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Answer Key Cae

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Answer Key

Test 1, Paper 1, Reading (Page 5)

Part 1:


B: Their dream of family life had turned into a nightmare and

they knew something had to change.
C: The only reference to other peoples opinions is in the first
sentence, where the writer says that those of us (people like
the writer) who like home comforts would regard the familys
lifestyle as unimaginable. The writer is suggesting that the
reader might feel like this too.
C: At this point she realised that what they had in common was
mothers not speaking English and spending time in homes like
Minas mothers.
B: Even though she couldnt speak English and needed her
daughter to translate, she insisted on offering me hospitality
and her manners sure beat those in Oak Brook (she was much
more polite than people in Oak Brook).
A: The researchers said that an absence of affection seems to be
a bigger problem than high levels of conflict, meaning that
siblings having arguments is less important than having affection
for each other. Affection between siblings has many positive
effects on them, even if they also argue a lot.
D: Siblings help each other to be kind and generous; arguments
between them teach them skills that come in handy as they
grow up; affection between them makes life easier for them
and provides a big protective factor; sisters make their siblings
less likely to suffer from a range of bad feelings; siblings have
positive effects on each other and sisters have the most
positive influence.

Part 2: Learning to be an action hero


F: link between the fact that the writer cant reach much past my
knees and how difficult he is finding this and that belief that
the reader will think this sounds a bit feeble that the writer is
weak and incapable of doing the exercise well.
8 D: link between get there in D and a very particular, very extreme
kind of fitness before the gap; get there = achieve that kind
of fitness.
9 A: link between it had all started so well before the gap and the
first thing they did in the session, which was a piece of cake
(very easy) for the writer.
10 E: link between a few in E and the movements for building
strength in your back and arms on the chinning bar mentioned
before the gap.
11 G: link between the bar mentioned before the gap and Steve
jumping on to that bar at the beginning of G; link between
from one to another and the various bars mentioned in the
paragraph before the gap.
12 B: link between the one comforting piece of knowledge
mentioned in B and what that piece of knowledge was that the
writer will never suffer from an anatomical anomaly.
Part 3: Is the internet making us stupid?
13 C: Patricia Greenfield reviewed dozens of studies on how different
media technologies influence our cognitive abilities and looked
at the results of these studies as a whole.
14 B: The University experiment tested how well the students retained
the lectures content; an earlier experiment showed that the
more types of information are placed on a screen, the less people
can remember.
15 B: Greenfield concluded that growing use of screen-based media
had resulted in new weaknesses in higher-order cognitive
processes and listed several mental processes that have been
affected (abstract vocabulary, etc.).
16 C: It was expected that the people who did a lot of multitasking
would have gained some mental advantages from their
experience of multitasking but this was not true. In fact, they
werent even good at multitasking contrary to the belief that
people who do a lot of multitasking get good at it.

17 C: The writer says that the ill effects are permanent and the
structure of the brain is changed. He quotes someone who is
very worried about this and regards the long-term effect
as deadly.
18 D: The writer uses Ap Dijksterhuiss research to support his point
that not all distractions are bad if you are trying to solve a
problem, it can be better to stop thinking about it for a while
than to keep thinking about it all the time.
19 A: The cacophony of stimuli short-circuits both conscious and
unconscious thought, preventing our minds from thinking
either deeply or creatively and we stop being capable of
contemplation, reflection and introspection; unconscious
thought does not occur and our brains become simple signalprocessing units.
Part 4: The way we worked
20 B: Search your high street for a typewriter repairman and your
chances of a result at all are ribbon-thin.
21 D: The craze for buying newly available arts and crafts from Japan
was at its height in the second half of the nineteenth century.
22 A: Mention them to people and theyll look quizzical, Roberts says,
but next time they see you, theyll have started to spot them.
(them = the work done by sign-painters).
23 C: In 1888, thousands of matchgirls at the Bryant and May factory
in London famously went on strike to protest over conditions.
24 B: They serve septuagenarian retirees, technophobes, novelists
and people weaned on digital keyboards who see typewriters as
relics of a distant past.
25 D: When warned that someone might steal his techniques, he says
that no one wants to copy him or learn to do what he does.
26 C: Over subsequent decades, the long hours, tiny pay packets and
exposure to toxic chemicals were addressed.
27 A: His father told him these things will come back and the more
technology comes into it, the more youll be seen as a specialist
and his words showed a lot of foresight.
28 B: They repair typewriters by using the vast collection of spare parts
theyve accumulated over the years.
29 C: The majority of staff are still female; its still mainly female.
30 D: Shiny, affordable substitutes, like shellac, began to eat away
its aura cheaper alternative materials contributed to making
lacquerwork less appealing and popular.
31 A: As his trade is a rare one, people employ him in all sorts
of places.
32 B: It amazes us the price the old manual machines sell for on
the internet.
33 D: One magazine reprinted several slabs of an eighteenth century
manual on the subject as a how-to guide.
34 C: The industry largely relocated its production to other countries
where labour was cheaper.

Test 1, Paper 2, Writing (Page 14)

Part 1
Question 1 (proposal)
Style:  Proposal format, and formal language. Your paragraphs must
be clearly divided, and should include recommendations for a
possible outline for the day and how it should be organised. You
can use headings, numbering or bullet points, but remember to
use a range of structures and formal language.
Content: Include the following points from the notes, but dont repeat
the actual words from the blog as they are too informal for a
proposal. You should:

provide a little background information about the
previous event.

recommend what should happen on the day, with reasons
based on the notes and blog.

suggest how the day should be organised.


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Part 2
Question 2 (contribution to a longer piece)
Style: Semi-formal, as this is a contribution to a prospectus. Use clear
paragraphs, and present your points clearly.
Content: You must include:

information about social and sporting activities available.

advice about the best ways of making new friends.

recommendations for useful and interesting activities to
take up.
You should include a conclusion rounding off your contribution.
Question 3 (competition entry)
Style: Semi-formal, but with colourful language that will interest
readers and persuade them that you should win the competition.
Use clear paragraphs, and finish with a conclusion giving reasons
why your entry should win.
Content: You must include:

your choice of DVD.

an outline of the story.

reasons why that DVD should be included in the set of the
best films of all time.
Question 4 (reference)
Style:  Formal, avoiding colloquial expressions. You may use a letter
format, but remember to use a formal style. You must use clear
paragraphs, which could be one paragraph for each of the
content points below. You should have an introduction saying
how long you have known your friend, and a conclusion stating
whether you recommend your friend for the job, and why.
Content: Consider the skills identified for the job, especially dealing with
people and using communication skills. You must include the
following information about your friend:

personal qualities.

relevant work experience.

any other relevant skills or experience they may have.
Question 5a) (report)
Style: Semi-formal language. Your paragraphs must be clearly divided.
You can use headings, numbering or bullet points, but remember
to use a range of structures and formal language. As this is a
report on a book for a club, it might be better to write the report
as block text though headings would still be appropriate.
Content: You should:

outline the plot briefly.

describe any good features of the novel.

recommend it with reasons.
Question 5b) (essay)
Style: Formal or semi-formal. You should try to be objective because
you are presenting a point of view, giving your reasons and/
or providing evidence for your teacher. Use clear paragraphs,
one for each scene from the novel. Include an introduction that
introduces the novel, and a conclusion that summarises your
personal point of view.
Content: You should:

introduce the novel.

describe two dramatic scenes from the novel.

explain what you think makes them dramatic.
Conclude with your overall opinion of the novel.

Test 1, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 18)

11 C: The other words are not followed by the preposition from plus
noun phrase.
12 A: The other words are not used to describe a party.
Part 2: Choosing Binoculars

Part 3: The Inventor of the Bar Code



43 (already) started by the time: past perfect

44 had great/a good deal of/a great deal of/a lot of difficulty: adjective
to noun phrase
45 gave a faultless performance: verb to noun
46 was on the point of calling: fixed expression
47 came as a disappointment: adjective to noun
48 feels the effects of: dependent preposition
49 was weeks before: cleft sentence
50 almost/(very) nearly/all but run out of paper: phrasal verb

Test 1, Paper 4, Listening (Page 26)

Part 1


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took: collocation, collocation, phrasal verb

quickly: pre-modifying adverb, modified adverb, modified adverb
link: dependent preposition, collocation, specific word
charging: specific word, specific word, specific word
high: collocation, fixed expression, collocation

Part 5


irregular (adjective to negative adjective)

length (adjective to noun)
outlets (verb to plural compound noun) part of common collocation
checkout (verb to compound noun)
encoded (verb to adjective) part of noun group
potentially (noun to adverb)
inspiration (verb to noun)
application(s) (verb to noun)
workable (verb to adjective)
arrival (verb to noun)

Part 4

Part 1: The Mysterious Isle

C: The other words do not complete the fixed phrase.
B: Only this answer creates the correct phrasal verb.
D: Only this word can be used in the context to mean the
exact place.
4 A: The other words cannot be followed with out of.
5 C: Only this phrase indicates whats already been mentioned.
6 B: Although the meaning of the other words is similar, they do not
collocate with intact.
7 D: Only this word collocates with permanent to describe an island.
8 A: Although the meaning of the other words is similar, they do not
collocate with realised in this context.
9 D: Only this answer collocates with opportunity.
10 B: Only this word can be followed by the object and an adjective.

great/good (quantifier) collocates with deal

however/though (linker) indicates a contrast
in (preposition) follows the verb invest
it (pronoun) part of fixed expression
more (comparative) part of linking expression
their/his/her (possessive pronoun) refers to everyone
which (determiner) to indicate one of many possible
on (preposition)
is (verb) part of a cleft sentence
give (verb) collocates with test run
(Al)though/While(st) (linker) introduces a contrast
able (adjective) part of fixed grammatical expression
for (preposition) part of the phrasal verb
make (verb) part of the fixed expression
all (quantifier) part of the fixed expression


A: What companies want is people who can come up with ideas.

I get a buzz from that side of it.
C: M: Hours arent fixed and can be long in relation to the salary.;
F: The jobs not the big earner that people assume it is.
A: Ive always been competitive, and I work harder than anyone
else I copy the person who beat me. I wont stop till
I better them.
C: Although Im not such an experienced cyclist I jumped at the
chance to try it.
C: My own experience is much like that of other callers.
B: Choose what you plant carefully.

