Shotcrete For Rock Support
Shotcrete For Rock Support
Shotcrete For Rock Support
Sprayed Concrete
for Rock Support
Tom Melbye
UGC International
UGC International
Division of BASF Construction
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Maxima manipulator,
in fully extended position.
Tom Melbye
UGC International
Ross Dimmock
Technical/Marketing Director
UGC International
Knut F. Garshol
Geological Engineer M.Sc/
Regional UGC Director Latin America
UGC International
The authors would like to thank colleagues within UGC International for their
assistance and support in the preparation of this publication. Special thanks are
extended to Jonathan Brown and Thomas Kurth, MEYCO Equipment, as well as to
Dr Andr Walliser, UGC International Development Center.
Sprayed Concrete
for Rock Support
Copyright UGC International, Division of BASF Construction Chemicals
(Switzerland) Ltd, 1994
This document is the exclusive property of UGC International, Division of
BASF Construction Chemicals (Switzerland) Ltd, having its registered office at
8048 Zurich (Switzerland), Vulkanstrasse 110.
The user of this document is expressly prohibited from copying or, in any man-
ner reproducing it, wholly or partly, without the prior written consent of UGC
International, Division of BASF Construction Chemicals (Switzerland) Ltd. Any
abuse of these constraints may give rise to legal proceedings.
11th edition, December 2006, 2000 copies.
1. Introduction 11
1.1 What is sprayed concrete? 11
1.2 Where is sprayed concrete used? 13
1.3 Sprayed concrete know-how 14
1.4 Two methods What is the difference? 15
2. Dry-mix method 17
2.1 Composition of a dry mix 17
2.1.1 Cement content 17
2.1.2 Water / cement ratio 17
2.1.3 Natural moisture content 18
2.1.4 Admixtures 18
2.1.5 Additives 20
2.1.6 Fibres 20
2.2 On-site mixes versus bagged materials 21
2.3 Problem areas in the dry-mix spraying process 22
2.4 Conclusion 23
3. Wet-mix method 24
3.1 The reasons for the change to the wet-mix method 25
3.1.1 Economy 25
3.1.2 Working environment 25
3.1.3 Quality 26
3.1.4 Application 26
3.2 Advantages 27
3.3 Disadvantages 27
3.4 Summary of wet method 28
3.5 Mix design for wet spraying 28
3.5.1 Microsilica 29 Special advantages of sprayed concrete with microsilica 29
3.5.2 Aggregates 30
3.5.3 Admixtures (plasticizers / superplasticizers) 32
3.5.4 Traditional set accelerators 36 How do aluminate accelerators work chemically in the
hydration process? 36 Modified sodium silicates / water glass 40 Fields of application 41 Typical dosages 41
3.5.5 Alkali-free sprayed concrete accelerators 41 Dust development 43 Confusing chemistry: non caustic / alkali-free 44 Non caustic alkali-free accelerators in liquid form 46 Alkali-free accelerators in powder form 50 MEYCO
SA160 /
SA162 / SA163 / SA167 / SA175 / SA176 / SA180 /
SA181 for wet spraying 58 Typical results from field tests 59
4. New advanced sprayed
concrete admixture systems 91
4.1 Synopsis 91
4.2 Delvo
crete 91
4.2.1 Introduction 92
4.2.2 Wet-mix sprayed concrete 94
4.2.3 Batching and delivery of wet-mix sprayed concrete 95
4.2.4 Control of cement hydration 96
4.2.5 Performance 99
4.2.6 Setting times 99
4.2.7 Strengths 100
4.2.8 Rebound 101
4.2.9 Economics 102
4.2.10 Summary 105
4.2.11 Selected case studies 106
4.3 Concrete improving (internal curing) 111
4.3.1 Background 111
4.3.2 Concrete improving with MEYCO
TCC735 112
4.3.3 A proven technology 113
4.3.4 Benefits of concrete improving with MEYCO
TCC735 115
4.3.5 A safer and cheaper solution 116
4.3.6 Results from some spraying tests 116
4.4 Conclusion 118
5. Fibres in sprayed concrete 119
5.1 Why concrete needs reinforcement 119
5.2 How steel fibres work in sprayed concrete 120
5.3 Types of fibres 120
5.3.1 Glass fibres 120
5.3.2 Polymer fibres 121
5.3.3 Carbon fibres 123
5.3.4 Steel fibres 124
5.4 Technical advantages of steel fibres 124
5.5 Economical advantages of steel fibres 126
5.6 Mix design for steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete 127
6. Durability of sprayed concrete 129
6.1 Buildable designs 130
6.2 Specifications and guidance 131
6.3 Construction competence 131
6.4 Sprayed concrete mix design 131
6.5 Sulphate resistance of sprayed concrete with
alkali-free accelerators 133
6.6 Chemical stability of new accelerators 134
6.7 Durability of steel fibre reinforcement 134
6.8 Application requirements 135
6.9 Conclusion 135
6.10 Example of C-45 136
6.11 Consequences of using different mix designs 137
7. Sprayed concrete equipment 138
7.1 Manual application 138
7.1.1 Equipment / systems for dry-mix spraying 138 Operating principle (e.g. MEYCO
Piccola, MEYCO
GM) 138 Developments 140
7.1.2 Equipment / systems for wet-mix spraying 140 Developments 140 Equipment for manual application 144
7.2 Mechanized spraying 145
7.2.1 Spraying manipulators 145 Classic spraying manipulators of different ranges 145 Spraying manipulators for shaft sinking 149 Spraying manipulators for TBM ring constructions 151 Computer controlled spraying manipulators 152
7.2.2 Spraying mobiles 157
7.2.3 Benefits of mechanized spraying 161
7.3 Dosing systems 162
7.4 Nozzle systems 163
7.5 Systems for strength development measurements 164
7.5.1 Penetration needle 164
7.5.2 Pull-out test 165
8. Rock support design 166
8.1 Active mechanisms of sprayed concrete on rock 169
8.2 Sprayed concrete on jointed hard rock 171
8.3 Sprayed concrete on soft or crushed rock 173
8.4 Basic rock mechanics 174
8.5 Some points on NATM 177
8.6 Important properties of sprayed concrete for
rock support 179
8.7 Reinforcement 181
8.8 Tunnel support methods 182
9. Permanent sprayed concrete tunnel linings 184
9.1 Development of permanent sprayed concrete tunnel linings 184
9.2 Cost effectiveness of single pass tunnel linings 185
9.3 SPTL options 185
9.4 Tunnel geometry 187
9.5 Lining reinforcement 187
9.5.1 Steel reinforcement bars and weldmesh 187
9.5.2 Steel fibre reinforcement 188
9.6 Ground reinforcement 189
9.7 Construction joints related to excavation sequence 190
9.8 SPTL two layer method second layer construction joints 192
9.9 SPTL two layer method first and second layer bond 193
9.10 Surface finish 194
9.10.1 Screed and float finish 194
9.10.2 Cladding systems 196
9.11 Achieving sprayed concrete lining durability 196
9.12 Construction recommendations 196
9.12.1 Application requirements 196
9.12.2 Guidance on choice of modern application systems 199
9.13 Risk management systems 200
9.14 Enhancing watertightness with sprayable membranes 202
9.14.1 SPTL tunnels subject to potential occasional water ingress 203
9.14.2 SPTL tunnels with active water ingress 203
9.14.3 Rehabilitation of existing tunnels 204
10. Sprayed concrete application guideline 206
10.1 Substrate preparation 206
10.2 General spraying techniques 208
10.3 Reducing rebound, increasing quality 209
10.4 Mechanized wet-mix spraying 213
10.5 Raising competence levels 215
11. Time and economy 216
11.1 An example calculation 216
11.2 Conclusion 217
12. Outlook: The potential of sprayed
concrete applications 218
References 220
Specification for Sprayed Concrete 223
1. Introduction
Human creativity springs from the natural desire of mankind to know
and its capability to learn. Explorers and discoverers possess these
features in a high degree: They are driven by an unrelenting curiosity to
go beyond the boundaries of the known, to explore into the nature of
things, to reveal connections between ideas, facts, conceptions, to view
things from new angles, to change perceptions.
A well-known fact about the construction industry and underground
construction in particular is that all projects are unique. The degree
of complexity due to the intertwining of the variety of project-related
parameters is higher than in many other industries, thus forcing contrac-
tors as well as suppliers to be truly adaptable and flexible.
The enormous advantages of sprayed concrete as a construction and
rock support process and the improvement of materials, equipment and
application know-how have made it a very important and necessary
tool for modern underground construction works. The development of
modern wet-mix sprayed concrete in particular has enlarged the field
of underground construction work. Projects that were impossible to be
realised, have now become practicable. Subsurface structures can be
placed where they are needed, without regards as to rock and condi-
1.1 What is sprayed concrete?
Sprayed concrete or Gunite is not a new invention. Sprayed concrete
(mortar) has been known for more than a century.
The first sprayed concrete jobs were done in the United States by the
Cement-Gun Company, Allentown as early as 1907. The first device
made for spraying of dry materials for new constructions was invented
in Pennsylvania in 1907 by Carl Ethan Akeley, who needed a machine
to spray onto mesh to build dinosaurs. His company, the Cement-Gun
Company, protected the brand name Gunite for their sprayed mortar.
This mortar contained fine aggregates and a rather high percentage of
The name Gunite is still used. In some classifications Gunite stands for
sprayed mortar, but the grain size limits are not consistent: Depending
on the country, the limit for the maximum aggregate is defined as 4 mm,
5 mm or even 8 mm. To avoid this confusion between sprayed mortar
and sprayed concrete, we prefer to use the expression Sprayed con-
crete for every sprayed mixture of cement and aggregates.
Today there are two application methods for sprayed concrete: The dry-
mix and the wet-mix procedure. There was only dry-mix sprayed con-
crete in the beginning. In this procedure the dry mixture of cement and
aggregates is filled into the machine and conveyed with compressed
air through the hoses. The water needed for the hydration is added at
the nozzle.
The use of the wet-mix method began after the Second World War.
Similar to ordinary concrete the mixes are prepared with all neces-
sary water for hydration. The mixes are pumped by suitable machines
through the hoses. At the nozzle compressed air is added for spraying.
Some people maintain that sprayed concrete is a special concrete.
Basically, however, sprayed concrete is but one of several ways to cast
concrete. As with traditional methods of casting, sprayed concrete also
makes its special demands on the characteristics of the concrete during
casting. At the same time all normal concrete technological demands,
such as w/c ratio, amount of cement, correct consistency and after-
treatment must be complied with and followed. The reason why so
much sprayed concrete of poor quality has been applied in many parts
of the world is because one seems to forget that sprayed concrete is
only a way of casting and that all concrete technological requirements
have to be fulfilled.
The equipment both for dry-mix and wet-mix sprayed concrete has
been improved substantially. The present state of the art will be shown
in a separate chapter.
1.2 Where is sprayed concrete used?
The enormous advantages of sprayed concrete as a construction proc-
ess and the improvement of equipment, materials and application know-
how have made it an important tool for various types of work.
Sprayed concrete takes care of stability problems in tunnels and other
underground constructions. Today sprayed concrete is a key factor for
rock support in
Mining operations
Hydropower projects
Slope stabilization
More than 90 % of all sprayed concrete is used for rock support.
In comparison with traditional concrete, sprayed concrete is used today
to a relatively small extent, but when it is used, it is done so in many dif-
ferent ways. Some examples:
Pit curbing
Canal lining
Reconstruction and repair
Sea walls
Fire and corrosion protection
Spraying of new constructions
Agriculture (manure pits)
Plastering and stabilizing of brick walls
Sprayed concrete is the building method of the future due to
Only use your imagination there are no limitations...
1.3 Sprayed concrete know-how
There are a few major sprayed concrete consumers who from practical
experience, research and development have acquired know-how.
Equipment and control methods have also gone through a development
which has led to a rational production as well as a more uniform quality
of the final product. From an international point of view it is safe to say
that we have come a long way from when sprayed concrete was used
for securing rock, but it is also fair to say that we are lagging behind
when using sprayed concrete for building and repair works. It is not easy
to find a reason. The know-how exists, however, it is not fully utilised.
Figure 1: Remote-controlled spraying
Prevailing regulations make special concrete technological demands
on the people doing the spraying work. Present requirements have
led to a better training of involved personnel. The result of this is an
improved quality of the work. The number of special contractors who
are working with sprayed concrete has increased over the last few
years, which improved the quality of the application. However, there is a
risk of getting badly executed work by less serious contractors. This is
particularly the case with smaller jobs where the contractor often lacks
knowledge about sprayed concrete. These are, however, things that
can be eliminated if the contractor makes more stringent demands for
his competence, previous experience, trained personnel, knowledge
about concrete and authorisation.
The contractors should demand an authorisation arrangement for
sprayed concrete with general validity as it exists e.g. for casting and
sheathing (like the Sprayed Concrete Association in UK).
1.4 Two methods What is the difference?
Today, two spraying methods are common: dry-mix and wet-mix. With
the dry-mix process the water required for hydration is added at the
spraying nozzle, with the wet-mix method the conveyed mixtures already
contain the necessary water for hydration.
Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Depending on
the project requirements and the experience of people the best suited
method should be chosen. There will be a need for both methods in the
Figure 2: The MEYCO
crete, MEYCO
TCC, concrete improver (internal curing), microsilica as well as steel and
polymer fibres) to the sprayed concrete.
The situation nowadays is that world-wide 70 % of the sprayed concrete
is applied by the wet-mix method and 30 % by the dry-mix method.
In some areas, however, the wet-mix method is already dominating
(Scandinavia, Italy: almost 100 %). Within the next 5 years the wet-mix
method could be used for more than 8090 % of all sprayed concrete
world-wide. Today, more than 12 million m
of sprayed concrete are
applied world-wide every year.
2. Dry-mix method
2.1 Composition of a dry mix
2.1.1 Cement content
For the manufacture of the dry mix, the proportion of the binder is usually
between 250 and 450 kg per 1 000 litres of aggregate or 320 to 460 kg
per m
of concrete. In order to judge the actual cement content of the
sprayed concrete applied, the rebound must be considered. In com-
parison with the initial mix, rebound mainly leads to a loss of top-size
aggregate and thus to an increase in the cement content. In a typical
standard mix with 350 kg of cement per m
, a rebound of 20 % finally
results in approximately 400 kg of cement per m
of in-place sprayed
2.1.2 Water / cement ratio
The water / cement ratio is, of course, a decisive factor for the quality
of sprayed concrete. The total amount of water used with dry mixes
is made up of the mixing water added at the nozzle and the moisture
already in the aggregate. Unlike the wet spraying process, in the dry
spraying process there is no clear-cut set value for the water / cement
ratio, because the amount of mixing water is controlled and regulated
by the nozzle man. This is frequently considered to be a great disadvan-
tage. In practice, however, the water / cement factor is fairly constant, as
there is a limited scope for varying the mixing water quantity: If too little
water is added, the result is an immediate excess of dust; if too much
water is added, the sprayed concrete does not adhere to the surface
but runs down instead.
Where work is carried out properly, the water / cement factor varies only
slightly and remains below 0.5. In the best case (aggregates requiring
low water quantity, sufficient cement content), it is even possible to
manufacture sprayed concrete with less than 0.4.
2.1.3 Natural moisture content
An important aspect of the dry mix is also the natural moisture content.
Where the mix is too dry, spraying causes too much dust. If the natural
moisture content is too high, this may lead to problems: The sprayed
concrete throughput drops drastically, machines and conveying lines
become encrusted and get blocked. Ideally, the natural moisture con-
tent should lie between 3 and 6 %.
In addition to on-site mixes, there has been an increase in the last few
years in the use of dry materials delivered to the site in bags or in silos.
