Judges: Him, That She Moved Him To Ask of Her Father A
Judges: Him, That She Moved Him To Ask of Her Father A
Judges: Him, That She Moved Him To Ask of Her Father A
1 Now after the death of Joshua it a!e to
"ass# that the hi$dre% of &srae$ as'ed the
(ORD# sa)i%*# +ho sha$$ *o u" for us a*ai%st
the Ca%aa%ites first# to fi*ht a*ai%st the!,
2 A%d the (ORD said# Judah sha$$ *o u"-
.eho$d# & ha/e de$i/ered the $a%d i%to his ha%d0
3 A%d Judah said u%to Si!eo% his .rother#
Co!e u" with !e i%to !) $ot# that we !a)
fi*ht a*ai%st the Ca%aa%ites1 a%d & $i'ewise
wi$$ *o with thee i%to th) $ot0 So Si!eo% we%t
with hi!0
4 A%d Judah we%t u"1 a%d the (ORD
de$i/ered the Ca%aa%ites a%d the Peri22ites
i%to their ha%d- a%d the) s$ew of the! i%
Be2e' te% thousa%d !e%0
5 A%d the) fou%d Ado%i3.e2e' i% Be2e'-
a%d the) fou*ht a*ai%st hi!# a%d the) s$ew the
Ca%aa%ites a%d the Peri22ites0
6 But Ado%i3.e2e' f$ed1 a%d the) "ursued
after hi!# a%d au*ht hi!# a%d ut off his
thu!.s a%d his *reat toes0
7 A%d Ado%i3.e2e' said# Threesore a%d te%
'i%*s# ha/i%* their thu!.s a%d their *reat toes
ut off# *athered their meat u%der !) ta.$e- as
& ha/e do%e# so God hath re4uited !e0 A%d
the) .rou*ht hi! to Jerusa$e!# a%d there he
8 Now the hi$dre% of Judah had fou*ht
a*ai%st Jerusa$e!# a%d had ta'e% it# a%d
s!itte% it with the ed*e of the sword# a%d set
the it) o% fire0
9 5 A%d afterward the hi$dre% of Judah
we%t dow% to fi*ht a*ai%st the Ca%aa%ites# that
dwe$t i% the !ou%tai%# a%d i% the south# a%d i%
the /a$$e)0
10 A%d Judah we%t a*ai%st the Ca%aa%ites
that dwe$t i% He.ro%- 6%ow the %a!e of
He.ro% .efore was Kir7ath3ar.a-8 a%d the)
s$ew Sheshai# a%d Ahi!a%# a%d Ta$!ai0
11 A%d fro! the%e he we%t a*ai%st the
i%ha.ita%ts of De.ir- a%d the %a!e of De.ir
.efore was Kir7ath3se"her-
12 A%d Ca$e. said# He that s!iteth Kir7ath3
se"her# a%d ta'eth it# to hi! wi$$ & *i/e Ahsah
!) dau*hter to wife0
13 A%d Oth%ie$ the so% of Ke%a2# Ca$e.9s
)ou%*er .rother# too' it- a%d he *a/e hi!
Ahsah his dau*hter to wife0
14 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% she a!e to
him# that she !o/ed hi! to as' of her father a
fie$d- a%d she $i*hted fro! off her ass1 a%d
Ca$e. said u%to her# +hat wi$t thou,
15 A%d she said u%to hi!# Gi/e !e a
.$essi%*- for thou hast *i/e% !e a south $a%d1
*i/e !e a$so s"ri%*s of water0 A%d Ca$e. *a/e
her the u""er s"ri%*s a%d the %ether s"ri%*s0
16 5 A%d the hi$dre% of the Ke%ite# :oses9
father i% $aw# we%t u" out of the it) of "a$!
trees with the hi$dre% of Judah i%to the
wi$der%ess of Judah# whih lieth i% the south
of Arad1 a%d the) we%t a%d dwe$t a!o%* the
17 A%d Judah we%t with Si!eo% his .rother#
a%d the) s$ew the Ca%aa%ites that i%ha.ited
;e"hath# a%d utter$) destro)ed it0 A%d the
%a!e of the it) was a$$ed Hor!ah0
18 A$so Judah too' Ga2a with the oast
thereof# a%d As'e$o% with the oast thereof#
a%d E'ro% with the oast thereof0
19 A%d the (ORD was with Judah1 a%d he
dra/e out the inhabitants of the !ou%tai%1 .ut
ou$d %ot dri/e out the i%ha.ita%ts of the
/a$$e)# .eause the) had hariots of iro%0
20 A%d the) *a/e He.ro% u%to Ca$e.# as
:oses said- a%d he e<"e$$ed the%e the three
so%s of A%a'0
21 A%d the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% did %ot
dri/e out the Je.usites that i%ha.ited
Jerusa$e!1 .ut the Je.usites dwe$$ with the
hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% i% Jerusa$e! u%to this
22 5 A%d the house of Jose"h# the) a$so
we%t u" a*ai%st Beth3e$- a%d the (ORD was
with the!0
23 A%d the house of Jose"h se%t to desr)
Beth3e$0 6Now the %a!e of the it) .efore was
24 A%d the s"ies saw a !a% o!e forth out
of the it)# a%d the) said u%to hi!# Shew us#
we "ra) thee# the e%tra%e i%to the it)# a%d we
wi$$ shew thee !er)0
25 A%d whe% he shewed the! the e%tra%e
i%to the it)# the) s!ote the it) with the ed*e
of the sword1 .ut the) $et *o the !a% a%d a$$
his fa!i$)0
26 A%d the !a% we%t i%to the $a%d of the
Hittites# a%d .ui$t a it)# a%d a$$ed the %a!e
thereof (u2- whih is the %a!e thereof u%to
this da)0
27 5 Neither did :a%asseh dri/e out the
inhabitants of Beth3shea% a%d her tow%s# %or
Taa%ah a%d her tow%s# %or the i%ha.ita%ts of
Dor a%d her tow%s# %or the i%ha.ita%ts of
&.$ea! a%d her tow%s# %or the i%ha.ita%ts of
:e*iddo a%d her tow%s- .ut the Ca%aa%ites
wou$d dwe$$ i% that $a%d0
28 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% &srae$ was
stro%*# that the) "ut the Ca%aa%ites to tri.ute#
a%d did %ot utter$) dri/e the! out0
29 5 Neither did E"hrai! dri/e out the
Ca%aa%ites that dwe$t i% Ge2er1 .ut the
Ca%aa%ites dwe$t i% Ge2er a!o%* the!0
30 5 Neither did ;e.u$u% dri/e out the
i%ha.ita%ts of Kitro%# %or the i%ha.ita%ts of
Naha$o$1 .ut the Ca%aa%ites dwe$t a!o%*
the!# a%d .ea!e tri.utaries0
31 5 Neither did Asher dri/e out the
i%ha.ita%ts of Aho# %or the i%ha.ita%ts of
;ido%# %or of Ah$a.# %or of Ah2i.# %or of
He$.ah# %or of A"hi'# %or of Reho.-
32 But the Asherites dwe$t a!o%* the
Ca%aa%ites# the i%ha.ita%ts of the $a%d- for
the) did %ot dri/e the! out0
33 5 Neither did Na"hta$i dri/e out the
i%ha.ita%ts of Beth3she!esh# %or the
i%ha.ita%ts of Beth3a%ath1 .ut he dwe$t a!o%*
the Ca%aa%ites# the i%ha.ita%ts of the $a%d-
%e/erthe$ess the i%ha.ita%ts of Beth3she!esh
a%d of Beth3a%ath .ea!e tri.utaries u%to
34 A%d the A!orites fored the hi$dre% of
Da% i%to the !ou%tai%- for the) wou$d %ot
suffer the! to o!e dow% to the /a$$e)-
35 But the A!orites wou$d dwe$$ i% !ou%t
Heres i% Ai7a$o%# a%d i% Shaa$.i!- )et the
ha%d of the house of Jose"h "re/ai$ed# so that
the) .ea!e tri.utaries0
36 A%d the oast of the A!orites was fro!
the *oi%* u" to A'ra..i!# fro! the ro'# a%d
1 A%d a% a%*e$ of the (ORD a!e u" fro!
Gi$*a$ to Bohi!# a%d said# & !ade )ou to *o
u" out of E*)"t# a%d ha/e .rou*ht )ou u%to
the $a%d whih & sware u%to )our fathers1 a%d &
said# & wi$$ %e/er .rea' !) o/e%a%t with )ou0
2 A%d )e sha$$ !a'e %o $ea*ue with the
i%ha.ita%ts of this $a%d1 )e sha$$ throw dow%
their a$tars- .ut )e ha/e %ot o.e)ed !) /oie-
wh) ha/e )e do%e this,
3 +herefore & a$so said# & wi$$ %ot dri/e
the! out fro! .efore )ou1 .ut the) sha$$ .e as
thorns i% )our sides# a%d their *ods sha$$ .e a
s%are u%to )ou0
4 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% the a%*e$ of the
(ORD s"a'e these words u%to a$$ the hi$dre%
of &srae$# that the "eo"$e $ifted u" their /oie#
a%d we"t0
5 A%d the) a$$ed the %a!e of that "$ae
Bohi!- a%d the) sarified there u%to the
6 5 A%d whe% Joshua had $et the "eo"$e *o#
the hi$dre% of &srae$ we%t e/er) !a% u%to his
i%herita%e to "ossess the $a%d0
7 A%d the "eo"$e ser/ed the (ORD a$$ the
da)s of Joshua# a%d a$$ the da)s of the e$ders
that out$i/ed Joshua# who had see% a$$ the
*reat wor's of the (ORD# that he did for
8 A%d Joshua the so% of Nu%# the ser/a%t of
the (ORD# died# being a% hu%dred a%d te%
)ears o$d0
9 A%d the) .uried hi! i% the .order of his
i%herita%e i% Ti!%ath3heres# i% the !ou%t of
E"hrai!# o% the %orth side of the hi$$ Gaash0
10 A%d a$so a$$ that *e%eratio% were
*athered u%to their fathers- a%d there arose
a%other *e%eratio% after the!# whih '%ew %ot
the (ORD# %or )et the wor's whih he had
do%e for &srae$0
11 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ did e/i$ i% the
si*ht of the (ORD# a%d ser/ed Baa$i!-
12 A%d the) forsoo' the (ORD God of their
fathers# whih .rou*ht the! out of the $a%d of
E*)"t# a%d fo$$owed other *ods# of the *ods of
the "eo"$e that were rou%d a.out the!# a%d
.owed the!se$/es u%to the!# a%d "ro/o'ed
the (ORD to a%*er0
13 A%d the) forsoo' the (ORD# a%d ser/ed
Baa$ a%d Ashtaroth0
14 5 A%d the a%*er of the (ORD was hot
a*ai%st &srae$# a%d he de$i/ered the! i%to the
ha%ds of s"oi$ers that s"oi$ed the!# a%d he
so$d the! i%to the ha%ds of their e%e!ies
rou%d a.out# so that the) ou$d %ot a%) $o%*er
sta%d .efore their e%e!ies0
15 +hithersoe/er the) we%t out# the ha%d of
the (ORD was a*ai%st the! for e/i$# as the
(ORD had said# a%d as the (ORD had swor%
u%to the!- a%d the) were *reat$) distressed0
16 5 Ne/erthe$ess the (ORD raised u"
7ud*es# whih de$i/ered the! out of the ha%d
of those that s"oi$ed the!0
17 A%d )et the) wou$d %ot hear'e% u%to
their 7ud*es# .ut the) we%t a whori%* after
other *ods# a%d .owed the!se$/es u%to the!-
the) tur%ed 4ui'$) out of the wa) whih their
fathers wa$'ed i%# o.e)i%* the o!!a%d!e%ts
of the (ORD1 but the) did %ot so0
18 A%d whe% the (ORD raised the! u"
7ud*es# the% the (ORD was with the 7ud*e#
a%d de$i/ered the! out of the ha%d of their
e%e!ies a$$ the da)s of the 7ud*e- for it
re"e%ted the (ORD .eause of their *roa%i%*s
.) reaso% of the! that o""ressed the! a%d
/e<ed the!0
19 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% the 7ud*e was
dead# that the) retur%ed# a%d orru"ted
themselves !ore tha% their fathers# i%
fo$$owi%* other *ods to ser/e the!# a%d to
.ow dow% u%to the!1 the) eased %ot fro!
their ow% doi%*s# %or fro! their stu..or% wa)0
20 5 A%d the a%*er of the (ORD was hot
a*ai%st &srae$1 a%d he said# Beause that this
"eo"$e hath tra%s*ressed !) o/e%a%t whih &
o!!a%ded their fathers# a%d ha/e %ot
hear'e%ed u%to !) /oie1
21 & a$so wi$$ %ot he%eforth dri/e out a%)
fro! .efore the! of the %atio%s whih Joshua
$eft whe% he died-
22 That throu*h the! & !a) "ro/e &srae$#
whether the) wi$$ 'ee" the wa) of the (ORD
to wa$' therei%# as their fathers did 'ee" it# or
23 Therefore the (ORD $eft those %atio%s#
without dri/i%* the! out hasti$)1 %either
de$i/ered he the! i%to the ha%d of Joshua0
1 Now these are the %atio%s whih the
(ORD $eft# to "ro/e &srae$ .) the!# even as
!a%) of Israel as had %ot '%ow% a$$ the wars
of Ca%aa%1
2 O%$) that the *e%eratio%s of the hi$dre% of
&srae$ !i*ht '%ow# to teah the! war# at the
$east suh as .efore '%ew %othi%* thereof1
3 Namely# fi/e $ords of the Phi$isti%es# a%d
a$$ the Ca%aa%ites# a%d the Sido%ia%s# a%d the
Hi/ites that dwe$t i% !ou%t (e.a%o%# fro!
