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Kaczmarek Casting CV

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Kasia Kaczmarek CASTING

54A Fordwych Road

Tel: 07794 224 797
Email: a!ia"#m$%mail"com
Fir!& Aid Trained
'ri(in% Licence
Key Skills
)ond*c&in% +,en A*di&ion!
'ra-&in% )a!&in% .ro-ile!
R*nnin% A(aila/ili&y )hec!
)on&ac&in% Talen& A%encie!
.o!&in% )a!&in% )all!
)a!&in% and Licen!in% )hild Ac&or!
0,oen lan%*a%e!:
.oli!h1 En%li!h1 French1 German1 0,ani!h
Industry Experience
Casting Director Gas Station, 2*la Film! Feruary ! August "#$%
An inde,enden& !ci3-i !hor& wi&h a -emale child ac&re!! lead" All elemen&! o- &he mise-en-
scene were aimin% a& recrea&in% &he no!&al%ic am/iance o- &he 4950! cinema o- &he %enre"
Key trans&erale skills' ca!&in% -or &he %enre1 collec&in% an en!em/le ca!& wi&h &he ri%h&
dynamic! /e&ween &hem1 re,re!en&in% a low3/*d%e&1 inde,enden& ,rod*c&ion"
Casting Director Wzek 1 0&owar6y!6enie 7am*lec 8e6,iec6e9!&wa August "#$(
)a!&in% an inde,enden& !hor& drama wi&h a ca!& -ea&*rin% /o&h ,ro-e!!ional! and non3ac&or!"
Key trans&erale skills' ca!&in% a :no3/*d%e&: ,rod*c&ion1 !&ree& ca!&in%1 a,,roachin%
and a*di&ionin% non3ac&or!"
Casting Assistant The Roof, .ra&ia Film!1 For&*ne Film!1 0aracen Film! Feruary "#$(
A!!i!&in% &he ca!&in% direc&or a& &he o,en a*di&ion! and mana%in% &he !ched*le"
Key trans&erale skills' *!herin% &he &alen&1 !ched*lin% o,en a*di&ion!1 readin%
-or &he a*di&ion!1 recordin% a*di&ion &a,e!"
Student )roductions
Casting Director Spiltting Hairs 1 We!&min!&er Film 0chool *anuary ! +ay "#$%
)a!&in% &he %rad*a&ion -ilm1 which aim! a& -ea&*rin% a ca!& o- con!idera/le ,ro-ile1 while
&he !cri,& i&!el- re;*ired !,eci-ic ac&in% a/ili&ie! in order &o recrea&e &he -eel o- 4950! cinema"
Key trans&erale skills' re,re!en&in% &he ,rod*c&ion and &he !chool in coo,era&ion
wi&h ca!&in% a%encie!1 crea&in% ca!&in% ,ro-ile!1 nowled%e o- 8ri&i!h !&a%e and -ilm &alen&"
Casting Director COAP Commercial 1 We!&min!&er Film 0chool No,emer "#$(
)a!&in% a commercial ,rod*ced a! a ,ar& o- &he 2oda:! )ommercial )om,e&i&ion1 -ea&*rin%
child ac&or! and (oice ar&i!&!"
Key trans&erale skills' ca!&in% and licen!in% child ac&or! and (oice ar&i!&!1 cond*c&in%
o,en a*di&ion! -or ad*l& and child &alen&1 !hor&li!&in% &alen& &o /e re(iewed /y &he direc&or"
Casting Director Panamoni!m, We!&min!&er Film 0chool *anuary ! +ay "#$(
7i%h ,rod*c&ion (al*e! 83cla!! horror -ea&*rin% li-e !i6e homemade /ear co!&*me!
and 42 li&re! o- -ae /lood"
Key trans&erale skills' /*ildin% *, a rela&ion!hi, wi&h ca!&in% a%encie!1 ,*&&in% down
!&rai%h& o--er!1 ca!&in% ,hy!ical ac&or!1 ca!&in% -or comedy1 or%ani!in% e<&ra!"
Casting Director Thir Woman, We!&min!&er Film 0chool Decemer "#$"
An homa%e on film noir wi&h !*/&le drama *nder&one!"
Key trans&erale skills' !earchin% -or re-ined ,er-ormance!1 ca!&in% (ia 0,o&li%h&1
or%ani!in% and mana%in% a*di&ion!"
Casting Director "a# Contain Traces of Pean!ts 1 We!&min!&er Film 0chool No,emer "#$"
A !hor& comedy -oc*!ed on &he do*/le ac& o- &wo -emale charac&er!"
Key trans&erale skills' ca!&in% (ia )a!&in%)all.ro and 0&arNow1 dra-&in% ca!&in% call!1
ca!&in% a do*/le ac&"
Casting Assistant $ost an %o!n 1 We!&min!&er Film 0chool +arc- "#$"
0ched*lin% and mana%in% &he a*di&ion! -or !hor&li!&ed &alen&"
Key trans&erale skills' !ched*lin% a*di&ion!1 con&ac&in% &he &alen&1 arran%in%
an a,,ro,ria&e (en*e1 &ain% head !ho&!1 ,re,arin% ac&or!: ,ro-ile! -or &he ca!&in% direc&or"
.elated Experience
/&&ice .unner a& Re&ol!tion %ilms April "#$%
2 wee! -*ll &ime ,rod*c&ion com,any o--ice wor e<,erience"
Key trans&erale skills' ,rod*c&ion o--ice e&i;*e&&e1 *!herin% ind*!&ry ,ro-e!!ional!"
Assistant to t-e Director a& 'efiant %ilms +ay0$( 1 Feruary0$%
A!!i!&in% &he 'irec&or &hro*%ho*& &he ,re3,rod*c&ion"
Key trans&erale skills' nowled%e o- &he ,re3,rod*c&ion ,roced*re!1 ,ro-e!!ional
,rac&ice o- ca!&in% ,roce!!e!"
Assistant to t-e *ury Sopot %ilm %esti&al in .oland Since "#$#
0&ar&in% o*& *! a (ol*n&eer in 20401 wored my way *, &he ran! &o /e one o- &he cr*cial
mem/er! o- &he or%ani!a&ion &eam"
Key trans&erale skills' (en*e mana%emen&1 o--ice wor coordina&ion1 a!!i!&in%
&he -e!&i(al:! =>.! and %*e!&!"
"#$$ 1 "#$% 2A Film and Tele,ision )roduction ?ni(er!i&y o- We!&min!&er
Danny 3iller1 'irec&or
Email: danny&hehill$ho&mail"com
Tel: 07747 @40770
*im Edgar1 .rod*c&ion Aana%er
Email: #im$-oo&candle-ilm!"co"*
Tel: 07794 542 @40
Sa,,as Sta,rou1 A!!i!&an& &o
mr Win&er/o&&om a& Re&ol!tion %ilms
Email: !a((a!$re(ol*&ion3-ilm!"com
Simon )assmore1 0enior Lec&*rer
a& ?ni(er!i&y o- We!&min!&er Film 0chool
Email: 0".a!!more$we!&min!&er"ac"*

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