Of course, these contain no natural moisture. To reduce dust formation
it is advisable to wet the dry material before feeding it into the spraying
machine. Specially equipped feeding devices or special pre-wetting
nozzles can be used for this purpose.
2.1.4 Admixtures
Various admixtures are available for controlling the properties of sprayed
concrete. The most important of these are fast setting admixtures
(accelerators). These admixtures reduce the setting time. Sprayed con-
crete has a quicker setting and higher early strength. This allows sub-
sequent layers of sprayed concrete to be applied sooner and in greater
On large-scale projects, accelerators definitely help to increase pro-
ductivity and are an important pre-requisite for many applications. In
underground construction works and pit curbing, for instance, the early
strength of the sprayed concrete is decisive and an essential require-
As it is well-known from construction technology, accelerating the
cement hydration inevitably results in a reduction of the 28-day strengths.
In order to obtain a consistently high quality of sprayed concrete, it is
thus essential to ensure that the lowest possible quantity of accelerator
is added as consistently as possible. The accelerator proportion must
be determined in each case in relation to the amount of cement used.
Accelerators can be used in powder or in liquid form. Powder accel-
erators (such as the alkali-free MEYCO
AFA). These
are measured into the mixing water and thus added to the dry mate-
rial at the nozzle. To obtain a steady dosage, however, it is essential to
use a suitable dosing system even with liquid accelerators. Where it is
necessary to pre-mix water and accelerator, machines are only suitable
up to a point. Since the water / accelerator ratio is fixed, the dosage is
altered in relation to the weight of the cement every time the water addi-
tion is adjusted by the nozzle man. However, it is both necessary and
important to adjust the water quantity, for instance in order to respond
to variations in the natural moisture of the aggregate or in the behaviour
of the water flow on the surface.
A consistent cement / accelerator ratio can be ensured by using piston
pumps, which measure a constant amount of the admixture defined in
proportion to the capacity of the spraying machine quite independently
of the water flow setting (e.g. MEYCO
Dosa TDC).
Liquid accelerators have further advantages in comparison to pow-
der: The problem of caustic components in the spray dust is avoided.
Dosing at the nozzle prevents flash set. Thanks to the even mix with the
spraying material, liquid accelerators can be measured more economi-
cally, which also leads to better final strengths. Experience shows that,
compared to base concrete, the loss of final strength can be reduced
to less than 25 %.
Apart from accelerators, the only other admixtures used in the dry
spraying process are dust binders. These powder admixtures as
the name implies reduce dust formation. In practice, however, these
agents have only achieved limited acceptance.
2.1.5 Additives
Unlike chemical admixtures, the action of additives is mainly physical.
Well-known examples are mineral fillers known as microsilica (or silica
fume) which are more and more gaining in significance. These fine
substances (surface of 2035 m
/ g) with a proportion of SiO
from 65 to 97 %, depending on the quality of the product, lead to an
important improvement in the quality of the sprayed concrete, apparent
in the increased compressive strength and density. Due to the improved
bonding, thicker layers can be sprayed even without accelerators.
In the dry-mix method microsilica have another interesting effect. Added
in the proper way, the use of microsilica can also bring about a reduc-
tion in rebound of up to 50 %. With normal (uncompacted or densified)
microsilica added in the mixer the rebound reduction is only minimal.
Elkem has developed a special technology for adding a 50 % slurry at
the nozzle (dosed in the water). The slurry system is very efficient but
rather complicated. It needs a special dosing pump and an additional
product on site in quite large quantities. The slurry has to be stored cor-
rectly and in most cases an agitator is necessary.
2.1.6 Fibres
For sprayed concrete, steel and synthetic polymer fibres can be used.
Their chief virtue lies in the fact that they lead to an improved fracture
energy and / or shrinkage behaviour of the sprayed concrete.
The use of steel fibres / structural polymer fibres is still relatively rare in
dry-mix compared to wet-mix sprayed concrete. The main reason is
the higher rebound (> 50 %). Therefore, the cost / performance relation
becomes critical.
2.2 On-site mixes versus bagged materials
As already mentioned, the dry process allows the use of mixes with
earth-dry or kiln-dried aggregates. Earth-dry aggregates are cheap
and produce less dust. The natural moisture content is nevertheless
sufficient to start off premature hydration. For this reason, earth-dry
mixes have only a limited storage life and should be used up within
1 or 2 hours. Storage for a longer time causes an enormous increase in
rebound and a heavy drop in final strength.
The manufacturing of the dry mix on site entails the installation of the
necessary batching and feeding plants. Such an installation is obviously
only worthwhile on large-scale projects. On a smaller scale or on short-
term sprayed concrete projects the dry mix can be obtained from a
ready-mix plant. This poses the problem of the increased delay before
use due to the transport distance and the question of safe delivery.
Delivery and placing must be very carefully scheduled in order to avoid
delays and interruptions in the work due to inadequate supplies.
Of course, the greatest degree of flexibility possible is afforded by dry
materials that are delivered in bags or silos. These can be stored over
a long period of time, thus simplifying planning. Furthermore, they are
also of consistently high quality. Disadvantages include the increased
tendency to dust formation (which can be controlled by pre-wetting) and
the considerably higher price.
The development of hydration control systems such as Delvo
crete has
made it now possible to prolong the storage life of earth-dry mixes. By
adding the Delvo
SA) is
added at the moment of the application. It simultaneously reactivates
the cement hydration and acts as an accelerator. The accelerator is
added like a conventional liquid accelerator. Therefore technique and
equipment have not to be changed when using Delvo
With the Delvo
GM, Piccola)
By a correct set-up of the machines and by changing the parts in time
(and with skilled grinding) these costs can be kept within reasonable
Another disadvantage is the formation of dust. However, this can
be considerably reduced by ensuring a favourable natural moisture
content (or adequate pre-wetting) and by using dust binders. Water
pressure boosting pumps can also help in this. These pumps intensify
the water pressure during mixing at the nozzle. Combined with the use
of improved water rings, it is possible to ensure good and steady wetting
of the dry material at the nozzle. Depending on the system, the hydrau-
lic pressure rises to about 80 bar. Such appliances are expensive and
relatively susceptible to break down. In our experience, systems with
1015 bar are usually fully adequate.
In addition to the formation of dust at the nozzle, the impact of the dust
from the feeding system on the machine must be taken care of. In this
respect, the traditional double-chamber machines are advantageous.
Rotor machines can, however, be dust-proofed to a large extent, or even
completely, by various means, such as fitting a rotor dust collector or by
continuously lubricating the rubber gaskets (intermittent lubrication).
Another important problem in the dry spraying process is the relatively
high degree of rebound. Depending on the application surface (vertical
or overhead), 15 to 35 % of concrete is lost. The average loss is 20 to
25 %, compared to between 5 and 10 % with the wet spraying process.
The rebound can be considerably reduced by using the new kinds of
additives and admixtures mentioned above. Microsilica or hydration
control systems like Delvo
have very long side chains which also build steric hindrance, further
improving the ability of the cement particles to keep a distance from
each other and further increasing the dispersing effect.
Extremely high water reduction (> 40 %)
Low capillary porosity
Long extended workability, with the lowest possible water/cement
High cohesiveness, easy pumpability
Rapid strength development
Roadrunner Spray-
The measurements were carried out with an optical fine dust instrument
- hund TM DATA. The relative dust intensities measured in the immediate
environment of the spraying operator were:
Spraying system Rel. dust intensity Spraying capacity Nozzles
1) (dry) 12.6 13.5 m
/h 2
2) (dry) 6.6 6.8 m
/h 1
3) (wet) 3.3 15.4 m
/h 1
Another example are dust measurements carried out in Scandinavia
between 1979 and 1998, see Figure 8.
Ulla Frre. Output ~5 m
/hour (ref. T. Myran)
Stockholm. Output ~5 m
/hour (ref. T. Myran)
Lillestrm. Output ~8 m
/hour (ref. T. Myran)
North Cape (1998). Modified silicate based accelerator, output ~15 m
North Cape (1998). MEYCO
Physical form (1) liquid liquid liquid liquid
Alkali cations (2)
< 0.5 % < 0.8 % < 0.5 % < 0.5 %
pH value at +20C (3) 2.53.5 2.43.4 2.53.5 3.04.0
Layer thickness (4) 300 mm 300700 mm 300700 mm 300500 mm
Dosage (5)
410 % 37 % 310 % 310 %
Early strength devel. (6) good extremely
Corrosiveness (7) high moderate moderate moderate
Equipment (8) stainless stainless stainless stainless
Effect on skin (9) Xi Xi Xi Xi
Handling (10) simple simple simple simple
Cement sensitive (11) no no no no
Comments on Table 3:
SA160 / SA162 / SA163 / SA167 / SA175 / SA176 / SA180 / SA181 and be-
fore any practical concrete spraying.
Compatibility tests are carried out as follows:
Test of cement reactivity of alkali-free set accelerators
crete Activators
S71 / S51 (aluminates) have a faster strength development in the first
12 hours but later the increase is much slower than that of the other
accelerators. All accelerators have a drastic increase of the strength
after 45 hours from 12 to 810 MPa. The highest 46-hour results
were achieved with MEYCO
Early strength development
Figure 9: Early strength development of MEYCO
SA160 at +20C
Figure 10: Early strength development of MEYCO
7 % bcw
9 % bcw
6 % bcw
8 % bcw
7 % bcw
9 % bcw
5 % bcw
7 % bcw
56 Dosing and equipment
Dosing guidelines
Product Dosage
Place to add
SA162 /
SA163 / SA167
39 % wet Always at the nozzle
SA175 / SA176 /
SA180 / SA181
37 % wet Always at the nozzle
SA180 / SA181
37 % dry At the nozzle together
with the water (same
as adding aluminate
based accelerators)
SA540 /SA545
510 % dry Manually or with a
special powder dosing
unit into the mix before
feeding it into the
spraying machine
Note: All equipment parts in immediate contact with MEYCO
SA160 / SA162 / SA163 / SA167 / SA175 / SA176 / SA180 / SA181 must be
made of stainless steel.
Cleaning of dosing pump with the use of MEYCO
SA160 / SA162 / SA163 / SA167 /SA175 / SA176 / SA180 /
With the use of MEYCO
SA160 / SA162 / SA163 / SA167 / SA175 / SA176 / SA180 / SA181. Compatibility with other accelerators
Do not mix MEYCO
SA160 /
SA162 / SA163 / SA167 / SA175 / SA176 / SA180 / SA181 for
wet spraying
Mix design
Minimum cement content: 380 kg, preferably 450 kg
When used in wet spraying, the w / b ratio must always be in the
range of 0.4 to 0.5. Humidity (water) contained in the aggregates
must be taken into account!
The lower the w / b ratio, the better the results achieved:
- faster setting
- higher early strengths
- lower dosage
- spraying of thicker layers overhead
The results of a w / b ratio > 0.5 are:
- slower setting
- lower early strengths
- difficulty to apply layers of more than 57 cm; concrete will not
stick to the rock substrate
Slower strength development at low temperatures when compared
to other accelerator types.
Compatibility of MEYCO
Heathrow Express, Contract C/D, London
OPC 42.5N 355 kg / m
Micro silica slurry 60 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 670 kg / m
Steel fibres (Dramix 30 / 50) 40 kg / m
2000PF 9.6 kg / m
crete Stabilizer 4 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.40
Addition at the nozzle:
SA145 25 kg / m
Compressive strength:
Manipulator spraying Manual spraying
12 h 14.5 MPa 7.0 MPa
24 h 35.5 MPa 19.0 MPa
3 days 43.5 MPa 35.5 MPa
28 days 50 MPa
100 days 58 MPa
120 days 62 MPa
The application by manipulator has given substantially better strength
results (100, 87 and 23 % improvement at 12 h, 24 h and 3 days respec-
tively). In our opinion this is caused by the improved compaction due to
reduced work load and inconvenience for the nozzle operator in using
correct application distance and angle.
Hslen Tunnel, Switzerland
Cement 42.5 (Siggenthal), slow-setting 450 kg / m
SA160 5 %
Compressive strength:
12 h (Hilti) 18.5 MPa
24 h (Hilti) 23.5 MPa
3 days 45.0 MPa
7 days 49.0 MPa
28 days 61.0 MPa
NEAT Intermediate Access Tunnel, Sedrun, Switzerland
Cement, CEM I 42.5 450 kg / m
Micro silica slurry 50 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 644 kg / m
T3 1.2 %
w / b ratio 0.47
Spread table 53 cm
Thickness applied 1015 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 5 %
Rebound < 8 %
Compressive strength:
4 h 3.7 MPa
12 h 11.3 MPa
1 day 27 MPa
7 days 36.5 MPa
28 days 42 MPa
91 days 48.6 MPa
The Sedrun tunnel, lot 350, is a key part of the St. Gotthard Alp Transit
Railway Project and consists of the four excavation faces of the one-lane
tubes going North and South, a turn-out and the multi-purpose point
in Sedrun.
The Gotthard Main Tunnel is designed to have a length of approx.
57 km, with two one-lane tubes without service tunnel. Its summit will be
at 549 m above sea-level and is located south of the Sedrun shaft. Turn-
outs are foreseen for service and maintenance purposes at Sedrun and
Faido. Connecting tunnels between the two tubes are planned at inter-
vals of 650 m; they will contain railway facilities and serve as emergency
NEAT Shaft, Sedrun, Switzerland
CEM II A-S 32.5R cement 450 kg / m
Elkem MS silica slurry 40 kg / m
Sand (04 mm) 1 032 kg / m
Coarse aggregate (48 mm) 688 kg / m
TCC780 2 kg / m
w / b ratio ~0.43
Spread table > 62 cm (after 4 h > 58 cm)
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 68 %
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.2 MPa
30 min > 0.5 MPa
1 h 1 MPa
4 h > 3 MPa
24 h > 15 MPa
28 days > 55 MPa
The Sedrun Shaft (depth 800 m, cross section 57 m
) serves as a trans-
port and access tunnel for the Gotthard Main Tunnel. Rock support:
5 000 m
of sprayed concrete (layer thickness 15 cm), dropped through
6 pipe. Lining: 7 000 m
of cast in situ concrete (layer thickness 30 cm),
dropped through 6 pipe.
Sedrun Shaft
Shaft head
Portal and
Access tunnel
Ventilation shaft
Pipeline for pneu-
matic conveying
of cement
by rail
Depth ~800m
Ready-mix plant,
Shaft base
Kibble for conveying of:
- Personnel
- Excavated material
- Construction materials
Gotthard Main Tunnel
Headings North
Headings South
Transportation by rail
Figure 11: Sedrun Shaft
Sieberg Tunnel, Austria
Cement, Gmunder PZ375 (H) 425 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 680 kg / m
T3 1.2 %
w / c ratio 0.45
Spread table ~60 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 810 %
Thickness applied 3040 cm
Rebound 1012 %
Compressive strength:
6 min 0.25 MPa
18 min 0.45 MPa
1 h 1.5 MPa
4 h 67 MPa
1 day 12 MPa
28 days 48 MPa
One of the first large projects in Austria where the wet-mix method
is used. Volume: 25 000 m
of sprayed concrete. The Sieberg Rail-
way Tunnel is 6.5 km long, mostly in soft marls, with little overbur-
den, sometimes only a few metres. Two intermediate access points
allow excavation at 6 different faces. Rock support is done with
3040 cm of sprayed concrete as primary lining and unreinforced cast
concrete as permanent lining. The tunnel was originally started with
dry-mix sprayed concrete, using a ready-mix of oven dried aggregates
and quick-setting cement, blown with compressed air. The system was
simple, but dust, rebound and cost went out of control.
