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Topfield SRP2100 TMS: Social Networking With A Digital Receiver

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TEST REPORT Multimedia Receiver - Update

Topfield SRP2100 TMS

Social Networking with
a Digital Receiver
It was only a few weeks ago that we put the all new SRP2100 TMS
from South Korean manufacturer Topfield under the microscope
– take a look at the 08-09/2009 edition of TELE –satellite.
We were quite impressed with this box back then;
now there’s a software update that turns
the Multimedia SRP2100 TMS into a
real social networking product.
We updated our test receiver
and were surprised by all
of the additional

26 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2010 — www.TELE-satellite.com

The Update manner and totally regional-
Process ized.

Software updates can be When it comes to network

uploaded into the receiver settings, Topfield integrated
in three different ways. The a profile system similar to
simplest and fastest way is to what you’d find in a PC. The
update via the Internet. The user can set up as many as
single push of a button is all five different network profiles Firmware Update directly via Internet
that’s needed for the receiver that can then be accessed
to check and see if new soft- with the push of just one
ware happens to be available button. If, for example, you
on the manufacturer’s server, regularly take your receiver
and if so, to download it and to your vacation house in
install it. the mountains, you don’t
have to change all the net-
Since the receiver needs to work settings manually every
be connected to the Internet time you move the receiver
for this to work, it is also pos- between your home and the
sible to download an update vacation house; instead you
manually and upload it via a simply store two different
USB stick. If you happen to profiles that are matched to
live in Europe, there’s also the each location and select the
ability to download an update Firmware Update via USB
appropriate one.
via satellite. And along with
this update, there’s also an Here we want to men-
updated channel list with all tion another improvement:
of the important channels namely the possibility to
from ASTRA 19.2° east and make the receiver compat-
HOTBIRD 13° east. ible with the matching USB
Dongle WLAN. Now it’s easy
After a successful update, to see why Topfield worked
the receiver automatically tirelessly to incorporate the
restarts after which the profile function for the net-
manufacturer recommends work connection.
performing a factory reset to
make sure that all of the criti- MP3 lovers will also approve
cal components are updated of the facelift Topfield gave to The Update is complete - The Receiver restarts
to the newest software ver- its MP3 player that now comes
sion. In our case the update with the ability to mark entire
process was completed with- folders for play back; now you
out any problems; our test can enjoy your favorite music
receiver was now loaded with for hours at a time and with-
software version TF-BCPC out any interruptions.
A variety of small bugs were
Improvements also fixed such as for example
The first thing we noticed is the lack of audio available
that Topfield reworked all of from the digital audio output
the on-screen display (OSD) after a restart of the receiver
texts. While the English ver- and the lack of EPG informa-
sion of the OSD was always tion after surfing through a
The OSD is shown correctly and completely translated
presented correctly, it was number of channels. In our
the localized languages in tests, we no longer saw any
older software versions that of these problems in the new
had problems. software version.

For example, some help New Functions

texts or menu points were In the course of examin-
presented in English even ing these updates we were
though it was supposed to be especially pleased that Top-
a German OSD. field didn’t spend the entire
summer just working on
But these issues have been fixing the software bugs in
taken care of so that now the the SRP2100 TMS.
entire OSD menu is presented
clearly, in a nicely organized Instead, they added a The integrated media player supports among other things DiVX; subtit-
les can be viewed with the newest software

28 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2010 — www.TELE-satellite.com

number of one-of-a-kind fea- SHOUTcast SRP2100 TMS has shown once micro blogging service Twit-
tures. The Topfield SRP2100
Internet Radio again that Topfield definitely ter, Topfield has reached new
TMS is the first receiver to be lives up to its slogan “Leader heights and new possibilities
provided with support for the With the integration of the of Home Multimedia”. that in the future will be part
micro blogging Twitter ser- YouTube video platform, Top- of all entertainment electronic
vice. field has given the SRP2100 With the integration of the devices.
TMS quite a boost to its
Twitter potential starting sales. With