Part 2: The albatross


(the) wind


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12 (little) mice
13 feathers
14 bottle caps/tops
Part 3
15 B: And the production companys put together an impressive team
thats what really pushed me to do it actually.
16 D: I have no choice but to trust these guys, and Ive no complaints
so far.
17 C: me doing something interesting and active. Without that we
dont have a programme.
18 A: I think theyre missing the point.
19 D: As to whether theres a lost city down there, thats a bigger
question thatll take years to answer. But we may have moved a
step nearer answering that.
20 D: Now that scene couldve been cut but we thought itd be a
useful reminder of how archaeology usually works.
Part 4
21 B: sitting about in front of a screen. (I) never really felt fit.
22 F: it was the sort of people you had to work with. You needed a
bit of light relief, but nobody there could see the funny side of
my anecdotes.
23 H: it was having to do everything by yesterday that got me down.
24 E: We were all packed into this really small area.
25 A: Id no commitment to it anymore.
26 B: I really feel that the people who employ me are grateful thats
worth a lot to me.
27 C: when I suggest a new style to a client.
28 G: Im actually a bit better off as a nurse . because I had been
expecting a cut in my standard of living.
29 F: that makes me determined to do it as well as I can.
30 D: People look up to you when you say youre a plumber It
means you can do things they cant.

Test 2, Paper 1, Reading (Page 34)

Part 1



D: It is commonly thought that people wilfully (consciously,

intentionally) put on (pretend to have something they dont
really have) an American accent when they sing pop music.
A: People lapse naturally into an American accent; it feels more
natural; they do it automatically; it would sound peculiar to
sing with their own accent; an American accent is the default
and it actually requires effort not to sing with that accent.
C: If something brings shivers to the spine, it causes a powerful
feeling for a short time, it has a strong emotional effect.
D: In just two years (only two years, emphasising that this is
a short time), he has progressed from having almost zero
knowledge of music to being an exceptional singer, reaching a
very high level on the piano and becoming a very good player
of a range of other instruments, none of which he had
touched before.
C: The researchers tested what people who had done serial recall
tasks could remember to see how background music affected
their performance.
D: In the tests, people who heard background music did less well
than people who didnt. This suggests music adversely affects
(has a bad effect on) performance at work because it is a
distraction (it stops people from concentrating properly).

Part 2: Fluttering down to Mexico


D: link between these creatures and this mass of insects in D,

butterflies and millions of them before the gap and They
after the gap.
8 G: link between Their journey here before the gap and the
description of that journey in G.
9 C: link between the butterflies being in search of nectar (for food)
and drinking from pools of water before the gap and what they
do after they have therefore Fed and watered at the beginning
of C.
10 F: link between beliefs for centuries about the arrival of the
butterflies and what was discovered about this more recently,
in the 1970s.

11 A: link between this at the beginning of A and the fact that the
migration route is endangered. The first sentence of A explains
why the migration route is endangered and A gives the results of
this. In This is why after the gap, This refers to the problems
caused for the butterflies.
12 E: link between these at the beginning of E and the four areas of
the reserve that are open to the public mentioned before
the gap.
Part 3: Take as much holiday time as you want
13 B: The main topic of the paragraph is how greatly the holiday policy
at Netflix differs from what normally happens with regard to
holidays in organisations and companies.
14 C: They said that the standard holiday policy was at odds with (did
not fit logically with, did not make sense with) how they really
did their jobs because sometimes they worked at home after
work and sometimes they took time off during the working day.
15 D: The company decided: We should focus on what people get
done, not how many hours or days are worked.
16 A: Rules, policies, regulations and stipulations are innovation killers
and people do their best work when they are unencumbered
by such things the rules, etc. stop them from doing their
best work.
17 B: One regard in which the situation is adult according to the
writer is that people who arent excellent or whose performance
is only adequate lose their jobs at the company they are
shown the door and given a generous severance package
(sacked but given money when they leave).
18 D: Nowadays, Results are what matter. How long it takes to
achieve the desired results and how these results are achieved
are less relevant.
19 A: If companies have lots of rules for the workforce because they
dont trust them (they assume bad faith they believe that
their employees are dishonest and not willing to do what is
required), the employees will try to break those rules or avoid
obeying them. If companies assume good faith, this encourages
employees to have the right attitude.
Part 4: Seeing through the fakes
20 E: Anyone can label a picture a fake or a copy.
21 F: museums and galleries constantly question, revise, reattribute
and re-date the works in their care.
22 C: All became clear when art historians did further research. The
research explained why the painting used a pigment that was
not available to artists until later.
23 F: the mistaken belief that museums have anything to gain by
hiding the true status of the art they own.
24 A: the study of any work of art begins with a question: is the work
by the artist to whom it is attributed?
25 E: The painting had under drawing in a hand comparable to
Raphaels when he sketched on paper and the pigments
and painting technique exactly match those the artist used in
other works.
26 B: how little was known about Melozzo 90 years ago, and how
little could be done in the conservation lab to determine the date
of pigments or wood panel.
27 D: X-rayed the picture and tested paint samples, before concluding
that it was a rare survival of a work by Uccello dating from the
early 1470s.
28 F: If they make a mistake, they acknowledge it
29 A: museum professionals and conservation scientists
30 E: infrared photographs that reveal the presence both of
major corrections
31 B: a costume historian pointed out the many anachronisms in
the clothing.
32 D: I well remember how distressing it was to read an article in
which the former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Thomas Hoving, declared that Uccellos lovely little canvas of
St George and the Dragon was forged.
33 B: Today, we find it incredible that anyone was ever fooled
34 C: The pigment viridian was newly developed in the 1820s and
made available only to selected customers at that time in Paris.


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Test 2, Paper 2, Writing (Page 43)

Part 1
Question 1 (letter to a friend)
Style: Letter, informal language as Juan is a friend. You should use
clear paragraphs, and include an appropriate greeting, opening
and ending.
Content: Include the following points raised in Juans email, referring to
the notes in the diary:
What Juan wants to get from the job, including information

whether he will be able to do winter sports free.

whether he will be able to make money.

whether it is a good opportunity to learn the language.
Remember to give final advice on whether the job would be good for him
and whether he should apply. You can include ideas of your own, but
dont write too many words, or include irrelevant details.
Part 2
Question 2 (article)
Style:  Either semi-formal or informal, but as you are trying to interest
and entertain the magazine readers you should use colourful
language and features like rhetorical questions to capture the
readers interest. Use clear paragraphs, and give your article
a title.
Content: You should:

describe what the event was and give some details about it.

explain why it was interesting and unusual, including some
anecdotes or details.

explain whether you enjoyed it, with reasons.

provide an interesting/amusing conclusion.
Question 3 (essay)
Style: Formal or semi-formal. You should try to be objective because
you are presenting a point of view, giving your reasons and/or
providing evidence for your teacher. Use clear paragraphs, one
for each issue. Include an introduction that leads in to the topic
of technology, and a conclusion that rounds off your argument
and states your personal point of view.
Content: You should include your ideas on the effects of technology on:



working life.
Conclude with your opinion on whether we would be better off
without it.
Question 4 (information sheet)
Style: Semi-formal as this is an information sheet for students. You
should present facts as clearly as possible. You can either use
paragraphs (one for each point) with or without headings, or
bullet points. If you use bullet points, remember that you still
have to show a range of language, so dont make them too
simple and dont use them in every paragraph.
Content: Include information about:

sporting activities people can do.

costs involved.

advantages and benefits of joining the club.

the clubs future plans.
Remember to include details to support your ideas.
Question 5a) (review)
Style:  Semi-formal moving towards informal as this is a review in a
college magazine. The purpose of the review is to tell people
about the book, explain why you think the title is a good one
and give your opinion of it, with reasons. You will need to use
the language of description or narration, and evaluation. Use
clear paragraphs introduction, description, evaluation and
conclusion with recommendations.
Content: Remember to:

describe the book or briefly narrate the story, giving its title.

explain why you think it is such a good title.

explain why you would or would not recommend it to other
students in the college.


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Question 5b) (article)

Style: Either semi-formal or informal, but as you are trying to interest
and entertain the magazine readers, you should use colourful
language and features, like rhetorical questions to capture
the readers interest. Use clear paragraphs, and give your article
a title.
Content: You should:

give a brief explanation about the book itself.

identify and describe the character you have chosen, with
reasons and details.

explain why the character changed your way of thinking.

provide an interesting/amusing conclusion.

Test 2, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 47)

Part 1: Seaside Artist

D: Although the other words have a similar meaning, only the right
answer can be used in this context.
2 B: Only the right answer creates the correct phrasal verb.
3 D: The right answer is a strong collocation that is a commonly
used term.
4 A: Only the right answer creates a parallel meaning to like earlier
in the sentence.
5 C: Only the right answer can be followed by afield to create the
fixed expression.
6 D: Only the right answer can introduce this type of clause.
7 C: The other words cannot be preceded by the verb to be and
followed by the infinitive.
8 B: The other words do not follow the preposition by.
9 A: The other words are not followed by the preposition with.
10 B: The other words cannot be used after to get without an article.
11 B: Only the right answer creates the correct phrasal verb.
12 C: The other words do not collocate with advice.
Part 2: Early Stone Tools
13 make (verb) collocates with the noun use
14 than (preposition) links two parts of the comparison
15 after (adverb) time marker
16 back (preposition) phrasal verb
17 to (preposition) follows similar
18 which/that (relative pronoun) introduces a defining relative clause
19 As (adverb) part of fixed phrase
20 In (preposition) part of fixed phrase
21 may/might/could (modal verb) expresses a strong possibility
with well
22 What (determiner) part of cleft sentence
23 or (conjunction) sets up an alternative explanation with whether
24 by (preposition) comes before chance
25 way (noun) fixed linking expression
26 rather (adverb) part of fixed phrase used to introduce a contrast
27 when/whenever/once (adverb) time marker
Part 3: Marathon Dreams

coverage (verb to noun)

endurance (verb to noun)
admiration (verb to noun)
exhaustion (verb to noun)
regain (verb to iterative verb)
possibly (adjective to adverb)
discouraging (noun to negative adjective)
overnight (noun to compound noun)
commitment (verb to noun)
advisable (verb to adjective)

Part 4

picked: phrasal verbs

fresh: collocations
head: collocations
use: collocation, collocation, fixed expression
issue: collocations


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Part 5
43 what makes some cars (determiner + verb)
44 has been widely blamed (passive + adverbial collocation)
45 strength of the wind (noun + verb)
46 wishes (that) she could/was able to/were able to (wish for regrets)
47 expected to turn out for /up for/ up to /up at (passive + phrasal verb)
48 my complete/total dissatisfaction (adjective + noun)
49 chances of tomorrows match being/chances that tomorrows match
will be (plural noun + preposition)
50 is ages since I have had (direct speech + syntax)

Test 2, Paper 4, Listening (Page 55)

Part 1

B: M: It was the prospect of shopping for new stuff I couldnt face!
F: Tell me about it!
A: Its heavily linked to wanting to be the centre of attention, to
clothes giving them a strong personal identity or whatever. Its
basically a way of showing off.
B: I had a cockiness, Id hear a hit record and think: I could
do that.
A: If after my first hit I thought Id made it, I was soon disabused
of that notion.
A: One time I danced in a culture show, and the dance director at
my school, she asked: Are you interested in really training? Like,
you seem to have talent.
C: So much so, that I was on the point of rebellion on more than
one occasion though Im happy to say that particular storm
never actually broke.

Part 2: Radio reporter


Communication Studies
marketing assistant
Trainee Scheme
(live) interviews

Part 3
15 C: It was pure chance that a friend asked me to design a set for a
student musical he was directing.
16 D: What you need to do is to put all the training in the background
and get some hands-on experience an apprenticeships great
for doing that, and I spent three years doing one.
17 C: Having an affinity with a play is pretty vital. If you dont care
about it, theres no point in doing it because youll never come
up with good ideas.
18 A: Actually, it helps me to keep coming up with new ideas if Im
constantly changing my focus from one show to another.
19 D: Thats a bigger question thatll take years to answer. But we may
have moved a step nearer answering that.
20 A: On stage, requires the type of thinking I love best I dont
get that buzz working on a movie, Im afraid.
Part 4
21 E: My wife said Id never make it, which only made me more
determined actually.
22 D: As a graduation gift, it was a lovely way of marking
the achievement.
23 B: My girlfriend wanted to go I went along with the idea for
her sake.
24 G: Like me, theyd mostly seen that chap on TV at the site and
decided to go too.
25 C: I was looking to do a bit of serious walking to see what I was
capable of.
26 C: For me the highpoint was how friendly the others were.
27 A: What made it for me was the actual design of the place.
28 B: What blew me away was looking out from the low walls of
the site over the mountains.
29 E: I hadnt expected the actual walk up to the site to be
so impressive.

30 G: Ill never forget the meal the night before the final ascent.

Test 3, Paper 1, Reading (Page 63)

Part 1

C: He says that as soon as I get home, hes going to go into the
woods and start tracking animals on his own because the course
was inspirational.
B: A rabbit pops up and scampers off and then they look at the
fresh print it has left.
D: Malcolm tells the writer that students can get despondent if
they think theyre falling behind feel very unhappy if they
believe they are making slower progress than the others.
A: Malcolm says the students are surprised at how well they do
and how quickly; Darren Moody builds his wall quickly and very
well but everyone else is close behind all the others do the
work almost as quickly as him.
A: He describes a tiny maze of corridors that are very crowded,
says its very hot and humid and describes the smell as
otherworldly (in this context, this means very bad because
it comes from a lot of peoples perspiration).
B: He has seen the way other people dance and is not impressed
(they are rather average); he is not too worried therefore
because he doesnt think it will be difficult for him (how hard
could it be? = it wont be very hard), and he thinks it wont be
as challenging as kickboxing or a triathlon.

Part 2: The Britain in Bloom competition


D: link between do a lot and too much. D contains an example

of a place that did something to please him that in fact didnt
please him.
8 G: link between what the competition was like In the early days
and what it is like now (its now much more sophisticated and
much more competitive than it was when it started).
9 E: link between the criticisms of the competition in E and such
criticisms after the gap.
10 A: link between the statement that the old tricks no longer
work and This at the beginning of A; what people used to do
in order to win doesnt enable them to win any more and A
explains that this is because of changes to the judging criteria;
link between these developments after the gap and the changes
described in A.
11 F: link between one place that regards the competition as
important (Stockton-on-Tees) and a place that has won the
competition (Aberdeen); link between With so much at stake
after the gap and the description of what is at stake (the fact
that winning gives a place a very good image) in F.
12 C: link between Some of this at the beginning of C and the stories
of dirty tricks before the gap; Jim is saying in C that some of
the stories about rivals doing damage to the flowers of other
competitors are exaggerated and not completely true.
Part 3
13 B: The last sentence of the paragraph means: There was nobody
better than an American to document (record, in this case
with photographs) the way society in Ireland was changing and
becoming more like American society. People in Ireland were
happy to employ an American to take pictures that looked like
the images in an expensive American advertising campaign.
14 D: She had previously harboured higher aspirations (aimed to do
work that was more artistic and creative) but she didnt mind
doing wedding and portrait photography and compared her
situation with that of Dutch painters who did similar kinds of
work to make money in the past.
15 D: She preferred analogue cameras, which were the old-fashioned
method. It is implied that she spent a lot of time in the
darkroom following this old-fashioned method to produce
the wedding photographs.
16 C: He asked her Whats up? (Whats the problem?) and she
decided that she would tell him (= tell him what the problem
was) eventually, but not yet.
17 A: She describes feeling a connection with the past when she
visited the cairns and he says You Americans and your history,
meaning that she was talking in a way typical of Americans and
their attitude to the history of places like that.


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18 D: When she said I know it she was agreeing with him that,
because they were both photographers, they were only
interested in things they could see, their area of interest was
limited to surface (only what is visible).
19 B: She didnt want people in Ireland to think she was just another
daft (foolish, silly) American looking for her roots (she didnt
want people to think she was the same as so many other
Americans, who wanted to learn about their ancestors and feel a
connection with Ireland in the past).
Part 4: On the trail of Kit Man
20 B: discomfort, bad food and danger were seen as part of the
authentic outdoor experience.
21 D: this involves not only acquiring new clobber, but new jargon.
22 C: The whole idea of going into the wild is to get away from the
things that tie you in knots at home.
23 A: Worried about getting lost? Relax with a handheld GPS unit,
featuring 3D and aerial display, plus built-in compass and
barometric altimeter.
24 E: Many in the adventure business say gadgets have encouraged
thousands who would otherwise not have ventured into the
great outdoors.
25 B: Kit Man and his kind stand accused by the old-schoolers of
being interested only in reaching the summits of gadgetry.
26/27 A: bleeping.

D: ringing, beeping, clicking, whirring.
28 C: All this technology, I mean, it might look fantastic on paper, but
when theres a real problem, its almost certainly going to let
you down.
29 E: theres research from Germanys Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, which suggests that, left to their own devices,
humans are doomed to wander round in circles. People cannot
trust our own senses to find their way and avoid getting lost.
30 C: Whod want to be stranded out in the wild with a
gadget freak?
31/32 B: basic pioneering disciplines map-reading, camp-laying, First
Aid have declined, to be shakily replaced by the virtual skills
offered by technology.

C: people who depend on technology are woefully ill-prepared in
other ways. You still need to be able to read a map and do the
basic stuff.
33 A: At next months Outdoors Show in Birmingham, all this kit and
more will be on display for an audience which seemingly cant
get enough of it.
34 E: Evidence from the American market also suggests that
technology has had a positive environmental impact.

Test 3, Paper 2, Writing (Page 72)

Part 1
Question 1 (report)
Style:  Report format, and formal language as the report is for your
manager. You can use headings, numbering or bullet points, but
remember to use a range of structures and formal language in
the report. Your paragraphs must be very clearly divided.
Content: You should describe the session briefly, and make
recommendations for improving it.
Include the following points from the notes, but add ideas and
suggestions of your own for improvements:

too much information.

presentation on company structure good.

flexible hours system unclear.

not enough benefits.

working day too long.
Remember to make recommendations for your manager in the final

t he possibility of finding part-time work to help him learn the

This information should be the main part of the letter but dont forget to
include a friendly beginning and ending following the usual conventions
of informal letters. Dear All the best/Best wishes
Question 3 (review)
Style: Semi-formal moving towards informal. The purpose of the review
is to contribute to a list of the best TV series of all time. You need
the language of description or narration, and evaluation. Use
clear paragraphs introduction, description/narrative, evaluation
and conclusion with reasons for your nomination.
Content: You need to include:

a description of the TV series, maybe with some examples of
good episodes.

evaluation/reasons why you like it.

reasons why it should be included in the list.
Question 4 (proposal)
Style:  Proposal format, and formal language. Your paragraphs must be
very clearly divided. You can use headings, numbering or bullet
points, but remember to show a range of language.
Content: You should explain what the current facilities for language
students are, and make recommendations for improvements
with reasons. Remember that the college doesnt want to spend
too much money.
Question 5a) (article)
Style:  Either semi-formal or informal, but as you are trying to interest
and entertain the magazine readers, you should use colourful
language and features such as rhetorical questions to capture
the readers interest. Use paragraphs, and give your article a title.
Content: You should:

give brief details about your favourite novel.

outline the plot briefly.

explain whether the novel would make a good film or not.

provide an interesting/amusing conclusion.
Question 5b) (essay)
Style: Formal or semi-formal, and objective as you are presenting a
point of view to your teacher, with reasons and/or evidence
for your ideas. Use clear paragraphs, include an introduction
that leads in to the topic and a conclusion that states your point
of view.
Content: You should include:

a brief description of the book.

a description of the memorable character you have chosen.

an explanation of why the character is memorable.

an interesting conclusion.
Remember to support your ideas with examples of incidents, scenes or
events from the book.

Test 3, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 74)

Part 1: Caving


Only the right answer creates the collocation.

The other words do not create the phrasal verb.
Only the right answer creates the collocation.
The other linkers arent used in this type of sentence.
Only the correct answer creates the meaning in context.
Only the right answer creates the collocation.
Only the right answer is a verb used for water.
The other words dont create meaning in context.
Only the right answer creates the collocation.
Only the right answer completes the fixed expression.
Only the right answer creates the collocation.
Only the right answer creates the collocation.

Part 2

Part 2: Why are sunglasses cool?

Question 2 (letter)
Style: Informal, but not too colloquial. Use letter layout with clear
Content: You should include information about:

accommodation available.

possibilities for sport.



PTP_CAE_AK.indd 230

with (preposition) follows associated

that/which (relative pronoun) introduces defining relative clause
why (determiner) fixed phrase with should
but (conjunction) fixed expression with anything
whose (possessive pronoun) refers to eyes
of (preposition) part of fixed expression with fame
At (preposition) part of expression


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yet/still (adverb of time) precedes verb in infinitive

came (phrasal verb)
called (fixed phrase)
as (adverb)
in (preposition) part of multi-word verb
If (linker) introduces the clause in the conditional sentence
being (verb) present participle
was (verb) fixed phrase

Part 3: Customer reviews


accompanied (noun to verb)

arguably (verb to adjective)
professional (noun to adjective)
financial (noun to adjective)
unedited (verb to negative adjective)
analysis (verb to noun)
reliable (verb to adjective)
feedback (verb to compound noun)
(re)adjustments (verb to noun)
recommendation (verb to noun)

Part 4

hard: adverb collocations

gathered: specific meanings
heart: fixed expressions
natural: fixed expression, collocation, collocation
deal: fixed expressions

Part 5

had no choice but to (fixed expression)

the race was about to (direct to indirect speech with about to)
led to the singer being (led + passive form)
sooner had Alex finished his homework (negative head inversion)
bored if I spend (boring to bored + condition phrase)
doesnt approve of her (reporting verb)
provided him with (new subject + verb + dependent preposition)
a few people managed to predict (few / many)

Test 3, Paper 4, Listening (Page 81)

Part 1

Part 3
15 D: I knew it wouldnt be a long-term thing for me.
16 B:  went knocking on doors to try to sell our socks to retailers.
We had a lot slammed in our faces.
17 D: We really made a point of scrutinising our potential
retail partners.
18 A: Ive talked most team members into using their homes as testing
labs, some more enthusiastically than others.
19 A: We dont sell anything through it.
20 C: Focus on your strengths.
Part 4
21 G: I only really went along to the salsa group to keep my boyfriend
22 E: acting skills I thought if I joined, itd be a chance to pick
some up.
23 H: Were doing golf this term; are you up for it or not?
24 C: I thought a club would be a way of getting in touch with
like-minded students on other courses.
25 A: So when a doctor I met at the hospital said they did Tai Chi at
lunchtimes there, why didnt I give it a try?
26 H: I couldve done with someone telling me how I was
doing actually.
27 F: I think everyone needs to be given something to get their
teeth into.
28 C: but I do find some of the people you meet there a bit superior.
29 B: I feel kind of duty bound to be there to make sure theres
always a match.
30 D: I just wish theyd run a session at the university.

Test 4, Paper 1, Reading (Page 87)

Part 1

C: F: I find that a tough one to answer, dont you? M: Its hardly
an easy thing to articulate.
2 C: Theres a difference between the actual experience and the
sanitised reality printed on the page. And thats what I want to
look into.
3 B: It wasnt easy at first and I soon discovered that I wasnt
really cut out to be an interviewer so I wasnt comfortable
in the role.
4 C: M: But it really depends on the party and the crowd youve
got to give them what they want.
F: No two sets are ever the same in that respect and thats the
beauty of it. Im all for being flexible.
5 B: I focused on cake-making there because its quite artistic, but
also scientific. I like that idea.
6 A: So Ive learnt to follow my instincts, and fortunately were
beginning to see a firm customer base emerging as a result.
Part 2: Computer game designer

book covers
user interfaces
Star City
difficulty level

A: Perhaps they come because Mr Browns love for the machines

is so deep, genuine, and, in its way, touching his passion
affects and attracts them.
B: You cant really explain it to people who dont have the
same enthusiasm.
B: We are told that athletes, runners and joggers do it and that
fitness addicts find it appealing.
C: When he got to the top the first time, he experienced a burst of
elation (intense happiness) powerful enough to bring him back
for a re-run.
C: Various parts of the house are neutral zones for them. Both
Caesar and his owner go into them and use them. Some parts
are for Caesar (the dining room and conservatory) but Caesar
cannot go into the loft, which is for his owner only.
D: He simply gives the facts of the situation and does not express a
personal opinion about any of what he describes.

Part 2: Publishings natural phenomenon


E: link between it in Partly it was, and is in E and its secret

before the gap (it = its secret).
8 B: B gives examples of covers that had the simplified forms that
were symbolic mentioned before the gap.
9 G: link between They at the beginning of G and the two people
who are the subject of the paragraph before the gap (Clifford
and Rosemary Ellis); link between the original plan described in
G and what actually happened, described after the gap (those
after the gap = photographic jackets in G).
10 D: link between This at the beginning of D and the common
design mentioned before the gap; link between They after the
gap and the covers described in D.
11 A: link between an even more demanding production method and
the production method described before the gap; link between
Initially and Later.
12 C: link between In the process and the writing of the book
mentioned before the gap; Gillmor and the writer found the
interesting things described in C while they were writing the
book about the covers.


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Part 3: The impossible moment of delight

13 A: Some studies conclude that happiness comes from being
wealthier than the people near you, but others say that
happiness comes from having a good attitude and not from
comparison with the wealth of others.
14 B: The survey found that the common idea of rich people not being
happy is true and that it was not invented simply so that poor
people would be happy with their lot (to persuade the poor
that their position is OK and that they shouldnt envy the rich).
15 C: Bloom thinks people are in a state of perfect pleasure at the
moment when they get something they want, but the writer
believes that its hard to pin down (define, be certain about)
the moment when people feel happiness most clearly. So he
does not agree with Bloom that its possible to say exactly when
people are at their happiest.
16 A: Everything else means the times when happiness is not at
its peak. Happiness is only at its highest for a very brief time;
the rest of the time is spent with feelings of expectation
or anticipation before getting something and memory or
retrospective glee after getting it.
17 C: These musical works fully illustrate his point that happiness is
half expectation and half memory because half of them involves
the music building up to a high point and half of them involves
peaceful recall after that high point.
18 A: The companys slogan stating that getting ready is half the fun
is honest and truthful. Girls are happier getting ready for a
party than when they are at the party, where they often do not
have a good time (they may be standing around or crying
at the party).
19 D: He believes they were at their happiest when they thought about
completing their research and after completing it. This means
that his main point about people being happiest before and after
getting or doing something they want applies to the researchers
and Bloom too.
Part 4: The interns tale
20 B: She was shocked when she discovered how big the tracing
patterns were and how much fabric was used to make
each dress.
21 D: Her seamstress skills came in handy when working on
the installation thats now on display in the gallery she
contributed to the work of art by doing some sewing that
appears in it.
22 D: She didnt know how to send something by courier and had to
ask lots of questions in order to do this.
23 A: She didnt want to leave everyone, meaning that she liked all
the people she worked with.
24 C: Her friends have money for houses, cars and holidays and she
doesnt, but I never feel Ive missed out because Im doing
what Ive always wanted to do she is glad she chose this kind
of work.
25 B: She says that if you are an intern, you have to work hard and for
free, because thats what everyone else is willing to do.
26 A: She knows that some of the scripts she works on are going to
become films one day.
27 C: If I was 35 and still working unpaid, I would think What am
I doing?
28 D: She says that when she arrived in London, she didnt know how
long it would take to get a job.
29 A: Personally, I love anything thats been adapted from a book,
especially if Ive read the book she prefers working on film
scripts based on books.
30 C: She has money from her father that has gone towards funding
my placement and she can live with her mother; Without my
family, I dont think I could be doing this.
31 B: She works at Vivienne Westwoods company and Vivienne
Westwood treats everyone equally, whether they are paid staff
or interns.
32 D: If I couldnt afford my rent, I wouldnt just get into a spiral of
debt. I would go and get a full-time job and the rest would have
to wait (she would wait before trying to achieve her
career aims).
33 A: Working as a volunteer at her local theatre is a great way of
seeing different aspects of the industry, meeting people and
developing your career she can meet people who may be
useful to her in her career.
34 B: I expect the days to get longer and more stressful as we
approach Fashion Week.


PTP_CAE_AK.indd 232

Test 4, Paper 2, Writing (Page 96)

Part 1
Question 1 (article)
Style: Semi-formal; remember that you are writing for your school
Content: Use information from your notes and the email. You should
include information about:

your experiences of doing part-time work.

benefits and drawbacks of doing such work.

what to be wary of.

whether you think its a good thing for the other students
to do.
This question is compulsory, so even if you have not done much parttime work yourself, you can still answer the question by using the given
Part 2
Question 2 (competition entry)
Style: Semi-formal, but with colourful language to interest the reader
and persuade the magazine editor that you should win the
competition. Use clear paragraphs, and include a conclusion
giving reasons why your entry should win.
Content: You should:

identify and describe your friend.

explain what your friend has done.

explain what you think makes your friend so special.

give reasons why your friend (and your entry!) should win
the award.
Question 3 (information leaflet)
Style: Semi-formal as this is an information sheet for students. You
should present facts as clearly as possible. You can either use
paragraphs (one for each point) with or without headings, or
bullet points. If you use bullet points, remember that you still
have to show a range of language, so dont make them too
simple and dont use them in every paragraph.
Content: Include information about:

what 50:50 conversation evenings are.

the aim of the evenings.

advantages and benefits to the students.

the activities planned for the evenings.

possible future events.
Remember to include details to support your ideas.
Question 4 (essay)
Style: Formal or semi-formal, and objective as you are presenting
a point of view, with reasons and/or evidence. Use clear
paragraphs, one for each issue, and include an introduction
that leads in to the topic and a conclusion that rounds off the
argument and states your point of view.
Content: You should consider both the advantages and disadvantages
of doing competitive sport in school, and discuss which one
outweighs the other. Remember to state your opinion in the
conclusion. You can agree or disagree with the statement.
Question 5a) (review)
Style: Semi-formal moving towards informal as this is a review on a
website. The purpose of the review is to tell people about the
book, and give your opinion of it. You will need the language of
description or narration, and evaluation. Use clear paragraphs
introduction, description, evaluation and conclusion with
Content: Remember to:

describe the book or narrate the story.

give reasons why you did or did not enjoy it.

explain why you would or would not recommend it
to others.
Question 5b) (report)
Style: Formal language as the report is for the school library. Your
paragraphs must be very clearly divided. You can use headings,
numbering or bullet points, or block text, but remember to use
a range of structures.


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Content: Include:

a brief description of the plot.

a description of a strong female character.

a recommendation for including the book in the school
library with reasons.

Test 4, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 98)

Test 4, Paper 4, Listening (Page 105)

Part 1

Part 1: Ceramics fair


C: The other words do not express the idea.

B: Only the right answer successfully refers back to famous in
the previous sentence.
3 C: The other linkers do not create meaning in this sentence.
4 D: The other words need a preposition in this context.
5 A: Only the right answer can follow as.
6 B: The other words do not collocate with tradition.
7 D: The other phrasal verbs do not mean established.
8 A: Only the right answer can follow at.
9 B: The other words cannot be followed by the infinitive.
10 C: Only the right answer can be followed by on.
11 B: The other words are not things which could be on show.
12 D: Only the right answer can be followed by at.
Part 2: Cheating at computer games

nor (conjunction) complements neither earlier in the sentence

fail/cease (verb)
out (phrasal verb)
few (quantifier)
as (adverb)
taken (verb indicating a period of time)
When(ever)/Once (linker)
of (preposition) part of fixed phrase
at (preposition) part of fixed phrase
which (relative pronoun) introduces a clause
Doing (verb) collocation
makes (verb)
rather (part of linking expression)
all (determiner) part of fixed phrase
whom (relative pronoun) follows of and refers to people

Part 3: Trolley bags


useful (verb to adjective)

outward (preposition to adjective)
reclaim (verb to part of compound noun)
official (noun to adjective)
measurements (verb to plural noun)
eventual (noun to adjective)
restrictions (verb to plural noun)
uneven (adjective to negative adjective)
counterparts (noun to plural compound noun)
inconvenient (adjective to negative adjective)

Part 4

found: specific meaning, specific meaning, phrasal verb

common: specific meaning, collocation, collocation
clear: collocation, collocation, specific meaning
hang: phrasal verbs
pace: collocations

Part 5
43 matter how fast she runs: fixed phrase + inversion
44 not willing/unwilling to take the blame: lexical change + collocation
45 you do, you must not spend: fixed phrase + modal verb
46 was taken completely by surprise when: modified adjective to
modified verb collocation
47 overall responsibility for keeping: adjective to noun phrase
48 by no means uncommon: fixed phrase negative adjective
49 was not alone in feeling: fixed phrase + complement
50 advised Simon against: reported verb + preposition


B: F: It left half-an-hour late. M: Anyway, the pilot obviously made

up time. Id only just turned up and there you were.
B: You could have flown into the little airport down the coast even
with this airline.
A: What they cant manage to do on their own is question it
have a critical view of its accuracy and usefulness. Thats where
the teacher comes in.
C: We had a meeting last week to see how it was going and
nobody wanted to change anything!
B: What really blew me away was the fact that its unaffected in a
way youd scarcely think possible.
A: What makes them kind of unique is that they dont seem to be
trying to sound like anyone but themselves.

Part 2: The llama


light brown
(gentle) hum

Part 3
15 A: I made some short films, and on the strength of that, some of
the staff suggested I went in that direction.
16 B: The fact that people I was at that school with are now making
their way in the film world is also testimony to its value.
17 A: I knew I wasnt. I wasnt prepared to squander time and money
doing something I hadnt yet got the experience and expertise to
carry off.
18 D: Ive always wanted to create characters with a bit more to them
than that: people with a depth that might allow an audience to
see a different side to their characters.
19 B: Theres a lot of things Id change if I were to make that
film again.
20 C: I have mixed feelings about the whole notion of being someone
to look up to, of being a role model.
Part 4
21 C: To keep within our tight budget.
22 F: a foot massage. then dozed off in the chair halfway
23 B: We were so desperately tired that we got our heads down right
there on deck for some sleep.
24 D: I knew itd be a long night of dancing so I thought Id better
take a rest.
25 G: The last bus had already left and we were some distance from
the nearest town we just all fell asleep right there.
26 F: At least it made the night go quickly.
27 B: I woke up with a stiff neck, and the pain lasted several days.
28 H: A huge, smelly vessel moored up beside us.
29 C: They were quite sniffy and a bit embarrassed.
30 G: They told me people living there often did that at weekends,
so I felt good.

Test 5, Paper 1, Reading (Page 111)

Part 1

D: It is a word that has failed to make the grade it has been
considered but it does not pass the basic tests for inclusion and
is not deemed to have entered the language.
B: The writer means that it is impossible to be certain about when
the third edition will be published, and one reason for that is
that the internet has made it far more difficult to keep track of
changes in the language.


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B: The archaeologists looked at some bones found near where Lucy

was found and discovered that the bones had been cut and that
marrow had been removed from them.
A: The main point is that one of our ancestors was using tools
much earlier than previously thought; the evidence in the
second paragraph supports this and the archaeologists say that
their discovery means that text books will have to be changed
because meat eating and tool use took place much further back
in our history than was previously commonly believed.
B: They were noisy, two of them barked loudly and in general
there was a racket from them.
C: in her role as field epidemiologist for the Center for Disease
Control, she was able to combine her passion for the outdoors
with her love of wildlife.

Part 2: Is Kieron Britains most exciting artist?


E: link between Each one at the start of E and the sketches that
Kieron is doing.
8 G: link between the fact that Kieron correcting the writer about the
use of certain terminology is not typical of seven-year-old boys
and the fact that Kieron is not an average boy; link between his
precocious articulacy (knowledge of and ability with words that
would be expected of someone much older) in G and the fact
he gives an adult a lesson in terminology (before the gap); link
between Kieron actually can and does after the gap and my
seven-year-old could do better than that at the end of G.
9 B: link between Standard seven-year-old boy stuff there and
Kierons references to going to school and playing football,
which are typical of seven-year-old boys.
10 D: link between the melee (noisy mass of people and activity) in
D and the scene described before the gap (a room containing a
film crew making a film, family members and pets).
11 F: link between This at the start of F and Kieron creating sketches
based on those in the Seago book; link between it in takes it
back off me and the sketchbook he hands to the writer before
the gap.
12 C: link between this in aware of this and the reaction if Kieron
is still doing similar work when hes 28; link between having
none of it (not accepting it) and the idea that he may stop
doing art and take up other interests.
Part 3: The new management gurus
13 C: When Smart Swarms author wrote an article on the same
subject as his book some years ago, 30 million people read it
and the writer predicts that it will become the most talked
about in management circles.
14 A: Miller believes his book is the first time anyone has laid out
(demonstrated) the science behind a management theory.
15 C: The writer draws a parallel between bees who have to make a
decision and fast and managers who need to be able to
make the right decisions under huge amounts of pressure.
16 C: They need to encourage debate among a group of people and
get them to vote on which idea is best; they need to involve a
variety of people in their team and get them to take part in the
decision-making process.
17 D: Ants do what they think is required in the circumstances, and
the right number of ants do each different task. This system
works well and it can show managers that their own system of
hierarchy and bureaucracy is stopping employees from being
as effective as ants are (is getting in the way of getting the
work done).
18 C: they decided to keep their system of letting customers choose
where they sit because they discovered from studying ants that
assigned seating would only be faster by a few minutes.
19 B: The book is aimed at managers who are concerned (worried)
about surviving the next business cycle and who want to make
sure that their company can respond to challenges that you
cant anticipate (difficult situations in the future that cant
be predicted).
Part 4: The unstoppable spirit of inquiry
20 B: though it (the World Wide Web) impacts us all, scientists have
benefited especially
21 D: Whether it is the work of our Science Policy Centre, our journals,
our discussion meetings, our work in education or our public


PTP_CAE_AK.indd 234

events, we must be at the heart of helping policy makers and

citizens make informed decisions.
22 C: Within a day, 20,000 people had downloaded the work, which
was the topic of hastily convened discussions in many centres of
mathematical research around the world.
23 C: The latter cries out for (the blogosphere urgently requires) an
informal system of quality control.
24/25 D: The way science is applied is a matter not just for scientists. All
citizens need to address these questions. Public decisions should
be made, after the widest possible discussion.

F: to ensure that wherever science impacts on peoples lives, it
is openly debated. Citizen scientists, with views spanning the
entire political and philosophical spectrum, should engage more
willingly with the media and political forums.
26 A: Those who want to celebrate this glorious history (of scientific
research and discovery) should visit the Royal Societys archives
via our Trailblazing website.
27 E: Scientists often bemoan (complain about) the publics weak
grasp of science without some feel for the issues, public
debate cant get beyond sloganising (lack of understanding of
the issues causes public debate on them to be too simple).
28/29 B: After 350 years, our horizons have expanded, but the same
engagement (as when the Society was founded) is imperative in
the 21st century.

F: We should aspire, like our founders, to see further into Nature
and Natures laws, but also to emulate their broad engagement
with society and public affairs.
30 A: The Societys journals pioneered what is still the accepted
procedure whereby scientific ideas are subject to peer review.
31 E: But science isnt dogma. Its assertions are sometimes tentative.
32 C: in the old days, astronomical research was stored on delicate
photographic plates; these were not easily accessible.
33 E: there are other issues where public debate is, to an equally
disquieting degree, inhibited by ignorance (the public do not
only lack knowledge of science; they lack knowledge of other
things too).
34 D: we can be sure of one thing: the widening gulf between what
science enables us to do and what its prudent or ethical actually
to do.

Test 5, Paper 2, Writing (Page 120)

Part 1
Question 1 (proposal)
Style:  Proposal format, and formal language. Your paragraphs must
be clearly divided and you can use headings, numbering or
bullet points, but remember to use a range of structures and
formal language.
Content: Include the following points from the notes, but dont repeat the
actual words from the survey or email as they are too informal
for a proposal. You should:

outline the results of the survey.

provide some background information about the current

discuss the possible options for the future.

recommend what should happen, with reasons (some can be
based on the result of the survey).
Part 2
Question 2 (review)
Style: Semi-formal moving towards informal. In this review you need to
narrate, explain and recommend.
Content: You need to include:

a description of the film.

an explanation of why it made such a lasting impression
on you.

reasons why it should be included in the series.
Question 3 (report)
Style: Formal or semi-formal as this report is for a magazine.
You should present facts clearly. You can either use paragraphs
(one for each point) with or without headings, or bullet points.
Dont make bullet points too simple and dont use them in every
paragraph because you need to show a range of language.
As this is for a magazine it needs to be presented in an
interesting way.


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Content: You should:

describe the shopping habits of young people in
your country.

evaluate whether shopping habits are changing.

consider what affects what young people buy.

25 who (relative pronoun) used to indicate people

26 Despite/Whilst (linker) Introduces concessive clause
27 Since (adverb) time marker

Question 4 (competition entry)

Style: Semi-formal, but with colourful language to interest the reader
and persuade the magazine editor that you should win the
competition. Use clear paragraphs, and include a conclusion
giving reasons why your entry should win.
Content: You should:

identify and describe your favourite place to live.

identify some of the things you can do there.

explain what makes it such a good place to live.

justify why it should win the prize.


Question 5a) (report)

Style: Semi-formal to informal as the report is for an in-flight
magazine, and it needs to be interesting. Your paragraphs must
be clearly divided. You can use headings, numbering or bullet
points, but in this context it may be better to use block text.
Remember to use a range of structures.
Content: Include:

a brief description of the plot.

a description of any absorbing scenes or characters.

general recommendation for the book.

an explanation of why it is good for long journeys.

Part 4

Question 5b) (essay)

Style: Formal or semi-formal, and objective as you are presenting
a point of view, with reasons and/or evidence. Use clear
paragraphs, one for each character, and include an introduction
that leads in to the topic and a conclusion that rounds off the
essay, giving your overall point of view about the statement given
in the task.
Content: You should:

identify and briefly outline the book.

describe one or two funny or colourful characters from
the book.

outline some scenes in which they behave in a funny or
colourful way.

explain why you find them funny or colourful.

conclude by giving your point of view about whether there
are any colourful or funny characters in modern fiction.

Test 5, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 122)

Part 3: Dancing is good for you



Part 1


Part 2: A history of table tennis


along/together (conjunction) part of along with or together with

such (determiner) part of such as
which/that (relative pronoun) introduces defining relative clause
made (verb) passive form
became (verb)
being (verb) present participle
By (preposition) time marker
(al)though (linker) introduces a concessive clause
rather (preposition) part of rather than
against (preposition) collocates with warn
on (preposition) part of phrasal verb
into (preposition) follows developed

has taken over the management: passive to active + phrasal verb

no account must this door ever: negative head inversion
on the recommendation of: verb to noun phrase
occurred to us that: fixed phrase
it made no difference to Kevin: fixed phrase
I would/might be able to make: conditional sentence
should have been informed of/about: passive form of conditional
talked into entering: passive form + phrasal verb

Test 5, Paper 1, Listening (Page 129)

Only the right answer creates the fixed expression with at.
The other words are not correct in this context.
Only the right answer fits grammatically in this sentence.
The other words dont collocate with job.
Only the right answer completes the fixed expression.
The other words dont create the fixed expression in context.
Only the right answer collocates with point.
The other words cannot be followed by the preposition in.
Only the right answer completes the compound noun with life.
The other words cannot be followed by the preposition with.
The other words dont express the idea of just in this context.
Only the right answer collocates with inspiration.

passage: specific meanings

run: collocation, specific meaning, phrasal verb
lies: specific meanings
safe: specific meanings
easily: collocations

Part 5

Part 1: Book review Galapagos


participating (verb to present participle)

historians (noun to plural noun)
behaviour (verb to noun)
significant (verb to adjective)
ridiculous (verb to adjective)
innumerable/numerous (noun to adjective)
effective (noun to adjective)
depression (verb to noun)
relationships (noun to plural noun)
enabling (adjective to verb)

C: I wasnt prepared for something written in the form of two firstperson blogs.
B: That was really quite a wake-up call for me, because I think I
may have been guilty of doing that.
A: Id say the thing that sets it apart is its multi-functionality.
B: Itd be a shame if she lost that edge. You know, if the
commercial imperative began to dictate the flow of creativity.
Weve seen that so many times before with designers.
A: Perhaps a CEO shouldnt be interfering in that stuff, but this
companys my baby, so I guess its inevitable.
B: The real challenge is trusting yourself to pick the moment to
go for it.

Part 2: Ecocamp holiday


(the) wind
(efficient) showers

Part 3
15 D: I look back and think: Why wasnt I training? I just played
games! But thats how it was!
16 A: After ice-hockey, I ran cross-country with moderate success,
and guys I met there put me onto rowing.
17 B: It was just bad luck really; so near and yet so far.
18 C: after about six months of arm-twisting, decided to make
the leap.
19 B: to put up with what I call the full-on suffer.
20 C: You dont have a lot of protection if you come off and hit the
ground. So I run and row as cross-training as much as I can.


PTP_CAE_AK.indd 235


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Part 4

Part 3: Cooking shouldnt be childs play

21 C: looking at two drawings that were given to me as gifts.

22 D: I can warm up with them, and theyve taught me loads of
stretches and things really makes you more supple and able
to cope.
23 F: Ill usually pop into dressing rooms putting little notes or candy
on peoples tables.
24 H: I still find myself walking up to have a look (at the props) prior
to curtain going up.
25 A: I go in the courtyard where I can just catch the breeze.
26 A: On my last one, I came down with a sore throat.
27 H: so I came out with a line I was supposed to say later.
28 C: the press what they wrote initially wasnt that
29 E: I missed a step and stumbled on the way down.
30 F: The actor looked around and saw a pigeon standing right
behind him.

13 C: The writer says that if you take the fun out of cooking, your
child might become a chef with a great future if cooking isnt
simply fun for children when they are learning it, its possible
that they might develop into successful chefs.
14 B: Her mother noticed that she was very interested in cooking
and gave her challenging tasks to do; she gives an example of
advice her mother gave her while she was doing a task to help
her do it better.
15 A: The writer says that there is a belief that parents should praise
their children all the time, telling them how clever and talented
they are, but there is evidence that this approach demotivates
children it has the opposite effect from the one intended.
16 D: There are adult men who think that a piece of fish should be
in the shape of a creature, in the same way that the food they
ate when they were children was put into the shapes of certain
things to amuse them. This is an example of the idea that all
food is nothing but fun, fun and more fun.
17 C: A chore is a task that requires effort and is not fun; the writer
says that because her mother made cooking a chore for her, she
has eaten a lot less convenience food than she would have eaten
if her mother had made cooking fun. Her point is that taking
cooking seriously has an influence on the kind of food you eat.
18 B: Nigella thinks the way she was taught to cook in her family as
a child was normal but the writer thinks the culinary regime
(the cooking system) in her family was not ordinary it wasnt
typical of most families. Nigella thinks it was fine but the writer
thinks it should have involved more fun.
19 B: The writer concludes that learning to cook for children should be
both serious and fun, but more serious than fun. Having talked
about her and Nigella learning to cook as children and discussed
the idea of food being fun, she talks about a book that she
believes has the right combination of seriousness and fun.

Test 6, Paper 1, Reading (Page 135)

Part 1


C: The writer contrasts people who are frightened by UFOs (they

feel creeping unease, think UFOs are sinister and feel fear
of them, all in the first paragraph) with Ufologists, who are
enthusiasts and true believers and who feel great excitement
about UFOs (second paragraph).
D: for many years, UFOs were a much bigger deal than we
suspected; RAF jets were scrambled to investigate UFO reports
no fewer than 200 times a year (no fewer than = a surprisingly
high number of).
C: The plane jogs on the spot (bounces up and down without
moving forwards) first of all before it starts to move across
the bay.
A: It no longer delivers mail, another company has the contract
to do that; it delivers people instead of parcels it takes
passengers, not mail.
A: She is having another go; she is doing precisely the same
challenge that she did once before; she is revisiting an attempt
that almost killed her last time; she is about to try to finish the
job that she did not finish the first time.
B: In some ways you could say its insecurity. I have always wanted
to excel at something. (A possible reason for doing it is that she
has feelings of insecurity and wants to achieve something big so
that she wont continue to lack confidence in herself.)

Part 2: The birth of Coronation Street


F: link between At that stage at the beginning of F and when the

writer was 21, mentioned at the beginning of the article; link
between the work described in F and the work described before
the gap.
8 D: link between the genius who created the show before the gap
and that person in D.
9 A: link between this at the beginning of A and the idea that
the creation of the programme would be a good subject for a
television drama, mentioned before the gap the writer wasnt
the only person who thought this was a good idea because
someone commissioned him to write the drama.
10 G: link between the fact that there had never been a show about
ordinary people and their lives and the fact that there had also
never been an original show featuring regional actors link
between two things that had not happened before but which
were both true of Coronation Street; link between the question
so what was the point? in G and It was that after the gap.
11 E: link between the statement that It (the idea of Coronation
Street) should have ended there after the gap and the fact that
the idea was rejected, as described in E; link between written
and discarded after the gap and the events described in E
Warren writing the script and the TV management rejecting it
firmly (in no uncertain terms).
12 C: link between that inauspicious beginning in C and the problems
just before the first episode was broadcast, described before the
gap; inauspicious = suggesting that something will go badly
and not be successful; link between that event in C and the
broadcasting of the first episode, described before the gap.


PTP_CAE_AK.indd 236

Part 4: Activities for visitors to Norway

20 A: All riders are given a comprehensive safety briefing (a talk
about safety).
21 D: It is suitable for novices, though you should be reasonably fit
(its appropriate for beginners but only appropriate for people
who are reasonably fit).
22 E: it might be imagined that bathing in the frigid waters would be
at best masochistic and at worst suicidal.
23 E: the North Atlantic Drift keeps it ice-free through the year
because of the North Atlantic Drift, the Barents Sea is not
covered with ice at any time of the year, making swimming
in it possible.
24 A: The snowmobile is nothing less than a lifeline for those in more
remote areas it is the everyday means of transport for people
living in those areas and they depend on it. This is said to be true
in the present (dog sledding was vital in the past).
25 D: When the signal is given to depart, you may well be surprised at
the speed that they can reach.
26 B: Some people from warmer countries think it is something that
exists only in old footage (film) of Eskimo living, but this isnt
the case at all.
27 D: whenever they realise an outing is imminent, they become
as keyed up as domestic pets about to be taken for walkies
howling, leaping in the air and straining at their leashes this is
how the dogs behave just before the signal to depart and the
activity begins.
28 D: Half- or full-day sled safaris are most popular, although
overnight and longer tours are also available.
29 C: Snowmobiling has high-octane attractions, but to appreciate
fully the stillness and peace of the mountains, its best to use
your own feet to get around the contrast is between the
energy and excitement of snowmobiling and the quiet and
relaxation of skiing or snowshoeing.
30 B: youll find out how the experts use the auger to drill through
the ice, a skimming loop to keep the water from freezing over
again and a familiar rod to catch the fish.
31 C: gliding around the snowy terrain is not just a great way of
getting close to nature, but also fantastic aerobic exercise.
32 A: The only controls to worry about are a thumb-operated throttle
and motorcycle-style brakes.
33 A: Its a thrill indeed to roar in convoy (in a group together)
through a landscape of wooded trails.


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34 E: Youll first need to be sealed into a bright orange survival suit,

which leaves only the face exposed and lends bathers a rather
peculiar appearance.

Test 6, Paper 2, Writing (Page 144)

Part 1
Question 1 (report)
Style: Report format and formal language. Paragraphs must be clearly
divided; you can use headings, numbering or bullet points, but
remember to use a range of structures and language.
Content: Include the following points from the given information and
your notes, but dont lift the actual words and add details of
your own:

what you did during your work experience.

how you felt about it.

how useful it was for making decisions about your future.

whether you recommend it to other students.
Even if you have not done work experience yourself you can use the
information given to write the report, and can add other details that you
think might be relevant.
Part 2
Question 2 (essay)
Style: Formal or semi-formal, and objective as you are presenting
a point of view, with reasons and/or evidence. Use clear
paragraphs, and include an introduction that leads in to the
topic and a conclusion that rounds off the argument and states
your point of view.
Content: You should:

consider the benefits and advantages of foreign travel, with
detail to support your ideas.

compare actual travelling with watching travel programmes
on television.

evaluate whether the statement is true or not.
Remember to state your opinion in the conclusion. You can agree or
disagree with the statement.
Question 3 (article)
Style: Semi-formal as you are trying to interest and inform the
magazine readers. Use persuasive language and features such
as rhetorical questions to engage the readers and persuade them
of your opinion. Use paragraphs, and give your article a title.
Content: You should:

consider the kind of people who make the best role-models.

evaluate any responsibilities celebrities have in their lifestyle
and behaviour.

discuss the place of role-models in general in todays society.

Question 5b) (review)

Style: Semi-formal moving towards informal as this is a review for a
book club. The purpose of the review is to tell people about
the book, explain why you think the ending of the book was
dramatic or surprising and whether you would recommend
the book to members of the club or not. You will need to use
the language of description or narration, and evaluation. Use
clear paragraphs introduction, description, evaluation and
conclusion with recommendations.
Content: Remember to:

briefly narrate the story.

describe the main characters.

explain why the ending was surprising or dramatic.

explain whether you recommend the book or not (you dont
have to recommend it you may not have enjoyed it!).

Test 6, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 146)

Part 1: Mr Espresso


Only the right answer collocates with universally.

The other linking words do not create meaning in this context.
Only the right answer collocates with credit.
The other words do not mean in other places.
Only the right answer collocates with leading.
The other words all need a preposition.
Only the right answer can be used for a country.
The other words do not collocate with seeds.
Only the right answer can be followed by as.
The other words do not collocate with sector.
The other words do not indicate two things joined together.
Only the right answer collocates with sure.

Part 2: Drift Diving


who/that (relative pronoun) used for people

from (preposition) follows a change
so (pronoun) refers back to the content of the previous sentence
makes (verb) collocates with use
on (preposition) follows depend
which/that (relative pronoun) introduces non-defining relative clause
or (conjunction) combines with either to make a contrast
to (preposition) follows equivalent
(al)though/but (linker) introduces concessive clause
no/little (determiner) to indicate absence in no need
as (conjunction) part of as if
more (adverb) part of the linking phrase whats more
a (article)
gets (verb) part of fixed expression
up (preposition) phrasal verb

Question 4 (proposal)
Style: Formal or semi-formal as this is for the organisers of a music
festival. You should present facts clearly. You can either use
paragraphs (one for each point) with or without headings, or
bullet points. Dont make bullet points too simple and dont use
them in every paragraph because you need to show a range
of language.
Content: You should:

suggest what might make the festival a success.

outline ways of staging the event.

recommend any extra facilities the town might need to
provide, including transport and accommodation.

Part 3: The Limits of Technology

Question 5a) (article)

Style: Either semi-formal or informal, but as you are trying to interest
and entertain the magazine readers you should use colourful
language and features such as rhetorical questions to capture
the readers interest. Use paragraphs, and give your article a title.
Content: You should:

give brief details about the book and the film.

explain how the book is different from the film.

explain what was good about either the book or the film and
which one you preferred.

recommend which people should do first read the book or
see the film, with reasons.

Part 4



impression (verb to noun)

awesome (noun to adjective)
settlement (verb to noun)
breakthroughs (verb to plural compound noun)
isolation (verb to noun)
unexpected (verb to negative adjective)
disapproval (noun to negative noun)
annoying (verb to adjective)
regardless (noun to preposition)
unwelcome (adjective to negative adjective)

missed: phrasal verb, collocation, specific meaning

cool: collocation, collocation, specific meaning
lift: collocation, collocation, phrasal verb
sharp: collocation, collocation, collocation
broke: collocation, phrasal verb, collocation


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Test 7, Paper 1, Reading (Page 159)

Part 5

remains to be seen (fixed phrase)

Patrick if he could borrow his (reported speech and verb change)
has every intention of writing (verb to noun + gerund)
unless there are/anyone has any (negative linker + verb + noun)
met with the disapproval (verb + noun)
to his/Philips surprise he got (inversion)
to be thought of as (passive form)
took it for granted (fixed phrase)

Part 1

Test 6, Paper 4, Listening (Page 153)

Part 1

A: I went with high hopes of seeing something really spectacular

from the headline band, and it just didnt happen.
A: I think they shouldve been presenting us with something a bit
more exciting.
B: I sense that there may actually be little substance to stories that
his jobs on the line.
C: If a top flight football team isnt getting points, then
somethings got to change and that comes back to the manager
because thats his responsibility getting the results.
C: But it really makes you think, you know, about more than just
the art about aspects of life itself.
A: F: Id have been happy to have seen some of his other stuff
actually. M: Yeah, more of a range.

Part 2: Learning the sport of surfing


national park
(the/a) period
(their/the) knees

Part 3

B: The upside was that Id established that I was able to write.

C: I wrote it as a kind of one-off book,
A: It was a chancy thing to do.
B: Ive had some hairy experiences.
B: The sense of place in a crime novel is as crucial as the characters
20 D: Whereas at the time I never even considered the police, Id have
more of an open mind now.
Part 4
21 D: The thing Id really recommend, is trying all the stuff thats
grown in the region.
22 F: Rolling up your clothes to put in your bag can be your
saving grace.
23 B: You can often actually get much better deals elsewhere.
24 H: My general rule is to take half the stuff I think Ill need, and
twice the money.
25 C: We got really into the local music Id recommend doing
something like that.
26 F: On the coach to the airport still trying to fit various clothes and
papers into my luggage.
27 E: I saw this locally-made rug I just knew would look fabulous at
home. Sadly, no one pointed out that it wouldnt be
easily transportable.
28 G: I remember not joining a two-day trek with friends in South
America for that reason.
29 A: When I finally bothered to look, I found my ticket was actually
for the previous day.
30 C: I hadnt bothered researching the lie of the land.


PTP_CAE_AK.indd 238

B: The writer says it is an invaluable tool, that it contains all

the wonderful and clever, and ugly aspects of being human
and describes everything we can see or sense around us. We
eat and breathe it it is extremely important to us, it affects
everyones lives.
C: People wondered whether elements were inherently chaotic
(by nature not in any order, not capable of being organised),
a jumble of substances that could be arranged equally well by
any old trait (a disorganised mixture that could be arranged
according to any characteristic chosen because there was no
obvious way of organising them).
A: By low-hanging fruit the writer means, in this context,
knowledge that can be reached, knowledge that people can
get easily. He compares this with knowledge that humans
are not able to get through science and therefore knowledge
that humans dont have. People cant get knowledge of these
uncharted areas of science because they are so complex.
C: He thinks that scientists will apply existing knowledge in new
ways and therefore make new breakthroughs but that soon they
will have got all the knowledge they can get about fundamental
laws of nature and the constituents of the world. Scientists will
soon reach their limit they will have found out everything
thats open to understand but not everything about the world.
D: They are given for research that people consider ridiculous but
these things must also then make them think the results of
the research are worth thinking about, they are interesting and
not just silly.
B: The Italian research suggested that companies should not have a
hierarchical system in which people climbed up the hierarchy in
a fixed and organised way. They should abandon this system and
instead promote people up the hierarchy randomly by chance,
with no system for choosing.

Part 2: The skys the limit for cloudwatchers


E: link between here at the beginning of E and the Cloud Bar,

where the writer is before the gap; link between this place after
the gap and here in E.
8 G: link between Other beachgoers arent as convinced and the
comments made by the person before the gap other people
dont think the place is fantastic and inspiring and dont think
Britain has been crying out for (really wanting) a place like
this to be created; (the society mentioned in B has not been
previously mentioned in the text at this point; B does not fit here
because we would not know which society is being referred to).
9 B: link between Absolutely at the start of B and the opinions
expressed in the sentence before the gap; link between Ian
Loxleys travels, the fact that his favourite place is local in B,
and his view that you dont really need to travel at all to see
interesting clouds after the gap.
10 A: link between why this is and the statement before the gap
that for cloudwatchers, the most important factor is your
philosophical disposition; the way that clouds move and
develop, mentioned in A, are the reasons why someones
philosophical disposition is the most important factor in
watching clouds (their slowness suits people who want to think
philosophically); link between That said after the gap and what
he says in A, to introduce a contrast between the two views of
cloud watching (slow and exciting).
11 F: link between all such places at the start of F and wilderness
just before the gap; the writers point is that humans want to
explore all wildernesses them in the first sentence of A =
clouds before the gap; link between similar experiences after
the gap and the experience described by the pilot in F.
12 C: link between such encounters in C and the encounters with
clouds described by Gavin Pretor-Pinney before the gap.


