Texas A&M UniversityCommerce Daily Lesson Plan Form
Teacher: Cynthia Ell Subject: Physical
Education Grade Level: K-2 nd
Mentor: Jean Russell Campus/District: Shannon Elementary/Rockwall ISD Date: September 10, 2014 10:30-11:15 2 nd Grade Overall Goal of Lesson: The goal of this lesson is to teach the students about personal space (general space), and basic soccer dribbling skills. Instructional Objectives: The instructional objectives are to give the students understanding of the space needed to dribble the soccer ball and the techniques that are used to dribble the soccer ball with control in small personal spaces. Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS: (typed out completely) 116.4. Physical Education, Grade 2. (b) Knowledge and skills. (2.1) Movement. The student demonstrates competency in fundamental movement patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms. The student is expected to: (A) travel independently in a large group while safely and quickly changing speed and direction; (B) demonstrate skills of chasing, fleeing, and dodging to avoid or catch others; (N) demonstrate on cue key elements of hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike such as striking balloon or ball with hand.
(2.7) Social development. The student develops positive self-management and social skills needed to work independently and with others in physical activity settings. The student is expected to: (A) display good sportsmanship; and (B) treat others with respect during play.
Key Vocabulary: Personal Space, freeze, little touches, soft touches, use both feet, inside outside touches, head-up or eyes up. Anatomy Vocabulary: Skull/Cranium (head), phalanges (fingers/toes) ribs, ulna (elbow), patella (knee), tibia (shin), gluteus maximus (bottom) Higher Order Questions: What happens if you dont watch out for personal or general space when dribbling a soccer ball? What happens if you kick the ball away from your body? How would someone stop a ball with their feet? Student Activities: (Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or Cooperative activities, Groupings, Reading, Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections to previous knowledge, etc) 1) Students come in gym and sit in squad spots. 2) Walking, jogging (running, jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping), freezing like a statue 3) Students will meet in the conversation circle where the next activity will be explained. 4) Dribbling and freezing the ball with various body parts Modifications/ELL Strategies: Walking instead of running or jogging. Use a slower type ball, like a sponge type ball. Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Add instruction for different locomotor actions, ie. Animal movements, machine movements and different bodily movements. Play tag: Sharks & Minnows
Time Allotted
Warm-up :05 minutes
:05 minutes
:10 minutes
:15-20 minutes
:05 minutes Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: Dribbling and Body Parts Freeze Game, Sharks and Minnows Game, Shannon Star Jump (Optional) Students come in gym and sit in squad spots.
Warm up: Walk to a place in the gym to find personal space and sit down. Then while jogging around, the students also perform other motor skill movements. (running, jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping) and FREEZE LIKE A STATUE on command. Then repeat with music. Students will stop when music stops. Modeling: Students then meet in Conversation Circle to explain game of dribbling/Body Parts Freeze. Teacher demonstrates how to dribble the soccer ball, freeze the ball, keeping eyes up and watching for students around you. Independent Practice: The students practice the skill on their own and play Body Parts Freeze. Have girls retrieve balls out of buckets and then boys. Both spread out around the gym to do exercise and play the freeze game. After the game, students meet with their balls in the Conversation Circle. Teacher explains next activity of Sharks and Minnows Game and chooses 3-5 Sharks. Sharks are given their Soccer Beach Balls to tag Minnows with. Group Practice: To begin Sharks and Minnows, the Minnows will start at one end of the gym or Ocean and the Sharks will start in the center or the Shark Bowl. By groups of the teachers choice, and on the teachers command, Minnows will try to get to the other side of the ocean without getting tagged by a Shark while dribbling his/her soccer ball. If a Minnow gets tagged, he/she becomes Seaweed and has to stand with the ball, swaying side to side. Sharks can move anywhere inside the red lines to tag the Minnows. The game can go on for 5 minutes or until all Minnows are tagged. Then Sharks choose a replacement Shark from the Minnows and game is repeated. Lesson Closure: When game is over, have students place balls back in tubs using a head ball and line up to leave. Optional Finish: Instruct class on the Shannon Star Jump. After students put balls away they meet in the Conversation Circle and do Shannon Star Jump. Line up at door to leave. Assessment Methods/Strategies: Assessment will be participation of the activity. Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.): 40 balls of all kinds set inside (6-8) buckets, music, beach soccer balls
Reflection: Based on dribbling skills and how well they can keep the balls close Ill know if the students need more time on more dribbling skill games.