Irlahll Tunnel, Germany
CEM I 52.5 cement 380 kg / m
Fly-ash 50 kg / m
Sand (02 mm) 763 kg / m
Crushed aggregate (28 mm) 950 kg / m
Woerment FM785 (polycarboxylate) 0.6 %
Woerment Lentan VZ31 (retarder) 0.3 % (workability 3 h)
w / b ratio 0.5
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 810 %
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.3 MPa
30 min 0.7 MPa
1 h 1 MPa
24 h > 15 MPa
28 days > 45 MPa
The Irlahll Tunnel is part of the High Speed Railway Nuremberg
Ingolstadt. Tunnel length: 7 260 m. Geology: limestone, sandstone, with
water table locally above tunnel crown. Excavation: drill & blast with top
heading, bench and invert, up to 11 headings in parallel; cross section
150 m
; advance length 0.82.0 m. Rock support: 2040 cm of sprayed
concrete using 10 MEYCO
SA160 6.5 %
Thickness applied 2540 cm
Rebound < 8 %
Compressive strength:
24 h > 14 MPa
2 days > 23 MPa
3 days > 27 MPa
7 days > 36 MPa
28 days 45 MPa
Requirements of the job: 10 000 m
of sprayed concrete to be applied in
9 weeks; layer thickness 200300 mm. Results: Steel ribs were embed-
ded with single pass layers of 50 mm; final set achieved in 4 minutes.
La Palma de Santa Cruz Tunnel, Palmas de Gran Canarias,
CEM II 42.5 A - P cement 450 kg / m
Sand (06 mm) 1 430 kg / m
Aggregate (612 mm) 260 kg / m
SA160 79 %
Rebound 10 %
Compressive strength:
24 h 16 MPa
3 days (in situ cores) 22 MPa
28 days (in situ cores) > 30 MPa
North Downs Tunnel, Channel Tunnel Rail Link, UK
CEM I 52.5 360 kg / m
PFA 90 kg / m
Sand 1 038 kg / m
Crushed aggregates 692 kg / m
T801 (polycarboxylate) 3 kg / m
crete Stabilizer 4 kg / m
(workability 6 h)
w / b ratio < 0.40
Target slump 200 mm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 5 % (average)
(top heading 57 %, bench / invert 3.54.5 %)
Permeability (in situ) 1 x 10
m / s
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.18 MPa
30 min > 0.3 MPa
1 h > 0.5 MPa
24 h 19.5 MPa
3 days 26 MPa
28 days > 36 MPa
56 days > 42 MPa
The North Downs Tunnel is a single-bore twin-track tunnel; excavation
cross section 140 m
, length approx. 3.5 km. Characteristics: 120 year
design life; sprayed concrete primary layer; cast in situ concrete secondary
layer; waterproof and fire resistant; client and contractor adopting per-
manent sprayed concrete philosophy.
North Cape Tunnel, Norway
Cement, CEM I 52.5R 520 kg / m
Micro silica 25 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 700 kg / m
EE steel fibres (25 mm) 50 kg / m
Plasticizer (lignosulphonate) 2.5 kg / m
Superplasticizer (melamine) 45 kg / m
crete Stabilizer 2 kg / m
TCC735 5 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.45
Slump 2021 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 8 %
Thickness applied 2550 cm
Rebound < 5 %
Compressive strength:
1 h > 2 MPa
4 h > 7 MPa
24 h > 30 MPa
28 days > 40 MPa
Half of the tunnel is in extremely poor shale, causing a lot of overbreak.
The original approach consisted of a full in situ concrete lining per round
(round length: 2 m), with an average concrete thickness of > 1 m. The
key to the success was that uninterrupted spraying of any thickness,
at high capacity, was possible. With the above mix design an aver-
age layer thickness of 250 mm was sprayed, at 3642 m
per round,
placed in 22.5 hours. This resulted in a 23 times faster advance rate
of 3045 m per week and face. The required 28-day strength of 30 MPa
was exceeded by far.
Station at Oslo National Theatre, Norway
Test. Contractor: Selmer ASA. Equipment: MEYCO
Cement 52.5 500 kg / m
Micro silica 25 kg / m
Aggregate (09 mm) 1 530 kg / m
716 8.25 kg / m
crete Stabilizer 2 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.42
Slump ~20 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 8 %
Compressive strength:
30 min > 1.0 MPa
1 h > 2.2 MPa
2 h > 4.5 MPa
4 h > 9 MPa
28 days > 50 MPa
Sveti Marko Tunnel, Slovenia
Cement, PC-30-45S 450 kg / m
River sand (01 mm) 260 kg / m
Crushed sand (04 mm) 780 kg / m
Gravel (48 mm) 690 kg / m
SA160 8 %
Compressive strength:
24 h 20 MPa
28 days 45 MPa
Completely weathered rock. Construction with continuous pipe roof
throughout the tunnel.
Bolu Tunnel, Anatolian Motorway Project, Turkey
CEM 42.5 cement 500 kg / m
Silica fume 25 kg / m
Aggregate (05 mm) 1 186 kg / m
Aggregate (512 mm) 474 kg / m
Steel fibres 50 kg / m
716 10 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.42
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 35 kg / m
Compressive strength:
4 h (Hilti) 5.2 MPa
8 h (Hilti) 12.2 MPa
12 h (Hilti) 13.9 MPa
24 h (in situ cores) 15.5 MPa
3 days (in situ cores) 31.8 MPa
7 days (in situ cores) 42.5 MPa
28 days (in situ cores) 55.8 MPa
Difficult soil conditions clayey metasediments and blocky flyschoid;
unexpected extreme plastic behaviour of soil; deformations exceeding
limits; extended thrust faults from tectonic point of view required high
early and final strength.
Yadenitsa Hydro Power Project, Chaira Cascade, Bulgaria
Sulphate resistant CEM I / 32.5 (HS) 460 kg / m
Aggregate (05 mm) 1 150 kg / m
Aggregate (510 mm) 495 kg / m
716 1.5 %
w / c ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 8 %
Compressive strength:
7 days 33 MPa
28 days 50 MPa
The project involves the enlargement of the Chaira downstream reser-
voir and the construction of the Yadenitsa Dam (concrete faced rock fill
embankment). Reversible pressure tunnel, 7 m diameter and 6 728 m
long. Tunnel for access to valve chamber, length 630 m, width and
height 5 m each. Contractor: Stanilov.
South Deep Shaft Sinking Project, Johannesburg, South
CEM I 52.5 cement 475 kg / m
Fly-ash (Super Poz) 75 kg / m
Silica fume 38 kg / m
Stella sand (river sand, 02 mm) 160 kg / m
Crusher sand 1 080 kg / m
Stone (6, 7 mm) 262 kg / m
Fibrin Monofilament fibres 0.9 kg / m
Dramix stainless steel fibres 40 kg / m
crete 4.0 kg / m
TCC735 5.0 kg / m
SA160 67 %
Compressive strength:
24 hours 15 MPa
2 days 30 MPa
3 days 56 MPa
7 days 76 MPa
28 days 86 MPa
56 days 95 MPa
Shaft sinking (final shaft depth 3 000 m, 9 m in diameter) through pre-
extracted and backfilled shaft pillar at 2 335 m to access massive ore-
body at depths of > 2 500 m. Special requirements: good slump reten-
tion for discharge from kibble; fast setting to apply up to 100 mm / pass
in very wet rain conditions; high durability in difficult maintenance
area; high ductility to prevent spalling due to ground movement; early
strength gain to prevent strain bursts.
Sondu Miriu Hydro Electric Power Plant, Kenya
Bamburi OPC Type 1 422 kg / m
River sand 966 kg / m
Crushed aggregate (510 mm) 655 kg / m
SA160 7 %
Compressive strength:
24 h 11.5 MPa
3 days 22 MPa
28 days 32 MPa
The access to the project location is very difficult. Sprayed concrete is
used as temporary lining prior to concrete final lining.
Quarry Bay Station, MTRC Contract 680, Hong Kong
OPC 42.5 400 kg / m
Micro silica 40 kg / m
Fly-ash 60 kg / m
Aggregate (010 mm) 1 640 kg / m
561 10 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.40
Slump 20 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 6 %
Thickness applied 20 cm
Compressive strength:
8 h 13.5 MPa
1 day 23 MPa
7 days 35 MPa
28 days 52 MPa
Contractor: Nishimatsu Construction Company Ltd. Equipment: Aliva
Duplo 285 spraying machine, MEYCO
nozzle system.
Blackhill Tunnels, MTRC Contract 603, Hong Kong
OPC 350 kg / m
PFA 110 kg / m
Crushed rock filler 1 065 kg / m
Aggregate (10 mm) 540 kg / m
561 5.56 kg / m
w / b ratio < 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 67 %
Compressive strength:
7 days 25 MPa
28 days 3840 MPa
The contract involves approx. 8 km of drill and blast tunnel, with com-
plex centre sidings, cross-overs and enlargements.
Tai Lam Tunnels, KCRC West Rail Contract No. DB350,
Hong Kong
OPC 345 kg / m
PFA 115 kg / m
River sand 615 kg / m
Crushed rock fines 410 kg / m
Aggregate (10 mm) 565 kg / m
Dramix ZP305 steel fibres 45 kg / m
561 5.5 kg / m
SA160 26 kg / m
Compressive strength:
24 h 12 MPa
28 days 28 MPa
Contractor: Nishimatsu Construction Company Ltd. Twin track single
tube railway tunnel, using MEYCO
SA160 57 %
Steel fibre rebound 7 %
Compressive strength:
7 days (trials) 2932 MPa
28 days (trials) 3741 MPa
28 days (production) 4344 MPa
Dali Baoshan Highway, China
Cement 42.5R 420 kg / m
Aggregate (010 mm) 1 700 kg / m
Dramix steel fibres 50 kg / m
561 1 %
w / c ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 5 %
Compressive strength:
24 h > 25 MPa
28 days > 40 MPa
The main benefit by using MEYCO
78H (polycarboxylate) 4 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.40
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 48 %
Compressive strength:
8 h 8 MPa
28 days 38 MPa
Tunnel length 4.3 km. Wet-mix sprayed concrete applied using a
78H (polycarboxylate) 4 kg / m
w / c ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 48 %
Compressive strength:
8 h > 6 MPa
28 days 3542 MPa
Eight tunnels, total length 8 km. Application of wet-mix sprayed con-
crete with 2 MEYCO
78H (polycarboxylate) 4 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.40
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 48 %
Compressive strength:
8 h 8 MPa
28 days 4045 MPa
Tunnel length 7.4 km. Application of wet-mix sprayed concrete with
370 4.8 kg / m
716 4.8 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.40
Slump 14 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 8 %
Rebound < 10 %
Compressive strength (in situ cores):
1 day 18 MPa
7 days 34 MPa
28 days 48 MPa
The Burnley Tunnel will be 3.4 km long and at its deepest point 65 m
below ground. The Domain Tunnel will be 1.6 km long and 25 m below
ground at its deepest point. Upon completion, each tunnel will be 11.5 m
in width, with a height clearance of 4.9 m. The tunnels were supported
by pre-shaped steel arches and steel bolts grouted in pre-bored holes,
all covered with a temporary sprayed concrete lining, applied through
four MEYCO
Cameron Run Tunnel, Virginia (U.S.)
Cement 420 kg / m
Sand 1 290 kg / m
Coarse aggregate 480 kg / m
Xorex 38 mm steel fibres 35 kg / m
Polyheed 997 0.8 %
w / c ratio 0.42
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 8 %
Compressive strength:
24 h 13.7 MPa
Repair of overflow tunnel underneath live railroad tracks with shallow
overburden. The project includes jacking the steel lining back into origi-
nal shape and re-lining with steel ribs and steel fibre reinforced sprayed
concrete. Early strength development is crucial.
Dulles Airport Pedestrian Walkback Tunnel,
Virginia (U.S.)
Cement 470 kg / m
Sand 1 170 kg / m
Coarse aggregate 525 kg / m
Xorex 38 mm steel fibres 40 kg / m
Polyheed 997 0.8 %
crete Stabilizer 1 %
w / c ratio 0.39
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 6 %
Compressive strength:
10 h 14 MPa
24 h 19.3 MPa
The tunnel (diameter 5 m, length 300 m) will be excavated using the
NATM method. Due to its location underneath live taxiways, early
strength development is crucial.
NuMI Tunnel, Illinois (U.S.)
Cement 440 kg / m
Sand 1 150 kg / m
Coarse aggregate 565 kg / m
Xorex 38 mm steel fibres 60 kg / m
Rheomac SF100 30 kg / m
Polyheed 997 1 %
SA160 6 %
Compressive strength:
8 h 10.3 MPa
Fermi Laboratories is constructing an accelerator tunnel for the purpose
of splitting the atom. This TBM tunnel (diameter 7 m, length 1.8 km) will
utilize sprayed concrete for initial (with steel fibres) and final lining (with-
out reinforcement).
Kidd Creek Mine, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Type 10 Portland cement 420 kg / m
Micro silica 45 kg / m
ACI gradation no. 2 1 750 kg / m
Novotex 0730 (steel fibers) 50 kg / m
3030 FC (superplasticizer) 4 kg / m
SA160 68 %
Compressive strength requirements:
2 h 2.5 MPa
4 h 4 MPa
28 days 40 MPa
Kidd Creek is a copper-zinc-silver mine. Construction of a new internal
underground shaft (from depth 2 070 m to depth 3 170 m) with hoisting
facilities and approximately 15 km of development required a system
that would be safe and economically feasible. Originally, the mine was
reluctant to use wet-mix sprayed concrete. However, with the above mix
design early strength requirements could consistently be maintained,
and the mine also decided for the use of 5 MEYCO
Allentown MSV
2 100E Spraymobiles built to the customers requirements. This lead
to a reduction of the ground support cycle times from 1012 hours to
4 hours, and thus to dramatically improved advance rates of the mine
Weehawken Tunnel, New Jersey (U.S.)
Cement II 450 kg / m
Sand 1 085 kg / m
3 / 8 aggregate 530 kg / m
Novotex 0630 (steel fibres) 40 kg / m
3030 1 kg / m
1.8 kg / m
w / c ratio 0.40
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 6 % (average)
Compressive strength requirements:
8 h 5 MPa
3 days 17 MPa
28 days 28 MPa
Rehabilitation of tunnel (length 1 275 m, width 7 m), final lining of under-
ground station cavern (12 m x 25 m), and elevator shaft. Equipment:
1000 1.2 kg / m
w / c ratio 0.40
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 7 % (average)
Compressive strength requirements:
28 days 31 MPa
Rehabilitation of tunnel (length 1 340 m). Equipment: 1 MEYCO
Spraymobile. Geology: sandstones, quartzite and shale. Two ventilation
shafts with sprayed concrete final lining were coated with Masterseal
MS340. Contractor: MERCO / Obayashi.
Belo Horizonte Metro, Brazil
OPC 400 kg / m
Aggregate (012 mm) 1 686 kg / m
390 1 kg / m
716 3 kg / m
w / c ratio 0.45
Slump 10 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 8 %
Thickness applied 20 cm
Rebound < 10 %
Compressive strength:
3 days 19 MPa
7 days 24 MPa
28 days 32 MPa
Figure 12: The sprayed concrete in the Heliopolis tunnel,
which is part of the Belo Horizonte Metro, was applied through
Buenavista Tunnel, Villavicencio, Colombia
OPC, CEM I 42.5 460 kg / m
Micro silica 19 kg / m
Aggregate (016 mm) 1 770 kg / m
716 7.2 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.39
Slump 1820 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 6 %
Thickness applied 20 cm
Compressive strength:
10 min 0.7 MPa
24 h 14 MPa
28 days 39 MPa
Road tunnel with a length of 4.9 km. Sprayed concrete volume:
10 000 m
. Contractor: Recchi G.L.F.
