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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Lesson # 1
Subject/Grade: ELA/Second
Date and Time of Lesson: October 9, 2014 at 10am
Learning Objective: Students should be able to write narratives in which they recount an event or short sequence of
events in great detail to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. They should use correct grammar and a sense of
closure in their writings.

Alignment with Standards:

English Language Arts for K-5

Writing Standard W.2.3: Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short
sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to
signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: These learning objectives are appropriate

because the students in Mrs. Cobbs second grade class are at the developmental level to where they are writing in
complete sentences and using correct grammar. This standard is helping because it reinforces different skills used in
writing correctly and recalling events for writings. Some other cross-curricular items would be reading and the four

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
Students should be able to
write narratives in which they
recount an event or short
sequence of events in great
detail to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings. They
should use correct grammar
and a sense of closure in their
writings. They should have a
minimum of 5 grammatical
errors to have completely
mastered this standard.

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- For the pre-assessment I
will ask the students in whole
group what are some events
that they have taken part in
during the Fall season? Who
were these events with? Where
did they take place? I will ask
these questions to make sure
students are thinking so as I
read the story they will be able
to think of events to write
about. I then will introduce the
book I Like Pumpkins By Jerry
During For my during
assessment I will ask students
about the pictures in the books
and have them to think about if
they have ever done anything
during the Fall season like the
characters in the book. Such as:
picking pumpkins, dressing up
for Halloween, go trick-ortreating, etc.
After Each student will be
given a handout that has a

How will you use the

assessment data to inform
future instruction?
If students are successful:
incorporate the months
associated with each
season, clothes worn in
each season or things you
do in each season,
holidays, etc.
If students struggled:
small group to review
concepts; peer tutoring

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

pumpkin frame with writing

lines on the inside for students
to write on. I will them give
them the prompt and have
them to create a narrative of
an event in great detail to
demonstrate that they
understand the purpose of
recalling and writing events.
Accommodations: To make accommodations for students who might write at a slower rate, I will set a timer between
10-15 minutes for them to have enough time to brainstorm and create a well-developed narrative of whichever fall
event they would like to write about. I will be reading the book aloud to the entire class so I will not need to make
accommodations for the reading portion. If students happen to finish before the 15 minutes is up, then I will ask them to
silently read their library books at their desk until everyone else has completed their writing.

Materials: I like Pumpkins by Jerry Smith, pumpkin writing paper, pencils, crayons.
Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: Can you name the four seasons? What are the characteristics of the season?
Motivation: During the fall, what do you like to do?
1. Have students move to the rug by tables
2. Introduce the book: title, author, and illustrator
3. Ask: What are some of your most favorite thing to do in the fall? I will then tell them that this is called recalling
information and to be able to correctly mentally recall and write down these events are very important.
4. Then, once some students have answered I will then start reading the book.
5. Once I have completed the book, I will then ask students to silently brainstorm some ideas they may have to
write about.
6. I will dismiss from the carpet those students who are most quiet and then for those who are left, I will dismiss by
groups (1, 2, and 3).
7. Then once all students are seated and ready to begin writing, I will pass out the writing sheets.
8. I will instruct them to write neatly and correctly to recall an event that they enjoy doing during the fall months.
9. Then I will set the timer for 15 minutes and instruct students to begin writing. Students will also be able to color
in their pumpkin writing sheets if time permits.
10. Students will then raise their hand and I will come and collect their writing papers for review.

Activity Analysis:
Writing page: students will demonstrate that they understand the standard objective by correctly writing a narrative to
recall a favorite activity done in the fall months.
Discussion prior to and during reading time: This will help students to better brain storm to recall events. By talking
about what is taking place in the book and what others do during the fall months, this could trigger a memory for a
student to create a narrative about.
Technology: Since this is a read aloud, no technology is needed for this lesson. I chose to not use technology because I
wanted the students to be able to look back at the book to get ideas for later use in the classroom, and it was not
necessary because I had the book in paper copy.