!ou%t Baa$3her!o% u%to the e%teri%* i% of
4 A%d the) were to "ro/e &srae$ .) the!# to
'%ow whether the) wou$d hear'e% u%to the
o!!a%d!e%ts of the (ORD# whih he
o!!a%ded their fathers .) the ha%d of
5 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ dwe$t a!o%*
the Ca%aa%ites# Hittites# a%d A!orites# a%d
Peri22ites# a%d Hi/ites# a%d Je.usites-
6 A%d the) too' their dau*hters to .e their
wi/es# a%d *a/e their dau*hters to their so%s#
a%d ser/ed their *ods0
7 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ did e/i$ i% the
si*ht of the (ORD# a%d for*at the (ORD their
God# a%d ser/ed Baa$i! a%d the *ro/es0
8 5 Therefore the a%*er of the (ORD was
hot a*ai%st &srae$# a%d he so$d the! i%to the
ha%d of Chusha%3rishathai! 'i%* of
:eso"ota!ia- a%d the hi$dre% of &srae$
ser/ed Chusha%3rishathai! ei*ht )ears0
9 A%d whe% the hi$dre% of &srae$ ried u%to
the (ORD# the (ORD raised u" a de$i/erer to
the hi$dre% of &srae$# who de$i/ered the!#
even Oth%ie$ the so% of Ke%a2# Ca$e.9s
)ou%*er .rother0
10 A%d the S"irit of the (ORD a!e u"o%
hi!# a%d he 7ud*ed &srae$# a%d we%t out to
war- a%d the (ORD de$i/ered Chusha%3
rishathai! 'i%* of :eso"ota!ia i%to his ha%d1
a%d his ha%d "re/ai$ed a*ai%st Chusha%3
11 A%d the $a%d had rest fort) )ears0 A%d
Oth%ie$ the so% of Ke%a2 died0
12 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ did e/i$ a*ai%
i% the si*ht of the (ORD- a%d the (ORD
stre%*the%ed E*$o% the 'i%* of :oa. a*ai%st
&srae$# .eause the) had do%e e/i$ i% the si*ht
of the (ORD0
13 A%d he *athered u%to hi! the hi$dre% of
A!!o% a%d A!a$e'# a%d we%t a%d s!ote
&srae$# a%d "ossessed the it) of "a$! trees0
14 So the hi$dre% of &srae$ ser/ed E*$o% the
'i%* of :oa. ei*htee% )ears0
15 But whe% the hi$dre% of &srae$ ried u%to
the (ORD# the (ORD raised the! u" a
de$i/erer# Ehud the so% of Gera# a Be%7a!ite# a
!a% $eftha%ded- a%d .) hi! the hi$dre% of
&srae$ se%t a "rese%t u%to E*$o% the 'i%* of
16 But Ehud !ade hi! a da**er whih had
two ed*es# of a u.it $e%*th1 a%d he did *ird it
u%der his rai!e%t u"o% his ri*ht thi*h0
17 A%d he .rou*ht the "rese%t u%to E*$o%
'i%* of :oa.- a%d E*$o% was a /er) fat !a%0
18 A%d whe% he had !ade a% e%d to offer
the "rese%t# he se%t awa) the "eo"$e that .are
the "rese%t0
19 But he hi!se$f tur%ed a*ai% fro! the
4uarries that were .) Gi$*a$# a%d said# & ha/e a
seret erra%d u%to thee# O 'i%*- who said#
Kee" si$e%e0 A%d a$$ that stood .) hi! we%t
out fro! hi!0
20 A%d Ehud a!e u%to hi!1 a%d he was
sitti%* i% a su!!er "ar$our# whih he had for
hi!se$f a$o%e0 A%d Ehud said# & ha/e a
!essa*e fro! God u%to thee0 A%d he arose out
of his seat0
21 A%d Ehud "ut forth his $eft ha%d# a%d
too' the da**er fro! his ri*ht thi*h# a%d thrust
it i%to his .e$$)-
22 A%d the haft a$so we%t i% after the .$ade1
a%d the fat $osed u"o% the .$ade# so that he
ou$d %ot draw the da**er out of his .e$$)1 a%d
the dirt a!e out0
23 The% Ehud we%t forth throu*h the "orh#
a%d shut the doors of the "ar$our u"o% hi!#
a%d $o'ed the!0
24 +he% he was *o%e out# his ser/a%ts
a!e1 a%d whe% the) saw that# .eho$d# the
doors of the "ar$our were $o'ed# the) said#
Sure$) he o/ereth his feet i% his su!!er
25 A%d the) tarried ti$$ the) were asha!ed-
a%d# .eho$d# he o"e%ed %ot the doors of the
"ar$our1 therefore the) too' a 'e)# a%d o"e%ed
them- a%d# .eho$d# their $ord was fa$$e% dow%
dead o% the earth0
26 A%d Ehud esa"ed whi$e the) tarried# a%d
"assed .e)o%d the 4uarries# a%d esa"ed u%to
27 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% he was o!e#
that he .$ew a tru!"et i% the !ou%tai% of
E"hrai!# a%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ we%t dow%
with hi! fro! the !ou%t# a%d he .efore the!0
28 A%d he said u%to the!# Fo$$ow after !e-
for the (ORD hath de$i/ered )our e%e!ies the
:oa.ites i%to )our ha%d0 A%d the) we%t dow%
after hi!# a%d too' the fords of Jorda% toward
:oa.# a%d suffered %ot a !a% to "ass o/er0
29 A%d the) s$ew of :oa. at that ti!e a.out
te% thousa%d !e%# a$$ $ust)# a%d a$$ !e% of
/a$our1 a%d there esa"ed %ot a !a%0
30 So :oa. was su.dued that da) u%der the
ha%d of &srae$0 A%d the $a%d had rest foursore
31 5 A%d after hi! was Sha!*ar the so% of
A%ath# whih s$ew of the Phi$isti%es si<
hu%dred !e% with a% o< *oad- a%d he a$so
de$i/ered &srae$0
1 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ a*ai% did e/i$ i%
the si*ht of the (ORD# whe% Ehud was dead0
2 A%d the (ORD so$d the! i%to the ha%d of
Ja.i% 'i%* of Ca%aa%# that rei*%ed i% Ha2or1
the a"tai% of whose host was Sisera# whih
dwe$t i% Harosheth of the Ge%ti$es0
3 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ ried u%to the
(ORD- for he had %i%e hu%dred hariots of
iro%1 a%d twe%t) )ears he !i*hti$) o""ressed
the hi$dre% of &srae$0
4 5 A%d De.orah# a "ro"hetess# the wife of
(a"idoth# she 7ud*ed &srae$ at that ti!e0
5 A%d she dwe$t u%der the "a$! tree of
De.orah .etwee% Ra!ah a%d Beth3e$ i%
!ou%t E"hrai!- a%d the hi$dre% of &srae$
a!e u" to her for 7ud*!e%t0
6 A%d she se%t a%d a$$ed Bara' the so% of
A.i%oa! out of Kedesh3%a"hta$i# a%d said
u%to hi!# Hath %ot the (ORD God of &srae$
o!!a%ded# saying# Go a%d draw toward
!ou%t Ta.or# a%d ta'e with thee te% thousa%d
!e% of the hi$dre% of Na"hta$i a%d of the
hi$dre% of ;e.u$u%,
7 A%d & wi$$ draw u%to thee to the ri/er
Kisho% Sisera# the a"tai% of Ja.i%9s ar!)#
with his hariots a%d his !u$titude1 a%d & wi$$
de$i/er hi! i%to thi%e ha%d0
8 A%d Bara' said u%to her# &f thou wi$t *o
with !e# the% & wi$$ *o- .ut if thou wi$t %ot *o
with !e# then & wi$$ %ot *o0
9 A%d she said# & wi$$ sure$) *o with thee-
%otwithsta%di%* the 7our%e) that thou ta'est
sha$$ %ot .e for thi%e ho%our1 for the (ORD
sha$$ se$$ Sisera i%to the ha%d of a wo!a%0
A%d De.orah arose# a%d we%t with Bara' to
10 5 A%d Bara' a$$ed ;e.u$u% a%d Na"hta$i
to Kedesh1 a%d he we%t u" with te% thousa%d
!e% at his feet- a%d De.orah we%t u" with
11 Now He.er the Ke%ite# which was of the
hi$dre% of Ho.a. the father i% $aw of :oses#
had se/ered hi!se$f fro! the Ke%ites# a%d
"ithed his te%t u%to the "$ai% of ;aa%ai!#
whih is .) Kedesh0
12 A%d the) shewed Sisera that Bara' the
so% of A.i%oa! was *o%e u" to !ou%t Ta.or0
13 A%d Sisera *athered to*ether a$$ his
hariots# even %i%e hu%dred hariots of iro%#
a%d a$$ the "eo"$e that were with hi!# fro!
Harosheth of the Ge%ti$es u%to the ri/er of
14 A%d De.orah said u%to Bara'# U"1 for
this is the da) i% whih the (ORD hath
de$i/ered Sisera i%to thi%e ha%d- is %ot the
(ORD *o%e out .efore thee, So Bara' we%t
dow% fro! !ou%t Ta.or# a%d te% thousa%d
!e% after hi!0
15 A%d the (ORD diso!fited Sisera# a%d
a$$ his hariots# a%d a$$ his host# with the ed*e
of the sword .efore Bara'1 so that Sisera
$i*hted dow% off his hariot# a%d f$ed awa) o%
his feet0
16 But Bara' "ursued after the hariots# a%d
after the host# u%to Harosheth of the Ge%ti$es-
a%d a$$ the host of Sisera fe$$ u"o% the ed*e of
the sword1 and there was %ot a !a% $eft0
17 How.eit Sisera f$ed awa) o% his feet to
the te%t of Jae$ the wife of He.er the Ke%ite-
for there was "eae .etwee% Ja.i% the 'i%* of
Ha2or a%d the house of He.er the Ke%ite0
18 5 A%d Jae$ we%t out to !eet Sisera# a%d
said u%to hi!# Tur% i%# !) $ord# tur% i% to !e1
fear %ot0 A%d whe% he had tur%ed i% u%to her
i%to the te%t# she o/ered hi! with a !a%t$e0
19 A%d he said u%to her# Gi/e !e# & "ra)
thee# a $itt$e water to dri%'1 for & a! thirst)0
A%d she o"e%ed a .ott$e of !i$'# a%d *a/e hi!
dri%'# a%d o/ered hi!0
20 A*ai% he said u%to her# Sta%d i% the door
of the te%t# a%d it sha$$ .e# whe% a%) !a% doth
o!e a%d e%4uire of thee# a%d sa)# &s there a%)
!a% here, that thou sha$t sa)# No0
21 The% Jae$ He.er9s wife too' a %ai$ of the
te%t# a%d too' a% ha!!er i% her ha%d# a%d
we%t soft$) u%to hi!# a%d s!ote the %ai$ i%to
his te!"$es# a%d faste%ed it i%to the *rou%d-
for he was fast as$ee" a%d wear)0 So he died0
22 A%d# .eho$d# as Bara' "ursued Sisera#
Jae$ a!e out to !eet hi!# a%d said u%to hi!#
Co!e# a%d & wi$$ shew thee the !a% who!
thou see'est0 A%d whe% he a!e i%to her tent#
.eho$d# Sisera $a) dead# a%d the %ai$ was i% his
23 So God su.dued o% that da) Ja.i% the
'i%* of Ca%aa% .efore the hi$dre% of &srae$0
24 A%d the ha%d of the hi$dre% of &srae$
"ros"ered# a%d "re/ai$ed a*ai%st Ja.i% the 'i%*
of Ca%aa%# u%ti$ the) had destro)ed Ja.i% 'i%*
of Ca%aa%0
1 The% sa%* De.orah a%d Bara' the so% of
A.i%oa! o% that da)# sa)i%*#
2 Praise )e the (ORD for the a/e%*i%* of
&srae$# whe% the "eo"$e wi$$i%*$) offered
3 Hear# O )e 'i%*s1 *i/e ear# O )e "ri%es1 &#
even &# wi$$ si%* u%to the (ORD1 & wi$$ si%*
praise to the (ORD God of &srae$0
4 (ORD# whe% thou we%test out of Seir#
whe% thou !arhedst out of the fie$d of Edo!#
the earth tre!.$ed# a%d the hea/e%s dro""ed#
the $ouds a$so dro""ed water0
5 The !ou%tai%s !e$ted fro! .efore the
(ORD# even that Si%ai fro! .efore the (ORD
God of &srae$0
6 &% the da)s of Sha!*ar the so% of A%ath#
i% the da)s of Jae$# the hi*hwa)s were
u%ou"ied# a%d the tra/e$$ers wa$'ed throu*h
7 The inhabitants of the /i$$a*es eased# the)
eased i% &srae$# u%ti$ that & De.orah arose#
that & arose a !other i% &srae$0
8 The) hose %ew *ods1 the% was war i% the
*ates- was there a shie$d or s"ear see% a!o%*
fort) thousa%d i% &srae$,
9 :) heart is toward the *o/er%ors of &srae$#
that offered the!se$/es wi$$i%*$) a!o%* the
"eo"$e0 B$ess )e the (ORD0
10 S"ea'# )e that ride o% white asses# )e that
sit i% 7ud*!e%t# a%d wa$' .) the wa)0
11 They that are delivered fro! the %oise of
arhers i% the "$aes of drawi%* water# there
sha$$ the) rehearse the ri*hteous ats of the
(ORD# even the ri*hteous ats toward the
inhabitants of his /i$$a*es i% &srae$- the% sha$$
the "eo"$e of the (ORD *o dow% to the *ates0
12 Awa'e# awa'e# De.orah- awa'e# awa'e#
utter a so%*- arise# Bara'# a%d $ead th)
a"ti/it) a"ti/e# thou so% of A.i%oa!0
13 The% he !ade hi! that re!ai%eth ha/e
do!i%io% o/er the %o.$es a!o%* the "eo"$e-
the (ORD !ade !e ha/e do!i%io% o/er the
14 Out of E"hrai! was there a root of the!
a*ai%st A!a$e'1 after thee# Be%7a!i%# a!o%*
th) "eo"$e1 out of :ahir a!e dow%
*o/er%ors# a%d out of ;e.u$u% the) that ha%d$e
the "e% of the writer0
15 A%d the "ri%es of &ssahar were with
De.orah1 e/e% &ssahar# a%d a$so Bara'- he
was se%t o% foot i%to the /a$$e)0 For the
di/isio%s of Reu.e% there were *reat thou*hts
of heart0
16 +h) a.odest thou a!o%* the shee"fo$ds#
to hear the .$eati%*s of the f$o's, For the
di/isio%s of Reu.e% there were *reat
searhi%*s of heart0
17 Gi$ead a.ode .e)o%d Jorda%- a%d wh)
did Da% re!ai% i% shi"s, Asher o%ti%ued o%
the sea shore# a%d a.ode i% his .reahes0
18 ;e.u$u% a%d Na"hta$i were a "eo"$e that
7eo"arded their $i/es u%to the death i% the hi*h
"$aes of the fie$d0
19 The 'i%*s a!e and fou*ht# the% fou*ht
the 'i%*s of Ca%aa% i% Taa%ah .) the waters
of :e*iddo1 the) too' %o *ai% of !o%e)0
20 The) fou*ht fro! hea/e%1 the stars i%
their ourses fou*ht a*ai%st Sisera0
21 The ri/er of Kisho% swe"t the! awa)#
that a%ie%t ri/er# the ri/er Kisho%0 O !) sou$#
thou hast trodde% dow% stre%*th0
22 The% were the horsehoofs .ro'e% .) the
!ea%s of the "ra%si%*s# the "ra%si%*s of their
!i*ht) o%es0
23 Curse )e :ero2# said the a%*e$ of the
(ORD# urse )e .itter$) the i%ha.ita%ts
thereof1 .eause the) a!e %ot to the he$" of
the (ORD# to the he$" of the (ORD a*ai%st
the !i*ht)0
24 B$essed a.o/e wo!e% sha$$ Jae$ the wife
of He.er the Ke%ite .e# .$essed sha$$ she .e
a.o/e wo!e% i% the te%t0
25 He as'ed water# and she *a/e him !i$'1
she .rou*ht forth .utter i% a $ord$) dish0
26 She "ut her ha%d to the %ai$# a%d her ri*ht
ha%d to the wor'!e%9s ha!!er1 a%d with the
ha!!er she s!ote Sisera# she s!ote off his
head# whe% she had "iered a%d stri'e%
throu*h his te!"$es0
27 At her feet he .owed# he fe$$# he $a)
dow%- at her feet he .owed# he fe$$- where he
.owed# there he fe$$ dow% dead0
28 The !other of Sisera $oo'ed out at a
wi%dow# a%d ried throu*h the $attie# +h) is
his hariot so $o%* i% o!i%*, wh) tarr) the
whee$s of his hariots,
29 Her wise $adies a%swered her# )ea# she
retur%ed a%swer to herse$f#
30 Ha/e the) %ot s"ed, ha/e the) not
di/ided the "re)1 to e/er) !a% a da!se$ or
two1 to Sisera a "re) of di/ers o$ours# a "re)
of di/ers o$ours of %eed$ewor'# of di/ers
o$ours of %eed$ewor' o% .oth sides# meet for
the %e's of them that take the s"oi$,
31 So $et a$$ thi%e e%e!ies "erish# O (ORD-
.ut let the! that $o/e hi! be as the su% whe%
he *oeth forth i% his !i*ht0 A%d the $a%d had
rest fort) )ears0
1 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ did e/i$ i% the
si*ht of the (ORD- a%d the (ORD de$i/ered
the! i%to the ha%d of :idia% se/e% )ears0
2 A%d the ha%d of :idia% "re/ai$ed a*ai%st
&srae$- and .eause of the :idia%ites the
hi$dre% of &srae$ !ade the! the de%s whih
are i% the !ou%tai%s# a%d a/es# a%d stro%*
3 A%d so it was# whe% &srae$ had sow%# that
the :idia%ites a!e u"# a%d the A!a$e'ites#
a%d the hi$dre% of the east# e/e% the) a!e u"
a*ai%st the!1
4 A%d the) e%a!"ed a*ai%st the!# a%d
destro)ed the i%rease of the earth# ti$$ thou
o!e u%to Ga2a# a%d $eft %o suste%a%e for
&srae$# %either shee"# %or o<# %or ass0
5 For the) a!e u" with their att$e a%d
their te%ts# a%d the) a!e as *rassho""ers for
!u$titude1 for .oth the) a%d their a!e$s were
without %u!.er- a%d the) e%tered i%to the $a%d
to destro) it0
6 A%d &srae$ was *reat$) i!"o/erished
.eause of the :idia%ites1 a%d the hi$dre% of
&srae$ ried u%to the (ORD0
7 5 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% the hi$dre%
of &srae$ ried u%to the (ORD .eause of the
8 That the (ORD se%t a "ro"het u%to the
hi$dre% of &srae$# whih said u%to the!# Thus
saith the (ORD God of &srae$# & .rou*ht )ou
u" fro! E*)"t# a%d .rou*ht )ou forth out of
the house of .o%da*e1
9 A%d & de$i/ered )ou out of the ha%d of the
E*)"tia%s# a%d out of the ha%d of a$$ that
o""ressed )ou# a%d dra/e the! out fro!
