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Lesson Study First Lesson

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Lesson Study Research Lesson Plan Template

Stage 1 Desired Learning

Guiding Questions
What enduring
understanding(s) will the
lesson support? These are
abilities, skills, dispositions,
inclinations, sensibilities,
values, etc. that you would like
students to develop.
What do we want students
to understand at the end of
the lesson?
What specific learning
objective will the lesson
address? Write these in terms
of what students will know and
be able to do as a result of the

Developing Student Learning Goals

Enduring Understanding(s):
a. For students to appreciate the importance of using
evidence in developing interpretations of a text or event.
Specific Lesson Objective:
b. For students to understand that finding textual and
pictorial evidence is critical for supporting a specific
inference of the text.
Relationship of Lesson to the Standards:
Students have previous experience making inferences while
reading and making predictions about what will happen. This
lesson will build on this skill by prompting them to practice
supporting their inferences with specific textual and pictorial
evidence. It will also help them see that sometimes their
ideas/claims can change or evolve based on the evidence they
Prior learning standards (Grade 3):
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a
text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

Targeted learning standards (Grade 4):

o Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining
what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.

n Process /

Stage 2 Determine Evidence of the Desired Learning

Guiding Questions


What is the evidence of the

desired results (stage 1)?
Given the desired results
(stage 1), what would be
sufficient and revealing evidence
of student knowledge, skill, or

Group charts showing that students found strong textual and pictorial
evidence to support their claim about what occurred in the story.
Evidence such as The rabbit is gone, The bear turned red and was
really angry, convey a developing understanding about locating
strong evidence. We will also have students verbally explain their
thinking, linking the most important pieces of evidence they found to
their claim in their own words.
Exit tickets showing that students are individually able to use evidence
to support their inference; sentences such as I think the rabbit stole
the hat because in the book. shows that students are able to weigh
evidence from a book and use it to support their claim.

Stage 3 Planning
Guiding Questions When Designing the Lesson:
What preparation do students need to complete before the lesson takes place? What do
students currently understand about this topic?
What instructional activities and materials will be used in the lesson? What will be the
sequence of the lesson?
What will make this lesson motivating and meaningful to students?
How will the lesson activities make student thinking visible?
In what ways do the lesson activities help students achieve the learning goals?
What kinds of student thinking (including problems and misconceptions) do we anticipate
in response to each element of the lesson? How will we use these to foster movement
from what students currently understand to what we want them to understand?

Lesson Sequence:
Activities/Teachers Questions
This column shows the major
events and flow of the lesson.
What are the moves, questions,
or statements that the teacher
may need to make to guide
students guide toward the
stated objective?

Anticipated Student
Responses/Teachers Support
This section describes how students
might respond to a question or task,
including incorrect solutions and places
where students might get stuck.
Here the plan might describe how the
teacher might handle the different
student responses, especially incorrect

Points of Assessment
This column identifies what
the teacher/observers should
look for to determine
understanding (i.e. if a task is
presented to students, how do
we know if students
understand the task? If a
discussion is planned, what

solutions, students who get stuck, or

students who finish early.

1. Hook: Talk about the

scholastic news
article to activate
students prior
knowledge with
using evidence from
the text. Teacher
will ask students
about the most
recent debate
(school lunches- i
need to reread the
article/debate on
monday) and why
they decided to
choose one
argument over
o In previous
classes, students
have become
well-versed in
completing the
debate portion of
the Scholastic
News magazines.
The debate
portion asks
students to read
an article on two
opinions of an
issue (e.g.
students should
lose time at
recess for bad
behavior) and
formulate their
own opinion with

1. Hook Responses: In response

to the question posed about
the most recent Scholastic
debate, students may explain
that they tended to agree
with one position over the
other because of prior
experience. Teacher can
respond by explaining that
experience with a debate is
obviously important, but
what if we didnt have
experience or a strong
opinion about an issue what would sway us one way
or the other? She can even
prompt students by asking
whether lofty
opinions might sway us
more, or facts and evidence?
This will lead into discussing
the importance of evidence
in developing a claim.

will indicate that students are

benefiting from the

1. Hook Assessment:
Teacher will assess
and activate prior
knowledge by
asking about the
Scholastic News
debates the class
has completed
previously, and
inquiring about the
latest debate,
(school lunches),
and why one
position was
stronger than the

Connection: Explain
how good readers have to
be like detectives. Ask what
do detectives do? Ask how
readers can do some of the
same things when they

1. Connection Responses:
Students may have trouble
making the connection
between detectives and
readers. If that is the case,
the teacher should help
bridge these ideas. For
example, explaining that in
mysteries there are suspects,
and asking students who
those suspects might be in a
book? (The teacher would be
looking for characters as a
response.) Or, explaining
that real detectives use
clues, like the crime scene or
fingerprints, but in reading
we dont have those things what do we have when we
read? (The teacher would be
looking for students to
respond that we have words,
or descriptions, and pictorial

Teaching Point:
Today I will teach
you how to work like
a detective as you
read and gather
evidence from the
text to support your
We will have the
word claim written
on the board with a
list of synonyms that
they will recognize
such as: statement,
idea, conclusion,
prediction. (These
probably are not
direct synonyms but
I think in this context
these words would

Assessment: The teacher
will specifically be looking
for answers like: looking at
the details or clues,
thinking about the
different suspects or
characters motivations,
analyzing pictures or


help students
understand what a
claim is)
Book Intro: Today
we are going to read I Want
My Hat Back by Jon Klassen.
The book is about a bear
who is searching for his hat.
When we read, we are going
to use our detective skills to
try to solve the mystery of
who took the bears hat.
When we read, we will need
to put on our detective hats
(ask everyone to put on
their detective hats) and
make sure that we use
evidence in order to solve
the mystery. Evidence can
either come from the words
that we are reading or the
pictures in the book.

