This document provides an overview and summary of the rules for playing Into the Odd, a tabletop roleplaying game set in a strange world. It describes how to generate characters by rolling ability scores and choosing a starting package based on those scores. Combat uses dice rolls to determine damage and players make saves to avoid dangers. The world is described as bizarre and affected by beings stranger than humans. Cities worship metal gods and unions prepare for cosmic invasions. The document provides equipment lists, monster stats, and brief descriptions of sample locations for adventures.
This document provides an overview and summary of the rules for playing Into the Odd, a tabletop roleplaying game set in a strange world. It describes how to generate characters by rolling ability scores and choosing a starting package based on those scores. Combat uses dice rolls to determine damage and players make saves to avoid dangers. The world is described as bizarre and affected by beings stranger than humans. Cities worship metal gods and unions prepare for cosmic invasions. The document provides equipment lists, monster stats, and brief descriptions of sample locations for adventures.
This document provides an overview and summary of the rules for playing Into the Odd, a tabletop roleplaying game set in a strange world. It describes how to generate characters by rolling ability scores and choosing a starting package based on those scores. Combat uses dice rolls to determine damage and players make saves to avoid dangers. The world is described as bizarre and affected by beings stranger than humans. Cities worship metal gods and unions prepare for cosmic invasions. The document provides equipment lists, monster stats, and brief descriptions of sample locations for adventures.
This document provides an overview and summary of the rules for playing Into the Odd, a tabletop roleplaying game set in a strange world. It describes how to generate characters by rolling ability scores and choosing a starting package based on those scores. Combat uses dice rolls to determine damage and players make saves to avoid dangers. The world is described as bizarre and affected by beings stranger than humans. Cities worship metal gods and unions prepare for cosmic invasions. The document provides equipment lists, monster stats, and brief descriptions of sample locations for adventures.
Into the Odd by Chris McDowall is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial -
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License . Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http :// sooaames .blospot .com Contents !our Character "............................................... 2 #la$in the %ame "........................................... 4 Arcana "............................................................. 5 &'ample o( #la$ ".............................................. 8 Character Advancement "................................ 10 Companies and )ar "....................................... 11 *unnin the %ame "......................................... 12 +reasure ".......................................................... 13 +raps and ,a-ards "......................................... 14 .onsters "......................................................... 15 +he /dd )orld ".............................................. 17 +he 0ron Coral "................................................ 18 +he 1allen .arsh "........................................... 21 ,opesend #ort "............................................... 24 An Odd World +he 2orld is too lare (or e'plorers to map and too old (or academics to record. &'peditions return (rom ever$ direction 2ith tales o( bi-arre places3 2ondrous and horri(ic. !ou are an &'plorer3 bravin the unkno2n in search o( riches3 (ame3 kno2lede and po2er. .ost o( all3 $ou seek Arcana, strane devices hostin unnatural po2ers be$ond technolo$. +he$ rane (rom the smallest rin to vast machines. Citi-ens (lock to Bastion. 0ts vast (actories provide danerous but dependable 2ork3 and its docks send uns3 chemicals3 and ne2spapers to distant neihbours. 4eneath the cit$3 The Underground stretches 5ust as (ar. Se2ers t2ist into tunnels3 hidin ancient caves and (orotten vaults. 1allen cities are adorned 2ith statues o( star-men3 cultists 2orship metal ods3 and bellierent unions prepare (or a cosmic invasion. 1amiliar landscapes are overrun b$ strane 2eeds3 corrosive mists creep in (rom the sea3 and 5et black mountains 2atch (rom the hori-on. +his odd 2orld has been a((ected b$ beins much straner than humans. 6 e! to "#$s% &o! do 'ou (la'% /ne pla$er is the *e(eree. +he$ describe the situation the characters are currentl$ in. +he pla$ers ask 7uestions and use their characters to interact 2ith the environment. +he *e(eree tells the pla$ers 2hat happens or 2hich dice to roll to determine the outcome. What do 'ou need% A set o( dice 8d93 d:3 d;3 d603 d6<3 and d<0=3 pencils and paper. +he *e(eree 2ill have prepared a location (or the characters to e'plore or ma$ use an e'istin adventure module. "olling a Character ) )ho are !ou> *oll 3d: (or each Abilit$ Score. 60 is averae. !ou ma$ s2ap o( an$ t2o o( $our scores. *T"&N%+, ) 1ihtin3 (ortitude3 and touhness. +,-+&*0+! ) Stealth3 athletics3 and re(le'es. W./L#/)&* ) Con(idence3 discipline3 and charisma. Characters start 2ith d: &it(oints, a measure o( their abilit$ to avoid li(e-threatenin ?amae. *tarter #ac0age Consult the Starter #ackae table on the (ollo2in pae to (ind $our startin e7uipment and an$ special in(ormation about $our character. As 2ell as individual e7uipment3 an e'pedition al2a$s has lanterns3 basic climbin3 mappin3 and campin e7uipment3 and rations. Co1(anions 1or small pla$er roups3 each pla$er ma$ create one or more companions. *oll their Abilit$ Scores in order and ive them 6hp and a s2ord. ,2ui(1ent /ne-,undred #ennies 3(4 make a Shillin 3s4. /ne- hundred Shillins make a %uilder 3g4. Unar1ed Attac05 d9 ?amae. &and Wea(on 8<s3 one hand=: d: damae. ?aer3 bo23 pitch(ork3 s2ord3 pistol3 club etc. 6ield Wea(on 860s3 t2o hands=: d; damae. .usket3 pistol brace3 s2ord and daer3 halberd3 etc. o7le Wea(on 830s3 one hand=: d; damae. 1inel$ made sabre3 duellin pistol3 rapier3 etc. &ea8' $un 863 t2o hands= d60 damae. Cannot move and (ire. &lephant un3 lon ri(le. etc. *hield Ar1our 860s3 one hand=: Armour 6. /utdated armour re7uirin a shield 8included= to be e((ective. 9odern Ar1our 8@0s=: Armour 6. 4reastplate and helm. Tools 86s each=: Cro2bar3 Sa23 %lue3 .ani($in %lass3 .anacles3 Animal +rap3 Lockpicks3 .irror3 )ritin Set3 1ishin #ole3 Shovel3 %rapplin ,ook3 Collapsible #ole3 <0(t *ope3 Spikes3 etc. /u:uries 86=: Clock2ork items3 +hermometer3 &laborate Clothes3 Ae2eller$3 /rnaments3 Sp$lass3 etc. 6lash7ang 860s=: .omentaril$ blinds an$one that (ails a ?&B Save. 6ire Oil 860s=: Sets an area aliht. All inside take d: damae each round. Bo17 8<0s=: d6< damae to all 2ithin the blast. "oc0et 8<0s=: d6< damae and a colour(ul e'plosion. *1o0e;7o17 860s=: 1ills a room 2ith smoke 2hen lit. Attacks throuh the smoke are 0mpaired. #oison 8<0s=: Lose d<0 S+* i( consumed. ,ther 860s=: 0nhaled3 S+* Save or pass out (or an hour. Acid 860s=: d: damae3 burns throuh most materials. Antito:in 860s=: Neutralises most to'ins. Board 8per 2eek=: 4ed in a ?ormitor$ 86s=3 *oom in a 4oardin ,ouse 860s=3 +o2n ,ouse 8<0s=. 6ood and +rin05 4read and 4roth 860p=3 4ottle o( %in or *um 8@0p=3 #ie and )ine 8@0p=3 1ine .eal 86s=. &orses: .ule 8@s= to ,orse 86=. C6 to riderDs Armour. +ogs: .utt 8@s= to ,ound 8@0s=. S+* :3 d:hp. 4ite (or d: damae. Birds5 1rom parrots and ravens 860s= to kestrels and ha2ks 8@0s=. S+* 33 ?&B 6@3 )0L 33 d:hp. Attacks smaller pre$ (or d: damae. &irelings 8cost per da$3 d:hp and Abilit$ Scores 60 unless noted= /ighter Bo' 86s=: S+* E3 Lantern3 Club. 9ercenar' 8@s=: <d:hp3 .usket3 S2ord. ,:(ert 860s=: #istol3 &'pertise in a speci(ic area. < *tarter #ac0age Ta7le .atch $our hihest Abilit$ Score aainst $our ,itpoints to (ind $our startin packae. )eapons have their damae roll listed. Arcana are rolled randoml$ 8see pae @=. 0( t2o characters 2ould have the same e7uipment3 the second character takes their startin packae (rom the column to the le(t3 or riht i( this is not possible. 