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Author Manuscript
Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 April 30.

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Published in final edited form as:

Lancet. 2007 January 27; 369(9558): 293298.

Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in

emergency assessment of patients with suspected acute stroke:
a prospective comparison
Julio A Chalela, Chelsea S Kidwell, Lauren M Nentwich, Marie Luby, John A Butman, Andrew
M Demchuk, Michael D Hill, Nicholas Patronas, Lawrence Latour, and Steven Warach
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA (J A Chalela MD); Georgetown
University, Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC, USA (C S Kidwell MD); Boston Medical
Center, Boston, MA, USA (L M Nentwich MD); National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA(M Luby MS, L Latour PhD, S Warach MD);
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, USA (J A Butman MD, N Patronas MD);
and University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (A M Demchuk MD, M D Hill MD)

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

BackgroundAlthough the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of acute
stroke is increasing, this method has not proved more effective than computed tomography (CT) in
the emergency setting. We aimed to prospectively compare CT and MRI for emergency diagnosis
of acute stroke.
MethodsWe did a single-centre, prospective, blind comparison of non-contrast CT and MRI (with
diffusion-weighted and susceptibility weighted images) in a consecutive series of patients referred
for emergency assessment of suspected acute stroke. Scans were independently interpreted by four
experts, who were unaware of clinical information, MRI-CT pairings, and follow-up imaging.

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Results356 patients, 217 of whom had a final clinical diagnosis of acute stroke, were assessed.
MRI detected acute stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic), acute ischaemic stroke, and chronic
haemorrhage more frequently than did CT (p<0.0001, for all comparisons). MRI was similar to CT
for the detection of acute intracranial haemorrhage. MRI detected acute ischaemic stroke in 164 of
356 patients (46%; 95% CI 41-51%), compared with CT in 35 of 356 patients (10%; 7-14%). In the
subset of patients scanned within 3 h of symptom onset, MRI detected acute ischaemic stroke in 41
of 90 patients (46%; 35-56%); CT in 6 of 90 (7%; 3-14%). Relative to the final clinical diagnosis,
MRI had a sensitivity of 83% (181 of 217; 78-88%) and CT of 26% (56 of 217; 20-32%) for the
diagnosis of any acute stroke.
InterpretationMRI is better than CT for detection of acute ischaemia, and can detect acute and
chronic haemorrhage; therefore it should be the preferred test for accurate diagnosis of patients with
suspected acute stroke. Because our patient sample encompassed the range of disease that is likely
to be encountered in emergency cases of suspected stroke, our results are directly applicable to clinical

Correspondence to: Dr Steven Warach, Section on Stroke Diagnostics and Therapeutics, National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Drive, Rm B1D733, MSC 1063 Bethesda, MD 20892, USA warachs@ninds.nih.gov.
All authors participated in the data analysis and reporting stage of this manuscript, and have seen and approved the final version.
Conflict of interest statement
We declare that we have no conflict of interest.

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is generally thought to be better than computed

tomography (CT) for the diagnosis of acute stroke, but this belief has never been substantiated
for the full range of patients in whom this diagnosis is suspected. Patients who present to the
emergency room with stroke-like symptoms might have cerebrovascular disease (ischaemic
or haemorrhagic) or various other nonvascular disorders. The ideal imaging modality for
assessment of patients with acute stroke should accurately detect both cerebral ischaemia and
intracranial haemorrhage, and discriminate cerebro vascular causes from other causes. CT is
the most common imaging modality used to assess patients with suspected stroke. This method
is widely available, fast, easy, and less expensive than MRI. However, although CT is sensitive
to acute intracranial haemorrhage, it is not sensitive to acute ischaemic stroke. Studies suggest
that CT is insufficiently sensitive for the diagnosis of acute ischaemia, is subject to substantial
inter-rater variability in interpretation, and might not be better than MRI for detection of acute
intracranial haemorrhage.1-4

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MRI offers advantages for the assessment of acute stroke. Changes of acute ischaemic injury
are detectable sooner with MRI than with CT, especially with diffusion-weighted imaging, and
ischaemic stroke diagnosis with MRI has greater interobserver and intraobserver reliability
than CT, even in readers with little experience.5-8 Historical concerns that MRI is not
sufficiently sensitive to detect acute intracranial haemorrhage in the earliest hours from onset
have been addressed by studies that show gradient-echo MRI is as accurate as CT in patients
with focal stroke symptoms within 6 h of symptom onset.1,3 However, the relative diagnostic
yield of MRI and CT for routine emergency assessment of possible stroke, irrespective of time
from onset, severity of symptoms, or ultimate diagnosis (cerebrovascular or otherwise), had
not been investigated. We aimed to prospectively compare CT and MRI for the detection of
acute stroke in the full range of patients who present for emergency assessment of stroke-like