No references were used in order to create this lesson plan.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

College of Education
Lesson Plan Template-5E Design
Teacher Candidate:
Savannah Taylor
Grade Level:
Emily Craft
Heather Calliham
Description of Lesson: Students will go outside to the school playground and make observations and collect clues of
animals being in and living in the school yard.
Lesson Title or Essential Question that guides the lesson: Schoolyard Safari
Curriculum Standards Addressed:
SC Curriculum Standard(s): 2.L.5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the structures of
animals help them survive and grown in their environment.
SC Academic Indicator(s): 2.L.5B.1: Obtain and communicate information to describe and compare how animals
interact with other animals and plants in the environment.

Lesson Objective(s):
What should students know or be able to do by the end of
the lesson? Objectives should be observable and measurable
Antecedent: Under what conditions? i.e. When given
Behavior: Students will (VERB)
Content: content area
Degree: How well or to what criteria do you expect students
to perform the objective; e.g. correctly, 80%, etc.
The students should be able to make connections with
observations made on the playground and animals living in
the environment. They will write these down on a worksheet
to be collected. The students will go outside

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Before: The students will be introduced
to the lesson and asked probing
questions like, what type of animals do
you think live outside our school? Big or
small animals? Have you ever looked for
animals in your own yard or have you
even seen evidence that animals were in
your yard? This will help as the lesson is
During: During the lesson, students will
have a sheet to write down observations
and evidence of animals in the school
yard. Questions and guidance will also
be offered during this stage.
After: After the lesson, the sheets will be
taken up to make sure that students
have correctly made observations and
connections between the environment
and the animals

Materials/Resources: Pencil and observation paper

Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge): Students should have a prior knowledge of knowing that plants and animals interact in
the environment and should know what to look for when trying to see what types of animals should live in their
schoolyard. They should also know the types of animals that would be there (ants, bees, squirrels, rabbits) and what
animals shouldnt (tigers, horses, cows, elephants).

Engagement: Introducing the lesson, probing questions will be used to have the children really become
interested in exploring the outdoors to find out what type of animals live in the environment outside of their

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Exploration: Students will go outside into the school yard to make observations to see what type of animals, if
any live there. We will tell them things to look for such as: animals homes, paw prints, outer shells, and even
droppings (but they will be directed not to touch any of the things they find).
Explanation: After the exploration outside is complete, the students will then write 3-4 sentences describing
what they found, why this is evidence of animals living there, and what type of animal they believe they
collected evidence for.
Elaboration: After students have written their discoveries, they will be paired up with another student from
their class to discuss what they found.
Evaluation (Assessment): The assessment will consist of looking to see if the students made correct
observations and expressed what they found, in writing, correctly.
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
Some accommodations that might be made would be to give students more time to explore in case they do not collect
any evidence. Since we are leaving nature to nature, it might take more than the time allowed for students to get the
observations that they need.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Lesson # ___3___
Subject/Grade: Math/Second
Date and Time of Lesson: 10/31/2014 10am
Learning Objective: Students should be able to classify the ones and tens place when subtracting two-digit numbers,
which will help them to solve the given problem(s).
Alignment with Standards:
EEDA Standard(s):
o CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.B.9: Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value
and the properties of operations.1
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: The given learning objectives are appropriate for
second grade because students have been introduced to different place values before and this lesson should just
reinforce what they already know. Also, this lesson is an introductory lesson to what they are going to build on in further
units. This lesson hits on the social aspect of developmental appropriateness by letting student helpers to assist me in
passing out materials for the activity, and helping inside their groups. No physical movement is really done in this activity
except for the gathering of materials and then completion of the activity, even though through developmental
appropriateness, second graders could do a lot more physical activity, this lesson does not require it. As a math lesson,
emotional developmental appropriateness, is not highlighted, even though students might take emotional pride and
excitement when mastering this concept.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
Students should be able to
classify the ones and tens
place when subtracting twodigit numbers, which will help
them to solve the given