Miel 1, Hydroelectric Power Project, Colombia
Cement 490 kg / m
Fine aggregate (04 mm) 900 kg / m
Coarse aggregate (512 mm) 750 kg / m
716 1.2 %
Steel fibres 35 kg / m
w / c ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 7 %
Compressive strength:
30 min > 0.5 MPa
1 h > 0.6 MPa
6 h > 1.9 MPa
14 h > 5.6 MPa
28 days (in situ cores) > 26 MPa
Lo Prado 2 and Zapata 2 Tunnels, Chile
Meln AR cement 400 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 760 kg / m
Dramix RC-65/35-BN steel fibres 40 kg / m
322N 0.5 %
SA160 7 %
Rebound < 5 %
Compressive strength:
4 h > 1 MPa
24 h > 20 MPa
28 days > 40 MPa
To increase the capacity of the Ruta 68, between Santiago de Chile
and the cities of Valparaiso and Via del Mar, two new tunnels (cross-
section 72 m
, lengths 2 700 m Lo Prado 2 and 700 m Zapata 2) are
built parallel to the existing ones. Lining is carried out as a single-shell
sprayed concrete lining.
Lrdal Tunnel, Norway
Cement, CEM 42.5 439 kg / m
Micro silica 30 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 670 kg / m
Dramix steel fibres 30 / 50 44 kg / m
T803 2.7 kg / m
TCC735 5 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.42
Slump 2022 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA161 7.5 %
Thickness applied 1015 cm
Rebound < 5 %
Compressive strength:
30 min 0.80.9 MPa
28 days ~42 MPa
With a final length of 24 km the Lrdal Tunnel is today the worlds
longest road tunnel. The tunnel has a very high overburden and some
substantial rock bursting occurred during the excavation. To overcome
these and other problems and to reduce cracks in the sprayed concrete,
the original mix design was adjusted and the performance of the con-
crete significantly improved.
Frya Tunnel, Norway
Cement, CEM 42.5 480 kg / m
Micro silica 33 kg / m
Aggregate (010 mm) 1 530 kg / m
Dramix 30 / 50 steel fibres 44 kg / m
T801 1.8 kg / m
TCC735 5 kg / m
w / b ratio 0.38
Slump 1617 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA161 7.5 %
Thickness applied 1525 cm
Rebound 56 %
Compressive strength:
1520 min 1 MPa
28 days (in situ cores) 47 MPa
Subsea road tunnel through extremely difficult zones with heavy water
ingress and extremely bad rock. Tunnel length: 7 km.
Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station, Japan
Cement 380 kg / m
Sand (04 mm) 1 124 kg / m
Aggregate (410 mm) 726 kg / m
NT 1000 (polycarboxylate) 1.25 %
w / c ratio < 0.50
Slump at batching plant 17 cm
Air content 4.5 %
Addition at the nozzle:
SA161 5 % (average)
Compressive strength:
3 h > 1 MPa
24 h > 6.5 MPa
7 days > 24 MPa
28 days > 34 MPa
The construction of an additional nuclear reactor required a cable tun-
nel (cross-section 14.6 m
, length 400 m). Sprayed concrete at a layer
thickness of 150 mm was used for initial support.
Shirogane Dai Subway Station in Tokyo, Japan
Cement 450 kg / m
Sand (04 mm) 1 113 kg / m
Aggregate (48 mm) 500 kg / m
Bridgestone steel fibres 30 / 60 40 kg / m
NT 1000 (polycarboxylate) 1.7 %
crete Stabilizer 1 %
w / c ratio 0.40
Addition at the nozzle:
SA161 8 %
Compressive strength:
3 h > 3.6 MPa
24 h > 13.9 MPa
7 days > 32 MPa
28 days > 42 MPa
Sprayed concrete for corrosion and fire proofing of steel lining in the
station area. The layer thickness varied from 80400 mm, all concrete
being sprayed in a single pass onto the steel surface.
S. Giacomo Tunnel in Bolzano, Italy
II AL 42.5 cement 480 kg / m
Aggregate (08 mm) 1 560 kg / m
5000 1.5 %
w / c ratio < 0.47
Addition at the nozzle:
SA162 8 %
Thickness applied 4080 cm
Single layer thickness 1520 cm
Rebound < 5 %
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.4 MPa
10 min > 0.55 MPa
20 min > 0.7 MPa
30 min > 0.85 MPa
1 h > 1.2 MPa
5 h > 4.5 MPa
24 h > 12 MPa
28 days > 32 MPa
2.3 km road tunnel. Technical specifications in accordance with Austrian
Norms (SpB 25 56/II/J2). Very low temperatures in winter. Excavation
by drilling and blasting through igneous rock, with overbreaks of up to
80 cm and more. Work progress: 24 m
per hour.
Kienberg Tunnel, Austria
CEM II/A-S 42.5R cement 420 kg / m
Aggregates: 0.10.4 mm crushed 105 kg / m
04 mm round 650 kg / m
04 mm crushed 470 kg / m
48 mm crushed 525 kg / m
51 (polycarboxylate) 0.5 %
SA170 7 %
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.25 MPa
1 h > 0.8 MPa
24 h > 14 MPa
7 days > 28 MPa
28 days > 38 MPa
The 1.5 km twin tube two lane Kienberg Tunnel is part of the Pfyrn
Motorway in Upper Austria. It is driven through closely fractured and
jointed rock. Typical rock support for a 1.3 m round consists of forepol-
ing, lattice girder, double wire mesh, 20 cm of sprayed concrete and
46 m long fully grouted rock bolts.
The performance of the sprayed concrete was crucial due to the high
excavation speed (6 rounds per day) and the increased layer thickness
required by frequent overbreaks. Rock bolting and drilling for forepol-
ing took place immediately after the sprayed concrete application. The
early strength development had to fulfil the requirements of the Austrian
Norm J2.
Strengen Tunnel, Austria
CEM II/A-S 42.5R cement 420 kg / m
Aggregates: 04 mm crushed 1 380 kg / m
48 mm crushed 450 kg / m
51 (polycarboxylate) 0.5 %
w / c ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 5.5 %
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.3 MPa
1 h > 0.9 MPa
24 h > 15 MPa
7 days > 36 MPa
28 days > 48 MPa
The 5.8 km twin tube two lane Strengen Bypass Tunnel is the last part of
the East-West motorway connection in Austria. Each tube has a typical
cross section of 80 m
, which is excavated as top heading and bench by
drilling and blasting. The rock mass consists mainly of highly metamor-
phic, laminated and sheared rock (quartz phyllite). Typical rock support
for a 1.5 m round consists of lattice girder, double wire mesh, 20 cm of
sprayed concrete and 46 m long fully grouted rock bolts.
The early strength development had to fulfil the requirements of the
Austrian Norm J2. The overall accelerator consumption could be kept
very low.
Blisadona Tunnel, Austria
PZ 375 cement 420 kg / m
Aggregate (02, 04, 411 mm) 1 750 kg / m
51 0.4 %
SA170 7 %
The Grbern Tunnel, length 2 100 m, is the second tube to an existing
highway tunnel on the A2 motorway in Carinthia. The geology is domi-
nated by highly metamorphic rock types with various shear zones. Rock
support in the top heading typically consists of spile bars, sprayed con-
crete face support, lattice girders and fully grouted rock bolts. Strength
development of sprayed concrete crucial for safety and excavation
speed. The early strength development had to fulfil the Austrian Norm
J2. Contractor: JV of stu-Stettin, Hinteregger and Porr.
Girsberg Tunnel, Switzerland
CEM I 42.5 cement 425 kg / m
Sand (04 mm) 1 060 kg/m
Natural round aggregate (48 mm) 640 kg / m
T3 1 %
w / c ratio 0.47
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 6 %
Compressive strength:
6 min > 0.3 MPa
30 min > 0.8 MPa
1 h > 1 MPa
24 h > 15 MPa
28 days > 55 MPa
The Girsberg Tunnel is part of the Highway KreuzlingenConstance.
The rock conditions are very difficult, with fast weathering clayey marl
and heavy water ingress.
Nollinger Berg Tunnel (western tube), Rheinfelden,
CEM I 42.5 cement 380 kg / m
Fly-ash 90 kg / m
Sand 795 kg / m
Gravel 860 kg / m
Woerment FM 785 0.5 %
Lentan VZ 31 0.2 %
w / b ratio 0.48
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 56.5 %
Compressive strength:
12 h 12 MPa
24 h 16 MPa
7 days 26 MPa
28 days 30 MPa
Highway tunnel, length 1 260 m. Escape tunnel within tunnel profile,
sulphate resistant cement required for sprayed concrete. Early strength
development complied with Austrian Norm J2, sometimes approaching
J2 / J3. Contractor: stu-Stettin, Hinteregger, Jger.
Lohberg Tunnel, Darmstadt, Germany
CEM I 42.5 cement 400 kg / m
Fly-ash 50 kg / m
Sand 850 kg / m
Gravel 850 kg / m
Woerment FM 785 0.8 %
1.2 %
w / b ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 56.5 %
Compressive strength:
12 h 7 MPa
24 h 13 MPa
7 days 30 MPa
28 days 41 MPa
Road tunnel, length 1 080 m, with escape tunnel. Early strength
development complied with Austrian Norm J2, sometimes approach-
ing J2 / J3. Sprayed concrete applied using MEYCO
Contractor: Max Bgl, Swietelsky.
Heidkopf Tunnel, Gttingen, Germany
CEM I 52.5 sb cement 380 kg / m
Pulverized limestone 40 kg / m
Sand 880 kg / m
Gravel 840 kg / m
Superplasticizer 0.6 %
Air entrainer 0.15 %
w / b ratio 0.45
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 56.5 %
Compressive strength:
12 h 8 MPa
24 h 14 MPa
7 days 30 MPa
28 days 39 MPa
Twin tube highway tunnel, length 1 720 m each. Early strength devel-
opment complied with Austrian Norm J2, sometimes approach-
ing J2 / J3. Sprayed concrete applied using MEYCO
Contractor: Beton- und Monierbau, Stutz, Rohde.
Schloberg Tunnel, Dillenburg, Germany
CEM I 42.5 R cement 380 kg / m
Fly-ash 50 kg / m
Sand 940 kg / m
Gravel 770 kg / m
Woerment FM 785 0.5 %
0.8 %
w / b ratio 0.48
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 56.5 %
Compressive strength:
12 h 8 MPa
24 h 15 MPa
7 days 32 MPa
28 days 40 MPa
Road tunnel, length 782 m, with escape tunnel, located in city centre.
Early strength development complied with Austrian Norm J2, some-
times approaching J2 / J3. Sprayed concrete applied using MEYCO
Spraymobile. Contractor: Walter Bau.
Schlottenberg Tunnel, Meien, Germany
CEM II-AS 52.5 Rspb cement 340 kg / m
Fly-ash 70 kg / m
Sand 1 100 kg / m
Gravel 620 kg / m
Woerment FM 785 0.5 %
w / b ratio 0.50
Addition at the nozzle:
SA170 56.5 %
Compressive strength:
12 h 7 MPa
24 h 12 MPa
7 days 30 MPa
28 days 38 MPa
Road tunnel, length 720 m, with escape tunnel, located in city centre.
Early strength development complied with Austrian Norm J2, some-
times approaching J2 / J3. Contractor: Zblin.
Leibenfeld Exploratory Tunnel, Koralm Railway, Austria
CEM I 52.5R cement 420 kg / m
Pulverized fuel ash 30 kg / m
Aggregate: 04 mm round 1 000 kg / m
Aggregate: 48 mm round 500 kg / m
T803 0.90 %
w / b ratio 0.47
Addition at the nozzle:
SA180 7 %
Compressive strength:
6 min. 0.3 MPa
1 h 0.95 MPa
6 h 4.5 MPa
24 h 13 MPa
28 days 38 MPa
The Koralm Railway which is planned through the mountains between
Styria and Karinthia, will consist of one major tunnel, with a length of
more than 30 km. With the Leibenfeld exploratory tunnel the eastern
side has been investigated over a length of approx. 2 km, starting from
a shaft near the city of Deutschlandsberg. The sprayed concrete had
to fulfil the requirements of the Austrian Norm J2. MEYCO
provided a good early, as well as an excellent overall, strength develop-
ment. In order to achieve high production rates, a MEYCO
Potenza was
used. Contractor: Strabag.
Henndorf Bypass Tunnel, near Salzburg, Austria
CEM II 52.5R cement 385 kg / m
Aggregate: 04 mm round 1 136 kg / m
Aggregate: 48 mm round 639 kg/m
SA180 5.5 %
Compressive strength:
6 min. 0.35 MPa
1 h 0.90 MPa
6 h 3.0 MPa
24 h 12 MPa
28 days 37 MPa
The Henndorf bypass tunnel, length 2 km, passes below the village of
Henndorf with a shallow overburden. The sprayed concrete had to fulfil
the requirements of the Austrian Norm J2. Special emphasis was put
on an economical solution. MEYCO
The supply and utilization of sprayed concrete mixes for infrastructure
projects in congested environments creates problems for both the con-
tractor and ready-mixed concrete supplier.
Sprayed concrete mixes, wet or dry, only have a useful pot-life of 1.5 to
2 hours and even less at temperatures above +20C. Material sprayed
after this time will exhibit lower strengths and increased rebound, due
to the commencement of hydration of the cement.
Long trucking distances from the batching plant to the site, delays in
construction sequences as well as plant and equipment breakdowns
ensure that much of the concrete actually sprayed is beyond its pot-
In addition to this, environmental regulations may well impose restric-
tions upon the working hours of batching plants in urban areas, meaning
that a contractor who requires sprayed concrete mixes to be supplied
24 hours per day, may only be able to obtain material for 12 hours each
Problems such as these create unnecessary additional costs of con-
struction for both the contractor and the client.
A chemical system for the controlling of cement hydration in both wet and
dry sprayed concrete mixes has been developed by UGC International,
enabling the working life of such mixes to be substantially increased.
4.2.1 Introduction
The development by Master Builders in US of a two-component, liquid,
chloride-free hydration control system for returned waste concrete and
the recycling of concrete truck mixer wash water in 1987 enabled many
concrete producers to eliminate the problems associated with waste
concrete from their batching plants. The first component of this system
is known as the Delvo
Stabilizer, which is capable of inhibiting the
hydration of Portland cements for periods of up to 72 hours. The second
component of the system is the Delvo
Activator, which is a hydration
accelerator that is added to the stabilized concrete before placing.
In 1989, UGC International adapted the hydration control system for
use in sprayed concrete. The Delvo
Activators were developed for the initiation of cement hydration. The
accelerates the process
crete Stabilizer
controls hydration
crete Activator S
reactivates and
accelerates the process
Manufacturing + Delivery + Intermediate storage + Consumption
Figure 15: Delvo
Stabilizer to wear off. The other is to add Delvo
Activators are available when the hydration control system is used in
this application. These Delvo
crete Stabilizer
appears to slow CSH nuclei formation when added with the mix water
and slows both CSH and CH when added during or after the induction
period. It is suggested that this ability to affect nucleation and crystal
growth leads to the formation of finer CH and denser silicate hydrates,
resulting in beneficial physical paste properties.
4.2.6 Setting times
The setting times of stabilized and activated sprayed concretes, both
wet and dry mixes, are shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20: Setting times of hydration controlled sprayed concretes
The Delvo
Stabiliser (0.6%)
$ 3.50 / kg 2.76 kg $ 9.66
Slump 200 mm plus 200 mm plus
accelerator (5%)
$ 1.80 / kg 21 kg $ 37.80
Activator (5 %)
$ 2.00 / kg 21 kg $ 42.00
TOTAL US$ 121.10 US$ 133.86
The costs of using the Delvo
crete Stabilizer.