.efore )ou# a%d *a/e )ou their $a%d1
10 A%d & said u%to )ou# & am the (ORD )our
God1 fear %ot the *ods of the A!orites# i%
whose $a%d )e dwe$$- .ut )e ha/e %ot o.e)ed
!) /oie0
11 5 A%d there a!e a% a%*e$ of the (ORD#
a%d sat u%der a% oa' whih was i% O"hrah#
that pertained u%to Joash the A.ie2rite- a%d
his so% Gideo% threshed wheat .) the
wi%e"ress# to hide it fro! the :idia%ites0
12 A%d the a%*e$ of the (ORD a""eared
u%to hi!# a%d said u%to hi!# The (ORD is
with thee# thou !i*ht) !a% of /a$our0
13 A%d Gideo% said u%to hi!# Oh !) (ord#
if the (ORD .e with us# wh) the% is a$$ this
.efa$$e% us, a%d where be a$$ his !ira$es
whih our fathers to$d us of# sa)i%*# Did %ot
the (ORD .ri%* us u" fro! E*)"t, .ut %ow
the (ORD hath forsa'e% us# a%d de$i/ered us
i%to the ha%ds of the :idia%ites0
14 A%d the (ORD $oo'ed u"o% hi!# a%d
said# Go i% this th) !i*ht# a%d thou sha$t sa/e
&srae$ fro! the ha%d of the :idia%ites- ha/e
%ot & se%t thee,
15 A%d he said u%to hi!# Oh !) (ord#
wherewith sha$$ & sa/e &srae$, .eho$d# !)
fa!i$) is "oor i% :a%asseh# a%d & am the $east
i% !) father9s house0
16 A%d the (ORD said u%to hi!# Sure$) &
wi$$ .e with thee# a%d thou sha$t s!ite the
:idia%ites as o%e !a%0
17 A%d he said u%to hi!# &f %ow & ha/e
fou%d *rae i% th) si*ht# the% shew !e a si*%
that thou ta$'est with !e0
18 De"art %ot he%e# & "ra) thee# u%ti$ &
o!e u%to thee# a%d .ri%* forth !) "rese%t#
a%d set it .efore thee0 A%d he said# & wi$$ tarr)
u%ti$ thou o!e a*ai%0
19 5 A%d Gideo% we%t i%# a%d !ade read) a
'id# a%d u%$ea/e%ed a'es of a% e"hah of
f$our- the f$esh he "ut i% a .as'et# a%d he "ut
the .roth i% a "ot# a%d .rou*ht it out u%to hi!
u%der the oa'# a%d "rese%ted it0
20 A%d the a%*e$ of God said u%to hi!# Ta'e
the f$esh a%d the u%$ea/e%ed a'es# a%d $a)
them u"o% this ro'# a%d "our out the .roth0
A%d he did so0
21 5 The% the a%*e$ of the (ORD "ut forth
the e%d of the staff that was i% his ha%d# a%d
touhed the f$esh a%d the u%$ea/e%ed a'es1
a%d there rose u" fire out of the ro'# a%d
o%su!ed the f$esh a%d the u%$ea/e%ed a'es0
The% the a%*e$ of the (ORD de"arted out of
his si*ht0
22 A%d whe% Gideo% "erei/ed that he was
a% a%*e$ of the (ORD# Gideo% said# A$as# O
(ord GODB for .eause & ha/e see% a% a%*e$
of the (ORD fae to fae0
23 A%d the (ORD said u%to hi!# Peae be
u%to thee1 fear %ot- thou sha$t %ot die0
24 The% Gideo% .ui$t a% a$tar there u%to the
(ORD# a%d a$$ed it Jeho/ah3sha$o!- u%to
this da) it is )et i% O"hrah of the A.ie2rites0
25 5 A%d it a!e to "ass the sa!e %i*ht# that
the (ORD said u%to hi!# Ta'e th) father9s
)ou%* .u$$o'# e/e% the seo%d .u$$o' of
se/e% )ears o$d# a%d throw dow% the a$tar of
Baa$ that th) father hath# a%d ut dow% the
*ro/e that is .) it-
26 A%d .ui$d a% a$tar u%to the (ORD th)
God u"o% the to" of this ro'# i% the ordered
"$ae# a%d ta'e the seo%d .u$$o'# a%d offer a
.ur%t sarifie with the wood of the *ro/e
whih thou sha$t ut dow%0
27 The% Gideo% too' te% !e% of his
ser/a%ts# a%d did as the (ORD had said u%to
hi!- a%d so it was# .eause he feared his
father9s househo$d# a%d the !e% of the it)#
that he ou$d %ot do it .) da)# that he did it .)
28 5 A%d whe% the !e% of the it) arose
ear$) i% the !or%i%*# .eho$d# the a$tar of Baa$
was ast dow%# a%d the *ro/e was ut dow%
that was .) it# a%d the seo%d .u$$o' was
offered u"o% the a$tar that was .ui$t0
29 A%d the) said o%e to a%other# +ho hath
do%e this thi%*, A%d whe% the) e%4uired a%d
as'ed# the) said# Gideo% the so% of Joash hath
do%e this thi%*0
30 The% the !e% of the it) said u%to Joash#
Bri%* out th) so%# that he !a) die- .eause he
hath ast dow% the a$tar of Baa$# a%d .eause
he hath ut dow% the *ro/e that was .) it0
31 A%d Joash said u%to a$$ that stood a*ai%st
hi!# +i$$ )e "$ead for Baa$, wi$$ )e sa/e hi!,
he that wi$$ "$ead for hi!# $et hi! .e "ut to
death whi$st it is yet !or%i%*- if he be a *od#
$et hi! "$ead for hi!se$f# .eause one hath
ast dow% his a$tar0
32 Therefore o% that da) he a$$ed hi!
Jeru..aa$# sa)i%*# (et Baa$ "$ead a*ai%st hi!#
.eause he hath throw% dow% his a$tar0
33 5 The% a$$ the :idia%ites a%d the
A!a$e'ites a%d the hi$dre% of the east were
*athered to*ether# a%d we%t o/er# a%d "ithed
i% the /a$$e) of Je2ree$0
34 But the S"irit of the (ORD a!e u"o%
Gideo%# a%d he .$ew a tru!"et1 a%d A.ie2er
was *athered after hi!0
35 A%d he se%t !esse%*ers throu*hout a$$
:a%asseh1 who a$so was *athered after hi!-
a%d he se%t !esse%*ers u%to Asher# a%d u%to
;e.u$u%# a%d u%to Na"hta$i1 a%d the) a!e u"
to !eet the!0
36 5 A%d Gideo% said u%to God# &f thou wi$t
sa/e &srae$ .) !i%e ha%d# as thou hast said#
37 Beho$d# & wi$$ "ut a f$eee of woo$ i% the
f$oor1 and if the dew .e o% the f$eee o%$)# a%d
it be dr) u"o% a$$ the earth beside# the% sha$$ &
'%ow that thou wi$t sa/e &srae$ .) !i%e ha%d#
as thou hast said0
38 A%d it was so- for he rose u" ear$) o% the
!orrow# a%d thrust the f$eee to*ether# a%d
wri%*ed the dew out of the f$eee# a .ow$ fu$$
of water0
39 A%d Gideo% said u%to God# (et %ot thi%e
a%*er .e hot a*ai%st !e# a%d & wi$$ s"ea' .ut
this o%e- $et !e "ro/e# & "ra) thee# .ut this
o%e with the f$eee1 $et it %ow .e dr) o%$)
u"o% the f$eee# a%d u"o% a$$ the *rou%d $et
there .e dew0
40 A%d God did so that %i*ht- for it was dr)
u"o% the f$eee o%$)# a%d there was dew o% a$$
the *rou%d0
1 The% Jeru..aa$# who is Gideo%# a%d a$$ the
"eo"$e that were with hi!# rose u" ear$)# a%d
"ithed .eside the we$$ of Harod- so that the
host of the :idia%ites were o% the %orth side
of the!# .) the hi$$ of :oreh# i% the /a$$e)0
2 A%d the (ORD said u%to Gideo%# The
"eo"$e that are with thee are too !a%) for !e
to *i/e the :idia%ites i%to their ha%ds# $est
&srae$ /au%t the!se$/es a*ai%st !e# sa)i%*#
:i%e ow% ha%d hath sa/ed !e0
3 Now therefore *o to# "ro$ai! i% the ears
of the "eo"$e# sa)i%*# +hosoe/er is fearfu$
a%d afraid# $et hi! retur% a%d de"art ear$)
fro! !ou%t Gi$ead0 A%d there retur%ed of the
"eo"$e twe%t) a%d two thousa%d1 a%d there
re!ai%ed te% thousa%d0
4 A%d the (ORD said u%to Gideo%# The
"eo"$e are )et too !a%)1 .ri%* the! dow%
u%to the water# a%d & wi$$ tr) the! for thee
there- a%d it sha$$ .e# that of who! & sa) u%to
thee# This sha$$ *o with thee# the sa!e sha$$ *o
with thee1 a%d of who!soe/er & sa) u%to thee#
This sha$$ %ot *o with thee# the sa!e sha$$ %ot
5 So he .rou*ht dow% the "eo"$e u%to the
water- a%d the (ORD said u%to Gideo%# E/er)
o%e that $a""eth of the water with his to%*ue#
as a do* $a""eth# hi! sha$t thou set .)
hi!se$f1 $i'ewise e/er) o%e that .oweth dow%
u"o% his '%ees to dri%'0
6 A%d the %u!.er of the! that $a""ed#
putting their ha%d to their !outh# were three
hu%dred !e%- .ut a$$ the rest of the "eo"$e
.owed dow% u"o% their '%ees to dri%' water0
7 A%d the (ORD said u%to Gideo%# B) the
three hu%dred !e% that $a""ed wi$$ & sa/e )ou#
a%d de$i/er the :idia%ites i%to thi%e ha%d- a%d
$et a$$ the other "eo"$e *o e/er) !a% u%to his
8 So the "eo"$e too' /itua$s i% their ha%d#
a%d their tru!"ets- a%d he se%t a$$ the rest of
&srae$ e/er) !a% u%to his te%t# a%d retai%ed
those three hu%dred !e%- a%d the host of
:idia% was .e%eath hi! i% the /a$$e)0
9 5 A%d it a!e to "ass the sa!e %i*ht# that
the (ORD said u%to hi!# Arise# *et thee dow%
u%to the host1 for & ha/e de$i/ered it i%to thi%e
10 But if thou fear to *o dow%# *o thou with
Phurah th) ser/a%t dow% to the host-
11 A%d thou sha$t hear what the) sa)1 a%d
afterward sha$$ thi%e ha%ds .e stre%*the%ed to
*o dow% u%to the host0 The% we%t he dow%
with Phurah his ser/a%t u%to the outside of the
ar!ed !e% that were i% the host0
12 A%d the :idia%ites a%d the A!a$e'ites
a%d a$$ the hi$dre% of the east $a) a$o%* i% the
/a$$e) $i'e *rassho""ers for !u$titude1 a%d
their a!e$s were without %u!.er# as the sa%d
.) the sea side for !u$titude0
13 A%d whe% Gideo% was o!e# .eho$d#
there was a !a% that to$d a drea! u%to his
fe$$ow# a%d said# Beho$d# & drea!ed a drea!#
a%d# $o# a a'e of .ar$e) .read tu!.$ed i%to
the host of :idia%# a%d a!e u%to a te%t# a%d
s!ote it that it fe$$# a%d o/ertur%ed it# that the
te%t $a) a$o%*0
14 A%d his fe$$ow a%swered a%d said# This is
%othi%* e$se sa/e the sword of Gideo% the so%
of Joash# a !a% of &srae$- for i%to his ha%d
hath God de$i/ered :idia%# a%d a$$ the host0
15 5 A%d it was so# whe% Gideo% heard the
te$$i%* of the drea!# a%d the i%ter"retatio%
thereof# that he worshi""ed# a%d retur%ed i%to
the host of &srae$# a%d said# Arise1 for the
(ORD hath de$i/ered i%to )our ha%d the host
of :idia%0
16 A%d he di/ided the three hu%dred !e%
into three o!"a%ies# a%d he "ut a tru!"et i%
e/er) !a%9s ha%d# with e!"t) "ithers# a%d
$a!"s withi% the "ithers0
17 A%d he said u%to the!# (oo' o% !e# a%d
do $i'ewise- a%d# .eho$d# whe% & o!e to the
outside of the a!"# it sha$$ .e that# as & do# so
sha$$ )e do0
18 +he% & .$ow with a tru!"et# & a%d a$$
that are with !e# the% .$ow )e the tru!"ets
a$so o% e/er) side of a$$ the a!"# a%d sa)#
The sword of the (ORD# a%d of Gideo%0
19 5 So Gideo%# a%d the hu%dred !e% that
were with hi!# a!e u%to the outside of the
a!" i% the .e*i%%i%* of the !idd$e wath1
a%d the) had .ut %ew$) set the wath- a%d the)
.$ew the tru!"ets# a%d .ra'e the "ithers that
were i% their ha%ds0
20 A%d the three o!"a%ies .$ew the
tru!"ets# a%d .ra'e the "ithers# a%d he$d the
$a!"s i% their $eft ha%ds# a%d the tru!"ets i%
their ri*ht ha%ds to .$ow withal- a%d the)
ried# The sword of the (ORD# a%d of Gideo%0
21 A%d the) stood e/er) !a% i% his "$ae
rou%d a.out the a!"- a%d a$$ the host ra%# a%d
ried# a%d f$ed0
22 A%d the three hu%dred .$ew the tru!"ets#
a%d the (ORD set e/er) !a%9s sword a*ai%st
his fe$$ow# e/e% throu*hout a$$ the host- a%d
the host f$ed to Beth3shittah i% ;ererath# and to
the .order of A.e$3!eho$ah# u%to Ta..ath0
23 A%d the !e% of &srae$ *athered
the!se$/es to*ether out of Na"hta$i# a%d out
of Asher# a%d out of a$$ :a%asseh# a%d "ursued
after the :idia%ites0
24 5 A%d Gideo% se%t !esse%*ers
throu*hout a$$ !ou%t E"hrai!# sa)i%*# Co!e
dow% a*ai%st the :idia%ites# a%d ta'e .efore
the! the waters u%to Beth3.arah a%d Jorda%0
The% a$$ the !e% of E"hrai! *athered
the!se$/es to*ether# a%d too' the waters u%to
Beth3.arah a%d Jorda%0
25 A%d the) too' two "ri%es of the
:idia%ites# Ore. a%d ;ee.1 a%d the) s$ew
Ore. u"o% the ro' Ore.# a%d ;ee. the) s$ew
at the wi%e"ress of ;ee.# a%d "ursued :idia%#
a%d .rou*ht the heads of Ore. a%d ;ee. to
Gideo% o% the other side Jorda%0
1 A%d the !e% of E"hrai! said u%to hi!#
+h) hast thou ser/ed us thus# that thou
a$$edst us %ot# whe% thou we%test to fi*ht
with the :idia%ites, A%d the) did hide with
hi! shar"$)0
2 A%d he said u%to the!# +hat ha/e & do%e
%ow i% o!"ariso% of )ou, Is %ot the *$ea%i%*
of the *ra"es of E"hrai! .etter tha% the
/i%ta*e of A.ie2er,
3 God hath de$i/ered i%to )our ha%ds the
"ri%es of :idia%# Ore. a%d ;ee.- a%d what
was & a.$e to do i% o!"ariso% of )ou, The%
their a%*er was a.ated toward hi!# whe% he
had said that0
4 5 A%d Gideo% a!e to Jorda%# and "assed
o/er# he# a%d the three hu%dred !e% that were
with hi!# fai%t# )et "ursui%* them0
5 A%d he said u%to the !e% of Suoth#
Gi/e# & "ra) )ou# $oa/es of .read u%to the
"eo"$e that fo$$ow !e1 for the) be fai%t# a%d &
a! "ursui%* after ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a# 'i%*s
of :idia%0
6 5 A%d the "ri%es of Suoth said# Are the
ha%ds of ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a %ow i% thi%e
ha%d# that we shou$d *i/e .read u%to thi%e
7 A%d Gideo% said# Therefore whe% the
(ORD hath de$i/ered ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a
i%to !i%e ha%d# the% & wi$$ tear )our f$esh with
the thor%s of the wi$der%ess a%d with .riers0
8 5 A%d he we%t u" the%e to Pe%ue$# a%d
s"a'e u%to the! $i'ewise- a%d the !e% of
Pe%ue$ a%swered hi! as the !e% of Suoth
had a%swered him0
9 A%d he s"a'e a$so u%to the !e% of Pe%ue$#
sa)i%*# +he% & o!e a*ai% i% "eae# & wi$$
.rea' dow% this tower0
10 5 Now ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a were i%
Kar'or# a%d their hosts with the!# a.out
fiftee% thousa%d men# a$$ that were $eft of a$$
the hosts of the hi$dre% of the east- for there
fe$$ a% hu%dred a%d twe%t) thousa%d !e% that
drew sword0
11 5 A%d Gideo% we%t u" .) the wa) of
the! that dwe$t i% te%ts o% the east of No.ah
a%d Jo*.ehah# a%d s!ote the host- for the host
was seure0
12 A%d whe% ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a f$ed# he
"ursued after the!# a%d too' the two 'i%*s of
:idia%# ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a# a%d diso!fited
a$$ the host0
13 5 A%d Gideo% the so% of Joash retur%ed
fro! .att$e .efore the su% was up#
14 A%d au*ht a )ou%* !a% of the !e% of
Suoth# a%d e%4uired of hi!- a%d he
desri.ed u%to hi! the "ri%es of Suoth# a%d
the e$ders thereof# even threesore a%d
se/e%tee% !e%0
15 A%d he a!e u%to the !e% of Suoth#
a%d said# Beho$d ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a# with
who! )e did u".raid !e# sa)i%*# Are the
ha%ds of ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a %ow i% thi%e
ha%d# that we shou$d *i/e .read u%to th) !e%
that are wear),
16 A%d he too' the e$ders of the it)# a%d
thor%s of the wi$der%ess a%d .riers# a%d with
the! he tau*ht the !e% of Suoth0
17 A%d he .eat dow% the tower of Pe%ue$#
a%d s$ew the !e% of the it)0
18 5 The% said he u%to ;e.ah a%d
;a$!u%%a# +hat !a%%er of !e% were they
who! )e s$ew at Ta.or, A%d the) a%swered#
As thou art# so were the)1 eah o%e rese!.$ed
the hi$dre% of a 'i%*0
19 A%d he said# The) were !) .rethre%#
even the so%s of !) !other- as the (ORD
$i/eth# if )e had sa/ed the! a$i/e# & wou$d %ot
s$a) )ou0
20 A%d he said u%to Jether his first.or%# U"#
and s$a) the!0 But the )outh drew %ot his
sword- for he feared# .eause he was )et a
21 The% ;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a said# Rise
thou# a%d fa$$ u"o% us- for as the !a% is, so is
his stre%*th0 A%d Gideo% arose# a%d s$ew
;e.ah a%d ;a$!u%%a# a%d too' awa) the
or%a!e%ts that were o% their a!e$s9 %e's0
22 5 The% the !e% of &srae$ said u%to
Gideo%# Ru$e thou o/er us# .oth thou# a%d th)
so%# a%d th) so%9s so% a$so- for thou hast
de$i/ered us fro! the ha%d of :idia%0
23 A%d Gideo% said u%to the!# & wi$$ %ot
ru$e o/er )ou# %either sha$$ !) so% ru$e o/er
)ou- the (ORD sha$$ ru$e o/er )ou0
24 5 A%d Gideo% said u%to the!# & wou$d
desire a re4uest of )ou# that )e wou$d *i/e !e
e/er) !a% the earri%*s of his "re)0 6For the)
had *o$de% earri%*s# .eause the) were
25 A%d the) a%swered# +e wi$$ wi$$i%*$)
*i/e them0 A%d the) s"read a *ar!e%t# a%d did
ast therei% e/er) !a% the earri%*s of his "re)0
26 A%d the wei*ht of the *o$de% earri%*s
that he re4uested was a thousa%d a%d se/e%
hu%dred shekels of *o$d1 .eside or%a!e%ts#
a%d o$$ars# a%d "ur"$e rai!e%t that was o% the
'i%*s of :idia%# a%d .eside the hai%s that
were a.out their a!e$s9 %e's0
27 A%d Gideo% !ade a% e"hod thereof# a%d
"ut it i% his it)# even i% O"hrah- a%d a$$ &srae$
we%t thither a whori%* after it- whih thi%*
.ea!e a s%are u%to Gideo%# a%d to his house0
28 5 Thus was :idia% su.dued .efore the
hi$dre% of &srae$# so that the) $ifted u" their
heads %o !ore0 A%d the ou%tr) was i%
4uiet%ess fort) )ears i% the da)s of Gideo%0
29 A%d Jeru..aa$ the so% of Joash we%t a%d
dwe$t i% his ow% house0
30 A%d Gideo% had threesore a%d te% so%s
of his .od) .e*otte%- for he had !a%) wi/es0
31 A%d his o%u.i%e that was i% Shehe!#
she a$so .are hi! a so%# whose %a!e he a$$ed
32 5 A%d Gideo% the so% of Joash died i% a
*ood o$d a*e# a%d was .uried i% the se"u$hre
of Joash his father# i% O"hrah of the
33 A%d it a!e to "ass# as soo% as Gideo%
was dead# that the hi$dre% of &srae$ tur%ed
a*ai%# a%d we%t a whori%* after Baa$i!# a%d
!ade Baa$3.erith their *od0
34 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ re!e!.ered
%ot the (ORD their God# who had de$i/ered
the! out of the ha%ds of a$$ their e%e!ies o%
e/er) side-
35 Neither shewed the) 'i%d%ess to the
house of Jeru..aa$# namely# Gideo%# aordi%*
to a$$ the *ood%ess whih he had shewed u%to
1 A%d A.i!e$eh the so% of Jeru..aa$ we%t
to Shehe! u%to his !other9s .rethre%# a%d
o!!u%ed with the!# a%d with a$$ the fa!i$)
of the house of his !other9s father# sa)i%*#
2 S"ea'# & "ra) )ou# i% the ears of a$$ the
!e% of Shehe!# +hether is .etter for )ou#
either that a$$ the so%s of Jeru..aa$# which are
threesore a%d te% "erso%s# rei*% o/er )ou# or
that o%e rei*% o/er )ou, re!e!.er a$so that &
am )our .o%e a%d )our f$esh0
3 A%d his !other9s .rethre% s"a'e of hi! i%
the ears of a$$ the !e% of Shehe! a$$ these
words- a%d their hearts i%$i%ed to fo$$ow
A.i!e$eh1 for the) said# He is our .rother0
4 A%d the) *a/e hi! threesore a%d te%
pieces of si$/er out of the house of Baa$3
.erith# wherewith A.i!e$eh hired /ai% a%d
$i*ht "erso%s# whih fo$$owed hi!0
5 A%d he we%t u%to his father9s house at
O"hrah# a%d s$ew his .rethre% the so%s of
Jeru..aa$# being threesore a%d te% "erso%s#
u"o% o%e sto%e- %otwithsta%di%* )et Jotha!