Students may let their imaginations

run with the story and create
unrealistic scenarios instead of
basing their claims with evidence.

We will take note of how

students are responding
to this prompt by
observing body language
or eye contact with the
teacher. Do the students
seem engaged and

During read aloud:
Model using evidence to
support a claim: Hmm.. did
the turtle steal the hat? It
does not look like he did
because he is not wearing a
hat. Maybe he hid it under
the water! I guess there is
no evidence that the hat is
under the water. So I
believe he did not steal the

As with any interactive read aloud, it

is important to keep student
responses on track and not allow too
much room for going off topic. For
the sake of this lesson, any
responses that sound like, Well I
think the turtle stole the hat because
one time in a movie I remember
there was a turtle who was really
mean, we will have to redirect by
reminding the student that we are
only using clues from this particular
crime scene, even though we all
have many other experiences and
ideas in our heads that might relate.

During read aloud we will

check for understanding
by stopping along the way
to ask students questions
about who may have
stolen the hat and other
basic comprehension
questions to make sure
students are following
along. We will notice
students reactions to the
book such as laughter,
confusion, surprise, or
any other emotional
reactions that suggest
students are engaged and
actively thinking about
what we are reading.

After the read aloud:
Ask questions to prompt
students to begin thinking
about their inferences and
how they can support them:
What do you think
happened? Who do you
think stole the Bears
hat? What happened to
the Rabbit? How do you
know? Why do you think

Besides the type of responses we

have mentioned above, the other
type of responses we should
anticipate are comments like, Well
obviously the rabbit took the hat
because he was wearing it, or We
dont know what happened to the
rabbit because the book ends. This
is where we will have to bring up the
concept of multiple
interpretations/perspectives, and
that there is never just one way of
looking at something. This is why
detectives have such a hard job and
have to be so thorough. Part of
being a super detective is being able
to consider all the different possible
sides of a situation, even if they are
conflicting or seem really absurd. We
can talk about how even when
something seems right or obvious, it
is the claims that have the best
evidence to back them up that end
up being most convincing.

This will be when we are

informally assessing
students understanding
of both the main idea and
plot of the story, as well
as the concept of looking
for evidence to back up
their ideas about what

Group work: The
teacher will split students
into into groups of four (predeveloped to prevent
wasting time). Each group
will be given one of two
claims: The bear ate the
rabbit. or The bear did not
eat the rabbit. They will
work together to find
evidence from the book,
and then write their

Some anticipated student responses

for the bear ate the rabbit include:
The rabbit disappears from the story
after the bear yelled at him for
stealing the hat. The bear tells the
squirrel he hasnt seen the rabbit
anywhere even though he just did,
so he is lying-why would he lie unless
he ate the rabbit? Hes VERY angrycapital letters, turned red.

Students will be filling out

a chart with evidence
from the book to support
the claim. We will use the
chart they fill out in small
groups as an assessment
to get an understanding
of the classs ability to use
evidence from the book.
We will be looking for
students to refer to
specific parts of the book

Some anticipated student responses

strongest pieces of evidence

on their chart paper.

for the bear did not eat the rabbit

include: the bear says that he did not
eat the rabbit. He is a good animalhe helped the turtle. He le looks like
he is sitting on the rabbit. His belly is
not bigger.
Anticipated student responses that
would require support from the
teacher include examples such as:
the bear did not eat the rabbit
because that is a mean thing to do,
the bear ate the rabbit because I
think bears like to eat animals like
rabbits, etc. If students answer with
responses like these, we would
remind students that they need to
be using evidence from the book and
that they should not be coming up
with statements that the book does
not support.

Share: Groups will
argue for their claim by
presenting their evidence to
the rest of the class.

Students may not speak loud enough

for everyone to hear. Before sharing,
we will remind the students to use a
loud voice. If students still speak too
low while sharing, we will give a
signal and let them know that their
classmates are having trouble
hearing their great ideas.

for evidence.
Observers will take note
of how students go about
completing the task: do
they assign jobs? Does
one student lead the
whole group? Does one
student do all the work?
Are any students
excluded or disengaged?

We will take note of

strong verbal answers
that students might not
have included on their

Students who are not presenting

may have side conversations.
Remind students to be respectful
while other students are presenting.
Explain to students that its
important to know the evidence
against their claim so they can build
a better argument.
Exit ticket: students
will individually complete an
exit ticket: Did the rabbit
steal the hat? Why? Use
evidence from the book to
support your claim.

Possible student responses for the

rabbit stole the hat: The rabbit says
I havent seen hats anywhere, but
you can see in the illustration that he
is wearing a hat. His speech seems
panicky. He is wearing a hat. No

This exit ticket will allow

us to assess individual
students understandings.
Before students worked
in groups to come up with
evidence to support

other animals are wearing hats.

Possible student responses for the
rabbit did not steal the hat: the
rabbit says he did not steal it. There
is no eye witness, the bear did not
recognize his hat initially, so maybe
its not even his.

whether or not the bear

ate the rabbit, but this
assesses individual
student work, rather than
group work. Also when
students worked in
groups they were told
which side of the
argument they should be
arguing for, however this
exit ticket will allow
students to use evidence
from the book to support
their own personal
interpretation of the book
and whether or not the
rabbit stole the hat.

I Want My Hat Back book
Chart Paper
Students will most probably be transitioning from Problem of the Day they will
put their notebooks away and directions will be to have students come sit in
their floor spots on the carpet. When students are ready the lesson will begin
Students will be divided into groups based on desks (there are four desk
clusters so 4 groups)
Students will complete exit tickets at their desks after groups present their

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