: WhaL ls ChemlsLry? Chem|stry: Lhe sLudy of Lhe composluon of mauer and Lhe changes LhaL mauer undergoes Mauer: anyLhlng LhaL has mass and occuples space : WhaL ls MA11Lk? MA11Lk = anyLhlng LhaL has mass and volume. Mass: Pow much sLu" Lhere ls, ln chemlsLry we wlll Lhlnk of lL llke Lhe welghL of someLhlng. ulerence beLween mass and welghL?? C8Avl1?! Vo|ume: 1he amounL of space LhaL someLhlng Lakes up. : WhaL ls MA11Lk? ls lL mauer? Why or why noL? Crass ldeas Chalk LlghL PeaL Cel Alr : Pow ls mauer classled? Mauer can be classled ln 2 ways: - It's S1A1L (so||d, ||qu|d, gas) - lL's CCMCSl1lCn (whaL lL's made ouL of) ?ou have 3 mlnuLes Lo copy Lhe followlng charL lnLo your noLebook:
Lxplorauon uemonsLrauon We wlll use syrlnges and beakers Lo undersLand Lhe dlerences beLween sollds, llqulds, and gases. l wlll qulckly run Lhrough all of Lhese Lhlngs as you work on lllng ln your charL. lf you have any quesuons or need Lo see anyLhlng agaln, [usL ralse your hand. Lureka - SLaLes of Mauer hup://www.youLube.com/waLch? v=guou_cu88LL ?ou wlll ll ln Lhe bouom 2 rows of your charL uslng Lhe vldeo's lnformauon! arucle ulagrams. geL used Lo seelng Lhese!! Warm up 1hursday | AugusL 28, 2014 1. WhaL ls mass? WhaL ls volume? 2. ln whaL sLaLe of mauer does an ob[ecL nC1 have Lhe same shape or volume of lLs conLalner? 3. 1hls sLaLe Lakes boLh shape and volume of lLs conLalner. 4. uraw Lhe parucle dlagram of a solld, llquld, and gas (remember Lhe plcLure wlLh Lhe clrcles" represenung parucles). Cb[ecuves lW8A1 undersLand and explaln denslLy. lW8A1 see how Lhe properues of mauer aecL denslLy of dlerenL ob[ecLs. Agenda Warm up/Cb[ecuve Mauer llnlsh noLes Dens|ty uemo noLes racuce roblems : Pow ls mauer classled? 1. So||d: denlLe shape and volume 2. L|qu|d: lndenlLe shape buL xed volume 1akes Lhe shape of Lhe conLalner 3. Gas: lndenlLe shape and lndenlLe volume. 1akes Lhe shape and volume of lLs conLalner. Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes SLaLes of mauer can change beLween one anoLher. 1hese changes have speclal names, mosL of whlch you are already famlllar wlLh! : Pow ls mauer classled? Mauer can be classled ln 2 ways: - lL's S1A1L (solld, llquld, gas) - It's CCMCSI1ICN (what |t's made out of) : WhaL Are Lhe 1ypes of Mauer? : WhaL Are Lhe 1ypes of Mauer? ure Substances: !"#$#%&' slmplesL form of mauer LhaL has a unlque seL of properues. Lx: na, k, Au ()$*)+%,' conslsLs of 2+ elemenLs LhaL are chemlcally comblned. Lx: P 2 C, CC 2 , naCl : WhaL Are Lhe 1ypes of Mauer? M|xtures: physlcal blend of Lwo or more componenLs. -)$).#%#)+/ $12&+3#' unlform composluon LhroughouL Lx: coca-cola -#).#%#)+/ $12&+3#' composluon ls noL unlform LhroughouL Lx: chlcken noodle soup
Practice!! ldenufy wheLher Lhe followlng subsLances are elemenLs, compound, homogeneous mlxLures, or heLerogeneous mlxLures:
1. Cook|e dough |ce cream 2. Lead 3. M||k 4. Water S. A|um|num 6. ngNC 3 7. noney 8. CC 9. Cu
: Why ls Lhls lmporLanL? 1he properues of mlxLures are MIkLD because each subsLance kLLS |ts own propernes