1h( 2h( 3h( 4h( 5h( <h( 3;= S2ord 8d:=3 #istol 8d:=3 .odern Armour Sense nearb$ unearthl$ beins .usket 8d;= S2ord 8d:=3 1lashban Sense nearb$ Arcana. .usket 8d;= Club 8d:= 0mmunit$ to e'treme heat and cold. #istol 8d:=3 Fni(e 8d:= +elepath$ i( taret (ails )0L Save 4lunderbuss 8d;= ,atchet 8d:=3 .utt ?reams sho2 $our undiscovered surroundins .usket 8d;= ,atchet 8d:= 1lashban 0ron Limb Arcanum 10 *i(le 8d;=3 4a$onet 8d:= Lihter 4o$ Arcanum .usket 8d;= ,atchet 8d:= ,a2k Arcanum .usket 8d;= #rotective %loves Arcanum Cla$more 8d;= #istol 8d:= < Acid 1lasks Arcanum #istol 4race 8d;= Steel )ire %rapplin ,ook Arcanum *i(le 8d;= .ace 8d:= &ale #oison 11 *i(le 8d;= .odern Armour ,ound Arcanum ,atchet 8d:= #istol 8d:= 4olt-Cutters Arcanum .usket 8d;= .allet3 .arbles 1anc$ ,at Arcanum .usket 8d;= 4a$onet 8d:= .utt 2ith telepathic link. .achete 8d:=3 #istol 4race 8d;= +alkin #arrot Never Sleep Club 8d:=3 3 4ombs *ocket ?arkvision 12 Club 8d:= +hro2in Fnives Arcanum .usket 8d;= .ule Arcanum #ick-A'e 8d:= .anacles Arcanum #istol 8d:=3 +o'in-0mmune *ocket ,arpoon %un 8d;= 4aton 8d:=3 Acid Slihtl$ .anetic .aul 8d;= ?aer 8d:= Chain 13 #istol 8d:=3 &ther3 #oison Arcanum S2ord 8d:=3 #istol 8d:= .odern Armour #istol 8d:=3 Smoke-bomb .utt3 Shovel .usket 8d;= #ortable *am %ame Set 4olt-Cutters 4lunderbuss 8d;= 1iddle Lona'e 8d;= *um 4omb 14 Cane 8d:=3 Acid Sp$lass Arcanum #istol 8d:=3 4ell Steel )ire Smoke-bomb Lona'e 8d;= +hro2in A'es 1ire /il #istol 8d:=3 Sa2 Animal +rap Sp$lass #istol 8d:=3 %rease ,and ?rill ?rum ?aer 8d:=3 1ire /il .irror 15 #istol 4race 8d;= Canar$ &ther Lona'e 8d;= 1erret 1ire /il Club 8d:=3 &ther Cro2bar 1lute 4o2 8d:=3 Fni(e 8d:= *ocket3 1ire /il S2ord G ?aer 8d;= .ani($in %lass Lost &$e #istol 8d:=3 Fni(e 8d:=3 4omb3 Sa2 1< .usket 8d;= #ocket-2atch 4omb Sta(( 8d;= +ons %lue ,atchet 8d:=3 Net3 1ire /il 4urnt 1ace #istol 8d:=3 )hip 8d:=3 Ciars3 Lost &$e #istol 8d:=3 Acid Animal *epellent #rosthetic ,and #istol 8d:= 4omb3 Shovel %lo2in &$es 17 ,alberd 8d;= 1ake #istol Arti(icial Lun #istol 8d:=3 Net #rosthetic Le +rumpet Club 8d:=3 #aint Cro2bar Loud Luns .usket 8d;= Accordion No Nose/Scent S2ord 8d:= Steel )ire Ul$ .utation. Sta(( 8d;= +hro2in Fnives 8d:= 18 %arotte 8d:= .usket 8d;= .ute #istol 8d:=3 %rease3 ,acksa2 /ne Arm #istol 8d:=3 Ciars3 #oison 1uitive S2ord 8d:= Shield Armour 0lliterate S2ord 8d:=3 1erret +attered Clothes ?ebt 83= .ace 8d:= #ieon ?is(iured 3 #la'ing the $a1e - )hat $ou need to kno2. *a8es: A Save is a roll to avoid daner (rom a risk$ action or situation. *oll d<0. 0( $ou roll e7ual or under the appropriate Abilit$ Score $ou pass. 6 is al2a$s a success and <0 al2a$s a (ailure. Turns5 /n $our turn a character can move and per(orm an action. )hen it is unclear 2hich combat side should act (irst3 the character at the head o( the roup must pass a ?&B Save to secure the (irst action. Actions5 An action can be an$thin (rom neotiatin3 to attackin3 to (leein. Attacks are detailed belo2. 1or other actions the *e(eree calls (or the character at risk to roll a Save. 1or e'ample3 an attempt to trip an opponent miht (orce them to pass a S+* Save to sta$ on their (eet3 2hile an attempt to trick an opponent into surrender ma$ (orce them to pass a )0L Save or lo2er their arms. Attac0s5 An attacker rolls a die dictated b$ their 2eapon3 and subtracts the opponentDs Armour score. +heir attack causes this much damae. Attacks that are .1(aired3 such as (irin throuh cover3 or (ihtin 2hile rappled3 roll d9 damae reardless o( 2eapon. Similarl$3 attacks that are ,nhanced b$ a risk$ stunt or a helpless or vulnerable taret3 roll d6< damae. +a1age5 )hen an individual takes damae the$ lose that man$ ,itpoints. 0( the$ have no ,itpoints le(t3 the$ are 2ounded3 and an$ remainin damae is removed (rom their S+* score. +he$ must then pass a S+* Save to avoid Critical ?amae. Critical +a1age5 A character that takes Critical ?amae is unable to take (urther action until the$ are tended to b$ an all$ and have a Short *est. 0( the$ are le(t untended to (or an hour3 the$ die. Using an Arcanu15 A character can use an ArcanumDs po2er as a normal action3 2ithout risk o( (ailure. 0( a character tries to use their Arcanum in an unusual 2a$ the$ re7uire a )0L Save to bend it to their 2ill. +his can lead to vastl$ di((erent uses. 1or e'ample3 a character usin their Heat Ray to tha2 a (ro-en all$ must pass a )0L Save to succeed. 0( the$ (ail3 the Heat Ray blasts the un(ortunate all$ (or its normal damae. A7ilit' *core /oss5 0( a character has their S+* score reduced to -ero the$ are dead. 0( their ?&B or )0L are reduced to -ero the character is paral$sed or mentall$ broken respectivel$3 and cannot act until the$ have a 1ull *est. +he$ must be carried to sa(et$. +eath5 )hen a character dies the pla$er creates a ne2 character and the *e(eree (inds a 2a$ to have them 5oin the roup as soon as possible. ,ere3 7uickness is re7uired over realism. Alternativel$ the pla$er ma$ control o( a ,irelin or .ember o( their Compan$. "eaction5 )hen the roup encounter another bein the character at the head o( the roup must pass a )0L Save to avoid an un(avourable (irst reaction. Some encounters are al2a$s hostile3 or al2a$s (riendl$3 but all have potential to chane a(ter (irst contact. 9orale5 %roups re7uire a )0L Save to avoid bein routed 2hen the$ lose hal( o( their total numbers. %roups 2ith a leader ma$ use the leaderDs )0L score in place o( their o2n. Lone combatants must pass this Save 2hen the$ are reduced to 0hp. +his applies to opponents and allies but not pla$er characters. 1leein to sa(et$ under pursuit re7uires a ?&B Save. *hort "est5 A (e2 minutes o( rest and a s2i o( 2ater recovers all o( a characterHs lost ,itpoints. *estin ma$ 2aste time or attract daner. 6ull "est5 A 1ull *est re7uires a 2eek o( rest and rela'ation at a com(ortable location. +his restores all Abilit$ Scores and cures an$ other ailments. 9 Arcana ) #o2ers $ou cannot understand. Arcana are the most hihl$ souht-a(ter items in the 2orld. Characters that are open about the Arcana the$ carr$ 2ill (ind themselves the taret o( collectors3 thieves and con artists. 0( a characterDs startin packae contains an Arcanum3 roll d<0 to see 2hich one the$ et. 15 *(ace 6older5 Create a ate bet2een t2o (lat sur(aces that $ou can see. +he ates close i( $ou pass throuh or break line o( siht. 25 &eart /oc0et5 State an ob5ect $ou desire. !ou kno2 its direction and eneral distance. 35 #ale 6la1e5 An ob5ect lo2s 2ith 2hite liht. Contact 2ith the lo2in ob5ect causes a chillin pain. +he e((ect 2ears o(( 2hen the Arcanum is used aain 45 *oul Wrench5 +aret must pass a ?&B Save to avoid $our touch3 or (eel a 2eiht on their ver$ soul and lose d: )0L. 55 $a8el o> the Un7rea0a7le *eal: /ne door3 2indo23 etc. is sealed until $ou open it. <5 6oul Censer: %reen smoke surrounds $ou and ever$one 2ithin <0(t. .issiles cannot pass throuh the smoke. 75 "ed;Oil *ta8e: Spe2s *ed /il onto a 60(t area. An$one movin or standin on the oil must make a ?&B Save to avoid (allin and bein unable to move on their turn. ?isappears in a harmless (lash i( inited. 85 #ain *ign: +aret must pass a )0L Save or lose d: S+*. =5 *(ider *0in5 Climb sheer sur(aces as i( $ou 2ere a spider. 105 *un7lessed Bands5 %lo2 and hum lihtl$. !ou have Armour < until $ou attack or remove the bands. 115 6lesh;To1e o> Ba77le5 Speak in a strane soundin lanuae. &ver$ livin thin is able to understand and repl$ in the same tonue i( the$ 2ish. 125 T'rant?s "od5 /rder a taret to drop3 (all3 (lee or halt unless the$ pass a )0L Save. 135 Blac0 @eil5 +aret must pass a )0L Save or is 4linded until $ou li(t the curse or the$ have a (ull rest. 4linded individuals ma$ re7uire a ?&B Save to carr$ out other actions that rel$ on siht3 and their attacks are 0mpaired. 145 Binding *trands5 Strands spread bet2een t2o sur(aces up to <0(t apart. +hose 2ithin onl$ move ver$ slo2l$ unless the$ pass a ?&B Save. 155 &eat "a'5 d; damae3 inorin armour. 1<5 9iniaturisation Coil5 +ouch an ob5ect to shrink it into a tin$ miniature. *estore the ob5ect to oriinal si-e at 2ill. +he oriinal ob5ect can be up to $our si-e3 but livin beins must be 2illin. 175 Chilling Cloud5 +aret takes d: damae and is (ro-en in place until the$ pass a S+* Save. 185 #hase Ae'5 #hase throuh a 2all or (loor 2ith an$ ob5ects $ou are carr$in. 1=5 Bone 9agnet5 !ou ma$ attract or repel a sinle taret that has a skeleton3 unless the$ pass a )0L Save. 205 9irror ,ngine5 A per(ect duplicate o( $ou is (ormed. 0t acts independentl$3 and 5ust like the oriinal. 0t cannot interact ph$sicall$ 2ith an$thin. +he double lasts until dismissed or a ne2 double is created. @ $reater Arcana +hese Arcana are more likel$ to be activel$ souht out b$ others. +hose that are undiscovered are likel$ to be hidden in ver$ deep and danerous places3 or behind po2er(ul uards. &'(no;Torch5 +aret must pass a )0L Save or repeat their current action until $ou sa$ stop3 or the$ pass the Save on their turn. .n>erno +e8ice5 Cause a source o( (ire to e'plode3 causin d60 damae to all 2ithin <0(t. /i>e +rain5 +aret must pass a ?