Table 5 shows the cost comparison of conventional and hydra-
tion controlled wet-mix sprayed concretes for rock support with
coarse aggregate (016 mm). If the conventional mix had 20 %
rebound, then the in-place cost of the sprayed concrete would be
US$ 121.10 / 0.8 = US $ 151.38 / m
. In order to make the in-place cost
of the hydration controlled sprayed concrete of the same order, then
the rebound of that mix should be (1133.86 / 151.38) X 100 = 11 %.
It is not unusual for rebound reductions of this magnitude (4050 %)
to be achieved, as was done by the contractor in the Flurlinger Tunnel
In the case of higher cost steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete (which
may cost in excess of US $ 200 per m
), an even smaller reduction in
rebound will be required to offset the cost of the hydration control sys-
tem chemicals.
Apart, however, from rebound savings, the contractor will also make
cost savings by eliminating return and waste sprayed concrete, being
able to reduce down time of sprayed concrete pumps and personnel
and generally being assured that every cubic metre of sprayed concrete
applied will be of a consistent quality.
4.2.10 Summary
Hydration controlled sprayed concrete mixes are an economical
and efficient development for use in rock support for large under-
ground infrastructure projects.
By suspending the hydration of the cement (and pozzolans) in a
sprayed concrete mix until it is reactivated and accelerated at the
spraying nozzle, a consistent quality of applied sprayed concrete
may be assured.
Cost savings in rebound reduction alone can offset the additional
costs of the hydration control system.
Other cost savings, resulting from reduced rebound and eliminating
waste sprayed concrete may be achieved by contractors.
Hydration controlled sprayed concrete mixes enable greater flexibility
in the scheduling and programming of spraying operations in under-
ground construction projects.
4.2.11 Selected case studies
The flexibility and advantages of modern high performance wet-mix
SFRS is directly and tightly lined to the correct use of admixtures and
proper equipment. Some examples follow, where a selection of features
has been made, to demonstrate some of the more important aspects of
practical life sprayed concrete application.
A) Wet-mix spraying with Delvo
Athens Metro
The civil construction part of the project comprises 20 stations and
18 km of tunnels. In the tender documents, the dry-mix method was
specified. It was, however, possible to convince the contractors that
wet-mix spraying is beneficial in all aspects.
From a central mixing plant, the concrete is distributed by truck mixers
to a number of sites. The individual sites have a buffer storage for con-
crete, holding about 12 m
maximum. The buffer is also an agitator that
can be operated when necessary. The concrete goes from the agitator
into a concrete pump, delivering through a pipe system down the shaft
(typically 20 m deep) into the tunnel, ending in the MEYCO
spraying pump. To the spraying nozzle it is normally 100 to 150 m.
A normal work sequence means application of 3 to 4 m
of sprayed
concrete and then a full stop of 3 to 4 hours until the next application.
During this time, the whole system from day-buffer to the sprayed con-
crete nozzle is left untouched with concrete inside. A full cleaning of the
delivery system is carried out about once a week.
This logistics system is only possible due to the Delvo
crete Stabilizer. By
adding a maximum of 2 % drawn on the cement weight, it is possible to
prevent any hydration for up to 72 hours. When Delvo
crete Stabilizer
(1 %), w/c ratio < 0.45, slump 1820 cm at the batching plant and
crete Stabilizer
(0.9 %), slump 20 cm at the batching plant and 13 cm underground
(flow measure according to DIN is more relevant using this super-
plasticizer) and Delvo
crete Stabilizer 35 kg
Dramix steel fibres 40 kg
Water 225 kg
2000 PF 1 % (c.w.)
Brighton & Hove Stormwater Relief Tunnel, UK
The Brighton & Hove Stormwater Relief Tunnel was driven along the
foreshore, 3040 m beneath the surface, between Brighton and Hove
on the South-East coast of the United Kingdom. The main tunnel is
5.3 km long with an excavated diameter of 6 m, and was to be bored by
a full-face TBM. Lining was by pre-cast concrete segments.
The main shaft combines pre-cast concrete with a sprayed concrete
section for TBM erection and spoil handling, built in accordance with
NATM design criteria. Due to the environmental requirements of the
area a famous year round bathing and pleasure resort the erection
of a ready-mix concrete plant had to be avoided and the concrete mixes
required to be sprayed at various times throughout the day, had to be
hauled 12 km.
To ensure a regular supply of quality sprayed concrete, the Delvo
system was chosen by Taylor Woodrow Civil Engineering, the main
contractor. The dry-mix sprayed concrete, stabilized with Delvo
Stabilizer, was applied via two MEYCO
Activator S51. Concrete some 15 hours old had been sprayed with
excellent results.
4.3 Concrete improving (internal curing)
Tunnels and other underground construction projects have some of the
worst conditions for curing due to the ventilation that blows continuously
dry (cold or hot) air into the tunnel. It can be compared with concrete
exposed to a windy area. One would think that tunnels have ideal cur-
ing conditions with high humidity (water leakage), no wind and no sun
exposure. However, this is not the case.
4.3.1 Background
Curing is one of the basic and most important jobs in sprayed concrete
because of the large cement and water content of the mix and the con-
sequent high shrinkage and cracking potential of the applied concrete.
Another reason is the danger of rapid drying out due to the heavy ven-
tilation as is usual in tunnels, the fast hydration of accelerated sprayed
concrete and the application in thin layers. Therefore, sprayed concrete
should always be cured properly by means of an efficient curing agent.
However, the use of curing agents involves several restrictions: They
must be solvent-free (use in closed rooms), they must have no nega-
tive influence on the bonding between layers and they must be applied
immediately after placing of the sprayed concrete. Most of the in-place
sprayed concrete around the world has no bonding and many cracks,
due to the fact that no curing is applied.
With the use of sprayed concrete as permanent final lining, long-term
quality and performance requirements have built up significantly. These
requirements are: good bonding, high final density and compressive
strengths to ensure freeze / thaw and chemical resistances, watertight-
ness and a high degree of safety.
When curing sprayed concrete with a curing agent, one has to be very
careful with the cleaning procedure of the substrate before applying a
subsequent layer. Cleaning must be done with high pressure air and a
lot of water (use spraying pump and nozzle, adding air at the nozzle).
Another problem with curing agents is to be able to apply them quickly
enough after finishing of spraying. To secure proper curing of sprayed
concrete, the curing agents must be applied within 15 to 20 minutes after
spraying. Due to the use of set accelerators, the hydration of sprayed
concrete takes place a very short time after spraying (5 to 15 minutes).
The hydration and temperature are most lively during the first minutes
and hours after the application of the sprayed concrete and it is of great
importance to protect the sprayed concrete at this critical stage.
Application of curing agents requires two time consuming working
operations: Application of curing agent and cleaning / removal of the
curing agent from the sprayed concrete surface between the layers in
the case of multiple layers. In many countries with experience in wet-
mix sprayed concrete like in Norway and Sweden and in big projects
world-wide, there is an obligation to cure the sprayed concrete with a
curing agent.
Very good experiences have been made with the use of a special curing
agent for sprayed concrete (Masterkure
UGC International has developed a new system for more efficient and
secure curing of wet-mix sprayed concrete, repair mortars as well as
Concrete improving (internal curing) means that a special admix-
ture is added to the concrete / mortar during batching as a normal
admixture. This admixture produces an internal barrier in the con-
crete which secures safer hydration and better resistances than the
application of conventional curing agents. The benefits resulting from
this new technology are impressive:
The time consuming application and, in the case of various sprayed
concrete layers, removal of curing agents are no longer necessary.
Curing is guaranteed from the very beginning of hydration.
There is no negative influence on bonding between layers.
As a consequence of this optimum curing effect, all other sprayed con-
crete characteristics are improved: density, final strengths, freeze / thaw
and chemical resistances, watertightness, less cracking and shrinkage.
In addition, MEYCO
TCC735 show
bond > 2.0 MPa. Failures were discovered only in the concrete and
not in the bonding area.
Increased density (> 15 %) compared to sprayed concrete treated
with external curing agents
Increased strength (28 days) compared to air cured sprayed con-
crete or treated with external curing agent (> 10 %)
No signs of cracking
Figure 21: Water absorption of a drilling core [g / cm
(Ref: M. Testor, Masters degree at the University of Innsbruck, 1997)
Figure 22: Bonding of sprayed concrete drilling cores on sprayed
concrete substrate [MPa]
(Ref: LPM test results from internal spraying trials)
4.3.4 Benefits of concrete improving with MEYCO
No influence on bonding between the layers. Always good bonding,
high security
No additional work operation for the application of curing agents or
other curing methods
No need for additional work operation for cleaning and removal of
curing agents
Table 6: Cost comparison per m
of concrete improver, external curing
and water curing from one of the biggest sprayed concrete works ever
carried out: > 200 000 m
of wet HPS sprayed concrete applied in a
period of 2.5 years
Water curing External
(internal curing)
Material SFr. 14. SFr. 15.
man hours
machine costs
SFr. 25.20
SFr. 280.
SFr. 1.
SFr. 18.
man hours
machine costs
SFr. 10.80
SFr. 80.
Total costs m
SFr. 305.20 SFr. 123.80 SFr. 15.
Curing from the first second and therefore during the critical time
Less cracking
Better chemical resistance
Improved watertightness (less cracks)
Improved freeze / thaw resistance
Improved workability and especially pumpability
Works independently from aggregate quality, grading and lack of
Works particularly well with steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete;
better fibre orientation, reduced fibre rebound and increased tough-
ness values
Less time per m
/ m
due to increased production and less work
operations. Time is money!
Increased density
Improved final compressive strengths
4.3.5 A safer and cheaper solution
112 0.5 kg / m
3520 9.5 kg
TCC735 5 kg
700 1 kg
SA430(by b.w.) 8 % 8 %
Pull-out test Rilem / CEB/FIP RC6, MPa:
7 days
28 days
Adhesion on concrete (*), MPa:
7 days
28 days
0.92 (P)
1.02 (I)
0.9 (P)
1.5 (I)
1.5 (P)
2.8 (P)
Cracks on beams:
1 day
7 days
14 days
28 days
no cracks
no cracks
superficial cracks
no cracks
no cracks
no cracks
no cracks
Static modulus of elasticity, UNI 6556, MPa:
7 days
28 days
17 150
2 650
19 100
22 400
Dynamic modulus of elasticity, MPa:
7 days
28 days
28 500
36 600
28 000
37 300
39 400
39 600
(*): The values are the average of two tests.
P: The breakings have occurred in the application, i.e. in the product.
I: The breakings have occurred at the interface between the applica-
tion and the concrete slab.
4.4 Conclusion
SA160 / SA162 /
SA163 / SA167 / SA175 / SA176 / SA180 / SA181 and the concrete improv-
ing system are the new generations of advanced sprayed concrete
admixtures which set new standards in the world of sprayed concrete.
They contribute to improve quality and increase production, while at the
same time lowering costs per cubic metre of in-place sprayed concrete
and thus further promoting sprayed concrete as a construction mate-
5. Fibres in sprayed concrete
Fibre concrete is a new material undergoing fast development with new
and better fibres, hand in hand with improved concrete technology and
application techniques.
Figure 23: Steel fibres as used for reinforcing of sprayed concrete
for rock support
The use of steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete has advanced sub-
stantially in the last few years. It has been accepted for rock support by
engineers, specifiers, owners and contractors around the world.
5.1 Why concrete needs reinforcement
Concrete is a brittle material. For a variety of reasons most of all applied
concrete and sprayed concrete cracks. The cause of concrete cracks
can be structural or economical, but most of the cracks are due to the
inherent tensile weakness of the material. As concrete shrinks, and at
the same time is restrained, it will crack. To avoid this the concrete has
to be reinforced with wire mesh and bars, or by adding fibres.
Steel fibres have clear advantages over wire mesh as reinforcing
agents. The most important advantage is that they are small and
that steel fibres are evenly distributed in the entire concrete layer.
The improved distribution of cracks and tension thus obtained makes
steel fibre reinforced concrete a viscous material.
5.2 How steel fibres work in sprayed concrete
To a large extent the mechanical properties of sprayed concrete are
determined by the w / c+s ratio, the silica fume content, the dosage of
sprayed concrete accelerators and the curing conditions.
The main reason for using steel fibres in sprayed concrete is to increase
the ductility of the material. Whereas high flexural strength can be
produced without fibres, ductility is a function of the type and amount
of steel fibres. Long fibres (> 25 mm) and rather high dosages (40
75 kg / m
) are preferable.
As a secondary effect steel fibres improve the final flexural strength of
sprayed concrete. Tests on large scale specimens show that after hard-
ening the flexural strength of plain sprayed concrete was reduced by half
because of shrinkage and microcracking whereas steel fibre reinforced
sprayed concrete maintained its flexural strength.
Additional benefits obtained by using steel fibres in sprayed concrete
Increased resistance against impact
Increased abrasion and erosion resistance
Increased watertightness and frost resistance due to the conversion
of shrinkage cracks into microcracks
Increased bonding capacity as compared to plain or wire mesh rein-
forced sprayed concrete
Steel fibres should never be used in dry-mix spraying because of the
high fibre rebound (> 50 %).
5.3 Types of fibres
5.3.1 Glass fibres
Glass fibres cannot be used as a permanent material because, after
some time, they will become brittle and be destroyed by the basic part
of the concrete matrix. Therefore, they have to be avoided in all types of
concrete, sprayed concrete and cement based mortars.
5.3.2 Polymer fibres
Normal short polymer fibres are resistant and durable in the concrete
environment. Yet, their mechanical properties are similar to those of
concrete and therefore cannot improve them or make concrete more
viscous. This makes this type of polymer fibre unsuitable for the use
in rock support. However, for applications where only reinforcement
against shrinkage, and in particular plastic shrinkage, is asked for, as
in sprayed concrete repair, polymer fibres are well suited: They are
very efficient at distributing microcracks during the plastic phase of
hardening and they also help reduce rebound in wet-mix spraying. In
addition, polymer fibres have a positive influence in cases of fire as they
reduce spalling of concrete.
Recently, a new type of polymer fibre has been developed. These
structural polymer fibres (SP fibres) are more similar to steel fibres in
terms of shape and length. They are produced from high quality materi-
als and typically delivered in lengths of 30 to 50 mm. Numerous test
results and applications in Australia, Canada, South Africa, Norway and
other European countries have shown that this type of fibre can reach
adequate toughness if dosed in the range of 510 kg / m
. Tests with this
dosage range show that SP fibres can reach approximately 9001 200
Joules according to the EFNARC plate test. This result is more or less
equal to the result achieved with 3040 kg/m
of high quality steel fibres.
The new SP fibres are already widely used in the mining industry around
the world and are now increasingly applied for sprayed concrete linings
in civil tunnelling.
The advantages of the new SP fibres over steel fibres in sprayed con-
crete are:
Higher level of load bearing capacity (SP fibres absorb more defor-
Reduced fibre rebound rates
Easier logistics
Lower wear and tear on spraying parts (wear plate, pump cylinders,
inside of pump, hoses and nozzle)
No corrosion
More economical
UGC International promotes its SP fibres under the name of
SA160, Mixes 2 and 3 using MEYCO
(9 kg / m
65 927
70 229
68 078
1 068
1 095
1 082
Mix 2:
(9 kg / m
66 333
78 282
72 308
1 149
1 315
1 232
Mix 3:
Novotex 0730 steel fibres
(65 kg / m
94 560
92 341
93 451
1 459
1 522
1 491
The most common argument against the use of SP fibres in civil tunnel
linings is the concern about the magnitude of creep related deflections
likely to occur in the long term under gravity loading. The creep behav-
iour of SP fibres and of steel fibres (also steel fibres are subject to creep-
ing!) has been studied by Dr Stefan Bernhard in a long-term investigation
programme. The test is described in his paper (see References), where
he concludes that SP fibres are designed and have been shown to
provide similar resistance to load deformation as steel fibres. Creep only
becomes an issue if and when the sprayed concrete cracks. If a crack
develops in steel fibre reinforced concrete, it creates the opportunity for
corrosion and loss of performance in ductility. If the load continues, the
load energy will continue to be absorbed, but there is a risk of sudden
rupture. If a crack develops in SP fibre reinforced concrete there is no
corrosion risk. If the load continues, the fibres will stretch rather than
suddenly fail, and in doing so will continue to absorb the load energy.