1hlnk abouL banana puddlng - lL LasLes llke bananas, vanllla waers and puddlng! .whlch means bananas are sull bananas and Lhe puddlng ls sull puddlng. : Pow do we SeparaLe MlxLures? ulerences ln physlcal properues can be used Lo separaLe mlxLures. 45 61"&378)%' process LhaL separaLes a solld from a llquld ln a heLerogeneous mlxLure. 95 :1/8""78)%' a llquld vaporlzes and Lhen reLurns Lo llquld form leavlng behlnd oLher componenLs. now |s moonsh|ne made? D|sn||anon ls Lhe process used Lo separaLe a mlxLure of pure llqulds based on Lhelr bo|||ng po|nts I||tranon ls Lhe process used Lo separaLe subsLances based on slze or solublllLy (ablllLy Lo dlssolve) DLNSI1, MLASUkLMLN1 AND SIG IIGS unlL 1: ChemlsLry Mauers : WhaL are Lhe dlerenL properues of mauer? hys|ca| property A properLy of a subsLance LhaL can be observed or measured wlLhouL changlng Lhe subsLance's composluon. 8emalns Lrue no mauer how much of Lhe subsLance you have! : WhaL are Lhe dlerenL properues of mauer? WhaL are some phys|ca| propernes used Lo ldenufy subsLances? hyslcal appearance uenslLy (u = M/v!!!) melung polnL (M..) bolllng polnL (8..) heaL capaclLy solublllLy Does the co|or of pa|nt depend on how b|g the conta|ner |s? : WhaL ls uenslLy? Mass per unlL volume (how much welghL an ob[ecL has based on how much space lL Lakes up). 1he unlL ls: g]mL or g]cm 3
mL ls same as cm 3
Water has a denslLy of 1.00g]mL (waLer ls used as an lnLernauonal sLandard for denslLy) : WhaL ls uenslLy? lf someLhlng has a h|gher dens|ty Lhan waLer, lL wlll s|nk. lf someLhlng has a |ower dens|ty, lL wlll oat. : WhaL ls uenslLy? d m v Lxample 1: lf a sample of alumlnum has a mass of 13.3 g and a volume of 3.0 cm 3 , whaL ls lLs denslLy? d = m = v = Lxample 2 lf l have a sample of an unknown subsLance whose denslLy ls 1 g/mL and whose volume ls 1300 mL, whaL ls Lhe mass of my subsLance? d = m = v = 8CnuS: WhaL ls my subsLance? 1ry 1hese. lf you have an ob[ecL whose mass ls 230 g and whose denslLy ls 2 g/mL, whaL ls Lhe volume? lf you welgh 3000g and you dlsplace 13L of waLer ln Lhe baLhLub, whaL ls your denslLy? lf l place an ob[ecL lnLo a graduaLed cyllnder LhaL lnlually had a volume of 16 mL and lL rose Lo 30mL, whaL ls Lhe volume? : WhaL are Lhe base unlLs we use ln chemlsLry?
LengLh: MeLer Lnergy: !oules Mass: grams Vo|ume: L|ter Dens|ty: g/mL or g/cm 3 Lvery number we ever dlscuss wlll have a unlL assoclaLed wlLh lL! unlLs are llke cloLhlng" for numbers. we wlll !"#"$ have nAkLu nuM8L8S!!!!!!!! C: WhaL lf we add a prex?? WhaL does mllll-" mean? lor example, ls a mllllmeLer smaller or blgger Lhan a meLer?
WhaL does kllo-" mean? ls a kllogram smaller or blgger Lhan a gram? 1000 m||||-un|ts = 1 un|t 1 k||o-un|t = 1000 un|ts
"un|t" can be any of the base un|ts from the |ast s||de ?Cu nLLu 1C MLMC8lZL 1 k||ounlL = 1000 unlLs 1 unlL = 100 cennunlLs 1 unlL = 1000 m||||unlLs LeL's racuce! WlLh dlmenslonal analysls! Pow many meLers are Lhere ln 3.6 kllomeLers?