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- For the pre-assessment I
will ask students questions
about ones and tens place in
order to get a grasp of what
they already know. That way if I
need to modify anything in my
lesson, I can do so. I will also
give the students one-digit
subtraction problems to get
them started to then compare
those problems to the new twodigit problems.
During- For the during
assessment, I will give the
students a piece of red and
green construction paper in
order to create a manipulative
for them to solve two-digit
subtraction problems. We will
work on this as a whole group,
but students will also be given
time to work on this
Post- For my post assessment I
will give students a worksheet

If students are successful

in mastering this lesson,
then Mrs. Cobb will know
that she can move on with
further instruction to help
students to move on in
their units of subtracting
two-digit numbers. But if
students are not
successful, then I will
know that they need extra
help before they are able
to move on and master
other units. To provide
extra help, I will give them
more practice problems to
complete at home or if
time permits in class, give
them the extra problems
to complete in class.

To ensure that students have

mastered this standard, I am
expecting them to score and
80% or better on the post
assessment problems that
they will be completing

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

of two-digit problems for them

to complete individually. If
students correctly solve 8/10
problems (80% correct), then
they will have mastered the
standard and Mrs. Cobb will
know that she can move on
with further instruction.
Some accommodations that might need to be made with this lesson would be to give extra time to those students who
might not be grasping the concept that I am teaching as well as others, helping students to tape the construction paper,
and moving students who might be having a hard time seeing the board to the front since I will be using the Smart
Board. I do not have students who are ELL, or any with other special accommodations, so the ones listed should be the
ones to be concerned with
1. PowerPoint
2. Red and Green construction paper squares
3. Tape
4. Pencils/crayons
5. Worksheet with 10 problems for post assessment
Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: Who knows what a two-digit number is? What is the difference between this and a one-digit?
Motivation: Would you use subtraction of two-digit numbers outside of the classroom? How?
1. First, I will have the students to go back to their seat if they arent already, and then pull up my PowerPoint.
2. I will ask my probing question and give the proper response time to get an answer back from students.
3. Then, I will ask the motivation question to have students to start thinking a little bit more critically.
4. We will go through the proper slides, and when we get to the activity portion, I will ask the classroom helper to
help me pass out a piece of red and green construction paper to each student.
5. I will then have them to tape the two pieces together on the back so they have plenty of room to write on the
6. Then, I will introduce the activity in explanation of the paper and what the colors mean, and demonstrate one
problem for them using the construction paper.
7. Students will then have time to write and figure out the problem on their own construction paper as I will be
circling the room to help anyone who may need my assistance.
8. Once everyone has completed the activity, we will then review what we have gone over.
9. After the review, the students will then be given the worksheet with 10 problems to complete independently.
10. Once students have then turned in their worksheet, I will ask them to silently read their library books while the
others finish.
Activity Analysis:
-Construction paper/Stop & Start visual: I am having students to create this visual to accommodate different learning
styles. This will also be helpful for them when they are at home and working on homework to have at their hands to help
them. This will also give students a chance to move around a little bit to release some of the energy in a positive way.
-Independent worksheet: I am having students to complete this independent worksheet in order to see who has
mastered the lesson and concepts being taught, and who still needs help in order to move on.
Addition and Subtraction Unit (Addition and Subtraction Unit)

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Lesson # ___4___
Subject/Grade: Character Building/Second
Date and Time of Lesson: 11/13/14 at 10am
Learning Objective: Through this lesson I will be using a book as a read aloud tool which the students will listen to me
read in class. After reading the text, students will be able to define sharing and ways to improve how they share inside
and outside of the classroom with a reading reflection of at least 4 sentences.
Alignment with Standards:
SSCA Element(s):
o (1) A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic
o (2) Harassment, intimidation, and bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, are conducts that
disrupt both a students ability to learn and a schools ability to educate its students in a safe
SC Common Core Standards:
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.7: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital
text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: Students are at the appropriateness in their social
development for this lesson because they have had interaction with many different individuals in school and out of
school to have past knowledge on sharing and to have a schema of what sharing is all about. The emotional aspect of
this lesson could be a little deeper since this is trying to develop character for these young students to carry on with
them through their schooling. Physical development doesnt have any appropriateness in this activity because of the
manner of the lesson which is a read aloud and a reading reflection. This lesson will be very beneficial to students as
they continue with their daily activities in the classroom and would also benefit them outside of the classroom.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
After reading the text, the
students will be able to write a
reflection of 3-5 sentences on
their reflection of the book
with at least one example of
how they can better their
sharing habits. The students
will have mastered the
purpose of the lesson by
writing at least 4 sentences
with one example, as listed