The cracked sprayed concrete can be observed and action taken to
remedy the cause of the problem before this capability is exhausted.
Table 10: Results from a comparison test made with Enduro SP fibres
in three different dosages: 5, 7, and 9 kg / m
. Identical mix design,
accelerator (MEYCO
alkali-free and
modified sodium
silicate accelerated
sprayed concrete
Figure 30: Permeability test and results for sprayed concrete using
UGC International alkali-free and modified sodium silicate accelerators
leachates, reduced rebound and dust, and most importantly, to pro-
vide safe working conditions.
Hydration control admixtures to prevent premature hydration of the
mix before it is applied to the substrate. Pre-hydration may cause
significant deleterious effects to the hardened physical properties
of the sprayed concrete, such as low strengths and densities, and
increased permeability.
Applicable curing methods (see chap. 4.3).
A range of permeability tests for site testing are defined in the Concrete
Society (UK) Technical Report No. 31: Permeability testing of site con-
crete (1988). Included are three concrete classes having high, average
and low permeability based on typical results from the test techniques.
The permeability tests and ranges for sprayed concrete are identi-
fied in Figure 30, and the test result ranges for samples using UGC
International technology are also illustrated, clearly demonstrating
sprayed concrete as a durable lining material.
6.5 Sulphate resistance of sprayed concrete with
alkali-free accelerators
In terms of sulphate resistance, a number of tests have been carried
out by SINTEF, Norway and the results are summarised in Table 11, with
high denoting excellent sulphate resistance.
A number of comments can be made regarding these results:
Alkali-free accelerators can be used to produce sulphate resisting
sprayed concrete up to dosages of 10 %.
Alkali-free accelerators perform better than modified sodium
silicate accelerators with OPC cements.
The use of 6 % microsilica provides comparable sulphate resistance
with OPC as sulphate resisting cement (SR). This is important as it is
preferential to use OPC rather than SR cement in sprayed concrete
due to the faster setting and early strength development.
The lower the water-cement ratio, the higher the sulphate resisting
performance. It is recommended to have a w / c ratio below 0.45 and
preferably, with the aid of new hyperplasticisers, to attain a w / c ratio
of less than 0.4.
Table 11: Sulphate resistance of sprayed concrete (SINTEF, 1999)
alkali-silica reactivity reactive reactive non reactive non reactive slightly reactive
Microsilica 0 % 6 % 0 % 6 % 0 % and 6 %
w / c ratio 0.45 0.47 0.52 0.48 0.45 to 0.48
Accelerator & Dosage
Modified sodium
silicate 5 %
moderate high none high high
Modified sodium
silicate 10 %
none high none high high
alkali-free 5 % high high none high high
alkali-free 10 % moderate high none high high
none (no sulphate resistance): greater than 0.1 % expansion
moderate sulphate resistance: between 0.05 % and 0.1 % expansion
high sulphate resistance: less than 0.05 % expansion
6.6 Chemical stability of new accelerators
Recent microanalyses have shown that the sprayed concrete samples
comprising accelerating admixtures contained similar mineral phases
to those present in a control concrete. Additionally, both the control and
admixture samples showed similar microcracking patterns. The studies
concluded that the lack of differences, both chemically and structurally,
posed no adverse implications for long term durability of sprayed con-
crete containing accelerating admixtures. Furthermore, petrographic
studies of permanent sprayed concrete demonstrate that early-age ther-
mal microcracking is a temporary feature removed by the onset of autog-
enous healing. No evidence has been found through permeability, com-
pressive and flexural strength tests, that early age microcracking causes
any detrimental effects to the stability or durability of the concrete.
6.7 Durability of steel fibre reinforcement
The main durability benefit of steel fibre over weldmesh reinforced
concrete, in severe environments, is that it will not support the common
galvanic corrosion cells which often lead to considerable damage to
conventionally reinforced tunnel linings. The risk of concrete spalling
due to corrosion is eliminated as the increase in volume due to the cor-
roded fibre is insufficient. Additionally, the fibres, which are discrete,
are protected by an alkali matrix. There is, therefore, no mechanism for
the propagation of corrosion activity, as reviewed by numerous case
histories and research studies of structures exposed to highly saline and
freeze-thaw environments. It is therefore unnecessary to opt for stain-
less steel fibres to achieve durability.
Plain steel fibres exposed at the concrete surface will tend to leave rust
spots. Therefore, for cosmetic and safety reasons, it is recommended
that permanent steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete linings are pro-
tected by a thin finishing mortar layer containing the new Enduro /
T803 2.53 kg
Polymer fibres 7.510 kg
w / c+s 0.40
Spread table > 55 cm
Addition at the nozzle:
SA160 / SA161 48 %
This mix is stabilized for more than 34 hours (thanks to Glenium
The final strength of the concrete must be higher than the specified
strength. Provided materials, mix design and execution of spraying are
correct, a rough estimate should aim at obtaining one strength class
higher for the final strength than the specified requirement.
6.11 Consequences of using different mix designs
To obtain soft consistencies (> 25 cm) is very critical. The high dosage
of accelerator needed gives a big decrease in final strength, and there
is a risk of segregation and clogging.
Low cement dosages (< 400 kg) give a very small margin with regard
to sub-standards and require a firm control of the accelerator dosing
and hardening conditions; lower production capacity and dramatically
increased rebound.
Overdosing of microsilica (1215 %) gives a very sticky concrete which
is very difficult to pump. This must be compensated for with a higher
A high content of coarse aggregates (for instance 20 % larger than
4 mm), gives a higher rebound loss.
Crushed aggregates cause heavy wear on pumps and hoses and large
losses through rebound. There is also a risk of dehydration and clog-
Large amounts of fibres (long fibres) create pumping and compaction
problems: cavities around fibres, poor mechanical properties, poor
resistances and inferior adherence to the surface. A reduction of the
fibre length helps.
7. Sprayed concrete equipment
Typical for the underground environment are numerous technical solu-
tions, high risks and time pressure. Consequently, the contractor needs
a competent and reliable partner. However, quality products alone are
not enough. Only with a balanced utilisation of reliable equipment, high
performance products and competent service can the required quality
and efficiency be achieved.
Parallel to the development in material technology there has been a
constant innovative development in the equipment sector to produce
machines suited for the new products and that are adaptable to the
everchanging conditions in the construction business. The result is a
wide range of systems that cover all sprayed concrete works: from huge
tunnelling jobs with large quantities of concrete mixes to be sprayed
down to small volume repair works. Common to all developments in
equipment is the tendency toward integrated and automated systems
which ensure higher production output, consistent and controllable
quality, as well as safer and more operator-friendly working conditions.
7.1 Manual application
7.1.1 Equipment / systems for dry-mix spraying
Machines that work on the rotor principle are the type most generally
used nowadays. Operating principle (e.g. MEYCO
Piccola, MEYCO
The dry mix is filled into the feed hopper (1); see Fig. 31. As the rotor
revolves the mix alternately falls, by its own weight, through a feed
slot into one of the rotor chambers (2) placed below. While one of the
chambers is being filled, compressed air (p) is blown from above into
the other (full) chamber. The mix is discharged into the outlet opening
(3) and blown at a pressure of 36 bar through the conveying pipeline to
the spraying nozzle where the mixing water is added. Top and bottom
of the rotor are sealed with rubber discs.
1 = Feeding hopper
2 = Rotor
3 = Outlet
p = Pressurized air
Figure 31: Operating principle of rotor machine for dry spraying
Figure 32: MEYCO
Piccola / MEYCO
nozzle, for example, is used for high quality applications where oven-
dry material is sprayed requiring an absolutely correct water distribu-
tion. Under extreme conditions, dust and rebound may also be reduced
using this type of nozzle.
7.1.2 Equipment / systems for wet-mix spraying Developments
In wet-mix spraying the professional applicators trust in double-piston
To ensure even spraying, the latest equipment developments aim at
realizing a pulsation-free conveyance of the wet-mix from the pump
to the nozzle. This is put into practice with MEYCO
Suprema from
Dosa TDC system guarantees exact regulation of dosing relative to the
spraying volume.
Main and important features:
Three independent oil pressure circuits, each of them fed by a sepa-
rate pump.
S-shaped quick selector valve with special high pressure control
system (auxiliary pump with topped accumulator).
To prevent blockages, the direction of the feed pistons is reversible.
When the maximum conveying pressure is exceeded, the pistons
reverse automatically.
The hydraulic cylinders have an automatic stroke adjustment.
Special push-over system through a proportional valve in coordina-
tion with the PLC control system. As the electronically controlled
push-over system is linked with the material output adjustment, the
pulsation over the full range of the material flow is reduced to a mini-
mum and hardly noticeable at the nozzle.
The PLC system supervises, coordinates and controls all functions
of the machine. It also allows checking and controlling of data which
can also be printed out, e.g. dosing quantity of admixtures, output
capacity etc. Errors within the hydraulic or electrical systems will be
indicated on the display, the causes of malfunctions can be deter-
mined through the help program of the PLC and will be indicated on
the display.
Suprema) in
combination with an external data reader. The operational parameters of
the machine will not only appear on the display, but can easily be trans-
ferred onto a PC by using an industrial grade PC-card or a USB memory
stick. The evaluation macro included in the delivery package allows
the analysis and presentation of recorded data in various formats.
Recorded operational information can include:
Machine no.
Type of accelerator
Cement content
Accelerator density
Accelerator percentage
Concrete temperature (option)
Pumping time
Record no.
Volume of concrete
Quantity of accelerator
Operating time
Tunnel metres from / to
Along with the above, 16 different equipment faults and incidents
together with associated details such as time and date are automati-
cally recorded, for example:
Oil pressure too high,
Oil level low,
Required dosing amount not reached,
Emergency stop has been pressed,
Dry running of dosing pump, etc.
Thus, a comprehensive machine operation history can be established.
This will enable the site management to analyse the spraying operation
very accurately over a defined period of time and provides an invaluable
tool that can lead to advances in cost management, quality control, shift
performance comparison and even safety matters.
Machines equipped with MEYCO
Potenza, MEYCO
Cobra, MEYCO
Roadrunner, MEYCO
Figure 36: MEYCO
Data Equipment for manual application
spraying manipulator
and has been tried and tested, proving itself on hundreds of sites over
the last two decades. Thanks to its robust construction the MEYCO
Robojet has a long service life considering the tough conditions in which
it is set to work. The operating principles are simple to understand, and
handling is easy. The nozzle movements follow the movements on the
remote control, and operators are quickly familiar with the system. It
allows even spraying also of large sprayed concrete quantities while
maintaining at all times the correct angle and distance of the nozzle.
It has 16 movement functions plus nozzle oscillation, and its most
important feature, cherished by nozzlemen, is the parallel spraying
movement, whereby the lance to boom angle is automatically compen-
sated to allow a flowing spraying action parallel to the floor along the
wall. This operation is further simplified by the automation of the lance
movement. Flexibility in the design of the MEYCO
Maxima is available as an
option for the MEYCO
Figure 39: MEYCO
Oruga mobile
spraying unit being used for slope protection
Suprema twin pumps installed at a considerable distance from the
spraying location.
Figure 44: Tailor-made solution by MEYCO Equipment: The MEYCO
Robojet spraying manipulator is integrated into a small diameter TBM.
Figure 45: Tailor-made solution by MEYCO Equipment: The MEYCO
Robojet spraying manipulator is integrated into a large diameter TBM. Computer controlled spraying manipulators
Recently, market demands have also lead to the introduction of the
Logica 15
Todays demand for an accurate layer thickness be it for a minimum
of sprayed concrete for rock support, or for a very accurate thickness
as required in the application of fire protection materials can easily be
achieved with the MEYCO
Remote control
The ergonomically designed radio remote control has two joysticks
and a luminous text display showing the operating parameters of the
machine. It allows controlling of the most important functions of the
manipulator and of the concrete pump.
Operator panel and onboard visualization
An intuitive graphical operator level touch screen (GUI) provides visual
information of the measured tunnel data and records any failure of the
machine. It also allows entering of information such as spraying distance
and speed of the nozzle and concrete pump parameters.
Figure 48: GUI Graphic User Interface of the MEYCO
Measuring of layer thickness
After finishing spraying of any layer, the operator returns to the measur-
ing mode to establish the new tunnel heading profile. Comparison with
the profile measured before the application of the sprayed concrete
layer can now be achieved, and the thickness of the sprayed mate-
rial determined. This will be presented in false colour (comparison of
is / should be profile) and can be used to identify areas with insufficient
layer thickness. The job can then be completed to the desired profile in
the semi-automatic mode or, for documentation and quality manage-
ment, a record of the operation can be saved.
Smart planner and filling function
Depending on the sprayed concrete application, it is vital for material
support to spray bottom-up or, if this is not necessary, to spray the com-
plete profile in one go. An integrated smart planner helps speed up the
spraying process while maintaining a constant quality on the surface;
at the operators command the computer can interrupt the flow of con-
crete and air and proceed independently to the next start position.
A selectable automatic equalization of overbreaks and underbreaks is
possible through the computer reviewing the scanned surface for such
inconsistencies and adjusting the speed of the lance appropriately in
these areas during the spraying process.
Training of new operators can be done without risk by means of a fully
functional 3D-simulation of the complete MEYCO
Logica 10
Remote Access
Remote diagnosis and operation through network connection is pos-
sible. This allows online support for troubleshooting, and even online
updating of the system software.
Advantages of the MEYCO
Logica system
Cost savings: reduction of time, labour, rebound material and opera-
tor training, and through using only one machine for measuring of
tunnel profile and spraying.
Increased output: continuously high output, independent of the
operators skill, of rock surface conditions and of the visibility.
Improved working conditions: With the simplified and ergonomic
remote control the operator focuses more on quality control than on
manipulator movements, due to automated spraying.
Increased and constant quality: The nozzle is automatically kept at
the correct distance and angle, even in bad visibility areas. Sprayed
concrete layer thickness and tunnel geometry are measured continu-
The mining version
Cobra spraying
7.2.2 Spraying mobiles
Potenza are:
spraying manipulator
Air compressor (rotary vane or screw type)
nozzle system
Liquid accelerator tank
Water storage tank
Working lights
Roadrunner and MEYCO
The components of the MEYCO
spraying manipulator for mining
Rama 4
spraying manipulator and an electro-hydraulic power source, and is
mounted on a very robust tracked carrier vehicle. It is suitable for both
wet-mix and dry-mix spraying. The MEYCO
Mixa 15
7.4 Nozzle systems
Nozzle systems are an important part of the spraying equipment.
Nozzles essentially contribute to providing:
Lower rebound
Improved bonding
Improved compaction
Proper mixing of accelerators / activators and air in the case of the
wet-mix spraying method
Proper mixing of accelerators/activators and water in the case of the
dry-mix spraying method
Only with the correct nozzle system (e.g. from MEYCO Equipment)
adapted to the type of application (wet-mix/dry-mix method, mecha-
nized/hand application) and the accelerator/activator used can low wear
and outstanding quality of the in-place sprayed concrete be obtained.
From a safety point of view it is important that wet-mix spraying hoses
and couplings are of the highest quality. They should be high pressure
tested and certified. Do not compromise!