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Part 3
13 C: She had stacks of cassette recordings of herself reading the
news in a cool, assured voice and later she became a presenter
on CNN television, so at this time she was practising for the
career that she later had.
14 D: Lomba didnt know the answer and she gave him not only the
answer but also a lecture about the capital of Iceland (more
information he didnt know).
15 A: He replied in the negative (that he didnt know the answer) and
her response to this was to jump up gleefully (in a very happy
way) and get her sketchbook she was glad that he didnt know
the answer because she wanted to show him what the jacket
looked like.
16 D: At first he thought that the fathers taciturnity (he was quiet,
he didnt speak much) was because of moodiness (that he was
often in a bad mood, often feeling angry) but then he realised
that he had laughter kinks behind the eyes (his eyes showed
that he was amused), and that his lips were often moving, ready
to open because he wanted to smile or laugh.
17 B: When she called him dear and honey, he thought she was
talking to someone else, one of her children, not to him, because
he wasnt used to someone using those words for him.
18 A: She told Lomba that she wanted him to take care of Bola,
because Bola was impulsive and headstrong (he acted
without thinking, he did unwise things without considering
the consequences) and Lomba was quiet and level-headed
(sensible). In this way she wanted to follow the tradition of
finding a friend of opposite temperament for her child because
that friend would be a good influence on the child.
19 C: The whole extract is about what Lomba thought of each family
member and the powerful impressions each member made on
him; each person is described in turn and the effect each one
had on him is described. They are not compared, he doesnt
say he developed close relationships with each one quickly and
the extract is mainly about Lomba interacting with each family
member, not about how they interacted with each other.
Part 4: What lies beneath
20 C: It is easy to be captivated by intelligent, seemingly friendly sea
creatures such as dolphins, or even by the hunting prowess of
the more sinister sharks.
21 D: The Mediterranean has the largest number of invasive species
most of them having migrated through the Suez Canal from the
Red Sea.
22 B: a myriad range of creatures that could have slithered out of the
pages of science fiction.
23 D: As Mediterranean turtles lose their nesting sites to beach
developments, or die in fishing nets, and the vanishing
population of other large predators such as bluefish tuna are
fished out, their prey is doing what nature does best; filling a
void. Smaller, more numerous species like jellyfish are flourishing
and plugging the gap left by animals higher up the food chain.
Predators are disappearing and being replaced by creatures they
used to eat.
24 A: In total, the Census now estimates that there are more than
230,000 known marine species, but that this is probably less
than a quarter of what lives in the sea.
25 D: Hidden within the Marine Census results is a dark message.
Maps showing the density of large fish populations in tropical
waters reveal that numbers of many of the biggest open ocean
species have declined.
26 C: algae that look like a pair of pink stockings and octopuses that
look like ornaments of a certain kind.
27 D: it is unwise to talk as if the jellyfish have some kind of plan.
28 A: The truth is that at present much of what passes for scientific
facts about the sea and what lives in it are still based on
29 A: The Census contains the numbers of individual forms of life that
can be scientifically classified as species.
30 B: It is the creepy-crawlies that are out there in really big numbers.
Almost 40 percent of identified marine species are crustaceans
and molluscs creepy-crawlies is used as an informal term for
crustaceans and molluscs.
31 C: how would we begin to start naming the 20,000 types of
bacteria found in just one litre of seawater trawled from around
a Pacific seamount?

32 A: The scientists involved in the Census hope that by creating

the first catalogue of the worlds oceans, we can begin to
understand the great ecological questions about habitat loss,
pollution, over fishing and all the other man-made plagues that
are being visited upon the sea.
33 D: we need to start loving jellyfish, because in the not too distant
future, they may be the most plentiful marine species around.
34 B: Chiasmodon niger The Great Swallower with its cadaverous
skull, metallic pink flesh and needlelike teeth, accompanied by an
enormous ballooning stomach that allows it to swallow animals
bigger than itself its stomach gets bigger so that it can eat an
animal bigger than itself.

Test 7, Paper 2, Writing (Page 168)

Part 1
Question 1 (article)
Style: Semi-formal; remember that you are writing for your school
magazine, so try to make it interesting and include interesting
details and examples.
Content: Use information from your notes and the programme for the
school visit. You should include information about:

your experiences with the host family.

attending school.

evening activities.


your overall reaction to the trip as a whole.
This question is compulsory, so even if you have not done an exchange visit
yourself you can still answer the question by using the given information.
Part 2
Question 2 (letter)
Style: Informal, but not too colloquial. Use letter layout with clear
Content: You should:

identify the advantages and disadvantages of going to
university compared to work, with reasons and examples.

advise your friend on what they should do.
This information should be the main part of the letter but dont forget to
include a friendly beginning and ending following the usual conventions
of informal letters. Dear All the best / Best wishes
Question 3 (contribution to a longer piece)
Style: Semi-formal, as this is a contribution to a book. Use clear
paragraphs, and present your points clearly.
Content: You must:

describe any problems your town has with pollution.

outline any initiatives your town has implemented, and
evaluate their success.

recommend what people should do as individuals to help
with the problems associated with pollution.
You should include a conclusion rounding off your contribution.
Question 4 (report)
Style: Formal or semi-formal as this is for an international travel
magazine. You should present facts clearly. You can either use
paragraphs (one for each point) with or without headings, or
bullet points. Dont make the language you use with bullet
points too simple because you need to show a range of
language. As this is for a magazine it needs to be presented in
an interesting way.
Content: You should:

describe facilities at a bus or train station you know.

evaluate what is good or bad about these facilities.

outline any problems you have experienced using the facilities.

suggest ways in which the bus or train station could
be improved.
Question 5a) (review)
Style: Semi-formal moving towards informal as this is a review in a
college magazine. The purpose of the review is to tell people
about the book, explain why it is your favourite and why you
read it many times. You will need to use the language of
description or narration, and evaluation. Use clear paragraphs
introduction, description, evaluation and conclusion
with recommendations.


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Content: Remember to:

identify the book and briefly narrate the story.

describe some of the main characters.

explain why you like to read it many times.
Conclude by giving reasons why you would recommend it to others.
Question 5b) (essay)
Style: Formal or semi-formal, and objective as you are presenting
a point of view, with reasons and/or evidence. Use clear
paragraphs, one for each part of the task, and include an
introduction that leads in to the topic and a conclusion that
rounds off the essay, giving your overall point of view.
Content: You should:

identify and briefly outline the book, explaining why you
chose it.

explain what its theme is and why it is relevant to
society today.

suggest what we can learn from the book.

conclude by giving your point of view about the overall value
of reading this particular book.

Test 7, Paper 3, Use of English (Page 170)

41 favour: specific meaning, collocation, set phrase

42 mind: specific meaning, phrasal verb, specific meaning
Part 5

Test 7, Paper 4, Listening (Page 177)

Part 1

Part 1: Renewable energy comes of age




C: Only the right answer is used to describe something

B: The other words cannot be followed by the infinitive + as
D: Only the correct word creates the idea of mirrors
A: Only the correct answer completes the set phrase far
from being
5 A: Only the correct answer creates a phrasal verb that has meaning
in context
6 C: The other words do not collocate with behind
7 B: Only the correct word refers back successfully to the change
mentioned in the previous paragraph
8 D: The other words do not collocate with rise
9 A: The correct answer is the correct term in this context
10 A: Only the correct answer can be followed by as in this sentence
11 D: The correct answer collocates with public
12 C: The other words would need a preposition
Part 2: The demise of the motor car

so (quantifier) part of so much that

other (preposition) part of anything other than
came (verb) part of along came
in (preposition) follows low
one (pronoun) refers to car earlier in the sentence
by (preposition) indicates the agent
gave (verb) part of phrasal verb
up (preposition) part of phrasal verb
more (determiner) part of whats more
For (preposition) part of set phrase
do (pronoun) refers to previous verb
others (pronoun) refers to people
would/might (modal verb)
such (intensifier) intensifies the adjective
what (determiner)

completely lived up to Carolines (intensifier + collocation)

in case it broke down/should break down (in case + past verb)
(should) happen to bump (set phrase + phrasal verb)
despite / in spite of her refusal (linker + noun phrase)
having had an argument (regret + -ing + noun)
has been a sharp increase in (collocation+ preposition)
is due to be launched (due to + passive)
is no saying whether (or not) (fixed phrase + whether)

A: M: But actually Ive come round to thinking its the real strength
of the course, dont you agree? F: Undoubtedly. I mean, thats
why I went for it in the first place.
B: sophisticated software I still think its a shame we cant come
in and use it out of class time.
A: Im still looking for the ideal rucksack or carry-on actually.
B: I mean, without that and a lot of people you meet dont have
that would I ever have had the courage to do half the things
Ive done?
A: We got all these irate bloggers going overboard.
C: We were misquoted in the first piece written about it. It said
that I wanted to kill album artwork, which is just so far off
the mark.

Part 2: The swift


without feet
new moon
(a) cliff/cliffs
(a) thunderstorm/thunderstorms
youngest/younger sons

Part 3
15 A: But what really appeals to me about kayaking is that it calls
for several different skills to be used simultaneously.
16 C: But most importantly, when you first start kayaking, just
have fun.
17 D: there arent many competitions coming up, but (all the
trainings) worth it in the summer when the big ones
come around.
18 C: Id weigh up the risks and only have a go once I felt up
to the challenge.
19 B: but its tough doing the research yourself. As a beginner, Id
say get some insider tips from someone in the know.
20 A: My most valued are those where Im on a great trip, getting
to know new rivers and their surroundings with people I know
and like.

Part 3: Do green products make us better people?

Part 4


21 F: But what made it perfect was all the ancient ruins in the area.
22 A: I was about to take it up professionally but then injured my leg
quite badly and had to drop the idea.
23 D: It was my big chance as it would get me exactly where Id
always wanted to go.
24 H: Id lived in the city all my life and had plenty of friends there but
we were all rushing around frantically as city-dwellers do.
25 B: if I wanted to top up my qualifications, meant going abroad.
26 F: Once there, I felt really driven to do well there was just this
new sense of optimism.
27 D: Their recommendations opened a number of doors for me once
my studies had finished.
28 C: Id never really seen myself as a movie buff before.
29 H: We could go anywhere where I could set up by myself. It was
exactly what we all needed.
30 A: made me feel I really belonged in the place.

according (noun to preposition)

definitely (adjective to adverb)
supposedly (verb to adjective)
criminals (noun to plural noun)
behaviour (verb to noun)
satisfaction (verb to noun)
charming (adjective to noun)
complexity (adjective to noun)
undoubtedly / doubtlessly (noun to negative adjective)
invariably (adjective to adverb)

Part 4
38 fallen: phrasal verb, collocation, collocation
39 due: specific meanings
40 strong: collocation, collocation, specific meaning


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