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- I will ask questions to get
students to think of ways to be
a better citizen in the
community in our classroom. I
will have students to think of
the character traits that are
discussed every month and to
think if there are any that they
need to improve on themselves.
During- I will ask them what
would you do questions? This
will get students to think of real
life situations and what they
might do. This will help them
during the post assessment.
Post- For the post assessment, I
will have students to do a
reading response with a
prompt stating Do you think

For future use in the

classroom, I would know
that the students do have
an understanding of the
importance of sharing and
as a teaching tool, if the
student ever doesnt share
in the classroom, that
writing sample can be
looked back at and
reflected on. If students
have mastered this lesson
objective, then more can
be added on to this like
role playing or scenario
prompts to have students
thinking more critically on
character development.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

that sometimes we forget

about how important sharing
is? How can you be a better
sharing person in our
classroom? They will then
need to write 3-5 sentences
giving at least one example of
how they can better their
sharing habits in our classroom.
This lesson should take a total of about 30 minutes (10 for the reading and 20 for the writing sample). For those students
who finish early, I will have them to silently read their library books so that those students who are still trying to
complete the task will have the quietness they need. For those students who do not finish in the time allowed, I will have
them to finish at recess before they can go play, but I do not foresee this being an issue. In past lessons all students really
stay on task and want to complete the objective in the time allowed. I do not have any ELL in my classroom or any other
special accommodations to be made for those students so these do not need to be taken into consideration.
- Mine-O-Saur book for read aloud
- Students writing journal
- Pencil
Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: How important is sharing? Do you share a lot in the community that is our classroom?
Motivation: How do you think our classroom would be if students didnt share? What about at home?
11. Have students move to the rug by tables
12. Then I will start the lesson by asking the probing question and giving students adequate amount to answer
the given question.
13. I will then read the book, Mine-O-Saur I will introduce the book by giving the students a summary of what
the book is about and leave them with a question to think about as they listen to the book, such as Think
about how you would react if you were the Mine-O-Saurs friends? Would you want to still be his friend at the
end of the book? I will use sticky notes to write my questions down so that I am fully prepared and will know
at exactly what point to ask them.
14. After I have finished reading, I will then ask the students what they thought of the book. Was it something you
can relate to? Have you ever been someone who doesnt like to share? Dont you see that it is better to share
with your friends that not to?
15. Once students have answered the question, I will then ask them to go back to their seats and to get out their
writing journal
16. Once students have out their writing journal, I will put the prompt up on the SmartBoard and will have them
respond by writing in their journal
17. I will then give the students the time allowed to respond
18. Once students start finishing up, I will then ask them to read silently in order for everyone else who hasnt
finished the time they need and in order to quietly move on to the next activity.
Activity Analysis:
The read aloud will probe a real life scenario for students to really think about and that they can relate to their everyday
life and what they do in the classroom. This will also help as they think of the writing prompt. The writing in their journal
will help them to reflect on what they have learned from the reading and to apply it to their life in the classroom and
outside of the classroom. In second grade these are very developmentally appropriate since they are very social and have
a lot of character building in their development as students. I will be using technology in this lesson, the SmartBoard, to

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

put the prompt up for the students to be able to see clearly.
No references we needed for this lesson.

