1 5 Evidence
1 5 Evidence
1 5 Evidence
EDUC4720: A2
The RAFT will be used as a differentiated assessment piece, as it will be used at the end of the
unit when the students should feel confident enough to use the information that they have
been given surrounding poetry and creating their own.
The students work will be evaluated by the use of a rubric, which will also be given to the
students so that they can ensure they are including all of the necessary elements that are
needed to meet the criteria to the best of their abilities.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
Essential Questions:
Why is the voice of the poet so essential in a poem?
How do poems evoke emotion from the reader?
Why do people choose to poetry over other writing styles?
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
Most of the poem is creative,
but appears to be rushed. This
is evident in the poet's
redundancy or use of clichs.
Poem is thoughtful and
creative. A couple of phrases or
ideas may be revisited, but the
overall product is carefully
Sensory details and figurative
language contribute to the
meaning of the poem; sound
devices, such as rhyme,
alliteration, or onomatopoeia,
also add to the meaning of the
poem. Most word choices are
Poem is creative and original. It
is evident that the poet put
thought into their words and
uniquely conveyed their ideas
and emotions.
Sensory details and figurative
language create vivid images
that contribute significantly to
the meaning of the poem;
sound devices, such as rhyme,
alliteration, or onomatopoeia,
are used effectively and
contribute to the meaning of
the poem. Word choice is vivid
and exact throughout.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
The poem is hard to understand
and follow. Meaning of the
poem is lost. No emotion
(Appendix 1)
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
Differentiated RAFT
(Appendix 2)
Famous poet
Free choice
Men of society
Free choice
A stranger
*Note that you can swap and change between the strips to what you think would suit you the best. Also, if there is
something else you may want to do this can be discussed and arranged with the teacher.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
Task Sequence
EDUC4720: A2
Lesson 1
1. Whole class introduction (10
minutes): Take roll and introduce the
summative assessment task. Students
will also be given a time frame in which
they have to complete their work
ready for presentation (from this
lesson until lesson 6). Students will be
introduced to the learning objectives
for this part of the unit (see learning
objectives above).
2. Poem Production- Summative
Assessment Task (30 minutes):
Students will be given the RAFT sheet
(Appendix 2), and the teacher will then
read through the RAFT so that students
can see which strip appeals to them
the most in terms of their selfdetermined readiness and their
interests. Students will be given 5-10
minutes to decide which RAFT task is
most suitable for them. Students that
decide to do the Student choice RAFT
strip will need to discuss their ideas
with the teacher at this stage. This is
the same for those students who may
want to mix and match columns of the
RAFT to make their own individual
strip. Once students have selected the
RAFT task they wish to write their
poem on, they will be given the task
card for their selected RAFT. They will
also be given the assessment rubric
(Appendix 1). The teacher will briefly
discuss the assessment rubric and its
relation to the tasks learning
objectives. Students are to begin
planning their poems during this
3. Class Discussion (5-10 minutes):
Students will engage in a class
discussion about the ideas and
concepts they have started to use for
their final creative pieces.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
Lesson 2, 3,
1. Introduction (5 minutes): Roll will be
taken, students will then instructed to
carry on with their summative tasks.
Students will also be constantly
reminded of the learning objectives.
EDUC4720: A2
the task sheets). The Audience is the person or people
in which the poem is intended for. The Format is the
way in which the poem will be presented, i.e. written,
oral presentation, etcetera. Finally, the Topic is the
main focus or theme of the students poem.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
capable of and what they are not capable of. For this
task, students will select a RAFT strip that not only
interests them, but that also allows them to choose a
strip that enables them work at appropriate level of
challenge through their own self-determined readiness.
Each of the RAFT strips have been designed to
incorporate the same amount of work across each task,
so that when a student decides to choose something
they may consider easy they will still be challenged in
the amount of work they have to produce and the
format in which it has to be produced in.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
(Appendix 3)
Task explanationYou are a famous poet and you have been asked to read one of your poems to your fans. This can
be presented either to the class, or it may be pre-recorded if preferred. When presenting your
poem you must use appropriate tone to convey the intended emotion of the poem, but you must
also ensure that you read the poem in such a way that the meaning is not lost. It is optional, but if
you would like to add some acting to your presentation that is also allowed.