Clven ln problem * unlLs LhaL you wanL unlLs ln problem 1herefore. 3.6 km * 1000 m = 3600 m 1 km LeL's racuce! WlLh dlmenslonal analysls! Pow many cenumeLers are Lhere ln 12 meLers? Pow many mllllmeLers are Lhere ln 0.36 kllomeLers? Warm up lrlday | AugusL 29, 2014
1. WhaL ls Lhe denluon of mauer? 2. Label each phase change. Solld ! llquld gas ! llquld Solld ! gas llquld ! gas 3. A plece of wood LhaL measures 3.0 cm by 6.0 cm by 4.- cm has a mass of 80.0 grams. WhaL ls Lhe denslLy of Lhe wood? Would Lhe plece of wood oaL ln waLer? 4. Cn a separaLe sheeL, copy Lhe Lable on Lhe board
Agenda Warm up/Cb[ecuve 8lnder SeL up MeLrlc Converslons: 8evlew SlgnlcanL llgures Lab no. 1: uenslLy of 8ubber 8r|ef qu|z on 1uesday Mauer, s|g hgs, phys|ca|]chem|ca| changes ML1kIC CCNVLkSICN kLVILW MeLrlc Converslon 8evlew ConverL 3.36 meLers (m) Lo mllllmeLers (mm) Soluuon: What un|t am I starnng w|th? MeLers (m) What un|t do I want to end w|th? MllllmeLers (mm) now am I go|ng to get there? WhaL unlL facLor relauonshlp do l know beLween meLers and mm? 1000 mm = 1 m now can I express th|s as a fracnon? 1000 mm/1 m or 1 m/1000 mm Wh|ch fracnon w||| I p|ck? l wlll plck Lhe one wlLh Lhe m on Lhe bouom so LhaL lL wlll cancel wlLh whaL l was glven. MeLrlc Converslon 8evlew ConverL 3.36 meLers (m) Lo mllllmeLers (mm) Soluuon: MeLrlc Converslon 8evlew ConverL 7980 mlcrograms (g) Lo mllllgrams (mg) Ask yourself. WhaL unlL am l sLarung wlLh? Mlcrograms (g) WhaL unlL do l wanL Lo end wlLh? Mllllgrams (mg) Pow am l golng Lo geL Lhere? WhaL unlL facLor relauonshlps do l know beLween g, g and mg? 10 6 g = 1 g and 1000 mg = 1 g Pow can l express Lhese as fracuons? MeLrlc Converslon 8evlew ConverL 7980 mlcrograms (g) Lo mllllgrams (mg) Soluuon: ?ou 1ry. ConverL Lhe followlng: 1. 47,340 cm Lo m 2. 40.64 km Lo m 3. 38,700 mL Lo L 4. 3.86 kg Lo g 3. 262,100 mg Lo kg SWI1CnING GLAkS A 8I1. : WhaL are SlgnlcanL llgures? 1he %&'(&)*+(, )'./0% of a number are Lhose dlglLs LhaL carry meanlng conLrlbuung Lo lLs preclslon 1he number of slgnlcanL gures ln a resulL ls slmply Lhe number of gures LhaL are known wlLh some degree of rellablllLy. 1he number 13.2 ls sald Lo have 3 slgnlcanL gures. 1he number 13.20 ls sald Lo have 4 slgnlcanL gures. : WhaL are Lhe 8ules Lo Slg llgs? (1) All nonzero dlglLs are slgnlcanL:
1.234 g has 4 slgnlcanL gures, 1.2 g has 2 slgnlcanL gures. : WhaL are Lhe 8ules Lo Slg llgs? (2) Zeroes beLween nonzero dlglLs are slgnlcanL: 1002 kg has 4 slgnlcanL gures, 3.07 mL has 3 slgnlcanL gures. : WhaL are Lhe 8ules Lo Slg llgs? (3) Leadlng zeros Lo Lhe le of Lhe rsL nonzero dlglLs are noL slgnlcanL, such zeroes merely lndlcaLe Lhe posluon of Lhe declmal polnL: 0.001 o C has only 1 slgnlcanL gure, 0.012 g has 2 slgnlcanL gures. : WhaL are Lhe 8ules Lo Slg llgs? (4) 1ralllng zeroes LhaL are also Lo Lhe rlghL of a declmal polnL ln a number are slgnlcanL: 0.0230 mL has 3 slgnlcanL gures, 0.20 g has 2 slgnlcanL gures. : WhaL