&B Save to avoid $our touch3 or lose d: S+*. !ou reain all lost S+*. Blood *croll5 +aret must pass a )0L Save or have their blood turned to acid. +he$ take d: damae3 inorin armour3 each round3 until the$ pass the Save. 9ind #ro7e5 !ou are able to vie2 the innermost thouhts o( the taret. +he$ ma$ pass a )0L Save to resist. Boo0 o> +es(air5 Summon a <0(t area o( tentacles that lash out and rab. An$one 2ithin must pass a S+* Save to break (ree. +he mass o( tentacles has 60hp and is destro$ed at 0hp . #ri1al 6lute5 All 2ithin 6@(t o( a point must pass a )0L Save or turn (eral. +he$ do nothin but attack the nearest livin thin until the$ pass a )0L Save on their turn. $ate to Be'ond5 Summon a (l$in beast 8S+* 693 Armour 63 60hp3 d; ?amae= to (iht (or $ou until no enemies remain. A(ter this3 $ou must pass a )0L Save or the beast turns on $ou. 0( $ou pass the Save3 it (lies (or (reedom. /nl$ one beast can be summoned at once. Blac0 Or75 /bliterate a man-si-ed or smaller ob5ect $ou touch. No e((ect on livin tissue. *na0e7ite #arasite5 +aret must pass a S+* Save or lose d6< ?&B as $ou bite them. &orned 9as05 !ou take on a savae (orm 8Armour <3 d60 damae cla2s3 retain Abilit$ Scores and hp=3 but lose the abilit$ to speak. *eturn to normal (orm 2henever $ou 2ish or 2hen $ou sleep. +oo1 &i8e5 <0(t bu--in cloud moves 60(t a2a$ (rom $ou each round. An$one 2ithin loses d: S+* ever$ round. Wither $lo8e5 +aret must pass a S+* Save or lose d6< S+*. *(irit Chain5 S2ap bodies 2ith another that $ou are touchin. +he$ can resist 2ith a )0L Save. *etain )0L scores onl$. Cr'stal Bea15 +aret must pass a S+* Save or lose d6< ?&B. 0( this reduces their ?&B to -ero the$ are turned to blue cr$stal. $uardian *hield5 A shield o( liht appears bet2een $ou and a sinle taret. +he shield absorbs 6@ points o( damae be(ore vanishin. &ach turn it pushes the taret 60(t a2a$ (rom $ou unless the$ pass a S+* Save. ,arth *tone5 /ver an hour $ou shi(t sand3 soil or earth to $our 2ill3 creatin ditches up to 60(t deep. +his ma$ destabilise structures3 redirect rivers and (ell trees but does not a((ect rock3 create tunnels or be (ast enouh to bur$ mobile opponents. "oaring /ion5 %lass3 cr$stal or ceramic ob5ects 2ithin @(t are shattered. 0n addition3 one ob5ect $ou are touchin 82ielder ma$ avoid 2ith a S+* Save= is shattered. +his ob5ect must be liht enouh (or $ou to li(t. #ressure eedle5 0( the taret takes Critical ?amae toda$ the$ e'plode in a blood$ mess. Or7 Bo:5 Summon t2o orbs o( liht that obe$ $our commands. +he$ can be (lun at a taret (or d6< damae3 destro$in the orb. No more than t2o orbs can e'ist at once. : /egendar' Arcana +hese Arcana are likel$ to be a 2ell kno2n relic or sub5ect o( m$tholo$. +he$ tend to be larer ob5ects like altars or thrones. +hose that are undiscovered remain so (or a reason. +he$ ma$ be lost in an e'tremel$ hostile environment3 under the control o( a odlike entit$ or uarded b$ hellish death-traps. /nl$ the most po2er(ul individuals 2ould openl$ admit to possessin a Leendar$ Arcanum3 as the$ are ob5ects o( reat lust to an$one that desires po2er. Weather Altar5 Cause the 2eather 2ithin a mile radius to chane (or the rest o( the da$. 0n the case o( danerous 2eather $ou cannot taret speci(ic individuals or locations or cause e'tremes that are inescapabl$ lethal. O7literation #ris15 Choose a taret and roll d6<. 0( this is e7ual or hiher than their current ,# the$ are completel$ destro$ed in a blast o( (ire. /i>e Co>>in5 A corpse is miraculousl$ restored to li(e i( the$ pass a )0L Save. 0( the$ (ail the Save3 the remains are utterl$ destro$ed and the Arcanum cannot be used on that taret aain. *(ace 6olding Cu7e5 !ou and up to one companion are teleported to a location $ou have been to be(ore. Terri7le $ong5 All enemies 2ithin <0(t lose d: S+*. *(irit *(here5 Con5ures a hostl$ imae o( a dead taret3 2hich speaks 2ith $ou clearl$ and 2illinl$3 reardless o( lanuae or intellience. +he imae remains until dismissed. *eal o> 9adness5 Creates s$mbols on an$ ob5ect. An$one tr$in to decode them must pass a )0L Save or lose d6< )0L. Bua0e *(ire: +arets a 600(t area. All structures take d<0 damae and caves or tunnels collapse3 causin d: damae per round to an$one 2ithin3 until the$ escape. Ta7let o> the 9aster5 A lare ob5ect is animated and serves $ou. +he ob5ect has S+* 6;3 ?&B @3 )0L @3 60hp3 Armour < and attacks (or d60 damae. No more than one ob5ect can serve $ou at once. 6orce>ield $enerator: Create a semi-transparent3 shimmerin sur(ace that onl$ $ou ma$ pass throuh. An$ enem$ approachin the 2all is blasted 2ith liht (or d6< damae. +he (ield lasts until dismissed or another (ield is created. .ron *uit5 !ou have Armour 3 and inore (ire and poison based damae. !ou can no loner s2im but also do not need to breathe3 eat or drink. +he e((ect lasts until dismissed. +ead Oa0: Creates a permanent one-mile -one 2here an$ livin thins lose d: S+* each hour3 startin at the end o( this hour. Livin thins 2ithin this -one are instantl$ a2are o( this and tr$ to leave. &ven plants 2ither and die in this time. 6orge o> "econstruction5 /ver an hour one damaed or ruined structure3 ship or similar taret is repaired to peak condition 2ithout need (or materials. $lorious *tatue: !ou and $our allies (iht to the death3 even a(ter takin Critical ?amae. +i8ine #ool: !ou take on the appearance o( a hue3 odlike entit$. !ou can con5ure purel$ cosmetic3 but impressive3 visual e((ects. *tor1 Throne: !ou turn into a bolt o( lihtnin3 movin at impossible speed to a speci(ied location $ou can see. An$one $ou pass throuh takes d60 damae3 inorin armour. Trans>or1ation Cha17er: !ou shi(t to take the (orm o( $our taret3 retainin onl$ $our )0L score and level o( intellience. +his lasts until dismissed. Blac0 &ole Collider5 Create a (ive-(oot3 black sphere. An$thin enterin it is utterl$ destro$ed. Cannot be moved or placed on top o( an ob5ect or opponent. 9ind Wi(er5 +aret must pass a )0L Save or become a mindless automaton. *tar7ea1 #anel5 As lon as $ou have line o( siht to the sk$ $ou call do2n a column o( liht (or d<0 damae3 inorin all armour. E ,:a1(le o> #la' 8+hree pla$er-characters and their hirelin lihter-bo$ are deep in an underround comple' the$ (ound in an inhospitable desert= "e>eree5 !ouDre (aced 2ith a set o( tall 2ooden doors3 ten (eet hih and prett$ sturd$. +hereDs no sin o( an$ traps3 but $ou can see that the door is barred (rom the other side. To0u5 %reat3 so somethin is alive in there> ,Ce0ial5 +his could have been done centuries ao. )hat condition is the door in> "e>eree5 Looks rotten in places. 0tDs prett$ old. Uthred5 )ell3 2e didnDt come this (ar to be beaten b$ a door. ,o2 about 0 hack throuh it> "e>eree5 !ouDll make a lot o( noise3 but $our a'e should be able to et throuh it. Uthred5 *iht. 0 chop a2a$. "e>eree: 8makes a luck roll3 rollin 9. +his is hih enouh that nothin is alerted b$ the noise= !ou bust open the doors3 2hich reveal a spectacular room3 30(t hih and e7uall$ 2ide. 0ts 2alls are an intricate mosaic3 but the tiles are constantl$ shi(tin colour. )ave patterns 2ash across the 2alls and in the centre o( the (loor is a si'-(oot-2ide sha(t. ,Ce0ial: 8Sketchin do2n the room on his rouh map= So itDs a dead end3 but the 2alls miht be 2orth investiatin... 0Dm bein ver$ care(ul not to touch them and tell m$ lihter-bo$ to do the same. To0u: /h come on3 2e hired him because heHs disposableI .a$be Uthred should tr$ touchin them. Uthred: 0Dm not scared o( a 2all3 but 0Dm not stupid. 0Dll tr$ tappin the 2all 2ith the handle o( m$ a'e. "e>eree5 +he pattern o( the tiles doesnDt seem to respond3 but as $ouDre inspectin them more closel$ $ou can (eel that the$Dre ivin o(( a sliht heat. Uthred5 &nouh to burn me> "e>eree5 ?oesnDt look like it3 onl$ a sliht heat. Uthred5 0 place m$ hand boldl$ aainst the tiles. 8+he other pla$ers roan in unison= "e>eree: As soon as UthredDs hand touches the 2all the shi(tin colours stop. A pulsin blue pattern starts to radiate (rom around UthredDs hand. ,Ce0iel: Stand b$ (or his head e'plodin... "e>eree: +he tiles are 2arm3 but $ou donDt (eel an$ other e((ect. No head-e'plosion3 thank(ull$. Uthred: ,uh3 2eird. )ell 0Dll check out the sha(t. "e>eree: As soon as $ou remove $our hand (rom the 2all it starts to shi(t colours aain and $ou no2 see the tiled shape o( a person3 its $our re(lection. 4arel$ a second later the room is (illed 2ith a cracklin noise and the tiled visae o( Uthred someho2 steps out o( the 2all3 he(tin the a'e (rom its back and takin up a combat stance. To0u: Nobod$ else touch the 2allsI 0Dll leap at the cop$ o( Uthred 2ith m$ daers. "e>eree: *oll (or damae. To0u: 8*olls d;= +hatDs a 9I "e>eree: /ka$3 $ou dode past tiled bein and stab it in the side. 0nstead o( a scream the cop$ o( Uthred roars out in cracklin static-noise. 