Babur Humayunand Akbar
Babur Humayunand Akbar
Babur Humayunand Akbar
Babur was the first Mughal emperor who founded the Mughal Empire. His Complete name
was Zaheer-ud din Mohammad Babur and he attained his first power position in 1495 and at
the Age of 12 he became ruler of a small state. He came from Turkistan and first he invaded
Afghanistan and established himself for further invasions towards India. He ruled from 1526 to
1530. He was descended from Timur on his father's side and from Chagatai the second son of
the Mongol ruler Genghis khan, on his mother's side. He established the Mughal Empire in 1526
by defeating Ibrahim Lodhi with the use of fire arm technology, which was new to the Indian
rulers. This empire was in fact of Persian and Turk origin with the background of Far East
culture. His hobbies were writing, Literature, music, swimming, and gardening .He was
moderately simple, more religious and was not much fond of women. The enemies of Babur
included Afghans of eastern India, Hindu Rajput, and Ibrahim Lodhi. As the first Mughal
emperor he was determined to conquer the regions including central and northern India,
Afghan territory, Samarkand, Kabul, etc.
The empire established by Babur was not on firm footings. Therefore after the death of Babur,
Humayun (1530-1556) his eldest son could not get good hold on the empire and lost it when
Sher Shah Suri defeated him and put him into the exile till 1555, when he attacked again and
got his empire back by defeating Lodhis with the help of safavid Persian and afghan rulers.
Unfortunately he also died in an accident soon after that victory.
Akbar the great (1556-1605) was only 12 years old when his father Humayun died. However he
was having a great mentor bairam khan who helped Mughal Empire till he was made able to get
his reign back. His policies are still admired by all Indians. He has he was humble diplomatic and
broad minded. He also introduced a new religion Din e-Ilahi by mixing Islam and Hinduism to
create a harmony among all people of subcontinent. He also married to many Hindu girls to get
a good hold of the population. He ruled for almost fifty years, and established the strong
Mughal Empire by introducing strong economic reforms. He also established strong relationship
with Europeans regarding trade .also he also built many buildings including Delhi fort and
Lahore fort.
Overall the whole period was as peaceful, especially in the period of Akbar the great, there was
a great harmony present among all religions due to his diplomatic and lenient policies. The
monuments built by the first emperor included Kabuli masjid, Babri masjid, Pani pat mosque,
Gardens and madrassas.