Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Art Education
Glue Sticks
How to write strait by creating guiding lines with a pencil and ruler.
How much room to leave for pictures
3. Independent Practice 30 minutes
Students will each receive information sheets about famous buildings and monuments (Mt.
Rushmore, Pyramids, Coliseum, etc.). Students will write down on a separate piece of lined
paper where it is, why it was mad, who made it, and 1-3 fun facts about the site. They will then
start putting information into their brochures leaving room for pictures they will make
4. Closure 5 minutes
Students will discuss with a partner these two questions to reflect on their exploration of things
that are already known to the world.
1. What did I know about this before I researched
2. What did I learn about this after I researched
5. Formative Evaluation
Formative evaluation will be saved for when project is done.
If students need to be retaught I will leave examples of what I did on the board for students to
look at and if they still dont understand I will help them personally during the independent
6. Classroom Management Procedures
Materials will be set up at center table to save time
Students will be warned for breaking rules the first time, second time =small talk with
teacher, third time = write up
Teacher will walk around to help/ comment on work/ keep students on task
Students will each be randomly assigned a monuments before class
Teacher will emphasize all work turned in today must have a name
Day of the Lesson: 2nd day
1. Introduction/Motivation: 5 min.
I will show a presentation on graphic designers to show students what they are doing is a job
someone else has. This will connect the project to the real world to show it is an important skill
to learn while exposing students to art related careers.
2. Guided Practice: 5 min.
I will show students how to add images to the brochure.
This will be done by drawing on square cutouts and pasting them on the brochure (Explain to
students dont have to start who brochure over if they mess up on their drawings)
Explain proper gluing techniques for good craftsmen ship
Show how to create border on images as an optional feature.
What concluding event can I design that allows students to reflect on the essential question and
how the lesson helps to investigate the big idea?
Students will share their brochure with a partner (same as last class).
They will discuss:
What they knew about their partners monument/ famous building before reading their brochure
What they learned about their partners monument/ famous building after reading their brochure
5. Formative Evaluation
Students will be graded on if they added pictures and text to their brochure
If students need to be retaught I will leave examples of what I did on the board for students to look
at and if they still dont understand I will help them personally during the independent practice.
6. Classroom Management Procedures
Completes four
Text is legible
Text leaves room
for pictures
20 pts.
Completes three
Text is legible
Text leaves room
for pictures
Incomplete0 pts.
complete any
Text doesnt
leave room for