Study participants and clinical diagnosis

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This study was a single-site, prospective comparison of CT and MRI for the assessment of
acute stroke. It took place from Sept, 30, 2000, to Feb, 25, 2002, at Suburban Hospital, a
community hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, in accordance with the institutional review
boards of both the hospital and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. A
consecutive series of patients referred to the hospitals stroke team because of suspicion of
acute stroke were eligible, irrespective of time from onset, symptom severity, or ultimate
clinical diagnosis. The decision to use imaging was initiated by the emergency physician on
suspicion of an acute stroke and before assessment by a stroke specialist. Emergency clinical
assessment, including the National Institutes of Health stroke scale (NIHSS), was done by the
stroke specialist according to the stroke centre routine. Assessments were typically made within
an hour of one or both scans, although exact times of the clinical assessments were not routinely
recorded, and the NIHSS might not have been used if the physician decided the diagnosis of
stroke was unlikely. Patients were excluded from the present analysis if either CT or MRI was
not done. Reasons for exclusions included contraindications to MRI, symptoms strongly
suggestive of subarachnoid haemorrhage, initiation of antithrombotic or thrombolytic
treatment before the completion of both scans, or inability to complete both scans in time to
allow thrombolytic treatment within 3 h of the onset of symptoms. Results from a subset of
these patients were previously reported in a multicentre comparison of MRI and CT for
diagnosis of intracranial haemorrhage under 6 h.3

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The order of scanning was not randomised because such a requirement would have necessitated
clinically unjustifiable delays in patient assessment and management. By design, MRI was to
be done before CT, and the scans were to be initiated within 120 min of each other, but patients
who did not meet this requirement were not excluded from the primary analysis.
The final clinical diagnosis was that documented in the patients hospital record during the
admission by the responsible stroke-team neurologist, on the basis of all available clinical
information, including acute and follow-up brain imaging and ancillary testing. Patients with
imaging evidence of cerebral infarction were given a final diagnosis of ischaemic stroke even
if deficits were transient. The diagnosis of transient ischaemic attack was reserved for transient
deficits (less than 24 h duration) without imaging evidence of infarction.
Imaging techniques and analysis

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For MRI we used a 1.5 T scanner (GE Signa, General Electric, Milwaukee, WI, USA). Only
patients for whom gradient-echo imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging sequences had been
completed were eligible for enrolment. Gradient-echo imaging parameters were field of view
24 cm, repetition time (TR) 800 ms, echo time (TE) 20 ms, flip angle 30, and acquisition
matrix 256192. Diffusion imaging parameters were field of view 24 cm, TR 6000 ms, TE 72
ms, acquisition matrix 128128, and b values of 0 and 1000 s/mm2 isotropically weighted.
Both sequences yielded 20 contiguous slices that were 7 mm thick axial-oblique. Although
other imaging sequences were also obtained, we did not assess them. For non-contrast CT we
used either a Somatom Plus scanner (Siemens, Iselin, NJ, USA) or a Lightspeed scanner
(General Electric). Images were acquired in the orbitomeatal plane with 5 mm slice thickness
from the skull base through the vertex.
Images were analysed by two expert neuroradiologists and two expert stroke neurologists, who
were not connected with the care of patients and were unaware of all clinical information.
Readers viewed the images independently, and were asked to record evidence of acute
ischaemic stroke, acute haemorrhage, chronic haemorrhage, no acute stroke, or a combination
of these.

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Digital images were presented to readers with commercially available software that enabled
readers to adjust the contrast, brightness, and size of the images. All images were devoid of
patient identifiers. For MRI interpretation, readers were provided with images from the
gradient-echo imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging sequences; diffusion-weighted
imaging sequences included b=0, T2-weighted images. If the gradient-echo images were not
interpretable because of motion artifact, readers were asked to use the b0 component of the
diffusion-weighted images for haemorrhage detection. For CT interpretation, readers were
provided with image sets adjusted for bone windows and conventional brain windows, and
were allowed to adjust brightness and contrast on the displayed images. The CT and MRI
images were randomly sorted, and pairs (CT and MRI) corresponding to each patient were
presented on different days to avoid recognition of imaging findings by readers. For a case to
be judged positive for the different variables of interest, the interpretation needed to be
concordant for at least three of the four independent readers. The number of acute stroke
diagnoses might be fewer than the sum of the subtypes if patients had both subtypes.
Statistical analysis
The primary hypothesis was that MRI is better than CT for the diagnosis of all forms of acute
stroke. Secondary hypotheses were that MRI is better than CT for detection of acute ischaemic
stroke, and that it is not worse than CT for detection of acute intracranial haemorrhage. We
used McNemars paired proportion test to measure the concordance between MRI and CT for
each diagnosis. The hypothesis that was expected to show the smallest differencecomparison

