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Final Lesson Plan

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ARTE 343 Education Lesson Plan- by Dr.

Gross in Spring2020

Identity Collage
Central Focus What theme gives this content a focus in this unit?
Grade Level 4th Grade
Time (Number of 4 Day Lesson with 45 minutes class periods per day
Classes and Length of
Student Characteristics The students in this class are mostly 9-10 years old and are very calm, quiet, and excited when
we begin the lesson. However, during discussion time they are not very talkative and only a
select few like the answer questions usually.

Rationale for Lesson: Given examples made by the volunteers, the students will develop the compositional skills of art
making, and visually communicating their interests to their peers and friends. Students already
know what their general identities and interests are, but now they are highlighting their biggest
interests and showing that to the volunteers and their peers.

National Media Arts Standards Addressed

MA: Cr 1.1. 4
MA: Cr2. 1. 4
MA: Cr3. 1. 4b.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: (Formal, Conceptual, and Skill)
 Formal: Given examples and classroom discussion students will create a collage that utilizes composition,
overlapping, size, and positioning.
 Technical: Given a teacher presentation and examples students will be able to successfully take a photograph and
assemble a collage through cutting and gluing.
 Conceptual: Given a composition about artists and identity the students will use the photos they have taken to
demonstrate their personal interpretations of their identities thoughtfully and clearly.
 Skill: cutting, gluing, layering, and composition

Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4:
 iPads  Cameras  Glue sticks  Glue sticks
 mind map  Power point  Scissors  Scissors
worksheets  Day 2 slide  Construction paper  Construction paper
 Power point  Photos of students  Volunteer
 Day 1 slide and their objects examples in power
 magazines point
 Volunteer  Day 4 slide with
examples in power agenda and
point questions
 Day 3 slide

Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4:
 iPads  Camera  Glue sticks  Glue sticks
 Mind map  Mind maps  Scissors  Scissors
worksheets  Objects for pictures  Construction paper  Construction paper
 Photos of students
and their objects
 magazines

Key Artists Greg Dubois and Hannah Hoch

Early Elementary grades K-3 , Late Elementary grades 4-6 • Middle School grades 6-8
Early High School grades 9-11 • Late High School grade 12
ARTE 343 Education Lesson Plan- by Dr. Gross in Spring2020

Key Artworks

Greg Dubois, Michelle LaVaughn Obama, February 2021.

Artist, Artwork Title, Year (list at least 2). Include links to the artwork or samples of the
artwork in here.

Hannah Hoch, Untitled, n.d.

Key Critical Questions Greg Dubois:
1. Do you recognize this figure?
2. What features stand out the most when you first see the collage?
3. How does the font add or take away from the collage?
Hannah Hoch:
1. What do you see?
2. Through this color palette what mood was the artist trying to convey?
3. Why did the artist choose this arrangement of images?


 Portrait: any artwork of a person, usually a picture of their and shoulders
 Photography: the process of making pictures using camera that directs the
image of an object onto a surface, such as film
 Collage: Art made by sticking different materials together, such as pictures and
drawings on a backing
 Identity: the sense of who we are as individuals or groups.
 Composition: the elements in an artwork that all work together to produce an
overall effect on the audience.
Early Elementary grades K-3 , Late Elementary grades 4-6 • Middle School grades 6-8
Early High School grades 9-11 • Late High School grade 12
ARTE 343 Education Lesson Plan- by Dr. Gross in Spring2020

 Layering: the action of arranging objects on top of one another.

Language Tasks and Activities 1. Describe 2 key language/vocab learning tasks students will do


Day 1: Instruction Methods
2:00pm-2:19pm: Begin class and introduce lesson  During each vocab word discuss
 Begin powerpoint what they mean
- Introduce the vocab words and artists  Tell the students to how to use the
- Have a day 1 slide telling the students what is expected of ipads
them  Tell them what to brainstorm with the
- separate the students into groups mind maps
2:20pm-2:34pm: work time  List all methods you intend to use,
 The students take their pictures in Instructor Beach’s group, and such as direct instruction, teacher
does their mind map in instructor LeSure’s groups demonstration, hands-on student
 When a student is done with the mind map or photos they can involvement, group discussion, small
switch groups. group work, differentiated group
2:35pm-2:40pm: Clean up work, independent student work,
Think Pair Share, etc.
Day 2: Instruction Methods
2:00pm - 2:07pm: Begin Lesson  Discuss what the students need to
 Pull up power point do for the day
 Reintroduce ourselves  Have them work together when
 Ask questions about what they remember from day 1 taking the photos
 Reference powerpoint and the day 2 slide
 1) Ask students to take out mind maps
 2) Ask students to take out items and share what they brought
2:12pm - 2:16pm: Have students break into groups of two
 Choose two students who are next to each other and make them a
 Pull up Day 2 Slide indicating what is expected of them
2:16pm – 2:34pm: Work Time
 Students will take at least one picture per object
2:35pm – 2:40pm: Clean Up
 Students will put lens cap on cameras and return cameras to
Day 3: Instruction Methods
2:00pm-2:07pm: Begin lesson  Discuss with them what they
 Reintroduce lesson and powerpoint remember about the lesson
 Ask students what they remember from days 1 and 2  Let them know what is
 Have a day 3 slide with volunteer examples and explaining what is expected of them for the day
expected of the students for the day.  Work on cutting out the
2:08pm-2:13pm: pictures
 Pass out pictures to respective students  Glue pictures onto the
 Have white construction paper for background of collage construction paper of they
2:14pm-2:34pm: work time have get done cutting early.
 The students will cut their images out
 If they finish cutting early they can start gluing them onto the construction
2:35pm-2:40pm: Clean up
 Warn the students at 2:30pm that there is five minutes until clean up
 Have the students finish up what their doing and have their materials put
Day 4: Instruction methods:
2:00pm-2:05pm: Begin lesson  Give student work time to
 Let them know what they need to do for day finish up collages
2:05pm-2:10pm: Demonstration  Discussion for students
Early Elementary grades K-3 , Late Elementary grades 4-6 • Middle School grades 6-8
Early High School grades 9-11 • Late High School grade 12
ARTE 343 Education Lesson Plan- by Dr. Gross in Spring2020

