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Poetry Project Rubric

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Social Justice Poem Project Rubric

Poem (Creative Mark)

Was poem at least elevenlines long?
Did poem address the
chosen topic in an
appropriate and meaningful

Poetic Device #1
Was the poetic device used
effectively and with a
specific purpose in mind?

Poem is at least eleven-lines Poem is at least eleven-lines Poem is at least eleven-lines Poem does not meet the line
long and develops a clear
long and a central idea is
long. Central idea is implied
and central idea.
somewhat developed.
but may be unfocused.
Poem demonstrates
interesting insights or
perspectives about the
chosen topic.

Thoughtful; attempts to deal Demonstrates a relatively

with the chosen topic with
some maturity.
understanding of the chosen

Poem lacks a central

idea/sense of purpose.
Ideas underdeveloped; fails
to demonstrate a basic
understanding of the chosen

Purposeful use of poetic

Effective use of poetic device
Superficial use of poetic
Device was chosen with little
device to develop the central to develop the central theme device; purpose of device thought to the desired effect
theme of the poem.
of the poem.
may be implied and/or may
in the poem.
seem forced.

Poetic Device #2
Was the poetic device used
effectively and with a
specific purpose in mind?

Purposeful use of poetic

Effective use of poetic device
Superficial use of poetic
Device was chosen with little
device to develop the central to develop the central theme device; purpose of device thought to the desired effect
theme of the poem.
of the poem.
may be implied and/or may
in the poem.
seem forced.

Artist's Statement (Written


Did writer demonstrate
understanding of the poetic
devices used in the poem?

Explanation demonstrates a Explanation demonstrates an Explanation of demonstrates

Explanation fails to
critical understanding of the appropriate understanding a superficial understanding
demonstrate a basic
poetic devices used.
of the poetic devices used. of the poetic devices used. understanding of the poetic
devices used.
Did personal reflection
Reflection is developed with
Reflection is complete.
demonstrate an appropriate Reflection is developed with
some insight.
May contain errors in
level of maturity and
originality, maturity, and
understanding of the
creative process?
Demonstrates an adequate Demonstrates a superficial
Demonstrates a critical
understanding of the
understanding of the
Reflection may be
understanding of the
creative process.
creative process.
incomplete and/or lacking in
creative process through
Explanation of the
Explanation of artistic
insightful explanations of the
effectiveness of artistic
choices and what might have
effectiveness of artistic
choices and what might have
been done differently is
Understanding of the
choices and what might have been done differently are
superficial and lacking in
creative process is
been done differently.
completed with an
inadequate. Examples may
appropriate amount of detail
have been very
and insight.

Did writing demonstrate an
appropriate and effective
use of tone, sentence
type/length, and word

Style and tone help to

Appropriate tone and use of
accomplish purpose and add
Wide variety of sentence
types and lengths were
purposefully used.
Precise, concise language
and takes risk with a variety
of language choices.

Generally colloquial and


Often uses inappropriate

tone or language.

Effective use of different

sentence types and lengths.

Limited variety of sentence

types and lengths.

Little or no sentence variety.

Word choice is varied and


Straightforward vocabulary.

Introduction establishes
context and purpose.

Introduction establishes

May have too many short or

simple sentences that make
writing choppy.
May have too many long and
complex sentences that
obscure meaning.

Did writing demonstrate an
effective and logical
organization and
introduction of information.
Were the
purposeful and effective?

Engaging introduction.
Sound structure; seems
effortless and natural.

Sequence of information is
logical and easy to follow.

Smoothly integrates
elements such as examples, Transitions used effectively
explanations, and anecdotes.
to connect ideas clearly.
Conclusion provides a
satisfying resolution.

Conventions (Spelling,
Few errors; these do not
Grammar, Punctuation, etc.) distract the reader (may only
be noticeable when reader
looks for them)

Conclusion focuses on
purpose; tries to provide
Some errors in complex
spelling and/or complex
sentence structures.
Errors do not distract the

Introduction either fails to

introduce topic or lacks

Sequence is generally logical

but may lack sense of
Structure may seem illogical
or random.
Transitions awkward or
missing in places.

May seem disjointed

because ideas are not linked
with transitions.

Conclusion is mechanical,
but adequate.

Omits or provides ineffective


Some errors in basic spelling

and/or sentence structures.
Errors may distract reader
but do not interfere with

Frequent and noticeable

errors in basic spelling
and/or sentence structure
that may interfere with

Total Mark:


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