the )ou%*est so% of Jeru..aa$ was $eft1 for he
hid hi!se$f0
6 A%d a$$ the !e% of Shehe! *athered
to*ether# a%d a$$ the house of :i$$o# a%d we%t#
a%d !ade A.i!e$eh 'i%*# .) the "$ai% of the
"i$$ar that was i% Shehe!0
7 5 A%d whe% the) to$d it to Jotha!# he we%t
a%d stood i% the to" of !ou%t Geri2i!# a%d
$ifted u" his /oie# a%d ried# a%d said u%to
the!# Hear'e% u%to !e# )e !e% of Shehe!#
that God !a) hear'e% u%to )ou0
8 The trees we%t forth on a time to a%oi%t a
'i%* o/er the!1 a%d the) said u%to the o$i/e
tree# Rei*% thou o/er us0
9 But the o$i/e tree said u%to the!# Shou$d &
$ea/e !) fat%ess# wherewith .) !e the)
ho%our God a%d !a%# a%d *o to .e "ro!oted
o/er the trees,
10 A%d the trees said to the fi* tree# Co!e
thou# and rei*% o/er us0
11 But the fi* tree said u%to the!# Shou$d &
forsa'e !) sweet%ess# a%d !) *ood fruit# a%d
*o to .e "ro!oted o/er the trees,
12 The% said the trees u%to the /i%e# Co!e
thou# and rei*% o/er us0
13 A%d the /i%e said u%to the!# Shou$d &
$ea/e !) wi%e# whih heereth God a%d !a%#
a%d *o to .e "ro!oted o/er the trees,
14 The% said a$$ the trees u%to the .ra!.$e#
Co!e thou# and rei*% o/er us0
15 A%d the .ra!.$e said u%to the trees# &f i%
truth )e a%oi%t !e 'i%* o/er )ou# then o!e
and "ut )our trust i% !) shadow- a%d if %ot#
$et fire o!e out of the .ra!.$e# a%d de/our
the edars of (e.a%o%0
16 Now therefore# if )e ha/e do%e tru$) a%d
si%ere$)# i% that )e ha/e !ade A.i!e$eh
'i%*# a%d if )e ha/e dea$t we$$ with Jeru..aa$
a%d his house# a%d ha/e do%e u%to hi!
aordi%* to the deser/i%* of his ha%ds1
17 6For !) father fou*ht for )ou# a%d
ad/e%tured his $ife far# a%d de$i/ered )ou out
of the ha%d of :idia%-
18 A%d )e are rise% u" a*ai%st !) father9s
house this da)# a%d ha/e s$ai% his so%s#
threesore a%d te% "erso%s# u"o% o%e sto%e#
a%d ha/e !ade A.i!e$eh# the so% of his
!aidser/a%t# 'i%* o/er the !e% of Shehe!#
.eause he is )our .rother18
19 &f )e the% ha/e dea$t tru$) a%d si%ere$)
with Jeru..aa$ a%d with his house this da)#
then re7oie )e i% A.i!e$eh# a%d $et hi! a$so
re7oie i% )ou-
20 But if %ot# $et fire o!e out fro!
A.i!e$eh# a%d de/our the !e% of Shehe!#
a%d the house of :i$$o1 a%d $et fire o!e out
fro! the !e% of Shehe!# a%d fro! the house
of :i$$o# a%d de/our A.i!e$eh0
21 A%d Jotha! ra% awa)# a%d f$ed# a%d we%t
to Beer# a%d dwe$t there# for fear of A.i!e$eh
his .rother0
22 5 +he% A.i!e$eh had rei*%ed three
)ears o/er &srae$#
23 The% God se%t a% e/i$ s"irit .etwee%
A.i!e$eh a%d the !e% of Shehe!1 a%d the
!e% of Shehe! dea$t treaherous$) with
24 That the rue$t) done to the threesore
a%d te% so%s of Jeru..aa$ !i*ht o!e# a%d
their .$ood .e $aid u"o% A.i!e$eh their
.rother# whih s$ew the!1 a%d u"o% the !e%
of Shehe!# whih aided hi! i% the 'i$$i%* of
his .rethre%0
25 A%d the !e% of Shehe! set $iers i% wait
for hi! i% the to" of the !ou%tai%s# a%d the)
ro..ed a$$ that a!e a$o%* that wa) .) the!-
a%d it was to$d A.i!e$eh0
26 A%d Gaa$ the so% of E.ed a!e with his
.rethre%# a%d we%t o/er to Shehe!- a%d the
!e% of Shehe! "ut their o%fide%e i% hi!0
27 A%d the) we%t out i%to the fie$ds# a%d
*athered their /i%e)ards# a%d trode the grapes#
a%d !ade !err)# a%d we%t i%to the house of
their *od# a%d did eat a%d dri%'# a%d ursed
28 A%d Gaa$ the so% of E.ed said# +ho is
A.i!e$eh# a%d who is Shehe!# that we
shou$d ser/e hi!, is %ot he the so% of
Jeru..aa$, a%d ;e.u$ his offier, ser/e the
!e% of Ha!or the father of Shehe!- for wh)
shou$d we ser/e hi!,
29 A%d wou$d to God this "eo"$e were u%der
!) ha%dB the% wou$d & re!o/e A.i!e$eh0
A%d he said to A.i!e$eh# &%rease thi%e
ar!)# a%d o!e out0
30 5 A%d whe% ;e.u$ the ru$er of the it)
heard the words of Gaa$ the so% of E.ed# his
a%*er was 'i%d$ed0
31 A%d he se%t !esse%*ers u%to A.i!e$eh
"ri/i$)# sa)i%*# Beho$d# Gaa$ the so% of E.ed
a%d his .rethre% .e o!e to Shehe!1 a%d#
.eho$d# the) fortif) the it) a*ai%st thee0
32 Now therefore u" .) %i*ht# thou a%d the
"eo"$e that is with thee# a%d $ie i% wait i% the
33 A%d it sha$$ .e# that i% the !or%i%*# as
soo% as the su% is u"# thou sha$t rise ear$)# a%d
set u"o% the it)- a%d# .eho$d# when he a%d the
"eo"$e that is with hi! o!e out a*ai%st thee#
the% !a)est thou do to the! as thou sha$t fi%d
34 5 A%d A.i!e$eh rose u"# a%d a$$ the
"eo"$e that were with hi!# .) %i*ht# a%d the)
$aid wait a*ai%st Shehe! i% four o!"a%ies0
35 A%d Gaa$ the so% of E.ed we%t out# a%d
stood i% the e%teri%* of the *ate of the it)-
a%d A.i!e$eh rose u"# a%d the "eo"$e that
were with hi!# fro! $)i%* i% wait0
36 A%d whe% Gaa$ saw the "eo"$e# he said to
;e.u$# Beho$d# there o!e "eo"$e dow% fro!
the to" of the !ou%tai%s0 A%d ;e.u$ said u%to
hi!# Thou seest the shadow of the !ou%tai%s
as if they were !e%0
37 A%d Gaa$ s"a'e a*ai% a%d said# See there
o!e "eo"$e dow% .) the !idd$e of the $a%d#
a%d a%other o!"a%) o!e a$o%* .) the "$ai%
of :eo%e%i!0
38 The% said ;e.u$ u%to hi!# +here is %ow
th) !outh# wherewith thou saidst# +ho is
A.i!e$eh# that we shou$d ser/e hi!, is %ot
this the "eo"$e that thou hast des"ised, *o out#
& "ra) %ow# a%d fi*ht with the!0
39 A%d Gaa$ we%t out .efore the !e% of
Shehe!# a%d fou*ht with A.i!e$eh0
40 A%d A.i!e$eh hased hi!# a%d he f$ed
.efore hi!# a%d !a%) were o/erthrow% and
wou%ded# even u%to the e%teri%* of the *ate0
41 A%d A.i!e$eh dwe$t at Aru!ah- a%d
;e.u$ thrust out Gaa$ a%d his .rethre%# that
the) shou$d %ot dwe$$ i% Shehe!0
42 A%d it a!e to "ass o% the !orrow# that
the "eo"$e we%t out i%to the fie$d1 a%d the)
to$d A.i!e$eh0
43 A%d he too' the "eo"$e# a%d di/ided the!
i%to three o!"a%ies# a%d $aid wait i% the
fie$d# a%d $oo'ed# a%d# .eho$d# the "eo"$e were
o!e forth out of the it)1 a%d he rose u"
a*ai%st the!# a%d s!ote the!0
44 A%d A.i!e$eh# a%d the o!"a%) that
was with hi!# rushed forward# a%d stood i%
the e%teri%* of the *ate of the it)- a%d the two
other o!"a%ies ra% u"o% a$$ the people that
were i% the fie$ds# a%d s$ew the!0
45 A%d A.i!e$eh fou*ht a*ai%st the it) a$$
that da)1 a%d he too' the it)# a%d s$ew the
"eo"$e that was therei%# a%d .eat dow% the
it)# a%d sowed it with sa$t0
46 5 A%d whe% a$$ the !e% of the tower of
Shehe! heard that# the) e%tered i%to a% ho$d
of the house of the *od Berith0
47 A%d it was to$d A.i!e$eh# that a$$ the
!e% of the tower of Shehe! were *athered
48 A%d A.i!e$eh *at hi! u" to !ou%t
;a$!o%# he a%d a$$ the "eo"$e that were with
hi!1 a%d A.i!e$eh too' a% a<e i% his ha%d#
a%d ut dow% a .ou*h fro! the trees# a%d too'
it# a%d $aid it o% his shou$der# a%d said u%to the
"eo"$e that were with hi!# +hat )e ha/e see%
!e do# !a'e haste# and do as & have done0
49 A%d a$$ the "eo"$e $i'ewise ut dow%
e/er) !a% his .ou*h# a%d fo$$owed
A.i!e$eh# a%d "ut them to the ho$d# a%d set
the ho$d o% fire u"o% the!1 so that a$$ the !e%
of the tower of Shehe! died a$so# a.out a
thousa%d !e% a%d wo!e%0
50 5 The% we%t A.i!e$eh to The.e2# a%d
e%a!"ed a*ai%st The.e2# a%d too' it0
51 But there was a stro%* tower withi% the
it)# a%d thither f$ed a$$ the !e% a%d wo!e%#
a%d a$$ the) of the it)# a%d shut it to the!# a%d
*at the! u" to the to" of the tower0
52 A%d A.i!e$eh a!e u%to the tower# a%d
fou*ht a*ai%st it# a%d we%t hard u%to the door
of the tower to .ur% it with fire0
53 A%d a ertai% wo!a% ast a "iee of a
!i$$sto%e u"o% A.i!e$eh9s head# a%d a$$ to
.ra'e his s'u$$0
54 The% he a$$ed hasti$) u%to the )ou%*
!a% his ar!our.earer# a%d said u%to hi!#
Draw th) sword# a%d s$a) !e# that !e% sa)