0tHs still standin. Uthred: 0Dll have at it 2ith m$ a'e3 tr$in to drive it a2a$ (rom &-ekiel and the lantern-bearer. "e>eree5 /ka$3 roll (or damae. Uthred5 8rolls d:3 scorin @= 0 have (ive. "e>eree: 8sees the taret is no2 at 0hp3 takes the remainin < damae (rom itDs S+*= !ou kick the thin back3 knockin it o(( balance and bur$in $our a'e in its side. 0t shouts out in static (u-- 8*olls a S+* Save3 succeedin=3 but continues to (iht. Uthred5 +hereDs onl$ room (or one Uthred hereI "e>eree: +he cop$ o( Uthred drops its a'e on the round and reaches (or2ard to tr$ and rab +oku. %ive me a S+* Save. To0u: 8*olls a S+* Save= &rm... 0 ot a <0. "e>eree: 8/ver the roans o( the table= +he creature rabs +oku and slams him aainst the 2all. !ou see a blue pulsin pattern (orm on its sur(ace. A moment later the colours shi(t into his shape and a cop$ o( +oku steps (or2ard (rom the 2all. ,Ce0iel: 0 never thouht 0Dd have to choose bet2een killin +oku and Uthred. 0Dm oin to use the )ither %love 2e (ound earlier and tr$ to destro$ the cop$ o( +oku. ; "e>eree: +he cop$ ets a S+* Save to resist the attack 8*olls a S+* Save=3 but it (ailsI ,Ce0iel: 8*olls d6< (or S+* loss3 as dictated b$ the Arcanum= &levenI "e>eree: 8Checks his notes and sees that this reduces the creatureDs S+* to -ero= 0tDs enouh to drain the ener$ (rom this thin. &'tendin $our love causes the colour to (ade (rom the bein as it (alls motionless to the round and snaps out o( e'istence3 completel$ destro$ed. Uthred: !esI "e>eree: !ou should be a2are that $ouHve reall$ been makin 7uite a lot o( noise in this room. 8Secretl$ makes a Luck *oll to see i( an$ nearb$ monsters have noticed the noise. A roll o( 6 indicates somethin bad should happen3 so he rolls on the hostile encounter table he has prepared (or this area=. ,Ce0iel: 0 donHt like the sound o( this. "e>eree: !ou notice the sound o( somethin approachin behind $ou. *emember that 2eird horse- like creature 2ith skin like super-hard tree bark $ou 2ere ambushed b$ last session> Uthred: Sure3 2e knocked it do2n that pit and (led like heroes. "e>eree: )ell this thin looks almost identical3 but rather than bein horse-si-ed itHs lare enouh to barel$ be able to s7uee-e throuh the door2a$. 0ts 5a2s are bi enouh to be able to s2allo2 $ou 2hole and its (oreles end in raspin cla2s spannin some si' (eet. Needless to sa$ itHs ot $ou in its sihts and it doesnHt seem (riendl$. 81ails a )0L Save (or the cop$ o( Uthred3 as the siht o( this thin is enouh to scare it= +he cop$ o( Uthred sees this thin and immediatel$ cra2ls back into the 2all3 (adin into the tiles. ,Ce0iel: 0 donDt much like the idea o( bein s2allo2ed 2hole. )hat are our chances o( runnin throuh its les> "e>eree: 0tHs prett$ tihtl$ packed into the door2a$. 0( $ou 2ant to tr$ it 2ould re7uire a ?&B Save. Uthred5 +he smaller monster 2as a(raid o( (ire3 2asnDt it> #erhaps 2e should send the lantern bearer over to tr$ and keep it at ba$. "e>eree5 ,e looks prett$ hesitant... a )0L Save 2ould be involved (or such a suicidal mission. !ou never kno23 thouh3 he miht o (or itI To0u: *unnin past it and tr$in to scare it seem needlessl$ risk$ 2hen 2e have a per(ectl$ ood e'it riht hereI Uthred: +he sha(t> ?oes it look like the creature could (it do2n there> "e>eree: Unlikel$3 itHs prett$ tiht. ,Ce0iel: As suicidal as it sounds it miht be our best hope. Can 0 thro2 a coin or somethin into the sha(t> "e>eree: As $ou (lick a hal(-shillin do2n the sha(t $ou hear a distant splash a (e2 seconds later. To0u: )aterI ,Ce0iel: +hatHs optimistic... ho2 do 2e kno2 it isnHt acid or somethin> 0 (iure 2e can (ind a 2a$ to distract it lon enouh (or us to escape back up the staircase. "e>eree: )hile $ouHre (ormulatin this plan the creature has manaed to (orce itsel( into the room3 brushin aainst the tiled 2all3 2hich sends out blue ripples. Uthred: /h crap3 this isnHt oin to end 2ell. ,Ce0iel: 1ineI 0nto the holeI To0u: +rust meI 0Hll even leap it (irst. "e>eree: !ouHre all leapin do2n no2> 8+he roup all nod reluctantl$= "e>eree: !ou plune into the darkness o( the sha(t3 (allin (or a (e2 seconds be(ore splashin into 2hat (eels like ice cold 2ater3 deep enouh (or $ou to (all into sa(el$. +he bearerHs lantern is e'tinuished and $ouHre barel$ able to et $our bearins in the pitch- black pit be(ore $ou (eel a tinlin sensation over $our bodies. )0L Saves all roundI 8%roans (ill the table= J A>ter the ,:(edition - )hat ne't> .ost o(ten3 the oal o( an &'pedition is to (ind out about a m$sterious environment3 evade a po2er(ul threat or seek out m$sterious Arcana. A success(ul e'pedition is simpl$ one that returns to Civilisation 2ith somethin to sho2 (or it. +his could be a lost arti(act3 a terrible secret3 or 5ust a ood stor$. ,:(erience /e8els )hen a character has completed the listed re7uirements3 the$ move to the ne't &'perience Level. &ach time the$ advance a level3 the$ ain d:hp and roll d<0 (or each o( their Abilit$ Scores. 0( the roll is hiher than the score it is increased b$ 6. "e(utation As the$ advance throuh &'perience Levels3 characters ma$ be treated di((erent b$ people the$ encounter. o8ice - A brand ne2 character. !ou are read$ to o on an e'pedition. #ro>essional - !ou have survived at least one e'pedition. ,:(ert - !ou have survived at least three danerous e'peditions since reachin #ro(essional Level. @eteran - !ou have survived at least (ive danerous e'peditions since reachin &'pert Level3 and have taken on an Apprentice. 9aster - !ou have an Apprentice o( at least &'pert Level3 and have survived a danerous e'pedition 2ith them since reachin Keteran Level. Be'ond &ven upon reachin .aster level3 a character ma$ have reater ambitions. +his could be a desire (or a leac$3 immortalit$3 or cosmic transcendence. 60 6ounding a Co1(an' A Compan$ could be an$thin (rom a political roup or overseas colon$ to a cult or business enterprise. A roup o( characters can share manaement and individual members ma$ rane (rom supporters or emplo$ees to partners in manaement. At an$ point $ou ma$ decide to take on a member o( $our Compan$ as an Apprentice. *oll them up as a ne2 character3 and advance them throuh the e'perience levels as a normal3 under $our uidance. &ach month3 $our compan$ pursues either 1unds or %ro2th. 6unds5 !ou ather mone$ this month3 ainin 6s (or each o( $our .embers. $ro!th5 !our numbers increase b$ hal(3 to a ma'imum o( 600 ne2 members. The Blac0 *tars ) "e8olutionar' $rou( Leader: !uren Spinner3 Activist 8S+* ;3 63hp= ?riven to overthro2 t$rants ever$2here. @00 .embers @0 *evolutionaries: Ehp3 .uskets 8d;= 6@0 *ebel )orkers: 3hp3 #olearms 8d;= "o'al Court o> "ose8ine ) +e(osed "ulers Leader: Lueen &ssa 0B3 Aristocrat 8S+* 693 @hp= ?riven to perserve her bloodline. @3000 .embers <@0 *o$al %uard: 60hp3 ,orse3 Armour3 A'es 8d;= <00 1ootmen: Ehp3 ,alberds 8d;= 93000 %unmen: 3hp3 .uskets 8d;= <00 Liht Cavalr$: Ehp3 ,orse3 #istol 4races 8d;= War and "e8olution Training *oldiers5 @M o( the eneral populace are soldiers 8E,#=. A (urther <0M are (it to (iht as conscripts 83hp=. 0n militar$ Companies3 all .embers are combat-read$. "e8olution5 +$picall$ the larest Compan$ present in a settlement acts as %overnment. ,o2ever3 the current rulers can be overthro2n3 outvoted or other2ise deposed3 even b$ smaller Companies. Units5 Lare roups o( combatants are combined as a Unit. +he$ (iht as one. 0( a unit outnumbers their opponent at least t2o to one3 their attacks are &nhanced. Battles5 0n mass battle3 a Unit su((ers casualties in the place o( S+* loss at 0hp. &ach point o( S+* lost causes one casualt$ (or ever$ ten attackers. 1or e'ample3 a unit o( %uardsman that 2ould lose 3 S+* (rom an attack b$ @00 Cultists su((er 6@0 casualties instead 8@00/60 ' 3 N 6@0=. Casualties are al2a$s rounded do2n. *ieges and *hi(s5 Structures and vessels inore attacks o( less than d6< damae. Leadin a cre2 throuh di((icult manoeuvres re7uires a )0L Save (rom the Captain. Cannon 8<=: d6< damae. &ouse 860=: 60hp3 Armour 6. 6actor' 8600=: 69hp3 Armour 6. Cit' Wall: 60hp3 Armour 33 Cannons 8d6<=. 6ort 8<00=: 6@hp3 Armour 33 Cannons 8d6<= "o!7oat 8@0s= 9hp. $alleon 8300=5 60hp3 Armour 63 <00 cre23 Liht Cannons 8d6<= Warshi( 8;00=5 6@hp3 Armour <3 @00 cre23 Cannons 8d6<=. 6lagshi( 863@00=: <0hp3 Armour <3 ;00 cre23 Cannons 8d6<=. .ronclad 8@3000=: 6:hp3 Armour 33 :00 cre23 Cannons 8d6<=. Wagon 86=: Ehp. 66 "unning the $a1e - )hat the *e(eree needs to kno2. +he re(ereeDs 5ob can be divided into a three areas. $i8e .n>or1ation5 !ou are the e$es3 ears3 and noses o( the pla$ers. ?escribe the present situation and ans2er an$ 7uestions the$ have (or $ou enerousl$. A ame should have surprises3 but pla$ers should (eel that their decisions are drivin the ame. As such3 the *e(eree should ensure that pla$ers kno2 the risks the$ are takin 2ith their actions. #resent Choices5 &ach situation should present the pla$ers 2ith an interestin choice. Assessin the risk aainst the possible re2ard is a vital part o( the ame3 so help them understand the possible conse7uences o( their action. *emember3 eas$ choices make (or a borin ame. *ho! Conse2uences5 )hatever the pla$ersD action3 the ame 2ill advance. &nsure that ever$ choice has impact on the current and onoin situation. 0( the pla$ers action called (or a Save to be rolled3 success and (ailure should both have immediate conse7uences.