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of MRI to CT for diagnosis of intracranial haemorrhagewas used to decide the target sample
size. Therefore, the null hypothesis was that MRI was worse than CT for the detection of
intracranial haemorrhage, and the alternative hypothesis was that MRI was not worse than CT
for the detection of intracranial haemorrhage. On the assumption that MRI would be 2.5%
more sensitive than CT, and that the proportion of discordant pairs would be 3.5%, with an
80% power, we decided that a sample size of 380 would be needed to reject the null hypothesis
by the McNemar paired proportion test.
Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of blinded CT and MRI diagnosis obtained in this study
were estimated in relation to final clinical diagnosis. The significance of correlated proportions
was tested with the McNemar test. For this comparison, the diagnostic categories for the
admission were acute stroke (acute ischaemic stroke, acute intracranial haemorrhage) or not
acute stroke (including transient ischaemic attack). Logistic regression analysis was used to
examine predictors of false-negative MRI outcomes.
Role of the funding source
The corresponding author is an employee of the funding source. The corresponding author had
full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the study design, data
collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing of the report, and decision to submit for

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Over 18 months, 450 patients were screened and 94 were excluded49 because of MRI
contraindications (ie, electronic implants, severe patient agitation or claustrophobia, or medical
instability); 34 because CT was not obtained because of failure to follow protocol or because
treatment was initiated immediately after MRI; and 11 because CT was uninterpretable (ie,
severe patient movement or failure to save scans). All MRIs were judged adequate for the panel
of readers to make an interpretation of presence or absence of acute stroke, even if their quality
was degraded by motion or other artifacts.
The study sample size was 356 patients. The median age of these patients was 76 years (range
21-100). The median time from symptom onset to MRI imaging was 367 min (range 36 min
to 8 days; interquartile range 2 h 32 min to 8 h 34 min). The median time from symptom onset
to CT imaging was 390 min (36 min to 8 days; 2 h 52 min to 8 h 51 min). The median difference
in start time between MRI and CT imaging was 34 min earlier for MRI (236 min earlier to 212
min later; 26-41 min earlier). MRI was done before CT in 304 (85%) patients.

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Table 1 shows that of the 356 patients referred because of clinically suspected stroke, acute
stroke was the final clinical diagnosis for almost two-thirds. Acute stroke was detected in 185
of 356 (52%; 95% CI 47-58) with MRI and 59 of 356 (17%; 13-21) with CT. Table 2 shows
that detection of all acute strokes (ischaemic or haemorrhagic) was more frequent with MRI
than with CT (p<0.0001). The four readers unanimously agreed on the presence or absence of
acute stroke in 286 cases (80%, 76-84%) with MRI and 207 (58%, 53-63%) with CT (table 3).
Ischaemic acute stroke was the final clinical diagnosis in more than half the study population.
Table 1 shows that MRI detected ischaemic acute stroke in 164 of 356 patients and CT in 35
of 356. Table 2 shows similar detection rates in patients scanned within 3 h of symptom onset,
acute ischaemic stroke was detected by MRI in almost half of these 90 patients, and by CT in
less than a tenth. In the 131 patients scanned between 3 h and 12 h of symptom onset, acute
ischaemic stroke was detected by MRI in 53 (41%; 32-49%), and by CT in 16 (12%; 7-19%).