%ot of !e# A wo!a% s$ew hi!0 A%d his )ou%*
!a% thrust hi! throu*h# a%d he died0
55 A%d whe% the !e% of &srae$ saw that
A.i!e$eh was dead# the) de"arted e/er) !a%
u%to his "$ae0
56 5 Thus God re%dered the wi'ed%ess of
A.i!e$eh# whih he did u%to his father# i%
s$a)i%* his se/e%t) .rethre%-
57 A%d a$$ the e/i$ of the !e% of Shehe!
did God re%der u"o% their heads- a%d u"o%
the! a!e the urse of Jotha! the so% of
1 A%d after A.i!e$eh there arose to defe%d
&srae$ To$a the so% of Puah# the so% of Dodo# a
!a% of &ssahar1 a%d he dwe$t i% Sha!ir i%
!ou%t E"hrai!0
2 A%d he 7ud*ed &srae$ twe%t) a%d three
)ears# a%d died# a%d was .uried i% Sha!ir0
3 5 A%d after hi! arose Jair# a Gi$eadite# a%d
7ud*ed &srae$ twe%t) a%d two )ears0
4 A%d he had thirt) so%s that rode o% thirt)
ass o$ts# a%d the) had thirt) ities# whih are
a$$ed Ha/oth37air u%to this da)# whih are i%
the $a%d of Gi$ead0
5 A%d Jair died# a%d was .uried i% Ca!o%0
6 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ did e/i$ a*ai%
i% the si*ht of the (ORD# a%d ser/ed Baa$i!#
a%d Ashtaroth# a%d the *ods of S)ria# a%d the
*ods of ;ido%# a%d the *ods of :oa.# a%d the
*ods of the hi$dre% of A!!o%# a%d the *ods
of the Phi$isti%es# a%d forsoo' the (ORD# a%d
ser/ed %ot hi!0
7 A%d the a%*er of the (ORD was hot
a*ai%st &srae$# a%d he so$d the! i%to the ha%ds
of the Phi$isti%es# a%d i%to the ha%ds of the
hi$dre% of A!!o%0
8 A%d that )ear the) /e<ed a%d o""ressed
the hi$dre% of &srae$- ei*htee% )ears# a$$ the
hi$dre% of &srae$ that were o% the other side
Jorda% i% the $a%d of the A!orites# whih is i%
9 :oreo/er the hi$dre% of A!!o% "assed
o/er Jorda% to fi*ht a$so a*ai%st Judah# a%d
a*ai%st Be%7a!i%# a%d a*ai%st the house of
E"hrai!1 so that &srae$ was sore distressed0
10 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ ried u%to the
(ORD# sa)i%*# +e ha/e si%%ed a*ai%st thee#
.oth .eause we ha/e forsa'e% our God# a%d
a$so ser/ed Baa$i!0
11 A%d the (ORD said u%to the hi$dre% of
&srae$# Did %ot I deliver you fro! the
E*)"tia%s# a%d fro! the A!orites# fro! the
hi$dre% of A!!o%# a%d fro! the Phi$isti%es,
12 The ;ido%ia%s a$so# a%d the A!a$e'ites#
a%d the :ao%ites# did o""ress )ou1 a%d )e
ried to !e# a%d & de$i/ered )ou out of their
13 Get )e ha/e forsa'e% !e# a%d ser/ed
other *ods- wherefore & wi$$ de$i/er )ou %o
14 Go a%d r) u%to the *ods whih )e ha/e
hose%1 $et the! de$i/er )ou i% the ti!e of
)our tri.u$atio%0
15 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ said u%to the
(ORD# +e ha/e si%%ed- do thou u%to us
whatsoe/er see!eth *ood u%to thee1 de$i/er us
o%$)# we "ra) thee# this da)0
16 A%d the) "ut awa) the stra%*e *ods fro!
a!o%* the!# a%d ser/ed the (ORD- a%d his
sou$ was *rie/ed for the !iser) of &srae$0
17 The% the hi$dre% of A!!o% were
*athered to*ether# a%d e%a!"ed i% Gi$ead0
A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ asse!.$ed
the!se$/es to*ether# a%d e%a!"ed i% :i2"eh0
18 A%d the "eo"$e and "ri%es of Gi$ead
said o%e to a%other# +hat !a% is he that wi$$
.e*i% to fi*ht a*ai%st the hi$dre% of A!!o%,
he sha$$ .e head o/er a$$ the i%ha.ita%ts of
1 Now Je"hthah the Gi$eadite was a !i*ht)
!a% of /a$our# a%d he was the so% of a% har$ot-
a%d Gi$ead .e*at Je"hthah0
2 A%d Gi$ead9s wife .are hi! so%s1 a%d his
wife9s so%s *rew u"# a%d the) thrust out
Je"hthah# a%d said u%to hi!# Thou sha$t %ot
i%herit i% our father9s house1 for thou art the
so% of a stra%*e wo!a%0
3 The% Je"hthah f$ed fro! his .rethre%# a%d
dwe$t i% the $a%d of To.- a%d there were
*athered /ai% !e% to Je"hthah# a%d we%t out
with hi!0
4 5 A%d it a!e to "ass i% "roess of ti!e#
that the hi$dre% of A!!o% !ade war a*ai%st
5 A%d it was so# that whe% the hi$dre% of
A!!o% !ade war a*ai%st &srae$# the e$ders of
Gi$ead we%t to feth Je"hthah out of the $a%d
of To.-
6 A%d the) said u%to Je"hthah# Co!e# a%d
.e our a"tai%# that we !a) fi*ht with the
hi$dre% of A!!o%0
7 A%d Je"hthah said u%to the e$ders of
Gi$ead# Did %ot )e hate !e# a%d e<"e$ !e out
of !) father9s house, a%d wh) are )e o!e
u%to !e %ow whe% )e are i% distress,
8 A%d the e$ders of Gi$ead said u%to
Je"hthah# Therefore we tur% a*ai% to thee %ow#
that thou !a)est *o with us# a%d fi*ht a*ai%st
the hi$dre% of A!!o%# a%d .e our head o/er
a$$ the i%ha.ita%ts of Gi$ead0
9 A%d Je"hthah said u%to the e$ders of
Gi$ead# &f )e .ri%* !e ho!e a*ai% to fi*ht
a*ai%st the hi$dre% of A!!o%# a%d the (ORD
de$i/er the! .efore !e# sha$$ & .e )our head,
10 A%d the e$ders of Gi$ead said u%to
Je"hthah# The (ORD .e wit%ess .etwee% us#
if we do %ot so aordi%* to th) words0
11 The% Je"hthah we%t with the e$ders of
Gi$ead# a%d the "eo"$e !ade hi! head a%d
a"tai% o/er the!- a%d Je"hthah uttered a$$ his
words .efore the (ORD i% :i2"eh0
12 5 A%d Je"hthah se%t !esse%*ers u%to the
'i%* of the hi$dre% of A!!o%# sa)i%*# +hat
hast thou to do with !e# that thou art o!e
a*ai%st !e to fi*ht i% !) $a%d,
13 A%d the 'i%* of the hi$dre% of A!!o%
a%swered u%to the !esse%*ers of Je"hthah#
Beause &srae$ too' awa) !) $a%d# whe% the)
a!e u" out of E*)"t# fro! Ar%o% e/e% u%to
Ja..o'# a%d u%to Jorda%- %ow therefore restore
those lands a*ai% "eaea.$)0
14 A%d Je"hthah se%t !esse%*ers a*ai% u%to
the 'i%* of the hi$dre% of A!!o%-
15 A%d said u%to hi!# Thus saith Je"hthah#
&srae$ too' %ot awa) the $a%d of :oa.# %or the
$a%d of the hi$dre% of A!!o%-
16 But whe% &srae$ a!e u" fro! E*)"t# a%d
wa$'ed throu*h the wi$der%ess u%to the Red
sea# a%d a!e to Kadesh1
17 The% &srae$ se%t !esse%*ers u%to the
'i%* of Edo!# sa)i%*# (et !e# & "ra) thee#
"ass throu*h th) $a%d- .ut the 'i%* of Edo!
wou$d %ot hear'e% thereto0 A%d i% $i'e !a%%er
the) se%t u%to the 'i%* of :oa.- .ut he wou$d
%ot consent- a%d &srae$ a.ode i% Kadesh0
18 The% the) we%t a$o%* throu*h the
wi$der%ess# a%d o!"assed the $a%d of Edo!#
a%d the $a%d of :oa.# a%d a!e .) the east
side of the $a%d of :oa.# a%d "ithed o% the
other side of Ar%o%# .ut a!e %ot withi% the
.order of :oa.- for Ar%o% was the .order of
19 A%d &srae$ se%t !esse%*ers u%to Siho%
'i%* of the A!orites# the 'i%* of Hesh.o%1
a%d &srae$ said u%to hi!# (et us "ass# we "ra)
thee# throu*h th) $a%d i%to !) "$ae0
20 But Siho% trusted %ot &srae$ to "ass
throu*h his oast- .ut Siho% *athered a$$ his
"eo"$e to*ether# a%d "ithed i% Jaha2# a%d
fou*ht a*ai%st &srae$0
21 A%d the (ORD God of &srae$ de$i/ered
Siho% a%d a$$ his "eo"$e i%to the ha%d of
&srae$# a%d the) s!ote the!- so &srae$
"ossessed a$$ the $a%d of the A!orites# the
i%ha.ita%ts of that ou%tr)0
22 A%d the) "ossessed a$$ the oasts of the
A!orites# fro! Ar%o% e/e% u%to Ja..o'# a%d
fro! the wi$der%ess e/e% u%to Jorda%0
23 So %ow the (ORD God of &srae$ hath
dis"ossessed the A!orites fro! .efore his
"eo"$e &srae$# a%d shou$dest thou "ossess it,
24 +i$t %ot thou "ossess that whih
Che!osh th) *od *i/eth thee to "ossess, So
who!soe/er the (ORD our God sha$$ dri/e
out fro! .efore us# the! wi$$ we "ossess0
25 A%d %ow art thou a%) thi%* .etter tha%
Ba$a' the so% of ;i""or# 'i%* of :oa., did he
e/er stri/e a*ai%st &srae$# or did he e/er fi*ht
a*ai%st the!#
26 +hi$e &srae$ dwe$t i% Hesh.o% a%d her
tow%s# a%d i% Aroer a%d her tow%s# a%d i% a$$
the ities that be a$o%* .) the oasts of Ar%o%#
three hu%dred )ears, wh) therefore did )e %ot
reo/er them withi% that ti!e,
27 +herefore & ha/e %ot si%%ed a*ai%st thee#
.ut thou doest !e wro%* to war a*ai%st !e-
the (ORD the Jud*e .e 7ud*e this da)
.etwee% the hi$dre% of &srae$ a%d the hi$dre%
of A!!o%0
28 How.eit the 'i%* of the hi$dre% of
A!!o% hear'e%ed %ot u%to the words of
Je"hthah whih he se%t hi!0
29 5 The% the S"irit of the (ORD a!e
u"o% Je"hthah# a%d he "assed o/er Gi$ead# a%d
:a%asseh# a%d "assed o/er :i2"eh of Gi$ead#
a%d fro! :i2"eh of Gi$ead he "assed o/er
unto the hi$dre% of A!!o%0
30 A%d Je"hthah /owed a /ow u%to the
(ORD# a%d said# &f thou sha$t without fai$
de$i/er the hi$dre% of A!!o% i%to !i%e
31 The% it sha$$ .e# that whatsoe/er o!eth
forth of the doors of !) house to !eet !e#
whe% & retur% i% "eae fro! the hi$dre% of
A!!o%# sha$$ sure$) .e the (ORD9S# a%d &
wi$$ offer it u" for a .ur%t offeri%*0
32 5 So Je"hthah "assed o/er u%to the
hi$dre% of A!!o% to fi*ht a*ai%st the!1 a%d
the (ORD de$i/ered the! i%to his ha%ds0
33 A%d he s!ote the! fro! Aroer# e/e% ti$$
thou o!e to :i%%ith# even twe%t) ities# a%d
u%to the "$ai% of the /i%e)ards# with a /er)
*reat s$au*hter0 Thus the hi$dre% of A!!o%
were su.dued .efore the hi$dre% of &srae$0
34 5 A%d Je"hthah a!e to :i2"eh u%to his
house# a%d# .eho$d# his dau*hter a!e out to
!eet hi! with ti!.re$s a%d with da%es- a%d
she was his o%$) hi$d1 .eside her he had
%either so% %or dau*hter0
35 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% he saw her#
that he re%t his $othes# a%d said# A$as# !)
dau*hterB thou hast .rou*ht !e /er) $ow# a%d
thou art o%e of the! that trou.$e !e- for &
ha/e o"e%ed !) !outh u%to the (ORD# a%d &
a%%ot *o .a'0
36 A%d she said u%to hi!# :) father# if thou
hast o"e%ed th) !outh u%to the (ORD# do to
!e aordi%* to that whih hath "roeeded out
of th) !outh1 foras!uh as the (ORD hath
ta'e% /e%*ea%e for thee of thi%e e%e!ies#
even of the hi$dre% of A!!o%0
37 A%d she said u%to her father# (et this
thi%* .e do%e for !e- $et !e a$o%e two
!o%ths# that & !a) *o u" a%d dow% u"o% the
!ou%tai%s# a%d .ewai$ !) /ir*i%it)# & a%d !)
38 A%d he said# Go0 A%d he se%t her awa)
for two !o%ths- a%d she we%t with her
o!"a%io%s# a%d .ewai$ed her /ir*i%it) u"o%
the !ou%tai%s0
39 A%d it a!e to "ass at the e%d of two
!o%ths# that she retur%ed u%to her father# who
did with her according to his /ow whih he
had /owed- a%d she '%ew %o !a%0 A%d it was
a usto! i% &srae$#
40 That the dau*hters of &srae$ we%t )ear$)
to $a!e%t the dau*hter of Je"hthah the
Gi$eadite four da)s i% a )ear0
1 A%d the !e% of E"hrai! *athered
the!se$/es to*ether# a%d we%t %orthward# a%d
said u%to Je"hthah# +herefore "assedst thou
o/er to fi*ht a*ai%st the hi$dre% of A!!o%#
a%d didst %ot a$$ us to *o with thee, we wi$$
.ur% thi%e house u"o% thee with fire0
2 A%d Je"hthah said u%to the!# & a%d !)
"eo"$e were at *reat strife with the hi$dre% of
A!!o%1 a%d whe% & a$$ed )ou# )e de$i/ered
!e %ot out of their ha%ds0
3 A%d whe% & saw that )e de$i/ered me %ot# &
"ut !) $ife i% !) ha%ds# a%d "assed o/er
a*ai%st the hi$dre% of A!!o%# a%d the (ORD
de$i/ered the! i%to !) ha%d- wherefore the%
are )e o!e u" u%to !e this da)# to fi*ht
a*ai%st !e,
4 The% Je"hthah *athered to*ether a$$ the
!e% of Gi$ead# a%d fou*ht with E"hrai!- a%d
the !e% of Gi$ead s!ote E"hrai!# .eause
the) said# Ge Gi$eadites are fu*iti/es of
E"hrai! a!o%* the E"hrai!ites# and a!o%*
the :a%assites0
5 A%d the Gi$eadites too' the "assa*es of
Jorda% .efore the E"hrai!ites- a%d it was so#
that whe% those E"hrai!ites whih were
esa"ed said# (et !e *o o/er1 that the !e% of
Gi$ead said u%to hi!# Art thou a% E"hrai!ite,
&f he said# Na)1
6 The% said the) u%to hi!# Sa) %ow
Shi..o$eth- a%d he said Si..o$eth- for he
ou$d %ot fra!e to "ro%ou%e it ri*ht0 The%
the) too' hi!# a%d s$ew hi! at the "assa*es of
Jorda%- a%d there fe$$ at that ti!e of the
E"hrai!ites fort) a%d two thousa%d0
7 A%d Je"hthah 7ud*ed &srae$ si< )ears0 The%
died Je"hthah the Gi$eadite# a%d was .uried i%
one of the ities of Gi$ead0
8 5 A%d after hi! &.2a% of Beth3$ehe!
7ud*ed &srae$0
9 A%d he had thirt) so%s# a%d thirt)
dau*hters# whom he se%t a.road# a%d too' i%
thirt) dau*hters fro! a.road for his so%s0 A%d
he 7ud*ed &srae$ se/e% )ears0
10 The% died &.2a%# a%d was .uried at Beth3
11 5 A%d after hi! E$o%# a ;e.u$o%ite#
7ud*ed &srae$1 a%d he 7ud*ed &srae$ te% )ears0
12 A%d E$o% the ;e.u$o%ite died# a%d was
.uried i% Ai7a$o% i% the ou%tr) of ;e.u$u%0
13 5 A%d after hi! A.do% the so% of Hi$$e$#
a Piratho%ite# 7ud*ed &srae$0
14 A%d he had fort) so%s a%d thirt)
%e"hews# that rode o% threesore a%d te% ass
o$ts- a%d he 7ud*ed &srae$ ei*ht )ears0
15 A%d A.do% the so% of Hi$$e$ the
Piratho%ite died# a%d was .uried i% Piratho% i%
the $a%d of E"hrai!# i% the !ou%t of the
1 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ did e/i$ a*ai% i%
the si*ht of the (ORD1 a%d the (ORD
de$i/ered the! i%to the ha%d of the Phi$isti%es
fort) )ears0
2 5 A%d there was a ertai% !a% of ;orah# of
the fa!i$) of the Da%ites# whose %a!e was
:a%oah1 a%d his wife was .arre%# a%d .are
3 A%d the a%*e$ of the (ORD a""eared u%to
the wo!a%# a%d said u%to her# Beho$d %ow#
thou art .arre%# a%d .earest %ot- .ut thou sha$t
o%ei/e# a%d .ear a so%0
4 Now therefore .eware# & "ra) thee# a%d
dri%' %ot wi%e %or stro%* dri%'# a%d eat %ot
a%) u%$ea% thing-
5 For# $o# thou sha$t o%ei/e# a%d .ear a
so%1 a%d %o ra2or sha$$ o!e o% his head- for
the hi$d sha$$ .e a Na2arite u%to God fro! the
wo!.- a%d he sha$$ .e*i% to de$i/er &srae$ out
of the ha%d of the Phi$isti%es0
6 5 The% the wo!a% a!e a%d to$d her
hus.a%d# sa)i%*# A !a% of God a!e u%to !e#
a%d his ou%te%a%e was $i'e the ou%te%a%e
of a% a%*e$ of God# /er) terri.$e- .ut & as'ed
hi! %ot whe%e he was# %either to$d he !e his
7 But he said u%to !e# Beho$d# thou sha$t
o%ei/e# a%d .ear a so%1 a%d %ow dri%' %o
wi%e %or stro%* dri%'# %either eat a%) u%$ea%
thing- for the hi$d sha$$ .e a Na2arite to God
fro! the wo!. to the da) of his death0
8 5 The% :a%oah i%treated the (ORD# a%d
said# O !) (ord# $et the !a% of God whih
thou didst se%d o!e a*ai% u%to us# a%d teah
us what we sha$$ do u%to the hi$d that sha$$ .e
9 A%d God hear'e%ed to the /oie of
:a%oah1 a%d the a%*e$ of God a!e a*ai%
u%to the wo!a% as she sat i% the fie$d- .ut
:a%oah her hus.a%d was %ot with her0
10 A%d the wo!a% !ade haste# a%d ra%# a%d
shewed her hus.a%d# a%d said u%to hi!#
Beho$d# the !a% hath a""eared u%to !e# that
a!e u%to !e the other da)0
11 A%d :a%oah arose# a%d we%t after his
wife# a%d a!e to the !a%# a%d said u%to hi!#
Art thou the !a% that s"a'est u%to the
wo!a%, A%d he said# & am0
12 A%d :a%oah said# Now $et th) words
o!e to "ass0 How sha$$ we order the hi$d#
a%d how sha$$ we do u%to hi!,
13 A%d the a%*e$ of the (ORD said u%to
:a%oah# Of a$$ that & said u%to the wo!a% $et
her .eware0
14 She !a) %ot eat of a%) thing that o!eth
of the /i%e# %either $et her dri%' wi%e or stro%*
dri%'# %or eat a%) u%$ea% thing- a$$ that &
o!!a%ded her $et her o.ser/e0
15 5 A%d :a%oah said u%to the a%*e$ of the
(ORD# & "ra) thee# $et us detai% thee# u%ti$ we
sha$$ ha/e !ade read) a 'id for thee0
16 A%d the a%*e$ of the (ORD said u%to
:a%oah# Thou*h thou detai% !e# & wi$$ %ot eat
of th) .read- a%d if thou wi$t offer a .ur%t
offeri%*# thou !ust offer it u%to the (ORD0
For :a%oah '%ew %ot that he was a% a%*e$ of
the (ORD0
17 A%d :a%oah said u%to the a%*e$ of the
(ORD# +hat is th) %a!e# that whe% th)
sa)i%*s o!e to "ass we !a) do thee ho%our,
18 A%d the a%*e$ of the (ORD said u%to
hi!# +h) as'est thou thus after !) %a!e#
seei%* it is seret,
19 So :a%oah too' a 'id with a !eat
offeri%*# a%d offered it u"o% a ro' u%to the
(ORD- a%d the angel did wo%drous$)1 a%d
:a%oah a%d his wife $oo'ed o%0
20 For it a!e to "ass# whe% the f$a!e we%t
u" toward hea/e% fro! off the a$tar# that the
a%*e$ of the (ORD ase%ded i% the f$a!e of
the a$tar0 A%d :a%oah a%d his wife $oo'ed o%
it# a%d fe$$ o% their faes to the *rou%d0
21 But the a%*e$ of the (ORD did %o !ore
a""ear to :a%oah a%d to his wife0 The%
:a%oah '%ew that he was a% a%*e$ of the
22 A%d :a%oah said u%to his wife# +e sha$$
sure$) die# .eause we ha/e see% God0
23 But his wife said u%to hi!# &f the (ORD
were "$eased to 'i$$ us# he wou$d %ot ha/e
reei/ed a .ur%t offeri%* a%d a !eat offeri%*
at our ha%ds# %either wou$d he ha/e shewed us
a$$ these things# %or wou$d as at this ti!e ha/e
to$d us such things as these0
24 5 A%d the wo!a% .are a so%# a%d a$$ed
his %a!e Sa!so%- a%d the hi$d *rew# a%d the
(ORD .$essed hi!0
25 A%d the S"irit of the (ORD .e*a% to
!o/e hi! at ti!es i% the a!" of Da%
.etwee% ;orah a%d Eshtao$0
1 A%d Sa!so% we%t dow% to Ti!%ath# a%d
saw a wo!a% i% Ti!%ath of the dau*hters of
the Phi$isti%es0
2 A%d he a!e u"# a%d to$d his father a%d
his !other# a%d said# & ha/e see% a wo!a% i%
Ti!%ath of the dau*hters of the Phi$isti%es-
%ow therefore *et her for !e to wife0
3 The% his father a%d his !other said u%to
hi!# Is there %e/er a wo!a% a!o%* the
dau*hters of th) .rethre%# or a!o%* a$$ !)