The presentation as a whole should not take any longer than 5 minutes, as you will also have to
talk about the reasoning behind your poem. (250-400 words worth for explanation).
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
(Appendix 4)
Task explanationYou are a refugee who has been lost in the system whilst seeking asylum from your country.
Processing is taking so long that the people that are not only your friends, but also family are
getting sick not only physically, but also mentally from being locked up. Some of them turning to
ending their own lives. The target audience for this poem is to the politicians of Australia; you are
writing your poem to tell them first hand what the conditions are like and the emotions that you
are feeling.
The style of written poem is your choice, however you must ensure that whichever format you
choose it follows the required construction. Make sure to use your writers voice!! The words you
use are all you have to convey the emotion you want the reader to feel!
You will also have to write a short analysis of why you chose to write your poem in the particular
format, and the reasoning behind why you chose to write about the issues and emotions you
identified. You might also consider what you felt whilst writing your poem. (250-400 words)
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
(Appendix 5)
Task explanationYou are a high profile woman, although you feel as though in society today you still are not taken
seriously and are made to feel inadequate, (you do the same job, sometimes even more and still
get paid less). Your poem should talk about your feelings towards this. Do you think it is fair? Will
this ever change? Some questions you might want to consider.
The format that you choose for this assessment is your free choice and so will be negotiated with
the teacher.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
(Appendix 6)
Task explanationAs a Zombie many humans are scared of you because they do not want you to eat their brain. Your
target audience will be the humans that are left after the Zombie apocalypse. The topic of your
poem is I dont want to eat your brain, (you might not even like brains, or maybe you dont like
that everyone runs away from you, maybe you just want to be their friend?). You are to turn your
poem into a digital production on PhotoStory 3. You are to select images that will give the viewer
the intended emotions from the poem, whether that be happiness, sadness etcetera. You may
also choose to use sound for this.
(If you need some help with this program, there are youtube clips that are extremely helpful!!)
For this task you are to transform your poem into a visual experience for the viewer using Photo
Story 3. Each slide must have an image and some form of audio (music, voice over) to accompany
it. The photostory must not go over ten minutes, with a minimum of at least five (this will depend
on the length of your poem itself). You will also be required to analyse the reasoning behind why
you chose certain images or sounds.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
(Appendix 7)
Task explanationYou have been asked to present your experience of that time you woke up in the body of an
animal to the radio listeners of Adelaide. The recording of your poem should not be any longer
than 5 minutes as you will also have to discuss the reasoning behind your poem and the
construction of it.
Think about the way you would see the world through the eyes of an animal. Can you understand
what humans say? Or what is it like to walk on all four legs? Do you even realise that you are an
animal? Are you drawn to chase cats if you are a dog? Think like an animal and let your words
express what you want your listeners to feel when they listen to you.
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
(Appendix 8)
Exit card
To finish off our unit of poetry I would like you to write a few paragraphs to answer the following
questions. This should take you no longer than ten minutes, and will not be assessed. It will be
used purely for future reference in accordance as to how this unit will be structured.
1. What are two things that you really liked learning about poetry, and why did you favour
these over other elements?
2. What is something you did not like, and why did you not like it?
3. Something you think could be changed or added to the unit to make it even better next
4. Any other comments you might like to add.
Thank you
Christina Quidacciolu-Goetz
EDUC4720: A2
Jarvis, J (2014a). Using Ongoing Assessment to Inform Differentiation. Lecture notes distributed in
EDUC4720: Differentiation for Diverse Learners, at Flinders University, Bedford Park, on 3rd
March, 2014.
Jarvis, J (2014b). Differentiating in Response to Student Readiness. Lecture notes distributed in
EDUC4720: Differentiation for Diverse Learners, at Flinders University, Bedford Park, on 10th
March, 2014.
Jarvis, J (2014c). Differentiating by Interest and Learning Profile. Lecture notes distributed in
EDUC4720: Differentiation for Diverse Learners, at Flinders University, Bedford Park, on 17th
March, 2014.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, Year 10 English.
http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/Year10?layout=3&a=E Accessed on April 10, 2014: