Discourse and Text
Discourse and Text
Discourse and Text
And as far as our course is concerned I intend to discuss the issue of comparative
studies in translation and its importance through discussing the translation shifts on
the discoursal level.
To achieve this, we need to have a good sense of three important and recurring
concepts in our topic today:
Within the triad genre-text-discourse, the latter has been accorded supremacy and "is
seen as the institutional-communicative framework within which both genre and text
cease to be mere carriers of communication act and become fully operational vehicles
of communication". (Hatim and Munday: 2004 p. 88).
Discussing the complex notion of discourse from a Foucaultian point of view will add
to the complexity of the subject but would of course shed lights on important aspects
of discourse that are really worth considering.
Foucaulti defined discourse as "an entity of sequences of signs in that they are
enouncements (enoncés)" (Foucault 1969: 141). These enouncements (i.e. statements)
are conveyed as acceptable by the discourse community, and they:
3 .Discourse and Text
"are not a unity of signs but an abstract matter that enables signs to assign
specific repeatable relations to objects, subjects, and other enouncements. Thus,
a discourse constitutes sequences of such relations to objects, subjects and other
The ideas of Foucault, one could argue, were decisive in determining the mood of
thinking about "truth" in postmodernism. While theorists in the modern era were
concerned about "truth" and believed that there are some universal and social laws
that should be determined and expounded, Foucault and other postmodernist scholars
discredited the notion of "truth" and instead of focusing on determining certain
"accepted" and normative laws they tried to focus on the multiple "truths" found in a
society and the circumstances that accompanied the appearance of such truths.
Edward Saidii has asserted the interrelationship between knowledge and power, and
he clarified the conception of knowledge as power, especially in the context of
imperialism and resistance. The West, by studying the history and culture of the
orient, succeeded in controlling it.
Discourse for Foucault is a medium through which power relations are depicted, the
enemy is defined and the speaking subject is highlighted, and it is through discourse
the truths and ideas are disseminated, or controlled. This is as relevant to writing as it
is to translation, which is essentially a "genre" of writing (Hatim: 2001).
Howarth, 2000, p. 17
To mark the relation between text and discourse it is vital to appreciate the fact the
discourse is a "dispersion of texts whose historical mode of inscription allows us to
describe them as a space of systematic statements (enunciative regularities). This
means that discourse is embedded in texts and that texts make up discourse. "The
relationship between discourse and text is one of emergence: discourse emerges in
and through texts." (Hatim and Munday:2004 p. 198)
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse#Postmodernism
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power-knowledge
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It is natural for a text to encompass more than one discourse (political and religious
for example) and here the notion of interdiscursivity becomes crucial in
understanding the interaction between discourses and the approach the translator
should follow in the process of translation.
(ibid. 198)
In order to have a good idea about the way through which we can study discourse, the
interface between text, genre and discourse, and the concept of translation shifts, it is
better to give some examples:
1) "She reminded me of a northern Italian peasant woman with her clothes, her mobile
face and her lovely, thick, alive immigrant hair which she wore put up in the same
way she had probably worn it in college. She talked all the time and at first it was
about people and places".
2) She was working on a piece of needlepoint when we first met them and she worked
on this and saw to the food and drink and talked to my wife. She made one
conversation and listened to two and often interrupted the one she was not making.
It is safe to assume that "this strategy was influenced by TL linguistics and stylistic
norms and conventions which prefers (even encourage) such features such as longer
and more complex sentences closely linked to each other, as well as predominantly
"active" verbs. (Translation, an advanced resource book, page 300).
The previous examples show that the status enjoyed by text types in the translation
process may be best appreciated if when texts are seen as part of the socio-textual
practices which make up the context of culture. This is the semiotic dimension which
caters for the diverse range of rhetorical purposes, modes of speaking and writing, and
statements of attitudes towards aspects of socio-cultural life. Texts genres and
discourse are macro-signs within which we do things with words. Words thus become
instruments of power and ideology.
Ideology encompasses the tacit assumptions, beliefs and value systems which are
shared collectively by social groups, and it is useful when talking about ideology in
translation to distinguish between two central ideas:
The ideology of translating: the basic orientation chosen by the translator operating
within a social or cultural context. (The choice for example between domesticating
and foreignizing translation).
The translation of ideology: the extent of mediation supplied by a translator of
sensitive texts.
One of the important examples is the work of translators during the British
colonization of India. No translation was accepted from the colonized and the
colonizer-translator was thus the bearer of the "true" meaning, always operating from
the position of assumed superiority. The strategy adopted by translators in that period
is one of domesticated and westernized translation that involves downplaying the
characteristics of the language of the ST.
Tejaswini Niranjana for example wrote a very influential and important book about
ther role of translation in the context of post-colonialism. She argued that translation
in colonized India played a major role in under British colonial rule in interpellating
India (depicting India and Indian people as inferior) which helped in sustaining the
colonization thereof. (Hatim and Munday: 2004 p. 206)
The passion for English knowledge has penetrated the most obscure, and
extended to the most remote parts of India. The steam boats, passing up
and down the Ganges, are boarded by native boys, begging, not for money,
but for books. [. . .] Some gentlemen coming to Calcutta were astonished at
the eagerness with which they were pressed for books by a troop of boys, who
boarded the steamer from an obscure place, called Comercolly. A Plato was
lying on the table, and one of the party asked a boy whether that would serve
his purpose. ‘Oh yes,’ he exclaimed, ‘give me any book; all I want is a book.’ The
gentleman at last hit upon the expedient of cutting up an old Quarterly Review,
and distributing the articles among them.
Tejaswini Niranjana, Sitting Translation (1992)
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The translator should be able to handle the translation process on the immediate
context of situation and the macro context of culture and ideology, in order to be able
to make the decisions in his translational action that best suit his translation ideology.
It should be noted as well that discourse is also important in reviewing any translated
work, especially literary works, since literature play an important role in shaping the
cultural values of any society and creating, or maintaining, the power relations found
in it.
Studying Foucault and Said ideas regarding knowledge and power and the influence
of this on writing and translation is of great importance and significance in the field
on translation studies and comparative literature.
M. S. Zeidan
10 .Discourse and Text
Michael Foucault, a French scientist, philosopher and historian. (1926-1984. He is often associated
with Postmodernism, but he rejected to be labeled as postmodernist, and he preferred to classify
himself a critical theorist of modernity.
Edward W. Said (1935-2003): A Palestinian literary theorist, cultural critic and advocate for
Palestinians rights.