"eo"$e# that thou *oest to ta'e a wife of the
u%iru!ised Phi$isti%es, A%d Sa!so% said
u%to his father# Get her for !e1 for she
"$easeth !e we$$0
4 But his father a%d his !other '%ew %ot
that it was of the (ORD# that he sou*ht a%
oasio% a*ai%st the Phi$isti%es- for at that
ti!e the Phi$isti%es had do!i%io% o/er &srae$0
5 5 The% we%t Sa!so% dow%# a%d his father
a%d his !other# to Ti!%ath# a%d a!e to the
/i%e)ards of Ti!%ath- a%d# .eho$d# a )ou%*
$io% roared a*ai%st hi!0
6 A%d the S"irit of the (ORD a!e !i*hti$)
u"o% hi!# a%d he re%t hi! as he wou$d ha/e
re%t a 'id# a%d he had %othi%* i% his ha%d- .ut
he to$d %ot his father or his !other what he
had do%e0
7 A%d he we%t dow%# a%d ta$'ed with the
wo!a%1 a%d she "$eased Sa!so% we$$0
8 5 A%d after a ti!e he retur%ed to ta'e her#
a%d he tur%ed aside to see the arase of the
$io%- a%d# .eho$d# there was a swar! of .ees
a%d ho%e) i% the arase of the $io%0
9 A%d he too' thereof i% his ha%ds# a%d we%t
o% eati%*# a%d a!e to his father a%d !other#
a%d he *a/e the!# a%d the) did eat- .ut he to$d
%ot the! that he had ta'e% the ho%e) out of
the arase of the $io%0
10 5 So his father we%t dow% u%to the
wo!a%- a%d Sa!so% !ade there a feast1 for so
used the )ou%* !e% to do0
11 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% the) saw hi!#
that the) .rou*ht thirt) o!"a%io%s to .e with
12 5 A%d Sa!so% said u%to the!# & wi$$ %ow
"ut forth a ridd$e u%to )ou- if )e a% ertai%$)
de$are it !e withi% the se/e% da)s of the
feast# a%d fi%d it out# the% & wi$$ *i/e )ou thirt)
sheets a%d thirt) ha%*e of *ar!e%ts-
13 But if )e a%%ot de$are it !e# the% sha$$
)e *i/e !e thirt) sheets a%d thirt) ha%*e of
*ar!e%ts0 A%d the) said u%to hi!# Put forth
th) ridd$e# that we !a) hear it0
14 A%d he said u%to the!# Out of the eater
a!e forth !eat# a%d out of the stro%* a!e
forth sweet%ess0 A%d the) ou$d %ot i% three
da)s e<"ou%d the ridd$e0
15 A%d it a!e to "ass o% the se/e%th da)#
that the) said u%to Sa!so%9s wife# E%tie th)
hus.a%d# that he !a) de$are u%to us the
ridd$e# $est we .ur% thee a%d th) father9s house
with fire- ha/e )e a$$ed us to ta'e that we
ha/e, is it %ot so,
16 A%d Sa!so%9s wife we"t .efore hi!# a%d
said# Thou dost .ut hate !e# a%d $o/est !e
%ot- thou hast "ut forth a ridd$e u%to the
hi$dre% of !) "eo"$e# a%d hast %ot to$d it !e0
A%d he said u%to her# Beho$d# & ha/e %ot to$d
it !) father %or !) !other# a%d sha$$ & te$$ it
17 A%d she we"t .efore hi! the se/e% da)s#
whi$e their feast $asted- a%d it a!e to "ass o%
the se/e%th da)# that he to$d her# .eause she
$a) sore u"o% hi!- a%d she to$d the ridd$e to
the hi$dre% of her "eo"$e0
18 A%d the !e% of the it) said u%to hi! o%
the se/e%th da) .efore the su% we%t dow%#
+hat is sweeter tha% ho%e), a%d what is
stro%*er tha% a $io%, A%d he said u%to the!# &f
)e had %ot "$owed with !) heifer# )e had %ot
fou%d out !) ridd$e0
19 5 A%d the S"irit of the (ORD a!e u"o%
hi!# a%d he we%t dow% to Ash'e$o%# a%d s$ew
thirt) !e% of the!# a%d too' their s"oi$# a%d
*a/e ha%*e of *ar!e%ts u%to the! whih
e<"ou%ded the ridd$e0 A%d his a%*er was
'i%d$ed# a%d he we%t u" to his father9s house0
20 But Sa!so%9s wife was given to his
o!"a%io%# who! he had used as his frie%d0
1 But it a!e to "ass withi% a whi$e after# i%
the ti!e of wheat har/est# that Sa!so% /isited
his wife with a 'id1 a%d he said# & wi$$ *o i% to
!) wife i%to the ha!.er0 But her father
wou$d %ot suffer hi! to *o i%0
2 A%d her father said# & /eri$) thou*ht that
thou hadst utter$) hated her1 therefore & *a/e
her to th) o!"a%io%- is %ot her )ou%*er sister
fairer tha% she, ta'e her# & "ra) thee# i%stead of
3 5 A%d Sa!so% said o%er%i%* the!# Now
sha$$ & .e !ore .$a!e$ess tha% the Phi$isti%es#
thou*h & do the! a dis"$easure0
4 A%d Sa!so% we%t a%d au*ht three
hu%dred fo<es# a%d too' fire.ra%ds# a%d tur%ed
tai$ to tai$# a%d "ut a fire.ra%d i% the !idst
.etwee% two tai$s0
5 A%d whe% he had set the .ra%ds o% fire# he
$et them *o i%to the sta%di%* or% of the
Phi$isti%es# a%d .ur%t u" .oth the sho's# a%d
a$so the sta%di%* or%# with the /i%e)ards and
6 5 The% the Phi$isti%es said# +ho hath do%e
this, A%d the) a%swered# Sa!so%# the so% i%
$aw of the Ti!%ite# .eause he had ta'e% his
wife# a%d *i/e% her to his o!"a%io%0 A%d the
Phi$isti%es a!e u"# a%d .ur%t her a%d her
father with fire0
7 5 A%d Sa!so% said u%to the!# Thou*h )e
ha/e do%e this# )et wi$$ & .e a/e%*ed of )ou#
a%d after that & wi$$ ease0
8 A%d he s!ote the! hi" a%d thi*h with a
*reat s$au*hter- a%d he we%t dow% a%d dwe$t
i% the to" of the ro' Eta!0
9 5 The% the Phi$isti%es we%t u"# a%d "ithed
i% Judah# a%d s"read the!se$/es i% (ehi0
10 A%d the !e% of Judah said# +h) are )e
o!e u" a*ai%st us, A%d the) a%swered# To
.i%d Sa!so% are we o!e u"# to do to hi! as
he hath do%e to us0
11 The% three thousa%d !e% of Judah we%t
to the to" of the ro' Eta!# a%d said to
Sa!so%# K%owest thou %ot that the Phi$isti%es
are ru$ers o/er us, what is this that thou hast
do%e u%to us, A%d he said u%to the!# As the)
did u%to !e# so ha/e & do%e u%to the!0
12 A%d the) said u%to hi!# +e are o!e
dow% to .i%d thee# that we !a) de$i/er thee
i%to the ha%d of the Phi$isti%es0 A%d Sa!so%
said u%to the!# Swear u%to !e# that )e wi$$
%ot fa$$ u"o% !e )ourse$/es0
13 A%d the) s"a'e u%to hi!# sa)i%*# No1 .ut
we wi$$ .i%d thee fast# a%d de$i/er thee i%to
their ha%d- .ut sure$) we wi$$ %ot 'i$$ thee0
A%d the) .ou%d hi! with two %ew ords# a%d
.rou*ht hi! u" fro! the ro'0
14 5 And whe% he a!e u%to (ehi# the
Phi$isti%es shouted a*ai%st hi!- a%d the S"irit
of the (ORD a!e !i*hti$) u"o% hi!# a%d the
ords that were u"o% his ar!s .ea!e as f$a<
that was .ur%t with fire# a%d his .a%ds $oosed
fro! off his ha%ds0
15 A%d he fou%d a %ew 7aw.o%e of a% ass#
a%d "ut forth his ha%d# a%d too' it# a%d s$ew a
thousa%d !e% therewith0
16 A%d Sa!so% said# +ith the 7aw.o%e of
a% ass# hea"s u"o% hea"s# with the 7aw of a%
ass ha/e & s$ai% a thousa%d !e%0
17 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% he had !ade
a% e%d of s"ea'i%*# that he ast awa) the
7aw.o%e out of his ha%d# a%d a$$ed that "$ae
18 5 A%d he was sore athirst# a%d a$$ed o%
the (ORD# a%d said# Thou hast *i/e% this
*reat de$i/era%e i%to the ha%d of th) ser/a%t-
a%d %ow sha$$ & die for thirst# a%d fa$$ i%to the
ha%d of the u%iru!ised,
19 But God $a/e a% ho$$ow "$ae that was
i% the 7aw# a%d there a!e water thereout1 a%d
whe% he had dru%'# his s"irit a!e a*ai%# a%d
he re/i/ed- wherefore he a$$ed the %a!e
thereof E%3ha''ore# whih is i% (ehi u%to this
20 A%d he 7ud*ed &srae$ i% the da)s of the
Phi$isti%es twe%t) )ears0
1 The% we%t Sa!so% to Ga2a# a%d saw there
a% har$ot# a%d we%t i% u%to her0
2 And it was told the Ga2ites# sa)i%*#
Sa!so% is o!e hither0 A%d the) o!"assed
him i%# a%d $aid wait for hi! a$$ %i*ht i% the
*ate of the it)# a%d were 4uiet a$$ the %i*ht#
sa)i%*# &% the !or%i%*# whe% it is da)# we
sha$$ 'i$$ hi!0
3 A%d Sa!so% $a) ti$$ !id%i*ht# a%d arose at
!id%i*ht# a%d too' the doors of the *ate of the
it)# a%d the two "osts# a%d we%t awa) with
the!# .ar a%d a$$# a%d "ut them u"o% his
shou$ders# a%d arried the! u" to the to" of a%
hi$$ that is .efore He.ro%0
4 5 A%d it a!e to "ass afterward# that he
$o/ed a wo!a% i% the /a$$e) of Sore'# whose
%a!e was De$i$ah0
5 A%d the $ords of the Phi$isti%es a!e u"
u%to her# a%d said u%to her# E%tie hi!# a%d
see wherei% his *reat stre%*th lieth# a%d .)
what means we !a) "re/ai$ a*ai%st hi!# that
we !a) .i%d hi! to aff$it hi!- a%d we wi$$
*i/e thee e/er) o%e of us e$e/e% hu%dred
pieces of si$/er0
6 5 A%d De$i$ah said to Sa!so%# Te$$ !e# &
"ra) thee# wherei% th) *reat stre%*th lieth# a%d
wherewith thou !i*htest .e .ou%d to aff$it
7 A%d Sa!so% said u%to her# &f the) .i%d !e
with se/e% *ree% withs that were %e/er dried#
the% sha$$ & .e wea'# a%d .e as a%other !a%0
8 The% the $ords of the Phi$isti%es .rou*ht
u" to her se/e% *ree% withs whih had %ot
.ee% dried# a%d she .ou%d hi! with the!0
9 Now there were !e% $)i%* i% wait# a.idi%*
with her i% the ha!.er0 A%d she said u%to
hi!# The Phi$isti%es be u"o% thee# Sa!so%0
A%d he .ra'e the withs# as a thread of tow is
.ro'e% whe% it touheth the fire0 So his
stre%*th was %ot '%ow%0
10 A%d De$i$ah said u%to Sa!so%# Beho$d#
thou hast !o'ed !e# a%d to$d !e $ies- %ow
te$$ !e# & "ra) thee# wherewith thou !i*htest
.e .ou%d0
11 A%d he said u%to her# &f the) .i%d !e fast
with %ew ro"es that %e/er were ou"ied# the%
sha$$ & .e wea'# a%d .e as a%other !a%0
12 De$i$ah therefore too' %ew ro"es# a%d
.ou%d hi! therewith# a%d said u%to hi!# The
Phi$isti%es be u"o% thee# Sa!so%0 A%d there
were $iers i% wait a.idi%* i% the ha!.er0 A%d
he .ra'e the! fro! off his ar!s $i'e a thread0
13 A%d De$i$ah said u%to Sa!so%# Hitherto
thou hast !o'ed !e# a%d to$d !e $ies- te$$ !e
wherewith thou !i*htest .e .ou%d0 A%d he
said u%to her# &f thou wea/est the se/e% $o's
of !) head with the we.0
14 A%d she faste%ed it with the "i%# a%d said
u%to hi!# The Phi$isti%es be u"o% thee#
Sa!so%0 A%d he awa'ed out of his s$ee"# a%d
we%t awa) with the "i% of the .ea!# a%d with
the we.0
15 5 A%d she said u%to hi!# How a%st thou
sa)# & $o/e thee# whe% thi%e heart is %ot with
!e, thou hast !o'ed !e these three ti!es#
a%d hast %ot to$d !e wherei% th) *reat
stre%*th lieth0
16 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% she "ressed
hi! dai$) with her words# a%d ur*ed hi!# so
that his sou$ was /e<ed u%to death1
17 That he to$d her a$$ his heart# a%d said
u%to her# There hath %ot o!e a ra2or u"o%
!i%e head1 for & have been a Na2arite u%to
God fro! !) !other9s wo!.- if & .e sha/e%#
the% !) stre%*th wi$$ *o fro! !e# a%d & sha$$
.eo!e wea'# a%d .e $i'e a%) other !a%0
18 A%d whe% De$i$ah saw that he had to$d
her a$$ his heart# she se%t a%d a$$ed for the
$ords of the Phi$isti%es# sa)i%*# Co!e u" this
o%e# for he hath shewed !e a$$ his heart0
The% the $ords of the Phi$isti%es a!e u" u%to
her# a%d .rou*ht !o%e) i% their ha%d0
19 A%d she !ade hi! s$ee" u"o% her '%ees1
a%d she a$$ed for a !a%# a%d she aused hi!
to sha/e off the se/e% $o's of his head1 a%d
she .e*a% to aff$it hi!# a%d his stre%*th we%t
fro! hi!0
20 A%d she said# The Phi$isti%es be u"o%
thee# Sa!so%0 A%d he awo'e out of his s$ee"#
a%d said# & wi$$ *o out as at other ti!es .efore#
a%d sha'e !)se$f0 A%d he wist %ot that the
(ORD was de"arted fro! hi!0
21 5 But the Phi$isti%es too' hi!# a%d "ut
out his e)es# a%d .rou*ht hi! dow% to Ga2a#
a%d .ou%d hi! with fetters of .rass1 a%d he
did *ri%d i% the "riso% house0
22 How.eit the hair of his head .e*a% to
*row a*ai% after he was sha/e%0
23 The% the $ords of the Phi$isti%es *athered
the! to*ether for to offer a *reat sarifie u%to
Da*o% their *od# a%d to re7oie- for the) said#
Our *od hath de$i/ered Sa!so% our e%e!)
i%to our ha%d0
24 A%d whe% the "eo"$e saw hi!# the)
"raised their *od- for the) said# Our *od hath
de$i/ered i%to our ha%ds our e%e!)# a%d the
destro)er of our ou%tr)# whih s$ew !a%) of
25 A%d it a!e to "ass# whe% their hearts
were !err)# that the) said# Ca$$ for Sa!so%#
that he !a) !a'e us s"ort0 A%d the) a$$ed for
Sa!so% out of the "riso% house1 a%d he !ade
the! s"ort- a%d the) set hi! .etwee% the
26 A%d Sa!so% said u%to the $ad that he$d
hi! .) the ha%d# Suffer !e that & !a) fee$ the
"i$$ars whereu"o% the house sta%deth# that &
!a) $ea% u"o% the!0
27 Now the house was fu$$ of !e% a%d
wo!e%1 a%d a$$ the $ords of the Phi$isti%es
were there1 a%d there were u"o% the roof a.out
three thousa%d !e% a%d wo!e%# that .ehe$d
whi$e Sa!so% !ade s"ort0
28 A%d Sa!so% a$$ed u%to the (ORD# a%d
said# O (ord GOD# re!e!.er !e# & "ra) thee#
a%d stre%*the% !e# & "ra) thee# o%$) this o%e#
O God# that & !a) .e at o%e a/e%*ed of the
Phi$isti%es for !) two e)es0
29 A%d Sa!so% too' ho$d of the two !idd$e
"i$$ars u"o% whih the house stood# a%d o%
whih it was .or%e u"# of the o%e with his
ri*ht ha%d# a%d of the other with his $eft0
30 A%d Sa!so% said# (et !e die with the
Phi$isti%es0 A%d he .owed hi!se$f with all his
!i*ht1 a%d the house fe$$ u"o% the $ords# a%d
u"o% a$$ the "eo"$e that were therei%0 So the
dead whih he s$ew at his death were !ore
tha% they whih he s$ew i% his $ife0
31 The% his .rethre% a%d a$$ the house of his
father a!e dow%# a%d too' hi!# a%d .rou*ht
him u"# a%d .uried hi! .etwee% ;orah a%d
Eshtao$ i% the .ur)i%*"$ae of :a%oah his
father0 A%d he 7ud*ed &srae$ twe%t) )ears0
1 A%d there was a !a% of !ou%t E"hrai!#
whose %a!e was :iah0
2 A%d he said u%to his !other# The e$e/e%
hu%dred shekels of si$/er that were ta'e% fro!
thee# a.out whih thou ursedst# a%d s"a'est
of a$so i% !i%e ears# .eho$d# the si$/er is with
!e1 & too' it0 A%d his !other said# B$essed be
thou of the (ORD# !) so%0
3 A%d whe% he had restored the e$e/e%
hu%dred shekels of si$/er to his !other# his
!other said# & had who$$) dediated the si$/er
u%to the (ORD fro! !) ha%d for !) so%# to
!a'e a *ra/e% i!a*e a%d a !o$te% i!a*e-
%ow therefore & wi$$ restore it u%to thee0
4 Get he restored the !o%e) u%to his !other1
a%d his !other too' two hu%dred shekels of
si$/er# a%d *a/e the! to the fou%der# who
!ade thereof a *ra/e% i!a*e a%d a !o$te%
i!a*e- a%d the) were i% the house of :iah0
5 A%d the !a% :iah had a% house of *ods#
a%d !ade a% e"hod# a%d tera"hi!# a%d
o%serated o%e of his so%s# who .ea!e his
6 &% those da)s there was %o 'i%* i% &srae$#
but e/er) !a% did that which was ri*ht i% his
ow% e)es0
7 5 A%d there was a )ou%* !a% out of Beth3
$ehe!37udah of the fa!i$) of Judah# who was
a (e/ite# a%d he so7our%ed there0
8 A%d the !a% de"arted out of the it) fro!
Beth3$ehe!37udah to so7our% where he ou$d
fi%d a place- a%d he a!e to !ou%t E"hrai!
to the house of :iah# as he 7our%e)ed0
9 A%d :iah said u%to hi!# +he%e o!est
thou, A%d he said u%to hi!# & am a (e/ite of
Beth3$ehe!37udah# a%d & *o to so7our% where &
!a) fi%d a place0
10 A%d :iah said u%to hi!# Dwe$$ with
!e# a%d .e u%to !e a father a%d a "riest# a%d &
wi$$ *i/e thee te% shekels of si$/er .) the )ear#
a%d a suit of a""are$# a%d th) /itua$s0 So the
(e/ite we%t i%0
11 A%d the (e/ite was o%te%t to dwe$$ with
the !a%1 a%d the )ou%* !a% was u%to hi! as
o%e of his so%s0
12 A%d :iah o%serated the (e/ite1 a%d
the )ou%* !a% .ea!e his "riest# a%d was i%
the house of :iah0
13 The% said :iah# Now '%ow & that the
(ORD wi$$ do !e *ood# seei%* & ha/e a (e/ite
to my "riest0
1 &% those da)s there was %o 'i%* i% &srae$-
a%d i% those da)s the tri.e of the Da%ites
sou*ht the! a% i%herita%e to dwe$$ i%1 for
u%to that da) all their i%herita%e had %ot
fa$$e% u%to the! a!o%* the tri.es of &srae$0
2 A%d the hi$dre% of Da% se%t of their
fa!i$) fi/e !e% fro! their oasts# !e% of
/a$our# fro! ;orah# a%d fro! Eshtao$# to s")
out the $a%d# a%d to searh it1 a%d the) said
u%to the!# Go# searh the $a%d- who whe%
the) a!e to !ou%t E"hrai!# to the house of
:iah# the) $od*ed there0
3 +he% the) were .) the house of :iah#
the) '%ew the /oie of the )ou%* !a% the
(e/ite- a%d the) tur%ed i% thither# a%d said
u%to hi!# +ho .rou*ht thee hither, a%d what
!a'est thou i% this place, a%d what hast thou
4 A%d he said u%to the!# Thus a%d thus
dea$eth :iah with !e# a%d hath hired !e#
a%d & a! his "riest0
5 A%d the) said u%to hi!# As' ou%se$# we
"ra) thee# of God# that we !a) '%ow whether
our wa) whih we *o sha$$ .e "ros"erous0
6 A%d the "riest said u%to the!# Go i%
"eae- .efore the (ORD is )our wa) wherei%
)e *o0
7 5 The% the fi/e !e% de"arted# a%d a!e to
(aish# a%d saw the "eo"$e that were therei%#
how the) dwe$t are$ess# after the !a%%er of
the ;ido%ia%s# 4uiet a%d seure1 a%d there was
%o !a*istrate i% the $a%d# that !i*ht "ut them
to sha!e i% any thi%*1 a%d the) were far fro!
the ;ido%ia%s# a%d had %o .usi%ess with any
8 A%d the) a!e u%to their .rethre% to
;orah a%d Eshtao$- a%d their .rethre% said
u%to the!# +hat say )e,
9 A%d the) said# Arise# that we !a) *o u"
a*ai%st the!- for we ha/e see% the $a%d# a%d#
.eho$d# it is /er) *ood- a%d are )e sti$$, .e %ot
s$othfu$ to *o# and to e%ter to "ossess the $a%d0
10 +he% )e *o# )e sha$$ o!e u%to a "eo"$e
seure# a%d to a $ar*e $a%d- for God hath *i/e%
it i%to )our ha%ds1 a "$ae where there is %o
wa%t of a%) thi%* that is i% the earth0
11 5 A%d there we%t fro! the%e of the
fa!i$) of the Da%ites# out of ;orah a%d out of
Eshtao$# si< hu%dred !e% a""oi%ted with
wea"o%s of war0
12 A%d the) we%t u"# a%d "ithed i% Kir7ath3
7eari!# i% Judah- wherefore the) a$$ed that
"$ae :aha%eh3da% u%to this da)- .eho$d# it is
.ehi%d Kir7ath37eari!0
13 A%d the) "assed the%e u%to !ou%t
E"hrai!# a%d a!e u%to the house of :iah0
14 5 The% a%swered the fi/e !e% that we%t
to s") out the ou%tr) of (aish# a%d said u%to
their .rethre%# Do )e '%ow that there is i%
these houses a% e"hod# a%d tera"hi!# a%d a
*ra/e% i!a*e# a%d a !o$te% i!a*e, %ow
therefore o%sider what )e ha/e to do0
15 A%d the) tur%ed thitherward# a%d a!e to
the house of the )ou%* !a% the (e/ite# even
u%to the house of :iah# a%d sa$uted hi!0
16 A%d the si< hu%dred !e% a""oi%ted with
their wea"o%s of war# whih were of the
hi$dre% of Da%# stood .) the e%teri%* of the
17 A%d the fi/e !e% that we%t to s") out the
$a%d we%t u"# and a!e i% thither# and too'
the *ra/e% i!a*e# a%d the e"hod# a%d the
tera"hi!# a%d the !o$te% i!a*e- a%d the "riest
stood i% the e%teri%* of the *ate with the si<
hu%dred !e% that were a""oi%ted with
wea"o%s of war0
18 A%d these we%t i%to :iah9s house# a%d
fethed the ar/ed i!a*e# the e"hod# a%d the
tera"hi!# a%d the !o$te% i!a*e0 The% said the
"riest u%to the!# +hat do )e,
19 A%d the) said u%to hi!# Ho$d th) "eae#
$a) thi%e ha%d u"o% th) !outh# a%d *o with
us# a%d .e to us a father a%d a "riest- is it
.etter for thee to .e a "riest u%to the house of
o%e !a%# or that thou .e a "riest u%to a tri.e
a%d a fa!i$) i% &srae$,
20 A%d the "riest9s heart was *$ad# a%d he
too' the e"hod# a%d the tera"hi!# a%d the
*ra/e% i!a*e# a%d we%t i% the !idst of the
21 So the) tur%ed a%d de"arted# a%d "ut the
$itt$e o%es a%d the att$e a%d the arria*e
.efore the!0
22 5 And whe% the) were a *ood wa) fro!
the house of :iah# the !e% that were i% the
houses %ear to :iah9s house were *athered
to*ether# a%d o/ertoo' the hi$dre% of Da%0
23 A%d the) ried u%to the hi$dre% of Da%0
A%d the) tur%ed their faes# a%d said u%to
:iah# +hat ai$eth thee# that thou o!est with
suh a o!"a%),
24 A%d he said# Ge ha/e ta'e% awa) !)
*ods whih & !ade# a%d the "riest# a%d )e are
*o%e awa)- a%d what ha/e & !ore, a%d what
is this that )e sa) u%to !e# +hat ai$eth thee,
25 A%d the hi$dre% of Da% said u%to hi!#
(et %ot th) /oie .e heard a!o%* us# $est
a%*r) fe$$ows ru% u"o% thee# a%d thou $ose th)
$ife# with the $i/es of th) househo$d0
26 A%d the hi$dre% of Da% we%t their wa)-
a%d whe% :iah saw that the) were too stro%*
for hi!# he tur%ed a%d we%t .a' u%to his
27 A%d the) too' the things whih :iah
had !ade# a%d the "riest whih he had# a%d
a!e u%to (aish# u%to a "eo"$e that were at
4uiet a%d seure- a%d the) s!ote the! with
the ed*e of the sword# a%d .ur%t the it) with
28 A%d there was %o de$i/erer# .eause it
was far fro! ;ido%# a%d the) had %o .usi%ess
with any !a%1 a%d it was i% the /a$$e) that
lieth .) Beth3reho.0 A%d the) .ui$t a it)# a%d
dwe$t therei%0
29 A%d the) a$$ed the %a!e of the it) Da%#
after the %a!e of Da% their father# who was
.or% u%to &srae$- how.eit the %a!e of the it)
was (aish at the first0
30 5 A%d the hi$dre% of Da% set u" the
*ra/e% i!a*e- a%d Jo%atha%# the so% of
Gersho!# the so% of :a%asseh# he a%d his
so%s were "riests to the tri.e of Da% u%ti$ the
da) of the a"ti/it) of the $a%d0
31 A%d the) set the! u" :iah9s *ra/e%
i!a*e# whih he !ade# a$$ the ti!e that the
house of God was i% Shi$oh0
1 A%d it a!e to "ass i% those da)s# whe%
there was %o 'i%* i% &srae$# that there was a
ertai% (e/ite so7our%i%* o% the side of !ou%t
E"hrai!# who too' to hi! a o%u.i%e out of
2 A%d his o%u.i%e "$a)ed the whore
a*ai%st hi!# a%d we%t awa) fro! hi! u%to her
father9s house to Beth3$ehe!37udah# a%d was
there four who$e !o%ths0
3 A%d her hus.a%d arose# a%d we%t after her#
to s"ea' frie%d$) u%to her# and to .ri%* her
a*ai%# ha/i%* his ser/a%t with hi!# a%d a
ou"$e of asses- a%d she .rou*ht hi! i%to her
father9s house- a%d whe% the father of the
da!se$ saw hi!# he re7oied to !eet hi!0
4 A%d his father i% $aw# the da!se$9s father#
retai%ed hi!1 a%d he a.ode with hi! three
da)s- so the) did eat a%d dri%'# a%d $od*ed
5 5 A%d it a!e to "ass o% the fourth da)#
whe% the) arose ear$) i% the !or%i%*# that he
rose u" to de"art- a%d the da!se$9s father said
u%to his so% i% $aw# Co!fort thi%e heart with a
!orse$ of .read# a%d afterward *o )our wa)0
6 A%d the) sat dow%# a%d did eat a%d dri%'
.oth of the! to*ether- for the da!se$9s father
had said u%to the !a%# Be o%te%t# & "ra) thee#
a%d tarr) a$$ %i*ht# a%d $et thi%e heart .e
7 A%d whe% the !a% rose u" to de"art# his
father i% $aw ur*ed hi!- therefore he $od*ed
there a*ai%0
8 A%d he arose ear$) i% the !or%i%* o% the
fifth da) to de"art- a%d the da!se$9s father
said# Co!fort thi%e heart# & "ra) thee0 A%d
the) tarried u%ti$ after%oo%# a%d the) did eat
.oth of the!0
9 A%d whe% the !a% rose u" to de"art# he#
a%d his o%u.i%e# a%d his ser/a%t# his father
i% $aw# the da!se$9s father# said u%to hi!#
Beho$d# %ow the da) draweth toward e/e%i%*#
& "ra) )ou tarr) a$$ %i*ht- .eho$d# the da)
*roweth to a% e%d# $od*e here# that thi%e heart
!a) .e !err)1 a%d to !orrow *et )ou ear$) o%
)our wa)# that thou !a)est *o ho!e0
10 But the !a% wou$d %ot tarr) that %i*ht#
.ut he rose u" a%d de"arted# a%d a!e o/er
a*ai%st Je.us# whih is Jerusa$e!1 a%d there
were with hi! two asses sadd$ed# his
o%u.i%e a$so was with hi!0
11 And whe% the) were .) Je.us# the da)
was far s"e%t1 a%d the ser/a%t said u%to his
!aster# Co!e# & "ra) thee# a%d $et us tur% i%
i%to this it) of the Je.usites# a%d $od*e i% it0
12 A%d his !aster said u%to hi!# +e wi$$
%ot tur% aside hither i%to the it) of a stra%*er#
that is %ot of the hi$dre% of &srae$1 we wi$$
"ass o/er to Gi.eah0
13 A%d he said u%to his ser/a%t# Co!e# a%d
$et us draw %ear to o%e of these "$aes to $od*e
a$$ %i*ht# i% Gi.eah# or i% Ra!ah0
14 A%d the) "assed o% a%d we%t their wa)1
a%d the su% we%t dow% u"o% the! when they
were .) Gi.eah# whih belongeth to
15 A%d the) tur%ed aside thither# to *o i%
and to $od*e i% Gi.eah- a%d whe% he we%t i%#
he sat hi! dow% i% a street of the it)- for
there was %o !a% that too' the! i%to his
house to $od*i%*0
16 5 A%d# .eho$d# there a!e a% o$d !a%
fro! his wor' out of the fie$d at e/e%# whih
was a$so of !ou%t E"hrai!1 a%d he so7our%ed
i% Gi.eah- .ut the !e% of the "$ae were
17 A%d whe% he had $ifted u" his e)es# he
saw a wa)fari%* !a% i% the street of the it)-
a%d the o$d !a% said# +hither *oest thou, a%d
whe%e o!est thou,
18 A%d he said u%to hi!# +e are "assi%*
fro! Beth3$ehe!37udah toward the side of
!ou%t E"hrai!1 fro! the%e am &- a%d & we%t
to Beth3$ehe!37udah# .ut & am now *oi%* to
the house of the (ORD1 a%d there is %o !a%
that reei/eth !e to house0
19 Get there is .oth straw a%d "ro/e%der for
our asses1 a%d there is .read a%d wi%e a$so for
!e# a%d for th) ha%d!aid# a%d for the )ou%*
!a% which is with th) ser/a%ts- there is %o
wa%t of a%) thi%*0
20 A%d the o$d !a% said# Peae be with thee1
howsoe/er let a$$ th) wa%ts lie u"o% !e1 o%$)
$od*e %ot i% the street0
21 So he .rou*ht hi! i%to his house# a%d
*a/e "ro/e%der u%to the asses- a%d the)
washed their feet# a%d did eat a%d dri%'0
22 5 Now as the) were !a'i%* their hearts
!err)# .eho$d# the !e% of the it)# ertai% so%s
of Be$ia$# .eset the house rou%d a.out# and
.eat at the door# a%d s"a'e to the !aster of the
house# the o$d !a%# sa)i%*# Bri%* forth the
!a% that a!e i%to thi%e house# that we !a)
'%ow hi!0
23 A%d the !a%# the !aster of the house#
we%t out u%to the!# a%d said u%to the!# Na)#
!) .rethre%# nay# & "ra) )ou# do %ot so
wi'ed$)1 seei%* that this !a% is o!e i%to
!i%e house# do %ot this fo$$)0
24 Beho$d# here is !) dau*hter a !aide%#
a%d his o%u.i%e1 the! & wi$$ .ri%* out %ow#
a%d hu!.$e )e the!# a%d do with the! what
see!eth *ood u%to )ou- .ut u%to this !a% do
%ot so /i$e a thi%*0
25 But the !e% wou$d %ot hear'e% to hi!-
so the !a% too' his o%u.i%e# a%d .rou*ht
her forth u%to the!1 a%d the) '%ew her# a%d
a.used her a$$ the %i*ht u%ti$ the !or%i%*- a%d
whe% the da) .e*a% to s"ri%*# the) $et her *o0
26 The% a!e the wo!a% i% the daw%i%* of
the da)# a%d fe$$ dow% at the door of the !a%9s
house where her $ord was# ti$$ it was $i*ht0
27 A%d her $ord rose u" i% the !or%i%*# a%d
o"e%ed the doors of the house# a%d we%t out to
*o his wa)- a%d# .eho$d# the wo!a% his
o%u.i%e was fa$$e% dow% at the door of the
house# a%d her ha%ds were u"o% the thresho$d0
28 A%d he said u%to her# U"# a%d $et us .e
*oi%*0 But %o%e a%swered0 The% the !a% too'
her up u"o% a% ass# a%d the !a% rose u"# a%d
*at hi! u%to his "$ae0
29 5 A%d whe% he was o!e i%to his house#
he too' a '%ife# a%d $aid ho$d o% his
o%u.i%e# a%d di/ided her# together with her
.o%es# i%to twe$/e "iees# a%d se%t her i%to a$$
the oasts of &srae$0
30 A%d it was so# that a$$ that saw it said#
There was %o suh deed do%e %or see% fro!
