hath
!i"en ou the former rain moderatel, and he
will cause to come down for ou the rain, the
former rain, and the latter rain in the first
24 And the floors shall #e full of wheat, and
the fats shall o"erflow with wine and oil.
25 And 1 will restore to ou the ears that
the locust hath eaten, the can'erworm, and the
cater%iller, and the %almerworm, m !reat
arm which 1 sent amon! ou.
26 And e shall eat in %lent, and #e
satisfied, and %raise the name of the LORD
our /od, that hath dealt wondrousl with
ou) and m %eo%le shall ne"er #e ashamed.
27 And e shall 'now that 1 am in the midst
of 1srael, and that 1 am the LORD our /od,
and none else) and m %eo%le shall ne"er #e
28 * And it shall come to %ass afterward,
that 1 will %our out m s%irit u%on all flesh&
and our sons and our dau!hters shall
%ro%hes, our old men shall dream dreams,
our oun! men shall see "isions)
29 And also u%on the ser"ants and u%on the
handmaids in those das will 1 %our out m
30 And 1 will shew wonders in the hea"ens
and in the earth, #lood, and fire, and %illars of
31 The sun shall #e turned into dar'ness,
and the moon into #lood, #efore the !reat and
the terri#le da of the LORD come.
32 And it shall come to %ass, that whosoe"er
shall call on the name of the LORD shall #e
deli"ered) for in mount 4ion and in Jerusalem
shall #e deli"erance, as the LORD hath said,
and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.
1 (or, #ehold, in those das, and in that
time, when 1 shall #rin! a!ain the ca%ti"it of
Judah and Jerusalem,
2 1 will also !ather all nations, and will #rin!
them down into the "alle of Jehosha%hat, and
will %lead with them there for m %eo%le and
for m herita!e 1srael, whom the ha"e
scattered amon! the nations, and %arted m
3 And the ha"e cast lots for m %eo%le& and
ha"e !i"en a #o for an harlot, and sold a !irl
for wine, that the mi!ht drin'.
4 8ea, and what ha"e e to do with me, O
Tre, and 4idon, and all the coasts of
Palestine$ will e render me a recom%ence$
and if e recom%ense me, swiftl and s%eedil
will 1 return our recom%ence u%on our own
5 -ecause e ha"e ta'en m sil"er and m
!old, and ha"e carried into our tem%les m
!oodl %leasant thin!s)
6 The children also of Judah and the
children of Jerusalem ha"e e sold unto the
/recians, that e mi!ht remo"e them far from
their #order.
7 -ehold, 1 will raise them out of the %lace
whither e ha"e sold them, and will return
our recom%ence u%on our own head)
8 And 1 will sell our sons and our
dau!hters into the hand of the children of
Judah, and the shall sell them to the ,a#eans,
to a %eo%le far off) for the LORD hath s%o'en
9 * Proclaim e this amon! the /entiles&
Pre%are war, wa'e u% the mi!ht men, let all
the men of war draw near& let them come u%)
10 -eat our %lowshares into swords, and
our %runin!hoo's into s%ears) let the wea'
sa, 1 am stron!.
11 Assem#le oursel"es, and come, all e
heathen, and !ather oursel"es to!ether round
a#out) thither cause th mi!ht ones to come
down, O LORD.
12 Let the heathen #e wa'ened, and come
u% to the "alle of Jehosha%hat) for there will 1
sit to .ud!e all the heathen round a#out.
13 Put e in the sic'le, for the har"est is
ri%e) come, !et ou down& for the %ress is full,
the fats o"erflow& for their wic'edness is
14 :ultitudes, multitudes in the "alle of
decision) for the da of the LORD is near in
the "alle of decision.
15 The sun and the moon shall #e dar'ened,
and the stars shall withdraw their shinin!.
16 The LORD also shall roar out of 4ion,
and utter his "oice from Jerusalem& and the
hea"ens and the earth shall sha'e) #ut the
LORD will be the ho%e of his %eo%le, and the
stren!th of the children of 1srael.
17 ,o shall e 'now that 1 am the LORD
our /od dwellin! in 4ion, m hol
mountain) then shall Jerusalem #e hol, and
there shall no stran!ers %ass throu!h her an
18 * And it shall come to %ass in that da,
that the mountains shall dro% down new wine,
and the hills shall flow with mil', and all the
ri"ers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a
fountain shall come forth of the house of the
LORD, and shall water the "alle of ,hittim.
19 E!%t shall #e a desolation, and Edom
shall #e a desolate wilderness, for the "iolence
against the children of Judah, #ecause the
ha"e shed innocent #lood in their land.
20 -ut Judah shall dwell for e"er, and
Jerusalem from !eneration to !eneration.
21 (or 1 will cleanse their #lood that 1 ha"e
not cleansed) for the LORD dwelleth in 4ion.

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