Heidi Gabrys Pe Lesson Plans
Heidi Gabrys Pe Lesson Plans
Heidi Gabrys Pe Lesson Plans
Lesson 1 of 2
40 Minutes
Elaboration: performing fundamental
movement skills involving controlling objects
with equipment and different parts of the
Large A4 alphabet letter cards
A variety of different sized balls and objects (bean bags, balls of wool)
Large A4 alphabet letter
Can you throw the ball up, touch shoulders and catch?
Can you throw the ball up, clap once and then catch?
Can you throw the ball up, sit on the ground and catch?
Transition: Count off students either a 1 or a 2. All number 2s sit down on the ground and
place their ball behind them. All numbers 1s bring your ball and place it in the container.
Teacher then pairs students up.
Explicit Instruction: Partner catching (1 min)
We are going to practice catching with a partner, when we are throw the ball to our partner
we must:
- Aim for their hands
- Throw it gently
- Make sure they are looking before throwing the ball
- Call their name before throwing
Catchers must remember to:
- Stand ready and in position
- Arms and hands ready
- Eyes tracking the ball
Modifications: the ball is bounce passed to the catcher, or use a bigger ball for easier
catching. Or smaller balls to challenge students.
Demonstrate the activity with a student.
Students practice catching and throwing the ball to one another, signal start and finish with
the whistle. (1-2 mins)
Monitor and provide specific feedback to students as you walk around.
Lesson evaluation:
Lesson 2 of 2
40 Minutes
Elaboration: performing fundamental
movement skills involving controlling objects
with equipment and different parts of the
Large beach ball
Colored sashes
A variety of balls
6 skittles or cones
soft foam balls or dodge balls
2 flat hoops
Everyone must stay within the borders of the half basketball court.
Keep eyes open, so we dont run into each other.
The class is split into two teams, one teach has the sashes the other teams doesnt. The
idea is to keep the beach ball from landing on the floor and keeping the ball from the
opposite team. Students must not be standing still, they must be moving their feet. The ball
can be caught, if caught you must freeze on the spot and throw the ball to someone else in
Large beach ball
Color sashes
Colored sashes
2 flat hoops
The team wins if all 3 cones on the opposing team have been knocked out or all the team
has been hit out with a ball. The game is played over the whole basketball court. The 3
cones are placed in the goals area at each end and the hoops placed on either side.
Students should still be wearing their sashes from warm up activities, so this will form the
Balls can only hit from waist down, anything above this the thrower is out
If you catch or possess the ball you freeze on the spot and throw it
If you catch the ball on the full, the thrower is out
Players can not cross the midline and once a skittle is knocked over it stays down
Students who are out are sent to jail (hoops), first in first out, a student can get out of
jail if the ball is thrown to them from a team mate and they catch it.
The game continues until time is up or there are only 2-3 players left on each side.
Modification: Everyone gets out of jail if the ball is caught, so no one is left in jail too long.
One skittle can be nominated as the life saver, where if it gets knocked down, anyone on the
team trying to knock it down who are in jail can come back in. Use more or less balls to
increase or decrease difficulty of the game.
Pack up: Everyone in jail must collect an item each and bring it back to the front and the
players who won will collect all the colored sashes.
Cool Down
Ask students if they have thought of any other ways we could play the game.
For the privledge of lining up first, students must name one of the catching or throwing cues.
Lesson evaluation:
8. Was the aim of the lesson achieved?
9. Where students able to achieve the objectives?
10. Was the lesson flexible enough to cater for diversity in the class?
11. What could have been done differently?
12. What worked well?
13. Were the instructions clear/unclear? Why?
14. Are there any other assessment opportunities in the lesson?