the da) that the hi$dre% of &srae$ a!e u" out
of the $a%d of E*)"t u%to this da)- o%sider of
it# ta'e ad/ie# a%d s"ea' your minds0
1 The% a$$ the hi$dre% of &srae$ we%t out#
a%d the o%*re*atio% was *athered to*ether as
o%e !a%# fro! Da% e/e% to Beer3she.a# with
the $a%d of Gi$ead# u%to the (ORD i% :i2"eh0
2 A%d the hief of a$$ the "eo"$e# even of a$$
the tri.es of &srae$# "rese%ted the!se$/es i% the
asse!.$) of the "eo"$e of God# four hu%dred
thousa%d foot!e% that drew sword0
3 6Now the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% heard that
the hi$dre% of &srae$ were *o%e u" to
:i2"eh08 The% said the hi$dre% of &srae$# Te$$
us# how was this wi'ed%ess,
4 A%d the (e/ite# the hus.a%d of the wo!a%
that was s$ai%# a%swered a%d said# & a!e i%to
Gi.eah that belongeth to Be%7a!i%# & a%d !)
o%u.i%e# to $od*e0
5 A%d the !e% of Gi.eah rose a*ai%st !e#
a%d .eset the house rou%d a.out u"o% !e .)
%i*ht# and thou*ht to ha/e s$ai% !e- a%d !)
o%u.i%e ha/e the) fored# that she is dead0
6 A%d & too' !) o%u.i%e# a%d ut her i%
"iees# a%d se%t her throu*hout a$$ the ou%tr)
of the i%herita%e of &srae$- for the) ha/e
o!!itted $ewd%ess a%d fo$$) i% &srae$0
7 Beho$d# )e are a$$ hi$dre% of &srae$1 *i/e
here )our ad/ie a%d ou%se$0
8 5 A%d a$$ the "eo"$e arose as o%e !a%#
sa)i%*# +e wi$$ %ot a%) of us *o to his te%t#
%either wi$$ we a%) of us tur% i%to his house0
9 But %ow this shall be the thi%* whih we
wi$$ do to Gi.eah1 we will go up .) $ot a*ai%st
10 A%d we wi$$ ta'e te% !e% of a% hu%dred
throu*hout a$$ the tri.es of &srae$# a%d a%
hu%dred of a thousa%d# a%d a thousa%d out of
te% thousa%d# to feth /itua$ for the "eo"$e#
that the) !a) do# whe% the) o!e to Gi.eah
of Be%7a!i%# aordi%* to a$$ the fo$$) that
the) ha/e wrou*ht i% &srae$0
11 So a$$ the !e% of &srae$ were *athered
a*ai%st the it)# '%it to*ether as o%e !a%0
12 5 A%d the tri.es of &srae$ se%t !e%
throu*h a$$ the tri.e of Be%7a!i%# sa)i%*#
+hat wi'ed%ess is this that is do%e a!o%*
13 Now therefore de$i/er us the !e%# the
hi$dre% of Be$ia$# whih are i% Gi.eah# that
we !a) "ut the! to death# a%d "ut awa) e/i$
fro! &srae$0 But the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i%
wou$d %ot hear'e% to the /oie of their
.rethre% the hi$dre% of &srae$-
14 But the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% *athered
the!se$/es to*ether out of the ities u%to
Gi.eah# to *o out to .att$e a*ai%st the hi$dre%
of &srae$0
15 A%d the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% were
%u!.ered at that ti!e out of the ities twe%t)
a%d si< thousa%d !e% that drew sword# .eside
the i%ha.ita%ts of Gi.eah# whih were
%u!.ered se/e% hu%dred hose% !e%0
16 A!o%* a$$ this "eo"$e there were se/e%
hu%dred hose% !e% $eftha%ded1 e/er) o%e
ou$d s$i%* sto%es at a% hair breadth# a%d %ot
17 A%d the !e% of &srae$# .eside Be%7a!i%#
were %u!.ered four hu%dred thousa%d !e%
that drew sword- a$$ these were !e% of war0
18 5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ arose# a%d
we%t u" to the house of God# a%d as'ed
ou%se$ of God# a%d said# +hih of us sha$$ *o
u" first to the .att$e a*ai%st the hi$dre% of
Be%7a!i%, A%d the (ORD said# Judah shall
go up first0
19 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ rose u" i% the
!or%i%*# a%d e%a!"ed a*ai%st Gi.eah0
20 A%d the !e% of &srae$ we%t out to .att$e
a*ai%st Be%7a!i%1 a%d the !e% of &srae$ "ut
the!se$/es i% arra) to fi*ht a*ai%st the! at
21 A%d the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% a!e forth
out of Gi.eah# a%d destro)ed dow% to the
*rou%d of the &srae$ites that da) twe%t) a%d
two thousa%d !e%0
22 A%d the "eo"$e the !e% of &srae$
e%oura*ed the!se$/es# a%d set their .att$e
a*ai% i% arra) i% the "$ae where the) "ut
the!se$/es i% arra) the first da)0
23 6A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ we%t u" a%d
we"t .efore the (ORD u%ti$ e/e%# a%d as'ed
ou%se$ of the (ORD# sa)i%*# Sha$$ & *o u"
a*ai% to .att$e a*ai%st the hi$dre% of
Be%7a!i% !) .rother, A%d the (ORD said#
Go u" a*ai%st hi!08
24 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ a!e %ear
a*ai%st the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% the seo%d
25 A%d Be%7a!i% we%t forth a*ai%st the!
out of Gi.eah the seo%d da)# a%d destro)ed
dow% to the *rou%d of the hi$dre% of &srae$
a*ai% ei*htee% thousa%d !e%1 a$$ these drew
the sword0
26 5 The% a$$ the hi$dre% of &srae$# a%d a$$
the "eo"$e# we%t u"# a%d a!e u%to the house
of God# a%d we"t# a%d sat there .efore the
(ORD# a%d fasted that da) u%ti$ e/e%# a%d
offered .ur%t offeri%*s a%d "eae offeri%*s
.efore the (ORD0
27 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ e%4uired of the
(ORD# 6for the ar' of the o/e%a%t of God
was there i% those da)s#
28 A%d Phi%ehas# the so% of E$ea2ar# the so%
of Aaro%# stood .efore it i% those da)s#8
sa)i%*# Sha$$ & )et a*ai% *o out to .att$e
a*ai%st the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% !) .rother#
or sha$$ & ease, A%d the (ORD said# Go u"1
for to !orrow & wi$$ de$i/er the! i%to thi%e
29 A%d &srae$ set $iers i% wait rou%d a.out
30 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ we%t u" a*ai%st
the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% o% the third da)# a%d
"ut the!se$/es i% arra) a*ai%st Gi.eah# as at
other ti!es0
31 A%d the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% we%t out
a*ai%st the "eo"$e# and were draw% awa) fro!
the it)1 a%d the) .e*a% to s!ite of the "eo"$e#
and 'i$$# as at other ti!es# i% the hi*hwa)s# of
whih o%e *oeth u" to the house of God# a%d
the other to Gi.eah i% the fie$d# a.out thirt)
!e% of &srae$0
32 A%d the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% said# The)
are s!itte% dow% .efore us# as at the first0 But
the hi$dre% of &srae$ said# (et us f$ee# a%d
draw the! fro! the it) u%to the hi*hwa)s0
33 A%d a$$ the !e% of &srae$ rose u" out of
their "$ae# a%d "ut the!se$/es i% arra) at
Baa$3ta!ar- a%d the $iers i% wait of &srae$ a!e
forth out of their "$aes# even out of the
!eadows of Gi.eah0
34 A%d there a!e a*ai%st Gi.eah te%
thousa%d hose% !e% out of a$$ &srae$# a%d the
.att$e was sore- .ut the) '%ew %ot that e/i$
was %ear the!0
35 A%d the (ORD s!ote Be%7a!i% .efore
&srae$- a%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ destro)ed of
the Be%7a!ites that da) twe%t) a%d fi/e
thousa%d a%d a% hu%dred !e%- a$$ these drew
the sword0
36 So the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% saw that
the) were s!itte%- for the !e% of &srae$ *a/e
"$ae to the Be%7a!ites# .eause the) trusted
u%to the $iers i% wait whih the) had set .eside
37 A%d the $iers i% wait hasted# a%d rushed
u"o% Gi.eah1 a%d the $iers i% wait drew
themselves a$o%*# a%d s!ote a$$ the it) with
the ed*e of the sword0
38 Now there was a% a""oi%ted si*%
.etwee% the !e% of &srae$ a%d the $iers i% wait#
that the) shou$d !a'e a *reat f$a!e with
s!o'e rise u" out of the it)0
39 A%d whe% the !e% of &srae$ retired i% the
.att$e# Be%7a!i% .e*a% to s!ite and 'i$$ of the
!e% of &srae$ a.out thirt) "erso%s- for the)
said# Sure$) the) are s!itte% dow% .efore us#
as in the first .att$e0
40 But whe% the f$a!e .e*a% to arise u" out
of the it) with a "i$$ar of s!o'e# the
Be%7a!ites $oo'ed .ehi%d the!# a%d# .eho$d#
the f$a!e of the it) ase%ded u" to hea/e%0
41 A%d whe% the !e% of &srae$ tur%ed a*ai%#
the !e% of Be%7a!i% were a!a2ed- for the)
saw that e/i$ was o!e u"o% the!0
42 Therefore the) tur%ed their backs .efore
the !e% of &srae$ u%to the wa) of the
wi$der%ess1 .ut the .att$e o/ertoo' the!1 a%d
the! whih came out of the ities the)
destro)ed i% the !idst of the!0
43 Thus the) i%$osed the Be%7a!ites rou%d
a.out# and hased the!# and trode the! dow%
with ease o/er a*ai%st Gi.eah toward the
44 A%d there fe$$ of Be%7a!i% ei*htee%
thousa%d !e%1 a$$ these were !e% of /a$our0
45 A%d the) tur%ed a%d f$ed toward the
wi$der%ess u%to the ro' of Ri!!o%- a%d the)
*$ea%ed of the! i% the hi*hwa)s fi/e thousa%d
!e%1 a%d "ursued hard after the! u%to Gido!#
a%d s$ew two thousa%d !e% of the!0
46 So that a$$ whih fe$$ that da) of
Be%7a!i% were twe%t) a%d fi/e thousa%d !e%
that drew the sword1 a$$ these were !e% of
47 But si< hu%dred !e% tur%ed a%d f$ed to
the wi$der%ess u%to the ro' Ri!!o%# a%d
a.ode i% the ro' Ri!!o% four !o%ths0
48 A%d the !e% of &srae$ tur%ed a*ai% u"o%
the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i%# a%d s!ote the!
with the ed*e of the sword# as we$$ the !e% of
every it)# as the .east# a%d a$$ that a!e to
ha%d- a$so the) set o% fire a$$ the ities that
the) a!e to0
1 Now the !e% of &srae$ had swor% i%
:i2"eh# sa)i%*# There sha$$ %ot a%) of us *i/e
his dau*hter u%to Be%7a!i% to wife0
2 A%d the "eo"$e a!e to the house of God#
a%d a.ode there ti$$ e/e% .efore God# a%d
$ifted u" their /oies# a%d we"t sore1
3 A%d said# O (ORD God of &srae$# wh) is
this o!e to "ass i% &srae$# that there shou$d .e
to da) o%e tri.e $a'i%* i% &srae$,
4 A%d it a!e to "ass o% the !orrow# that
the "eo"$e rose ear$)# a%d .ui$t there a% a$tar#
a%d offered .ur%t offeri%*s a%d "eae
5 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ said# +ho is
there a!o%* a$$ the tri.es of &srae$ that a!e
%ot u" with the o%*re*atio% u%to the (ORD,
For the) had !ade a *reat oath o%er%i%*
hi! that a!e %ot u" to the (ORD to :i2"eh#
sa)i%*# He sha$$ sure$) .e "ut to death0
6 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ re"e%ted the!
for Be%7a!i% their .rother# a%d said# There is
o%e tri.e ut off fro! &srae$ this da)0
7 How sha$$ we do for wi/es for the! that
re!ai%# seei%* we ha/e swor% .) the (ORD
that we wi$$ %ot *i/e the! of our dau*hters to
8 5 A%d the) said# +hat o%e is there of the
tri.es of &srae$ that a!e %ot u" to :i2"eh to
the (ORD, A%d# .eho$d# there a!e %o%e to
the a!" fro! Ja.esh3*i$ead to the asse!.$)0
9 For the "eo"$e were %u!.ered# a%d#
.eho$d# there were %o%e of the i%ha.ita%ts of
Ja.esh3*i$ead there0
10 A%d the o%*re*atio% se%t thither twe$/e
thousa%d !e% of the /a$ia%test# a%d
o!!a%ded the!# sa)i%*# Go a%d s!ite the
i%ha.ita%ts of Ja.esh3*i$ead with the ed*e of
the sword# with the wo!e% a%d the hi$dre%0
11 A%d this is the thi%* that )e sha$$ do# Ge
sha$$ utter$) destro) e/er) !a$e# a%d e/er)
wo!a% that hath $ai% .) !a%0
12 A%d the) fou%d a!o%* the i%ha.ita%ts of
Ja.esh3*i$ead four hu%dred )ou%* /ir*i%s# that
had '%ow% %o !a% .) $)i%* with a%) !a$e-
a%d the) .rou*ht the! u%to the a!" to
Shi$oh# whih is i% the $a%d of Ca%aa%0
13 A%d the who$e o%*re*atio% se%t some to
s"ea' to the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% that were i%
the ro' Ri!!o%# a%d to a$$ "eaea.$) u%to
14 A%d Be%7a!i% a!e a*ai% at that ti!e1
a%d the) *a/e the! wi/es whih the) had
sa/ed a$i/e of the wo!e% of Ja.esh3*i$ead-
a%d )et so the) suffied the! %ot0
15 A%d the "eo"$e re"e%ted the! for
Be%7a!i%# .eause that the (ORD had !ade a
.reah i% the tri.es of &srae$0
16 The% the e$ders of the o%*re*atio% said#
How sha$$ we do for wi/es for the! that
re!ai%# seei%* the wo!e% are destro)ed out of
17 A%d the) said# There must be a%
i%herita%e for the! that .e esa"ed of
Be%7a!i%# that a tri.e .e %ot destro)ed out of
18 How.eit we !a) %ot *i/e the! wi/es of
our dau*hters- for the hi$dre% of &srae$ ha/e
swor%# sa)i%*# Cursed be he that *i/eth a wife
to Be%7a!i%0
19 The% the) said# Beho$d# there is a feast of
the (ORD i% Shi$oh )ear$) in a place whih is
o% the %orth side of Beth3e$# o% the east side of
the hi*hwa) that *oeth u" fro! Beth3e$ to
Shehe!# a%d o% the south of (e.o%ah0
20 Therefore the) o!!a%ded the hi$dre%
of Be%7a!i%# sa)i%*# Go a%d $ie i% wait i% the
21 A%d see# a%d# .eho$d# if the dau*hters of
Shi$oh o!e out to da%e i% da%es# the% o!e
)e out of the /i%e)ards# a%d ath )ou e/er)
!a% his wife of the dau*hters of Shi$oh# a%d
*o to the $a%d of Be%7a!i%0
22 A%d it sha$$ .e# whe% their fathers or their
.rethre% o!e u%to us to o!"$ai%# that we
wi$$ sa) u%to the!# Be fa/oura.$e u%to the!
for our sa'es- .eause we reser/ed %ot to eah
!a% his wife i% the war- for )e did %ot *i/e
u%to the! at this ti!e# that )e shou$d .e
23 A%d the hi$dre% of Be%7a!i% did so# a%d
too' them wi/es# aordi%* to their %u!.er# of
the! that da%ed# who! the) au*ht- a%d the)
we%t a%d retur%ed u%to their i%herita%e# a%d
re"aired the ities# a%d dwe$t i% the!0
24 A%d the hi$dre% of &srae$ de"arted
the%e at that ti!e# e/er) !a% to his tri.e a%d
to his fa!i$)# a%d the) we%t out fro! the%e
e/er) !a% to his i%herita%e0
25 &% those da)s there was %o 'i%* i% &srae$-
e/er) !a% did that which was ri*ht i% his ow%