Many people are familiar

the integration of the SHOUT-
cast Internet radio service,
TELE-satellite World www.TELE-satellite.com/...
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
with the little blue bird that Topfield has added to this Arabic ‫ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/ara/topfield.pdf
all friends and relatives use Indonesian Indonesia www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/bid/topfield.pdf
boost. Bulgarian Български www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/bul/topfield.pdf
from around the world and Czech Česky www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/ces/topfield.pdf
German Deutsch www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/deu/topfield.pdf
with just a few words manage English www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/eng/topfield.pdf
Thousands of radio stations English
to stay in touch with each Spanish Español www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/esp/topfield.pdf
from around the world are Farsi ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/far/topfield.pdf
other and take part in each French Français www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/fra/topfield.pdf
currently accessible through Hebrew ‫עברית‬ www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/heb/topfield.pdf
other’s lives. Greek Ελληνικά www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/hel/topfield.pdf
SHOUTcast and are only wait- Croatian Hrvatski www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/hrv/topfield.pdf
ing for the opportunity to be Italian Italiano www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/ita/topfield.pdf
Topfield is the first manu- Hungarian Magyar www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/mag/topfield.pdf
heard through the new Top- Mandarin 中文 www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/man/topfield.pdf
facturer that has taken this Dutch Nederlands www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/ned/topfield.pdf
field receiver. The integration Polish Polski www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/pol/topfield.pdf
exciting new social network-
of this streaming service into Portuguese Português www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/por/topfield.pdf
ing service and incorporated Romanian Românesc www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/rom/topfield.pdf
the receiver was handled so Russian Русский www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/rus/topfield.pdf
it into a home multimedia Swedish Svenska www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/sve/topfield.pdf
perfectly that no feature is Turkish Türkçe www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1001/tur/topfield.pdf
device that now opens up
missing that you would other- Available online starting from 27 November 2009
new and thus far unheard of
wise expect to see on a PC.
dimensions in a receiver.
The radio stations are
You no longer have to get
divided into 26 different cat-
up from the couch and turn on
egories; everyone should be
the PC to see what your friends
able to find something that
are doing at the moment; all
they like. There’s also a very
you have to do, for example
practical search function that
during a commercial break,
lets you easily find specific
is to use the remote control
content. Once you have found
to start the Twitter service on
radio stations that you like
the SRP2100 TMS.
from the unending selection
available through SHOUTcast,
The receiver displays all
they can be quickly moved
of the Tweets from your
into the Favorites lists so that WLAN will soon be available
friends as well as numerous
they can be easily viewed and
people that you are follow-
accessed with the push of a
ing or those that are follow-
button. Listening to music via
ing you. With the push of one
the Internet is fun again and
button new Tweets can be
free at the same time!!
started or other Tweets can
be answered.
Media Player
For the first time because of Last but not least, Topfield
this application, it has really gave a slight improvement
paid off that Topfield included to their media player. Now
a wireless keyboard with the a variety of subtitle formats
SRP2100 TMS. In this way can be displayed so that those
the user doesn’t have to deal who are hard-of-hearing may
with the OSD keyboard and also enjoy exciting movies. Playback of a SHOUTcast station
instead can update Twitter
simply with the wireless key- On top of that the trans-
board. port stream format of older
5000 series Topfield models
We here at TELE-satellite is now also supported so that
find this to be an absolutely recordings can simply be
ideal feature and are certain copied to the hard drive of the
that there will be many copy- new receiver for playback. In
cats out there. this way, you won’t lose any
older recordings if you should
It also shows how much of upgrade to Topfield’s latest
an advance roll Topfield plays model.
when it comes to new ideas
and technologies. All in all, this update for the
SHOUTcast search for country music

30 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2010 — www.TELE-satellite.com

Results of a SHOUTcast search for country music Responses to a Twee

SHOUTcast Favorites Who’s following my Twitter entries?

The Top SHOUTcast stations of the day Which Twitter entries am I following?

SHOUTcast Pop stations Sending a Tweet with the help of the Topfield SRP2100 TMS

The micro blogging Twitter service in the Topfield SRP2100 TMS Thanks to the wireless keyboard, Twittering on the Topfield SRP2100
TMS is a lot of fun!

www.TELE-satellite.com — 12-01/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 31

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