Excel Setting For Web Adi
Excel Setting For Web Adi
Excel Setting For Web Adi
Often times, WebADI can be very confusing to work with. There are just too many issues if it is
not properly set up. Sometimes you may encounter VBProject Runtime Error when trying to
open Web-ADI template file, or sometimes the Excel spreadsheet just hangs up, or can't be
There are few steps you will have to take before WebADI can be properly used:
Follow the steps below given in the screenshots and apply the settings exactly as they are
depicted. The screenshots are from Excel 2010, however the settings should also work for 2000,
2003, 2007 versions.
A) Check the Microsoft Office Version
Make sure you are using 32-bit version of Microsoft Office. Click on Excel --> File --> Help. If
you are running 64-bit version, you may want to uninstall 64-bit and re-install the 32-bit version
of Microsoft Office.
B) Open Microsoft Excel --> File --> Options --> Trust Center --> Trust Center Settings
B-2) Add-Ins:
Make sure to uncheck all the options.
In case the WebADI still does not work, then keep all the options unchecked, and retry.
C-1) Downloads
Scroll down to Downloads section, and make sure File Download is Enabled.
C-2) Miscellaneous:
Scroll down to Miscellaneous section, and make sure to match the following setting.
C-3) Scripting:
Scroll down to Scripting section, and make sure to match the following setting. Then press OK.
Now log out from your Oracle Applications and re-log back in. Retry the Web-ADI upload.