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Table 2 shows that acute intracranial haemorrhage was detected by MRI in 23 of 356 patients
(6%, 4-10%) and by CT in 25 (7%, 5-10%). For the detection of all forms of intra cranial
haemorrhage (acute or chronic), MRI was better than CT (p<0.0001). When only
intraparenchymal haematoma or haemorrhagic transformation were considered (ie, aside from
diagnoses of haemorrhage consisting of chronic microbleeds only) diagnosis of intracranial
haemorrhage (acute or chronic) was more frequent by MRI than by CT (p<0.002). MRI was
better for the detection of chronic haemorrhage (p<0.0001).
The relative sensitivity and specificity of CT and MRI were then assessed by comparison of
blinded MRI and CT diagnoses with the final clinical diagnosis, as summarised in table 4.
Acute stroke was the final diagnosis by treating physicians in 217 of 356 patients (61%),
including acute intracranial haemorrhage in 27 (8%), and transient ischaemic attack in 50
(14%). In 89 of 356 patients (25%) the final diagnosis was not cerebrovascular disease. In 190
patients with a final clinical diagnosis of acute ischaemic stroke, the median severity by NIHSS
score was 3 (range 0-37).

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When compared with the final clinical diagnosis, MRI had a higher sensitivity than CT for all
acute stroke and for acute ischaemic stroke (p<0.0001 by McNemar test). For diagnosis of
acute intracranial haemorrhage, MRI had a sensitivity of 81% (95%CI 61-93%) and a
specificity of 100% (98-100%), compared with 89% (70-97%) and 100% (98-100%),
respectively, for CT. Relative to a final clinical diagnosis of acute stroke, MRI had an accuracy
of 89% (85-92%) and CT of 54% (49-59%).
MRI was positive in 157 of 190 (83%; 77-88%) cases of acute ischaemic stroke, with a falsenegative rate of 17% (12-24%). No cases of false-negative MRI were positive on CT. By
stepwise multivariable logistic regression, false-negative MRI diagnoses of ischaemic stroke
were associated with brainstem location (adjusted odds ratio 7.3, 95% CI 2.2-25.0), time from
symptom onset to scan less than 3 h (5.8, 2.3-14.9), and NIHSS score of less than 4 (3.2,
1.3-7.9). Of the 31 ischaemic stroke patients with two or more predictors, the false-negative
rate was 15 of 31 (48%; 31-67%), whereas the false-negative rate was 17 of 169 (10%; 6-16%)
with either no predictor or only one. Two patients had all three predictors; both were false
negatives. The treating physicians with knowledge of clinical localisation and additional
imaging data had identified an acute lesion at the time of the clinical event on diffusionweighted imaging in 23 of the 32 masked false-negative cases.


NIH-PA Author Manuscript

We report that MRI is more effective than CT for the diagnosis of acute stroke in a typical
patient sample. Our sample was representative of the range of patients who are likely to present
with a clinical suspicion of acute stroke, including patients who ultimately proved to have a
different diagnosis. Therefore, our results are directly applicable to clinical practice.
The earliest comparisons of MRI to CT in the diagnosis of acute stroke, from the early 1990s,
before clinical diffusion-weighted imaging and gradient-echo imaging were routine, showed
that acute infarcts were visible more frequently on MRI than on CT and that that these
modalities were much the same for detection of intracranial haemorrhage.6,7 In the mid 1990s,
diffusion-weighted imaging entered the clinic and showed promise of greater sensitivity for
stroke diagnosis than conventional MRI, especially in the initial hours after stroke onset, and
for the detection of small lesions.5,9 Early reports that compared diffusion-weighted imaging
MRI with CT estimated sensitivities of 86-100% for diffusion-weighted imaging and 42-75%
for CT, but were limited by potential biases in patient selection and image assessment.8,10-15
The greater overall sensitivity of MRI for acute stroke in this study is attributable to its
effectiveness for detection of acute ischaemic stroke. Diagnostic rates for acute intracranial
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haemorrhage were much the same for MRI and CT. MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging was
both more effective within the critical first 3 h and in the entire sample. Acute ischaemic stroke
was diagnosed with MRI in 46% of patients but with CT in only 10%. Of the 190 patients with
final clinical diagnosis of ischaemic stroke, independent, blinded assessment with MRI
diagnosed ischaemic stroke in 83% of patients, and in 16% with CT. This study accords with
the reported difference between MRI and CT, but our rates of imaging diagnoses were lower
in both modalities than those in previous studies.8,10-15
In our sample, 25% of the patients with suspected acute stroke had final diagnoses other than
cerebrovascular; this rate is consistent with other samples of consecutive patients who present
to emergency departments with the initial diagnosis of acute stroke.16,17 Because the
accuracies of diagnostic tests are overestimated in non-representative samples,18 we would
expect that the true accuracies of MRI and CT in acute stroke in this study would be lower than
those previously reported. The addition of angio-graphic and perfusion acquisitions to CT
might have increased the accuracy of this modality and made the results more similar to those
of MRI.