Figure 57: Nozzle system (10080 mm) for modified silicate based and
alkali-free accelerators, for mechanized application
Figure 58: Typical nozzle for wet spraying; for use with manipulator and
for manual application
7.5 Systems for strength development measurements
7.5.1 Penetration needle
The penetration needle measures the early strength curve up to about
2 hours. It is an indirect test method, using a needle of defined dimen-
sions which is pushed with a defined force to a defined depth into the
fresh sprayed concrete. The resistance measured is an indication of the
compressive strength of the sprayed concrete.
To be precise, this method actually measures a combination of com-
pressive and shear strengths, or the resistance to local plastic defor-
mations. The aggregates contained in the sprayed concrete and the
support behaviour of the granulometry strongly affect the results.
Figure 59: MEYCO
Penetration Needle
7.5.2 Pull-out test
The pull-out test determines the strength development from 3 to 24
hours. This method measures the force that is needed to pull out a draw
bolt imbedded in the sprayed concrete. From this force and the surface
area of the torn-out, truncated cone specimen, it is possible to calculate
the shear tensile strength and consequently the compressive strength
of the green sprayed concrete at the time of testing.
Figure 60: MEYCO
W =
= F/4
Sprayed concrete layer
Figure 63
8.3 Sprayed concrete on soft or crushed rock
In many cases it is not possible or correct to envisage single blocks
and wedges, locked in place by a thin layer of sprayed concrete. When
tunnelling is carried out in generally crushed and weak materials, expe-
rience again still shows a remarkable short term effect of stabilisation,
even with thin layers. In such situations the block and wedge theory and
support mechanisms are not applicable. It is a bit more complicated to
illustrate why and how it works under these conditions.
The most obvious reason for the immediate and short term effect is
the maintenance of existing stability. Sprayed concrete produces a
skin effect on the rock surface, preventing to a great extent differential
movements in the contour. An inward deformation (convergence) will
take place generally and evenly, not as local, differential stepwise defor-
mations. As the contour moves inwards, the length of the contour tends
to decrease, which means compressive forces in the rock/sprayed
concrete composite. In this way the sprayed concrete is helping the rock
material to carry itself. Again, we are looking at a reinforcement effect,
rather than a load support. For this process to take place, the sprayed
concrete shell needs to be of reasonable compressive strength with a
good bond to the rock surface.
If the relation between rock stresses and rock strength does not allow
a thin-layer, composite-action support solution, a structural sprayed
or cast concrete ring may become necessary. The example of a TBM
tunnel with a full, circular sprayed concrete lining is given in Fig. 64. In
this case, the arch effect can be calculated and the bond strength is no
longer a factor.
Sprayed concrete compr. strength
= 35 MPa
Thickness of sprayed concrete t
= 0.15 m
Tunnel radius R
= 2.0 m
Radially distributed load P = ?
Maximum support pressure:
[ ]
P =
( R
- t
= 2.53 MPa = 253 t / m
Figure 64
8.4 Basic rock mechanics
Excavating a tunnel will initiate changes in the stress field around the open-
ing. If the stress is high enough and/or the rock is weak enough, the sur-
rounding rock will move slowly into the free space (in addition to the small
effect of elastic relaxation). This inward radial deformation (convergence)
may be controlled and stopped by support measures, or it may continue
until a broken zone of rock collapses into the tunnel.
Figure 65
Fig. 65 shows a circular tunnel in a stress field where
= P
. The
radial stress
and the tangential stress
just before excavation are
also shown. The rock material is considered as elastic.
Figure 66
A short time after excavation, the stress situation will have changed
and if the rock is weak enough, a crushed zone will develop as shown
in Fig. 66. The radial deformation resulting from such crushing (plastic
deformation) is also termed squeezing. In this simplified case the plastic
zone is circular and concentric to the tunnel. If some support is estab-
lished, the P
of the figure represents the support pressure against the
rock surface.
The magnitude of deformation and the thickness of the plastic zone
depend on the inner friction and other strength parameters of the rock
material. The stress magnitude is also an important factor.
When designing the rock support necessary to limit and stop deforma-
tion, the ground reaction curve and the support response curves are
useful. This is a different way of illustrating what is happening, from
what is shown in Figures 65 and 66. A ground reaction curve is shown
in Fig. 67. This is an idealised load/deformation curve, describing the radial
deformation depending on the support pressure. The ground reaction
curve expresses in a given point the necessary support pressure to bal-
ance the load and stop further deformation. Line no 3 in Fig. 67 shows a
case where the rock is overloaded and a plastic zone is created.
i max
1: Elastic deformation only, stable
2: Some plastic deformation, stable
3: Thick broken zone, unstable
Stable Unstable
Figure 67
In the elastic part the load decreases when deformation is allowed
to take place. At a low stress situation, the straight elastic line could
continue to zero load, as shown by the broken line no 1. In this case, no
support would be necessary.
At a slightly higher stress level a thin plastic zone would develop, indi-
cated by the broken line no 2. If the stress level is high, we may follow
the solid line no 3. The reason for the load increase is the weight of the
broken material in the plastic zone of the roof. This gravity effect does not
apply to walls and floor.
Installed support measures will be loaded by the rock deformation along
a given response curve. Figure 67 illustrates that the support has been
installed after some initial deformation has already occurred. The maxi-
mum load and deformation capacity of the support is also shown. The
intersection point between ground and support reaction curves defines
the final support load and the total rock deformation.
The diagram demonstrates the combined effect and interaction between
the rock itself and installed support measures. It is important that sup-
port measures be installed at the right time, with sufficient load capacity
and with the correct stiffness.
High capacity,
too stiff, failing
Lower capacity,
less stiff, stable
Too soft,
too late
Deformation, u
Figure 68
Figure 68 shows some support characteristics which illustrate the prin-
ciples. A strong and stiff support may be overloaded, while a weaker
and more ductile support is satisfactory. It is also possible that the stiff
support works well, if installed at a later stage. The focus should be on
optimising the support, which means letting the rock material carry as
much potential load as possible.
8.5 Some points on NATM
NATM can be classified as an Observational Method. This becomes
evident through the practical steps normally performed when using
Collection of geological data, rock mechanics data and processing of
this material in combination with tunnel dimensions etc. Processing
means producing a load and deformation prognosis for a set of rock
quality cases, covering the tunnel alignment. Any calculation tool
which is regarded as helpful may be used in the prognosis develop-
A preliminary support plan is produced based on the previous step.
Thickness of sprayed concrete, number, length and strength of rock
bolts, type and spacing of ribs etc., is part of this plan. Prognosis of
deformation speed and magnitude for different situations is important
information in order to decide on the excavation / support sequence
and the interpretation of monitoring data.
The tunnel excavation proceeds according to the preliminary plan
with necessary adjustments for observed rock quality.
Monitoring instrument sections are installed at intervals in the
excavated tunnel. These may include extensometers, convergence
measurement bolts, load cells in the lining, load cells on rock bolts
etc. The behaviour of the support members and the combined sys-
tem of rock and support shall be constantly monitored.
The final support is decided after monitoring the tunnel for a sufficient
time. Depending on the design requirements and philosophy, this
might give no additional support or in some cases a full concrete
The NATM philosophy aims at allowing a controlled deformation to take
place, so that the support system carries a load as small as possible. In
practical terms this will normally lead to using sprayed concrete as a first
support measure. Normal thickness may vary between 50 and 300 mm.
It is normal that also sprayed concrete reinforcement (wire mesh or steel
fibres) and rock bolts are used. In weak rock and/or in tunnels of more
than 50 m
light steel ribs or lattice girders are frequently mounted.
One very important detail in the NATM application is the closed ring sup-
port. As can be easily understood, a closed ring of anchored sprayed
concrete support is a lot stiffer than a horse shoe shape. The total load
capacity is also higher. The same applies to all kinds of rib support.
Again the timing of such a ring closure against deformation speed and
magnitude, is very important.
The discussion of mechanisms and principles of sprayed concrete for
rock support (Sections 8.1 to 8.5) is only meant as a limited illustration
from a very wide and complex subject. Regardless of which name tag
(Q-method, NATM, RMR etc) the designer will use for a chosen set of
principles and procedures, we can only recommend using the general
principles of the Observational Method.
In urban areas, tunnelling often means very shallow excavation depths
with severe consequences in cases of failure. It may therefore be nec-
essary and reasonable to shift the design focus in the direction of pre-
decided support solutions, with less or no emphasis on load transfer to
the ground itself. In many cities the ground conditions are well known in
advance and will, more often than not, be some type of soil rather than
rock. Due to the possible negative consequences of surface settle-
ments, the target under such conditions will be zero deformation around
the tunnel.
8.6 Important properties of sprayed concrete for
rock support
The relative importance of different material parameters for sprayed
concrete depends on the type of stability problem. Thin layers applied to
hard rock to prevent loose stones and wedges from falling out, depend
mostly on adhesion. The compressive strength in such a case is of
minor importance. The compressive strength, on the other hand, is the
main factor when a thick closed ring support of soft ground is consid-
ered. In this situation the adhesion is of no interest at all.
Compressive strength can be used as an indirect indication of durabil-
ity factors. The concrete shall be of satisfactory long term durability in the
environment where it is applied. There may be a difference between
a road tunnel with heavy traffic and a water transport tunnel in this
respect. In most cases the sprayed concrete must meet a 35 MPa
strength class according to a normal national standard test procedure.
In Norwegian sub sea road tunnels this requirement is now a grade
45 MPa concrete.
Adhesion to the rock surface is generally an important parameter. The
problem is that it is complicated to measure accurately and it varies a
lot within short distances. Very often people are reluctant to specify
the required adhesion in a contract, because the control results may
cause more problems than is worth while. In our opinion the control
focus should be kept on compressive strength, application technique and
cleaning of the surface in advance. In this way, the best possible adhe-
sion that the surface allows, can be achieved.
The tensile strength of sprayed concrete is not so important. In design
considerations this strength cannot be included anyway, because there
is always a chance of shrinkage cracks in critical sections. Across a
crack there is naturally no tensile strength. The same applies to the
flexural strength of the sprayed concrete material itself.
It is important that the required compressive strength is achieved by a
mix design that gives a minimum shrinkage. There are two reasons for
Low shrinkage improves adhesion.
Low shrinkage reduces cracking and improves durability.
To produce a low shrinkage, the content of fines and cement should be
low, the w/c ratio should be low (generally less than 0.45) and applica-
tion technique must be correct (good compaction and spraying at right
angles). A curing compound after application, water spraying, or the use
of a concrete improver (such as MEYCO
TCC735) should be a routine
part of the work.
The thickness of the sprayed concrete layer is a design question. The
contractor shall distribute the necessary concrete volume to meet the
requirement as closely as possible. This is a practical problem, espe-
cially if the specified thickness is large (200 mm and more) and the full
thickness is placed on a limited area during one operation. Under such
circumstances the tendency is that the walls get more concrete than
required and, of course, the roof gets less. This is the opposite of what
is wanted, from a stability point of view.
This leads to a very important parameter in sprayed concrete applica-
tion, the short-time strength development. Safety and economy are
improved if the strength gain within the first minutes and hours is high.
High early strength is possible when using accelerators. Economy is
improved to a maximum if it is possible to build full thickness in one
continuous operation, even on a limited area.
8.7 Reinforcement
The traditional reinforcement in sprayed concrete is steel wire mesh
(normally 3 to 6 kg / m
and square openings of 100 to 150 mm). It is
also named welded wire fabric (WWF). This product should never be
replaced by the kind of nets used for fences (chain link mesh). Chain link
mesh usually has a wire thickness of 2 to 3 mm and openings of 50 mm.
Chain link mesh must not be used in sprayed concrete, due to the small
openings and fluffy behaviour, which causes high rebound, a build-up
on the net, and leaves voids behind it.
Shing Mun Tunnels, Hong Kong
Contractor: Gammon, Dragages, Skanska
Sprayed concrete 1st layer
Mucking out
Installation WWF
Sprayed concrete 2nd layer
(and last layer)
50 m
Cumulative hours
One cycle
SFRS, 6.5 h
One cycle
WWF, 14.0 h
Figure 69
Installing WWF is highly manual work, and it is very hard to improve on
its efficiency. The cost of reinforcement by WWF is hence constantly
increasing, because the production capacity is fixed. The direct erection
cost for WWF per m
is in the range of USD 16 to 24. The substantial
increase in overall tunnelling capacity by switching from WWF to steel
fibre reinforced sprayed concrete (SFRS) is shown in Fig. 69.
It is important to be aware of the purpose of reinforcement in sprayed
concrete. In rock support there is the constant possibility of unexpected
loads and deformations. The best possible safety margin is achieved
by the highest possible fracture energy in the sprayed concrete layer.
The fracture energy (toughness) is represented by the area below the
load deformation curve, when testing beams and panels under flexural
loading, see Figure 70. Today, modern test procedures, such as the
EFNARC and the ASTM C 1550 test methods, are based on sprayed
panels testing.
Steel fibre
Figure 70
8.8 Tunnel support methods
Sprayed concrete has traditionally been considered a temporary sup-
port in most countries. Due to increasing pressure on economy, the
interest for one pass tunnel linings based on sprayed concrete, has
increased substantially during the last few years. High performance
wet-mix sprayed concrete, where necessary combined with steel fibres,
has become the first choice for this approach.
Figure 71
The most commonly used support combinations are: Rock bolts (some-
times with steel straps), sprayed concrete (usually steel fibre reinforced)
and cast concrete using steel shuttering.
Rock bolts
0.51.0 m
2.05.0 m
150 mm
Figure 72: Support with ribs of fibre reinforced sprayed concrete
Spacing between rock bolts
Q=0.1 Q=1.0 Q=10 Q=30
Areas without sprayed concrete 1.2 m 1.4 m 2.0 m 3.4 m
Areas with sprayed concrete 1.3 m 1.6 m 3.0 m 45 m
In recent years it has become more and more common in very poor
rock conditions to replace the traditional cast concrete by steel fibre
reinforced sprayed concrete combined with rock bolts and steel bar
reinforced ribs of sprayed concrete, see Figure 72. This is a more adapt-
able solution than the pre-made lattice girders. In cases of substantial
overbreak, the volume of sprayed concrete will be far smaller, and one
layer of typically 16 mm bars is much easier to spray over with a good
compaction. Net effect is saved time, better durability and improved
9. Permanent sprayed concrete
tunnel linings
9.1 Development of permanent sprayed concrete
tunnel linings
Conventionally, tunnels constructed using sprayed concrete have been
based on a temporary sprayed concrete lining to stabilise the opening
after excavation and to contain short to medium-term loads. When this
lining has fully stabilised, a permanent cast in situ concrete lining has
been installed to contain long-term loads, and provide durability and
watertightness, either by the use of a waterproof membrane between
the temporary and permanent linings, or by the use of steel reinforce-
ment to reduce crack widths to 0.2 mm to allow autogenous heal-
ing. This shall be referred to as the double shell method. Since 1994,
sprayed concrete technology has improved dramatically in terms of
stable admixtures and application methods, particularly with the wet-
mix process to give a durable, high performance concrete.
In 1996, both the Jubilee Line Extension and Heathrow Express Rail
Link projects constructed tunnel linings using permanent steel fibre
reinforced sprayed concrete instead of conventional in situ concrete
within the temporary sprayed concrete linings, lowering costs and sig-
nificantly reducing the construction time, particularly in sections of
complex geometry.
The current state-of-the-art sprayed concrete technology equips the
tunnelling industry with a considerably more economic tunnel lining
system in the form of a single pass of permanent sprayed concrete, pro-
viding a structural lining that is also durable, watertight and can be sur-
face finished to a degree that is similar, if not equal, to cast concrete.