The Core o> $ood "e>ereeing5 A ood *e(eree ives the pla$ers interestin choices to make and ensures that these choices have a meanin(ul impact on the ame. Understanding A7ilit' *cores .ost humans have Abilit$ Scores bet2een @ and 6@. Scores o( 6 and <0 represent the (ar e'tremes. )hen no Abilit$ Score is listed3 assume a score o( 60. Understanding *a8es Saves onl$ occur as the result o( an action or choice. +he$Dre an attempt to avoid somethin bad3 be it ettin lost or a ruesome death. *T" Save: Avoidin harm throuh e'ertin ph$sical (orce3 or 2ithstandin strain on $our bod$. +,- Save: Avoidin harm throuh 7uick reactions3 precision and race. W./ Save: Avoidin harm throuh (orce o( 2ill3 con(idence3 and control over Arcana. /uc0 "olls5 Sometimes $ouHll 2ant an element o( randomness 2ithout rollin a Save3 particularl$ in situations dictated b$ luck or those that (all outside o( the three Abilit$ Scores. 1or these situations roll a d:. A hih roll (avours the pla$ers3 and a lo2 roll means bad luck (or the pla$ers. +he *e(eree decides 2hat a speci(ic result means (or the situation at hand. +a1age5 ?amae (rom (allin rocks3 e'plosions and other sources outside o( normal combat ranes bet2een d9 and d6<3 2ith d<0 used in onl$ the most e'treme cases. Consider ho2 it 2ould a((ect an averae person. A (all that is 7uite likel$ to in5ure an ine'perienced character miht cause 6d; damae but a hue rock that 2ould crush most miht do d6<. #oison usuall$ causes Abilit$ Score loss. &((ects like 4lindness 2ill hinder attacks and call (or Saves to carr$ out usuall$ e((ortless actions. Turn /ength5 A turn is lon enouh (or a character to move and carr$ out a sinle action. Characters ma$ carr$ out other minor actions instead o( movin3 such as s2itchin 2eapons. +urns are an abstract concept3 and the real-time lenth o( a turn is not important. 6< +isco8ering e! Arcana .denti>'ing an Arcanu15 )hen a character (irst picks up an Arcanum the$ sense its nature3 but not its speci(ic po2er. +he$ must pass a )0L Save to understand its po2er be(ore usin it3 other2ise the Arcanum is activated in the process. Brea0ing the "ules5 Not all Arcana (unction as those iven to ne2 characters. Arcana can do an$thin and are not sub5ect to limitations. *ide ,>>ects5 An Arcanum ma$ displa$ various side e((ects. +his could include emittin a constant lo23 re7uirin da$liht3 or possessin its o2n intellience and communicatin ps$chicall$. Big Arcana5 Not ever$ Arcanum is as portable as a 2and or locket. .an$ more closel$ resemble (urnishins or structures. ,:a1(le5 Uto(ian $ate +his metal structure acts as a portal to another 2orld3 i( someone spends an hour carr$in out the re7uired ritual. Closin the portal re7uires a )0L Save or the character loses d6< )0L and the portal remains open. #assae to and (rom the other 2orld is instant and unrestricted. +is(osa7le Arcana5 An Arcanum ma$ take a disposable (orm3 such as somethin that must be consumed or an item that disappears a(ter one or more uses. ,:a1(le5 6i8e +e1on Ball Shatterin this orb summons (ive terrible (irebirds. 8S+* 6E3 ?&B 663 )0L 603 60hp3 d60 damae=. 0( all (ive birds are killed the ball re(orms at the corpse o( the last to be killed. Arcana Wea(ons5 Some Arcana (unction as a 2eapon alonside their abilit$. +he$ ma$ still (unction 7uite di((erentl$ to a normal 2eapon o( their t$pe. ,:a1(le5 Blue;.ron +eathgun +his heav$ un 8d60 damae3 cannot move and (ire= (ires a beam o( 2histlin blue liht in place o( a shot. +he un inores armour and an$one takin Critical ?amae (rom the un e'plodes in blue (ire. An$one cauht in this blast takes d: damae. Treasure and "iches ?i((erent t$pes o( treasure3 (rom ems to art2ork to (unctional items3 have a certain value. +raders tr$ to hale this price or3 in the case o( e'pensive items3 ma$ not be able to a((ord it at all. 9one' All coins are valued aainst the *il8er;*tandard *hilling 8s=. /ne Shillin is the amount a t$pical (actor$ 2orker earns in a da$. +here are a hue variet$ o( coins that are valued aainst the Shillin3 2ith t2o bein especiall$ common. Co((er #ennies 8p= are 2orth a hundredth o( a Shillin. +en pennies bu$ $ou a cheap drink in a bad tavern. $old $uilders 8= are 2orth one-hundred Shillins. /ne %uilder ets $ou a ood horse3 a 2aon or a valuable piece o( 5e2eller$. Ban0 otes are used (or lare business transactions. Notes rane (rom ten %uilders to one-thousand.
63 O7stacles, Tric0s and &aCards *(otting &aCards5 As a eneral rule the presence o( a trap or other ha-ard is al2a$s noticed b$ characters unless the$ are runnin3 visuall$ impaired or distracted. A(ter this the characters ma$ be harmed throuh (urther inaction or lack o( caution. .ost ,a-ards should allo2 a ?&B Save to avoid daner at the last second. B'(assing &aCards5 +he pla$ers should consider creative 2a$s o( avoidin a ha-ard or disarmin it completel$. *isk$ methods call (or a Save or Luck *oll. *ust$ old traps ma$ onl$ trier on a lo2 Luck roll3 even i( the characters stumble riht into them. /oc0ed +oors5 +$picall$ a locked door can be picked3 iven some time. A ?&B Save is onl$ re7uired i( there is a risk o( trierin a trap3 alertin (oes or runnin out o( time. Similarl$3 breakin do2n a door onl$ re7uires a S+* Save i( there are risks or time pressure3 but breakin a door al2a$s causes lots o( noise and can take a lon time. Wandering ,ncounters5 +he *e(eree rolls d: each time the roup move into a ne2 area3 loiter3 or make loud noise. A roll o( 6 means the roup encounter somethin3 a roll o( < means the$ hear somethin approachin or nearb$3 and 3-: means there is no encounter. *tu(e>'ing +art #ipe is visible at base o( chest. +riered b$ openin the chest 2ithout takin appropriate precautions. 4roken darts litter the (loor o( this room. ?&B Save or lose d6< ?&B. *!inging Blades &ternall$ s2inin over a corridor in a se7uence. Can be blocked onl$ b$ ver$ stron metal pole or other such ob5ects. #assin throuh 2ithout disablin causes d60 ?amae. *trange ectar A pool o( hone$-like li7uid. Smells delicious3 but eatin it causes violent spasms (or a minute. An hour later3 the character spasms aain3 violentl$ chokin up d: thumb-si-ed3 $ello2 maots that bein to secrete a ne2 pool o( nectar. +he character loses a point o( S+* (or each maot choked up. Balancing /edge .ust be crossed to reach 2hatever lies on the other side. Can be done 7uite sa(el$ 2ithout pressure3 but 2hen havin to run or under attack make a ?&B Save or (all to the lo2er level3 takin d: damae and re7uirin a rope to climb back up. +he lo2er level contains crocodiles 8S+* 633 ?&B @3 )0L @3 @,#3 d; damae=. $ras(ing @ines +riered on nearin strane-lookin vines. +ake d: damae each turn and have $our attacks 0mpaired until $ou break (ree 2ith a S+* Save. ,ihl$ (lammable. Contain1ent #it 1alse (loor is clearl$ visible unless the character is distracted3 sprintin or vision is impaired. Steppin onto the (loor (orces a ?&B Save to avoid (allin in. +he (all causes d: damae and a metal cae slams shut around victim. An alarm alerts the keepers o( the trap. TraitorDs Circle +riered b$ enterin the circle marked 2ith a s$mbol depictin a daer bein thrust into a heart. )0L Save or immediatel$ attack $our closest all$3 continuin until knocked unconscious. 0( $ou pass the Save $ou are thro2n out o( the circle. 69 ,ncounters +ri8e5 Characters and .onsters should all have somethin that the$ desire and are 2orkin to2ards. +his is the main uide (or the *e(eree in decidin ho2 the bein behaves3 and can be an$thin (rom 2orld- domination to a 7uiet li(e. 9onsters5 Some encounters are3 b$ their ver$ nature3 di((erent to people and animals. As such the$ o(ten have special abilities outside o( their Abilit$ Scores. An e'pedition site should contain mostl$ uni7ue monsters but some e'amples are iven in this section. &it(oints5 Creatures have up to 30hp. *emember that ,itpoints are not purel$ the abilit$ to absorb ph$sical damae but also the monsterDs cunnin and skill in avoidin harm Ailling 9onsters5 .onsters are treated e'actl$ the same as characters other than noted e'ceptions. Arcana5 )hile some monsters use Arcana3 some have innate abilities similar to Arcana. .onsters do not need to (ollo2 the rules. Ar1our5 Armoured humanoids or lare beasts have Armour 6. Lare3 armoured beasts and iant creatures have Armour <. /nl$ the larest3 touhest monsters have Armour 3. Unusual creatures ma$ cause certain attacks to be &nhanced or 0mpaired aainst them3 or be outriht immune. +a1age5 Attacks cause d: damae i( nothin is mentioned. Some Attack (or e'tra damae3 up to an absolute ma'imum o( d<0 (or the most e'treme cases. A7ilit' *core /oss and +eath Attac0s5 #articularl$ deadl$ creatures besto2 horrible e((ects 2hen the$ cause Critical ?amae. +his ranes (rom Abilit$ Score loss to mess$ death. A ote on A7ilit' *cores5 )hen assinin Abilit$ Scores <0 is the ma'imum. ,ue beins have their si-e represented b$ attackin (or more damae and havin a hih Armour score.