are Lhe 8ules Lo Slg llgs? (3) When a number ends ln zeroes LhaL are noL Lo Lhe rlghL of a declmal polnL, Lhe zeroes are noL necessarlly slgnlcanL: 190 mlles may be 2 or 3 slgnlcanL gures, 30,600 calorles may be 3, 4, or 3 slgnlcanL gures. PCW MAn? SlC llCS? 0.0210 3.6036 0.0006 13.00003 36,003 120,000 Mlnl-Lab: WhaL ls Lhe uenslLy of 8ubber? re-Lab Cuesuons Show Ms. llelds when you are done. lollow procedure Show all daLa and calculauons Small sLopper = 3.813 g Medlum sLopper = 13.333 g Large sLopper = 24.377 g Answer analysls quesuons uaLa Analysls Answer quesuons wlLh your group ln compleLe senLences. 8e sure Lo use Lhe approprlaLe number of slg gs! Cnce you nlsh, you may geL sLarLed on Lhe homework unlL 1: arL C Warm up 1uesday | SepLember 2, 2013 Don't forget to take a p|nk warm up sheet from the front of the room!
1. l have a sample of sllver whose denslLy ls 10.3 g/mL. lf my volume ls 100 mL, whaL ls my mass? 2. ConverL 3.36 mm Lo m 3. Pow many cenugrams ln 301 kllograms? 4. Pow many slgnlcanL gures are Lhere ln 300.2? S. 1urn |n dens|ty m|n|-|ab
Cb[ecuve lW8A1 ldenufy Lhe dlerence beLween physlcal and chemlcal changes lW8A1 explaln when a chemlcal or physlcal change ls happenlng and provlde evldence as Lo why Agenda Warm up/Cb[ecuve llnlsh Slg llgs roperues and Changes of mauer Chemlcal Changes lamlly SLyle Lab **u|z 1 tomorrow! IINISnING SIG IIGS : WhaL are Lhe 8ules Lo Slg llgs? When muluplylng, dlvldlng, subLracung, or addlng, your answer should have Lhe same amounL of slg gs as your LLAS1 slg g number. Lx: 3.0 (2 slgnlanL gures ) 12.60 (4 slgnlanL gures) = 37.8000 ! 38.
ln carrylng ouL calculauons, Lhe general rule ls LhaL Lhe accuracy of a calculaLed resulL ls llmlLed by Lhe leasL accuraLe measuremenL lnvolved ln Lhe calculauon. LeL's racuce! 1. 37.76 + 3.907 + 226.4 = ? Pow many slg gs ln each number? 37.76 ! ? 3.907 ! ? 226.4 ! ? Pow many slg gs should our answer have?
Cn-Cn-Cn-CnANGLS unlL 1: ChemlsLry Mauers Ch-ch-ch-changes Mauer can also change! Lxamples: lreeze, cuL, burn, eLc. 2 Lypes of changes 1. hyslcal changes 2. Chemlcal changes : WhaL Are hyslcal Ch-ch-ch-changes? uurlng a physlcal change, mauer changes form WI1nCU1 becomlng a new subsLance ?ou sLarL and end wlLh same subsLance Lxamples: cumng, freezlng, melung, eLc. Molecules ln hyslcal Changes : Pow do we know Lhere has been a hyslcal Change? 1. Changes ln S|ze 2. Changes ln Shape 3. Changes ln 1exture : WhaL are Chemlcal Changes? uurlng a chemlcal change, mauer changes and becomes NLW subsLance SLarL and end process wlLh dlerenL subsLances usually lrreverslble (can'L change back) Lxamples: burnlng, rusung, mllk golng sour Molecules ln Chemlcal Changes 1he aLoms rearrange Lo make a nLW subsLance : Pow do we know Lhere has been a Chemlcal Change? 1. Change ln LemperaLure 2. Lvoluuon of a gas 3. lormauon of preclplLaLe 4. Change ln smell 3. Change ln color : Pow do we know Lhere has been a Chemlcal Change?