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False-negative diffusion-weighted imaging scans in ischaemic stroke do arise. We estimated

the false negatives from such MRI scans at 17%. Two of the predictors of false-negative
diffusion-weighted imagingbrainstem location and NIHSS of less than 4could relate to
small lesions that escape visual detection, especially in locations such as the brainstem, in
which they might be difficult to distinguish from the hyperintensity of incompletely suppressed
anisotropic diffusion or susceptibility artifacts. The practitioner must be cognisant of the
possibility of false negatives with diffusion-weighted imaging for ischaemic stroke and note
the presence of clinical factors that predispose to such stroke.
These results accord with our previous finding that MRI might be as accurate as CT for
diagnosis of intracranial haemorrhage.3 This expanded sample showed that MRI was not worse
than CT for the detection of acute intracranial haemorrhage. These results are also consistent
with previous reports that MRI can accurately detect acute intracranial haemorrhage.1,7,
19-23 Thus, clinicians who use MRI as the sole imaging modality in acute stroke can be assured
that a negative MRI excludes acute intracranial haemorrhage as effectively as does a negative
CT. Since MRI was done before CT in most patients in our study (77% of cases of intracranial
haemorrhage), the MRI signal changes associated with intracranial haemorrhage could have
been less conspicuous than they would have been at a later stage. Nevertheless, the potential
time bias did not seem to affect the rate of detection of intracranial haemorrhage by MRI in
this cohort.

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In this study neither MRI nor CT achieved 100% sensitivity for the diagnosis of acute
intracranial haemorrhage. When compared with the final clinical diagnosis there were four
cases of clinically confirmed acute intracranial haemorrhage that were misdiagnosed by the
readers on MRI. In two cases readers erroneously classified acute haemorrhages as chronic; in
another (in which the gradient-echo imaging scan was not available) readers missed an acute
intracranial haemorrhage in their interpretation of the diffusion-weighted imaging MRI; and
in a fourth case, a left frontal acute intracranial haemorrhage was not diagnosed by the readers.
When detection by CT images was compared with the final clinical diagnosis there were three
false-negative cases of acute intracranial haemorrhage: a subdural haematoma, a haemorrhagic
metastasis, and a temporal lobe haematoma were not diagnosed by the readers. Previous studies
have also noted that cases of acute haemorrhagic transformation could be seen on gradientecho imaging but not on CT.3
Although CT scanning has been the criterion that is standard for diagnosis of acute stroke, our
study shows that use of CT is no longer justifiable on the basis of diagnostic accuracy alone.

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Logistical and financial arguments in favour of CT as the preferred emergency test can be made
non-contrast CT is generally more accessible for emergency use, even in facilities at which
MRI is available, and the fixed and variable costs of CT scanning are less than for the costs of
MRI scanning. Would the improvement in diagnostic accuracy offered by MRI enhance patient
outcomes and cost-effectiveness enough to justify the necessary increases in expense and
effort? A comparison of immediate CT with delayed CT for acute stroke showed that correct
early diagnosis by immediate CT scanning increased independent survival, informed
subsequent treatment and management decisions, reduced costs, and increased quality-adjusted
life-years.24 A similar analysis, comparing immediate CT with immediate MRI, would help
to quantify the potential effect of increased early diagnostic accuracy of MRI on health-care
costs and quality of stroke outcomes. Since immediate MRI allows more accurate diagnosis
than immediate CT, it might increase the cost-effectiveness of stroke care, since definitive
treatments and secondary prevention could be initiated sooner than with CT alone.
A potential bias was introduced by our decision not to randomise the order of scanning.
However, since abnormalities become more conspicuous over time with both MRI and CT,
the probability of detection of stroke was biased in favour of CT, which was done after MRI
in our study. Therefore this bias cannot account for our results.

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The selection bias against patients who were judged too medically unstable to undergo MRI
probably eliminated severe strokes that would be readily detectable on imaging, and thus falsely
decreased the sensitivity to some degree. Our study included the typical acute stroke
population, and therefore skewed the distribution towards mild cases. This feature of our
sample might explain why we recorded lower CT sensitivity and a greater difference between
CT and MRI than studies that excluded cases less severe than a minimum criterion according
to an established stroke diagnosis.8 This difference between our findings and other studies
persisted at later times from onset.
Although the need for urgent management of patients with transient ischaemic attacks and mild
stroke has been increasingly recognised,25,26 accurate diagnosis on the basis of clinical
presentation and CT scanning can be especially difficult in these patients. MRI is more sensitive
than CT for severe stroke, but the difference might not be clinically significant if a systematic
method for CT reading is used.27 Nevertheless, because mild stroke and transient ischaemic
attack make up most stroke admissions to a general hospital emergency department, our
findings are directly applicable to real-world practice.