6@ ,:a1(le 9onsters +he *e(eree should use these e'amples as uidance (or creatin their monsters. +ust &ag S+* ;3 ?&B 633 )0L 663 63hp. ?riven to protect hersel( and manipulate others. Attacks 2ith cla2s. Able to turn to dust at 2ill. #h$sical attacks are 0mpaired3 and 2ater-based attacks are &nhanced. Con5ures a veil o( dust around her 2hen in daner3 momentaril$ blindin all 2ho (ail a ?&B Save . Dust Staff %re$ dust starts to envelop the taret. At the start o( their turn the$ must pass a )0L Save or lose d: )0L. +his is repeated each turn until the taret passes their Save. !he "ye A (loatin e$e that $ou can direct and see throuh. ?estro$in the e$e causes the 2ielder o( the e$e to lose d: )0L. Colossal *hell;Beast S+* 6J3 ?&B :3 )0L :3 <0hp3 Armour 3 ?riven to (eed in monthl$ ores. Usuall$ content to avoid an$thin man-si-ed in search o( cattle to eat3 but relentless 2hen threatened. Attacks causin less than d6< damae are 0mpaired. Lashes out 2ith hue pincers 8d6<=. An$one takin Critical ?amae is snatched and s2allo2ed 2hole3 losin d: points o( S+* each round throuh diestion until the$ are pulled or cut out. Bec0oning *hado! S+* 603 ?&B 6E3 )0L 633 :hp. ?riven to trick the (oolish. .ust stick to a sur(ace3 as a normal shado23 but can pass (rom one side o( a sur(ace to another. +ries to lure tarets to touch it. Upon touchin the shado2 the victim loses d: )0L each turn. &scapin the Shado2Ds rip re7uires a )0L Save or repellin the Shado2. 0mmune to normal attacks. Can onl$ manipulate ob5ects touchin the sur(ace. +he shado2 is repelled b$ liht3 and destro$ed i( unable to (ind shelter. *trange &unter S+* 633 ?&B 633 )0L 6<3 69hp3 Armour 6. ?riven to hunt 2orth$ pre$. Speaks onl$ a bi-arre lanuae. ,is shoulder mounts a beam-un 8d6<3 disinteration on Critical ?amae= and he carries an e'otic3 curved blade 8d;=. Thing o> $lo!ing *1o0e S+* 693 ?&B 603 )0L 6@3 60hp ?riven to uard an Arcanum. 0mmune to normal attacks and an$ (ire-based damae is thro2n back at a taret o( the +hinDs choice. Can be repelled b$ 2ind or cold-based means. An$one enain the thin in melee takes d: damae at the end o( their turn (rom the heat alone. /nce per hour it can belch smoke to (ill a lare room. Bone Cra!ler S+* 6<3 ?&B 6;3 )0L E3 :hp. ?riven to implant a host. Attacks 2ith cla2s 8d;= and climbs 2alls and ceilins e((ortlessl$. An$one dealt Critical ?amae is pinned do2n as the Cra2ler dislocates its 5oints and enters the victimDs mouth. /n the Cra2lerDs ne't turn it enters the victimDs bod$3 killin them3 and enters a month-lon hibernation state be(ore emerin in its reater (orm 8S+* 6;3 ?&B 6@3 )0L 603 6<hp3 d60 Cla2s3 Armour 6=. +ead ,cho S+* 603 ?&B ;3 )0L ;3 6<hp. ?riven to torment a victim. A character is implanted 2ith a ?ead &cho i( the$ kill 2ith one o( the cursed black uns currentl$ secured in 4astionDs Kaults. +he echo is al2a$s lurkin invisibl$ inches a2a$ but onl$ materialises and attacks 8d:= in complete darkness or 2hen the character is lookin at their re(lection. +he echo resembles a mutilated cop$ o( the victim. )hen liht is restored or the victim looks a2a$ (rom their re(lection the echo disappears. 6: The Odd World Bastion ) &u7 o> 9an0ind )ith nearl$ a million citi-ens3 4astion is the sel(- proclaimed capital o( civilisation. 0ts skies are black 2ith smoke and its streets bustlin 2ith residents (rom ever$ corner o( the 2orld. Kast (actories produce mass oods and ne2 protot$pes. .obs (lood 4astionDs streets 2ith haned corpses in their search (or other2orldl$ imposters. .ean2hile3 countless star cults have vastl$ di((erent belie(s and aendas3 rarel$ coe'istin peace(ull$. The Underground 4astion sits on a net2ork o( tunnels and vaults that act ever$thin (rom banks and smulin routes to catacombs and se2ers. Secret Kaults are onl$ accessed b$ the ministers that sit on the secretive ,ih Council. +he Underround blends 2ith natural caves rumoured to house monstrous abominations. Be'ond Bastion +ee( Countr' )ith so much o( the populace driven to 4astion3 stretches o( the countr$side have been completel$ abandoned. +hose that choose a rural li(e are o(ten (iercel$ dismissive o( cit$ d2ellers. 4e$ond the minin to2ns and noble estates are ancient ruins and overro2n 2oods haunted b$ rumour. The Other Cities Smaller cities la$ claim to their o2n stretches o( countr$. ?ialects3 (ashions and customs var$ huel$. An increasin number o( citi-ens leave these comparativel$ primitive cities (or a ne2 li(e in 4astion. +here are 2hispers o( e((orts to uni($ and overthro2 4astionDs dominance. Be'ond Ci8ilisation The $olden /ands 4i-arre ruins (illed 2ith riches are hidden behind unnatural landscapes. +his distant continent is barel$ mapped3 and seems to stretch on (orever 2ith increasinl$ alien li(e and surroundins. The #olar Ocean +he reat #olar /cean stretches as (ar North as an$one has ventured. 1e2 return and each brins a di((erent stor$. Some talk o( a shinin paradise and some o( a passae to the stars themselves. +he m$steries o( this /cean continue to dra2 e'plorers to their death. 6E ,:(edition to the .ron Coral *to( reading i> 'ou intend on (la'ing in these sitesE &ach room has the immediatel$ apparent (eatures listed3 2ith their direction i( necessar$. +he details listed in parentheses re7uire (urther investiation to be revealed. Under The .ron Coral !he Iron Coral is a recent addition to the coastal waters of Hopesend# a scum$filled fishin% town &orth of 'astion. !he colourful residents of the town have seen its (a%%ed# metallic form %row out of the spar)lin% ocean over no more than a month. *apin% holes bec)on from its spon%e$li)e shell and the few men to e+plore inside have not returned. &aturally# this has led to rumours of mysterious powers lur)in% within the coral,s caves. +he &'pedition beins /n the Coral 8*oom 0= Wandering ,ncounters *emember to roll d: 2hen the characters enter a ne2 room3 loiter3 or make a noise. /n a 6 the$ (ind a random encounter (rom the table belo2. /n a < the$ encounter a clue that somethin is nearb$. "oll 1d10 15 A scra2n$ man 860hp3 A'e= and sickl$ bo$ 86hp3 S+* 9= scrounin (or treasure. 25 A litter cloud that summons the litterin 2oman 8room 6;= i( an$one uses an Arcanum. 35 A sudden rush o( hot air. 45 Spra$er +hin. 8,ulkin +oad-like +hin. 60hp3 Armour 63 )0L :3 Spits 0tchin 4arbs (or d: damae= 55 A lone3 starvin husk 8room 6@= <5 A #ulsin Sac 8room E= 75 Cra2lin Carapace 8room J= 85 Slu crate 8.etal crate on slu-like (oot. Cra2ls slo2l$ but can unleash a blast o( liht (or d60 damae 2hen threatened. Crate is empt$.= =5 d: Looters makin an escape 8@hp3 *i(les= 105 Lost (isherman3 9hp3 Club. 6; "oo1 Contents 05 On the Coral %re$ Coral 8metallic= Sea 8(roth$3 dead (ish= Slope ?o2n 8rouh3 dark3 to 1= 15 The #it ?ark Cave. )aves echo 8metallic echo=. &ast:*ed Coral )all 8so(t3 can be hacked a2a$ to access 3= 1loor:Chute 8narro23 <0(t do2n3 leads to 44F )est:Cra2l2a$ 8damp3 leads to 5=. South:1oam-1illed #assae2a$ 8salt$3 harmless3 to 13= 25 The "ed "oo1 *ed 2alls 8coral3 so(t3 slo2l$ rero2s i( cut= .eat$ #ile 8(ormer do3 pouch 2ith <0s= An$one in here starts to (eel (aint. Sta$in a(ter this 2arnin re7uires a )0L Save to avoid passin out. An$one le(t in contact 2ith the (loor is diested in their sleep over an hour b$ the red coral. 35 Colla(sed ,sca(e "oute Narro2 +unnel 8dead end= +endrils 8d: damae3 retract= 45 O7ser8ation "oo1 +ransparant )alls 8hard coral3 dead (ish in sea3 2orms suckin lass= Corpse 8cold3 pale3 (eeble humanoid3 2hite e$es= South:Covered vent 8to 54F &ast:?oor 8.etal3 Slides3 Corridor to 74 55 The *tash 4o'es 8thin metal3 scraps o( 5erk$3 tampered 2ith= 4i ceramic bo' 8contains si' 5ars o( reen beads 2orth 30s each3 beads inore (riction= North:Covered vent 8to 44F South: S$mbols on )all 8(aint lo23 touch opens secret door to 8= <5 Bello!ing Corridor +he sea batterin the coral is almost dea(enin here. 75 *igns o> /i>e )alls: !ello2 slime 8t2itches3 harmless= #ulsin Sac 84alloon-like bod$3 t2o sucker (eet3 (aint lo2= uses a #s$chic Scream i( an$one inter(eres 2ith the slime. Stairs 8to 14=. South:%lass )indo2 8into :3 slides open at touch=. #ulsing *ac5 S+* <3 ?