The Mining Grinding Office: Other Power Formulas
The Mining Grinding Office: Other Power Formulas
The Mining Grinding Office: Other Power Formulas
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- This paper intends to describe the different methods to calculate the power of a ball mill.
- Two methods will be presented here:
1) Bond formula
2) Hogg and Fuerstenau formula
Bond Formula:
- The Bond power formula is the following:
Pb is the power by ton of balls at the shaft in kW/ton,
D is the internal mill diameter in m,
J is the volume load (filling degree) in % and
Vcr is the percentage of the critical speed.
- If the mill is with grate discharge, the formula must be multiplied by 1,08.
- A correction factor called Ss must be applied for mills with a diameter higher than 3,3m:
Ss is the ball size factor in kW/t and
dm is the maximum ball diameter in mm.
And the formula for these mills is:
- To get the absorbed power of the mill at terminals, it is necessary to multiply by the tonnage of balls and to
correct with the transmission and motor efficiency factors.
P is the power at the shaft in kW,
D is the mill's internal diameter in m.
L is the useful length in m,
Vcr is the percentage of the critical speed,
app is the apparent density of the charge in t/m3,
J is the volume load (filling degree) in % and
La is the lifting angle of the charge gravity center with the vertical line.
- app is given by the following formula:
BC is the tonnage of the ball charge in tons,
M is the tonnage of material between the balls (intersticial) and
16 10 2014
bmat is the bulk density of the material in t/m3
J is the volume load (filling degree) in %,
D is the mill's internal diameter in m and
L is the useful length in m.
- To get the absorbed power of the mill at terminals, it is necessary to correct with the transmission
and motor efficiency factors.
All rights reserved 2012-2014 The Mining Grinding Office