Persuasive Letter
Persuasive Letter
Persuasive Letter
makes the diagnosis, studies, and research extremely problematic. Although, there are few
medical treatments which could temporarily slow the onset of the symptoms, patients conditions
may worsen due to their reactions to medications. It can severely affect their mental health and
promote symptoms, such as hallucinations, anxiety, and depression.
As the primary Federal agency for research on Alzheimers disease, you should be able to
possess the adequate resources needed to resolve the majority of the issues mentioned. In my
opinion, its awareness is an essential priority for society to acknowledge it as a posing threat that
needs to be confronted immediately. With your expanding database and website, which offers
advice, knowledge, and research information, people can educate themselves about the disease
and may utilize it to care for Alzheimers patients properly. With donations and the possible
increase in government funds that could be attained through the promotion of awareness, you can
conduct more extensive research. Alzheimers is indeed a disease that can eventually be
contained, subdued, and eliminated with your help.
Jennifer Garcia