This chapter discusses the research methods used for the study, including the descriptive research method and survey method. Data was gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and research. Random sampling was used to select participants. Statistical tools and analysis were used to organize and understand the data. The goals were to understand current practices and methods used by employees.
This chapter discusses the research methods used for the study, including the descriptive research method and survey method. Data was gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and research. Random sampling was used to select participants. Statistical tools and analysis were used to organize and understand the data. The goals were to understand current practices and methods used by employees.
This chapter discusses the research methods used for the study, including the descriptive research method and survey method. Data was gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and research. Random sampling was used to select participants. Statistical tools and analysis were used to organize and understand the data. The goals were to understand current practices and methods used by employees.
This chapter discusses the research methods used for the study, including the descriptive research method and survey method. Data was gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and research. Random sampling was used to select participants. Statistical tools and analysis were used to organize and understand the data. The goals were to understand current practices and methods used by employees.
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This chapter deals with the methods of research used whether itmay be historical, descriptive, and experimental or a case study. The t echni ques us ed under Des cr i pt i ve Res ear ch Met hod as wel l as t he data gathering tools and analytical tools used will be further explainedin this chapter as well as the methods used in developing the softwareand for evaluation.
Methods of Research Used The pr oponent s have us ed t he Des cr i pt i ve Res ear ch Met hodwher ei n t he s t udy i s f ocus ed on pr es ent s i t uat i ons . I t i nvol ves t herecording, description, analysis and the presentation of the presentsystem, composition or processes of phenomena.Under the Descriptive Research Method, the technique used isthe Survey Method, which is otherwise known as normative survey. Theresults and findings of the study should always be compared with thestandards. With the survey method, researchers are able to statisticallys t u d y t h e s p e c i f i c a r e a s wh e r e t h e p r o p o n e n t s mu s t c o n c e n t r a t e . Findings regarding the common practices being done and the methodswhich are commonly adopted by the employees are obtained with theuse of the survey method
The questionnaires are being answered accordingly to the priorityof concern by using predetermined sets of questions with predefinedranges of answers so as to avoid any conflicting series of response.
Sampling Design and Technique S a m p l i n g m a y b e d e f i n e d a s m e a s u r i n g a s m a l l p o r t i o n o f s o met hi ng and t hen maki ng a gener al s t at ement about t he whol ething. It enables the study of a large, heterogeneous population moreeconomic wise, meaning not too costly, and more realistic and possibleto make. The population to be researched upon is quite small; hencescientific sampling is implied to each member of the population sincethe number of population is attainable for sampling. The proponents decided to use the unstructured random sampling technique since thepopulation is well in the reach of statistical evaluation. To justify the point, the use of Slovens Formula was utilized in theformula of:N = N / 1 + N (e)2 Where: n = sample sizeN = total populatione = level of confidence (.01 to .05) Data Gathering Tools
These are the instruments or tools for gathering data in researchused as basis for drawing conclusions or making inferences. Some of t hes e t ool s ar e ques t i onnai r es , i nt er vi ews , empi r i cal obs er vat i ons , r es ea r ch and anal ys i s us ed by t he pr oponent s as t hey conduct t he proposed study. Interview. An I nt er vi ew i s def i ned as a meet i ng of t wo peopl ef ace t o f ace t o conf er about s omet hi ng or an act of ques t i oni ng t or e c e i v e a d e s i r e d a n s w e r t h a t i s n e c e s s a r y i n s o l v i n g a s p e c i f i c problem. This is where data gathering occurs by asking questions for much needed information from the interviewee verbally and directly. Observation. This technique is used when the researcher cannotsecure adequate or valid data through the use of the questionnaire orsome other technique. It is considered to be the most direct means of s t u d y i n g p e o p l e i n s o f a r a s t h e i r o v e r t b e h a v i o r i s c o n c e r n e d . Observation of a current operating procedure is another data gatheringtool seeing the system in action gives you additional perspective andbetter understanding of system procedures. Research. R e s e a r c h i s s i m p l y , t h e s y s t e m a t i c s e a r c h f o r pertinent information on a specific topic or problem. It is systematics t u d y o r i n v e s t i g a t i o n o r s o me t h i n g f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f a n s we r i n g ques t i ons pos ed by t he r es ear cher . I t i ncl udes r evi ewi ng j our nal s , p er i odi cal s , and books t o obt ai n backgr ound i nf or mat i on, t echni cal material, and news about industry trends and developments. Questionnaire. A p r e - w r i t t e n s e r i e s o f q u e s t i o n s u s e d i n gathering important informations from one or more persons. This willbe given to the individual who have a direct bearing of the study and in
order to satisfy the proponents goal that is to get and measure theopinions, polls and attitude of the respondents of the study. Analysis. Analysis is the process of breaking-up the whole studyi nt o i t s cons t i t uent par t s of t he cat egor i es accor di ng t o t he s peci f i c questions under the statement of the problem. This is to bring out intofocus the essential feature of the study. Statistical Tools Statistics is one way of getting the informations organized. Tohave a general view of the whole scenario of the study, statistical tooli s us ed. Thi s al s o i ncl udes t he s cal i ng s ys t em, whi ch i s us ed by t he proponents as a technique to monitor the respondents interpretationof facts. (See Table 2.0 & Table 3.