Pe - Basketball - Dribbling 3
Pe - Basketball - Dribbling 3
Pe - Basketball - Dribbling 3
Dribbling (3)
30 mins
Ms. Hnatiuk
Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities;
dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative
environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
2. Students will interact positively with others.
A35 demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object, using a variety of body parts and
implements; and, perform manipulative skills individually and with others while using a variety of
A310 perform and play lead-up games and demonstrate elements of space awareness, effort and
A42 consistently and confidently perform locomotor skills and combination of skills, by using elements of
body and space awareness, effort and relationships to a variety of stimuli to improve personal
A45 select, perform and refine ways to receive, retain and send an object with control.
A410 demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills to modify games and achieve activity
C33 identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play.
C35 display a willingness to share ideas, space and equipment when participating cooperatively with
C43 identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play.
C45 participate cooperatively in group activities.
Students will:
1. Recall dribbling techniques, uses and rules.
2. Demonstrate complex dribbling skills.
3. Explain why and when certain dribbles are used.
4. Demonstrate team work.
5. Identify the boundary lines of the basketball court.
Key Questions:
Prior to lesson
Attention Grabber
Assessment of Prior Knowledge
Expectations for Learning and
Advance Organizer/Agenda
Transition to Body
Variety of Learning Styles
Questioning throughout
Differentiation for students
Focused formative assessment
Consolidation of Learning
Feedback from Students
Feedback to Students
Transition to Next Lesson
Have students circle around me at centre court without a basketball. (I have a
Demo a control dribble but ask the students what it is called. Then ask students
when it would be used. Continue for both the speed dribble and V dribble.
Introduce travelling and double dribbles rules. (1)
Ask all students to get a ball and line up on the centre court line as quickly as
possible. Girls get a ball first today.
Introduce the names of the lines of the basketball court. I have been using the
term SL and BL for the past few lessons so they should know where that is.
Show them the foul line, key outline, 3 pt line, centre circle, centre line and
point out they are all the same color (or should be). (5)
Tell students that the warm up game we are using the boundaries of the BL
and SL to start, then they will change. (5)
Activity #1- Warm-up: Dribble knock away. (2,5)
Each student has a ball and the goal of the game is to the last one
standing at the end of the game with their ball still. Everyone is trying to
knock away other peers ball while keeping control of their own.
Ask students which dribbles they think will be used most effectively in
this game.
Use skills like control dribble, speed dribble, V dribble.
Keep eyes up as much as possible to avoid running into other peers.
Explain to students that if we dont look up 2 students can bang heads
with each other. Safety issue.
Make the out of bounds line bigger to start, just in the court. Decrease
space given to challenge students skills.
Encourage students to not break the travelling or double dribble rules.
Once game is done, all the balls need to be put away.
Activity #2- Octopus (2,4,5)
Similar to British Bulldog.
2 Octopus in the centerline of the basketball court. All other students on
the baseline. 2 in the middle yell octopus and those on the baseline take
off and try to not have their ball knocked away by the octopus or lose
control of it themselves before reaching the volleyball attack line at the
other end of the court. If tagged, students become seaweed. They are to
place the bball between their ankles and only use their arms to reach out
and try to tap away the basketball of those students who are still in the
Use SL-SL for 30 students.
Once all students are tagged and seaweed a new game begins, with the first 2
people who were seaweed, are now octopuses.
Meet at centre circle. Demo: have students to agree to stand on one side of
the centre line and disagree on the other side.
Can I do this in basketball? (demo different types of travelling) Why or
why not? (1,2,3)
Can I do this in basketball? (demo different types of double dribbling)
Why or why not? (1,2,3)