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MRI can be used as the sole modality for the emergency imaging of patients with suspected
acute stroke, whether ischaemic or haemorrhagic. The high diagnostic accuracy of MRI was
the same for scans within the first 3 h as it was for the entire sample, and thus is relevant to
patients who might be eligible for standard thrombolytic treatment of stroke. Many stroke
centres use MRI as the basis of thrombolytic treatment decisions,28 and where MRI is
immediately available for emergency stroke diagnosis, initiation of thrombolytic treatment will
not be substantially delayed.29
Since imaging studies in acute stroke are usually interpreted by non-specialists, the imaging
modality with the highest sensitivity and the highest intra-rater and inter-rater reliability for
diagnosis of ischaemic stroke by non-specialistsMRIshould be used.8 Because MRI is
more effective for detection of acute ischaemia, and can detect acute and chronic haemorrhage,
it should be the preferred test for accurate diagnosis of patients with suspected acute stroke.
This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health, National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. We thank Patricia Lyall, Sarah Hilton, Vicki Hyneman, Elissa Landes, Lisa

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Menon, and all the members of the NIH Stroke Team for their invaluable collaboration. Neal Jeffries provided
statistical advice.

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NIH-PA Author Manuscript

NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 April 30.

Chalela et al.

Page 10

Table 1

Blinded imaging diagnosis compared to final clinical diagnosis

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Acute stroke
Acute ischaemic stroke
Acute intracranial haemorrhage
No stroke



Clinical diagnosis

59 (17%, 13-21%)
35 (10%, 7-14%)
25 (7%, 5-10%)
297 (83%, 79-87%)

185 (52%, 47-58%)

164 (46%, 41-51%)
23 (6%, 4-10%)
171 (48%, 43-53%)

217 (61%, 56-66%)

190 (53%, 48-59%)
27 (8%, 5-11%)
139 (39%, 34-44%)

Data are number (% of total sample, 95% CI).

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 April 30.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript












p value



<3 h from onset (n=90)








p value

CT=computed tomography. MRI=magnetic resonance imaging. MRI+=positive diagnosis with MRI. MRI-= CT=computed tomography. MRI=magnetic resonance imaging. MRI+=positive diagnosis
with MRI. MRI-=negative diagnosis with MRI. CT+=positive diagnosis with CT. CT-=negative diagnosis with CT. Data are numbers of patients. P values calculated by McNemars paired proportion
test. NS=not significant.

Chronic intracranial haemorrhage

Any haematoma or haemorrhagic transformation

(acute or chronic)

Acute haematoma or haemorrhagic transformation

Acute intracranial haemorrhage

Intracranial haemorrhage (acute or chronic)

Acute ischaemic stroke

Acute stroke


Total sample

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Table 2

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Paired proportion analysis of CT vs MRI for the diagnosis of stroke

Chalela et al.
Page 11

Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 April 30.

Chalela et al.

Page 12

Table 3

Agreement between diagnoses by the four readers

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Acute stroke

Acute ischaemic stroke

Acute intracranial haemorrhage





NIH-PA Author Manuscript

NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 April 30.

CT (n)

MRI (n)



NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Table 4

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

26% (20-32)
22% (14-33)
29% (19-41)
27% (17-40)
98% (93-99)
98% (89-100)
97% (87-99)
100% (85-100)


97% (92-99)
96% (86-99)
98% (90-100)
96% (79-100)

83% (78-88)
91% (82-96)
81% (70-89)
76% (64-86)
98% (94-99)
98% (90-100)
96% (87-99)
100% (89-100)

16% (12-23)
16% (9-27)
20% (12-33)
12% (5-24)




Acute ischaemic stroke

Acute stroke


Data in parentheses are 95% CI.

>12 h
3-12 h
<3 h
>12 h
3-12 h
<3 h

96% (92-99)
97% (88-99)
99% (91-100)
92% (78-98)

83% (77-88)
92% (83-97)
81% (69-90)
73% (59-84)


NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Sensitivity and specifi city of blinded imaging diagnosis by time from onset to scan
Chalela et al.
Page 13

Lancet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 April 30.

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