Writing Lesson Plan
Writing Lesson Plan
Writing Lesson Plan
Green Eggs and Ham book
Large chart paper
Paper with picture block and large spaced lines
Colored pencils
Use of Technology:
- Students will be asked to give more information in writing piece (ex. Add a descriptive word such as it was
- Students will be asked to write if they did or did not like the food and why.
- Students will be asked to write at least 3 sentences.
Students will be given a fill in the blank sentence (__(who)___ tried __(what)__. It was ___(yummy/yucky?)___.).
Larger pencils will be offered for those students you have fine motor delays.
behavior, teacher will address behavior and redirect towards desired behavior. The students will always be encouraged to try
their best with spelling, and given reminders to check word wall or ask a peer if they need to. They are also reminded to sound
it out if they cannot figure it out.
Engagement of students/anticipatory set/Motivation:
Consistent and appropriate verbal praise to increase/keep desired behaviors, multiple opportunities for students to provide
responses, students will have opportunity to assist teacher and write on large chart paper in front of class. Students will also
have opportunity to share writing at the end.
Connection to Previous lesson/Prior Knowledge:
Students have been introduced to the book previously in the week. The students have been working on sentence structure in
other units.
Lesson Presentation:
Estimated Time: 1 hr
1) The teacher will begin lesson by introducing book to students (ask children questions such as would you ever try green
eggs and ham? And follow up with why? Also ask students to make prediction of the end?)
2) The teacher will read green eggs and ham to students
3) After book is finished, the teacher will ask the students comprehension questions about the book (did he like it at first?
Did it matter where he tried it? Did he like in the end?
4) The teacher will then discuss with the students about how trying new foods is difficult and scary.
5) The teacher will ask the students to raise hand if they ever tried new foods (the teacher will pick on a few students to
share what they tried and if they liked it)
6) The teacher will introduce the writing assignment (the teacher will share an experience had with trying new foods)
7) The teacher will first answer the what, where and who questions
8) While writing sentence, the teacher will demonstrate and go through step by step process of structuring a sentence
(capitalize first letter, have noun and verb, spacing between words, period at end of sentence)
9) The teacher will point out that she thinks her writing is complete so the teacher will move on to draw a picture to
accompany the writing
10)The teacher will then ask the students to go back to their seats and begin their writing
11)The teacher will tell the students that they must show their writing before they are allowed to move onto the drawing
12)The students will first be asked to answer what, where, and who questions
13)Then students must write sentences about their experience using the what, where, and who answers. They must also
say if they liked it or did not like it.
14)After majority of students are done with their art work, the teacher will stop the students and ask to go back to carpet
with writing piece
15)On the carpet, the students will take turns sharing their writing piece if they wish
Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice:
Estimated Time: 30 min
The students will be able to answer questions before and after read aloud
During writing demonstration, the teacher will ask students questions regarding writing structure
The teacher will also ask them to come up to the chart paper and demonstrate
The students will work independently on their writing piece and will be able to refer to each other and the word wall for help
in regards to spelling.
Final Summary/Closure:
Estimated Time: 15 min
When all students have completed their writing piece, the class will come back to carpet. There, the students will be given the
opportunity if they wish to share what they wrote about and expand on the experience. Students will be able to ask each other
questions regarding the experience they wrote about
The students will be offered to try new foods during snack and talk about it as a class
During literacy centers, the book will be available for the students to read
During literacy centers, the students will be given same paper to write about their favorite food or another new food