Rev. 2013

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Lesson # ___5___
Subject/Grade: ELA/ Second
Date and Time of Lesson: 11/19/2014
Learning Objective: After giving instruction through PowerPoint and inserts from the book, students should be able to
complete a worksheet in class with 80% of the questions correct in order to have mastered the standard.
Alignment with Standards:
EEDA Standard(s)
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.1.d: Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat,
hid, told).
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.3
o Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:
This lesson will be appropriate for this second grade class because they have prior knowledge of verbs but do not know
the distinction between past and present. This lesson works on social skills as they sit at their desk and respect
classmates as they listen to my instructions, but doesnt play as much on emotional or physical development as students
do not need these characteristics during this lesson. I am using a book, which I will be reading inserts out of, which is a
cross curricular connection for the students to have. I do not have any ELL students in my class so I can go on with
instruction without keeping those student needs in mind.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
After giving instruction
through PowerPoint and
inserts from the book,
students should be able to
complete a worksheet in class
with 80% of the questions
correct in order to have
mastered the standard.

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- For my pre assessment I
will ask students what they
think a verb is. After I ask my
probing question, I will then put
simple sentences on the board
(3 of them) and ask the
students to think about what
word the verb is in the given
During- For my during
assessment I will ask questions
throughout on given
PowerPoints to check and make
sure students are grasping the
concept of the objective for this
lesson. Some questions might
be, What is a verb? Does
every sentence have a verb in
it? Why are verbs
important? This questions
would be on slides after this
certain information has been

If students are successful:

Verbs will then be
incorporated with other
things such as nouns,
adverbs, and adjectives.
This will give the students
a greater understanding
of the parts of a sentence.
If students struggles:
More attention will need
to be given to verbs
through small group
instruction before they are
able to move on to
another element.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Post- My post assessment will

consist of a worksheet that
students will complete at their
desk independently. To ensure
that students have mastered
the given standard they will
need to score an 80% or better
on the worksheet.
I have planned to have something involved in my lesson that will accommodate all 3 types of learners: the book for
those who learn better by listening, the PowerPoint for those who learn best with a visual, and a worksheet for those
who work best with hands on things. I do not have any special needs students or ELL students in my classroom so those
accommodations will not need to be made. For those students who finish their independent worksheet early, they will
be asked to read their silent reading book in order for others to finish in a timely manner. For those who do not finish,
they will be asked to finish it at recess or to stay in during a bathroom break to finish it quickly. I will give students a 10
minute time limit to be able to finish their sheet which should be plenty of time.
- PowerPoint
- Kites Sail High (the book for the reading inserts)
- Worksheet
- Pencil
Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: What is a verb? Do you know what a verb represents?
Motivation: We use verbs in everything we do, as we go through this lesson think of verbs that you might do
throughout the day and we will talk about them at the end of the lesson
19. Have students move to the rug by table groups
20. Once all students are seated, I will ask my probing question: What is a verb?
21. Students will then respond to my question
22. I will introduce the book I am going to read Kites Sail High: A Book About Verbs I will tell them that this book
will be a book that will help us to figure out what a verb is
23. Half way through the book I will ask by a show of hands if anyone has an idea of what a verb might be and
then continue reading
24. Once I am done with the book I will then ask the probing question again, Does anyone now know what a verb
25. I will give students time to respond
26. Once students have responded, I will instruct them to return to their seats and to get ready to listen and pay
27. Once all students are seated I will then give the PowerPoint presentation while asking certain questions in
their specific places in the presentation (they will be on designated slides)
28. Students will have time to answer each question before I move on to the next slide
29. Once all slides have been shown, students will then receive their worksheet and instructions on how to
complete it
30. I will then give the students 10 minutes to complete the sheet
31. For those students who finish early, they will be instructed to read their book silently.
32. As students finish I will collect the papers
33. Everyone will then be instructed to read their library book silently in order to move on quickly and quietly to

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

their next planned lesson

Activity Analysis:
Read aloud: this activity will help those students who learn best through listening and those who learn best when
looking at pictures. Students in the second grade do a lot of listening to books as the teacher reads and I think this
activity will reinforce the objective of this lesson.
Worksheet: this activity will help students to do a self-realization of what they know and what they dont know. This
will not only help the students, but will help myself and Mrs. Cobb to know where to go with what the students know.
By letting the students think independently I will better be able to know what the students need on an individual
Technology: I am using technology in this lesson by using a PowerPoint to help reinforce the learning objective for
those students who learn best through listening.
No references were used for this lesson

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