 Instructor Beach will give a 5 minute demonstration of cutting and gluing explain why they chose the
paper. objects that they did.
2:10pm-2:30pm: Work Time  Set up a call and response at
 Students will have 20 minutes to finish their projects. the beginning of class to get
 If they get done in less than 20 minutes they may work on mini collages. the students’ attention.
2:30pm-2:35pm: Clean up
 Students will clean up scraps and have the supplies returned to the
2:35pm-2:45pm: Discussion
 The class will have 10 minutes of discussion time.
 We ask the students a list of questions from the power point to help them
explain their projects.

You should repeat the table above for each lesson

Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3

You must have references to books, web pages, films, etc. you used in the development and execution of your lesson, to allow
you to teach the lesson again, or to allow someone else to teach the lesson.
Use APA style in formatting the reference list.

 Benharrouche, Y. (2022, May 19). Collage in art. Eden Gallery. https://www.eden-gallery.com/news/collage-in-art

 Bambina, A. (2023). Mindfulness, meditation and yoga background in pastel colors with women sit with crossed legs
and meditate. vector illustration. stock vector art 1433671261. iStock.
 French, | Jane. (2022, January 8). Climate Striker . Jane French. https://www.janefrench.co.uk/product/climate-striker/
 Gasiorowski-Denis, E. (2019, March 7). A Better Picture: International Standard gives photography a new exposure.
ISO. https://www.iso.org/news/ref2375.html
 Mothes, K. (2022, June 2). Layers of intricately cut paper evoke strength and vulnerability in Christine
Kim’s elegant collages. Colossal. https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2022/06/christine-kim-paper-thin-
 Dubois, G. (2021, February). BLK•HST•Mnth. Portfolio of Greg Dubois (marvelgd).
 Adams, T. (2017, February 25). Menu. T H E O N I E A D A M S.
 Cong, K. (2021, February 12). Professional headshot posing tips. Headshots Vancouver I Professional Headshots.
 GCShutter. (2023). Burj Al Arab & Luxury Beach Resort - Madinat Jumeirah Stock Photo. iStock.
 Doing the “Look away” selfie pose or staring at my husband’s ridiculous dance moves in the car right now. ...:
Прически средней длины, Стрижка средней длины, Стрижка. Pinterest. (2016, August 12).

* Developed and written by (Hannah Beach and Loren LeSure), Art Education, Northern Illinois University, 2020 *

Critical Reflection: Day one of teaching went well. One thing that went well was Hannah and I
were prepared for teaching. We came into class very confident in what we were discussing and
took turns taking the lead. We began class with an introduction to vocabulary and an overview of
Early Elementary grades K-3 , Late Elementary grades 4-6 • Middle School grades 6-8
Early High School grades 9-11 • Late High School grade 12
ARTE 343 Education Lesson Plan- by Dr. Gross in Spring2020

the lesson. Another aspect that went well was students responded well to our discussion and artist
examples. An aspect that could have one better was time management, we could have set timers
to keep us on track. For future lessons, setting a timer for my knowledge will help the class run
smoothly and give me time to clean up at the end.
Day two of teaching could have gone better. We were originally using iPads to take
photographs of their objects. We ended up having to use digital cameras due to not having enough
iPads. At certain points, the camera was not in autofocus and many of their photographs were
blurry. I was able to assist students with the cameras by explaining that they needed to look
through the viewfinder to take photographs. With that simple explanation students were able to
take photos. At certain points, it became a bit overwhelming because the technology was not
working. With a bit of patience, it worked out well.
Day three materials were a bit rough. When we returned to class on day two of teaching
the classroom was empty and we were assigned a new teacher. This resulted in projectors not
working so it was a bit of a struggle to get set up. At one point tensions rose amongst my partner
and student. One thing that could have gone better is just communicating more with my partner.
At one point I left the room to grab a projector and Hannah began to hand out paper. To a few
students. That resulted in students becoming impatient with materials. More communication
between Hannah and me would have helped.
Day four of teaching was the last day of teaching. During this time Hannah and I gave
students time to finalize their collages and participate in class discussions. One thing that went
well was Hannah and I's time management was on point. We set a timer for how long students
will work and a timer for clean-up. Another aspect that went well was Hannah employed an
attention-getter. That gathered the attention of students. One aspect that could have gone better for
the last day was pushing certain vocabulary of the project more. Such as the term layering, many
students did not include that in their collage. Hannah and I could have enforced the concept of
layering more and the projects would have turned out a bit better.

Early Elementary grades K-3 , Late Elementary grades 4-6 • Middle School grades 6-8
Early High School grades 9-11 • Late High School grade 12

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