The essence of the Single Pass Tunnel Lining method (SPTL) as
described in this chapter, will be to maintain the design philosophy
of the temporary sprayed concrete lining, but to enhance the mate-
rial performance and construction control. This will permit the primary
SPTL sprayed concrete lining to be considered as a permanent, durable
structural element that will fulfil the structural requirements both during
construction and throughout the designed life of the structure. This can
be performed either as a true single shell, or, if required, acting mono-
lithically with an additional sprayed concrete layer installed later during
the construction process.
9.2 Cost effectiveness of single pass tunnel linings
SPTL can offer significant savings over the conventional double shell
approach, by considering no part of the lining as a temporary support,
and by the reduction in excavation volume and required lining material,
which leads to a reduction in construction time.
The SPTL one layer method can achieve a cost saving of 20 to 40 %
over a double shell structure, depending on tunnel cross section and
length as well as rock conditions. When considering the cost of a tunnel
constructed using the SPTL two layer method, there is a considerable
difference between opting for a sprayed or cast in situ second layer
due to the high project start-up cost of a steel shutter for a cast in situ
second layer, as opposed to the non-shuttered option of a second layer
of permanent sprayed concrete.
Further future savings could be envisaged through adoption of the
Observational Method, once confidence in the SPTL method has been
acquired, and through further understanding of ground-structure inter-
action, particularly with composite materials such as with steel fibre
reinforcement. Additionally, the increased performance of state of the
art sprayed concrete admixtures and equipment will reduce construc-
tion material costs and project duration.
9.3 SPTL options
Two general systems can be considered as SPTL methods. The first is
a true one pass application method for small diameter tunnels, or tun-
nels founded in stable, dry ground conditions. The second approach is
a two layer application process as shown in Figure 73, where the first
sprayed concrete layer achieves tunnel stability, whilst the second layer
(acting monolithically with the first) enhances durability and watertight-
ness. This method is considered necessary for large diameter tunnels
with multiple construction joints in the primary layer, and for tunnels
founded beneath the water table. For both systems, the reduction of the
amount of reinforcement steel is crucial, either by steel fibre replace-
ment, or by optimisation of the tunnel profile and lining thickness. In all
cases, the emphasis should be on buildability, where simplicity is the
key to success, particularly with a method dependant on construction
team performance.
Figure 73: SPTL two layer method cross and longitudinal section
Figure 73 illustrates the SPTL two layer method and suggests where the
design emphasis should be placed for each layer. Of note is the timing
of the installation of the second layer: This should be when the first layer
has stabilised, and when there is no negative impact on the construc-
tion activities at the tunnel face. In some instances, it may be prudent for
the construction of the first layer to be completed throughout the entire
length of the tunnel before the second layer is placed.
9.4 Tunnel geometry
To reduce lining cracking to a minimum, the design should be such that
the line of hoop thrust should be as close to the centre of the lining sec-
tion as possible. This enables the extreme concrete stress to be kept
close to the average and most of the linings load capacity is mobilised.
The role of the tunnel profile geometry is crucial in providing a means to
reduce the adverse effects of bending moments, and in general, near
circular geometry should be adopted, especially for the crown section
of the tunnel. Bending moments produced by flat invert profiles may
be catered for by the use of steel reinforcement installed in an in situ
concrete invert.
9.5 Lining reinforcement
9.5.1 Steel reinforcement bars and weldmesh
From experience, water ingress is associated with sections of the
sprayed concrete lining that contain large diameter steel reinforcement,
such as lattice girders, lattice girder connection bars, and excessive
overlaps of steel weldmesh. Therefore the design emphasis should be
to minimise the quantity of steel reinforcement by:
Optimisation of the tunnel cross-sectional profile to reduce moment
Increasing the thickness of the tunnel lining to maintain the line of
thrust to the middle third of the concrete section
Where structurally possible, using the more favourable option of steel
fibre reinforcement.
Should mesh or bar reinforcement be required for structural reasons, it
should be designed with ease of installation in mind, and evenly distrib-
uted. The reinforcement must allow full encapsulation by sprayed con-
crete and permit sequential installation. Under no circumstances should
sprayed concrete be applied through full reinforcement cages.
9.5.2 Steel fibre reinforcement
In sprayed concrete, the use of conventional reinforcement to impart
tensile capacity to the structure, such as with steel weldmesh or bars,
can promote inhomogeneous structural elements due to the following:
The need to build the required design thickness in a series of layers
to encapsulate the reinforcement has a tendency to reduce the bond
strength between layers.
Corrosion of steel reinforcement can cause significant concrete
spalling and cracking due to the volumetric expansion.
Cracks produced by conventional steel reinforcement tend to be fewer,
but of greater width than with fibre reinforced concrete, leading to a
decrease in watertightness and durability, as illustrated in Figure 74.
Figure 74: Cracking control through steel fibre reinforcement
Steel fibres have been used successfully in permanent sprayed
concrete tunnel projects to reduce cracking widths to 0.2 mm. The
advantage over conventional anti-crack reinforcement is that the
fibres are randomly distributed, and discontinuous throughout the entire
tunnel lining structure allowing uniform reinforcement that evenly re-
distributes tensile loads, producing a greater quantity of uniformly dis-
tributed microcracks of limited depth, as illustrated in Figure 74. Steel
fibres also transform the concrete from a brittle into a highly ductile
material giving the lining a higher load bearing capacity, post initial
cracking through the effective redistribution of load, thereby increasing
the safety of the structure during construction.
Figure 75: Polymer fibres
More recently, polymer fibres have been introduced (see Figure 75),
having the added benefit of being corrosion resistant, whilst offering
similar performance to steel fibres.
9.6 Ground reinforcement
Rockbolts, dowels and spiles should be considered as permanent sup-
porting elements. As they are installed in the ground, there is potential
for them to act as channels to groundwater and therefore, the installa-
tion should ensure that they are centred in the drill hole and fully encap-
sulated in grout. This achieves two functions, firstly to reduce the risk
of corrosion of the bolt, and secondly to prevent water passing to the
inside face of the tunnel lining.
An example of a permanent rockbolt or spile is given in Figure 76, where
the installation sequence of the Ground Spile Anchor (GSA) developed
by the Dr Sauer Company is illustrated. The principle of the system is the
boring of the hole and insertion of the rockbolt or spile in one step, being
particularly beneficial in poor ground conditions that previously may
have caused borehole collapse before bolt installation. Additionally, the
rockbolt or spile is fully encapsulated in grout as the flushing medium
is exchanged for grout approximately half a metre from the end of the
borehole. The rockbolt or spile is centred in the hole by the drill rod bar-
rel, thereby ensuring optimum corrosion protection.
Figure 76: GSA anchor for permanent ground support particularly in
loose ground
In all grouted rockbolt (CT bolt or similar) and spile systems, the mix
design of the cement grout should be geared toward the reduction of
thermal cracking, and preferably to be thixotropic to prevent washout
during initial setting. These grout properties can be achieved by the use
of admixture products, such as MEYCO
1211 to the
colour required is proposed. For the crown sections, the surface can be
left as screeded and a similar painted treatment as above can be applied
with a black pigment.
Figure 80: Surface reflectance requirements for a dual lane highway
tunnel (UK)
9.10.2 Cladding systems
The alternative to the above approach to provide the required surface
finish is to install sidewall cladding. Cladding systems composed of
vitreous enamel on steel plate are generally acknowledged to be the
most suitable for tunnel environments. Vitreous enamel (VE) cladding is
durable, impact resistant, easy to clean, chemically inert and fire proof.
The particular benefit of VE is that it is not a coating, but it is fused to the
steel plate, forming a robust integrated surface, with a permanent col-
ourfast finish. Such cladding systems can provide a method to screen
and protect communication and electrical services, and allow a lower
surface finish to be specified for the sprayed concrete tunnel linings.
9.11 Achieving sprayed concrete lining durability
The factors influencing the durability of sprayed concrete structures are
dealt with in detail in chap. 6.
9.12 Construction recommendations
9.12.1 Application requirements
Figure 81: Mechanized spraying provides superior sprayed concrete
To obtain a durable sprayed concrete, and to ensure that the material
properties satisfy the requirements of the designer, the application
process should conform to the following criteria:
To provide a high performance concrete with minimal variance in
The system should have a controlled, pre-defined water/cement
ratio of 0.45 maximum, to ensure reduced shrinkage, provide high
compressive strengths and to significantly reduce permeability.
Robojet boom
keeps parallel to
sprayed concrete
surface during
360 Revolution
Automatic nozzle
oscillator for smooth
Figure 82: Mechanized spraying facilitates nozzle operation.
Thoroughly mixed (including fibres), homogenous concrete should
be produced at the nozzle, and should be free from pulsation effects
and blockages.
Measured aggregate rebound should be below 10 % providing the
tunnel lining with a suitably graded material. This has the critical
effect of reducing delaminations, shadows behind steel reinforcement,
shrinkage cracking and poor microstructure.
Measured steel fibre rebound should be less than 20 % so as to pro-
vide efficient crack control and structural performance thereby
imparting improved durability to the tunnel lining.
Automated accelerator dosing unit that works in synchronisation with
concrete output to allow accurate, consistent dosage rates. Dosing
pumps should be capable of dispensing liquid suspensions of non
caustic alkali-free accelerators.
Thick concrete layers up to 150 mm are capable of being placed in
one pass permitting a more homogenous structure.
Low dust levels to allow greater visibility for nozzlemen to perform
better control of spraying.
The aim of the system should be to reduce the risk of human influ-
ences negatively affecting the quality of the sprayed concrete. For
example, spraying manipulators, such as the MEYCO
should be used where possible, allowing superior quality sprayed
concrete to be applied in a safer, more economic manner (see also
chap. 10.4).
A ready supply of sprayed concrete should be available to apply
as a contingency support when excavating the tunnel. This can be
facilitated by controlling the cement hydration using Delvo
In the case of loose ground and running ground water, the system
should be adjustable to provide sprayed concrete with immediate
setting characteristics (flash setting).
The method of sprayed concrete application should allow effective
concrete curing that will not adversely influence the bond strength
between subsequent layers, such as with the incorporation of
sprayable membrane
Hilti nail fixing
at 1m grid spacing
Geotextile layer composed of:
1. Fleece
2. Plastic sheet
3. Plastic drainage web
sprayed concrete
Sprayed concrete
protection layer
(non structural)
Figure 86: Masterseal
345 membrane. All geotextile joints and Hilti nail fixings are adequately
covered by the Masterseal
345 has been applied, the permanent steel fibre reinforced sprayed
concrete layer can be installed and surface finished as required.
sprayable membrane
permanent sprayed
concrete layer
Sealing layer of spray-
ed mortar
Existing structure
Brick, masonry,
concrete etc
Figure 87: Masterseal
crete Stabiliser, is
therefore recommended at all times.
With accelerated sprayed concrete mixes, it is essential not to apply
sprayed concrete into the Works until it exhibits the correct setting
performance. This is typically carried out by spraying directly onto the
lower section of the tunnel face until the correct setting performance
is observed. Furthermore, the correct air pressure and volume for the
specific spraying operation should be evaluated by the nozzleman and
adjusted accordingly.
One of the skills of the nozzleman is to recognise the need for applying
sprayed concrete in a manner that minimises the risk of loosened blocks
from falling into the tunnel work area, but also to prevent the concrete
from sagging or even falling out of the crown sections. To meet this goal,
the nozzleman should firstly fill all overbreaks and zones of substrate
weakness, such as fissures, faults and gravel zones. The sooner this
action is taken after excavation, the safer the work place.
Spraying should then commence from the lower sections moving
methodically upwards to the crown. It may be prudent to increase the
accelerator dosage marginally to achieve a slightly faster set, and apply-
ing numerous thinner layers rather than attempting to spray the entire
thickness in one pass of the nozzle. In the crown sections of the tunnel,
an initial thin layer of approximately 50 mm should be sprayed to prevent
the completed sprayed lining from debonding. Subsequent layers may
be built up to 150 mm in thickness.
For thick structural members, each subsequent layer should be given
sufficient time to set before the next layer is applied. In large diameter
tunnels this allows the spraying process to be continuous due to the rel-
atively high surface areas and subsequent volume of concrete applied.
It is good practice to apply thick sections in a series of layers, but the
number should be kept to a minimum where possible. All surfaces to
receive a new layer should be damp and free from loose materials.
10.3 Reducing rebound, increasing quality
One of the principal causes of poor sprayed concrete quality and
increased lining costs is the amount of rebound produced during spray-
ing. This is particularly evident in the dry-mix sprayed concrete process
where the nozzleman has control over the water-cement ratio, and is
responsible for the effective mixing of the concrete mix between the
nozzle and the substrate. This section highlights some actions to be
considered to reduce rebound and improve quality.
Figure 90 attempts to illustrate some of the major factors that can affect
the degree of rebound produced by both wet and dry-mix sprayed
concrete during the spraying process. In the case of the dry-mix the
values given are conservative. Figure 90 assumes that the mix design,
particularly the aggregate grading and water-cement ratio are optimised
as described in Chapter 3.
Figure 90: Effect on rebound and sprayed concrete quality of principal
spraying parameters
The amount of rebound is broken down into four major factors:
Nozzle angle to substrate
Accelerator dosage
Nozzle distance to substrate
Area of application in tunnel
As indicated in Figure 90, the most significant influence on rebound is
the angle of nozzle to the substrate. The nozzle should always be held at
right angles (90) to the substrate (see Figure 91) to optimise compac-
tion and steel fibre orientation, except when full encapsulation of lattice
girders and steel reinforcement is required. With hand held spraying, a
perpendicular spraying angle is not always favoured by the nozzleman,
as any rebounded material tends to come directly back. Even spraying
angles less than 70 will cause excessive rebound values and poor
compaction of the concrete. This inevitably leads to low strength and
poor durability of the concrete. With more recent developments on wet-
mix manipulator spraying, this problem has been mostly removed.
Figure 91: Nozzle angle has dramatic effect on rebound.
The distance between the nozzle and the substrate should be between
1 and 2 m, as indicated in Figure 92. If the nozzle is closer than this the
projected concrete will tend to tear-off the freshly placed material. If
the nozzle distance is reduced, the output should be lowered and the
nozzle moved faster. Furthermore, if the nozzle distance is extend-
ed to 3 m say, then the energy to compact the concrete is severely
reduced, again resulting in excessive rebound, poor compaction and
low strengths. Hand held applications will tend to lower the air output
to maintain the correct nozzle-substrate distance, this in turn has also
detrimental effects to the quality of the sprayed concrete.
Accelerator dosage as shown in Figure 90 can also affect the degree
of rebound. Too little accelerator will not provide adequate setting and
strength development, so that freshly applied concrete may be shot
off by the next pass of the nozzle as it remains too soft. By definition
this is strictly not rebound, but should be avoided at all times.
Figure 92: The distance of nozzle to substrate influences rebound and
Conversely, if the accelerator dosage is too high, for example above
10%, flash setting will create a hard surface that will cause larger aggre-
gates to rebound, prevent complete compaction, and thereby produce
reduced strength and durability of the sprayed concrete lining. For
application in crown sections of tunnels, a balance between accelerator
dosage for effective build rates and rebound needs to be established
without compromising the required properties of the hardened concrete
lining. UGC Internationals new MEYCO
Robojet spraying
manipulator is controlled by a remote-control joystick operated by the
nozzleman which allows spraying at the correct distance and angle at all
times. This coupled with the required air volume and pressure ensures
low rebound and well-compacted sprayed concrete. Good surface fin-
ishes can be achieved by selecting the automatic oscillating movement
of the nozzle mode.
Robojet boom
keeps parallel to
sprayed concrete
surface during
360 Revolution
Automatic nozzle
oscillator for smooth
Figure 93: MEYCO