&B <3 )0L 603 <,#. ?oes not attack normall$. ?riven b$ desire to be le(t alone. Psychic Scream: /ne taret loses d: )0L and bleeds (rom ears. An$one reduced to )0L 0 b$ this attack has their head e'plode. 85 9issha(en "oo1 Lump$ .etallic )alls 8beaten3 blood smears3= .eat$ chunks 8re$ (lesh3 cold=. &ast:#assae2a$ 8to 184 South:?oor 8metal3 to =4 North: S$mbols on )all 8(aint lo23 touch opens secret door to 5= =5 *ha>t to o!here North:?oor 8metal3 to 8=. )est:?oor 8metal3 to 10= Sha(t 8dark3 @0(t deep3 ends ocean held back b$ (orce(ield3 Cra2lin Carapace hidin= South:*ed Coral 8so(t3 coverin door to 27=. Cra!ling Cara(ace S+* 603 ?&B 693 )0L ;3 ;,#. A rust-coloured humanoid driven b$ love o( cruelt$ to the 2eak. 4ite 8d:= carries a 5oint-sti((enin poison. An$one takin Critical ?amae loses d: ?&B. 105 +r'ing "oo1 .etal caes 8empt$3 2arm3 touch triers a 2histle (ollo2ed b$ blast o( heat (or d: damae each turn=. )est:?oor 8metal3 to ==3 &ast:?oor 8metal3 2arm3 to 12=. 115 The *ource Stone )alls 8smooth3 cool= 1loor:.etal pipe 8spe2in out harmless (oam= Ceilin:%rate 8Noise triers babblin in an incomprehensible lanuae. 0( decoded3 messae is OAbandon Structure: #rotection .easures LaunchedP= North:+unnel 8(oam-(illed3 to 12= South:Arch2a$ 8to 134. 125 *hell;1an Ca8e Small ,umanoid 8?riven b$ desire to make contact 2ith humans. 1at3 litterin3 immobile3 makes hand estures3 understands common and attempts to help=. &ast:Le(t ?oor 8metal3 2arm3 to 10=3 &ast:*iht ?oor 8metal3 some red coral3 to 28=. 135 6oa1 "oo1 1oam (ills the room 8smells like sea3 salt$3 harmless= North:#assae2a$ 8to 1=. South:#assae2a$ 8to 11=. 6J 145 The *entr' 1loor: 60(t %lass dome 8(illed 2ith s2a$in 2ater3 2ater s2a$s to2ards characters that are near3 breaks on contact3 unleashin a hue 2orm=. South: 1rost$ %lass )all 8sound o( ocean3 brittle3 breakable3 leads to an under2ater cave 2here the 2ater is held at ba$ b$ an invisible (ield.= North: 4i ?oor 8covered in s$mbols3 braid pattern3 opens at touch3 leads to 154F &uge Wor1 S+* 6E3 ?&B @3 )0L @3 6@,#3 Armour <. An$one takin Critical ?amae (rom its 4ite 86d60= is s2allo2ed 2hole3 losin d: points o( S+* each round throuh diestion until the$ are pulled or cut out. 155 The Colon' Stone )alls 84raid pattern3 lo2in s$mbols=. ,umanoid 1iures 8unresponsive3 husks3 (eeble3 cold3 pale3 2hite e$es3 uardin spheres=. Spheres 8Cr$stal3 2orth <3 uarded b$ husks=. An$one takin a sphere must pass a )0L Save or (ind themselves unable to leave this chamber. +he$ can be (orced out but i( le(t the$ slo2l$ deca$ into a ,usk. &us05 S+* 93 ?&B :3 )0L <3 6,#3 cla2s 8d9=. ?riven b$ sel(-pit$. 1<5 +eath &and *tore Altar 8)hite %love - ?eath ,and Arcanum=. Death Hand +ouchin a recentl$ killed bod$ absorbs its li(e (orce. !ou can talk to the dead bein or release it as an ener$ blast (or d60 damae. /nl$ one beinDs li(e (orce can be stored at once. A character that is killed 2hile carr$in this Arcanum lives on as a lo2in host. 175 /i>e &and *tore Altar 8!ello2 %love - Li(e ,and Arcanum=. -ife Hand *estore a recentl$ killed bod$ to a hal(-li(e. Abilit$ Scores and ,# remain as the$ 2ere upon death. A bein 2ith an$ Abilit$ Score at -ero cannot be restored. +heir ph$sical 2ounds never heal. *estorin another bein to li(e kills the currentl$ restored bein. 185 $littering Air %litterin Air 8olden3 cool=. An$one usin an Arcanum causes a %litterin )oman to materialise and attack. She does not pursue (urther than this room. )est:#assae2a$ 8to 84 North:?oor 8heav$3 black bolt s$mbol3 onl$ opens (or somebod$ 2ith (resh blood on their hands3 to 1<= &ast:?oor 8heav$3 sun s$mbol3 onl$ opens to somebod$ 2ho has not killed in the last 2eek3 to 17= $littering Wo1an S+* 603 ?&B 603 )0L 6@. 6<,#. ?riven to repell intruders. d; damae in melee (rom (ree-in cold3 inorin armour. 0mmune to normal 2eapons. Upon causin Critical ?amae she inhales and the taret loses d: )0L3 causin disinteration on death. 275 Ga! Tra( )est: *ed )all 8meat$3 disuisin Aa2 4east that attacks 2hen someone nears= North: *ed Coral 8coverin door to == Ga! Beast 8S+* 693 ?&B 63 )0L @3 Armour 63 6<,#= 0mmobile. Aa2s 8d6<=. ?riven b$ huner. *esembles a hue3 rock$3 Kenus (l$- trap. 0ts ut contains t2o .uskets3 a suit o( .odern Armour3 and an emerald-studded skull-pendant 2ith 6. 285 Behind the Ga!s &ast: *ed )all 8meat$3 t2itches 2hen cut3 bleeds3 eventuall$ too touh to cut throuh=. )est:#assae2a$ 8to door to 12 3covered in red coral=.
<0 The 6allen 9arshF . so%%y place with ha/ardous fo% and hideous odour. "ach year the land sin)s deeper and has become over%rown with thic) ve%etation. "ven the local wildlife has %rown odd. +his stretch o( marsh connects the site o( the 0ron Coral to the port o( ,opesend. 4astion is a da$Ds 5ourne$ b$ ship (rom ,opesend. &ach he' is an hourDs 2alk and contains a *andom &ncounter (rom the table belo2. "oll d20 15 +2isted ,ulk. S+* 6:3 ?&B 603 )0L 60. 69hp. d60 Club. Nearl$ human3 driven b$ loneliness. 25 *abid ?o. S+* ;3 ?&B 693 )0L @3 <hp. 35 Lost (isherman3 @hp. Spear. 45 S+* 633 ?&B 693 )0L :3 ;hp. ?riven b$ curiosit$. Communicates 2ith a (orm o( sin lanuae. 55 Anemone ?rone3 <hp. 4rain2ashed human. Club3 d:s. <5 +2o idiots ine((ectivel$ huntin monsters 2ith a lare piece o( meat as bait. 75 %round splittin open to reveal ro2in red coral. 85 Lost3 anr$ man and (amil$. 9hp3 Lona'e 8d;=. =5 Lost horse. S+* 603 ?&B E3 )0L ;3 :hp. 105 Could have s2orn $ou sa2 somethin 5ust then... 115 +o2erin .etal .an. S+* 6;3 ?&B @3 )0L 6@3 6;hp. Armour 33 Stomps 8d6<= or (ires ?eathra$ 8d6<=. 4lob pilotin inside. ?riven mad 2ith po2er. 125 0nvestiator ?&B 6<3 :hp3 #istol 8d:=3 ?aer 8d:=. ?riven to (ind 2eird thins. 135 +he 4u--ard ?&B 693 Ehp3 musket 8d;= ?riven to cheat others. 1ollo2s at a distance to scavene. 145 S2arm(ace: +alks in ibberish bu--tonue. #oints in the riht direction i( asked. 155 Shi(tin round. .ostl$ harmless. 1<5 #illar o( red coral risin out o( the round. 175 Chunks o( red coral blastin sk$2ard. 185 E Looters 9hp3 Armour 63 Clubs 8d:=3 Shield Armour. +ries to rob an$one3 but (lees at daner. 1=5 %iant .etal ,and. S+* 603 ?&B E3 )0L 6@3 60hp3 Armour <3 d6< damae. ?riven to (ind its bod$. 205 4lob S+* 93 ?&B 93 )0L <03 63hp3 Armour 6. ?riven to (ind the metal man3 2hich it should be co-pilotin. .a$ activate Arcana remotel$. &e: Contents 1 ; Beach Sand$ 4each 8sea shells3 dead (ish= ?unes 8desolate3 (lies= 0ron Coral loomin (rom the ocean. 2 ; Colu1ns Circle o( )aist-,ih Stone #illars 8holes $ou can reach into 2ith sparklin shells3 ried 2ith 5a2-trap (or d; damae= ,ue )illo2 +ree 8bird nests3 2recked tree-house= 3 ; Wooden Wal0!a' *iver 8rushin3 5aed rocks3 (ros= )alk2a$ 8)ooden3 battered3 can support t2o peopleHs 2eiht -0( broken3 ?&B Save to avoid (allin into the 2ater (or d: damae per round until rescued=. 4 ; "o(e Tunnel Narro2 +unnel 2ith *ope hanin out 8blood$3 <0(t lon3 tied to hal(-eaten co2 remains= 5 ) 6allen #od 1allen trees 8burnt3 not chopped= 4ook scraps 8constellations= 60(t .etal ?ome 8Loose panel pops open3 translucent slime3 harmless3 (our skeletal corpses3 non-human= < ) "esearch /a7 *uined buildin 8stone3 containin a cramped lab3 &7uipment 2orth < to the riht person3 vials o( deadl$ centipede poison causin d: S+* loss on Critical ?amae=. <6 7 ; /ill' #ad #ond #ond 8sunken rucksack 2ith mirror 860s=3 childDs dress 8@s=3 pearl hairbrush 8<0s=3 2eihed do2n 2ith rocks= 4us 8blood-suckers3 harmless=. 8 ; "oc0 #ile 9(t #ile o( rocks 8disustin smell3 coverin animal skin sealed 2ith 2a' stu((ed 2ith do-ens o( (ermentin seabirds3= 4ubblin #ond 82arm3 iron coral ro2in= = ; *in0ing *hac0 ,ouse 8Sinkin into .arsh3 cleared out3 broken crocker$3 (urniture smashed and burned= )oodshed 8Sinkin into .arsh3 +ools3 dead horse= 10 ; "uined *2uare Stone-paved s7uare 8moss$= )ell 8<0s in coins= ?o statue 8,ero the +errier3 pla7ue Okiller o( the muck-bear= 11 ; Watering &ole *oll t2o random encounters here3 interactin 2ith each other. )aterin ,ole 82ater (aintl$ hums3 0ron Coral is startin to ro2 at the bottom=. 12 ; $olden Orchard %olden (lo2ers 8discarded rin 2orth @= 4lanket and 4asket 8mold$ (ood3 2ine bottles= 13 ; &oarding Ca8e 0nsects on )alls 8lare3 (urr$ centipedes3 harmless=. #ile 8broken (urniture3 tattered clothes3 skeletal corpses3 set o( silver cutler$ 2orth 63 bricks= 9-in-: chance it is bein uarded b$ a pair o( ape-men. +he$ de(end their hoard but (lee 2hen badl$ hurt. +he$ continue to harass an$one that steals (rom them. S+* 693 ?&B 6<3 )0L :3 ;hp. ?riven b$ curiosit$. Communicates 2ith a (orm o( sin lanuae and can use simple tools. 14 ; Bod' #it #it 8mass rave3 burnt corpses3 *otten 2ooden boards 8marked 2ith do-ens o( names= 15 ; Warrior *tatue Statue 82arrior 2ith an a'e and shield3 O1elen the S2ampmenHs ScoureP= /verro2n 2eeds 8stinin nettles3 anno$in but harmless= 1< ; &unterDs &ideout )atchto2er 8old3 2ooden3 looks do2n over the s2amp3 chest 2ith : bombs= %round: 4lankets 8reen3 patterned3 2orth 6s each= <-in-: chance o( a pair o( hunters bein present. S+* 663 ?&B 633 )0L J3 9,#. .uskets3 daers. 17 ; 9eat Tra( 4urnt +rees 8heavil$ burned at various heihts= ,un piece o( meat 8dotted 2ith shin$ shells3 triers a s2inin lo (or d60 damae= 18 ; /e8iathan Cor(se ,ue3 dead (ish 8rottin3 has attracted (lies and centipedes= Lon rass 8broken sp$lass3 pistol= << 1= ; +ar0 Ca8e Natural Cave 8lo2-ceilin3 stalactites3 d: poisonous centipedes tr$ to sneak attack an$one that enters= Cra2lspace 8leads to $reen Ca8e= Centipede 8S+* 33 ?&B 603 )0L 93 6hp. Critical ?amae causes d: S+* loss= $reen ca8e Coral Cave 8dead clams3 loose (loor3 ?&B Save or break3 releasin rush o( boilin 2ater (or d60 damae= #assae2a$ 8branches into hih path to (ool roo13 narro2 sha(t to ane1one roo13 and carved corridor to !heel roo1=. #ool "oo1 Carved *oom 8braid decoration= #ool 8unnaturall$ dark3 liht disturbs t2o ?arkthins= +ar0thing 8S+* 693 ?&B 603 )0L :3 6<hp= ?riven to create darkness and silence. 4ear-si-ed (loatin creature3 cloaked in unnatural black smoke. No visible detail other than (lesh$ bubbles and lashin tendrils (or d: ?amae. +he smoke around them (ades 2hen the$ are killed. +heir bodies are 2rapped in a thick chain. +r$in to pick this up is pain(ul3 as the$ are intensel$ cold. .a$ be sa(el$ picked up 2ith leather or other thick material but over time causes the material to sti((en and crack. Causes d: S+* loss per turn o( e'posure to skin. An$one 2ho is killed b$ this damae becomes a ?arkthin. Wheel "oo1 Carved room 8braid decoration= ,ue 2heel mounted on round 8impossible to turn3 usin an Arcanum causes it to start to spin and reveals a carved sheet o( lo2in metal - .iracle Sheet=. Miracle Sheet: ?ra2s all poison and ill e((ects (rom one taret to the user o( this Arcanum. Ane1one "oo1 0mmense natural chamber 82alls lined 2ith clear Anemones= d: .en 8blank stares3 mindless drones that attack on siht= S+* ;3 ?&B E3 )0L 6@3 <,#. Club 8d:=3 d<0s. 20 ; +eadl' 6ruit 1ruit trees 8blue (ruit3 tastes (oul3 harmless= S7ua2kin birds 8blackbirds3 harmless= 21 ; The Bun0er A Stone 4unker rouhl$ 60(t cubed 8inside: thick cob2ebs3 cold air3 hunched cho0er in corner= .etal ?oor marked 2ith red cross 8hihl$ secure3 multiple locks= Chimne$ 8traces o( blood around the rim3 (aint breathin (rom inside= &unched Cho0er S+* 6<3 ?&B 6@3 )0L 6@3 63hp. %aunt3 E(t humanoid 2ith lon limbs3 ochre skin3 and a lon3 distorted (ace. Screams 2hen (ihtin3 but cannot be heard outside the bunker. )ill do an$thin to escape. Lashes out (or d; damae. )hen it causes Critical ?amae3 it breaks the taretDs neck and dislocates its 5a2 to envelop their head3 bitin it o(( and s2allo2in 2hole. 22 ; *tea1' #ond #ond 8ankle-deep3 steamin3 dead (ish3 red coral ro2in at base=. Chunks o( 4lack Coral 8ice cold3 e'tinuishes (lames at touch=. 23 ; Cli>>side Cli17 )hite Cli((s 8%ra((iti3 paint3 & ,earts .= 4ird Nests 8es3 silver snu((bo' 2orth 90s= *ope 8allo2s climb to top3 ivin vie2 o( the marsh= #ath 8leads alon the cli((s3 North to2ards sin (or ,opesend. 24 ; Thic0 Wood Lon %rass 8dead anemones= #ath to Clearin 8leads to .other Anemone= 9other Ane1one S+* 6:3 ?&B 33 )0L <03 63hp3 Armour 6. Can attack up to (our tarets 2ith tendrils 8d:=. ?riven to create drones. An$one takin Critical ?amae is pulled in and paral$-ed until (reed 8helper must pass a S+* Save to avoid bein pulled in themselves=. An$one le(t (or an hour is released as a drone. ,as d6< drones at her disposal. <3 &o(esend ) /ast #ort o> the orth ;00 .embers. 90 %uards: Ehp3 .usket 8d;=3 S2ord3 .odern Armour. 600 .ilitia: 3hp3 #olearm 8d;=. ,ih )all: ;hp3 Armour <. 4astion is a da$Ds 5ourne$ a2a$ b$ ship. #laces #aradiso #ar0 A hal(-collapsed pier (illed 2ith abandoned amusement park rides. +ents and huts no2 host the to2nDs market. The #ic0led $oose Ta8ern and Boardhouse .ore amblin den than tavern. #ink beer tastes (aintl$ (ish$3 bro2n cod rolls are incredibl$ salt$3 and all ames carr$ (or(eits based around eatin even more disustin thins. The +oc0s Literall$ (allin into the sea. Captains bello2 out re7uests (or ne2 cre2 to vo$ae into the #olar /cean. "ed Cross Tradehouse ?arius oversees all trade oin in and out o( ,opesend. 1or the riht price he 2ill sell the illeal poisons3 drus and 2eapons that he keeps aside. +his is the onl$ place to bu$ uns in ,opesend3 and a premium is chared. The *i((ing &ole No more than a hole in the 2all sellin small cups o( an e'otic rum called 1ire ?evil at 6s a shot. +his is so bad it causes loss o( d: )0L and hallucinations. Bac0streets #oorl$ lit streets patrolled b$ the .ilitia3 2hen the$ can be bothered. A cult 2orshippin the Sea-)itch build (oul-smellin shrines each niht. "ando1 &a((enings and "u1ours 15 A hue 2ave 2ashed over the to2n3 leadin to reater rumours o( the sea-2itch returnin. 25 Aeremiah makes a leitimate attempt to overthro2 ?ariusDs rule o( the docks. 35 .onks have travelled (rom (ar south3 claimin their abbe$ 2as overrun b$ shado2s. 45 +he Union o( .an are preachin about an invasion (rom the stars. +he$ have a dead starman to prove it. 55 Ape men have stolen children (rom the to2n. <5 A (ire has completel$ torn the dock to pieces. #eo(le Go' ) Ba!d' /andlad' S+* J3 ?&B ;3 )0L 6<3 9,#. ?aer 8d:=3 60s. Stock$ and red-(aced. ?riven to keep her tavern bustlin and nois$. ,ates bein alone since she believed she 2as abducted b$ lo2in creatures. /nl$ oes into detail 2hen drunk. +arius ) #ort O8erseer S+* J3 ?&B 603 )0L E3 E,#. 1ine Clothes3 Ceremonial .ace 8d:=3 ,ound3 3. %reas$ blond hair and beard. ?riven b$ la-iness and reed. .onitors all tra((ic in and out o( the port. &ver$one kno2s this3 and there are reular calls (or him to be replaced. Gere1iah ) 9ilitia Ca(tain S+* 603 ?&B J3 )0L :3 6@,#3 Armour 6. Sabre 8d;=3 #istol 8d:=3 .odern Armour3 60s. &$epatch and 2ooden le. ?riven b$ desire (or respect. +alks o( man-apes in the marsh and his near-death at their hands. Leads a uard o( 30 men in protectin the to2n and trainin militia. 6antastic Har ) Wrestler and Acro7at S+* 693 ?&B 6;3 )0L 603 3,#. Sta(( 8d;=3 *idiculous /ut(it3 #arrot3 <s. #ale and skinn$. ?riven b$ 2anderlust. Aile and 2eakl$ telekenetic 82hen she passes a )0L Save=. +r$in to et enouh mone$ to travel to a bi cit$. Theresa ) *treet Thie> S+* 633 ?&B J3 )0L E3 ;,#. #istol 8d:=3 Club 8d:=3 Caltrops3 1ire /il3 <s. Short-cropped red hair. ?riven b$ desire to (eed her in(ant dauhter. Comes out at niht to rob travellers. Aara ) "eclusi8e Artist S+* :3 ?&B 6<3 )0L @3 <,#. #aintin Supplies3 Star Locket3 60s. Star -oc)et Allo2s limpses o( distant realms in the bearerDs dreams. +all and spoon-(aced. ?riven b$ desire to (eel special. #aints her dreams and secretl$ believes she is receivin prophecies (rom the stars. 0s una2are o( the po2er o( her locket3 but senses somethin% about it. Co((er ; Ar1ourer S+* 6@3 ?&B 603 )0L 633 :,#3 Armour 6. 1anc$ Cutlass 8d;=3 .odern Armour3 @0s. Scru(($ orane hair. ?riven b$ desire to pass on his leac$. ,ates Aeremiah3 but berudinl$ supplies his militia. ,as a $oun apprentice3 #iott3 that claims to have seen a metal iant roamin the marshes. <9